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Fulfillment 11

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Ross is dead, Trying to recover.
8.8k words

Part 11 of the 19 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 10/22/2011
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Dear Readers,

Here is the next installment, and I seem to have a few more to go before I get to where they're going.

Thank you for reading,




The wolf guarding Michael Ross reported to the Alpha that, in the middle of the night, Michael had simply stopped breathing.

Calvin Ross' howl of despair and loss rang out through the den. Several other howls echoed the corridors in response.

The healer was dispatched to the basement and confirmed Michael's death. The reason was not obvious. Sharilyn assumed it was complications from the abuse his brain had taken two days prior.

The cremation was scheduled for that evening.

Calvin tells Erica, who breaks down into a sobbing mass. While he wasn't sure there was any love lost between the two, her place in the pack was now in jeopardy.

She was no longer Alpha female, nor was she even the mate to the Alpha heir.

She was a widow, an Omega, and had now lost whatever respect she had gained. She was liable to be maltreated by some of the other pack members.

And she would have her first heat with no mate.

Calvin tried to reassure her but she would not be comforted.

Calvin then contacts the Wyeth pack.

Randall offers condolences and asks after the pack.

Calvin provides a brief and vague reassurance, then begs duty and breaks the connection.

Randall calls the first Beta pair into his office and relays the information. Lyssa looks a bit disturbed at the news. Emmett looks grim. He comforts his mate and they prepare to take their leave. "Emmett, a moment?"

Emmett watches his mate leave and turns back to his Alpha. "Your response to this news is interesting, my friend. What do you know?"

"She had nightmares again last night, Randall. I'm not sure she's gotten over everything. This could make it worse again. She will hate feeling responsible for his death."

"There's something else." Emmett drops his eyes. "Go on."

"I felt something last night. I'm afraid she may have killed him in her sleep."

"Does she know?"

"I'm not sure."

Now it's Randall's turn to be concerned. "This is a real concern, Emmett. Is it possible you only thought you felt something; that you were half-asleep yourself? That this is strictly a coincidence?"

Emmett's response is not immediate. "I suppose I might have imagined it."

"Her movements, noises, may have affected your dreams, your thoughts."

"I suppose."

"We have no proof, unless she admits it. I hope your mate does not prove to be involuntarily dangerous."

Emmett's mood grows even darker. "I will find out, if I can."

"You will tell me if there is a problem?"

"Of course, my Alpha."

Emmett leaves and Randall worries. He'd run with her before; tried to circumvent pack law. She was not his mate then, but was now. He would risk everything to protect her.

Emmett is worried himself. She had almost killed him in her sleep while they were at the cabin, away from the pack, although that had been with teeth. He hadn't told anyone about that, the accident had been foremost in everyone's minds.

Now, he thought that something had happened last night. Was it only his imagination?

He hoped so. The alternative was too upsetting to contemplate.

He couldn't ask her outright but, knowing that she would hate it if she had done it, he expected she might confess it. If she were aware.

The only good news was, if it had happened, she hadn't killed him or anyone in the pack.

He returns to his duties and Erich notes his introspective mood.

"What's up? You look like someone just ate the last steak."

"Nothing. Or, nothing I'm sure of."

"Is Lyssa OK?"

"Yeah, Ross is dead."

"The Alpha?" Emmett shakes his head. "Michael. Lyssa's OK?"

"Think so. It's gonna bother her though."

"Yeah, I guess. Hey, Simon's got Hannah working full time in the kitchen now."

"Well, that should be interesting. Have you talked to Mercy's parents?"

"Yeah. They were both a little stunned and not really sure they want to let her learn."

"And, Mercy?"

"Seemed kindof interested. A little scared."

"Good. So, when do you think you might be able to start drills with her?"

"Me? It's winter."

"Yes, you. You're our best tracker, she should learn from you."

"You're right. I am the best. I guess I could start her on following tracks in the snow."

"Good. We'll have to get some of the females to start her on sparring."

"Jo would be a good partner but I don't know how much she's gonna be around now."

"We'll find someone. She can learn with Lyssa. How 'bout Madeline?"

"Maddie? I don't know."

"C'mon, Erich. She's a Beta. She should learn some things."

Madeline has gone to talk to Lyssa.

She barely seems to notice Lyssa's funk and chatters on happily about Erich, the possibilities for the new garden, Joanna's romance with Nathan, a couple of the pack members, the Alpha pair.

