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Futanari Sexperiment Ch. 01


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"No defiance, no attempts to escape," Emilie intoned dryly. He nodded and deftly undid the buckles around her wrist and elbow. Slowly, she stretched out her arm. He said nothing and moved to her other side. She waited patiently as he undid the rest of the straps, knowing that she was likely to be unsteady on her feet. Three days, despite the amount of sleep, had given her time to think and process the situation. If her math was right, she'd been taken captive over a week ago. The loss of all that time did not bode well for her.

"You should be able to pull yourself up," he instructed. She stretched her arms and then managed the task with little issue. There was a bit of soreness along her back and left leg, but considering the injuries she had sustained...

Her legs swung over the edge of the bed, and she straightened up, stretching her arms above her head. It was almost ridiculous how good this simple act felt.

"Looks like the treatments have been very effective. I am certain you are pleased with the results," he commented, offering a hand to help her off the bed. Her feet hit the floor soon enough and she pulled herself up without his assistance, becoming increasingly aware of an odd weight between her legs.

"Yay for science?" she remarked, careful to not sound overly sarcastic. He smirked slowly at her and reached out, placing his hand on her lower back, directing her attention to a pair of slippers which she was glad enough to slide on. As they walked out of the room, she became increasingly aware of a mass that swung and shifted with every step.

"What did you do?" she asked, coming to a sudden stop in the middle of the hallway. She looked down the front of her hospital gown before her hand slid along the material.

"Ah, one of the enhancements I spoke of. I won't lie, it's been a particular fetish of mine, and since I had you, I thought, why not make it come true?"

"You... you gave me a dick!" She groped around, feeling a burst of sensation from a body part that had never before existed.

"I enjoy the intimacies of a woman's body. But I also like seeing how men reacted to having their cocks played with. Why not combine the two?" He spoke casually as if he'd simply given her a haircut.

Her hand fell away from her body, and she pulled back slowly, staring at him. Her brain seemed to not want to work, and she brought her hands to her temples. She had a dick. She'd felt proof of it.

This was not something she'd had time to consider. She'd simply believed that he was increasing the arousal and response of her clitoris and other areas. Pervert, but it was something she'd deal with, and escape or stop him at the right time. Now, even if she managed to escape, and someone found out about her...

"You bastard." She buried her face in her hands. Take a deep breath. Count to ten. Don't panic. You're alive and have your facilities. Use them at the proper time. She lifted her hands from her face and turned back to see him staring at her. "Oh, fuck you, Doctor Tymbry." She let out a snort.

"Well, that is what we will be doing in due time, but I think you would prefer a walk at this time, hmm?"

She stared at him for a moment before turning away. Her surroundings were the most high-tech she had ever seen. It made the comfortable middle class she had once been familiar with as a maid look like the slums that still plagued certain pockets of this powerful metropolis. The room she'd been kept in was his library. The windows in the living room gave her a dizzying view of the city, and she reeled back, gasping softly. She'd never been this high in her entire life.

"Quite the view, isn't it?" he whispered.

"This is the Upper Circle!"

"Lower Upper, actually. But certainly Upper enough. This is my apartment and private lab."

Emilie pondered his words. He had enough power and rank to have her brought here. But then, who would be the first to take advantage of whatever scientific advancements the best and brightest of this fair megalopolis had to offer? She'd heard stories of the most powerful of the ruling class taking prisoners and having them modified for their purposes.

She was now a hermaphrodite, for this man's pleasure. What unpleasant surprise awaited her next?

"The kitchen and lavatory. You may read whatever you want in the library and watch any movies or shows you like. I expect you to keep this reasonably tidy." He stroked his chin. "Your transition is mostly over, but a couple of sessions and blood draws are still required. But for now, you can take a rest. Take a shower, read a book, have something to eat..."

In stony silence, she turned back to the window.

"There is also a treadmill, should you get restless."

"Restless?" She turned back to him. "I'm not leaving this apartment?"

"Not for a while, at least."

"Oh jeez." She closed her eyes and rubbed her forehead.

"And the entrance is impervious to escape attempts," he added.

