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Futa Naked in School Ch. 31

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The school's futa bully attends college naked!
7.7k words

Part 31 of the 37 part series

Updated 06/11/2023
Created 02/25/2022
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Futa Naked in School

Futa Bully's Naughty Week 1: Shelena's Desperate Futa Passion

Shelena Lowell's Week, Monday

Last week sucked.

No one was talking to me. The rest of the football team were shunning me. They were led by Tanisha. Smug bitch. All because that cunt, Salome Cardozo, refused to give me her cherry. I earned it. A fucking year leaving her sniveling, pathetic, wussy of a futa-girlfriend alone. A futa so contemptible, she stood there and watched as I sodomized Salome before the entire student body in the cafeteria last Tuesday.

That had been a glorious moment. I thought I had Salome's cherry. That she would finally give it to me. What was the point? Just fucking her in the ass got old fast. I wanted to steal the precious cherry she was saving for Paloma.

I even used the L word. Love. That never failed to work on a girl. They were all idiots, believing in that true love crap.

There was just fucking. The girl got to cum on my big, Black futa-dick, and I got to explode my jizz in their hot, tight pussies or assholes or even just firing it across their faces like the cheap sluts they were. They were all sluts and whores and skanks.

The Program proved it.

"Hey, Lola," I said, passing the naked blonde on her soapbox surrounded by a cadre of other nude hotties. The Pervert Society had flipped. I had been the one to pop Lola's cherry, one of my best moments. I filmed it and everything. Had her begging me to do it. "Need a ride on a big, Black cock?" I cupped my dick through the skinny jeans I wore, my shaft on full display. With the days heating up, I wore a crop top that hugged my large tits, my nipples hard against the material. Aching. "Got one right here."

Lola burst into laughter. The rest of the Pervert Society joined her.

"Why would we want the most pathetic cock in school?" one of them shouted.

"We want a futa who can get a girl to give up her pussy, not because she forced her!"

"Bullying cunt!"

"You're the saddest futa at our college. I'd rather ride the smallest cock in school than yours. I'd cum harder on it!"

Every girl at my college had hated me since that Tuesday. Looked like it was continuing. I hadn't gotten laid since cumming in Salome's asshole. I had to masturbate for the first time since last summer. My ovaries were on fire. I needed pussy.

"Fuck," I muttered, slinking into the school building. It wasn't long before I reached the auditorium.

"Shelena, Shelena, is the worst!" cheered the cheerleaders as they shook their pompoms, their naked tits jiggling. They'd covered them in the purple and silver of the college's colors, right tit flashing bright, left tit a regal violet. "Watch out girls for her putrid dick!"

I scowled at them and they burst into giggles. It didn't even fucking rhyme!

The football team glared at me. Many of them were getting flak, too, for helping me bully Paloma. April Gore had a hard look on her face and Mbali Arendse glared daggers. Tanisha smirked, her disgusting sex slaves sucking on her girl-dick. The depraved Charisma was a futa and yet loved Tanisha's cock with aplomb.

Futa-faggots were the worst. I couldn't say that or I'd be labeled a homophobe and be in even more shit with everyone.

Sniggers echoed around me as I climbed up to the top row. Girls were grabbing the crotches of the futas they set beside and saying, "Got a better dick right here," or, "Going to be riding her futa-cock and not yours," or "Who needs a monster cock stretching out your pussy when you can have one that fits just right," or, "I'm going to cum so hard on her clit-dick!"

That fucking nerd Candice smirked as her girlfriend, Ginny, gave her a blowjob. Everyone claimed Candice had a bigger cock than me. A White fucking nerd of a futa? Ginny loved it. Another cherry I almost had. I should kick Candice's ass. She put out the footage of me trying to force Ginny.

"Doesn't matter how hard you shove your cock in my cunt, I'll never enjoy it!" taunted Adile, the Turkish lesbian, as I passed where she sat.

"Wouldn't fuck you anyways, dyke," I muttered.

"Liar," she purred. "You're so hard, you'd fuck a dried up, hundred-year-old cunt."

Girls around her burst into laughter.

I reached the top and sat down. I spotted Salome down below. She had to go another week naked as punishment for missing most of last week. She was sitting on Paloma's little cock, making it clear she was riding the futa, working her pussy up and down right here in the middle of the assembly.

I leaned back. How long would this go on? It had to fucking blow over.

President McTaggart came out, the redhead futa too fucking energetic as usual. I tuned it out, not giving a fuck. Whatever girls were chosen, it wouldn't matter. They wouldn't let me touch them Program or no. They'd probably just claim I tried to force them.

