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Gail Joins Dareius

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Shy wife attracts large man.
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If you have not read our postings I'll tell you what we look like. Firstly, this is all real. We are on our thirties; I am 5'10", in reasonable shape. My wife Gail is an exceptionally beautiful and intelligent woman, soft spoken and very shy. She is 5'7" with a young girls figure, long shapely legs, small breasted, and a picture perfect behind. Her light brown hair blondes in the sun and she has the loveliest green eyes. I am from Chile, where we are living and working now, Gail is an American.

Every summer we take our holidays in and around the South of France. A few years ago while visiting France we met Tamara, an elderly British lady living in Cannes. Gail and Tamara quickly became friends. Through that friendship we were introduced to many very delightful people and especially one Italian couple, Giancomo and Gabriella, with whom we cemented a strong and continuing bond. All rights reserved HadrianM

* * *

This year Gail's friend Tamara had an urgent visit to the UK which we learned of at the very last minute. Rather than rush about making new plans, we spent the time that had been planned to visit Tamara relaxing in our favorite hotel in Antibes, where we met an exciting American couple, Mark and Carol.

Our friends Giancomo and Gabriella had worked out this year's holiday plan. We were all going to stay on board their boat and sail the Mediterranean for the rest of our holiday with a few port visits along the way.

At the end of our visit in Antibes we decided to invite our new friends Mark and Carol to Monte Carlo where we all boarded Giancomo's beautiful yacht the Gabbiano Blanco. Our new friends stayed one night, excited to be in Monaco for the first time. We gave them an introductory visit through Monte Carlo, and it impressed them enough to make them want to return. We bade them goodbye the next day for their return to Antibes and we made promises to keep in contact.

Now that Gail and I were alone, we had booked and just finished two hours of morning tennis and were back on the boat. I was in my briefs in the middle of the king size bed and Gail was topless holding a pillow over her breasts, both arms wrapped around the pillow. She was mumbling about what she would wear to Giancomo's corporate reception that we were again invited to this year.

Gabriella had called in the morning and spoke with Gail for a good while. She and Giancomo were due to arrive in Monaco this evening. We would spend two more days preparing the stores for the Gabbiano while Giancomo attended to his annual meetings.

We remembered the buzz of activity when we previously attended Giancomo's conference. He had meetings in the hotels during the day and there was a cocktail party on the boat before and after the Reception at the Fort Antoine Theatre. It was quite a fling the first time we attended. We expected this time would be just as exciting. I also remembered that Gabriella had said the gathering was very important to Giancomo.

My mobile phone rang and I looked at the caller. It was a 377 call, our friend Peter in Monaco. Strange, he calls Chile to reach us when we are almost around the corner. "It's Peter," I mentioned to Gail, and asked, "What if he invites us?"

"We still haven't had lunch," she commented, seemingly disinterested.

When I accepted Peter's lunch invitation he asked where we were. When I told him we were on the boat he did not seem surprised and suggested he bring Chinese food to us. Gail thought it was a great idea, and forty five minutes later I greeted Peter on deck and carried one of the bags laden with box upon box and plastic plates and Chinese food.

Gail suggested eating in our cabin because there were often guests of Giancomo visiting the Gabbiano. Before Peter arrived she changed into a sleeveless shirt and an old pair of loose shorts and I noticed she didn't bother with panties. Even so simply dressed Gail looked sexy, the shirt allowed her bra-less breasts to gently highlight her nipples. I had followed her lead and donned a tennis shirt and shorts.

Peter was happy to see us but made his greeting brief. "Let's eat this while it's hot," he suggested, while slipping his shoes off. Gail used bathroom towels as place mats and we started to enjoy a very complete array of excellent food.

Gail was sitting cross legged on the bed, her back to the wall with food on towels on both sides. I was sitting in a chair to her right on the far side of the room, using a small lamp table, and Peter in a chair using the bed as a table, on her left near the bathroom.

Halfway through the meal I realized we didn't have anything to drink. I rose and asked, "Soft drinks anyone?" Then I added, "Or wine." Both Peter and Gail said wine, Gail adding, "White, please."

I went up to the galley and chose a cooled white wine and three glasses, and returned. When I was pouring the wine I realized that Gail had stretched her right leg out and had her left leg crossed beneath her. Her shorts looked pretty loose around her crossed leg and I knew she had no underwear. I wondered if Peter was able to see under the shorts, and if Gail knew.

