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Gilmore Girls: Bad Girl Lane Ch. 04

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Lorelai hires a schoolgirl escort - Lane Kim
7.8k words

Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 08/31/2017
Created 11/09/2012
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Lane Kim strode confidently into the hotel lobby and walked directly over to the elevator, not even glancing at the reception or the bellboy. It was how her escort agency boss – Madam might be a more accurate description – had told her to act when visiting a client; you had to look like you belonged there, not that you were a high class prostitute going to see a John. Or a Jill in this case. Rory stuck her hands in the pocket of her long coat and waited for the elevator to descend. Her fingers touched a piece of paper, on which she had scribbled the room number and the name of the hotel – a middle range chain in the outer suburbs of Hartford. She didn’t need to pull it out, she had memorised the room as she had the instructions of what her client wanted.

The bell to the elevator dinged as the doors opened. Lane stepped in and pressed the floor number. A man in a suit followed her in and he gave a polite nod. She gave a non-committal one back just enough to acknowledge they were two strangers trapped together in an enclosed space. He didn’t give her another glance, instead looking at his watch. With her glasses, smart bag over her shoulder and long, buttoned dark coat he probably thought she was an young looking professional. It would have shocked him that underneath she was wearing a sexy schoolgirl uniform, the skirt well up her thigh and the blouse tied across her midriff leaving her stomach bare. No panties either. The client wasn’t looking for an accurate representation of the schoolgirl look, more a sexual fantasy.

The bell on the lift dung again and the doors began to open. “My floor,” said Lane and stepped out, leaving the businessman glancing at his watch again.

The teen looked at the room signs and turned left, following them down the corridor. She could feel her pussy tingling with excitement - it always did. Some of the women did escort work for the money. Not Lane, sure it was a bonus to find yourself several hundred dollars richer and she loved slipping the money in her tin under the floorboards. But she didn’t need it, she made more from dealing pot and a little coke. No, she had joined the escort business because she was a naughty little nympho and this way she could get plenty of fucks and sucks.

She stopped at the door and undid her coat, so that the client could see what she was wearing. She was sure the woman would like it; it was suitably sluttish. Most of her clients were men, so it was a nice change to have a woman, especially when she was going to be the dominant one – not that she didn’t enjoy being bottomed or banged by guys, they were fun as well. In fact Lane hadn’t yet found any pairing or act she hadn’t liked. She licked her lips to brighten the gloss and pushed her chest out a little so that her pop-up bra and unbuttoned shirt conspired to make her titties seem even bigger and bouncier than they were. Her knuckles rapped at the door.

It swung open so quickly that the client must have been waiting on the other side of it.

“Lane,” the Jill gasped in shock.

“Lorelai,” Lane replied, equally surprised.


Lane stood in front of the mirror touching up her make-up; she always did it at Rory’s house – her own Mom thinking that lipstick and eye-shadow was the work of, if not the devil, at least someone who was probably going to end up sharing the afterlife with him. The teen pursed her lips, rubbing them together to clear any excess and make sure the gloss was even. Very cute, she thought to herself, and fuckable, which was the main thing.

She turned from the full-length mirror and towards her friend. Rory was wearing jeans and nothing else, frowning in concentration as she looked at a couple of bras on the bed, one a blue which matched her denims, the other as black as coal. “Which one?” she asked Lane nervously.

The choice was easy. Lane pointed to the nearest, “That one.” Rory put it on, sliding the cups over her titties, pushing them up and together. Lane smiled, “It’ll soon be off anyway; I don’t think the guys are looking for a fashion show.”

“It’s still important to look good,” said Rory and gestured for a white pullover, which was crumpled over the chair next to Lane. Her friend passed it her and she pulled it over her head; it was tight and thinner that it looked, the outline of the bra visible. The teen moved her head, pulling any hair strands that had been stuck in the sweater out and letting them hang loose. “You could come as well,” she smiled cheerfully, but Lane had been her friend long enough to know that Rory was nervous.

“Pass me your old blazer,” Lane said. Rory passed it to her, the smile still on her face. Lane took it and looked it over; Rory had removed the badge on the pocket, leaving it a darker colour than the surrounds, but apart from that it looked fine – the perfect complement to the rest of her slutty schoolgirl outfit. She shrugged it on and turned to the mirror, yes, that worked. She turned back to Rory, “You’ll be good.”

