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Geek's BIG Break Ch. 02

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Geo owns Twin Cheerleaders and his sister too. Mom's next.
7.2k words

Part 2 of the 12 part series

Updated 12/04/2023
Created 02/15/2020
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This is a work of fiction, written for fantasy purposes. It includes unrealistic sexual practices and fantasy situations. If you like your erotica more reality based, then pass on this series.

All participants involved in sexual scenes are 18 years old or older.

IN Chapter 1 Gio McLoed's older sister Fiona sees her brother's big fat cock, measures it and then sucks and fucks it taking his virginity. Unknown to the two his mother sees them and videotapes them to blackmail Geo into fucking her.

Don't forget to add to your favorites if you like the story and drop me a comment to let me know what you want to see next.


Gio took a quick shower once his sister finished and sort of followed the dress code his Fiona gave him. He slipped on a pair of loose-fitting board shorts and the sleeveless T-Shirt she'd told him to wear. As he entered the den, his mother came up to him and shook her head. "I need to speak to you after everyone goes home tonight Gio. So come to my room before you get back to gaming, understand?"

Gio frowned to the best of his knowledge, he'd not gotten into trouble today; so he couldn't understand what his mom needed to see him about. However, he was never one to argue with her, so he just nodded. "Okay, Mom."

"Now come meet my boss. He's heard a lot about you and wanted to meet you."

Again, Gio frowned. Why would mom's boss want to meet him? He wasn't anything special. He followed mom, and a dark-haired man about his size stood and smiled at his mother in a way that Gio knew wasn't a boss like smile. "Who have we here, Cecilia?"

"Greg, this is my son Gio. He's the graphic artist in our family. If he isn't playing video games, he's drawing something on his computer. Gio, this is Greg Anderson, my boss."

"Hello, Mister Anderson, it's nice to meet you."

"Hello Gio, I've heard a lot about your art; you wouldn't be interested in advertising, would you?"

"I'm not sure. I plan to attend the University and get a double major in programing and graphic design."

"Ah, your mom said you're a gamer. So you want to design video games then?"

"It is one career I thought about, yes."

"Well, after we eat, why don't you show me some of your artwork? If you're as good as your mother says, we should talk about a part-time internship with Anderson Advertising. It's paid and has a scholarship guarantee as well."

"Sure, I could show you some sketches and my laptop file."

The older man smiled. "Good, I enjoy finding new talent and helping them achieve their dreams. Who knows, you may find that you like computer graphic design work better than game development? Plus, you know artists get more chicks than game designers, though some of those gamer girls I hear are pretty wild."

The twins snickered, and Tara whispered to Tiffany. "Not like that loser would know." Tiffany giggled at her sister's cruel observation.

Her father frowned but said nothing. Gio bit his tongue. He just needed to get through dinner and then see if Fiona's plan actually would work. If not, he'd end up with several football players reminding him of his place tomorrow. He was really tiring of high school life.

Dinner was tense with the twins continuing to whisper rude comments, and their father pretending he didn't hear them. Fiona was getting more and more angry and now planned to total humiliate the twins after dinner. Once the food was gone, Mister Anderson reminded Gio he wanted to see his art. Gio brought down his laptop and sketch book and after a few minutes, the Advertising Executive offered Gio an internship. He told him to report to the office the following Monday after school to work for three hours a day. In return, he'd pay him 170.00 a week and guarantee him a 5000 a semester scholarship. He'd work full time during the summer and receive 500.00 weekly then. He would continue the internship the same way throughout his time at the university. Gio agreed and then went down into the game room where he knew his sister and the evil twins were. His mom and Mr. Anderson were busy working on the advertising campaign, which surprised him. He had been sure that Fiona had been right, and mom was going to seduce her boss, not actually work.

As he entered the game room, he came to a stop as he saw his sister had been playing pool against Tiffany and Tara. From the looks of things, it must have been strip pool, because all of them were wearing fewer clothes. "Hey geek, what are you doing? Get out of here!" Tara yelled, putting her hands over her naked tits. Before he could say anything, Fiona was in her face. "Shut up, you bitch. This is his house, not yours. It's his game room." Tara reached for her clothes. "Then I'm done. I'm not playing if the pervy weirdo is going to watch."

