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Fucking Mom, Sister and Neighbor Ch. 03

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Mom, Mini and Max and Nadia continue & add Nadia's husband.
16.4k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 05/18/2023
Created 02/23/2016
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[After creating a spy-hole in Max's closet wall adjoining his parents bed room, he watched his gorgeous mother, Meredith, have sex with his dad one night and Nadia, an equally gorgeous neighbor, the next afternoon when he got home from school. Max parlayed this knowledge into wild sex with Nadia. Max further blackmailed her into setting him up to have sex with his mom, but they turned the tables on him and set him up instead. Mini caught her mom, Nadia and brother Max in bed and joined them.]

[Note that this chapter has been modified to a third-person point of view. It was originally written in first-person and then I undertook the tedious process of converting to third-person. I read a lot of novels and they are almost always in third-person. I've received many comments that my first-person stories get confusing because I would related thoughts of other persons in the story that the first person couldn't know, or events in another room or place that the first person couldn't see. This is my first foray into third-person story telling. Let me know if you think it is better or worse. I strive to get better and I learn things every day.]


Meredith laid there in the wee-hours of the morning, cuddled up into her son Max's neck. He had his arm under her neck with his hand on her tit, she was thinking about the turn of events during the previous day. She was absent-mindedly stroking the head of Max's cock as it lay on his stomach. Max's sister, Mini lay cuddled up on Max's opposite side. She had established her territory at the base of his cock including his balls which she had cradled in her fingers as she had faded away to dreamland.

Max had been trying to fall asleep too but mom's finger nails were slowly and randomly trailing over the sensitive spot at the base of his glans and it was like electricity surging through his cock every time. Mom wasn't trying to get Max aroused but that is exactly what was happening. Every time she hit the 'spot' his cock surged harder and as her fingers trailed off somewhere else his cock would soften again.

Max turned his head to look down at his mother's face and whispered, "What are thinking about? Are you OK?" She didn't respond and continued dragging her finger nails around the head of his cock. He figured she hadn't heard him so he whispered again, "Mom? Are you OK?"

She was very slow in responding, but she whispered back, "I'm more than OK. How about you? Are you OK with your sister catching us like that? Are you OK with having sex with her?"

Max thought about what to tell her about he and Mini having sex together already and he decided to tell her nothing. He whispered, "Mom, I'm fantastic with everything that happened today, and Nadia is amazing. No wonder you two are lovers."

Max could feel his mom's cheeks form a big smile and she whispered, "She is amazing isn't she? Yesterday wouldn't have happened without her encouragement. I love her, a lot." Mom was silent for several seconds before she continued, "I love your father too. He's a good man who has taken good care of his family all these years. He's never been abusive in any way to me or you kids."

Max thought for a while and decided, 'Dad is a good man. He could have walked away eighteen years ago but he didn't.' He wished, at that moment that he and his dad could have had a better relationship. Mom continued her random and slow tracing of her fingers along the top half of Max's cock.

Mini stirred and snuffed in some air before adjusting her head on Max's shoulder. She snuggled in closer, but she didn't wake up and her hand still cradled his balls. Mom lifted her head to see if Mini was waking up. When she saw that she wasn't, she looked at Max, smiled and rested her head back where it was.

Mom's fingers stopped tracing the ridge of his cock and neither one of them spoke for a long time. Max glanced at the clock on her dresser and it read 3:12 AM. That's the last thing he remembered until he came awake to a new sensation on his cock. Max was clearing the cob-webs from his mind and glanced at the clock again. It was 4:58 AM.

Max looked down to see the back of his mom's head bobbing up and down on his cock. 'Fuck. What an incredible sensation to wake up to,' he thought. He groaned softly as he felt his mom push her head all the way down his cock until her lips bumped into Mini's wrist. She was lathing her tongue around his shaft as much as she could, considering that her mouth was completely full of cock.

When Max reached down and rested his hand on the back of his mom's head she knew he was awake and she adjusted her position so that he could watch her lips going up and down the length of his shaft in the gray stillness of early dawn. Mini's hand slid off Max's hip and Mom took advantage of full access to his cock and when she pulled her mouth up the shaft her hand wrapped around it and started jerking him off to go along with her new blowjob pace. She definitely knew her stuff.