"Naturally. Can't have your little lab experiment running around free?"

He merely laughed at that.


She stepped into the shower, subject to luxury she'd never experienced. The bathroom floor heated itself, and she had several soaps to choose from. Leaning back against the curtain, she gave a low sigh as her hands slid down her stomach, preparing to face the inevitable. Her fingers trailed along an arc of pubic hair before coming to the protrusion which she knew was her cock. When she rubbed the head lightly, it felt eerily similar to when she had rubbed her clitoris in the past.

Pulling the foreskin back, she rubbed the organ gently as she washed it. The entire package fit comfortably in her cupped hand, and she pressed it against herself, squirming under the pressure applied to this new piece of her sex.

A sac sat tight against the base of her cock, leaving just enough room for her vagina. The outer labia stretched a bit, some of their skin going into the formation of her sac. This was such a surreal experience. I have a fucking cock and balls, she mused. Okay, that's enough of that! She pulled her hands away and ministered to the rest of herself. When she came out, she pulled on the tunic and loose calf-length pants he'd left for her. They were considered casual, even lounge-wear by many and were a fashion popular among the upper and middle classes. The lower classes even had their version of the outfit, even though most of them had considerably less leisure time than their superiors.

Well, it was better than the hospital gown she was wearing before. The cheery light teal of the fabric, like the warm sea-waters of a tropical sea on a white beach, brought out the color of her eyes. Did that crazy scientist actually have some fashion sense or was it just a fluke? She quickly brushed her hair out with her fingers after wringing out the excessive dampness with a towel.

"This lifestyle already suits you," he commented as she walked out to the living room where he sat, now clad in a comfortable pair of pants and a buttoned shirt that was un-tucked.

"Never thought I'd take up the lifestyle of a futanari concubine, but..." She shrugged.

"It's hardly a bad thing to be in this world. So how did your exploration in the shower go?"

Her eyes widened as she stared at him, and he grinned. "You had to see what I did to you. You touched yourself to see what had become of you."

She glared at him for a couple of moments before she spoke. "It is unsettling."

"I suppose it is, but you'll become used to it, especially after you see what pleasures can be gained from it." He reached down to slowly grope his crotch, and she blinked as she saw his flesh bulge against the fabric. "I've been a beneficiary of my research, as well." His gaze drifted downward as the bulge grew, straining against the fabric that restrained it.

"Let me guess, you made your cock bigger?"

"Don't women often seek or desire lovers that are well-endowed?" He grinned. "I might spend a lot of time in the lab, but even I am well aware of that fact."

She rolled her eyes at that. So the elite and the lower class were not much different in that aspect. It was almost comforting to know that two such disparate groups had in common such a primal aspect.

"Yes, lots of women say that, but there is a such thing as too much." She sighed and placed her hands on her hips. "Like what you did to me."

His hand stilled but remained on his groin as he stared up at her over the black frame of his glasses. "I offer you a life of comfort and security. Much better than what you could realistically expect out there. I believe that in time you will come to see this as a reasonable arrangement."

She chose to press the issue no further and turned towards the kitchen. She would see her meal options and better orient herself with her surroundings. Everything in this suite was much nicer than she was used to, but she was able to locate cups and cutlery, and the fridge had several different drinks and other items, several of which she did not recognize. However, some were still pretty discernible, such as condiments. From the looks of it, the scientist preferred easy-to-make meals.

Despite her hunger, her stomach was still in knots, so she decided that her safer option was a glass of water. Filling a glass from the faucet, she leaned against the counter, taking several lips before she saw that the scientist was still on the couch, now staring at her.

"You aren't doing anything to dispel the whole 'creepy mad scientist' vibe, you know," she commented dryly. He tilted his head back and let out a short chuckle before he rose from his seat, approaching her. She slid back a step, then another as he advanced on her, his gaze fixed on her face.

"I've always been weird, But then, I'm the one who has a thing for futanari." He chuckled self-deprecatingly. He frowned as she ducked when he reached out to touch her.