Fiona slapped her across the face. "Shut your slutty mouth, cunt. You loved the idea when it was just the three of us. Both of you couldn't wait to bare all for me, on the hopes you'd win, and I'd have to lick your pussy. You'll finish the game, or I'll make sure everyone in your school knows you're a slut that puts out for anyone. I wonder how long that boyfriend of yours will keep you if he thinks you sucked and fucked my dog?"

With that, she showed them a picture of their father's great Dane. "Yep, that should put you lower on the scale than my brother, wouldn't it? You'd go from the cheerleader that takes it up the ass to the one that fucks dogs. So, for the rest of the night, I'm in charge and you'll do anything I say. Do You Understand?"

Tara and Tiffany both went white with fear. They knew Fiona by reputation. She wasn't known for bluffing. They both nodded. "Yes, we understand."

Fiona smiled. "Good, then strip. I want my brother to see what two cheerleader sluts look like naked."

They hesitated, and Fiona waved her phone at them. "Now or I'll send a message out on the school's clicktalk."

The twins both took the rest of their clothes off and tried to cover their important parts with their hands. "Hands at your sides' girls. You've shown those tits and pussies to every jock in the school, no need to be shy around Gio."

Tara dropped her hands, and Tiffany followed suit a second later. It was Tara who finally broke and started mocking Gio. "You're pathetic, you know that? Having to have your sister blackmail us so you can see a girl naked."

Gio was pissed and before Fiona could say anything, he pulled his phone out and snapped pictures of both twins. "My sister threatened to send a clicktalk saying you fucked the dog. I can ruin you easier. All I have to do is send these pics and say look who came to play at my house. I wonder what happens to your status when it's known you're both got naked for me in my game room?"

Tiffany and Tara both turned red with anger. "You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh, I dare a lot. What's the worst that could happen to me? Your jock boyfriends beat me up? Not like that doesn't happen all the time. But what happens to you, I wonder? Would they or any of the Jocks want to fuck you after they think I have? How else would I have pictures of the two of you naked in my house?"

Tara glared at him. "Fuck you! I wouldn't fuck that needle dick if you were rich, loser."

Gio laughed and so did Fiona. "Wow, you have an enormous surprise coming. I'll make you a bet, Tara. I bet before you go home tonight, you'll be begging me to fuck you. If I lose, I'll be your slave the rest of the school year. If you lose, sit with me at lunch for the rest of the year and act like you enjoy it."

Tara smiled an evil smile. "Oh, I'm so taking that bet. You think you are nothing now, wait until you have to wear a skirt and act as my footrest at lunch."

Gio laughed. "I can't wait to see you begging me to fuck you. Unlike the football team, I won't be happy with just your ass. You'll give that pussy up and beg me for more."

She walked up to him and got right in his face. "NEVER. GONNA. HAPPEN."

She turned and walked away, only to hear her sister gasp. She looked at Tiffany, who was staring at Gio with what had to be lust on her face. What the fuck? How could her twin be lusting after that limp-dicked loser? "What is wrong with you?"

Tiffany looked at her sister and said breathlessly. "If you don't want to lose that bet, don't turn around."

Tara did just what she'd been warned not to do. "What the hell are you talking....." she couldn't believe what she was seeing. Gio McLeod, the school loser, had the biggest dick she'd ever seen. Instantly her mouth watered, and her pussy was drenched. She had a feeling if she didn't leave now Gio was going to win the bet. Because all she wanted was that big fat cock buried inside her. The only thing that broke its hold on her was the knowing smile on Gio's face. "The only way you're getting this cock is to beg me for it. Go on, beg you know you want it."

She bit her tongue to keep from saying anything, because Tara knew if she opened her mouth, she would beg. Tara wanted to get down on her knees and crawl to him, begging. Tara turned around to see her sister walking toward Gio, begging. "Please let me touch it. Please Gio, let me suck that big fat cock. Fuck me with it, please!"

The biggest cock either of them had ever seen had completely mesmerized her sister. "You want my big fat monster cock, Tiffany?"

She licked her lips and started toward him. "Yes. I want it."

Gio spoke with an authority they'd never heard from him before. "Stop! Don't come any closer."

Tiffany stopped and whimpered at being denied. She didn't even notice that both Gio and Fiona had their phones in their hands, recording everything. "If you want this cock, then you need to worship me properly. Get on your hands and knees, and craw over here begging me to give you my Big Fat Cock."

