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Gargarean Group Ch. 05

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David's Cock-Tail Party.
7.6k words

Part 5 of the 10 part series

Updated 02/29/2024
Created 06/17/2015
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David's Cock-Tail Party

The new Gargareans halted in the doorway of Ms. Esme's great room, befuddled by the thundering ovation that welcomed their arrival. Eddie and Jim seemed as startled as David. Most of the charter members of the Gargarean Group were still behind them, yet a greater number of women already filled the spacious chamber. One after the other, they rose from the room's sofas, chairs, divans, and ottomans. Wearing colorful dresses, from mini to knee-length, they turned towards the doorway and applauded. Women of all shapes and sizes, their ages ranging from 18 to 70, and maybe even older, warmly welcomed the trio of men into their fold.

David's sponsor and step-aunt, Ashley, answered his questioning look. With her mouth close to his ear so that he could hear, she said, "These are all regular members of the Group, plus some of their friends and relatives who are applying for membership."

Scattered amongst the females were a dozen male waiters holding trays with large champagne bottles and platters of hors d'oeuvres. All wore nothing more than black thongs and matching bowties. They were even barefoot. The men had paused for the applause but soon got busy again. Women returning to their conversations and to their seats demanded more libations and tasty treats. One overzealous young woman across the room reached for the nearest waiter. She shocked David by turning the server to face her chair while slipping the man's thong underpants down his thighs. The new Gargarean gawked at the waiter's bare backside as the girl attended to his front side!

"Congratulations, David!"

The greeting distracted him, and so did the sight of stunningly beautiful Jan, the receptionist he'd met at his interview. She'd chosen a cream-colored minidress that highlighted her long black hair. A tight, low-cut bodice drew his eyes to her chest, but he ignored the temptation to look down and gazed instead into her dark and sparkly eyes.

She handed him one of the two glass champagne flutes she was holding, saying, "I knew you were Gargarean material. Cheers!" They clinked glasses and drank to her toast, and then she surprised him with an embrace and a kiss. Her exuberant welcome delighted David. So did the soft and warm hand that slid down his bare belly and slipped under his sweatpants and boxers. With her lips pressed to his mouth, she groped his groin. David's penis had started to get soft, but Jan's arousing touch easily restored his erection.

Ashley laughed and said, "I can see you are in good hands, Little Nephew. We'll catch up with you later." With that, his stepmother and her two sisters joined the crowd.

Jan's tightly-pressed mouth limited David's reply to a mumbled hum. When she withdrew her lips and her hand, he said, "Thank you!" in appreciation of her congratulations, her kiss, and her cuddle.

"There are a couple of ladies who want to see you," she said as she clasped his hand and guided him into the room.

More and more charter members were arriving, causing the room to be extremely crowded. Jan had to break a path between tightly-packed groups of women, who grinned to see David's excitement. Several hands snuck a quick grope of his rump as he brushed by.


The raven-haired receptionist led the new Gargarean to a leather loveseat near the back of the room. She put her arm around his waist possessively, saying, "Here he is!"

The two ladies seated in the loveseat were in their late 40s. David recognized them immediately.

"Miss Finch!" he exclaimed. "Miss Galway!"

"Hello, David," they greeted him.

"Surprised to see us here?" asked Miss Finch, a plump spinster in a beige dress who had been his freshman English teacher.

"Yeah," he replied. When she frowned, he felt like a 14-year-old high school kid again. "I mean, yes, Miss Finch."

She rewarded his correction with an approving nod and a shallow smile.

"Nice to see you again," said her companion. Lean and mean Miss Galway had taught him freshman Arithmetic, and looked as menacing as usual in a blood-red dress. Both persnickety instructors, the bane of his existence in high school, hadn't changed very much in the ensuing four years.

"How are you?" asked Miss Finch.


His old English teacher shook her head and tut-tutted.

"I mean, I'm well. How are you?"

"I am also well. Thank you for asking."

Miss Galway snickered and pointed at the bulge in David's sweatpants, sneering, "That looks familiar!"

Her former student's face turned the color of her dress.

Miss Finch chuckled. "You think we don't notice when a boy in our classrooms has an erection?"

David, embarrassed and a bit nauseous, didn't answer. Jan laughed.

"If I remember correctly," said Miss Galway, glancing at her companion for confirmation, "David was one of our frequent risers."

"Yes. He was one of the most excitable boys I've ever taught."

