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Getting Into Character


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"How do you..." I gasped as Dawn's head was moving faster and deeper now taking my breath away. "...know that's what she wants."

"You aren't the first we have lured here Dan but you are the most fun we have ever had," she explained.

"Oh god Dawn..." I moaned as the girl wrapped her fist around me and began to stroke me hard and fast squeezing me on the up stroke. "...if you keep that up I am going to cum again."

"She does love the taste of cum almost as much as I do," Hope said as she detached herself and moved to join her sister.

Now they were taking turns sucking me off as all the while Carol her eyes burning with lust was driving her fingers in and out of her pussy with complete and utter abandon.

"Just imagine it's my lips wrapped around you baby... that's it me sucking your fat cock," Carol said as her eyes closed, hips left the concrete and she squealed in the throes of a powerful orgasm. "Just like I imagine it's your dick ramming itself into me over and over again; feeling it buried so deep it spreads me wide like no man before."

I was forced onto my back so the sisters could attack my cock with greater ease and so Carol rose to her feet walked over and stood above me one foot on either side of my head. She spread her feet apart so I could see up into her pussy and watch her finger it with renewed hunger. Carol licked her lips as she looked down at me and drove her fingers in and out with greater speed and depth.

"Like the view," Carol asked.

"Unn... yes indeed," I managed to grunt out as the sisters had once again took turns and a new mouth was working on my hardness with great zeal.

"I am so close," Carol moaned.

"So am I," I told her as one sister used her mouth while the other used her hand.

"Come with me," Carol crooned.

"Yes," I growled as one sister suckled the tip of my cock and the other stroked the shaft as fast as she could. "But quickly now finger that pussy of yours I don't have long at all."

"Watch me," she purred and I heard the sloppy sounds of her fingers violating her slit with deep hard thrusts.

I tried to keep my eyes riveted on her but at the last moment my eyes snapped shut as I came and the sisters drank greedily. I could feel them take turns licking and sucking the last drops of cum from me; literally milking me dry. As I lay there panting and trying to catch my breath I heard soft footfalls moving away from me and I managed to open my eyes and see Carol wrap a towel around her and without a backward glance leave me to the mercy of the twins.

"She is pissed at me," I moaned out.

"You didn't see her come," Hope explained.

"She is disappointed not angry," Dawn said.

"I guess I will have to make it up to her," I thought out loud.

"If you want," Dawn moaned.

"Or you could stay with us," Hope offered.

"Yes," they said in unison, "stay with us."

I looked down at the pair and was sorely tempted but something desired to experience a depth I had not yet penetrated.

"She is a mistress of seduction she is," pouted Hope.

"She always gets what she wants," pouted Dawn.

"Just like Master Thomas," moaned Hope.

"She was intimate with Uncle Thomas," I blurted out.

"Oh yes for many years," Dawn said and was rewarded with a punch from Hope.

"Many years," I said incredulously, "she can't be much older than I am."

"Looks can be deceiving," Hope admitted.

"What are you two not telling me," I asked but they looked at each other and with some sort of twin telepathy they dove into the pool without another word.

"You can 'swim' with us if you like," Hope offered.

"Yes 'swim' with us and cool off and clean up all at the same time," Dawn whispered.

"Hell why not," I said and dove into the pool between them.

We 'swam' and played for another hour or so before one of the servants an attractive blond informed us dinner would be ready in another hour if we chose to dress for the occasion. I left the twins a few pints lower on sperm and somewhat reluctantly to shower and dress for dinner. This was the best day of my life and was looking forward to dinner as I had built up quite the appetite. My clothes were laid out when I finished my shower and dried off and the blond who had announced dinner was waiting for me.

"Does Sir need help dressing," she asked quite seriously.

"Can I ask you a personal question," I asked.

"Of course Sir, Master Thomas was quite informal with Family and staff alike," she replied smiling.

"Are there any unattractive people in this place, any at all," I asked her and she actually laughed.

"No sir the Master was quite specific when it came to the hiring of the staff," she informed me. "For my interview I had to raise my arms next to my head and walk slowly towards a wall to see which touched first my elbows or my nipples," she said nonchalantly.

