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Gay Time at the Ranch

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Film actor falls for woman who wrote about her gay past.
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The hair of Bolt's agent Dorothy Mullenbach was tinged pink. She was overweight and had a tendency to pass wind at bad moments and laughed with a touch of whinny. Most other things about her were okay, apart from her bossiness.

The young and handsome novice movie actor had wound up with Dot, as she preferred being called, because no other agent was interested in him when learning no way would he change the name his mommy gave him of Bolt Boyes. Yes she was going with a Bert Boyes at the time; that's correct and spelt with an 'e'. And no they weren't married and Bolt was uncooperative about removing that fact from his CV.

Dot however had asked herself what's wrong with the name Bolt and she had never known her father. More to the point could he act?

She took home Bolt's two movies on DVDs to watch that night and while eating eighteen chicken wings sighed and farted and groaned, "Why are they still making crap movies? Movie-goers have moved up in sophistication, er a little."

In both movies bit-actor Bolt did his bits surprisingly well. He looked good and was strong in both presence and voice. He didn't appear to be acting and that was good.

Minutes before midnight Bolt was in bed with a hand round his dick, waiting for enthusiasm to build, when his phone went.

"Hi it's Dot. Come in tomorrow and sign."

The call ended before Bolt had really registered who was calling. He'd not been given time to even open his mouth.

He couldn't believe it. He had an agent.


Dot awoke and said to Bolt the driver when looking at the GPS satellite navigation display, "We're still in New Mexico, about an hour from the Texas border. Pull in somewhere for the night."

"We should have flown and rented a car on arrival."

"Oh you are the manager now?"

"I have a brain and opinions."

"Careful how you use them Bolt."

A couple of miles went by in silence.

Dot said, "I never see you with females."

"Careful with your brain and opinion."

She laughed. "Then what is it? Can't you maintain an erection?"

"I don't stay anywhere long enough to get to know nice young women and I shy away from waitresses and prostitutes."

"Then will I do tonight? We can get a double room."

Bolt said in astonishment, "But you're forty-four."

"So that makes me a reject?"

"And you're fat?"

"Young man I could knock off your head with one blow."

"Er Dot, I shot off my mouth without thinking. I'm sorry and the truth is I'm sick of having to jerk it off myself."

Dot smiled and said that was more like it. "Well?"

"Just occasionally and only when well away from folk we know or who know of us. Take a double tonight."

Dot looked out of her side window and grinned really big. She was overdue for cock-play.

She did the right thing and chose the seediest motel on the strip. It was the kind of place waitresses would bring their money-clutching clients.

As they ate steaks Dot said she had a duty to advise her client that by having sex with her he'd be consolidating their relationship.

"You've done brilliantly for me so far. It's only fair I give you the injection you crave."

"Oh inflated ideas of your ability and so only I am the one wanting sex?"

She farted.

"No I am almost craving for it as well."

The tits were so massive that Bolt idly thought they looked like two babies. Not a good way to start but his dick was up strong and craving.

She kissed well and her breath was surprisingly sweet. Well she didn't need to belch, did she, not with that other exit?

Eventually tired of kissing Dot said to put it in. He had two false starts with folds in skin at the top of her thighs and he was too polite to ask her to heave up on to her hands and knees. But in it went. He was amazed he could have missed something so cavernous but surprisingly she closed quite firmly around him and they did really good, er well.

Dot made him feel immensely proud when she complained, "Christ you didn't need to fire a full bucket of cum."

She went off for a pee and he fell asleep only to be hurled awake by the bed being shaken. He discovered that was only Dot returning, not an earthquake. Bolt then couldn't get back to sleep.

He thought Dot had really deserved that fuck. You couldn't say that about many women.

Three weeks after he's signed on Dot finally called him in.

She handed Bolt coffee and said, "How does this sit with you... playing lead in a film subject to a good screen test?"

"Oh great. Magnificent."

"As a cowboy."

"Oh crap. No way. Cowboy films died years ago."

"But not this one."

"Oh yeah?"

"Buster you are twenty-four with nothing more behind you than good acting qualifications and parts in two two-bit films. My job is to lift your career and this will take your career off like a rocket."