The two girls were chosen, stripping naked while all the other futas salivated over their naked bodies. A junior and senior, two girls I didn't know that well. I shifted. I was only a sophomore, but my skill on the football field led me to be starting quarterback. When the fall came, everyone would forget about this as I kicked ass and led us to another victory.

Tanisha would be gone by them. Graduated and out of my hair. She couldn't get in the way of my glory.

"Representing the freshmen, we have Paloma Oleastro!" announced the president.

I rolled my eyes as Paloma cried out so loud in orgasmic rapture, everyone cheering her on for cumming in that slut she was still dating. Paloma licked other futas' cum out of her girlfriend's twat. How disgusting was that?

After disentangling with Salome, Paloma rushed down to stand by the president and strip naked, Salome following along since she was still in the Program, I guessed. President McTaggart then reached into her bag to pull out the final futa name. As usual, it took her a few tries with such narrow options.

"And representing the sophomores is Shelena Lowell."

Excitement burst through me even as a boo rang through the auditorium. President McTaggart seemed taken aback as I sauntered down. Once I was naked and all those horny sluts saw how hung I was, they would be all over me. Girls were controlled by that hole between their thighs. They thought with their hot cunts.

I would get to enjoy so much pussy.

I blew kisses, reveling in the boos. They wouldn't be jeering me for long. I was so hard. I would get off so fast. Paloma was already naked, her little futa-cock, gleaming in pussy juices, stood at attention, fondled by Salome. Her pussy dripped cum. She was shaved now, looked fresh. I bet Paloma was eager to lick her clean.

Fucking futa-pervert.

I reached the bottom and popped off my crop top, exposing my large, ebony breasts. My short hair swayed about my face. I unsnapped my skinny jeans, a pair of lacy panties on beneath. I wiggled out of my jeans and then my panties.

I unveiled my massive cock to all the girls.

The cheerleaders burst into laughter. "Just the Worst!" burst from them as they shook their pompoms.

My cheeks warmed while my dick ached. I was so fucking hard. I needed relief bad.

President McTaggart frowned as she picked up my clothes. "You don't seem that popular, Ms. Lowell."

"College's a bitch," I said with confidence. "When they see what I'm packing, they'll be all over me. Shame I don't take German, I bet your wife would love my dick." The president's wife taught German.

"Probably," said the president without caring. "But staff can't have fun with students, yet."

The students flooded out of the stands. All the girls rushed down with squeals of delight. I was ready, hard and throbbing. I would cum on one of them. The moment they started rubbing my cock. It would be great.

The girls went for Paloma. They surrounded her and Salome. I caught snatches of, "Best futa-girlfriend," and, "You two are so cute together," and, "I love how supportive you are."

No one, not a single girl, so much as looked at me. The futas were all around the two naked chicks. I swallowed, my cheeks burning. Humiliation swirled through me. The cheerleaders all bent over and flashed their asses. They'd painted a phrase across all their rumps: "PUSSY OFF LIMITS!"

"Fucking cunts," I muttered and stalked out of the gym, my futa-dick hard. Some slut would give in. They always did.

My first class after the auditorium was PE. I didn't have to strip naked so I just waited around in the bleachers for everyone to show up. I was hard, my dick throbbing with passion. Both Candice and Ginny were in this class. They were holding hands, Ginny looking naughty with cum drying on her face, when they walked into the gym. She smirked at me and then shoved her hand down Candice's gym shorts.

"You look like you need relief," Coach Miller said. The futa glanced at my hard cock.

"Yeah." I glanced out at the girls. "Any volunteers?"

"Nope," Ginny said, stroking Candice's cock. "Got a bigger one right here."

"Miss Reynolds, stop jerking off Ms. Vance."

"Sorry, Coach," Ginny said and ripped her hand out of her futa-girlfriend's gym shorts.

Loretta Leggieri snorted at me and Alanna Glass mimicked throwing up. I'd fucked that White slut before, too. Liliana Beasley burst into a gale of laughter and her face turned red while Shui Jiang wouldn't look at me.

I tried to jerk off, but I felt so self-conscious I couldn't do it. My cheeks burned with embarrassment. I had to go through PE, which was running around the track, with a hard cock and the largest pair of blue ovaries any futa ever had. The worst part, girls were sneaking off with futas and blowing them along the sides of the equipment shed. Ginny took care of Candice while Alanna was more than willing to swallow Michelle Devreoux's cock. Jacinta Albuquerque had both Liliana and Shui sucking on her girl-dick and gave them both facials. Loretta actually fucked Augusta Pryor, getting pounded hard from behind.

