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Friday Night Tripartite


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Brynn reached out slowly and touched the tip with her pointer.

"Wow, it's soft even when it's hard. Like real skin or something."

"Damn girl, you really don't know much about the male body, do you?"

"Oh shut up, I'm just kidding about the whole 'real skin' thing. I'm not that naive."

Brandon just cocked an eyebrow and looked at her.

"Now," she continued, "where exactly does it go?"


"Kidding! Jeez, lighten up Brandon."

Brandon calmly stepped forward and put his arms around his sister, his penis poking in her tummy just below her bellybutton.

"Are you making all these jokes as a means to stall because you're nervous?"

Brynn lowered her head and responded.


Brandon kissed her on her forehead.

"Remember, we're in this together. It's new for me too. And you know you don't have to do anything that you don't want to-"

"No! This is happening. I want it, really bad. And I want it tonight, right now. Just...just be careful with me please."

"Of course. You're my little sister, I'd never hurt you."

"What about that time you shoved me down that hill?"

"First of all, you ate my last jellybean, so you deserved it. Secondly, enough with the jokes and lay down."


Brynn laid down on her back on Brandon's bed. He looked down at her, her hair fanned out on his pillow, and felt a surge of deep emotion course within him.

"I love you so much, Brynn. I know you think I'm this perfect person, but I'm nothing compared to you. I can't believe how lucky I am to have known you my whole life."

"I love you too, Brandon. C'mere, I'm done stalling now. Please make love to me."

Brandon climbed on top of his sister, propping himself up on his hands that he placed just above her shoulders. She spread her legs open to give him plenty of room to line himself up with her. Neither one of them had to use their hands at all to help his member find her opening. They were drawn together like magnets as Brandon rested the head of his penis on her vagina.

Neither took their eyes off of the other's the whole time. Brandon, keeping himself propped up, gently pushed the head of his cock inside his sister. As she felt it go in, she gasped, though not in pain. The emotional and mental aspects of the situation were taking a toll on her, and her whole body shook as he slowly pushed the rest of himself into her tight entrance.

She continued to shake as he held still buried deep inside of her. As he remained stationary, she placed her hands just above his butt and rocked her hips, feeling his dick push up against the inside of her vagina. After what had to be only seconds she came for the second time that night. Although not a particularly strong orgasm, it was one that she was never going to forget for the rest of her life.

"Oh god, Brandon, I think I just came again."

"You think?" he replied.

"I dunno, this all feels so good that it's hard to tell. Just go ahead, though. I wanna feel you go in and out."

Brandon did as he was asked and pulled himself most of the way out, then gently pushed back in. Again their eyes locked as he repeated the motion over and over, picking up speed little by little.

"Cum for me, Brandon."

Brandon picked up his pace at her words.

"Yes, baby, I love you so much. Please cum inside me."

Brandon fucked her with swift yet gentle motions. While he mostly kept his eyes on hers, he did let them venture down to watch her boobs bounce as he went in and out of her. She noticed and decided to give him a little more of a show, bringing her hand up to squeeze her own tits.

"Oh god, Brynn, I'm close!"

"Do it baby! Cum inside your little sister!"


At hearing her last words, Brandon was very quickly pushed over the edge. He gave one final hard push and, with his dick buried as far inside of his sister as he could get it, unleashed a flood of hot sticky cum that bathed her inner walls. Their mouths lined up perfectly as he came, and Brynn sucked in as much of his hot breath as she could. Finally, when we released one last small stream of semen inside of her, he let himself collapse on top of her. Brynn gladly accepted all of his weight onto her, stroking his sweaty hair as his penis very slowly began to grow soft inside of her. They remained like that for a very long while, secret admirers no longer.


"I see headlights ahead, that's probably my dad," Annie said. Both she and Mr. Garfield had quickly gotten themselves as presentable as they could and were innocently sitting in the front seat once again.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Mr. Garfield replied. He found that he was quite sad to see her go.

"Listen," he continued, "I just want you to know how special tonight was for me. I know I'm older and maybe a little more experienced than you, but I don't want you to think that being with you tonight was just like any other night for me. It truly was magical, maybe one of the greatest nights of my life."

Annie smiled at the sweet comments.

"Yeah, it was special for me to."

"And I know I'm a lot older than you and you were probably hoping that this was just a one night thing, but I want to give you my number."