"Then it's about time we met the little guy in person," said his old Arithmetic teacher. She immediately reached for his waist, intent on opening his pants and exposing his erection.

Shocked to think of his former schoolteachers seeing his dick, David took an instinctive step backwards. He would have retreated farther, but Jan's arm around his waist prevented it.

"No, David, you're not allowed to move away," the gorgeous receptionist warned him. "Gargareans cannot deny any member of the Group access to his body. Ms. Esme will punish you if you do."

"What could she do to me?" he scoffed.

Miss Finch and Miss Galway snickered. Pointing towards the center of the room, his former Math teacher asked, "Do you see that table over there, with the vase of flowers on top?"

David looked where she was pointing and saw an ornate, 3-foot high marble table. "Yes."

Miss Galway said, "If Ms. Esme hears about a new Gargarean acting shy, she makes him climb up there while everyone gathers around him."

Beside the table, a middle-aged woman saw where he was looking and made a joke to her friends. They all laughed to see the increasingly anxious expression on the blushing young man's face.

"She makes him strip off his clothes," Miss Galway continued, "and when the boy is bare-assed, he has to entertain us by performing a masturbation show."

Miss Finch exclaimed, "I love those!"

"Easy for you to say," joked Miss Galway. "I almost got squirted last time."

Horrified, David watched one of the women near the table pat the tabletop and invite him to climb aboard. Her friends laughed and teasingly beckoned him over.

Jan confirmed, "It's true. You'd better let Miss Galway do what she wants."

David's body was trembling when he stepped towards his old Arithmetic teacher again. She immediately hooked her claws in his waistband and stretched the front of his sweatpants and boxers down. She kept pulling until everything was exposed, David's balls as well as his dick!

"What a pretty set of baubles you have," she mocked him.

Shocked by his gross exposure, the gobsmacked Gargarean gasped, "Miss Galway!" By his side, Jan laughed delightedly as she gazed down at his excited genitals.

"You've grown into a handsome young man, David," observed Miss Finch in an attempt to console him. "You have a fine penis."

Women nearby overheard her comment and moved closer to check for themselves. They grinned when they saw the truth of her words. One said, "You're right; he's a well-hung young man."

David felt dizzy, distant, and detached. He was a nakedly exposed man surrounded by female connoisseurs who enjoyed gazing and praising male genitalia. Miss Galway continued holding his clothes open while she and Miss Finch, Jan, and an increasing number of well-dressed women took a good, long look. The ladies by the table, realizing David was open for observation, quickly bustled over for a peek at his penis.

"What's his mother's name?" asked a 40-something, shapely brunette.

"Alyssa," answered Jan.

"She must be very proud."

"She's not actually my mother," said David. "Alyssa is my stepmother."

"That's 'Ms. Alyssa' to you," the woman snarled, adding, "and don't speak unless you are spoken to."

David's temper flared, but not wanting to end up stroking his dick on the table, kept his mouth shut.

A woman in her mid-30s with strawberry-blonde hair and large breasts said, "Lucky Alyssa! I'd love to have an 18-year-old stud in my family."

David endured more discussion of his body. Their remarks became increasingly personal and annoyed Miss Finch. She looked disapproving, but kept quiet and concentrated on enjoying the sight of her former student's genitals. No one touched him, which surprised him. They seemed content just visually inspecting his cock and his balls, as if they were gazing at a work of art. After Jan's groping, he was still aroused and erect, and they all approved.

After a brief eternity, his Arithmetic teacher hid everything away, saying, "Thank you, David."

"Is your mother here this evening?" asked Miss Finch.

David was suddenly anxious, feeling like a high school freshman again whose teacher wanted to speak to his mother. After a brief pause, he admitted, "Yes."

"I have met your mother before," she reminded him. "She's a very nice lady. If I see her, I'll tell her what a fine job she has done with you. You are a handsome young man."

"Thank you," he replied, although he didn't understand how his stepmother's nurturing had led to his having nice genitals.

They were distracted when Eddie happened by with his mother. "Miss Galway!? Miss Finch!" he exclaimed.

"Hello, Eddie. How are you?" asked Miss Finch, setting her usual trap.

"I'm well, thank you, Miss Finch. How are you?"

His reply elated his old English teacher. "I am well, too!" she said.

"Come closer and talk to us for awhile," said Miss Galway.

David quickly took the opportunity to escape.