She smirked at me when I saw them and moaned, "Got a real futa fucking me, not a pathetic bitch!"

In the locker room, I showered by myself. None of the girls would come near me and tried to keep their bodies covered in towels to deny me any view of them.

My next class went much the same. No girls wanted to give me relief. I ate alone during my lunch break while Salome was getting fucked by futas and then licked clean by Paloma. She was cumming hard on futa after futa's cock.

I wanted her pussy so badly. If she'd only given me her cherry like she was supposed to, I'd be cock-deep in so much cunt right now.

My pussy burned as I squirmed through my last three classes of the day. My futa-dick throbbing hard. When I slouched out of my last class, I spotted Salome sauntering down the hall, her pussy dripping with cum.

"Hey," I said to her, "You can't be satisfied with Paloma's little cock."

"Why do you think that?" she asked, stopping and giving me a bold look. The Hispanic beauty was petite and feisty. She had her brown hair in a pair of delectable pigtails.

"Because you're fucking every futa with a bigger dick," I said. "That's why. You need them big. You're a size queen. You need a futa who loves with a--"

Salome burst into laughter. My cheeks burned. I squirmed as her mocking jubilation echoed around us. Her head shook. Her small titties jiggled. More white cum dribbled down her golden-brown thighs.

"Oh, that's good," she said. "You loooooveee me. Do I look like an idiot?"

"No," I muttered.

"Every girl at our college knows who you are now," she said. "And I don't fuck other futas because Paloma doesn't make me cum with her clit-dick, I do it because she loves eating futa-cum out of pussy."

"She could lick this cock's cum out of your cunt," I said, grabbing it and shaking it. "She doesn't even have to know. You could experience something big in you."

Her eyes flicked down and a considering look popped into her eyes. I smiled. I knew it. They were all sluts. Then she shook her head and darted away scared of her desires. I took a deep breath. The girls were being stubborn, but their lust for the biggest cocks would win out.

Girls were just too weak not to surrender to their lusts.

* * *


The girls didn't surrender right away. My first period class sucked. I couldn't masturbate the night before, so I was backed up. My pussy had a molten itch that was painful and my futa-dick throbbed and ached with a powerful pulse. My ovaries needed to unload their cum. Then PE went the same as yesterday. The girls ignored me in the locker room and tormented me during class by sneaking off beneath the bleachers to have fun with the futas.

They all grinned at me. "We're so glad you're in class," said a futa named Michelle Devereux. "Getting so much pussy and ass thanks to you."

I almost punched the smug, French futa-bitch in the face. Fucking frogs.

I suffered through third period while dreading eating lunch again when my phone beeped. I fished it out of my bookbag and saw the first text I'd gotten in a week that wasn't insulting. It was from Salome.

"Changed my mind. Meet me in the A/V Club."

I grinned. Finally, I was going to enjoy Salome's pussy. It wouldn't be a cherry cunt, but it would still be great revealing to Paloma that her girlfriend had given in to her lust for me. And once Salome had my cock, she'd be my little whore for the rest of the school year. I'd keep her as a pet, using her at every chance I got.

I whistled as I headed down the hall, not caring that girls gave me disgusted looks. Nothing else mattered. I was getting pussy.

I entered A/V Club's room and fond Salome naked, of course, sitting on a table, her legs crossed, her small breasts thrust out before her because she was leaned back on her left hand. She had a huge grin on her face.

"Hi, Shelena," she said. "I bet you want to fuck me so bad."

"You have no idea," I groaned, stalking towards her, my futa-dick leading the way.

"There have to be a few rules," she said.

"Whatever," I groaned. I was just so horny, I would agree to anything. "I just need some pussy. I'll even lick you clean, just give me that cunt."

"I thought so," she said. "You poor, poor thing. I bet you haven't gotten laid in a week, right? Not since you tried to force me in the cafeteria."

"Sorry," I lied. "I got carried away. I'll make it up to you."

She spread her thighs and revealed her pussy was dripping in cum. Her shaved pussy gleamed with the pearly spunk. I shuddered at the sight of her. This hunger surged through me. I just needed cunt. I didn't care if there was a futa's cum in there. No one would know.

"I'll lick you all clean," I whined. "I'll lick you out and make you cum. Just give me some pussy."

"Sure," she said, "and while you're licking me clean, guess what Paloma's going to do."

"Paloma?" I growled.

I hadn't noticed the Hispanic futa in the corner, her little futa-dick hard. She was petite like Salome, her brown hair in the same sort of pigtails. They often dressed in matching outfits. Paloma stroked her girl-dick.