Mr. Garfield quickly wrote his phone number down on a spare sheet of paper and gave it to her.

"Call, text, whatever. That is, if you want to. The ball is completely in your court. If I don't hear from you, again, just know that I'll never forget this night. I completely understand if this is it, and I hope you had as good of a time as I did. But...I really do hope I hear from you."

Annie put the piece of paper in her pocket, then leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Have a great night, James. Tonight was amazing, thank you so much."

Her father's vehicle circle around behind Mr. Garfield's SUV as the tow truck began to lift her broken down car. Her dad got out and approached Mr. Garfield's side of the vehicle.

"Hello, sir," her dad said to Mr. Garfield. "Annie tells me you used to be her teacher or something?"

"Yes, sir," he replied.

"Well, I can't tell you how much it means to me that you stopped tonight. Knowing that she had a trustworthy person out here with her really eased my mind."

"It was my pleasure, Mr. Atkinson."

"Can I pay you anything for your troubles?"

Mr. Garfield quickly shook his head.

"Oh no, that's quite alright. Annie was extremely good company tonight, and that was payment enough."

"Alright, well thanks again. Honey, you ready to go?"

Annie's dad peered into the vehicle and addressed her.

"Where are your glasses, Annie? You weren't driving without them, were you?"

"No Dad, I wasn't They're just dirty is all."

"Oh, well give them here, I'll clean them on my jacket for you."

"No!" Annie and Mr. Garfield blurted out simultaneously.

Annie's dad took on a look of extreme confusion as he looked between the two of them.

"I mean, I don't need them right now anyway. I'm just gonna sleep on the way home. I'll deal with them tomorrow, let's just go."

"Okay," her dad said before addressing Mr. Garfield once more. "Well, thank you again, and have a great night."

Her dad walked back to his vehicle, and Annie leaned over and kissed Mr. Garfield once more, this time on the lips.

"Thank you again, James. You helped me out in so many ways tonight."

"You're welcome, Annie. Take care."

Annie made her way back to her dad's truck. She was exhausted and still a little high, so it didn't take her long to fall asleep on the way to her parent's house. Before she did, though, she played through the entire night once more in her head, feeling better about herself than she had in her whole life.


The drive back to Savannah's apartment wasn't terribly long, but the fact that neither girls were saying much made it seem a lot longer that it was.

"You okay, Felicity?"

Felicity remained quiet and stared out her window. Just when Savannah thought that she wasn't going to get an answer, Felicity spoke.

"Yeah, I actually great. Just thinking about what I'm going to tell Parker."

"Um, how about nothing? Tell him nothing."

"Hmm, let me rephrase. I'm thinking about how I'm going to break up with Parker."

"Oh. I see."

"I'm thinking about leaving out most of the details. You know, like the part where me and you 69-ed, or the part where five guys came on and in various parts of me. But I'm definitely going to tell him it's over. I just like who I am more when I'm not with him."

Savannah placed a gentle hand on her friend's leg.

"You deserve better anyway. I mean really, you deserve the best. Someone who will appreciate you and love you for the sexy freak that you are."

Felicity smiled over at Savannah.

"Thanks, Savannah. Hey, how was your romp in the sack with your cousin?"

Savannah thought for a moment.

"It was very sweet and gentle. Probably the closest thing to love-making that I've ever experienced."

The girls stole glances at each other and burst out into a fit of laughter.

"Holy shit, I can't believe what I did tonight!" Felicity exclaimed as the laughter died down.

"Honestly, me neither," Savannah said. "I never thought of myself as an incest girl, but I guess I've crossed that line now."

"Yeah, well just don't go hookin' up with your dad," Felicity warned.

"Ew!! Stop!"

"Haha, sorry! Ugggghhh! I wish I weren't still so horny."

"Wait, you didn't cum tonight? You had five dicks pointed at you!"

"Yeah, but it was just all too much, I think. There was no way I was going to have an orgasm in the middle of an orgy. At least, not my first time, that is."

Savannah suddenly had a thought.

" know, I'm thinking..."

"Oh god, what now, Savannah? Can we please just go home? No more craziness tonight."

"No, no, not thinking about going out anymore tonight. Just thinking that, well, maybe it's time I introduced you to Mr. Wigglesworth."

Felicity eyed her friend suspiciously.

"Dare I ask?"

