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Click hereChapter Nine: Misty's Exhibitionist Side
Sure enough, Misty was barely able to move come Monday morning. She couldn't remember ever taking so much fun anal punishment all in one weekend before. Not even close. In theory, there would have been some time to rest and recover from her parents' anniversary night and all the poundings she'd taken then.
But Emma... formerly shy and innocent little Emma kept getting them into trouble. Misty smiled adoringly at Emma toddling painfully along beside her. If anything, she was in even rougher shape.
The girls walked hand in hand as best they could, at any rate. The two of them were dealing with incredibly achy bottoms, tummies bulging with enough internal cum to be noticeable, and as if that weren't enough, they had butt plugs in too, because otherwise they'd be leaking cum out their asses with every step.
It was a rather undignified way to try and get through a school day. Made worse because both of them kept popping boners at inconvenient times. Like they hadn't just had a year's worth of sex in one weekend.
"I'm not even really horny," Misty complained to Emma. "Just... my dick keeps popping up."
"I know," Emma sighed. "Me too."
"Like for some reason it's reacting to all the cum inside me. And when I think about the weekend."
"And the butt plug," Emma reminded her. "I think that's contributing."
"True. I don't much wear butt plugs to school. This would all be super hot, actually, except that I'm so tired and achy."
"I knooo I just wanna curl up and nap. Don't wanna really have sex for a month."
"A month?" Misty asked incredulously.
"Well... a week."
"A week?"
"... a day or two then."
"Ah." Misty giggled and squeezed Emma's hand. "Just wait until lunch. We'll nap in the club room."
"Someone'll probably try and fuck our butts while we're sleeping," Emma grumbled.
"Probably," Misty agreed cheerfully. "But at least we'll be sleeping through it."
Misty made it through her first classes somehow. She had to fight between falling asleep, and doing something overtly inappropriate.
When she wasn't tempted to lay her head down on her desk, she was often rocking around in her seat, feeling her butt plug moving inside her. She stopped when she caught herself doing it, but it was hard to cut out entirely.
She got hard a few more times without meaning too, and really tested the strength of her jeans to hide it. She was pretty sure her erections got noticed more than once. Her and Emma had certainly been noticed plenty while walking to class earlier.
Misty's second class was even worse, since she had to give a brief presentation, and hadn't prepared for it at all over the weekend, for obvious reasons. Her only saving grace was that everyone was so busy staring at the bulge in her pants that they didn't seem to mind the way she stumbled through her talking points. Even her teacher was sufficiently distracted.
Tired as she was, Misty filed away that information for future use. If she could just get an erection at the front of class to distract from a lack of preparation, that could be a very useful skill.
It didn't even occur to her until afterward to be embarrassed about it.
"Wait, so you did the whole thing up there in front of the class, pointing out straight at them?" Emma asked.
"Well... kinda, I guess, yeah. Obviously more just, like, trying to burst through my jeans. You think it would have helped if I dropped my pants first?"
"No, silly," Emma giggled. "Then you would have gotten kicked out of class."
"Oh right."
"I'm just impressed you didn't mind doing it. I'm way more confident than I used to be, but even so just standing in front of class all hard and stuff where everyone could see... it'd be way too much."
Misty flushed. "Well the more you remind me, the more I kinda see that, yeah. Oh god. They were all staring. I didn't even care. I was just glad they weren't listening."
"Getting embarrassed now?"
"It turning you on?"
Misty sighed. "Yes, dammit."
"Well the bad news is we have gym next."
"I know," Misty groaned. "I've been trying to wish it away."
Emma squeezed her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry. We'll be together for this one at least."
"That's true. Have you been struggling as bad as I have?"
"Mostly, yeah. I mean I didn't have to get up in front of the whole class while I was hard and plugged and super full of cum."
"Keep reminding me why don't ya," Misty grumbled.
"But I couldn't concentrate on anything in class. I just kept... staring at classmates."
"Ooh, crushing on someone else now, are you?"
"No no. Only you." Emma squeezed Misty's hand reassuringly. "I used to stare and crush a lot. Used to be so horny all the time. Now I got you. And more sexual outlets."
"Didn't work today though, huh?"
Emma sighed. "No. And I feel like everyone just looked super cute today. With tight shirts and nice hair and stuff."
"Hehe. You're just horny."