Max wanted his mother to suck his cock forever and he was trying hard to think of other things so he wouldn't blow his load. She had other ideas and began changing up her attack from a full length, in-her-throat- blowjob, to a rapid paced glans-only blowjob and mouth twisting back and forth, to her hands counter-twisting down his shaft, to tongue-flagellation, to ball sucking. Max didn't stand a chance. He was clearly out his depths.

When he knew he was a goner, he let out a loud groan as he pressed his head back hard into the pillow. Max's hips fired up into Mom's face and she pulled her mouth back to the ridge awaiting his load of creamy sperm.

Max's gyrations disturbed Mini and she came awake with a start. She pulled her head off his heaving chest and looked down to see her mom's lips clamped tightly around the head of her brother's cock. Max let out a low pitched groan that came from the depths of his lungs. Mom laid her head on her side so she could watch Max's reactions. She took his cock with her which forced his cock bend toward his feet. His cock was so hard that it didn't want to go that way and Max had to sit up to facilitate her position.

Max poured cum into his mom's mouth like it was coming from a hose. He glanced over at Mini as she had come up on her elbow to watch. She had a huge grin on her face and she was fiddling with one of her own nipples.

Mom had to adjust her position to facilitate swallowing as her mouth filled quickly. She couldn't contain it all and was forced to pull off and three long streams of cum burst out of Max's cock, one after another and hit her square in the face as she held his cock with one hand. She sputtered and laughed and said, "Jesus Christ, Max. Your cum load is huge."

Mini saw the situation and she pushed her body down along Max's. Mom saw her coming and she held out his cock for her to wrap her lips around. The streams of cum had stopped but he was still drooling cum from the tip of his cock as the clenching of his orgasm continued. Mini collected it all and swallowed. Then Mini kissed her mom on the lips and proceeded to lick up cum that had splashed on her face. Mom lashed her tongue around her own lips to collect what she could reach.

Max heard the slurping noises as Mini expanded her search. He couldn't see much because Mini's head was blocking his view. When the slurping stopped, there was no motion and Max realized that his mom and sister were passionately kissing each other. They both began moaning into each other's mouths as their passion grew. Max's cock was forgotten and it flopped back up on his stomach and began to soften.

Mini pulled her head back and immediately began climbing across Max's body to get at her mother, who was maneuvering her body into a sixty-nine with Mini. Max got out of the way and reached over and turned the nightstand light on.

Mom was on the bottom and Mini was quickly placing her pussy down on her mom's face as she urgently threw her face down into her mom's pussy. Slurping and groaning sounds filled the room. Max watching them closely hoping he could learn something. He figured, 'who better to learn how to eat a woman's pussy from than another woman'.

In a matter of minutes, Mini suddenly lifted her head from her mom's pussy and let out a long groan that built in pitch to a scream. Her body surged into hard spasms and she ground her pussy down into Mom's face cutting off her air supply. She adjusted her position and gasped a breath of air and went right back into Mini's pussy as she screamed out again, "OH MY GAAWWDDD. MOM. FUCK. I'MMMM CCCUUMMINNNGGG. OH FUCCKKKK." Her hips were flailing all over her mother's face.

After several minutes, Mini's orgasm began to subside and she began pouring everything she had into eating-out mom's pussy. Mini confessed later to Max that she had never had a lesbian encounter before and she was just doing to Mom what Mom was doing to her. She was a quick learner because Mom seemed to explode into her orgasm. Mini couldn't hang on as she was flailing her body everywhere and screamed, "JESSUSSS. MINI. FUCCKKKKK. YOU GOT MEEEEEE."

Mini rolled to the side and continued to finger-fuck her and Mom's orgasm rolled into several more orgasms. She was gasping for air and was finally able to get out, "Please. Mini. No more. Fuck. No more." Mini complied and pulled her fingers out of her pussy.

Mini and Max watched their mom's pussy clamping over and over again like a fish gasping for air. Max said,"Mini, that was awesome. Look at her go. Unbelievable, isn't it?" It was nearly a half-hour before Mom lifted her head to smile at her two children. "Whew," she said, "That was amazing Mini. Nadia couldn't have done it better. Fuck. I'll be a rag doll all day." Mini looked at Max. She was beaming with pride. He high-fived her and she slapped his raised palm.