"Oh, he's just a good friend of my that I met a few years back. Really knows how to please a woman. At least, I've never had any complaints. And the best part is, he runs on batteries."

Felicity caught her friend's meaning.

"Ah, you mean your dildo."

"Of course."

"Eh, I don't know, I'm pretty tired."

"Well that's okay. You can just lay there and let me and Mr. Wigglesworth do all the work."

Felicity took almost no time at all to think it over.

"Mmm, that does sound like a great way to cap off the night."

"So does this mean you're going to take me up of my offer to sleep in my bed with me, too?"

"Yeah, I guess since now that we've licked each other's pussies, I don't have anything to fear anymore."

"That a girl."

Neither girl spoke for the rest of the drive home, both of them eagerly anticipating the perfect end to an amazing night.


Brynn's naked body lay calmly beside her brother's, her leg draped across his waist, his hand gingerly toying with her hair.

"So, I guess we're like, a couple now, right?" Brynn asked.

Brandon didn't answer at first, jokingly putting his finger on his chin and looking into the air as if thinking it over.

"Eh, I dunno, Brynn. I'm still pretty young, don't want to be tied down too soon. I think I'd like to play the field a little longer before I make any drastic-OWW!"

Brynn interrupted him by plucking one of his chest hairs out.

"Damn, Brynn! Okay, we're a couple then."

She nuzzled her face into his neck.

"That's better," she whispered.

"Seriously, though, we are going to have to be careful. I mean, do we want anyone to know yet? Your friends? My friends? Our parents!?"

"Ooh, definitely not Mom and Dad. That one is going to be tricky. You know, since Dad might kill you and everything."

"Kill me?" Brandon asked. "But I'm the favorite, just like you said! Certainly I was tricked into putting my penis inside of you over and over. Surely they will blame you for this?"

Brynn glanced up at her brother with a smirk.

"Yeah," Brandon said, "let's not tell them just yet. I'm not ready to die."

"Maybe we'll just not tell anybody, and slowly but surely, when the moment is right, we'll let people know one at a time"

"Good idea."

They lay quietly and comfortably for a little longer.

"Oh, by the way, that'll be 200 bucks," Brandon said.

Brynn raised an eyebrow at her brother.

"Are you charging me for your services? Because I think I already paid you when I let you cum inside me."

"No, it's for the table that you helped break. That's your half."

"My half, you say?"

"Yep. You were just as much responsible for breaking that table as I was. Now, I need a new one, and your half will be $200."

"First of all, seeing as how that table was made out of confetti or something, I'd say the people who made it and the dummy that bought it are responsible. Second of all, why don't I just bring my table over here with me when I move in?"

Brandon's eyes opened wide in shock.

"Oh! Uh, move in, you say?"

"Mm-hmm. My lease is up in a couple of months, and I never really liked that place anyway. Your house, on the other hand, is great. So yeah, I think I'll just move in little by little over the next two months or so. I'll start with my table."

Brandon squeezed his sister as tightly as he could without hurting her.

"I love you so much, Brynn. I can't wait to start-"

"Merrrooowwwwww," Earl interrupted loudly from the doorway.

Brandon and Brynn both looked up, startled.

"His food bowl is probably empty," he told Brynn, who was looking at Earl with great loathing. "In a minute Earl. Anyway, I was just going to say-"

"Merrrrrooooowwwwwwww!" Earl said again.

"I know, Earl, I'll get you some food in a second!" Brandon called out, before turing back to his sister. "You are the most amazing-"


"Get the fuck out of here, you stupid son-of-a-bitch!" Brandon screamed as he grabbed a pillow off his bed and flung it towards his cat. The pillow missed him by a wide margin, but Earl got the message and trotted off down the hall.

"I love you too, Brandon," Brynn said as she kissed his cheek. "You don't have to say anything more. Let's just lay here and dream about our future."

And that's just what they did for the rest of the night (except for the 90 seconds it took Brandon to feed Earl).


One month later...


"Alright, so it's a movie with two words."

It was another Friday night, and the girls were playing charades again. It was currently Savannah's turn to act out, and Brynn was trying to guess.

Savannah gestured to indicate that she was going to be acting out the first word. Then she started pointing at her herself.

"Okay," Brynn said, "the first word is you? Me? I?"

Savannah shook her head no to each guess.

"Uh, does it describe you?"

Savannah eagerly nodded and smiled.

