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Friend and Wife Mutual Attraction

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Best friends' infatuation with my wife pays off.
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So we were finally on our way for hunting season. My best friend, Bob and I were headed West a trip that would take us 5-6 hrs. We knew it would be a long trip but we had been planning for close to a year. Bob and I work together so spend many hours a week very close proximity.

He is single and at that time, I had been married for 5 years. We have many mutual friends and all of

us get along very well. Bob has had several girl friends along the way but never anything very serious.

So somewhere en route Bob brought up my relationship with my wife. Nancy, my wife and friend, and Bob have been friend for a couple years. Him mentioning her was nothing out of the ordinary and I gave it no thought. He asked if I would be missing her much on our trip. From there it was only small talk about us missing each other, her not making my meals, and me sleep along in our cabin bed. All very innocent, so I thought at the time.

Nancy and I met in high school and dated the entire time but on occasion there were others. There was never any sex involved in any of those dates but there was some "petting" I am sure of. When we married she was still a virgin. I know, I know, impossible but this is a true story and that is part of the truth. Sex was scary to us in those days, lol. She is a pretty girl with a "kill for figure" and a perfect personality. She was a guy magnet but had no interests in that but I was obvious. This trip would be the longest we would be apart since I was discharged two years earlier. We were married when I was in the service so were even together for that stint.

So on the road that conversation probably lasted for a few miles. An hour or so before we arrived the subject of the wife came up again. It was more involved and more on a serious note but again I never gave it much mind. He asked what I thought she would be doing while I was gone. On a more personal level he asked if I thought that she may cheat or even think about cheating. I dismissed that with a quiet "no, of course not" and that was mostly it.

When we arrived we found that hunting complex was nicer than we had hoped. It was six small two room cabins arranged in a circle around the main lodge. The lodge was very large and had a dining hall where the owners provided two meals a day, breakfast and diner. There was also a very nice full bar with tables for socializing.

We had been hunting for several days and hanging at the bar at nights. As I realized now the subject of conversation seemed to always center around Nancy. Sometimes it was nothing serious and sometimes more personal. He wold always ask about my trust. If I ever worried about her cheating and what would I do if I found out she had. I would always end up saying I didn't worry about it and he would always add that I should be. He would bring up how pretty she was and men would always be men around her. After a few of these conversations I did begin to wonder what was going on. After a few days I began to wonder if he and Nancy had something going on and he was trying to tell me. I even asked him jokingly at one point but we both laughed it off and I never gave that a serious thought again. The questioning continued though more and more frequent. I was becoming more and more suspicious of something but not sure of what.

I had called home a couple of times and talked to Nancy about it and she was confused by the conversations also. She asked if I was worried about it and we both laughed but by then I think she laughed better than I. This all went on for our two weeks away and I was thinking more about them but at the same time growing numb to them.

One afternoon at a lunch break it finally happened. He asked me what I would think if he told me he was seeing Nancy on the side. With a lump in my throat I asked him if he was. He kinda laughed and said "No, of course not. We are friends." After a very awkward silence he continued on. He said he asked because he had often thought about it. He had been thinking about how pretty and nice she was and it was his fantasy to be with her. He was feeling very guilty and asked how I felt about it. I told him straight up, Bob, I don't know and never thought about it. I did tell him I probably wouldn't kill him like I would anyone else.

There are many hours in a deer blind everyday and too much time for the mind to wonder. That talk was all I was thinking about. I was bothering me. That night I called home and told Nancy about the new developments. She said she was surprised but not shocked. She laughed and asked me if I had not seen the way that he looked at her, the extra attention he would give her. She had been noticing it for a long time. I asked her what her thoughts were about it. She did say she was flattered and sometimes embarrassed especially when she knew he was noticing her noticing. I asked if it turned her on or off. She did say that of course it turned her on but in a weird way. We were all such good friends and she didn't know how to take it.

The call ended like that and I am sure we both had plenty on our minds. The conversations became were more intense and more personal. He wanted to know if she liked kissing and hugging. Did she like holding hands and sneaky intimate touching. Somehow he even managed to ask how often we made love. Not in those words of course but the meaning was the same. I answered everything very truthfully and I did tell him he was killing himself. I told him he was infatuated and it wasn't healthy. He outright confessed there was nothing he could do about it and he was feeling awful. I did understand how he felt.