"I take it you were topless at the time," I tried to say casually but failed miserably.

"I had to strip down completely good sir," she said smiling even brighter now. "I had to shave in order to get the position here of course."

"Of course," I repeated thinking, what was the big deal in a girl shaving her legs and then I realized suddenly it wasn't her legs that she had shaved but her...

"Yes, would you like to see," she offered, "smooth as a baby's bottom."

"Um..." I swallowed hard and then realized that the only thing hiding my hard on was the towel around my waist, "Maybe later after dinner."

"My pleasure," she crooned, "shall I help you into your clothes young Master?"

"I am afraid that if I drop this towel and you are still in the room I will end up missing dinner," I told her frankly.

"I wouldn't want that on my conscience," she said walking over to me, "I will bring you up a cock-tail after dinner if you want?"

"Boy would I, I mean yes that would be very nice indeed," I tried to recuperate my eagerness and sound more worldly but again failed.

"If I may offer Master some advice," she said reaching under the towel and slowly wrapping her hand around me, "be yourself... oh my so hard..."

"Oh god..." I moaned and thank heavens the clock struck the half hour, "I need to get dressed, that feels so damn good you have a very gentle touch."

"Thank you Master," she said letting go of me slowly, "I will return later."

"I look forward to it," I moaned my heart pounding in my ears and just then I noticed the change of her verbiage as she spoke to me; long gone was the term 'young Sir' and now only Master did she address me as.

I watched as she turned and slinked from the room her hips sashaying as she left. What was going on in this place? Did Uncle Thomas put some sort of aphrodisiac in the water or the air? Were these women so cock hungry for another reason? Maybe I was going to inherit a lot of money and they already knew about it? Well I would talk to the lawyer and discover the truth before too long; not that I disliked the attention but hell this was simply unreal.

Being Served:

Ting... ting... ting!!! The knife resonated off the fine crystal glass and a single pure note hung in the air. The small talk before dinner came to an end as my cousin and elder by two score years rose and proposed a toast before the food was to be served.

"Loved ones and Family we are all gathered in this fine estate to pay honor and homage to a great man's life. Though he is no longer with us his legacy lives on in each and every one of us. I welcome back all those who have visited Thomas in the past and offer my dearest salutation to those whose first stay this happens to be. This time is for all of us to acquaint and reacquaint ourselves with each and every person here whether they are Family, friends or staff; it is what Thomas would have wanted. So please raise your glass in loving memory to Thomas he was the best of us all!"

Glasses clinked and murmurs of 'here here' were exchanged across the table; and speaking of across the table the twins were looking over at me and giving me that knowing smile that we had already gotten to know each other intimately so. I looked over the others seated at the table and saw that Carol D'amber was seated near the head of the table to my left chatting animatedly at another of my cousins who was much closer to my age. I felt a twinge of jealousy but quickly quelled it; I mean who was I to lay claim to a girl I barely knew and instead looked forward to my cocktail after dinner. Even though I had been quite satiated by the twins earlier this day I believe I had been infected with the energy that seemed to hang in the air and create the, for lack of a better word, festive atmosphere. The servers passed among the diners refilling glasses as well as bringing the first course meal for us to partake of.

"Master," came a breathy whisper on my right ear as my food was set before me.

"I don't even know your name," I whispered back.

"Pick one," she said as softly as she could even as something was discreetly placed in my lap and then she was moving on down the table performing her duties.

As carefully as I could I lowered my right hand to my lap to see what lie there; my fingers settled over it hard plastic surface and in moments I realized it was some sort of remote control but to what? I glanced down and pressed the power on button and glanced at the other switches and dials. There were labels such as 'strength', 'pulse', 'heat' and 'vibration' and suddenly I suspected something very naughty indeed; ah but to put my theory to the test. I hit the on switch to the pulse feature and slowly turned the dial to the right I was rewarded with a low moan from my server who had returned to stand behind my chair awaiting orders. Oh but this was wonderful! I depressed the on button for 'strength' and slowly turned the dial about a quarter of the way and heard her bite back a surprised squeal. I left it for a time so I could eat and not draw attention to myself. Then the grand dame next to me gently touched my shoulder and I leaned over a bit.

