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Friends and Lovers

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Best friends naked in a tent?
7.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 12/05/2020
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"A friend will always stay with you / And talk a problem though
But a lover is the only one / Who will spend the night with you.
There are lovers / There are friends
And it's hard to tell where one begins / And the other ends
But there are those / The ones like you
Who has somehow found the way to be the two"

"Lovers and Friends" by Audy Kimura

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Her name was Kira and somehow she became my lover while remaining my best friend. This is how a weekend hiking and camping trip, a two-person tent, and a secluded spot led to this paradox of a male-female relationship.

My name is Luke and I was the proverbial bad boy who often got into trouble to conceal my awkwardness, insecurity, and loneliness. My frazzled mother who was never there for me declared one day that she had enough of my rebellious youth and shuffled me off to my father and her ex-husband. Ranting over the phone at him, she angrily reminded him their shared custody of me meant that it was now his turn to feel the pain.

I can still recall my 'loving' father's words of welcome, "Son, this is not a situation that either you or I wanted. However, your mom has simply given up on you and dumped you in my lap. I've restarted my life in this small quaint town and have the only sporting goods store within miles. I am telling you upfront that if you give me half of the crap you gave your mom, you'll find your sorry ass out on the street in no time flat.

"Now I know," he continued, "that you resent being uprooted and transferred into a rural school in the middle of the fall semester. From what I understand, you can't afford to dick around because you've already flunked a grade. However, if you make a half-assed effort to graduate and stay out of trouble, you can enjoy a generous allowance and the perks that living with me has to offer. Look, we both don't like our current situation that has been forced on us, but how about we make the best of it? What do you say?"

So, there I was on my first day of school. After signing the required transfer and admission form, my father gave me a look in the eye that said, "Remember our agreement." He then casually bumped me on the shoulder, saying that he was working late and that I was to catch the school bus home.

It went without saying that once again I felt abandoned, alone, and bitter. That is until Mrs. Perkins, the school's registrar, called over Kira. "Luke, this is Kira. She is a junior like you and as part of her school service project, has volunteered to show new students our school campus and introduce you to your classmates. Kira, this is Luke - Luke meet Kira."

I turned and was immediately taken aback by inviting chocolate eyes and a warm toothy grin on a pretty face. "Hi, Luke, I'm Kira and for some strange reason, I feel like I know you already and that we will be the best of friends...if not more."

Kira was the epitome of the girl next door in that she was kind, unassuming, and openly friendly. She was attractive in a natural way with little makeup or pretense. From what I could see, Kira had a modest five-feet-six body that wouldn't make you turn your head but was still nice enough so that you wouldn't have any complaints about her feminine figure.

"I like your name...it is different," somehow tumbled out of my mouth as I sought to recover my initial surprise.

Kira smiled in amusement at the effect that she had on me and said, "Why, thank you. My dad is Irish and in the Celtic tongue, Kira means "dark-featured" which suits my brown hair and dark eyes. And in the language of my mother's Japanese heritage... yeah, bet you never guessed that I was a quarter Japanese,...Kira means "shiny or bright" which...and ta-da...you can see in my sparkling nature and totally engaging personality. Ha, gotcha again."

It went without saying that Kira and I somehow clicked like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle. I was still the same messed-up lone wolf with the same self-destructive tendencies, but somehow Kira would show that she had a knack of defusing my ticking timebombs and over time became my lifeline to my new world.

It also helped that Mrs. Perkins had arranged it so that we shared the same class schedule. Somehow before, during, and after school, we managed to gravitate to each other whether to chitchat about what was happening, eat lunch, or study in the library after school. We simply hung out and enjoyed each other's company.

Kira was always there to listen attentively as I talked about my dysfunctional life. After asking gentle questions to tease out my problems, fears, and issues, she would then soothe them with understanding and acceptance. Guiding me to another perspective and new hope, Kira was the first person to care for me and I appreciated her for that.

In return, I gave Kira insight into the minds and moods of others and especially guys. Because of her good nature outlook, she never saw the underlying motives and schemes of others, especially those who sought to take advantage of her. Whenever someone upset her and she couldn't figure out why Kira would turn to me for my opinion. At times, she didn't like what I had to say, but she nevertheless appreciated my edgy and subtly sarcastic advice and that I was looking out for her.