Bolt studied Dot. Well he'd not thought it but she'd probably be the last woman within five hundred miles he'd fuck. But he'd fucked her three times, each time only in missionary for reasons due to excessive weight. And she'd turned out okay, getting his nuts off better than most of the few girls he'd had in the past couple of years.

Ought he take the risk? Have one film flop and everyone you didn't want to know always found out, or so drama tutors had told him.

"Say yes or leave," Dot yawned. "It has cost me money getting this far but you have been the only client to ever have sex with me so I thought I ought to go that extra mile for you."

"Okay Dot."

"Good take this paperback home and read it."

Bolt studied the cover illustration aghast. The title screamed, 'Gay Time at the Ranch' and the picture was of a blonde, redhead and brunette in a tight hug and all teeth and hair.

Fucking lesbians!

He groaned.

Dot had grinned.

"The author is female, very pretty, and I've spoken to her and confirmed what the prospective filmmaker says, it's a work of fiction although she admits she had two female sweethearts when she grew up on a ranch. She won't be in the film of course but if the project proceeds she will be an on-set adviser. Three female actresses will play her at the different stages of her life. You and the adult female lead play two-thirds of the film including the conclusion if the film script follows the book."

"Where would I fit in?"

"Into the star, repeatedly, as you change her lifestyle. Your name is Hank."

"Hank?" Bolt had groaned.

Dot had told him the independent filmmaker had sold the concept to a major studio in Hollywood and now was awaiting finance.

Sleep overtook him at that point.

* * *

Being awakened in the morning in a seedy motel in New Mexico by a woman's fart was not the perfect start to a day but Bolt had learned tolerance. He'd read 'Gay Time at the Ranch' and liked it, really liked it and Dot had told him the screenplay would be even better. But Hank, fucking Hank! He still hated being hung with that name. Dot had told him the author would not accept a name change and was insisting the film closely followed the book.

Fucking women. Hank... Jesus!

When they stopped for lunch Bolt went outside and called his former assistant professor. They'd had a few weeks as a couple, although she was married.

"Would you have allowed me to have sex with you had my name been Hank?"

"Hell no, even Bolt was difficult to stomach."

However Thelma told him in no uncertain terms to knuckle down and do whatever the script demanded and accept being called Hank.

Well if he won the part, Hank he'd have to be. Jesus. Anyway what was wrong with Bolt?

They ate at Odessa and then branched off to the ranch where author Carla Jennings's folk still lived. The filmmaker had a crew staying there mapping and detailing locations.

Burt Johansen the filmmaker came out with Mrs Jennings to meet them.

"So this is him," Burt said, inspecting Bolt as if he were a piece of meat. "He actually looks better than his photos and film clips. Been on a diet boy?"

"I was instructed to lean down Mr Johansen."

"Call me Burt, everyone does."

"Only if you call me Bolt."

Burt grinned. "So you are itching to play Hank."

Bolt caught the warning look from Dot so behaved himself.

"Yeah, Hank is a character I feel I could readily fit into his shoes."

Mrs Jennings said, "He could pass for a cowboy Burt and is handsome enough to play against my Carla, I mean the lead character Birdie Foster."

"You could be right there Molly," Burt said, casually placing his arm around the waist of Mrs Jennings who just as casually removed it.

Hello, thought Bolt.

He casually looked away and saw desolate country. God he'd turn lesbian in this featureless, uninteresting terrain if he'd been that Carla.

"Can you ride a horse boy?"

"Yes Mr Johansen."

Burt grinned.

"This will give me the change to talk to you, once you learn to stay on that horse," Burt said.

The horse played up but Bolt had not spent his hard-earned dollars to go to riding school just to find dates.

When the dust settled the horse was blowing and straight-back Bolt sat with his wrists on the saddle horn after he'd pulled his eyeshades back on straight. No one said anything and that pleased Bolt; silent praise was just the best compliment a guy could receive.

Then after suitable silence Mrs Jennings said, "I'll grab a Stetson for you cowboy."

Bolt had never seen such a big beam on Dot Mullenbach's face as there was now. She'd just noticed the crew and a guy who must be Mr Jennings, had come out of the homestead to watch and they must have heard Mrs Jennings's comment.

As they rode Burt the producer-director talked about everything but filmmaking.

Bolt was awake to this. He'd been taught this would occur in a plush office probably blue with cigar smoke but Burt was not into bullshit like that and was why he was a small independent operator but still capable of producing a major movie with big studio backing. Burt was assessing what Bolt might be like working with.