"I know. I am. I shouldn't be. It's this stupid cum all up in me, and this stupid butt plug, and this stupid ache in my butt from your whole family pounding me all weekend. How am I supposed to function?"
"Probably should have just chilled some instead of getting fucked so much."
Emma rolled her eyes. "Not very helpful in hindsight."
"No. It's not, is it."
Gym class was the most brutal period yet. Right off the bat in the locker rooms even.
"I'm never gonna fit in my gym shorts," Misty complained.
"Tell me about it," Emma commiserated.
Jenna, standing nearby, just giggled at their predicament. "You two are so hard!"
"Yes. We know," Misty said.
"And you're wearing butt plugs? Why? Just take them out."
"We would, but then we'd be leaking cum everywhere," Emma pointed out very reasonably, as though it was a perfectly sensible state of affairs.
"Wait, how much did you cum in each other this time?" Sierra piped up from the far side of Jenna.
Neither of the other girls was helping matters by being half-naked this whole time. Ditto for most of the rest of their classmates.
"Wasn't just us," Misty said. "We're good at wrecking buttholes, but not nearly that good."
"We got absolutely destroyed," Emma added. "By Misty's family. All weekend, basically."
Jenna laughed harder. "Oh the scrapes you two get into."
"I don't know," Eve said quietly, now looking contemplative as she pulled her gym shorts up her legs. "Sounds kind of nice."
Jenna stared at her. "The hell you say? You're not nearly horny enough for that."
Eve blushed. "No, I mean not having your ass wrecked like that. Not specifically. Just, like, having someone to do crazy stuff with. Maybe really sexy stuff."
Eve blushed even more furiously as everyone stared at her, but then there were some nods.
"You're right," Sierra said. "Not to the level Emma and Misty do things, but just getting into some sexy mischief with someone does seem like it'd be nice."
"Well we can all do that together," Jenna said firmly. "Not in a lovers kind of way, but as friends."
"Not quite the same," Eve said.
Jenna sighed. "True. But it's something. Wanna catch Em and Misty after class and play with them some?"
"... kinda, yeah," Eve said, still blushing, but now looking quite thoughtful too. "They got me kinda horny now, I'll admit."
"Same," Sierra said with a wistful sigh.
"You know we're right here still," Misty said, struggling with increasing frustration to stuff her cock into her shorts.
"Sure do," Jenna said with an evil grin. "But friends gotta make plans sometimes. You saying you're not interested?"
Misty glanced at Emma, who only shrugged.
"We might be into it," Misty agreed. "If it's gentle. We're very tender today."
"Extremely tender," Emma confirmed, struggling just as hard as Misty with her clothes.
Jenna, Sierra, and Eve all huddled together and conferred for a moment and seemed to reach some kind of giggling consensus. They broke apart in a coordinated flurry, and Misty squealed as there were suddenly hands all over her. To be fair, they did help her get her cock in her shorts, but all the grabbing and fondling didn't help her erection any.
The girls did the same for Emma, then stood back with faint smirks.
"There, all set," Jenna said.
"Um... thanks?" Misty said.
"You still gotta get through class," Sierra said.
Misty sighed. "Yeah. We know."
Class itself was excruciating. Misty and Emma dragged themselves around quite piteously. While everyone else was running, the two of them managed an aching limp.
Their gym teacher was quite annoyed, but couldn't physically get them to go any faster, so had to put up with it.
There was also, of course, the very obvious erections the girls sported throughout the entire length of the class. Said hardons caused quite a lot of tittering and giggling at first until everyone got used to them. The girls in the class were used to Misty and Emma by this point. The boys needed a little longer to wrap their heads around what they were seeing, and the fact that neither horny girl showed any sign of softening at any point.
"Everyone's staring," Emma whispered.
"I know, babe," Misty hissed back.
"My cock's not gonna go down if they all keep looking."
"Well I don't think they're gonna stop looking, so...."
"Yeah, I know."
They kept limping around the floor, trying to maintain enough semblance of activity that they wouldn't get scolded by their teacher. Though on the other hand, their erections were probably causing enough embarrassment that they wouldn't be singled out in front of everyone. Not just now.
Their teacher had clearly noticed the same as everyone else had, but she was desperately trying to avoid looking, like maybe they'd settle down on their own eventually.
"You two doing ok?" Jenna asked, skipping by cheerfully.