When Kira introduced me to her parents, they were a bit surprised since I was the first guy she brought over. Yet, they were warm and accepting of me. Her father, Ben, ran the local service station and besides selling fuel, was the town's go-to mechanic when it came to automotive problems. Her mother, Molly, took care of the station's books, bills, and inventory while managing the house. Both were well-liked in their small community and given her loving family, I could see how Kira blossomed into a warm and trusting person.

Our parents and even our especially our classmates would ask, slyly or overtly, if we were boyfriend-girlfriend. To such inquiries, our singular and mutual response to such inquiries (although we never understood why at the time) was always "No." Despite our growing closeness. Kira and I remained purely friends or "besties" (best friends) as we often referred to each other as inconceivable as our relationship may have seemed.

Kira was rather popular and was often asked out by a lot of guys. When she asked what I thought about a particular suitor, I would tell her what I thought was his pros and cons based on what I knew him. However, if a guy seemed a bit too horny or about to take advantage of Kira, I made it a point to intervene.

"Luke, did you 'threaten' Jimmy Marshall? He was supposed to pick me up for a soda, and then all of a sudden, he called and said that he changed his mind. When I asked why he said that you had 'spoken' to him and that he wouldn't be seeing me anymore. Well, did you?"

"Kira, what do you think of Jimmy?"

"What? Well...we were kind of getting to know each other...he seems nice... although he gets a bit 'touchy' especially when we're in his car. But most of my guys I go out with are pushy like that...well...with the possible exception of you. So far I've managed to handle 'those roaming hands and rushing fingers' if you know what I mean. Why?"

"This may come as a shock to you but I happened to overhear Jimmy boasting in the locker room he was planning to 'score' with the class' 'too-good-to-be-true girl'...that's what some of the guys call you. He bragged that he 'almost' had you the last time and that this time he wasn't going to let your 'please stop' stop him from making you an 'ex-virgin.'

"So, after the other guys had left, I had a heart-to-heart talk with Jimmy. I simply told him that if he broke your heart or hurt you in any way, I would break his face and more."

I wanted to kick myself when I saw the look of disbelief, disappointment, and hurt on Kira's face. "Do the guys really see me as a 'goody-good' girl? That I am just a girl to be scored on so that they can put a notch their dicks?"

"Nah, Kira, most of the guys think you're pretty and sweet, and would give their right arm to be with you on a date. It's just that the ones to ask you out are wolves in sheep's clothing. Wolves like Jimmy are aggressive because they are looking to be the first to score with a sweet little virgin. And I assume you're one of those, aren't you?"

Swatting me on the shoulder, Kira beamed me a grin with that special twinkle in her eyes and murmured, "That's for me to know...and for you to find out...heh, heh, heh. Thanks for watching out for me, Luke, but next time talk to me first before you have a 'discussion' with a guy who is interested in me. If you don't, the word will get around and no guy will ask me out...unless that's your intention, you sly dog." To this, I just smiled and endured another playful swat from Kira.

When it came to me and other girls, Kira watched out for me. While she couldn't threaten the ones who were interested in me, she could repeatedly warn me about the rumor mill said about those females who were seemingly interested in me. Of course, me being the horny bastard that I was, I often didn't listen to Kira's words of advice and paid the price.

"Luke, don't mess with the Olsen twins. Those two bitches are maneaters who prey on guys, eat them up, and spit them out before looking for their next prey. What? Why would they be interested in you? Well, let's see...you're over six-feet tall, muscular, not bad looking, and edgy like in the bad boy kind of way that never fails to attract the girls.

"Can you believe it that they asked me if I was 'involved' with you (as if that would matter to those sluts)? I knew that the moment I said that we were only best friends, that I had made a mistake. Listen to me, Luke, don't go out with the Olsen twins."

Did I listen to Kira? Of course not, and promptly got tag-teamed by the Olsen twins who loved doing tandem cock-teasing and then inflicting emotional and especially sexual (not that they had to twist my arm) abuse. After a couple of threesome-sex bouts, I had enough and had to take a few of Kira's gentle 'I told you so' mixed with a whole lot of unabashed caring.

