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Gently Does It

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A loving seduction.
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Carlene's initial seduction had been a very gentle affair. And it had been a seduction, pure and simple. Carlene had had no intention of losing her virginity before she was married. She had definitely not intended to lose it at the beach, when she might have been caught in flagrant delicto, so to speak.

It had started off simply enough. Carlene had a new bikini and the different strapping meant that the old strapping showed up as tan lines. Or, rather, as no-tan lines. Carlene had been having a quiet grumble about it.

Adam, her fiancé, had a suggestion.

"Listen, sweetheart," he said. "Why don't we just head back into the dunes a little. You can do a little topless sun-bathing. I'll be there to fend off anyone who happens to come along so it'll be safe enough. And we might be able to pash on a little," he added with a grin.

Carlene had given him an up and under look. She knew damn well pashing on was his reason, not respect for her wants regarding tan lines. Still, a bit of necking wouldn't hurt and Adam did have a gentle touch. Accordingly, Carlene went quietly with Adam into the dunes.

Things went very much as Carlene expected. Adam selected a relatively private place and spread out their towels. Settling Carlene on her towel, Adam thoughtfully unclipped her top, letting the sun work on those unsightly tan-lines.

After a while, with the sun warming them nicely, Adam suggested sunscreen wouldn't go amiss. Carlene nodded and reached for the bottle, only to have it held out of reach.

"I can do it," she was told. "Lie on your tummy."

Carlene laughed and obeyed, and Adam started rubbing on the sunscreen. Starting at her feet he worked his way up. He paid particular attention to her inner thighs, Carlene noticed, but didn't actually trespass onto areas that they'd agreed were off limits for the time being.

A slap on her bottom told her it was time to roll over. Smiling, Carlene did, and Adam started back down at her feet. Again Adam appeared to spend extra time around certain areas as he moved up, pushing the limits a little but not, quite, breaking them.

It was different when he reached her breasts. If they were bare they were fair game according to Adam, and he enjoyed playing with them. Truth to tell, Carlene enjoyed him touching them as well.

The sunscreen was tossed aside. Now Adam was making her pay for his services, kissing and fondling. There again, Carlene was right with him, kissing and fondling him back. Not that she let the monster out of his bathers, but she could feel it pressing against its restraints, and enjoyed teasing it.

It was while Adam was suckling on a nipple that Carlene became aware of imminent trespass. A hand was tracing along her bikini waistband, slipping under the rim. OK. With a bikini that small it couldn't be called a waistband. Possibly a pussy shield? Whatever, it was a no-no.

"Adam," Carlene warned him, pushing his hand away. "No going under the clothes. You know that."

"Never hurts to try, sweetheart," murmured Adam, "but I'll stay with uncovered areas if that's what you want."

Relieved, Carlene let the fun continue, confident that Adam would respect her wishes and go so far and no further. She enjoyed his hands running over her and couldn't wait to be married.

Carlene barely noticed the hand running up and down the side of her leg until it changed directions and moved sidewards, crossing onto her mound. Her uncovered mound, she realised with a shock.

"What?" she gasped, looking down at herself.

The tie to the side of her bikini was no longer tied. Adam had then brushed the bikini aside, leaving her completely exposed. Or she would have been if Adam hadn't been covering her.

"Adam," Carlene protested.

"Hey, it's uncovered so it's OK," said Adam, laughing at her.

"It is most definitely not OK," gasped Carlene. "Cover me immediately."

"I've been waiting to hear those words," said Adam, and before Carlene could grasp his meaning he had rolled over and was lying on top of her. And the monster was loose, she realised. He'd slipped his bathers down and now his erection was pressing against her slit.

"Adam," Carlene protested again, already knowing it was too late and he was sliding between her lips and into her. Before Carlene could protest again Adam was past her hymen, leaving Carlene with a fleeting memory of a sudden sting, and was sinking fully into her.

Carlene glared up at Adam who continued to smile down at her. Even while she glared at him Carlene could feel Adam starting to move. She tried to hold herself stiff, angry at him for breaking their agreement. Unfortunately, she was already excited and ready for him, and Adam's gentle movements quickly had her responding.

Adam continued to take Carlene gently. They moved together slowly, excitement building. Neither felt the need to go faster. They were enjoying themselves. Adam deliberately controlled the pace, just slowly building up Carlene's tension and excitement.

Carlene was tossing her head back and forth, knowing something was happening and wanting that something. Adam's gentle movements were driving her to distraction. Excitement was raging through her and she didn't know what to do.

Adam ploughed gently onwards, holding Carlene poised at a near climax, enjoying the way she twisted under him, gasping with need.

Finally realising he either had to stop or finish, Adam gave that little extra push that took Carlene over the edge, shuddering and screaming, the screams muffled by Adam's hand covering her mouth. He lay there, looking down at her, smiling as Carlene struggled back to rationality.

"Carlene," he murmured, when she finally seemed to have it all together again, "we are not going to continue to wait until we're married. When we want to do it, we will. OK."

Carlene looked up at Adam. Mentally, she shrugged. Too late to say no, now. Besides, she'd enjoyed that. She nodded.

That initial seduction established the pattern for Carlene and Adam's sex life. Adam always initiated it, repeating the gentle performance of their initial coming together. As far as Adam was concerned, if something works once, why change it?

The wedding day came and went. After marriage, Carlene would occasionally let Adam know she was in the mood, but it still fell substantially on Adam's shoulders to make the running. Until the day of the barbecue.

It was a hot day and it seemed half the neighbourhood was at the barbecue. It was noisy and it was fun. The host had effectively thrown his house open and everyone was coming and going.

Carlene was in the house, just returning from nature's call, when Mike suddenly pounced.