Headed home I thought about everything. Every word we had spoken and every scenario we had talked about. My head was spinning. We stopped along the road at one point and had a coffee and donut where I made a call home. I told Nancy I didn't have much time but...what would she think about letting Bobby have her for an evening. I explained how bad he was hurting. Dead silence was the only answer. Then she spoke and said that Bobby did turn her on but she just didn't know... didn't have a real answer. She had never thought about anything like that. Like I said earlier, Nancy had never been with another man intimately. That was a lot I just put on her and I knew it. I told her that we would be stopping for fuel in a couple hours and for her to think about it...seriously...stop and think. Going down the highway my head was really spinning. What would she figure out. If she said no that would end everything and be a relief of sorts. If she said yes could she really go through with it. Could she handle that situation and not panic at the most crucial times. Could she go all the way?

So at my suggestion we stopped for gas after an hour or so and I practically ran for a phone. What, what? was the first thing out of my mouth. Another long silence and then she said yes, and very confidently. I was relieved and shocked too. She said he was nice, he was very nice to her, and he did turn her on now that she had been thinking about it. I begged her to be sure and she said she would handle it and even if she couldn't,,,,she would.

I felt my brain and every muscle in my body relax. Now, how to break all this to Bob,,and what would his reaction be. What if he said he could never do that. Nancy and I would be left looking like complete idiots.

For the rest of the way home we didn't really talk much. I thought of a thousand ways to say what I had to say but nothing was coming out. Did I chicken out? Did I do this to Nancy for nothing?

Before I realized we were pulling into my driveway and nothing had been accomplished. Nancy came running out and we hugged. She went over to Bob and gave him a platonic hug and a cheek to cheek contact. I realized that she had no idea I didn't say a work to him. He didn't know a thing and she didn't know he didn't know. She must have thought he was acting indifferent.

We unpacked the car and all went into the house. We went into the living room and all relaxed with a drink. I was shaking my head at Nancy in the negative when I know I wouldn't get caught. Then I thought would she take that as a no go or that Bob didn't know. What a mess.

After some time and another drink I got up and went to the kitchen and Nancy knowingly followed.

I told her I didn't say a word and that totally confused her. I asked her what to do and she turned and walked back to the living room with a smile on her face. I thought she was marching in and was just going to blurt it all out. I waited a few minutes until I was sure it had happened. I walked into the living room and the two of them were sitting in chairs and not on the couch together. Without them getting comfortable I knew she didn't say a word. Again I went to refresh our drinks, I sure needed one or four. Nancy followed. In the kitchen I told her that I would say I was going out for pizza.

I would leave and would not come back leaving them on their own. She thought that was a great idea and that she would handle it from there. I could not believe my "virgin" wife was thinking so clearly about circumstances where she had no experience. She kissed me and said she was so nervous that her knees were about to buckle but also so turned on with the thought of what was going to take place. Poor Bobby hadn't a clue. The plan was a good one and I left the house. They were now in the room alone and I had to smile to think about the predicament Bobby thought he was in. He had no clue his dreams were about to come true.

I left so I don't have a first hand account of what transpired. I do have Nancy's word on what happened and she doesn't know how to lie so I will tell all in Part II

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AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


fdashesfdashes5 months agoAuthor

I never did this berfore and it it was rejected I wouldn't have bored anyone furtther....thankssssss

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

:...I will tell all in Part II:

No chapter # in the title to warn this wasn't a complete story BEFORE opening it always earns an automatic rating of 1.

fdashesfdashes5 months agoAuthor

My friend is my FRIEND. We are firefights and work 24 hour shifts where our lives depend on each other.. Its way more than a friend friend. Its hard to understand that unless you live it. Thanks for reading it. I have never written anything before.

Two weeks? I don't understand your question. I live in Western Ma and we hunting by Finger Lakes in NY. We were out deer hunting with bow and arrow for the first time out there....We have been back several times to the same place and although I did not get one on that trip you was very lucky for several other years...ty ty ty ty

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

If my “friend” was asking me personal questions about my wife, I would be telling him to mind his own goddamn business.

And who goes hunting for two weeks? What were they trying to bag? And where is their kill?

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