"There will be none of that. I put you in my quarters because I thought it might be more comfortable for you, but would you prefer to be alone in a lab cell?" he asked, an undertone of warning hinting at the menace he was infamous for.

"Talk about being between a rock and a hard place," she said with a huff. "I don't want to end up like that, but... is it too much for me to hope for just a little bit of patience from you?" His hand hovered in the air, inches from her head, and she felt her heart pounding. She quickly took another sip of water.

"Drink some more of that," he commented as he moved his hand closer, and she stiffened as it came to rest on her shoulder. The fingers trailed up to her neck, their flesh slightly cool. She turned her head to stare out the window as she felt herself being touched by the man who'd kidnapped her and experimented on her. This had to be a bad dream, she hoped. What had become of her friends?

"Where are they?" she whispered after several more sips. "My friends?" And cousin, she mentally added, but Dr. Tymbry had to know that already. Hell, if it wasn't for her cousin, she and Dr. Tymbry never would have crossed paths. And then he wouldn't have developed his stupid crush on her...

"Ahh." He shrugged. "They have been arrested for their crimes and will be processed by the justice system."

"Which has never been too favorable to those of limited resources," she reminded him. He drew closer, his hand moving up to her face and caressing her cheek.

"That is true," he agreed conversationally as his fingers moved up to her temple delicately as if he were examining a crystal statue. "Fortunately, you have a friend in a high place." His hand moved back down to her neck before a finger trailed along her jaw. She had to resist the urge to slap the wandering hand away.

"I wouldn't call this friendship." Finally, she could take it no longer and reached up with her free hand to wrap her fingers around his wrist. She slowly pulled it away, and he offered no resistance. "Didn't you have plenty of opportunity to touch me when I was passed out?" She recalled how he'd touched her while she was awake, and wondered what he'd done while she wasn't.

"My ministrations of you at that time were primarily medical and scientific. There's not much fun in otherwise touching a body that offers you no response." With a deft movement, he slipped his hand from her grip and took hold of her arm, lifting the sleeve and looking at the fading remains of the scrape she'd incurred during her attempts to flee her pursuers.

"Speaking of medical attention, how do you feel? Is there anything in particular that hurts?"

"A little soreness, but I looked at myself in the bathroom and it wasn't hard to figure out why." And of course, there's the fact that I have a dick, but this bastard doesn't see anything wrong with that.

He nodded and released his grip.

"Let's get more comfortable, hmm?" He tilted his head in the direction of the couch. She stiffened, but his warning from earlier propelled her forward, and she sat down near one end of the couch, leaning on the armrest, closing her eyes for several moments as she felt the cushions shift under the scientist's weight.

"Should I put on some music?" he asked. She shrugged, there really was nothing that he could do to improve this situation, she told herself.

"Stereo on -- Eine Kleine Nachtmusik," he commanded. Immediately, classical music started playing, and she listened to the notes for several seconds. Her eyes slowly opened as the music continued playing, surprised that she and this mad scientist had something in common.

Real instruments were rare nowadays to the general public and usually appeared in the homes of the wealthy, or at upscale establishments and museums. Otherwise, the instruments she'd seen in the homes of the poorer folks had been handed down through generations. With her trained ear, she could tell that this was a recording of a bona fide instrument, instead of the synthesized notes that came from the computers used to create music.

"I have the feeling that you would find popular romantic music to not be conducive to the mood, so..." He waved his hand in the air.

"This is better," she acknowledged. "Is it something you enjoy?"

"For various occasions, yes." He seemed pleased at her question. "Do you have any other preferences when it comes to music?"

"This or that song," she replied vaguely, not wishing to reveal too much about herself. Who knew what he might use to manipulate her? "Classic is good." She turned her head to stare out the window at the glittering lights of the other residences in this elite strata. Patches of green were visible, offering evidence of rooftop gardens and orchards, and along the clean, uncluttered public walkways that were a far cry from the rubbish-strewn twists and turns of much of the Lower City.

She fought the urge to flee as he moved closer, shifting around and causing their knees to touch before she felt his hand on her thigh, just above her knee. She kept her thighs pressed together, although she didn't doubt he would soon have things otherwise.