While many thought that Kira and I were extremely tight, we weren't joined at the hip. She had her clubs, the school's pep squad, and a myriad of school activities that held no interest for me. As for me, I ironically found that living in a small town made me yearn every so often for some space and solitude. Hiking and then camping in foothills and mountains provided me with much-needed solace. Although I was alone during these times, I wasn't lonely for I knew that Kira would be there waiting for me when I returned.

Fortunately, dad was more than willing to encourage my new form of exercise and staying out of trouble. He helped me select the basic hiking and camping gear that I would need free of charge with any accessories and frills being paid for out of my allowance. Then after having dropped me off and picked me up a couple of times, he went to Kira's dad to discuss me getting my own car.

When both dads discovered that their children were hanging out with each other, they decided on a good used truck with a detachable camper cover for the bed might be a better option for our rural area and support my hiking and camping needs. And so, Kira and I continued in our unlikely relationship to grow closer and closer as she became my steady front seat companion.

We were in our senior years when Kira bumped me and said, "Hey there tall and handsome, what are you going to do in the upcoming Spring break? You did remember that next Saturday is my eighteenth birthday? What is that something special that you have planned for me?"

Gulping conspicuously, I hastily stammered, "Well...ah...I was planning on doing a hiking and weekend camping trip in the high foothills, but I can scrap those plans. What would you like to do on your birthday?"

"How come you didn't mention your plans to me or invite me along?"

"I didn't because I didn't think that you might be interested in a bare-essentials adventure...I mean we'd be really roughing it."

When Kira protested, I hastily pointed out the realities of my planned trip. "Kira, if you come with me, we will leave before dawn and hike for most of the day up the mountains to this little secluded flat area that overlooks the region. Once there, we will be living off of what we carry on our packs and you'll have to carry your fair share. Camping up there is...primitive...with no amenities...no toilets or running water. You will also experience me 'up-close-and-personal' since my two-person tent can be rather tight and that'll be for two nights.

"However, when the sun goes down, you will be treated to a clear view of the unbelievable starlit sky. The air will be chillingly fresh and the area that you camp in will be pristine. If you're open to the idea, I'm willing to share my special spot on this Earth."

"Luke, I can't think of a better way to celebrate your eighteenth birthday...or a better person to spend it with!" squealed Kira who could barely contain her excitement.

"Okay, calm down, Kira. Make sure you have at least good pair of shoes or boots that you can hike in, something warm but not too bulky to wear at night, two changes of clothes, and a sleeping bag...what...you don't have a sleeping bag...then bring a warm blanket or two. Remember whatever you bring, you carry. Got it?"

"Yes, sir!" snapped Kira, standing in rigid attention and giving me a sharp salute. "You're every wish is my command."

Giving her a grossly lecherous sneer, I smirked, "That's what I'm counting on, my sweet little 'too-good-to-be-true' girl...heh, heh, heh!"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It's funny how you can be close to someone but not really know all of them. The day was nice and sunny with just a gentle breeze as we hiked up and then diverted off a known path. We made it through dense forest, then along a narrow ridge, and final up a rough and steep slope that would discourage most hikers. I had Kira go first with me acting as her safety net in case she should slip and fall backward.

In following her, I became vividly aware of how alluringly pretty Kira was. "Geez, Kira is dripping with sweat but she's beautiful. I've hung with Kira for almost a year and a half and never realized what a great ass and shapely legs she has. Look at how her butt swishes tantalizingly in those tight denim shorts. Umm, umm, I wonder what it would be like to shove my meaty sausage between those buns of hers.

"Wait! What hell! Kira? My bestie? What the hell are you think, Luke? Shit, what a fucking sicko! But still..."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Oh, my God! Luke, this is fantastic! The view off the cliff, this secluded clearing, the woods, and air...so fresh! Now I know why you come here. Thank you, thank you, for sharing this special place with me...for being here for me." With that, Kira spontaneously hugged me before placing a juicy wet kiss on my surprised lips.

Then breaking from our embrace, Kira blurted, "I don't know about you, Luke, but I'm totally exhausted and sopping wet. I know that you promised me a breathtaking starlit night but can we save it for tomorrow night? I just want to have dinner, get out of my sweat-drenched clothing, and turn in early. Sorry to disappoint you, Luke..."