Eddie's mother placed a hand on David's right bicep as he started to walk away. "David; I'm Ms. Carol, Eddie's mother."

"Yes, I know. Hi."

"May I have a word with you?" she asked.

"Sure," he replied, surprised by her request. He watched curiously as she glanced around the great room. Dozens of women and lightly-clad servants now jam-packed the place.

"Let's go somewhere we can have some privacy," said Carol. She clasped his right hand and began to lead him towards a doorway.

Jan chuckled to see the handsome hunk being led away and called, "I'll catch up with you later, David."

The crowded room forced the new Gargarean to walk slightly behind Eddie's mom while still holding her clasping hand. She broke a path through the crowd, and he followed while checking out her tight rump. The black dress she wore was tight and short. Her bottom wiggled enticingly beneath the light material as she towed him towards the exit. Finding her to be rather attractive despite the fact that she was old enough to be his mother, David calmly contemplated what she was going to do to him when they were alone.

The doorway led to a vacant hallway. At the opposite end, a nearly-naked waiter dashed from the great room to the kitchen carrying an empty tray. Carol spoke quietly for fear someone might overhear her, despite the fact that they were alone.

"I am holding a surprise birthday party for my daughters next week," she disclosed.

"They're twins?" asked David. He'd wondered when they were on stage, because the two sexy blonde women holding Eddie's hands had looked nearly identical.

"Yes, and they'll both be 21-years-old next Saturday. I'm going to hold the party at my house. It will be a rather small affair, with only a few of their friends attending. Would you be interested in waiting on them, and providing some entertainment?"

"Entertainment?" he asked.

"Yes. You don't have to dance, or anything like that, unless you want to. I need two or three guys to jump out of a cake. Well, not a cake, really, but a box wrapped like a present. Afterwards, you would be serving champagne, cake, and ice cream, and just showing the girls a good time." When he hesitated, she added, "I will pay you, of course. Would $75 for three hours be enough?"

David did a quick calculation. She was offering $25 per hour - an enormous sum for someone who toiled for minimum wages! "What will I be wearing?" he inquired.

She smiled. "I haven't decided, but probably something like the waiters are wearing tonight." She nodded towards the kitchen, where the server had replenished his tray with more goodies and was carefully returning to the great room.

The new Gargarean pondered wearing only a bowtie and a thong in front of the pair of gorgeous 21-year-olds, and a few of their friends. The idea tempted him.

"I promise, you will be wearing something when you jump out of the box," she said. "I must caution you, however, that what happens afterwards is anyone's guess. My daughters aren't used to drinking, and young women can get a bit carried away when they're having a good time." While David thought about a bevy of blonde cuties stripping him bare, Carol added, "There will be at least one other guy jumping out of the cake with you."

David made his decision, although it wasn't a very difficult one. "Okay, I'll do it, Ms. Carol" he agreed.

"Excellent!" she exclaimed, and then wrote down his email address and phone number, promising to contact him with more details.


Eddie's mother returned to the party, but David took the opportunity to use the restroom. After finishing, he encountered a waiter leaving the kitchen with a full tray.

"Hey, Mac," said the man. He had a strong Brooklyn accent. He held out his free hand, saying, "My name's Frankie."

"Nice to meet you, Frankie," he said politely as they shook hands. "I'm David."

"Congratulations on becoming a Gargarean. How's it going tonight?"

"Better than I expected!"

His enthusiasm got the waiter chuckling. "Got a job already, huh?"

Surprised by the man's mind-reading ability, David replied, "Yes, just a few minutes ago. I'm going to be a waiter at a birthday party."

"Good for you, kid, but I don't mean a 'job' job. Gotten any handjobs or blowjobs yet?"

"No," David replied, shocked by Frankie's frankness.

"Hang around; chances are, you will. The members always get frisky as the night goes on."

The conversation embarrassed the newcomer, and Frankie noticed. He guessed, "Never had a girl suck your dick before, have you."


"Bet you can't wait to try it. Well, you joined the right group. Don't be surprised if you go home with a wet willy tonight."

Disbelieving, David gawked at him. "Right here at the party!?"

"Oh, yeah. The ladies love to give head. There's no questions, and no strings attached, as long as the one she's blowing is a Gargarean. Some of 'em love sucking off young studs like yourself in front of their husbands; really turns 'em on!" He laughed. "Course, don't expect to get the whole shebang; not here, not tonight. Ms. Esme don't allow it at Gargarean Group functions. You gotta wait for another night to stick your dick in a warm twat." He nudged David with his elbow and said, "Maybe you'll get lucky at your birthday party!"

