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Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor Ch. 03


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He admitted that he hadn't thought through the long range ramifications of what he had started and he thought about what Mini had just said for nearly a minute. Max looked over at her and smiled, "Fuck yeah. I'm ready."

Mini laughed and said, "Fuck yeah, me too." She threw Max a high five and he slapped her hand. They climbed from her car and headed for their home rooms. As they hurried toward the school, he said, "Have I told you enough that you have fantastic tits," and then burst out laughing.

She swatted him on the arm and said, "You can't tell me enough," and they both laughed. She said, "Have I told you enough about how teeny your little dicky is?" They both burst out laughing. Other students rushing past us, not wanting to be late, looked at them wondering what was so funny. That made them laugh even harder.

Just because Max wanted the day to get over, so he could get back home to Mom and probably Nadia, it dragged on forever. He passed Mini a couple times in the hallway and they gave each other high-fives each time. Others were looking at them strange. This was not the way big-sister and little-brother conducted themselves on any other day. No one could and never would discover what had changed between them in the course of one day, or so he thought.

At the end of the school day, Max was heading for the bus, like always. Mini caught up with him and said, "I'm blowing off practice today. I'm not feeling so well." She smiled at him and he knew she wasn't about to let him get home to an orgy that she would miss. She said, "Come on. I'll drive us home."

Max looked at her and said, "I expect you'll feel a lot better once you get home."

Mini grinned at him and said, "I suspect you're right little-brother." He playfully punched her lightly on the arm and they double-timed it to her car.

When they drove down their street, Max noticed that Nadia's husband's car was still in the driveway. 'Well, that leaves out Nadia,' he thought. Mini interrupted his thoughts as she blurted out, "Oh shit!"

Max looked at her and said "What's wrong?"

Mini pointed down the street and sitting beside Mom's car was Dad's. 'Fuck. The quote 'The best laid plans of mice and men oft' go awry' flashed through Max's brain again. Mini rounded the corner and pulled into the driveway beside Dad's car. There was nothing to be done about it. They walked into the house with frowns on their faces.

Mom was in the kitchen still in her robe. She saw the looks on their faces and she mouthed the words, "I know." Dad was not in the living room and they heard the toilet flush as they went to their rooms. He came out of the bathroom just as Max and Mini disappeared into their rooms and shut their doors.

Dad went to the kitchen and moved up behind Mom and reached around and put his hands inside her robe and placed his hands under her tits and tweaked her nipples. He kissed her on the back of the neck and asked, "When do the kids get home? Do we have time for a quickie?"

She swatted his hand and squirmed away from him and said, "They just came in. They must be in their rooms. You must have just missed them. So, be careful they don't catch you."

Dad stepped back and said, "Before you put on dinner I have to go into the main office to get something before I leave again tomorrow. I shouldn't be gone more than a half-hour." He leaned in and kissed her and she kissed him back. He moved his lips down and growled like a wolf and made like he was biting her neck.

She squealed and threw her arms around his neck and giggled, "You stop that. Go now and hurry up. I'll wait until you get back to start dinner. Your half-hours are not the same as my half-hours."

He laughed and pulled back from her neck. "I'll be as fast as I can." He opened her robe and leaned in and kissed each nipple before she could push him away. He kissed her again and headed for the back door. She watched until he was down the street and out of sight before she went down the hallway to Mini's room and motioned for her to come to Max's room. Mom pushed open Max's door and both of them walked in and sat on the edge of his bed.

Mom said, "I know you guys are disappointed that we couldn't pick up where we left off this morning. I wasn't expecting your dad home for several more days and I had them all planned out for us. I'm as disappointed as you are. He has gone to the office. He says he will only be a half-hour but I'll believe that when I see it. If you guys want, I'll stand guard for you. She turned and left Max's room and shut the door behind her.

Mini turned her gaze from the door to Max. "What do you think? We have a half-hour. We can do a lot in a half-hour."