"Ha, Carlene," he snapped triumphantly. "Just the person I was hoping to find. I want to show you something."

Mike turned and headed up the stairs, apparently assuming that Carlene would follow him. Curious, she did.

Mike was more just a neighbour than a friend. He was a big burly extravert, loud mouthed and seemingly always happy, a real glad-hander.

Mike stopped outside a closed door and indicated that Carlene should be silent. He then opened the door slightly, indicating she should look. Puzzled, Carlene peeped through the gap in the door, blushed and turned away. Although she couldn't identify who the people were it was obvious what they were doing.

"Why show them to me?" she demanded, shocked.

"Because," said Mike with an evil smile, "the woman is Melanie, my wife. And guess who the man is?"

Adam? Carlene saw red. Turning towards the bedroom she was prepared to go in, snatch Melanie bald and choke Adam with the hair. She'd kill him. She'd kill both of them.

Mike moved first, blocking off her attempt to go charging in. Holding her arm, he hustled her across the hall and into another room. Another bedroom, Carlene noticed in passing.

"What's sauce for the goose is sauce for the gander," said Mike tritely.

"What?" said Carlene, glaring at him.

Mike raised his eyes to the heavens. God save him from idiots.

"What I mean is that while Adam is in there screwing my wife, I'm going to be in here, screwing his. That's you," Mike added, in case Carlene failed to get his meaning.

Carlene blinked. In the mood she was in that seemed fair and reasonable. Maybe some gentle loving would help her to regain control of her temper.

"Oh," she said. Her hands dropped to the waist of her yoga pants. "I suppose you'll want me to slip these off."

Carlene heard a muttered "give me strength," from Mike, and then he was reaching for her.

Carlene found herself spun around and pushed forward until she was leaning over the bed. Her hands automatically landed on the bed to hold her propped up.

"There's no need to be rough," Carlene started to say, but found herself gasping in surprise before more than a word or two escaped her lips.

Without wasting any time Mike had taken hold of her yoga pants and simply yanked them down, taking her panties with them. A foot on her ankle pushed her legs further apart and a hand roughly closed over her mound, squeezing it.

"What are you doing," gasped Carlene, and promptly found out when she felt Mike push her lips apart and his cock invade her.

No gentle easing in of an erection, this. Mike just charged ruthlessly into Carlene, possessing her as though he had the right. All Carlene knew was that one moment she was standing talking to Mike and the next she was bent over the bed, her pants and panties were gone and she was full of cock.

And not, she realised, a cock that was going to gently take her up to a nice little climax. This cock didn't seem to give a damn about her feelings and was going on a wild rampage within her.

Carlene squealed, hurriedly trying to adjust to Mike's demands upon her body. She was quite sure she had never been fucked so hard and fast as she was being fucked now. Mike was ploughing full strength into her, leaving her to respond as best she could.

At the same time his hands were pushing up her top and bra and grasping for her breasts. Now she was being assaulted by cock and hands as Mike made free of her body.

Gasping, Carlene was frantically humping her bottom, eager to match Mike's driving lunges. She could feel herself twisting, pushing her breasts harder against his groping hands, relishing the way he was mauling her, enjoying the rough way he was tormenting her nipples.

Carlene couldn't believe the feelings that were racing through her. She hadn't known sex could be like this. Why hadn't Adam shown her? She pushed herself hard against Mike, taking him deep with each thrust.

The sheer violence of their mating kept the whole thing brief. It seemed to Carlene that she'd barely started enjoying herself when Mike started driving home harder than ever, effectively picking her up and throwing her at a climax. Carlene snatched up a pillow and buried her face in it as she screamed her release.

Carlene lent on the bed, shuddering in the aftermath of the rough sex. She vaguely felt Mike disengaging and moving away. She was fumbling to pull up her pants when she heard Mike swear.

Looking over at Mike, Carlene saw that he was staring out the window at something.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"Nothing's wrong," said Mike cheerfully. "Melanie is outside chatting with her friends. That wasn't her in the bedroom, after all."

Three steps and Carlene was looking out the window. Following Mike's line of sight she quickly spotted Melanie, sitting with a group of friends, chatting. Carlene's head swivelled to where most of the men were gathered. There was Adam, still at the same place where she'd last seen him, skulling another beer.

"My bad," laughed Mike, giving her a friendly swat on the bottom. "Sorry about that. Still, no harm done."

Carlene stared after Mike as he departed, whistling. No harm done? She wondered if Adam would agree when he found out his sexual performance had to improve dramatically?

Tidying herself, Carlene returned to the barbecue.

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iammweaseliammweaselover 2 years ago

These are so patently stupid that Websters needed to create a new level for the sheer amount of idiocy these literary disasters are.

Literally none tries to fuck others spouses at BBQ even when the lying anons and latent homosexuals tell us they have/their cheating pouses have (and how haaaawwwt it was too).

Dumb as every other one of these. Not sure whats dumber the writer or the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
That was fun!

5 stars

AnonymousAnonymousabout 7 years ago
amazing attack of the mutes

It always amazes me how the "women" (lets call them females, as women are better than that) go completely MUTE when being raped or taken advantage of. Then the only response is voyeuristic cucks looking to snatch up leftovers of the "defiled slut".

Amazingly unoriginal and needless in today's social experiment. Get realistic or start posting in "fiction and space-aliens"


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
She should cry rape.

Technically she didn't really want to fuck Mike. He tricked her. She has his cum in her. If she starts screaming rape, with all the witness present, Mike won't stand a chance at trial!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
good story next chapters

Let me get this straight, Carlene without making a sound tries to investigate what is going on in the bed room, takes Mikes word, and is Raped, but really, Carlene went willingly so perhaps it was not rape. The next chapter of this would be she calls it rape, and the bastard gets what is coming to him.

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