We ate much too much, and we talked and enjoyed each other's company for another hour. I went upstairs for another bottle of wine and when I returned Gail had moved her left leg up and it was bent at the knee. I knew Peter could see under her shorts because as I placed the wine in the cooler I could see clear to the top of her thigh.

Last year Gail and I had agreed that there would be no sex with Peter mostly because I thought he was too enamored of her. She agreed. For some reason I didn't feel concerned at the moment but when I saw Gail moving her leg in rhythm to the music that was playing in the room, I knew she was teasing Peter.

Gail was usually pretty reserved about making the first move with anyone, but with Peter she seemed to have shed her reserve. The times she was with him or when we were all together were always pretty exciting. What I was uncomfortable with was that Peter seemed to expect to be with Gail whenever we met and more importantly, I thought he might be in love with her.

My phone rang. I looked at the screen. "Giancomo calling," I announced, and I started to walk out of the room. "Excuse me; I'll be back in a few." Gail looked to me without comment and Peter innocently said, "Sure."

As I closed the door I slowed it enough to keep it from clicking shut and wondered if they had noticed.

I opened my phone greeting Giancomo while heading upstairs for the clearest reception. We actually talked for a while, maybe ten or fifteen minutes. When finished I took the opportunity to call my new friend Carol, in Antibes, using the hotel number. She sounded happy to hear from me. "OK to talk? I asked.

"Yes, Mark is in the restaurant, I can see him from the balcony." We talked lightly at first and when I mentioned that I was thinking about her, she said, "That's all I have been thinking about Rian."

Then I shared my thoughts, "Carol, if I were able to arrange getting you on board for part of this trip, would you be able to join us?"

"For how long", she asked and after a pause "What would I tell Mark?"

I laughed, "I mean for both of you to come." We laughed together and I added, "Problem is that when we sail we will be gone for at least 5 or 6 days before you can leave."

"I can see what my mom says. She's the baby sitter," Carol said. "Can you call back, I'll ask?"

"Sure, when shall I call," I asked.

"In fifteen minutes," Carol said.

I laughed again expecting her to say tomorrow. "Ok, I'll call back," I said, and then added softly, "Miss you."

"Me too," Carol added and we signed off.

I was anxious to go back to our cabin but restrained myself long enough to call back. Carol answered immediately. "Yes" she said. "Mom agreed but I still have to talk to Mark. I think he will agree, he is really taken with Gail," and I heard her softly laugh.

"That's great," I added. "Now I'll have to ask the boat owner, I'm pretty sure there is a cabin. I'll let you know tomorrow afternoon." We exchanged a few smoochy words for a minute or two and signed off.

I went down below deck and approached our cabin. I was walking quietly but for no reason as the hall is heavily carpeted. The door was still only partially closed. I pressed the door lightly and it moved open, just enough to see part of the room. I was looking from the foot of the bed and saw the whole side of the bed near the bathroom. Gail was leaning back on her elbows with her legs over the edge of the bed, I was looking at her left side, her breast partly showing under her arm.

She had taken off her shorts, and Peter had his head between her legs. I could hear the sounds of his mouth. Gail had her head laid back and her eyes were closed. I watched her raise her groin upward a few times. Peters hand crept to her belly and then started to slide under her shirt to her breasts. The contrast of his black arm on the whiteness of her belly was erotic. I could only see the top of his head and his right shoulder which was bare.

More than a month ago Gail had agreed with me that before she started anything with Peter, that she would discuss it with me. Here she was again having sex with Peter and nothing was discussed. Strangely enough I was not bothered by her ignoring our understanding and I wondered why I was being so imprudent with my treasure. I had Carol on my mind. I closed the door and went back to the upper deck, fixed a drink and sat looking at the shore activity.

I went back to our cabin about twenty minutes later. Gail was sitting in the middle of the bed in her shorts, and Peter was sitting in the same chair, his shoes off, resting his feet on the bed. They both nonchalantly greeted me as If nothing had been going on.

About a half hour later Peter left with our assurance that we'd be in contact with him as soon as we knew our schedule.