Max said, "I want to do sixty-nine." Mini just sat there looking at him and then she started yanking her clothes off. Max took that as a "Yes" and started yanking his clothes off too. Max laid back on the bed and Mini maneuvered herself around to push her pussy down into his face. Max's tongue went to work the second she was close enough. She wasn't even in position to push her mouth on his rigid knob yet when he shoved his tongue in her pussy as far as it would go. Mini groaned, "OH MY GAAWWDDD. MAX. THAT FEELS FANTASTIC." Before she lowered her head, she said, "I've been dreaming of this all day. I had to change my panties twice. Thank God, I have stuff in my locker."

Mini twisted her head from side to side to stretch her mouth over the velvety knob and went right to her blowjob. She didn't waste a second. Max was furiously flicking his tongue on her clit and then he pushed his thumb into her anus. She squealed around Max's cock when he did that but she didn't object, so he worked it in and out of her ass. He extracted his tongue and wrapped his lips around her erect clitoris and sucked it in. He flicked his tongue on the tip of her clit and Mini went nuts as she screamed around Max's cock.

Mini pulled her mouth off his cock and turned her head and said, "One of these days, little-brother, when I get up the courage, I want you to fuck me where your thumb is. OK?"

He released her clit and replied, "OK. You just let me know when." They both went back to work.

When Mom opened Max's bedroom door to see them still in the sixty-nine position, Mini had had many explosive orgasms and Max was, at that moment, about to blast a load into Mini's mouth. Mom watched for all of two seconds before she knew that Mini was struggling with the amount of cum shooting into her mouth. Mini was trying to swallow but was having trouble with it. Mom hurried across the room and knelt on the floor and pushed her face in beside Mini's. Mini got the message that Mom was going to take over and she pulled her face back. Her timing was terrible. Before she could get her face out of the way so Mom could drop her mouth on Max's cock, one long rope of cum fired up and hit Mini on the upper lip, up her nose, into one eye and over her head to land on Mom's cheek.

Mini pulled back quickly and Mom sank her mouth onto Max's cock and greedily sucked the remaining shots of cum. When she was sure he was done, she pulled her distended lips off his cock and swished the load around in her mouth and looked down at Max and smiled. She promptly swallowed and smacked her lips. She ran her tongue around her lips to get any cum that might have got away. Mini had succeeded in swallowing her share and was wiping cum from her eyes and nose.

Mom bent in toward Mini and kissed her on the lips. Max watched this hot scene as they were obviously tonguing each other. Mom pulled back slowly and said, "Baby, I can taste Max's cum in your mouth."

Mini smiled back and said, "You taste like Max's cum too. We'd better get cleaned up before Dad gets home."

All those plans went out the window when they heard the back door open and then slam shut. They were in instant motion. They were going everywhere figuring out what to do. An image of a squirrel scrambling back and forth in the road as a car approached flashed through max's brain. Mom pulled her robe back together and stood up. She glanced at Mini furiously trying to pull her clothes on. They were all tangled up because they had been pulled off so quickly. Max fired off the bed and grabbed a tissue from the box to wipe his softening cock off before he yanked his boxers and pants on. Mini was still struggling with her bra and in frustration just threw it across Max's room and yanked her top on.

Dad was yelling out, "Is anyone home? Hello. Meredith? Are you home?"

Mom opened the door a crack to look down the hall. When Dad went into the living room and was out of site, she opened the door enough for her to move into the hall. She adjusted herself and ran her fingers through her hair before walking down the hall to the living room. She said, "Sorry dear, I took a quick nap while you were gone." She looked at the clock on the microwave in the kitchen and continued, "Wow, you really were only gone for a half-hour." She thought to herself, 'Don't ramble on and make him suspicious.'

She took her own advice and said, "Are you ready for me to start dinner?" Dad had sat down in his favorite chair and was going through the mail that Mom always left for him to peruse whenever he was home. She had already paid the bills. He didn't look up and only nodded in Mom's direction and she turned to the kitchen.

Max was looking out into the hall and motioned for Mini to go. He thought she was going to go to her room but she turned down the hall and scooted into the bathroom. She went to the mirror first and scanned her face for any escaped cum. She found a wad in her hair and she just brushed it in with her fingers. She giggled and said out loud to herself, "A little hair mousse is a good look." She moved over to the toilet and pulled her pants and panties down. She yanked a huge wad of toilet paper from the roll and shoved it into her crotch. She wiped from her clit to her anus. She was soaking wet from her many orgasms and she had to pull off another wad to finish the job. She dropped both in the toilet and flushed before quickly glancing at her image again in the mirror. She quickly brushed her teeth so when she kissed Dad he wouldn't smell cum on her breath. Then she went down the hall to greet Daddy.