"Hey, no problem. It's your birthday and your wish is my command. Help me clear some space and we'll pop up the tent and inflate the sleeping pads. While you set up our bedding. I'll dig us a latrine in the woods...hey, remember I told you that this was going to be primitive. I'll leave the shovel, a small battery lantern, and the toilet paper roll in a Ziploc... remember after you squat and do your number two...shovel some dirt over it.

"I'll then set up the portable camping burner...sorry, no campfire...and heat some water for our dinner and drinks. It's still warm so use that jumbo-sized packet of disposable wipes that I gave you to do a quasi-sponge bath...before changing into fresh sleeping clothes."

"Oooh, I love you, Luke. I've been dying to get out of these sweaty clothes and especially this drenched sports bra...hey, I can't have my boobies jiggling all over the place. Don't want to get you too excited...ha, gotcha!"

"Okay, you sass-butt girl. If you want to use the latrine, you should do so while there's daylight. If not, you take the tent to wipe yourself clean...and I'll be out here doing the same...no peeking, you sneaky pervert. Oh, and remember all our waste goes into Ziploc bags that we take back down with us."

"Ooh, I love how bossy you can be. I will take a whiz and then will really wipe myself down good. God, how I am looking forward to some clean dry clothes. By the way, what fantastic my birthday dinner are you whipping up, my dear?"

"Hmmm, well, for appetizers we're having a special cheese on crackers with tea, then for the main entrée will be a reconstituted dehydrated beef stroganoff, and for your birthday dessert, a scrumptious rehydrated crème brulee served with a small bottle of champagne. You'd be surprised what I can do with bags of dehydrated food."

"Hmmm, sounds delicious. Come on, let's set up our tent, and then while I set things up inside, you dig that latrine. After I relieve myself, I need to get naked and then get clean...in the privacy of the tent, if you don't mind.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Wow, Luke, I'm impressed! That was a delicious birthday dinner," sighed a refreshed Kira who was clad in an oversized flannel shirt that fell to just above her knees, knee-high stockings, and moccasins. "I didn't know dehydrated food could be so tasty. Thank you."

"Ah, it wasn't anything. Everything tasted good when you're clean, in fresh clothes, and sipping on a little bubbly. The best part of it all is that there's very little cleanup which is good since the sun is setting and pretty soon it'll be getting cool...if not cold. Why don't we brush our teeth and then you take a tinkle at the latrine while I water the bushes over there? Good, I'll meet you in the tent then. This has been a first for me and I'm stressed out trying to mind my 'p's and q's' around you."

"Hey, why don't we agree to just be ourselves, Luke. Come on, we're besties and should get to know and accept the sides of each other that we hide from others. If you can't share your secrets and yourself with your best friend, who can you?"

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

"Luke! Luke, wake up."

"Kira? What's wrong," tumbled out of my drowsy heard. "What's happening?"

"I'm freezing, Luke. This flannel shirt, stockings, and the blankets I brought are enough to keep me from shivering. What can I do?"

"Okay, look, what I am about to say may sound...strange... but I am not trying to take advantage of you. If you are okay with it, why don't you layer your blankets on top of my thermal blanket and let's sleep together under it? The layering and our body heat should keep us warm throughout the night. But hey, if you don't trust me...then you take my blanket and I'll make do with yours."

"I trust you, Luke, not to do anything that I don't want. It's just that I've never slept with a guy before...and yes, I'm a fricking bona fide virgin."

"Kira, I'm more worried about you molesting me during the night and doing all kinds of despicable and weird sexual things to me. Ha, gotcha! But, in reality, we're so tired that we will in a likelihood pass out once we are warm."

Moments later Kira sighed as snuggled up to me with her head rested on my beating chest, "This isn't really bad...in fact, it is extremely comfy and intimate."

"Hmmm, I agree. I love the way your body molds to mine. It feels natural...good...like it was meant to be. Yeah..."

"Luke - not to break the mood but I've been dying to ask you - we've been the best of friends for the longest time...through thick and thin...and through boyfriends and girlfriends. We've shared intimate and private moments that many couples don't even come close to. Yet, I've always wondered why you've never made a pass at me to take our relationship to the next level."

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