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Friend Zoned


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Roxie shrieked and threw her arms around Wedge. "We're going to be together baby!"

"Oh thank God," Wedge practically cried, he was worried sick over what was going to happen in October when he was scheduled to rotate stateside. "Thank you sir," Wedge gasped, as he held Roxie tight. "FIGMO!" (the traditional cry of someone who just received a set of orders sending them to another base. It stands for Fuck It, Got My Orders!)

"I'm glad you're happy," said their squadron commander as he climbed out of his truck. "I had to cancel a set of orders to Lakenheath to get you those." Roxie and Wedge were so shocked and overjoyed over his set of orders they didn't realize that they were surrounded by co-workers and their management. "Here, Happy Valentines Day," and Lieutenant Colonel Walker handed Roxie and Wedge each a small envelope. They opened their envelopes and in them were little Valentine's cards, a little cherub with bow and arrow in front of a heart that said, "Be my Valentine." In handwriting underneath it said, "Your line number for promotion is:" followed by a four-digit number.

"No!... NO!" Wedge shouted. He could barely breathe, this was a notification that he was being promoted to Master Sergeant, and Roxie's 150 decibel shriek told Wedge that she was being promoted too. They clung to each other, laughing and Roxie jumped up and down in excitement.

As they celebrated they were patted on the shoulder by co-workers and supervisors while the aircraft of the "second go" taxied by. They would goose their throttles making a loud roar giving Wedge and Roxie their congratulations also.


Technical Sergeants Dawson and Donovan looked impressive in their semi-formal class A uniforms. (Semi formal is normal dress blues with a white shirt instead of blue) and once again they were seated with Mr. & Mrs. Campbell. Colonel Walker understood Wedge's comment about being a curiosity and they were seated in a side room with several other couples. They excitedly told Lanh and Don about their promotion and how they were notified, and Lanh said, "We prank my Don too."

"They called me into the orderly room and there was Lanh waiting for me," said Don. "The commander, the first sergeant, my bosses all lined up around her and they all looked mad at her. Lanh said, 'they accused me of kissing a tech sergeant.' And she was in tears."

"You're kidding, said Wedge.

"No!" said Lanh. "He asked me who, and I give him kiss and say, 'It's you!' and they give him his line number."

"I'd rather have the valentine," said Roxie. "Less butt rash," and she showed Lanh the valentine that Lt. Col. Walker gave her.

"We were out there in the snow, the second go is taxiing by, and both of our shops were in on it," said Wedge. "It was like a party out there in the snow."

"The planes were goosing their engines, whoom whoom!" said Roxie, and her hand that was simulating an F-16 throttle went back to holding Wedge's hand.

"Where is Shaw? That's where you're going, right?" asked Lanh.

"It's about thirty miles from Columbia South Carolina," said Wedge.

"About forty miles from the ocean," said Roxie. "We are going to the beach, are we not?"

"Yes, I get to pick out your swimsuit."

"Lanh is heading back on Sunday," said Don, who looked heartbroken. He clutched his life partner's hand.

"I'll be back in a year when he moves to Osan. Right now, his dad is looking for me," she said. "The babies will be born soon."

"Babies?" asked Roxie.

"Cows," said Don. "Calving season starts next month. We have a dairy farm and Lanh loves the calves."

"They're all bigger than she is," said Wedge, and Lanh nodded happily.

It was a wonderful night, not exactly romantic, but good friends, good food, and the excitement that an Excellent rating from the Inspector General, a good set of orders, and a line number for promotion can provide.

Steak, lobster, roast potatoes and white asparagus, and instead of wine, Wedge and Roxie chose sparkling cider. "I learned my lesson," said Wedge.

"Me too. Roxie and Soju do not mix," said Roxie.

Later, back in the Dorm, Wedge decided that this was the night. He recited the squadron motto to himself, audentes fortuna juvat (fortune favors the bold) and he led Roxie into his room. There at the foot of his bed he presented her with a rose, a card, and a box of chocolates. "This is sweet, but it is so silly," she said. "You didn't have to revert to dusty old traditions to..." but her words were interrupted by a kiss from Wedge that took her completely by surprise. So intense! So loving! One arm pulled her tight to him and the fingers of his other hand twined in her hair and held her head as their tongues danced together. It was the perfect kiss and she melted in his arms. "Oh my!" she gasped. "Where did that come from?"