The alarm in Max's room went off but there was no one there to turn it off. He knew it would just keep beeping, so he half-heartedly crawled down the bed and stood up. He opened the bedroom door and went into his room and punched the clock to stop the alarm. Max was exhausted from the physical activity as well as the two measly hours of sleep last night. He stretched his back and arms and legs. He wanted so bad to go back and climb into bed with Mini and Mom and spend the day fucking both of them till his cock fell off. Instead he went into the bathroom and started the shower. He went to the sink and started doing his morning bathroom stuff.

Before he could get his teeth brushed, Mom and Mini came bursting through the door fighting each other to get to the toilet first. Max effectively picked off Mini and Mom was the winner. Mini stood there shifting her weight from one foot to the other. He could tell she was going to burst. She pushed him out of the way and lifted her ass up into the sink and let herself go.

Max looked at her and said, "Jesus Mini. That's gross." Mini ignored him and he could see a wave of relief roll across her face. He kept on brushing his teeth as he gazed upon Mom's and Mini's naked bodies. The refrain from John Mayer song, 'Your body is a wonderland,' flashed through his brain. His cock surged back up. He couldn't do anything to stop it. As always, Max's cock had a mind of its own.

When Mini was done, she launched herself out of the sink to the floor. She threw back the shower curtain and stepped into the hot water spray. Max objected that he was in the bathroom first. Mom finished up her business and walked past Max and stepped into the shower too. He objected again to deaf ears. He finished brushing his teeth and listened to the two of them squealing about how wonderful the hot water felt and whatever else they were doing to each other.

Max knew there was barely enough room in the shower for two people let alone three. "Fuck it," he said out loud to himself and he stepped into the shower behind Mom. Mini was washing her hair while Mom was washing Mini's tits and then down to her pussy and ass and finally down to her feet.

When Mini was done rinsing off, she returned the favor for Mom. She spent a long time lathering up Mom's beautiful tits and Mini started getting horny again. She began washing Mom's pussy which led to a finger-fucking and Mom made no attempt to stop her. Mom was leaning back against Max and he held her up as she erupted into another orgasm. She was trembling and Max had to wrap his arms around her chest under her tits to hold her up. Max took advantage and molested his mom's tits which brought his cock up even harder and pushed on Mom's ass-cheeks.

She brought her hands up on top of his and mauled her own nipples and groaned, "OHH FUCCKK MINI. I'MMM CUMMINNGGG AAAGGGAAAINNNN. JESSUSSSS." Max was looking over Mom's shoulder at Mini as she was grinning up at him.

After Mom settled down from her orgasm and regained her ability to stand, Mini said, "OK Max. It's your turn in the water." They all maneuvered around in the tight confines until Max was under the shower head. He had to press his hard cock against his stomach to get by. Mom wanted at Max's cock but Mini blocked her and began lathering him up from his shoulders down to his cock which is as far as she got. She was rapidly stroking his cock and it was at its maximum size as he was rinsing himself off.

When the soap was rinsed from his cock, Mini went to her knees and stretched her mouth onto the head. She stared up at Max as water cascaded down into her face. Max moved her back so the water wasn't in Mini's face anymore. Mom couldn't get any closer so she stepped out of the shower. Mini applied her cock sucking skills for a few minutes and Max was in heaven. He thought, 'For someone without the sexual experience that he thought she had, Mini was a pretty good cocksucker. Maybe those skills are genetic,' he thought.

Mini pulled her head back and stood up. She looked at him and said, "Max, please fuck me. You have to fuck me." She turned around and put her hands and elbows on the shower wall and arched her back offering herself to Max. He moved up close behind her and dragged his cock along her pussy until he found the right spot and pushed it into her. She moaned as Max's cock slowly slid all the way in until she let him know that he'd hit bottom.

Max began pumping his hips forward and back, driving his cock in and out of Mini's pussy. She moaned, "OH MY GAAWWDDD MAX. YOUR COCK IS SO BIG. I CAN'T TAKE IT ALL." Mom reached in and turned off the water and pulled the curtain back so she could watch her son and daughter fucking each other. Mini was moving her hips back and forward to contribute to the action. Mom had a towel wrapped around her hair but was otherwise naked.