Lyssa listens, making encouraging or appropriate noises from time to time.

Madeline finally stops. "Lyssa, what's wrong?"


"I know I don't know you very well but I'm trying and, well, you just don't seem like you're here."

Lyssa takes a deep breath, holds it for a moment, and releases it. "Michael Ross is dead."

"Yeah, I heard. Why is that a problem?"

"Because I'm pretty much responsible."

"Really? I've heard a lot of the pack talk about what happened." She starts ticking points off on her fingers. "He kidnapped you and Joanna, or had you kidnapped. You were chained to the floor and drugged for several days and threatened with death. You woke up, sent Joanna to escape, and were beaten almost to death by some of his goons. And you managed to kill one yourself before the males came to rescue you."



"I accidentally killed one of them."

"Yeah, OK. Anyway, you healed. The Alpha sent you into the circle to punish the one they caught alive, which you didn't manage to do. The Ross Alpha comes after you again, rams the car, shoots at you, injures your mate, and tells you to your face he wants you dead. He's gone and you're safe now."

"You all think killing is so easy, like it's no big thing."

Madeline looks at Lyssa, her eyes wide. "No big thing? Of course it is. We don't take the death of other wolves lightly. We all feel badly when it happens. Have you seen any of us kill while you've been here?" Lyssa shakes her head. "Do you concern yourself with the death of food animals?"

"No, but that's..."

"Different, yes. Are you saying there's never a good reason to kill?" Lyssa opens her mouth to object. "How about for your pup? Your family? Your mate?"

"Well, yeah, if they were in danger, if someone was going to kill them."

"Michael Ross intended to kill your mate. And you. If he deserved to die for trying to kill Emmett, why not you? Are you worth any less? Would you rather be dead and not him?"

Madeline continues, putting a hand on Lyssa's arm. "We don't have jails, because things are different for us than they are for humans. And human jails won't hold us. Well, except for some really weak Omegas. We can't manage things the same way they do. Things we do for play, the way we raise our pups, the way we spend our days would not be allowed in human society. But, even there, would your life be worth less than Michael Ross'?"

"Lyssa, he forced you into it. You can be sorry that he's dead. You can even be sorry that you did it. But you need to remember that it's better that it's him and not you. Sometimes we have to fight for what's ours. Sometimes, unfortunately, we have to kill."

Lyssa is quiet, thinking. Madeline watches her, waiting. Finally, Lyssa looks up at her, "Thank you. Really."


Brandon is changing the oil on a couple of the pack vehicles and replacing spark plugs under Paul's tutelage. As he finishes up, wiping his hands on a rag, he notices a package off to one side of the desk where the paperwork is held. "Hey, what's this?"

"Oh, no, that belongs to the Madam Beta. I haven't given it back to her."

"Want me to do it?"

"You want to?"

"Sure. Why not? You think she'll bite my head off or something?"

"You know she hasn't been in the best of moods."

"Ha. Ain't that the truth?"

"Seriously, why would you want to?"

"Got my reasons. Deal?"

"Alright, it's your neck."

Brandon cleans up some and then goes out for a run in the gathering dusk and snow.

Feeling refreshed, he cleans up for dinner then goes back to the garage to get the package.

Paul looks at him sideways and shakes his head as he walks away.

Brandon ducks into the first floor bathroom quickly and opens the package.

Oh. Lacy. Red and black. Some sort of sexy female clothes. He'd really never seen anything like it.

He reached his hand out, wanting to touch it, but pulled back at the last minute, knowing that leaving his scent on the material would get him beaten up by the Beta.

So, he puts the top back on the box, having trouble because it was kindof flimsy. Most of the pack has already gathered in the dining hall and the smells of beef and pork has his mouth watering.

He scans the room, making sure of the Beta female's location, and walks in, box in hand. He makes straight for her, knowing there were eyes on him.

Somehow recognizing she is being approached, Lyssa looks up and notices one of the young males headed straight for her. Her eyes go wide and a spike of fear shoots through her. Why was he coming to her and what would Emmett do?

Then, she realizes he has a box in his hands and recognizes it. She looks directly into his eyes and shakes her head, slightly.

As Brandon pivots, Emmett looks up, and notices his abrupt change in direction. He's hard pressed not to growl at the youngster and looks at his mate.

Lyssa has acquired a sudden deep interest in the food in front of her.

What the hell?