"What's your attitude doing nude scenes."

"Basically I'm against it unless women in the audience get a good look at my dick."

Burt didn't bother to hide his grin.

"The female is the main lead in this movie."

"I'm not telling you how to suck eggs Burt but shouldn't the director just wait till he sees how things pan out. She'll be all tit and flourishes with a big mouth and that looks pretty good on the screen. But a guy can be pretty quiet and does what a man has to do, quietly and efficiently just watching and waiting for opportunity to build his screen presence. If he does that and win's the babe's heart convincingly, are we really aware of which character cinema patrons will go home thinking about?"

"You'll want me to say the guy."

"I say nothing. But I haven't read the script... it's probably still on the boards. But my thinking a guy is not going to convincingly turn an out-and-out lesbian into a great fuck for a guy without some momentous work on his part. She has to willingly fall over and open her legs and heart. The hero will have to perform heroically for her to want to do that."

"You've read the fucking script."

"I have not. There is no script ready yet. I've only read the book and if you ask me the author was less than convincing with Hank. God what a name."

Burt said he thought so too but his hands were tied by copyright. "The script has been tossed back with instructions to make Hank even more convincing. We'll film-test you in the house tonight. Molly Jennings was once a rising stage actress in Dallas and that's where Scott Jennings found her all those years ago and bought her out to this hell hole. She'll play against you."

"But she's old."

"So? I'm not asking you to fuck her. That's my role."

They grinned and Burt said, "Let's head back. A beer will go down nicely."

It was past 9:00 before Burt gave the order to get ready to shoot.

Bolt was bitterly disappointed. It appeared so chicken-shit. Everyone but he appeared half drunk; he'd only had three lite beers in four hours. There was only one tri-mounted video camera, two guys with hand-held cameras, two lights and one sound boon. Talk about a bunch of amateurs!

Then he almost flipped when Burt belched and said, " Molly will lead you Hank."

Burt grinned as Bolt winced.

"There's no script to read. Bolt I want you to interact with Molly er Birdie intelligently, you pretending you can ignore the fact that she is a lesbian. This will show us what you look like in this setting, what your talent is, if any, because here you are on your own with no direction... just fifteen minutes of filming."

"This is not fair on me," Bolt said."

The room was suddenly quiet.

"And what is fair about being in the film business my friend? I succeed with one in about every five projects I make a pitch with and then only one in every four films I shoot and take through to completion get on to the big circuit. Where's the fairness in that?"

"It would drive me crazy Burt. I wonder if you are?"

Burt laughed heartedly and everyone joined in. Tension left the room.

Burt reconsidered and gave Bolt twenty minutes to prepare himself mentally, saying no wardrobe was required.

Bolt went outside and the attractive sound technician Bettina, who looked no older than twenty, came out with coffee.


"This is a bigger deal than what you might think. Burt operates mainly on instinct. Succeed in this shoot and you'll be in."

"But no fucking script; this is madness."

"Get it into you head this is Burt's show, his way. He wants to see you shine from the moment Molly opens her mouth at you from across the table. If you have any sense you'll go round and sit beside her because the main camera will be angled mainly to catch her because this is a film about three women, er primarily. Molly is a lovely person and I heard her say you look better than she expected. That suggests in Molly's mind you are already in but that will depend on her daughter Carla when she sees this test."

"Jesus, I've been put out on a limb. We've come all this way for a fifteen minute roll."

Bettina shook her head. "So that horse ride was about nothing? Oh come on! Twelve other agents submitted to Burt and only one agent was invited here with a client. What does that say to you? I'll go now. Please get settled."

"Thank you Bettina. I really appreciate that mothering."

She walked off giggling.

* * *

The 'roll cameras' call came and Molly looked across the table at Bolt and said, "You're sweating."

"Beautiful women have that effect on me. May I sit beside you?"

"You may but why you'd want to do that I have no idea. You know I have no time sexually for males."

Walking around to set beside her, Bolton said, "No I didn't know that as fact, only that I know you think that."

Molly laughed and said he had a damn cheek.

"Why girls Molly?"

