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Fun with Sara Pt. 03


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"Will you please," Cindy asked nicely, "and then you can finish telling what you two were going to do with Sara tonight!"

"Ok," Ben said, and he ran up the stairs and to his room to grab the cigar box he kept his stash in, and then he ran back downstairs.

"That was quick," Cindy said.

Ben wasn't sure how to reply so he didn't. He sat back down and he opened the little cigar box. In it was a little baggie that contained some very primo bud, courtesy of Sara of course. Ben pulled out the baggie and two rolling papers. He handed one to his mom, and he kept one for himself. They both quickly, and expertly rolled a joint.

Ben was the first to finish so he pulled out the black Bic lighter and he lit the joint. He briefly thought back to the first time he smoked with Sara, and awesome that day turned out to be. He inhaled the smoke and held it in for as long as he could. He heard the flint of the lighter scrape and he watched his mother light her joint. He thought about how awesome his mother was.

"Ok, you can continue now," Cindy said, exhaling the smoke and taking a drink of her wine. It was clear that she was already buzzed from the weed and the alcohol, so it was safe to say that Ben could probably tell her anything and it would not so much as illicit a blush from his mother.

He too was also feeling the euphoric effects of the weed, and his inhibitions were lowered enough that he could probably tell her everything that he and Sara had done. He wasn't exactly planning on volunteering anything though. He looked at Cindy, who looked pretty bushed already. She was looking at something behind him. He looked at her chest. Her nipples are hard! Holy shit, I can see them through her shirt! He shook his head, trying to get the image of her erect nipples out of his head before his cock hardens in his shorts.

"Ok, what do you want to know," Ben asked, chuckling at the sound of his own voice.

Cindy started to laugh as well, but she pulled herself together. "Tell me what you two were going to do tonight!" She took another drag from her joint.

"Ok," Ben said, quickly inhaling and exhaling a deep breath. "Well, were probably going to get high, and then she was probably going to dress up for me and--"

Cindy interrupted once more. "What was she going to wear for you?"

"I don't know exactly, but probably something involving my two favorite things: thigh-high stockings and high heels!"

"I have those," Cindy said excitedly. "I have a lot of those in fact!"

"I know you do," Ben said.

"Ok, sorry, you can keep going."

"She was probably going to dress up in some stockings and heels, maybe a baby doll up top." Cindy was staring at him intently. "After getting high, we'd probably end up making out, but that usually doesn't last very long because she usually drops to her knees and puts my cock in her mouth, or we'll both get down on the floor and 69. She loves it when I get on top when we 69 because she loves it when I fuck her mouth." He paused again and said, "I can't believe I'm telling you all of this. Are you sure you want me to keep going?"

"Uh huh," Cindy muttered. Her voice was raspy, and her breathing looked shallow. She nodded in the affirmative and said, "Please, keep going."

"Sometimes we'll make each other cum that way, sometimes not. She loves it when I cum down her throat, and it feels fucking amazing for me!" He paused for a minute and took a sip of his beer. He looked over at his mom. Her faced looked flushed. He wondered if she was getting turned on. "Do you want me to keep going," he asked again.

"Yes," she said quietly, "please do."

"Ok. Usually, if I blow my load down her throat, we'll take a break and smoke a little more weed while she plays with my cock to get it hard again. That usually doesn't take very long though. Or sometimes I'll just get off of her and eat her out until she cums, or cums again. Her pussy tastes so good, Mom, and she's such a fucking slut!" Ben licked his lips.

"What does it look like," Cindy asked. "Her pussy? Is it shaved?"

"Mostly... But she does have a really short landing strip just above the hood of her clit. Her pussy lips are really fat though! And her ass! Oh my God if you think it looks good in pants, or a skirt; you should see it bare! It's big, but it's also toned, and it feels amazing to the touch! Mmmmm, just thinking about it makes me want to put my face in it!"

Ben's cock was rapidly hardening as he told his mother about his and Sara's "sexcapades." His eyes scanned her face and body, enjoying the way she looked at that moment. She was licking her lips regularly. Her nipples were rock hard now, and easily visible through her shirt. Ben got the impression that she was trying her best to keep her hands out of her shorts. I wonder how wet her pussy is right now, Ben thought.

"I keep my lips hairless but I have a bush on top," his mom said abruptly, and to Ben's surprise.