Max grabbed Mini's hips and increased his pace and Mini let out a scream that elicited a smile from Mom who was lazily tracing her fingers through her own pubic hair. Max ratcheted up the pace again as he was now fucking Mini as hard and fast as he could. Mini pressed her face against the plastic shower wall and let out a feral growl, "OH FUCCCKKKK. MOM. MAX IS MAKING ME CUUUMMMM." She started to tremble and her orgasm took control of her body.

Mini's face was contorted. Her eyes pinched shut and her mouth hung open in a silent scream. Max was slamming his cock up into her searching for his own orgasm. He could feel it just on the fringes but he couldn't get it to come any closer. Max was groaning loudly along with Mini. Mom's fingers became more urgent as she was furiously shoving them in and out of her pussy.

Max's mind was consumed with his circling orgasm. Mom broke his concentration when she slid to the floor screaming from her own orgasm. Mini's orgasm was on the down slope and she was ready to get off Max's cock but he wouldn't let her go. He continued pounding away in her, urging cum to boil out of his balls. Mini said, "Max, Please. I can't take anymore. You're killing me."

Reluctantly, Max slowed and stopped. He slowly pulled his incredibly hard cock out of Mini's pussy and she rotated around to face him before sliding down the wall to the shower floor.

Mom was recovering from her orgasm and she saw Max standing in the shower with an immense hard-on. She said, "Max. Honey. Did you cum?" He just shook head. She lie down on her back on the tile floor and spread her knees wide, inviting her baby boy to fuck her. Max gladly accepted her invitation.

Leaving Mini sprawled on the floor of the shower, Max stepped out and knelt down between his mom's legs and shoved his steel rod into her pussy. Mom's chest heaved as he pushed into her. She looked up at Max and in a guttural voice said, "Fuck me hard baby."

Max did as she asked. He started by fucking her with just the head as he pistoned his hips in and out until he started to tire. He then changed to a long slow full depth fuck before changing to a half-cock fuck as fast as he could go. She screamed out, "FUCK. YEAH. GIVE IT ALL TO ME BABY." Max slammed down hard until his balls slapped on her ass and she screamed out again, "TOO MUCH MAX". He could feel his orgasm that had been circling around on the fringes was now spiraling inward. Max wanted it badly and he frantically fucked his mom's pussy as hard as he could. An orgasm slammed into her and she began furiously thrusting her hips up to meet his. Mini had her chin on the edge of the tub watching with fascination.

Mom was screaming her way through her orgasm and finally Max could feel cum blasting up his shaft into Mom's pussy. She felt the surge in size and then the many shots of cum bursting into her. She was going nuts as she launched into yet another orgasm.

When Max finished his last shot, Mom was cresting on her last orgasm and was starting back down again. He collapsed down on her chest and sucked one of her nipples into his mouth and held it there as they held each other until they could breathe again. He could feel her pussy sporadically clench on his softening cock. Max thought, 'If I should die right here, I'm ready.'

There was nowhere Mini could go with her mom and brother blocking the bathroom door as they slowly recovered from their mutual orgasms, so Mini just stayed on the floor of the shower. After several minutes, Mini said, "Hey guys, we have to get to school. Are you still alive down there?" Mom moaned indicating that she was alive at least. Max still had one of Mom's nipples in his mouth.

A few more minutes saw some activity. Max pulled himself up releasing his mother's tit. He helped her up too. Mini got up and stepped out of the tub/shower. They were all nearly dry but they took towels and completed the job. Mom walked over to look in the mirror and stopped after a couple steps. She said, "Christ Max. I can't even walk." She sat down on the hamper and said, "Mini, Honey. Can you get my robe from the back of my bedroom door?"

Max waited until he was sure Mom would be alright. Mini handed her the robe and she slipped into it. She tied the belt and stood up again. Mini and Max both laughed when they saw Mom try to take some steps. Her legs were spread wider than normal and she limped along toward her room. Max helped her into bed showing his concern on his face until he turned around to leave and then broke out into a big smile. 'Waa-hoo. I just fucked my Mom until she can't walk,' he thought.

Mini and Max were way late so they dressed quickly and skipped breakfast. They said their good-byes to Mom, lying back on her pillows, and quickly went out the back door and piled into Mini's car. They were both quiet as she drove the two miles to school. When she pulled into a parking spot on the school grounds, Mini turned off the engine and didn't move. Max looked over at her just sitting there. Finally, she spoke, "Jesus Max. That was one hell of a day. Our lives will never be the same again. Are you ready for this?"


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