Calvin is ready to tear his hair out at the mess that had been made of the finances of the pack. Whatever had Michael planned on doing when the money ran out?

They would have to be careful for the next year or so to bring things back to the way they had been before the couple of months that his son had had control of the pack. How could it have gotten this bad so quickly?

Sampson looks at his Alpha, trying to keep him on task, trying to help him triage the situations. Finally, he says, "Alpha. Calvin. Perhaps you should take a break for a while. How is the female you've been seeing in Wyeth?"

"Oh, Luna, Stephanie. I haven't spoken to her or seen her in days." Calvin rakes his fingers through his hair. He looks down at what he's working on. "I really want to get through this tonight."

"The body is being prepared, Alpha."

Calvin puts his face in his hands. His son. He had said goodbye to his mate only a couple of months prior, now he had to send his son off. His family was gone. All of them. He was alone.

"I'm sorry, Cal. I wish it could be different."

Calvin Ross stands. "Thank you, Sampson. Tell everyone that I intend this to be private."

Calvin strips down, leaves the room, and walks out the side door. There is an area, close to their circle, which has been cleared for such sad occasions.

Michael's body has been laid out on a bier by Sharilyn and one of the young males of the pack. A burning torch is planted in the ground nearby.

Calvin strides to the site and Sampson follows. A few of the wolves come out to witness.

Cal looks at his son's body and sorrow fills his heart as he takes the torch without preamble and thrusts it into a few spots underneath.

As the flames begin to lick upward, growing in size, feeding on the wood, Erica comes out. She is hugging herself and looking small and frightened. Her eyes are wide as she watches the fire grow.

As Calvin howls mournfully, the rest of the pack responds. More wolves come out of the den until practically his entire pack surrounds him.

Even though they may not have liked having him as their Alpha, they came to pay their respects.

Sampson knew they had come for Calvin.

They stood and watched as his body caught fire and was then obscured by the flames. Time went by and another mournful howl went up as the bier collapsed, sending sparks up into the sky.

Erica can't take anymore and runs back to the den.


Emmett is, well, in a pissy mood.

He had growled and looked at Brandon off and on all during dinner.

Brandon had melted away early and Emmett, having finished dinner, left Lyssa and went to find him.

Lyssa had acted suspiciously and he was going to find out why. Brandon was certainly closer to her age, but, when would they have had a chance to do anything? He had never smelled Brandon on her.

Lyssa watched as Emmett's mood got ugly. She should say something to him but what?

After Brandon left Emmett, stoic and growling, rose abruptly and headed into the den. Lyssa followed, wondering and worrying what he might do.

Everyone got out of the way as Emmett moved through the corridors and up the stairs. Toward the end of the one hall, he pounds on a door.

It opens and Lyssa glimpses Brandon's startled face as Emmett grabs him by the throat and shoves him up against the wall. "What do you have to do with my mate, pup?"

Airway constricted, Brandon can do little but squeak. [Delivering a package.]

"Emmett, stop!"

Emmett sees the package on a desk in the room and growls at the other young male who started to enter, Brandon's roommate, Ross. He walks over to the box, dragging Brandon by the throat. "Why are you giving my mate a gift, pup?"

"No, Em. He's not! Stop it."

Emmett knocks the package open and the red and black lace teddy falls out onto the floor. Emmett snarls and starts to close his fist. [Not a gift. Left in the garage.]

"Emmett Forester, listen to me! I bought that when I went out to help Erich find something for Madeline. I dropped it and forgot about it."

Brandon is trying to breathe as Emmett turns to Lyssa. "Why did you warn him off in the dining hall, mate?"

The question is suspicious, angry.

"Let him go you big, jealous lump! I just didn't want everyone else to see it cuz you'd want it opened up as soon as he dropped it off."

Brandon falls to the floor, hauling in air. Emmett looks at Lyssa. "I was embarrassed that everyone else was gonna see it so I wanted to get it later. I wanted it to stay private, between us."

He rumbles, lightly. "I bought it for you, stupid."

He looks at the teddy, looks at her, looks at Brandon.

Of course, the outburst has numerous pack members milling around outside the door.

[Emmett. Is there a problem?]

[No, Randall. No problem.]

He scoops up the box and its contents, throws Lyssa over his shoulder, and turns. "Sorry, Brandon."

"Put me down!"

[Emmett, you're not healed yet. Put me down.]