"I keep my pubes trimmed too, but I keep my ball sack hairless."

"That's good to know," Cindy joked. "But please continue with your story."

"Ok. I usually eat her out until she tells me to fuck her tight cunt. I think it's so hot that she uses that word! Cunt... I know it's such a dirty word, but there's just something about it when it's said in the heat of passion, especially when it's said by a woman."

Up until that tonight, Cindy had never heard that word come out of her son's mouth. It turned her on more than she already was for some reason. She understood completely what he meant about that word. Cunt... It was such a guttural and raw word that, just thinking about it could make a person feel dirty.

"I usually start by fucking her missionary, but I put my arms under her thighs and I push her legs into her chest so I can fuck her as deeply as possible. I usually make her scream when I fuck her like that—well, she usually screams regardless but... Anyways, sometimes she will ride my dick too. I think that's her favorite position to be honest. She usually cums the hardest when she rides me! She also really likes it when I push her tits together and suck on both of her nipples at the same time. Did you know that she is a DDD cup?"

"Wow," Cindy said, truly shocked. "I wish I could suck on them!" She tried to stop from finishing what she had just said, but between the weed, and the wine, her impulse control capabilities were quickly going out of the window!

"She'd probably let you Mom! Sara is a total slut, and she loves to eat pussy just as much as she likes to suck cock! Plus, she has told me before that she thinks you're definitely a MILF! She also said that she'd love to eat your cunt too!" Ben's voice lowered, almost to a whisper and she said, "She's also mentioned some other things she'd like to do but..." He stopped speaking mid-sentence.

"What else did she say," Cindy asked, moving closer to her son.

"Trust me Mom, neither one of us are high enough to start that conversation!"

Cindy looked at her son, open-mouthed and flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what he had just told her. His fuck buddy and drug dealer told him, Ben: her son; that she wanted to eat her out. And what else did she want to do to her, Cindy wondered.

Cindy was starting to worry now. Her shorts were already soaked, but now she was starting to drip onto the chair. Her pussy burned with desire, and she desperately needed the fire to be quenched, preferably with cum. She suddenly imagined Sara's mouth attached to her pussy and her clit throbbed involuntarily.

"She said that about me," Cindy asked quietly. Her voice sounded half gone, almost meek.

"She did."

"I'm not sure if I believe you Ben. I mean, I'm so old, and I'm well past my prime!"

"I have to completely disagree with you on that Mom," Ben said emphatically. "If given the opportunity, me and Sara both would fuck your br--," Ben stopped himself, but not soon enough. A look of shock was on his mother's face. Did he just say what I think he did? She felt a rush of juices flow out of her slit, and she shuddered. Keep talking like this Ben and I just might let you!

They both simultaneously picked up their joints and relit them. They knew that they were getting dangerously close to reaching the point of no return. They took long pulls and exhaled large clouds of smoke. Silence filled the room almost as heavily as the marijuana smoke did, and both Cindy and Ben were looking at the floor as if it had the answer to what they should do or say next, but it did not.

Ben was the first to speak. "I'm sorry Mom. I'm just really high right now, and I'm horny as fuck. Earlier, when you said that I was probably masturbating when you got home, well, you were right! That is exactly what I was doing but I didn't get to cum so, I'm kinda sorta thinking with two heads right now and the one down below is winning out. I really am s--"

"It's ok Ben. It's my fault really. I'm the one that asked you to tell me about what you and Sara were going to do tonight if you had you gone over there. I'm the one that insisted that you tell me. Truth is I'm really enjoying this! I know that it's wrong, and I know that we shouldn't be talking about this type of stuff but—but I guess I just want to know. And to be even more honest Ben; I'm probably just as horny as you are. So, if you want to keep going, I'm ok with it if you are." A shy smile crept across her face and they both once again made eye contact. Each of them could see some level of vulnerability in each other's eyes.

"Are you sure you want me to keep going," Ben asked. He shifted in his seat and readjusted his erection, but he was quickly reaching the point where he no longer cared whether or not she saw it.

"I'm sure." Cindy took a drink of her wine.

"Ok, where was I? Oh yeah, Sara riding me. She also really likes doggystyle. That's when she's usually the loudest. She usually screams for me to "beat her pussy up with my fat cock!" I love to hear her say that! I usually cum buckets when she says that, but she also says a lot of other stuff."