"Don't leave the poor thing like that," she said with a wicked smile, "try the pulse option it'll do her a world of good."

"A very good suggestion, thank you..." I replied. "I am horrible with everyone I have met today I have misplaced your name do forgive me."

"Don't be so formal dear boy I am your Great Aunt Carmella, from Paris though originally from Chicago," she said with a deep laugh. "Now be a good lad and crank that bad boy up!"

I blinked at her last statement but did as I was told and turned on the pulse feature and slowly but inexorably turned the dial half way up; the effect was immediate and satisfying. My nameless server let out a soft but undeniable moan that drug out as the orgasm crashed over her. When she was somewhat recovered she thanked me for the pleasure I had given her.

"Nicely done," Aunt Carmella said raising her glass and toasting to orgasms aplenty and many chimed in with her.

"I am just getting started," I blurted out and was expecting a look of shock but instead my dear old aunt just smile and gave me a wink. "So how well did you know Uncle Thomas?"

"Oh he and I go way back," my aunt shared a spark kindled in her eye. "I met him in Paris, where I went to school, back before the Great War."

I looked at her as she told me her story and remarked at her venerable beauty. Though she was obviously in her sixties with long silvery white hair that was 'down' and woven in intricate braids her features were amazingly well preserved and still attractive. Her face was a gentle oval with high cheekbones and a delicate nose set over full kissable lips and her eyes were an amazing green that reminded me of grass in the high summer.

"Thomas was a military man back then having, before his retirement, gained the rank of a full bird colonel. He was tireless and energetic up until the day he passed."

"So he retired here then," I asked her.

"Well he never really retired he was always working on something but he had this place built as a sort of summer home; the land itself has been in the Family for a very long time since before the Revolution."

"Well that is a long time, but why did he wait until just recently to build a home here?"

"It's the water that's the real reason my boy you've been to the pool haven't you, you've swam in it how did it make you feel?"

"Well I have never felt better to be honest."

"I will leave it at that then judge for yourself now I am ready for my next course," the last she said loud enough so that the nameless could come forward and take her plate and go retrieve her next dish.

I began to reach for a carafe of water when another young beautiful girl beat me to it and gathered up the crystal vessel and poured a nice full glass of the clear contents. I turned to thank her and again my breath was taken away by her loveliness. Her hair was a deep red like burning coals and eyes like chips of emerald and under the uniform a muscular body that any dancer would envy.

"Sorry for staring," I muttered embarrassed.

"It is a compliment Master," she said as she returned the carafe to its resting place her right breast brushing up against my arm 'accidentally'.

"Do you have a name," I asked sipping the water and finding my thirst quenched by the finest water I have ever drunk before.

"Yes," the red head responded but left it at that.

"Let me put it another way, what should I call you if I need your services," I asked choosing my words carefully purposefully meaning the double intender.

"Red, Scarlet, Rose... anything you think is appropriate it's tradition," she explained.

"Scarlet I kind of like the sound of that," I told her, "what kind of tradition?"

"Then Scarlet it is Master," she responded with a heart melting and dick hardening smile. "Master Thomas decided it would be more fun for Family and guests to make up names for us, a kind of game really, and who were we to argue after all?"

When I turned forward again my second dish was there waiting for me and seeing the huge thick steak I gathered up knife and fork and attacked it with great relish. I love steak and this was the finest cut and best grilled I had ever tasted. After a few bites of my dish I decided to play with the remote and thank the nameless with a little more pleasure. I adjusted the pulse to half way up the dial to see how she liked that and when I heard her series of soft moans from behind me I smiled with wicked delight and returned to my meal. I tasted and consumed quite a few different wines over the course of the meal but it was the water that I kept going back to. Maybe Aunt Carmella was correct and there really was something in the water? When the last plate was removed and the meal at last ended I rose from my chair and followed my relatives to a chamber that put the dining hall to shame in dimension as well as elegance.

"Wow this is something," I exclaimed much to the amusement of the others but they were good natured about it and smiled at me with no hint of malice or mockery.