“But two guys… at once,” Rory smile’s faltered and her anxious face came to the fore. Then her smile beamed up again as if an idea had just popped into her head, though Lane suspected that it had been their for a while, “We could put them off until tomorrow and then take one each.”

Lane was almost tempted, she seldom said ‘no’ to dick. But Mrs Kim was aware that Lorelai was away at a hospitality event overnight and that Rory was alone, her Mama wasn’t naïve and knew that meant loud music and, despite her strict admonitions, a glass of wine. It had been with some reluctance the older Kim had agreed her teenage daughter could spend the night at Rory’s, thinking it would prevent Rory being tempted to invite a boy round. But in return Lane would need to spend extra time cleansing her soul and a Sunday afternoon’s bible reading beckoned. Lane picked up a joint, pushed the bedroom window open a little more and lit the weed. She sucked it and turned to Rory, offering her friend some. She waited until Rory had taken it and sucked in a lung full before replying, “No, you take them.”

“You sure? Their big dicks, your tight ass? It’s your thing. And you’re better at negotiating than me, I always get tongue tied.”

“I’m going to get my full of pussy tonight, with a Milf with a schoolgirl fetish so it’s not like I’m going without,” Lane took the pot back and took another puff. It was good stuff, “You’ll be fine, I’ve already done the talking; two grand of pot and one grand of coke for two and a half and your ass and pussy. The guys know you’ve not done DP before, but Aaron says neither has Walt, so they’re not expecting porn star style. Anyway once they’re in you, all you have to do is squeak and squeal, they’ll do all the work.”

“Okay,” said Rory. She didn’t sound totally convinced.

Lane grinned, “Honestly, Rory, it’s as easy as falling of a log. And take it from me, you know how much you love one cock, two’s not just twice as good it’s orgasm squared.”

“Sure,” Rory smiled; it was still one which was tinged with anxiety, but it was also one of acceptance. Lane didn’t worry about her friend, she knew Rory would be fine, she’d been exactly the same when they’d gone round to give away her virginity and the teen had loved that. Rory was just a bit of a nervous nympho at times.

“I’ve told the Aaron we’ll go fifty-fifty on the profits,” said Lane, “We just go straight down the middle with our half.”

“Cool,” Rory nodded. “I can get it ready tomorrow afternoon, weigh it all up and get the prices.” She looked a lot more confident now she was talking Math rather than sex.

“Keep some for us,” said Lane. It was her time to look nervous - it would be her and Rory’s first deal, it was important they got it sold; otherwise, no matter how good a fuck Rory Aaron wouldn’t be offering them a dealership again. “I can sell seven fifty dollars worth of coke for double that to your ex, Jesse reckons he can shift it to a friend in New York. You sure you can get rid of the rest and the pot?”

“Louise and Madeline have promised to help shift it round school in return for a small cut of the profits.”

“Good,” said Lane. She forced herself to relax and took another drag of the pot. Time to change the subject, “So how am I looking?”

“Whoever that Milf is, she’s in for the banging of her life,” grinned her friend.


For a few moments Lorelai Gilmore and Lane Kim just stood there, looking at each other. Lane’s brain working overtime – wrong room? No, she had it memorised. Lorelai’s long lost twin? Not unless the twin also knew a Korean cutie called Lane. Lorelai was the client? The door had opened supernaturally quickly, like Lorelai had been on the other side waiting and the Milf was prepared for a guest, her lips recently glossed and her dress both cheap and short and revealing. Lane’s brain clicked round again and she smiled, slipping into professional mode, “Hello, I’m Lane Kim. I’m a naughty schoolgirl.”

She entered the hotel room, pushing aside Lorelai who made no effort to stop her. There was a brown envelope on the desk. Lane walked over to it and peeked inside; inside was a bundle of ten dollar bills; she didn’t need to count it to know there was five hundred dollars – she was expensive, but - as Lorelai was about to find – worth it. She turned back to the stunned looking Milf and waved at her with the envelope, “For me?” Lorelai nodded soundlessly. Lane smiled at her, “I don’t need to count it, I trust you,” she said and slid it into the inside pocket of her coat, before immediately sliding out of it and hanging it over a comfy seat in the corner of the roof.

She turned back to Lorelai; the Milf seemed to be recovering from her shock, a gleam in her eye as she looked at Lane in the short skirt and tied up blouse, the teen’s cleavage very definitely on show. The teen moved to a more seductive pose, putting a hand on her waist and punching her chest out. She let Lorelai admire her slender body and toned stomach, showing her Mom’s friend the sensual, wicked side of Lane that she had never seen before. After all Lorelai had paid a lot for her…

“I wasn’t expecting you,” Lorelai pulled her gaze from Lane’s cleavage and for the first time looked her in the face. “I don’t normally do this type of thing.”