"Do you cum inside of her?"

"Sometimes. Or I'll pull out and cum on her tits, or her face. She really likes it when I cum on her face. She likes to scoop it up and eat it. I'm telling you mom, Sara is such a fucking slut!"

"You've said that like three times Ben! But it sounds like you fuck her so good!" Cindy pinched her thighs together and squirmed in her seat. Her pussy was absolutely on fire at the thought of her son fucking Sara from behind, pulling out and cumming on her face and tits was making her cunt throb. "If a man fucked me like that, I'd probably be his slut too! I'd let you--I mean, him use me however he wanted to!" Cindy realized what she had said and she looked at her son.

"It's ok Mom, "he reassured her, "it's the weed." That's what they were telling themselves at least, it was the weed.

"Yeah, sorry," she said.

"Sometimes, if she's really horny, she'll let me put my cock in her ass. She says that she loves the feel of it sliding in and out of her back door, and she loves the way it feels when I blow a load deep in her ass. I love to watch her sit on my cock while it's in her ass! It's so hot to watch her rub her clit, or even fuck herself with a toy while I fuck her ass. I actually asked her on the first day that we fucked about bringing another guy in so we can DP her, but we actually ended up..." Ben paused. He looked at Cindy who was now openly squirming in her seat with her hands tucked between her legs.

"You ended up what," she asked impatiently waiting to hear what he had to say.

"Do you remember Tiffany? The skinny goth chick that I used to talk to?"

"Who could forget her," Cindy said, thinking about the way Tiffany used to dress. Slutty, goth chick is the easiest way to explain it, and she looked fucking hot!

"Well, Tiffany ended up coming over later that night and I put them both side by side and fucked their pussies, and then their asses while they made out with each other. After doing that for a little while, Sara got the idea to bring out her strap-on so her and I could DP Tiffany, and after Tiffany couldn't cum anymore, Tiffany and I would DP Sara. I swear Mom, I must've cum at least six times our first night!"

"That is so hot Ben! Was that the only time the three of you fucked together?"

"Nope," Ben said triumphantly. "We ended up doing it quite often. They shared me really, but I didn't mind it one bit! Tiff and I would go over to Sara's and they would dress up for me in stockings and heels. Sometimes they'd even get all gothed out, packing on the makeup and everything! The three of us would then get high and just fuck each other's brains out in as many ways we could think of! We still do! That's what Sara and I are going to do tomorrow as soon as I get up and go over there!"

"You are?" Cindy had a look of disappointment on her face at hearing that.

"I'm so jealous of you Ben. I wish I could find someone that would fuck me as good as you fuck Sara and Tiffany!" Sara relit her joint again, took a hit, and then a sip of her wine. She exhaled the smoke and asked, "So what does Tiffany look like naked?"

"Pale," Ben said between hitting his joint and drinking his beer. "Very pale... Her tits are also a lot smaller than Sara's. She's a B cup, I think. Her nipples are light pink and their pierced so their super sensitive, which is really hot!"

"What does her pussy look like," she asked, relinquishing all sense of shame.

"It's completely bald. Plump lips, but not as fat as Sara's. Her labia protrudes a little more than Sara's does too. It's fun as fuck to suck on!"

Suddenly an awkward, pregnant pause invaded the conversation. Each wondered what the other was thinking, and each hoped that the other was thinking that they were thinking. Cindy had never been so sexually aroused in her entire life. She wondered if her son felt the same way.

They both sat in silence, looking at each other, looking at the floor, and then back at each other again. Ben lit his joint and took another hit. The story, the weed, his scantily clad and obviously aroused mother, had created a monster in him, and he knew that he wanted to keep his sanity, he was going to have to have some type of release, and soon!

He thought of texting Sara that he was on his way over but he decided against it. He would feel so guilty leaving his mom just to fuck someone. He was also a little too drunk and high to be driving at this particular moment, or any moments in the near future for that matter. He looked at his mother's chest; her nipples were rock solid and her breathing was ragged. He looked at her face and could see the redness in her cheeks.

"Do you think that Tiffany would have come over to Sara's tonight had you gone over there?"

"She's probably at Sara's right now with her mouth buried between her legs while Sara eats her out!"