"You are so stiff. Though not in the way I'd prefer," he said, casting her a meaningful glance.

"What do you want me to do about that?" she asked, trying to not make her tone too acidic. "These circumstances aren't exactly conducive to my mood, and I'd rather just get this... over with. You want to fuck me, then go ahead. Bend me over this sofa and have at it." She waved her hand through the air in the near-universal gesture for 'proceed' or 'go ahead'

"Hmm." He regarded her with a faint smirk, stroking his chin as he weighed his options. "I could inject you with something that would temporarily increase your arousal and make you much more receptive to my attention."

"I might say that that's just an artificial means, but I'm sure you don't care about that," came her biting reply.

"Actually, I do. I'm not afraid to use it if I must, but frankly, it'd be so much easier for both of us if you could try to relax. Increased sensitivity and arousal were among your modifications, and I'd prefer to not augment that with outside means." His hand slid further up her leg, and she shifted around, her hands curled into fists at her sides. His fingers lightly dug into her thigh as he leaned his head against her shoulder.

"You smell nice," he whispered.

"... Thanks," came her reply. His hand moved further up her leg, and when his fingers brushed against the new part of her anatomy, she instinctively pulled back.

"It just feels really weird to me. I-" she swallowed, hoping she had not upset him... too much. He was a man who held most if not all of the power here, and he could dispose of her in pretty much any manner she wished.

"Then let us start with something more familiar," the dark-haired man said as he lifted his hand, and without preamble, cupped it over her breast, massaging it.

The familiarity he mentioned was indeed a wise decision on his part, and she found herself able to tolerate his attentions. If I can just close my eyes, and imagine myself somewhere else, she mused as she felt the hand press against her breast in a slow circular motion, fingers squeezing the firm flesh.

Within moments she recalled one of the things he'd told her about her so-called enhancements. Her body was supposed to be more responsive, and she realized all too well how correct he was as her nipples hardened under the fabric.

"Does this feel nice?" she heard him ask. Blushing furiously, she fixed her gaze at a point past his shoulder. His hands quickly slid under her shirt, tugging it up to reveal mid-sized, perky breasts with nipples a pleasing shade between tan and pink. He took a nipple between thumb and finger rolling it and tugging at it. Faint, pleasurable tingles passed through her chest, and she bit back a moan. She dared a peek at his face. His eyes were half-lidded, peering at her tits above the rim of his glasses.

He lowered his head to her other breast, and a small cry escaped her throat when he rubbed his tongue against the nipple firmly after capturing it between his teeth with measured care.

Her fists dug against the couch as she tried to maintain neutrality towards his attention. He copped one breast, massaging it and rubbing its nipple with his thumb while he licked and nibbled the other, and Emilie could not deny the way her body was responding to him.

He lifted his head, staring down at her. Gently, his hands slid along her breasts before cupping them, curling his fingers and tugging at both of her nipples simultaneously. She kept her eyes closed, pressing a fist to her forehead as she bit her lower lip.

"Mmm. I do good work, don't I? Some men might have also made your breasts bigger, but I think they're lovely just as they are." He tugged her nipples again, and Emilie clenched her inner thighs. What would it be like to have his continue his ministrations, down there? Well, she would soon find out, she grimly acknowledged.

One hand remained on her chest, but the other one reached up to cup her face.

"Look at me, my dear," he whispered. She kept her face averted, and he brought his face closer, so she could feel his breath against her cheek and ear. "I want you to be aware of who has done this to you. Who is doing this to you. You are mine now, Emilie. Here, you are safe. But only here." His whisper carried the faint bite of a warning.

She tilted her face toward him and opened her eyes, in a deliberate but quick enough manner.

"You know, you really do have very lovely eyes." He stared at her quietly for several moments, and her gaze registered the aquiline nose and angular cheekbones. His hand slid from her breast to the small of her back, and he closed his lips onto hers as he pulled her close.

Just barely in time did she fight the urge to pull back. She kept her hands down, and her back became a rigid column as she felt his tongue slide along her lower lip. This was followed by a gentle tug from his teeth before he broke the kiss.

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