He looked her in the eye and said, "Roxanne Audrey Dawson, I love you more than I ever dreamed it was possible to love a woman. From the moment I first saw you standing right here I knew you were the one for me, and I knew I would eventually break out of the friend zone."

"Oh!," Roxie whimpered. She buried her face into his shoulder to hide the tears and she kissed his neck. "Michael Aloysius Donovan," she said as she kissed his lips, her pearly white teeth gently grasped his bottom lip, pulling it out and letting it go. "You were never in the friend zone, I wanted to tell you that I loved you from the moment I saw you lying in that bed, but I was scared. I've been burned before..." She slowly sagged to her knees. "I've never felt like this..."

With shaking hands she unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned and unzipped his trousers and pulled his pants down. She gently licked his cock, from the root to the crown then began to enjoy his cock. Her lips and tongue stroked up and down his cock, savoring every inch and enjoying the shudders she was eliciting from her man.

This was the first time her mouth touched his cock. Wedge had gone down on her several times, but she called him "killer" because her orgasms from his tongue actually made her faint on two occasions. She let her tongue slather over his balls, and she took one large testicle into her mouth and gently massaged it with her tongue. "I didn't know that could feel so good," groaned Wedge.

"There's more where that came from," said Roxie with a smile and she went back to her delightful task. Now came the true test, this was a good, sizeable cock, she's never tried this with one this big before. She looked up into his green eyes... how did she just now come to realize how beautiful his eyes were? She took the head of his cock into her mouth and swirled her tongue around and around causing Wedge to shudder from the delightful sensations. "God, that's wonderful," groaned Wedge, but Roxie just winked at him. Slowly she took more and more of his cock into her mouth. Her tongue slithered against the sensitive underside of his cock causing him to groan, but she kept taking more and more of him into her mouth. He felt the rough texture of her throat squeeze his cock, but she kept taking more and more.

When her nose reached his pubic hair she gagged, and terrified, he stopped her. He pulled back and she coughed around his cock. Still coughing her mouth coming off his cock slowly. "Oh god, that was so wonderful, but I don't ever want to hurt you," he said as he coaxed her to her feet.

"I wasn't hurt," she said as her hand slowly stroked his cock. "I just need practice; it's been a while." They kissed long and sweetly, and their fingers were busy unbuttoning each other's uniforms.

"How long have you been pretending to be a lesbian?" Wedge asked as he pulled off her blazer and started to unbutton her skirt.

"Just until I met you," she grinned. She still remembers the way her heart jumped when he first smiled at her and conned her into having dinner with him.

That smile! Wedge's breath catches every single time he sees that big happy smile of hers, he wanted to put that smile on her face every day. Soon they were naked on his bed, their uniforms draped across the backs of the easy chairs in the room. They let their hands roam over each other's body, and this time they knew that they weren't going to stop.

There was so much Nick wanted to do, wanted to try, but Roxie quietly said, "let's start with the beginning." They lay side by side; she stroked his cock as he suckled at her nipple and knowing that she was going to make love to the man she loved, and she knew he loved her for just for herself had her on the edge of cumming. "Now baby," she whispered.

Wedge was like a child at Christmas, he wanted to play with everything all at once. "I want you to be ready."

"If I were any more ready I'd be pregnant! Come on Wedge, fuck me."

"I can't turn down such an eloquent lady," said Wedge as he smiled down on her. "Happy Valentine's day." She was so wet and excited, and she was eager. Before they realized what was happening he was inside her. Roxie's moist, warm pussy was stretched by his cock as he surged into her.

"Oh god, that is so good," groaned Roxie as he opened her wide.

"Are you ok?" he asked.

"I can't believe this day!" she gasped as he started fucking.

It was everything they dreamed of and more, both were overcome with the sensations of their lovemaking. Wedge started out slow and sweet, letting Roxie get used to him, then at her urging began stroking her faster, harder. He pushed up on his hands and gazed down on Roxie, her beautiful dark skin against the sheet, her large breasts surging with every stroke, her dark brown nipples describing circles with every shudder of every stroke. Their groins slapped together wetly, and their eyes stayed on each other's eyes. "I love you so much," Wedge said as he moved inside of her.

Roxie reached up and pulled Wedge down for a kiss, urging him to fuck harder, faster. This was the fuck of her lifetime, the one she knew was out there. "Cum in me," she gasped, "give me all of your love." They cried out together as they came, waves of delicious pleasure flowed over them, Roxie cried out and wrapped herself around Wedge who came spurt after spurt inside of her.