"Hi," she said. "I love licking out her pussy full of cum. That's my cum in there, too. I fired a lot. I saved up all morning just for this."

"She did," Salome said.

"Fine, I'll lick you clean, just let me please, please, fuck your pussy. I need it. I need it so fucking bad." I couldn't believe how pathetic I sounded. I was whining. Begging. But I needed relief. This was torture. I had gone so long without being in a girl's hole.

A fucking week!

"Good, you eat me out and let Paloma fuck you in the ass, and then you can get off," Salome said. "Have a powerful orgasm. Won't that be wonderful to get off?"

"Yes!" I groaned, glancing at Paloma and her small futa-dick. Would I really feel that in my asshole? My pussy clenched, aching for stimulation. My girl-cock had to be in something. I needed to cum.

No one would know. There'd be no proof that I did something like this. I'd still be a sexy and feminine futa, not one of those perverts who did things with other cocks. My futa-dick throbbed, begging to be in something.


"I'll do it," I groaned.

"Then get licking," Paloma said, advancing. Her small breasts jiggled, her brown nipples hard. "Devour all my cum out of Salome's pussy."

"Apologize for being the worst fucking futa at our college!" Salome smiled. "Girls are finally coming clean about all the ways you pressured them into sex. Maybe if you're a good, pathetic futa-wuss, they'll forgive you."

"Lick enough pussies clean of cum..." Paloma shrugged. "Start with my Salome's."

"You can't tell anyone about this," I whimpered. "I have a rep."

"We won't tell a soul," Salome said and crossed her heart, her finger sliding over her small tit. "Now get licking so my futa can start fucking. I want to see her pounding your Black ass!"

I licked my lips and then bent over. My ebony hands grasped Salome's brown thighs. I slid up them, caressing her as I nuzzled my face down to her pussy. The spicy musk of her cunt mixed with the salty aroma of Paloma's cum.

I grimaced. I couldn't believe I was doing this. I wasn't a fan of eating pussy--it was something you did to fuck a girl--but one with cum seemed worse. But I had to do it. I closed my eyes and plunged my face forward.

I pressed my lips into the hot folds of Salome's pussy. I felt the sticky feel of Paloma's girl-spunk. It coated my lips. I shuddered and then flicked my tongue out. I dragged it through the mix of fluids, gathering up another futa's jizz along with Salome's spicy cream.

The salty and spicy flavors mixed on my tongue.

They were... all right.

I licked again, gathering up the spunk. I could do this. I just tried not to think about the fact I was licking up Paloma's spunk. It had such a salty flavor. It was so present, spiced by her cunt cream. My tongue flicked out again, dragging through her folds, scooping up that futa-cum.

"Ooh, I think you like licking my pussy full of a futa's spunk," Salome purred. "Yeah, you just love that, don't you?"

I shivered, fearing to answer. It wasn't disgusting at all. It wasn't a terrible flavor. And her pussy tasted good. The spicy and salty tastes went great together. I blushed, refusing to answer as I licked again, my tongue darting through her folds and brushing her clit.

"Now's your turn, Paloma," purred Salome. "I want to see that cute futa-dick sliding into Shelena's bowels. Ass-fuck her hard! She deserves it!"

"Yes, she does!" Paloma said with enthusiasm.

The nerdy cunt pressed her futa-dick into my butt-crack. My futa-dick gave an excited twitch, my pussy clenching. I groaned, feeling my own cunt cream trickling down my thighs and my shaft. I was so wet and excited right now.

Because I hadn't cum in a week. That was all. I certainly wasn't going to enjoy this.

Paloma's futa-dick felt bigger than I thought it was between my butt-cheeks. I knew she had a small cock, and yet there was some girth. I thrust my tongue into Salome's pussy, concentrating on her cunt, on the spicy cream and the salty cum I found in her depths.

"Ooh, yes, yes, scoop all my futa-girlfriend's cum out of me!" moaned Salome, her body shuddering. Her pigtails danced. "Just lick it all out while Paloma's sodomizes you."

"Yes," Paloma moaned, her futa-dick finding the puckered opening of my asshole. She pressed her girl-dick right there against my sphincter.

Goddess, I was so pathetic to do this. I just wanted to fuck pussy so badly I was letting myself being used. My asshole tingled as her girl-dick rubbed against it. She was wet with Salome's pussy juices and maybe some sort of lube.

She pressed forward.

I groaned into Salome's pussy. My virgin asshole surrendered to the Hispanic futa's cock. Her clit-dick's tip pressed and pressed against my anal ring. It widened more and more. Heat burned in my asshole and melted down to my cunt.

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