"You've been here four months and can see what this place is like. The men go chasing the big money offered in the oil and gas fields leaving the women bored. Alice and Crystal have been my best friends since we started elementary school and we became closer and closer over the years until we began having sex. Are you embarrassed by my talking like this?"

"No, sex is sex."

"What does that suppose to mean?"

"Nothing except to explain why your talk doesn't embarrass me. Show me a tit."

Molly looked shocked. She spluttered, "You can't say that to me."

"Why not? It's a request anyone could make to you, even your mother."

"My mother dislikes me being gay."

"Well there you are, at least someone thinks like me."

Molly bit her lip. "What you think is of no concern of mine and if you keep on talking to me like this I'll have dad throw you off the ranch."

Bolt rubbed a hand over his chin, watched closely by Molly. "Is this talk unsettling you?"

"Yes it is."

Bolt looked at her intently, not moving, not talking.

"Damn you, why are you doing this to me. You tricked me into saying that."

"You weren't tricked Molly, you have been made to feel a different side of your sexuality that you've not had explored before, um, by a male. Have you ever seen a penis Molly?"

"Shut up. Shut up do you hear? If you don't you are fired."

"I think I'm firing you up Molly. Here's the test. Show me a tit."

"Fired up, huh. Then take a look and see if I care."

Molly slipped her shoulder out of her dress, pulled up her bra and flopped out a good-looking tit.

"Cut," Burt called laconically.

"Very good guys. Run your video through the TV Mike, Burt said to the operator of the bigger camera.

People watching applauded and yelled in laughter when Molly called to Bolt who'd left her side, "Do I put this breast away Bolt or do you having something in mind?"

"Put it away Molly. Gee you were great to follow. Very accomplished I thought."

"Thank you sweetie. That compliment can only go to my head."

Her husband Scott said, "You are good enough to be the heroine's mother, the one when she's in her twenties. What about it Burt?"

"We'll consider that Scott farther down the track," Burt smiled. "Let's watch the film clip.

Burt watched everyone watching the big TV screen, noting their reactions. The clip finished to generous applause and he clapped as well.

"Well that's a wrap. Some of us are going through to Odessa or Midland to relax over a late-night drink or two. It's not compulsory to go."

The sound technician Bettina Zaharias asked Bolt would he accompany her but he said he'd slope off to bed. Molly went off with Burt and his gang while a few of the older guys grouped around Scott and Dot at the table, drinking beer or whisky.

Bettina came running back into the room and taking Bolt's hand pulled him off, whispering, "Come to my room; I have something for you."

Bettina had nice hard and rounded tits and a big furry pussy that she knew how to use. She didn't go in for cock sucking and didn't want her butt hole penetrated. So all in all she was just great and interacted beautifully. Bolt surprised himself when thrusting away at Bettina and she was encouraging him with sweet nothings he was thinking of Molly and her big tit. God, he grinned, how treacherous can a guy get?

The film clip was sent to Molly's daughter's firm by high-speed Internet link overnight and mid-morning she emailed declaring it was great, she'd enjoyed seeing her mom back acting and hadn't her tits grown. She concluded she had no problems with the guy and thought he looked cute.

Reading the message Bolt asked Molly was her daughter still gay.

"I hope not because I want grandchildren but I really don't know. It's something we don't talk about."

Bolt gave Molly his email address and cell phone number in case Molly or Carla wished to contact him.

"Why would we want to do that?" Molly asked.

Bolt just shrugged and she took the numbers, now eying him speculatively.

Walking away Bolt wondered what the hell was he up to; Molly would be knocking fifty. But she did have a great rack without wrinkles.

Burt told Dot they could go, that he'd be in touch. So they left within thirty minutes. The crew were busy so Dot and Bolt were farewelled by just Scott and Molly. When Molly kissed him on the mouth Bolt was relieved he resisted grabbing a tit.

"You've taken a fancy to Molly," Dot said as they drove off, heading for LA via New Mexico and Arizona.

"She's okay but I hope the daughter is better."

"Yes I'm make some discreet enquiries about Carla."

"Please yourself. We are looking good for this role aren't we?"

"Had I not been a cautious person I'd say it's in the bag. But no shooting begins until there is funding. Burt is taking a risk outlaying so much on what he's doing in preparation in Texas. Obviously he thinks it's only a matter of time. He now had a test clip of you and a studio one of a new face who goes by the name of Anita Ross."

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