"Really? You think so," Cindy asked. "Does it bother you that they're doing that while you're not there?

"I guarantee you that she is! Hell, I'd bet you a fashion show, but it would be a fair bet for you! And no, it doesn't bother me at all! None of us are officially seeing each other exclusively, but we also aren't really fucking anyone else. There's no need to!"

"Oh, ok. Wait, what do you mean "fashion show?" What kind of fashion show?"

"I meant that you and I could have had a little wager and if you lost, you'd go upstairs and put on something sexy for me!"

"Benjamin Andrew, you are a dirty, dirty man trying to get your mother to dress slutty for you!" Cindy was shocked at his being so direct but given her current state, she would have been willing to take that bet had made it! She couldn't believe that her son had managed to work her up into such a sexual frenzy from his sordid little story. She desperately wanted to touch herself. She wanted to rake her fingers against her drooling cunt until she got some kind of relief. A tinge of guilt washed over her at her next thought. I wish Ben would eat my cunt and then fuck me! I want him to use me, to fuck all of my holes and cum in each of them like he does those two sluts across town! She squirmed in her seat and she felt her engorged clit throb; it begged to be touched.

"So," she said bashfully, "what else have you two, or three done?"

Ben exhaled a thick cloud of smoke and he looked at his mom. "Well that's really about all we do. We get high as fuck, and then we fuck. A lot... Oh, we've done some roleplaying which was a lot of fun. And sometimes Sara and Tiff will call me Daddy, which is really hot."

"Daddy, huh," Cindy asked.


"And you like that? You like it when they call you Daddy while you fuck their pussies, mouths and asses?"


Ben got up and went to the fridge to get another beer. The conversation, and the weed had made him thirsty, but he could only quench his thirst with beer for now. He grabbed his mom's wine too and brought it to the kitchen table but before he sat down he stop and asked, "Hey Mom, do you want to take this party to the living room? It'd probably be more comfortable if we sat on the couch."

Cindy agreed with Ben and nodded, but she had a problem. How was she going to get up and get to the living room without her son seeing the huge wet spot in front of her shorts? Thinking quickly, she told her son to go on in the living room, and that she would be in there shortly. He obliged her, and the she ran upstairs to change.

Ben knew why she went upstairs, and it made his rock hard cock twitch just thinking about his Mom's soaking wet pussy. He wanted to follow her. He wanted her to come down wearing nothing but a babydoll, thigh-highs and heels. He wanted her to come over to where he was sitting, pull his shorts down and put his tool in her warm, wet mouth. He wanted her to sit on his cock and ride it until they both found relief from the ache between their legs. It was wishful thinking though.

Sara was upstairs and in her room in record time. She looked around her walk-in closet as if it were a puzzle to be solved. What should I wear? She was already naked, and in spite of wiping the wetness from her pussy with a hand towel, her juices were already running down her leg again. She needed cock! She needed her son's cock. How would she go about getting it thought?! What if he didn't want her? What if she goes for it and it ruins their relationship? She stepped out of her closet and opened her underwear drawer. It was full of different types of sexy panties: G-strings, boy shorts, bikini cut; you name it, she had it. She preferred string-bikini cut though. It was far more comfortable, and just as sexy to her. Maybe even sexier, she thought to herself. They leave a little more to the imagination.

She picked up a pair of black, string bikini panties that were cut high on the hip. She thought of putting them on but she quickly put them back, knowing that she would soak through it in a matter of a minute or two. She opened a second drawer. It was full of stockings, garters, tights and pantyhose. She picked up a pair of black hold-up stockings.

"Mom," Ben called from downstairs. "Are you ok?"

Startled, she dropped the stockings and yelled to her son, "I'm fine sweetheart! I'm fine! I just had to change really quick! I'll be down in a minute." She swallowed hard and closed the drawer.

Cindy decided to just put on a short, silk bathrobe and she made her way down the stairs, silently hoping that her juices didn't soak through her robe and into the couch, but at this point, she was only able to are so much. She silently walked down the carpeted steps, hoping that he would not hear her approach. Hopefully he has his cock out and I can get a peak!

When she made it to the landing, she saw her son, sitting on the couch rolling a fresh joint. Disappointed at the initial sight, she decided to stay there for another minute or two, to see what he might do. He took a hit from the joint and then finished what was left of his beer.

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