Around nine thirty that evening Giancomo and Gabriella arrived. It was obvious the Captain had been informed as there were three crew members waiting. Ten minutes after the hugs and hello's of their arrival, Gail and Gabriella were sitting on the fore deck chatting away, laughing, drinking wine and eating pizza that was delivered. Giancomo and I talked in the lounge for a good while and then we called to the girls that we were retiring. When Gail came down it was well after midnight, and her moving about woke me.

Once in bed she scooted close to me and rested her hand on my chest. I could smell the freshness of the soap she had just used. The cabin was dark so I spoke to the ceiling. "All caught up?" I asked. I could feel Gail, smile.

"Yes, I know everything that they've done since we saw them in Chile," Gail answered.

"Humm," I sounded, adding, "What with all the phone calls I thought you were already informed."

"Well now I know the spicy details," Gail continued.

I interrupted her as she started to speak again, "What happened to our agreement about Peter?" I asked.

Gail paused a while, her finger tapped my chest before she answered, "I thought that your leaving was a kind of consent," she responded, her voice rose at the ending in a questioning tone.

I considered her answer and responded, "I guess that's not an unfair assumption. I could have stayed. But I saw you teasing him and... I guess... I guess I don't know what I was thinking."

Gail didn't say anything. I continued, "I saw him between your legs, did you suck his cock?

I could feel Gail nod, "Yes," she said.

"Did he cum in your mouth?"

"No," she paused, "I took it out and he came on my chest."

"Did you make love?" I asked.

"No." Gail answered, and after a long pause, "... He wanted to, but we didn't."

I mulled over her answer then nodded once or twice and whispered, "Odd I didn't get excited watching." I could feel Gail move her head to look toward me in the darkness. Then without speaking she cuddled closer, her breast resting on my arm, and we slept.

The next two days the boat would be humming with activity. Giancomo had meetings in the hotel conference rooms during the first day. There was a cocktail party planned on the boat this evening at 8PM. The next evening the reception was planned at Fort Antoine and then a small group party on the boat after dinner at Bice.

The next morning Gail and Gabriella spent the day shopping. I tried to line up a game of tennis but could not get a convenient time so I called Peter and invited him to lunch. He arrived with a big grin and a lovely very blond woman. I later learned that she was Swedish, and her name was Kajsa. Watching their interaction I gathered she was already a pretty close friend. Though he was disappointed that Gail was not with me he was somewhat content when I invited them to the cocktail party that evening.

Because I knew we would have little time to get together with Peter on this visit, I was hoping that the invitation would provide a reprieve. As it turned out, we didn't spend ten minutes together at the party.

I was also hoping it would not be considered cheeky of me for having invited him to the party. After all, it was not my party. I made mental note to ask Giancomo before he saw Peter at the party.

I watched Gail prepare herself for the cocktail party. She had just spent the day shopping with Gabriella. The new clothes she purchased that afternoon were laid out on the bed whilst she was sitting in a short silky robe putting on makeup; her hair was pulled up and off her face which made her neck look a yard long. She would glance up to me and smile when she saw me admiring her.

Gail's confidence when I was looking at her never failed to amaze me. Most girls would have asked, "Do I look okay?" or "Something wrong?" If it was me looking at her Gail knew that it was because I was admiring her and she always gave me a warm confident smile in return.

When I started to put my jacket on Gail asked me to wait so that we could go up on deck together. I draped my jacket on the end of the small two person couch and sat down half watching her and half watching the TV DVD which was playing an Italian show that was actually pretty sexy.

There had been no time until this moment to discuss my lunch with Peter so I tuned down the TV and told Gail about Kajsa. She was silent. I looked at her reflection in the mirror and she was shaking her head.

"How sad," was all that she said.

I didn't understand her meaning until she added. "Poor Phyllis. I guess that means that their marriage is finished."

How selfish it was of me, I thought. His wife Phyllis had not even entered my mind. I should have known that would be Gail's first thought. She came from a marriage committed family, her parents had a remarriage repeat-ceremony after many years of marriage.

At about 8:15 our boat wireless phone rang. I answered and Gabriella immediately started teasing me, "Promise to dance with me and hold me very close tonight?"

I answered, "I'd be glad to hold you close, even without dancing."

"It's easier to make you excited if we are moving," Gabriella whispered. "May I speak to your lady?" she asked.