Max looked in the full length mirror on the back of his bedroom door and verified that he was in pretty good shape. He came down the hall to the living room and said, "Hi, Dad. You're home earlier than we thought." Dad was busy hugging and kissing Mini on the cheek.

Dad broke his embrace and Max noted that he had looked down at Mini's braless tits. Her nipples were hard and erect and pushing on the thin tee-shirt. Dad pulled his gaze away and looked over at his son, "Hi Max, How are things going in your life?"

Max thought, 'Wow, if he only knew how things were going in my life.' He said, "Things are great Dad. I can't complain. Are you home for awhile?"

Dad replied, "Unfortunately, no; I have to leave tomorrow morning. I hope that this project winds up soon."

Whether he was gone or home didn't make any difference before yesterday. But, now the difference was huge. Max wasn't sure how he felt about it over-all, but he knew that his cock was screaming 'Go and don't come back.' Max just nodded and grabbed the TV remote and turned the channel to some game show. He just wanted some background noise. The others sat down to watch. Mini and I kept glancing over at each other. Max's cock grew in his pants just thinking about what they could be doing right now if Dad hadn't come home. Mini's hard nipples poking out her tee-shirt didn't help matters either. Max noticed that Dad kept glancing at her too.

Mini caught Max looking at her and mouthed the word, "What?" He put his fingers on his own nipples and then pointed at her. She looked down at her more than ample chest and immediately wrapped her arms around her chest to cover them up. She grinned back at Max and shrugged her shoulders.

Max went to the kitchen to see if he could help with dinner. Mom asked him to set the table and he did. When he was done, he went to stand beside her at the sink. There was a clear line-of-sight from the living room so they couldn't do anything untoward. As she worked, she whispered, "I'm sorry Max. I'm dying here. I'm so horny. Yesterday and this morning are on a never ending loop in my brain. My heart is in my throat just thinking about your cock." She looked down at Max's leg and saw the bulge pushing out his pant leg. She moaned softly and averted her eyes. She looked back up at him and said, "Max. You have to go back to the living room. I can't stand you being so close to me right now."

Max whispered, "Mom, you should go brush your teeth. Your breath smells like cum." Then he turned away and retreated to the living room. Before he sat down he noticed that Mom was moving down the hall to the bathroom.

When they were sitting down for dinner, Mini was the last one to the table. Suddenly, she just stopped and went over to Mom and placed her body between her and Dad, who was sitting beside Mom. Mini ran her fingers across Mom's cheek and scooped up a big gob of semi-dried cum and pushed her finger into her Mom's mouth. She smiled down at Mom's horrified face as she reached up and rubbed whatever was left into her skin. Mom mouthed the words, "Fuck. Thank you." Mini bent down and kissed Mom on the same cheek and said, "Thanks Mom, for all you do. Max and I appreciate it." She moved over to her chair and sat down.

Conversation was sparse. Max could feel the sexual tension in the air only because he knew it was there. He didn't think Dad sensed anything. Dad was still reading some of the mail as he ate. Mom tried to stir some conversation by asking how everyone's day was. Mini just nodded. Max said, "It was a terrible day. It dragged on forever. I thought it would never end." Mom just smiled at him. She knew exactly what he was talking about.

After dinner and the dishes were all washed, dried and put away, Mini and Max joined Mom and Dad in the living room. There was only one TV in the house and there were no computers. Dad didn't allow them. He thought they were the devil's workshop or something. Mini had a laptop that she kept at school. There was no other choice but to watch what Dad wanted or go to their rooms and read or whatever. Max usually chose 'whatever' and that is what he planned to do now as he said "Good-Night" and headed to his room. His cock was already pushing on the leg of his pants when he closed his bedroom door.

Max expected Mini to sneak in at some point but she didn't. He lay on the top of his covers with his pants pulled down to mid-thigh and jerked off to the many erotic scenes tumbling around in his mind. When he was ready, he grabbed a few tissues from the box on his nightstand and wrapped them around the tip of his cock and soaked them right through. Max went to the closet and grabbed the towel and cleaned himself off. He would dispose of the tissues in the morning.