Lane saw she was blushing as she spoke, but she wasn’t denying she’d hired her. The teen smiled, it wasn’t the first time she’d had to calm a nervous client, “I do.”

Lorelai eyes flicked down and she licked her lips, “Do you? I mean… have you? What about…?” she trailed off.

Lane wasn’t sure exactly what Lorelai was asking, but she guessed it might be how good girl Lane Kim had come to be bad girl Lane. Lane shrugged and smiled, “I don’t discuss my personal life with clients,” she replied politely. Lorelai wasn’t the first customer who’d wanted to ask her questions about how she’d ended up as an escort or why, though she was the first who knew her Stars Hollow alter ego. Lane was used to batting the questions aside, as a professional Lane didn’t hold with personal talk, though if she had wanted to reply the answer was simple - it paid well and fucking was fun.

Lorelai nodded and blushed a little more, though she closed the door behind her, suggesting that even if she was still not comfortable she was close to deciding that as Lane was here they might as well fuck. Lane helped her in her decision making by undoing an extra button on her blouse, exposing more of her black bra and the round mounds it was covering. Lane walked over to the desk and took out her exercise book and a pen, putting them down on the blotter, even though her back was turned aware that all the time Lorelai’s eyes were feasting on her. She deliberately bent over, as she went into her bag and letting her skirt ride up her thighs and cling tightly to her shapely behind. She remained in position a few moments, knowing that she was driving up Lorelai’s libido, before she turned to the Milf and pretending she was searching for something, though in reality she had found it immediately. She straightened with the strap-on panties in her hand and opened a drawer and slid them in. Lorelai’s eyes followed the toy, before moving back to Lane as she turned and ran a finger between her cleavage “So you want to do it?”

“Yes,” said Lorelai and she blushed again, turning her head slightly to avoid looking Lane in the eye.

The teen smiled, this would be fun, she hadn’t ever really thought about doing it with Lorelai Gilmore, her lesbian fantasies tending to go for more buxom and blonder women, but now she was here she decided that the Milf brunette was pretty damned hot looking. “I was told your fantasy was that I’m your foster daughter and you’ve just got back from talking to the Principal who’s not happy with my behaviour. You start to tell me off, but it turns out I’m the dominant one. Is that right?”

“Yes,” Lorelai’s cheeks were red and she was looking at a picture of some fruit on the wall rather than Lane, “You fuck me in every hole, totally humiliate me.”

“I was told you want me to call you Mommy?”

Lorelai’s blush was so warm it was almost burning, “I think Lorelai wouldn’t be right. You’re my foster daughter after all.”

“That’s cool, also I’m to verbally abuse you as well, so I won’t be calling you Mommy for long,” she looked at the Lorelai. The Milf was still for a moment, pondering, then she nodded. “I’m ready when you are,” Lane sat down at the desk and opened her exercise book. She figured that naughty schoolgirls wouldn’t do math so instead she started to doodle, drawing matchstick figures with large tits bouncing on other matchstick figures with what looked like five limbs.

There was silence in the room, the only sound the scratch of Lane’s pen on the paper; it went on for so long that Lane wondered if Lorelai had changed her mind and had decided for a quite night in. Just when Lane was about to ask if there was anything wrong Lorelai came up behind her and forcefully put her hand down on the book, “I’ve just been to see Principal Charleston. He’s not happy with your performance, he said you put all your effort in trying to feel up the cheerleading squad.”

If it was a mother-daughter fantasy which was really about Rory that was way off, Rory would be more into being fucked by the local drug dealer, not that Lorelai knew that and Lane didn’t think now was the moment to tell her. Still Lorelai wanted her to be bad and bad she’d be. She turned a sulky look on her face, “So? School’s boring, and so what if I want some pussy; it’s better than being one of those stick stuck up ass types who’s head’s always in a library book.”

“That’s not the attitude I want to see,” said Lorelai sternly, a frown creasing her forehead, “If you don’t improve your grades we’ll be having words young lady.”

Lane grinned inwardly, wondering how much of the fantasy was about sex and how much it was about really having a grade perfect daughter who needed no parenting where school was concerned. But out loud she gave a scowl and under her breath, but loud enough for Lorelai to hear, scowled, “Bitch.”