I handed Gail the phone and the girls spoke and laughed for a few minutes. Gail informed, "She's coming down so we can walk in together. Giancomo isn't back yet so you have to escort us both."

Gail rose from the makeup table and took off her robe. She only wore a light beige thong. Her perfect breasts, small enough so that they were never hanging, are crowned with pinkish brown aureole and the slight chill had her nipples clearly showing. Gail reached for her dress and carefully slipped it over her head. I watched every move she made and she was enjoying my attention.

When she was dressed I breathed a sigh at how beautiful she looked. Her face was made up softly, a lot of white around her eyes, and soft reddish rouge high on her cheeks. She was wearing an off-white dress that had a border of the same material in a soft gold color just above her breasts, with buttons between her breasts. I assumed the buttons were tight enough to keep it up because it had no straps. Her back was bare and enticing. The dress buttoned in front from top to bottom with matching white buttons that seemed to disappear into the color of the fabric.

It was a material that gave me the impression that in the right light I would be able to see through the cloth. It was some inches above her knees, and had a thin very light green and beige thread belt knotted on the side.

She was wearing beige shoes that had no back, decorated lightly with a light brown grainy leather across the front. Her legs were bare. A small white gold heart with black and yellow diamonds was pinned at the top of her dress near her heart. Her hair was up on her head where a small comb with colorful stones was embedded. She wore no jewelry around her neck and the combination of her bare chest and long neck made her look absolutely elegant. "You look like Aphrodite," I said.

There was a tap at the door and Gabriella entered without our answering. She looked at Gail and said, "Lo credo bene..." you look beautiful, rolling her head from side to side. I believed the Italian head movement meant that she wasn't too surprised.

Gabriella looked just as spectacular. She wore a short yellow dress of three pieces each piece overhanging the other, ending halfway up her thigh. It was loose and tempting to watch because I kept thinking it would move higher. It had small shoulder straps and was loose on her breasts accentuating her cleavage. She wore long white earrings and her eye makeup had brushes of yellow. She had tall heels on making her almost my height.

Gabriella smiled as I looked her over in appreciation, "You like... don't you Ri?"

I nodded. "You look like Cleopatra. The two of you...Aphrodite and Cleopatra, I could spend my life worshipping you girls."

"Ladies," said Gabriella, "Gian keeps telling me I'm not a girl anymore."

I walked behind the girls heading for the rear deck. The reaction from the guests reassured me. We walked in from the port side door and the gathering near the door grew quiet for a moment. I stood back and watched people stare at Gail as she walked across the room to where Richard and Evita were standing. Richard and Evita are an English couple with a young son that Gail met and fancied two years ago. There must have been some twenty or thirty people standing around. I recognized half of them and remembered the names of a few.

I joined Gail and we chatted with Richard and Evita for a few minutes. I excused myself and took hold of Gail's arm and lead her outside to where Peter and Kajsa were standing, drinks in hand, in a group of three couples. The couple with their back towards us turned out to be Richard Jr., the son she fancied, and his sister Janice. Gail exchanged reserved hugs with Peter and Kajsa, then quickly turned to Richard and Janice with a hello hug. I thought Gail's interaction with both her former lovers was interesting. I focused my attention on Janice who seemed to have grown considerably and was now a very lovely young lady.

Gabriella had called the attention of the guests to announce that Giancomo had called to apologize for being late, urging us all to eat and be merry. She spoke first in perfect French and then in Italian. I marveled at how at ease most of these people were with speaking three, four or even five languages.

There was a wall with mountains of food, and a bar inside with another outside on the rear deck. A DJ was sitting around a mountain of speakers playing oldies that many of the guests were singing along to. I wound up getting another drink for Janice and we talked for ten minutes.

Giancomo finally arrived and was making his rounds. When he arrived where Janice and I were standing he placed his arms around both of us. To my surprise he addressed Janice by name as he walked us across the room toward a very large and stately looking older gentleman. Giancomo introduced him as Dareius Karkasi and told him that I was his partner in shipping. Janet was introduced as a long time family friend and I could see that Dareius was interested. We shook hands and made small talk. He was a large man, barrel-chested, and as we talked he kept looking at the people standing around, Gail among them. I later learned he was a Greek businessman, also in shipping and was doing some kind of business with Giancomo.

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