"Oh okay! Um, bossy? Competitive?"

Savannah stared crossly at Brynn as she continued with her guesses.

"Loud? Oh, wait! Is the first word slutty? Is it Slutty Chicas from the West Side 7?"

Savannah rolled her eyes and walked over to Annie. She drew an imaginary circle around Annie's face, then pointed to her face.

"It describes Annie then. Sweet? Kind? Pretty?"

When she said "pretty", Savannah got excited.

"Oh okay, first word is 'pretty'! Oh, but sweetie, you're pretty too! I didn't hurt you feelings, did I? You are so beautiful to me, why didn't you just-"

Savannah stomped several times, wavingher hand angrily in the air to stop Brynn from rambling.

"Shit, sorry! How much time Felicity?"

"Thirty seconds!"

"Okay, second word," Brynn said as Savannah continued. "Hmm, you're pointing at yourself again. Aw, yes Savannah, you are pretty! I told you that already."

You could almost see steam leaving the top of Savannah's head. This time, she pointed individually to each girl in the room.

"Yes Savannah, we are ALL pretty. We're low on time, can you focus on the game?"

Savannah growled dangerously. Then she had an idea and pointed to her crotch.

"Uh, Pretty Vagina?"

"Ten seconds," Felicity called out.

Savannah grabbed both of her breasts in her hands and held them as if displaying them.

"Oh! Uh...Pretty Titties! Is that a thing? God, your tits are so nice, Savannah."

A ding sounded to indicate the end of the round.

"Woman! I'm a woman, Brynn! We are all women!"

"Oh," she said, finally understanding. "Pretty Woman!"

Savannah held back from lashing out at her partner, as she was trying to be better about not being a sore loser.

"That's alright, Brynn, it was still fun, even though we," she gulped before saying the last word, "...lost."

Brynn and Savannah took their shots and sat back down in their chairs across from the couch where Annie and Felicity sat.

"So Felicity," Brynn began, "can you tell us exactly what happened the night you got back home last month? What made you just all of a sudden break up with Parker?"

Felicity and Savannah stole a quick glance at one another. They hadn't shared any details with the other two about their night at the frat house. Maybe they would eventually, but for now, they just kept it between themselves.

"It wasn't all of a sudden, really. I'd been pretty unhappy for a long time. I was hiding it from everyone the best that I could, but I'm so glad that I didn't go through with marrying him. That wouldn't have been fair for either of us."

"So how did he take it?" Annie asked. "Even though that's probably a stupid question, I guess."

"You know, that's the weird thing. He was strangely calm about the whole thing. I explained to him that I just didn't feel like myself when I was with him, and that I didn't think we were right for one another. He was a little sad at first, but in the end just kept talking about how now he could spend more time doing what he loved, working with the youth minister at church."

"Youth minister?" Savannah asked.

"Yeah, he's this young guy who just got out of college and started working there. Parker's been spending a lot of time getting him used to the church and the community."

The other three girls all stared meaningfully at one another.

"What?" Felicity asked impatiently.

"You break up with him, and moments later he's going on and on about getting to spend more time with a dude?" Savannah asked. "Yeah, homeboy is gay."

"No way!" Felicity countered.

"Sure he is!" Annie added. "But what do you care now anyway, Felicity?"

Felicity thought about it for a while.

"Well, I suppose it's possible..."

"Poor girl," Savannah said as she shook her head.

"I'm just glad you decided to move back here after your breakup," Brynn said. "Although if you and Savannah are going to be roommates long term, I imagine you'll want to get a place where you can each have your own bed, right?"

Felicity and Savannah smiled at one another and shrugged innocently.

"So who's up for going out tonight?" Savannah asked, changing the subject. "Annie? You gonna come out and let me find you some man meat?"

Annie had been looking at her phone periodically that night. Not just mindlessly looking at random things, but at the same screen each time. She glanced down at the screen again, which showed a small portion of her list of contacts. She kept staring at the contact that she had named "JG". She had yet to get in touch with James, as she now referred to him, since she saw him the night her car broke down.

"Hello? Did you hear me Annie?"

"Oh, sorry Savannah, just got lost in a thought."

She looked down one more time at JG before making her decision.

"You know, I'd love to, but I think I'm gonna pass. I've got an old friend that I bumped into recently, might see what they're up to tonight. Next time, though, I swear!"


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