David's penis, which had relaxed while he urinated, began to feel perky again.

Their conversation was interrupted by a well-rounded woman in her 20s with black hair piled high on her head and a very mini red dress. "There you are, Frankie," she said. Her scolding voice had a Brooklyn accent, too. "I been looking all over for ya."

"Be with you in a minute, Ms. Lorraine."

"Wrong answer," said the shapely Group member, who plunged her hand inside the waiter's thong.

David gawked as she pulled the man's stubby penis and big balls out of his underpants.

"You and your dick are coming with me, Frankie," she stated. "Now!" With her fingers tightly clasping his thick shaft, she towed him towards the great room, saying, "Let's go, Honey. Me and my friends is waiting for more champagne, and some sugar, too."

Frankie looked back at David and gave him a sheepish smile and a wink as Lorraine tugged him away. "Good luck tonight, kid," he called.


Confounded and confused, but also curious, David followed them back into the great room. Gargarean Group members were chuckling and pointing as voluptuous Lorraine towed the waiter through the crowd by the penis. She led him to a couch where two other pleasantly plump women with high-stacked hair waited. They laughed when they saw what their friend was using for a leash.

Still holding onto Frankie's dick, Lorraine picked up her glass and made him refill it. When the glass was full, she returned it to the table, then tugged Frankie a step and pointed at the empty glass of one of her friends. The woman grinned while the waiter served her. When the glass was full, she said, "Thank you, Frankie," and petted the part of his penis that extended beyond Lorraine's fist. Frankie chuckled. The scene was repeated with the third woman, who also tipped him by teasing the head of his dick.

Still clutching Frankie's cock, Lorraine guided him to her end of the couch. After lowering her plump posterior into the seat, she pulled the waiter's underpants to the floor. The unexpected exposure of Frankie's slightly flabby butt startled David. Even more shocking, Lorraine took a swig of her champagne, and then leaned forward for some sugar. Frankie was getting his dick wet, and her friends were delighted!

The sublime smile on Frankie's face suggested he was delighted, too.


While Frankie received a very public blowjob, David nervously glanced around the crowded room, looking for a safe haven. He couldn't find Ashley. He spotted Alyssa, his stepmother, conversing with his former high school teachers. He wasn't going near them. When he located Aubrey, he gawked to find his oldest 'aunt' fondling the dick of Jim! The new Gargarean's clothes were around his ankles, and he looked mighty mortified to be masturbated in front of the members.

David resumed his search. A large cluster of members surrounded the gorgeous broadcaster, V, who had surprised him with a kiss and a grope in the theater. He knew that she was out of his league, however, so he kept looking. In a corner, he spotted Ms. Esme's two nieces, friendly Tracy and sexy Joy, chatting with Jim's fiancé and her mother. Glad to find some familiar and friendly faces, he immediately decided to visit with them. Before he started towards them, however, he politely stepped aside to make room for one of the hard-working waiters. The man was holding an empty tray and struggling through the crowd towards the kitchen. David gave him a companionable nod as he approached.

The waiter surprised him by saying, "Congratulations, David!"

"Thanks." Wondering how the man knew his name, the new Gargarean took a closer look and exclaimed, "Uncle Jack!" Ashley's husband was serving as one of the half-naked waiters, and showing much more freshly-shaved skin than David cared to see.

"Didn't Ashley tell you I was a Gargarean, too?" he asked.

"No, but I should have known. She's a member of the Group, so you have to be a Gargarean, don't you."

"Yes, but I wouldn't have it any other way," he said. "Where else can a married man have sex with lots of women, and his wife doesn't mind?" Before David could respond, a pair of extremely attractive young women appeared out of nowhere and confronted them.

One, a long-haired brunette, said, "Hi, I'm Shandra." She gestured towards her companion, who had shiny, golden-blonde hair, and slurred, "And thish ish my friend, Heather."

"Hi, guysh!"

"Nice to meet you both. I'm Jack."

"Hi," said David. He gazed into the beautiful brunette's brown eyes and asked, "Did you say your name is Shandra?"

"No, not Shandra," she corrected. "Shandra."

"Oh, sorry," David chuckled. Both girls were not more than 20 years old; petite and curvy with nice boobs. They were also comically tipsy after too much champagne.

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