"Yes my boy that was my reaction the first time I saw it as well," Aunt Carmella voiced for everyone to hear; I was really beginning like the old bird.

We mingled again but now pipes, cigars and by the gods it was dear old Aunt Carmella who drew out a rolled cigarette and lit it and the familiar scent of pot filled the air. Go Carmella! She offered me a hit and who was I to turn down such a wonderful and unforeseen offer. I held the smoke in my lungs enjoying the delightful flavor and heady rush it gave me. I blew out a smoke ring and sent it sailing across the room. I got a 'that a boy' and a pat on the back for that one. After the third or so pass of the weed I was definitely feeling the effect and in that delightful haze of bliss took out the remote and began to play with it once more. I locked eyes on the nameless and smiled as I turned the power up to 75 percent and followed suit with the pulse and watched her eyes roll up in her head and another orgasm take hold of her. Carmella, not Great Aunt or even Aunt any longer just plain old Carmella blew out a long thin stream of smoke and nodded her approval.

"You are going to take that lovely creature up to your room and fuck her silly aren't you," she said not a few of her words slurred and a powerful emphasis on the word fuck.

"Yes Carmella I am and you know what I think this is as good a time as any," I told her as I slowly got to my feet.

I looked at the nameless, still trying to think up a suitable name and turned off the remote killing all the pleasure flooding from between her legs by the vibrator she had placed there. If she wanted anymore she was going to have to earn it. I slowly made my way back to my room and there I would await her eventual arrival. After arriving in my room I decided another shower was in order it had invigorated me so much the first time around another could only make this nearly perfect day just a little better. I spent nearly an hour in the shower and when I stepped out I felt like a new man my buzz was gone but this new feeling of energy was far better! It felt like every cell was brand new and so very alive it was better than any drug or alcohol! I decided to lie down on the bed and relax and wait for my cocktail to arrive and I was feeling so good I slipped into a dreamless sleep. I felt the first stirs of consciousness at the wonderful sensations coming from my groin specifically my cock; someone was giving me head and they knew what they were doing. I let out a deep moan and I heard a voice say...

"Mmm good you are awake now I can really begin to pleasure you as much as you did for me," it was the voice of the nameless.

I opened my eyes and there she was head down over my hardness her fist slowly moving along the shaft as she gazed up at me making eye contact before she lowered her mouth to me again. She was stripped down to a long black cotton shirt that hit just above her ass cheeks which were clearly visible and bore no panty lines nor panties; her long legs were slung out below her and seemed to go on forever.

"Your eyes on me make me wetter than I already am," she crooned as she slowly lowered her mouth to my cock.

"Good the easier to fuck you," I told her and with that she swallowed me till I felt her lips around the base of the shaft.

Then without use of her hands she began to deep-throat me with an ease I have never experienced before; hell even the twins who loved to suck cock couldn't do this! I watched intently as my cock disappeared down her throat over and over; never did she show the slightest hint of gagging. After a bit of this she grew eager to move towards the fucking so she sat up and slowly peeled off the black shirt to reveal the firmest and largest breasts I have ever laid eyes on in person. They had to be DD's and they were gorgeous and her rosy nipples were as erect as I was.

"You like," she cooed, "just wait until they are wrapped around you."

She produced a bottle of lube that had been lying on the bed and applied it to her tits generously and began to rub it in. Soon her breasts had a silky sheen and she repositioned herself so that she could wrap her tits around my cock. I have never had a girl do this before and was eager to know what it felt like. I felt her soft pillowy flesh wrap around me and I let a soft 'ooh' of surprised delight; the she began to move and it really was unlike any sensation I have ever felt before and it was great!

"More," I begged and she didn't hesitate and with a brilliant smile continued to tit fuck me all the while my toes curled up as I felt an orgasm sneaking up on me. "Oh god I am going to cum!"

She quickly moved and trapped the head of my cock between her lips and as I thrust my hips up, pulses of hot cum hit the back of her throat and she gulped down every last drop. She even squeezed and stroked the shaft while licking the tip to make sure none was wasted.

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