"Ugh. Obviously not," Misty grumbled. "Why couldn't we have had a nice, relaxing gym class where we all lie down and have a lovely nap."
"I don't think that's really a thing. Buuuttt this might interest you."
"What might?" Misty asked suspiciously.
Grinning widely, Jenna glanced around, then quickly pulled her shirt up, flashing her tits. Misty and Emma both stopped and sighed wistfully for a second before Jenna put her shirt back in place, stuck her tongue out impishly, and scurried away again.
"Oh that's not fair," Misty whined. "We definitely aren't going to get rid of these erections if she's gonna do that."
"Weren't going to anyway," Emma said. "So many nice butts running around already."
"Mmm, yeah, true. Nice butts in tight little shorts...."
"Can you imagine if we could have a class where we could just pick any of them, bend them over, and take their cute little buttholes?"
"Unf. Stop, Em."
"Or like if we had a class where shorts weren't allowed. Everyone running around bottomless."
"I mean, fucking is good exercise. Maybe we could have a little corner of the floor where--"
"Please don't tell me," Misty pleaded. "I don't want to be so horny right now."
"Yeah. I know. Sorry, babe. I'm just... well I'm horny too."
As if to compound their problems, Sierra sidled up, checked that no one was paying overly much attention, then pulled down her shorts in front of the girls, showing off her cute butt. She laughed at their pathetic expressions, pulled her shorts back up, and kept on going like nothing had happened.
"They're doing that on purpose," Misty complained.
"Obviously they are," Emma agreed.
"It's not nice."
"It's kind of nice."
"Well... yeah, I mean I enjoy it, sure. But we're trying to not be horny."
"I don't think that's our strong suit."
"No," Misty sighed. "It isn't."
It only got worse. At first it was just Jenna, Sierra, and Eve teasing them. Slowly, other classmates picked up on the game. Even some of the boys, who seemed curious and fascinated by the two girls wandering around with massive tents in their shorts. More than one boy was sporting a tent of their own, though they did their best to hide them.
"We gettin' gang-flashed by the whole class or what?" Emma asked.
"I believe we are, yes," Misty said absently. "So about that idea of just grabbing a couple and bending them over right here...."
Emma giggled. "Can't get away with it, I don't think."
"I know. But still."
"Plus we're not really in any shape for fucking. And as horny as our classmates are, I don't think getting their bums pounded in front of everyone else is really what their game is about."
"No. Probably not."
The girls paused as they got flashed again.
"Kinda enjoying the show, at least," Emma murmured.
"Yeah. Me too."
They made it through a fairly impressive percentage of their class, all things considered, before disaster struck. Misty, still attempting to participate to some degree, bent down to grab a ball that was passing. In doing so, her poor stressed shorts couldn't hang on any longer. They tore with quite a loud ripping sound, and when she stood up was utterly dismayed to see her cock had burst right through.
Misty looked immediately toward Emma, who was rather unhelpful actually. Emma only had a look of awe and lust on her face.
"Damn, babe," Emma said reverently. "Your cock just burst out."
"I am aware."
"That's... damn. I kinda want you right now."
"Focus, Em. What am I gonna--"
It was too late to do anything. Already Eve had skipped up next to her.
"Ooh, what ya got there?" Eve purred. "Cock out, huh?"
"Not on purpose. My shorts ripped," Misty said with a pout.
"Hehe. Yeah they did."
More classmates accumulated around them. Any boys who noticed were particularly fascinated, as they weren't used to Misty and Emma and their constant horniness. Misty found it all rather humiliating, but in that sort of way that made her all tingly and led to precum dripping from her erection.
Misty clung close to Emma, holding on to her hand as she got quite a lot of stares all at once. As usual, Emma was the only thing giving her enough confidence to be so exposed in a public location. Misty's exhibitionist streak rather depended on her girlfriend's emotional support and comforting presence. It was one thing to show off somewhere she felt in control, or at least when others were naked too. It was quite another to be the centre of attention in the middle of a class.
This was the sort of thing that had been happening a lot lately, deliberately or otherwise. As anxious as Misty got about it at times, she kind of loved it too, and she was generally bold enough that she could get past her fears. Especially if she had Emma beside her.
To her shock, Emma only let her take all the stares and attention for a moment before pulling her own shorts down and exposing herself too. Misty looked at her, and Emma only smiled back.
"In this together, babe," Emma whispered.