She turned back to her exercise book as Lorelai stood in mock anger, her hands on her hips, “What did you call me?”

“I called you a bitch, Mommy” said Lane louder, the role-play was kind of liberating for her as well, she’d never dare talk to Momma Lane like that.

Lorelai reached down hard for Lane’s shoulder, gripping it hard and almost pulling the teen to up. Lane stood and turned so she was facing Lorelai, the older woman’s face puce, fake anger mixed with real lust. The Milf stared at her, “Listen to me. I won’t have you throwing your education away like some skank, after some pussy. Even if it means keeping you in the house all day.”

Lane gave Lorelai her most rebellious look, one she had been practising in the mirror for years and never quite got round to using, “You’d like that wouldn’t you, Mommy, you’d like this to be stuck at home with you.” To emphasis the point Lane slid her hands seductively down her slender body, and untying the knot on her blouse that kept it together. Lorelai looked at her, lust etched into her face, and Lane slid out of her blazer, “You want me under your eye Mommy?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Lorelai was so excited by Lane open blouse that she was almost growling, her voice hoarse with desire.

“Yeah, you do Mommy. I’ve seen you watching me, wanting to kiss, nibble at my titties, fuck my sweet little pussy,” the teen felt herself getting wet with excitement. She pushed her bra down just enough for her titties to free themselves and slide over it, pushing away the thin material of her blouse and giving Lorelai a glimpse of her titties, “That’s why you don’t want me feeling up the cheerleaders, you want me for yourself.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” said Lorelai. She was saying the words, but her acting skills weren’t enough to conceal her desire. All the signs were there - the excited gleam in her eyes, the little grunts and pants of anticipation, a hand clenching itself in front of her as if the second she loosened it would be under the dress and hitting her pussy.

Lane knew how she felt, her own cunt was tingling with excitement at doing Lorelai Gilmore. She gave a hard looking smile and said, “So if you’re not a fucking dyke who wants to fuck me stop me doing this.” She slammed her mouth on Lorelai’s, gripping the back of the woman’s head with one hand and keeping her in place as her tongue tried to force its way into the Milf’s mouth. The brunette weakly tried to resist, one hand flailing until Lane caught the wrist and gripped it hard. She pressed herself harder, slowly forcing open Lorelai’s resistant lips and thrusting it in. It was obvious that the reluctance was for show only as Lorelai’s tongue began to engage right back with the teen’s, striking against it, slithering over, twirling and twisting around. Lorelai’s eyes were closed as she leant into it. Lane let go off her wrist, the arm fell to Lorelai’s side, unmoving. Her hand now free Lane took the time to pull the zip on the back of the dress down, still forcing her tongue to control the Milf’s mouth. Then the teen pulled back, a smile on her lips as she wiped her tongue over them, cleaning away the Milf’s saliva, “See, I knew you were a whore.”

“I…I…” Lorelai stammered, whether it was acting or whether she really was confused about how much she enjoyed this was a moot point, but also, to Lane, an irrelevant one.

The teen gripped at the older woman’s dress and brutally tore down the straps, before yanking it down to the waist leaving Lorelai’s tits bouncing as they were set free. Lane grinned, “You want to eat some pussy?”

“No…I…I don’t know,” Lorelai looked flustered. She also looked excited.

“I wasn’t asking whore,” said Lane. She grabbed Lorelai and propelled her onto the bed. The Milf fell forward, turning onto her back as Lane twisted her round and swung her legs up so that Lorelai was lying on the bed. Lane dropped out of her skirt with an easy professionalism, her bald twat was already wet with excitement.

“Oh, oh, oh,” Lorelai stammered her eyes wide as she looked at the cunt on display.

“Eat me bitch, eat me good.” Lane didn’t give the other woman long to examine it before getting on the bed and sitting down on her face, smothering Lorelai with the cunt. “Fucking eat me.”

Lorelai’s mouth opened and she began to lick at Lane’s fuckhole, thrusting between the lips and lapping greedily. Lane immediately gasped and shook as the older woman’s tongue dove into her. It was fast and hard, passionate and powerful – it made Lane think that Lorelai was no amateur; despite the Gilmore’s claim if she hadn’t done this often Lane Kim was a virgin nun. She ground her pussy down on Lorelai, squashing the woman pretty face between the teen’s thighs, “Eat me you fucking whore, eat my cunt like a slut.”

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