Tara's eyes got enormous as her twin did just that. She could feel her sister's lust, and it was almost as strong as her own need for that cock, but she would resist. She couldn't give in, not unless she wanted to lose the bet and destroy her reputation at school. Tiffany didn't waste a minute. She looked at her sister one time, then dropped to her hands and knees and started crawling. "Please Gio, please give me your big fat cock. I need it. I need to suck it. I need to feel it inside me. Please, I need it."

"Crawl on your belly, slut."

Tiffany dropped and crawled across the floor on her belly. "Is this what you want? Do you want me to beg on my belly? Please Gio, I'll do whatever you want. Just give me that big fat cock."

"You'll do whatever I want?"

"Yes, anything!"

"Text Brock and tell him you're through with him. That you found a real man to fuck you."

She stopped crawling. "What?"

"You heard me, bitch. The only way you're getting this cock is if you belong to me and only me. So, text your jock boyfriend and tell him it's over and when he asks who you're fucking tell him it's me."


Gio leaned down into her face. "No buts. Do it or get dressed."

Tiffany looked at that cock and knew she was screwed. She couldn't resist. She had to have it. "Tara, bring me my phone."

"Tiffany NO! You can't; he'll tell everyone."

"I don't care. Look at that cock, I have to have it."

Tara crossed her arms "I won't do it. I won't let you do it."

Fiona walked over to the girl's pants and pulled out her phone and tossed it to the Queen Bitch. "Here ya go. You're gonna love that cock, slut."

Tiffany typed the message and sent it, then handed her phone to Gio. "I did it. Now will you please give me that big fat cock?"

Gio looked at the message and smiled. "You realize that if I give you this cock, you will become my personal fuck toy? I will own your body and you'll only give it to who I tell you to?"

Tiffany shuddered with excitement. She'd given no guy the control that Gio was demanding. When had the meek loser geek become so forceful? "I don't care. I need your cock."

"If I own your body, that makes me your master. Do you understand that?"


He frowned at her. "Yes, what?"

"Yes, Master."

"Then get over here and suck my cock, slut."

Tiffany scrambled up on her knees and reached up for that massive cock. She wasn't sure she could even get the monster in her mouth; it was so big, but she would do everything in her power to get it in. Licking and kissing her way up the shaft to the big purple head, and she opened her mouth as wide as she could and took the head in her mouth. It stretched her mouth as far open as she could again, and it was a tight fit. Then slowly she started sucking and bobbing, trying to get further down with each stroke. Wanting to show Gio how much she needed his cock, and she was determined to get all of it in her throat, but at ten inches, he entered her throat and she gagged. She pulled back and tried repeatedly, but she couldn't get it all in without gagging. She swallowed and felt the head enter her throat, and suddenly she couldn't breathe either. He was so big he was cutting off her air flow. His hand came to the back of her head and held her down. She struggled against his hold. He only let her head go when her vision started to spot, and she raised up until she could breathe. Tears and spit ran down her face as he pushed her head down again, forcing her to swallow, keeping the pressure on until her nose was resting in his pubic hair. Again, she couldn't breathe, but she'd gotten the whole thing in her mouth. He pumped in and out of her throat, letting her just catch her breath, leaving her on the verge of not getting enough air as he slowly fucked her mouth and throat. She couldn't believe what she was doing, but her pussy was flooding at his rough treatment. He really was her master, and he'd take what he wanted. What's more, she was going to let him.

After about five minutes of fucking her face, he pulled his cock out of her mouth, and she whimpered at the loss. "Get on your back and spread your legs, slut."

"Are you going to fuck my virgin pussy, Master?"

Gio stopped and looked at her, surprised. "What did you just say?"

She blushed. "Are you going to fuck my virgin pussy, Master?"

Gio laughed. "Who are you trying to fool, Bitch? You've fucked every jock in school, don't you two know that they talk about you all the time to anyone who'll listen?"

That was kind of shocking to her; she had no clue they were telling everyone about the things the twins did for them in the locker room after games. "It's the truth, Master. We've both let them have our mouths and our asses, but no guy has fucked our pussies. We were saving them for someone special."

Tara groaned. "What are you doing, Tiffany? Shut up!"

It was Tara's reaction that convinced Gio. She was still resisting him, but he knew just what to do to get her desperate enough that he would win the bet. "Fiona, I want you to eat Tara's pussy, but don't let her come. Edge her until she's begging to come and then tell her who will make her come."

Fiona pulled the girl onto the couch and shoved her legs open and buried her head against the cheerleader's already soaked cunt and started licking like there was no tomorrow. She couldn't help but chuckle as the girl started moaning. Fiona was going to edge her until she had no choice but to beg Gio to fuck her. She wanted to see these two bitches addicted to her little brother's huge fuckstick; just like she was.