Misty smiled gratefully, already feeling more at ease, though no less embarrassed and horny at the situation.
The two erect girls attracted a larger and larger crowd until their teacher had no choice but to notice and do something about it. She pushed her way through the group standing around, then sighed and rubbed her face when she saw what was going on.
"Sorry, Miss," Misty said. "My shorts tore."
"And I didn't want her to be embarrassed all alone," Emma added.
"That's... you know this is inappropriate."
"Doesn't always stop them," Sierra called out, to the general snickering of a few other classmates.
Misty flushed at the giggles, but still felt ok holding on to Emma's hand for dear life.
She was entirely unsurprised when they got kicked out of class and back to the locker room. They still had to awkwardly walk their way there with everyone looking. Slowed down, in fact, by Emma's shorts around her knees. Emma eventually gave up and pulled them off all the way, walking fully bottomless to the locker room.
"How come you didn't even wear panties?" Eve asked, jogging slightly to catch up. "Could have helped."
"You saw how much trouble we had getting into shorts," Misty said. "How were we gonna do underwear too?"
"Well... everyone can see your butt plug now, Em," Eve said. "Just saying."
Emma flushed a darker red. "Oh. Oops. Forgot about that."
Misty shrugged. "They mostly all saw your plug while you were changing anyway."
"Not the boys though," Eve reminded them cheerfully before skipping away again.
"Well... everyone got a good look just now anyway," Emma mumbled, furiously red in the face by this point.
Misty, feeling the pressure off her somewhat, held Emma's hand tight and gave all the reassurance she possibly could through touch and proximity until they made it to the relative safety of the locker room again.
The two of them felt much more comfortable once they were alone. All eyes off them. Still quite horny though.
"You know the worst part of that?" Misty asked.
"The embarrassing parts are still embarrassing, but the arousing parts are kind of a waste in our current state."
Emma giggled. "That's a good point. Woulda been nice to at least get a good, hard fuck after everyone seeing my butt plug like that in the middle of class."
"And your erection."
"That too."
"You didn't have to show them all like that, you know."
"I know. But I didn't want you to have to take all the heat like that."
Misty smiled adoringly. "Thanks, babe."
Emma smiled back and kissed her. The kiss turned into a long, deep one, with increasing fondling. The girls' cocks bumped repeatedly into each other, until they finally had to separate, giggling about their anatomy.
Emma stepped away and bent over a bit. Misty just admired the view.
"I think I gotta get this plug out," Emma said. "It's too much."
"But all the cum!"
"I know. But if I'm gonna leak cum everywhere, the showers are probably the place. My butt really just needs a rest."
"Yeah. Mine too."
Misty lovingly helped pull Emma's butt plug out, and indeed a spurt of cum followed, slowing down to a steady trickle running down Emma's thighs. Much the same happened to Misty as Emma pulled her plug out for her.
The girls shed the remainder of their clothing, laughing at the state of themselves as they skipped toward the showers. Or at least moved with as much speed and vim as they could manage. Which was, admittedly, a bit more than they'd managed with butt plugs stuffed in their sore, gaping bums.
They made out some more under the soothing hot spray of water, luxuriating in the privacy they finally had to just be together. They were all warm and slippery, hard or soft against each other in all the right places.
Emma eventually fell to her knees and buried her face in Misty's ass. Misty cooed happily and leaned against the wall while Emma kissed her tender bum all better.
"That's niiiccce," Misty purred.
"Feels a little better?" Emma asked.
"Mmhm. Keep going."
"Hehe, ok."
Emma kept kissing all around, trying to get every little bit that she could. Her efforts turned into french kissing of Misty's gaping butthole, probing inside with her tongue. She got quite a lot of leaking cum for her efforts.
"Your family makes some tasty cum," Emma murmured.
"Ha, even after it's been sitting in my ass so long?"
"Especially then."
Misty giggled. "I've absolutely corrupted you, haven't I?"
Emma dove deep with her tongue again, scooping out more cum. "It needed to happen. I'm glad it was you. I love you, Misty."
Misty blushed, then turned around and patted Emma's head. "Ok, my turn."
Misty did the same for Emma, kissing her sore, gaping bum and giving it some deep, loving licks. She wanted to soothe her girlfriend as much as possible, and also deal with enough cum that maybe she wouldn't need to put her plug back in. There was a lot, though, and no matter how much she ate there always seemed to be more.