[I'm well enough, mate. I want to see what you had planned for me.]

It doesn't take him long to get her upstairs to their suite.

Erich, Madeline tucked under his arm as usual, catches sight of them. "Everything OK, Em?"

Kicking open their door, he glances back at the other Beta pair, "Lyssa got me a present. I'm going to see what it is."

[What I got when you bought the robe for Madeline.]

Erich smiles, a broad grin, and whispers to his mate. "Go get your robe, Blossom. I want to see you in it tonight."

Madeline reaches up a hand to his cheek and pulls his face down to hers. [Give me 15 minutes, mate.]

"Emmett? Roof?" Emmett nods to his friend as he deposits his mate in their room and puts the box and teddy on the bed. He reaches down, cups her ass in his hands, and pulls her pelvis against him. His hard length was pressed against her belly as his hands roamed her back. His mouth comes down on hers with bruising force.

She staggers as he abruptly releases her and walks out the door.

Lyssa looks after him, licking her swollen lips. After a moment of disorientation, she turns to the bed. Deciding against simply changing, she goes to the closet and strips. A quick shower in the bathroom gives her a light peach scent, a fruit that Emmett favored. She then went into her things, looking for the right accessories to go with the teddy.

After a time, Emmett returns. "May I come in, mate?"

Where to stand? "I'm waiting."

Ah, there. "Yes, I'm ready."

Emmett opens the door and looks inside but doesn't see her immediately. He raises his head and inhales, turning right toward the bathroom. "Sit on the bed."

He sits, adjusting himself to minimize his discomfort. He was hard in anticipation of what awaited him. Movement has his eyes tracking a bit to the left of the door. A foot, in a high heel, emerges from the shadows of the closet.

The leg that foot is attached to is encased in nylon, black, with a red rose at the ankle.

The rest of what emerges from the closet takes his breath away. He gasps as his mate of two years slinks out of the darkness.

The hose were thigh high. A swath of bare skin lay between the top of the hose and the tiny red underwear she had on.

A small triangle of silk, sodden, covered the pubic hair he had recently trimmed. His tongue runs over his lips and he groans at the sight and smell.

A small bit of lace trim, again red, ran along the bottom of the teddy. It ran around her, at her hips, across the tops of her thighs. Up from there, the material is black, with little red lips embroidered on it. Some stiff material allowed it to nip in at her waist and flare out again at her hips and breasts. Straps over her shoulders were set widely. Her breasts were held in lacy cups, her aureolas clearly visible through the material.

Time seemed to stop for him as she took another step forward on high heels, something she rarely wore.

"Ah, Selene. You are the most gorgeous female, mate." He makes to rise and she shakes her head, to stop him.

Slowly, she approaches, standing in front of him briefly. She then turns, giving him a view of the back of her, as well. The underwear was thong and the back of the teddy rose slightly, framing her buttocks to good advantage.

He reached out and caressed her ass, running his hands over the round globes. As he moved to pull her towards him by the hips, she again stops him, and turns to face him once again. She crawls over his lap, knees to either side of his thighs, heels beside his knees.

His nose is in her cleavage and he inhales her scent before she sinks down into his lap. Her hands slide into his hair on either side of his face and she leans in to kiss him.

She tastes him, thoroughly, as he does her. Their tongues duel as she presses herself against him. He groans into her mouth as she settles into his lap.

His hands slide up her sides and he grabs her under the arms and twists, throwing her onto the bed. He's quickly over her, his body pressing hers into the bed.

Clothes. He had clothing in the way.

He twisted sideways slightly, unzipped his jeans, and ripped them in half, tearing the fabric from his body. He was biting her nipple through the lace as he kicked one leg away. He refused to relinquish contact with her body.

Her hands were on his shoulders as he rolled to the other side and removed the other leg of the jeans, growling when they resisted slightly. Underwear was quickly dispensed with. In pieces.

She was growling and writhing below him and he moved upward, nuzzling her neck, then setting his teeth on the mating mark and biting down.

He lifted up from her as she jerked under him and pushed her knees toward her shoulders. He shoved the thin piece of red fabric aside and pushed inside her. She gasped.

Wet. Warm. Ready. For him.

Her fingernails were digging into his shoulders. She raked them down his back.

He arched and drove deeper. [Lyssa. Oh, mate.]

She's panting, groaning, when he slows. She looks up into his chocolate brown eyes, seeing something there.

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