Max pulled his clothes off and slid under his covers and fell asleep. He didn't know how long he had been asleep when he heard loud moaning coming from Mom and Dad's room. He pulled back the covers and went to the closet and looked through the spy-hole. Dad was on his back, propped up on the pillows at the head of the bed. Mom was sitting on his hips facing the spy-hole. Dad's cock was buried in Mom's pussy and she was grinding her hips forward and back on it as she leaned back toward Dad. Her tits were bouncing all over her chest and Dad's cock came into view each time Mom lifted herself up. Dad had his hands under her ass and was assisting her action.

Mom was throwing her head from side to side with her mouth hanging open. She was moaning loudly. Max could hear her ass-cheeks slapping down on Dad's hips as his cock disappeared into her pussy. Max started jerking on his cock. It was getting a little sore from the amount of use lately. 'I need to think about using lubrication when I jerk off,' he thought as he ramped up the pace.

Dad burst out with a groan and his hips fired hard up into Mom. Max guessed that Dad was going to cum. Mom apparently figured that too as she quickly pulled herself off his cock and pushed herself up his chest and pushed his cock into her mouth. She went into a great looking blowjob and handjob combination. Mom was one fantastic cocksucker. In less than thirty seconds Dad groaned again and Mom stopped her blowjob and clamped her lips on the tip of his cock while she continued to jerk him off with both hands.

Max could see Mom's throat tendons become taught as she struggled to swallow Dad's creamy load. After a minute, Mom pulled her head back and took a huge gulp of air and exhaled. She was breathing rapidly from her previous physical activity.

Mom slid off to Dad's side and pushed herself around to lie beside him. They kissed and then Dad reached up and snapped off the light. Mom's breathing settled down and all was quiet. Max backed out of the closet in the dark and bumped into something that hadn't been there before. He was startled and went down on his ass as he turned to see what it was.

A finger came down on his lips. It was Mini and she was naked. Max grabbed his chest and whispered, "Jesus Christ Mini. You scared the shit out of me."

She whispered back, "What the fuck are you doing in your closet?"

Max was busted and he frantically tried to think of a logical explanation. The best he could come up with was more than weak. He whispered, "Uuumm. I don't know. I guess I was sleep-walking." Max pulled himself up to his feet and quickly moved past her and climbed up on his bed.

Mini wasn't about to let him off that easy. She climbed her naked body up on the bed and lay down beside him. She punched him hard in the stomach; so hard that he came up to a sitting position gasping for air. When he collapsed back to the bed, she got right in his face and whispered, "Max. Don't give me the sleep-walking crap. Why were you in the closet when I came in?"

Max had a better answer ready this time because it was sort of true, "I was trying to hear Mom and Dad better. They were just having sex. I was jerking off to their sounds. That is what the towel in the closet is for," he whispered back.

Max could barely see Mini in the dark until she smiled. He could see her white teeth pretty well. She leaned in close to him and whispered, "That's a good idea. I was just lying in bed diddling myself. I hadn't thought that I could hear better in my closet. Nice going little-brother." She reached down and pulled the covers up over both of them and cuddled her head onto Max's shoulder and neck and draped her arm over his chest.

After several minutes, Max whispered, "Mini? Are you planning on sleeping here all night?"

Mini looked up at him and whispered, "Yup. You are always the first one up in the morning. I'll be able to go back to my room then." Nothing more was said about it. He fell asleep waiting for her to initiate some kind of sex, but she never did until the alarm went off the next morning.

Max reached across Mini and punched the alarm clock just like every other day. Mini moaned objecting to the early hour. He had the usual morning woody and Mini's naked tits lying there, flattened on her chest beside him, added to the intensity. He pulled back the covers and nudged her. She had to go back to her room before he went to the bathroom or she would probably just go back to sleep again. That wouldn't be good for either of them.

Mini moaned again and pushed herself up to a sitting position and stretched her arms over her head. Max watched as her stretching lifted her tits even higher on her chest. Mini's large tits would eventually succumb to gravity but not now. They were, in Max's opinion, perfect.


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