After what seemed like an eternity they returned to their bodies, and they chuckled with joy as they kissed and pulled their blankets up. "I hope you have more of that in you," she said.

"Oh, you know I do," said Wedge as he kissed her neck sending little thrills through her body. With a grunt she turned on her side and faced him.

"We need a bigger bed," she said.

"We're master sergeants now; we're supposed to get bigger rooms."

"I like our rooms, we just need a bigger bed," said Roxie, snuggling closer to her man. "Do you think that we're going to celebrate Valentines Day as our anniversary?" she said as they kissed.

"I don't know about you, but I will."


It was a cold blustery afternoon. You know the weather is bad if it's snowing too hard to go skiing. The driveway was shoveled but there was another two feet of snow on the way if Accu-Weather is right. All three children had a hand in the job, five-year-old Wayne, four-year-old Patrick, and two-year-old Vanessa helped mom and dad shovel. However, most of Patrick and Wayne's help was pulling Vanessa around in a plastic sled. She's more a pet than a sibling to the boys, but Roxanne says they'll grow out of that stage.

It was a nice house, but it wasn't theirs, it was Senior NCO Housing on Buckley Space Force Base in Aurora Colorado. They own a house in St. Felix Florida and in three years they will be moving there permanently. "If we had a snowmobile we could go out right now!" pouted Patrick.

"If we bought a snowmobile, a week later we'd get orders to Arizona," said Wedge.

"So?" demanded Wayne.

Inside it was warm and dry and in the family room a fire crackled in the gas fireplace. Dad made pigs in a blanket out of breakfast sausage and crescent roll dough from a tube; it was fast, easy, and the kids favorite. They carefully walked through the house with a paper plate with a couple of pigs in a blanket and a small puddle of ketchup and placed them on the coffee table in the family room where their fruit juice awaited them. As they ate, a relic from the past, Buggs Bunny and The Road Runner played on the TV.

Wedge and Roxie sat in the love seat and felt each other's warmth. It's been a horrible winter, and this is how they spent their "anniversary" too. They've had more extravagant Valentines Days, but none better. They kissed causing little Vanessa to cover her eyes and say "ewww" the way her brothers taught her. As they kissed a cell phone rang bringing the kiss to an end. "You're the one on call," said Roxie and she handed Wedge the phone.

It wasn't a base phone number; in fact, it was a 218-area code. "Senior Master Sergeant Donovan... Oh, Doctor Nguyen, how are you doing?... uh huh... uh huh... wait a minute, you'll want to talk to the chief..." Wedge handed Roxie the phone. "They want to talk to the chief."

Frowning at Wedge, Roxie took the phone. "Chief Donovan," she said in an annoyed tone. Who in her squadron did not understand "I will not be available this weekend?"

"Roxie, it me, Lanh!"

Roxie paused to glare at Wedge who was overjoyed with himself and his little bit of subterfuge. "Lanh, how was that boat ride of yours? How are you doing."

"We're going to have a baby!"

Roxie remembered their last conversation months ago, Lanh's sister Kim-Ly had volunteered to carry a baby for Don and Lanh who was infertile. "How is Kim-Ly doing?"

"She's going to have a baby too, so is Tam. All three of us!"

It took Roxie a moment, but the news sank in. "You're what? OH MY GOD!!! Oh my god that's so wonderful! If you need anything I can be right there! Christmas? We can do it. Yes!"

"What was that mommie?" demanded all three children as Roxie ended her call.

"A good friend of mommy and daddy is having a baby and we're going to go to Minnesota to visit them."

"Oh." And the three amigos went back to Buggs Bunny.

"That's so awesome," sighed Roxie. "They wanted a baby so bad, and now, somehow..."

"Don and Lanh are Juvats like us," said Wedge. "Fortune favors the bold."

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01Timber6701Timber6711 days ago

Awesome and amazing 5⭐️ story it’s in my favorite folder

PaddleboardpnwPaddleboardpnw24 days ago

Awesome story! Captivating and well detailed.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Great story - well written - enjoyed. Thank you.

6King6King3 months ago


AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"I have a duce and a half ..."

Actually it is "a dEuce and a half"!

As in 'a large truck — that weighs two (a deuce) and a half tons.'!

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