While Fiona got to work on Tara, Gio got down and put his face between Tiffany's thighs. "What are you doing?"

"I'm getting you ready for my big fat cock, slut. I'm going to eat this virgin pussy until you are ready enough for me to tear your pussy up with my big Dick."

"Oh God, no one's ever ate my pussy."

She jumped as his tongue ran the length of her cunt from bottom to top, over and over. She started squirming and moaning. Then he spread her lips apart and thrust his tongue inside her wet hole, fucking her with it as his other hand twisted first one nipple and then the other over and over. She felt every tug and twist and lick and probe as her body grew closer and closer to her first orgasm caused by someone other than herself. Then he started tonguing her clit and slipped a finger in her pussy, finger fucking her, and she screamed as her first orgasm exploded. "OH FUCK ME. I'M CUMMING! YOU'RE MAKING ME CUM MASTER, AND IT'S SO FUCKING GOOD."

Gio added a second finger and brushed across her hymen rubbing it with each thrust making sure not to break it. He caught her clit between his lips and sucked hard, and Tiffany's hips started bucking. "CUMMING SO MUCH. CAN'T STOP CUMMING, SO FUCKING GOOD, MASTER! YOU ARE SO FUCKING GOOD. PLEASE, PLEASE FUCK MY PUSSY! PLEASE FUCK ME NOW, GIO! I'M BEGGING YOU I'LL DO ANYTHING, IF YOU'LL JUST FUCK ME NOW!"

Gio pulled his mouth off her and laughed. "You will anyway. Who do you belong to slut? Whose pussy is this?"

"Your pussy, Master."

He took his fingers that were slick with her cum and touched her puckered asshole "Who does this ass belong to slut?"

"You Master, only you. It's your ass, only yours."

He clamped his lips around her clit and sucked hard as he shoved his fingers into her ass. Tiffany's eyes rolled back in her head as the strongest orgasm she'd ever had raced through her. All she could do was scream wordlessly, as colors burst forth behind her eyelids. Gio was finger fucking her ass with both his lubricated fingers hard and fast as he sucked hard on her clit. When he clamped down with his teeth on her love button, and she slipped past pleasure right into unconsciousness.

When she came to, she looked up to see Gio laying on his back. "If you want me to fuck you, then climb up here and ride me, slut. I won't take your virginity, you have to give it to me."

She looked at him. "You need a condom."

Gio shook his head. "Can't wear a condom, they don't fit."

Tiffany's eyes got big. "But you can't fuck me without one. I'm not on birth control."

Gio shrugged. "Then, I guess you don't get to fuck me."

"NO! YOU HAVE TO FUCK ME! PLEASE MASTER." She scrambled up and pushed his big fat cock into her tight wet hole. It hurt like hell and she froze, letting her little pussy get used to his monster that was invading her. "Just pull out before you have to cum."

Slowly, she lowered herself as far as she could, fighting against the pain and resistance with every inch downward. She felt him come up against her hymen and backed off. Tiffany pumped a few times to get used to his thickness and then with a deep breath she plunged down until her cherry popped, and the pain was so bad it took her breath away. She froze, and Gio's hands came up and held her waist. After a few minutes the pain lessened, and she felt full. She moved up and down, each down stroke adding more of his cock until she had all but three inches in her, and then he bumped into the back wall of her uterus. She was stuffed as full as she could get.

She'd never felt so packed before, even being ass fucked hadn't made her fill this stuffed. She bounced, letting his big dick hit her back wall with every thrust, going from slow and light to faster and harder. Sliding almost off of him until just his huge cockhead was in her tight little fuckhole and dropping hard and fast until he bounced off the back of her pussy, causing both pain and pleasure to get mixed. She kept getting faster and faster as she felt him slide across her g-spot, his shaft rubbing her clit at the angle they were. His hands left her hips and started massaging her big tits. He started pulling on her nipples and she felt every tug deep inside her pussy. She was quickly approaching another orgasm. "OH GOD! I'M GONNA CUM! FUCK ME, MASTER I'M GONNA CUM ON YOUR BIG FAT COCK! SOO GOOD! OH IT'S CLOSE SO CLOSE. PLEASE DON'T STOP! FUCK ME, FUCK ME! OH GOD FUCK ME!"


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