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Ginny and Katy Pt. 19


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My climax hit me as a surprise. I came sharp and fast and with fireworks in my eyes. I know I made some kind of noise, but I wasn't aware enough to be sure what. I followed it up by howling like a dog, then barked several times, and collapsed on my chest whimpering. The dildo deep inside me, the stimulator hard up against my clit.

I woke up some unknown time later, still on my knees, still filled with the dildo, my chest and head still on the pads. I very carefully pulled myself up enough to get the stimulator off my clit, then rested for a few seconds. I then just as carefully got up on all fours, feeling the dildo suck at my insides as it reluctantly slid out of me.

I turned and cleaned it, as I'd been told, then got down on the floor and forced the sucker off the floor with my tongue. I picked it up, like a bone, then deposited it with my other toys at the far end of the cage. I pushed the padding back where it belonged with my paws, got my blanket and curled up on the pads and quickly fell asleep.

When I woke there was some light from the windows. I needed to go out. The cage wasn't big enough to let me stretch out, but I could turn around easily, didn't have to curl up tightly to be comfortable, and could sit up, puppy style, without any trouble.

So I sat and looked over towards the bed. I could see the back of Katy's head and her shoulders showing above the sheet she was covered with. I barked. Nothing happened. I barked several more times, more loudly. She finally rolled over and looked my way.

"Good morning, Ginny. Do you have to go out girl?"


She climbed out of bed, nude, walked over to the cage and let me out. I raced past her, down the stairs, and into the kitchen to scratch at the door. What felt like minutes later, Katy came into the kitchen with a robe on, obviously wearing nothing else since she hadn't tied the sash. She took the leash, hooked me up, and took me out. Again, pulling me up short as I tried to run into the yard.

I did drag her along this morning, until she swatted me on the behind with the other end of the leash. I calmed down, mostly, and pulled more gently as I led her to my spot by the tree. She pushed the release button and pulled out my tail.

"Go ahead, baby."

She went to the gardeners faucet, near the fish pond, and washed off the plug. I tried to go, and I really needed to, but it wasn't happening. She came back but I was still straining to start. She waited a minute or so while I continued to try, saying things like "Good puppy" and "Take your time baby.

And finally "Here, let me help."

My mind screeched to a halt. How as she going to help?

She ran two fingers down my spine until they were just above my ass hole, and tickled me there. It worked, I let go. It was so humiliating. I'd not only dumped in front of her but that she'd had to help me do it. She'd brought some tissues and the hand lotion from the kitchen counter. She wiped me off, put some lotion on the plug and put it back in.

"What a good puppy you are, Ginny. Seems you'll be all house broken pretty quickly."

She had one of those "clean up after your pet" kits attached to the leash, and used one to "be a good pet owner" with my mess. The Ginny part of me didn't care, hardly noticed. The Virginia part of me wanted to hide behind the tree. And, again, I was getting horny just standing there.

She said, "After you're house broken, we're going to have Virginia clean up after you instead of me doing it."

We'd agreed to that during our long talks, but had never settled exactly how that was going to work. It was one of the myriad details we'd left up to her to work out. But that was in the future. For now, I was relieved and both I and the yard had been cleaned up. We headed back into the house.

Katy decided it was late enough for us to stay up, have breakfast, and start our day. We'd nap a bit in the afternoon. Katy cooked, of course, and I followed her around, like a puppy, of course. Scrambled eggs, sausage, hash browns. All cut up into bite size pieces for me and put in my food bowl. She refilled my water bowl too.

I picked a position so she could see my pussy while I ate. I looked back occasionally. Sometimes she was watching me, sometimes not. After she finished her breakfast, she refilled her coffee then sat back and watched me. I finished and moved over to sit by her. We heard a thump as the morning paper hit the front door.

Katy said, "The paper, Ginny. Go fetch."

I sat there for a second until what she'd told me to do sank in. Fetch? The front porch? I looked at her with big round eyes. She look back at me, took a sip of her coffee.

Ignoring my obvious distress, she said, "Oh, right, you can't open the door, can you?"

I hadn't even thought of that!

She got up and walked through to the living room, closing and tying her robe as she did.

"I'll help, come along girl."

She got all the way to the front door, and opened it, before I shook myself and followed her. I went along the wall to keep from showing myself through the front door. It was awfully early, sun barely up, and a Saturday. Probably nobody out there. Probably.

Katy stepped out on the porch then walked out to the top step and looked around. She actually stepped over the paper to get there. She turned around to face me.

"Come on Ginny, dogs fetch the paper for their owners. Or do we need a little lesson in obedience?"

She took another look up and down the street, then across the street at the house there, before coming back to stand in the doorway. She gave me a slap on my butt, which got me moving.

I dashed out onto the porch where I discovered that it's harder to pick up a news paper with your mouth than you'd think it would be. I had to try three times before I finally got a good grip on it and jumped back into the house. I was aroused by the risk, the dare, of having fetched the paper. I went into my beg pose presenting her with the paper.

"Good girl, but no. You bring it to me at the table. I'm going to finish my coffee and read it there."

She went back to her seat, and I did exactly as she'd said. I sat beside her watching her. Her robe had come open so I was mostly looking at her breasts and stomach. After a few minutes, I moved up to put my fore arms on her leg and rest my head on them.

I fell asleep, but every few minutes she moved or I did I slipped off and had to catch myself. My arousal built each time this happened. After a few times I couldn't fall asleep again. I started to fidget.

"You don't have to stay here, darling. Go play if you want to."

I stood up, on hands and knees, turned to go in the living room, and hesitated. I'd noticed as we came through the living room this morning that the toys and dildo were where we'd left them last night.

I'd wondered about the dildo. Last night I'd thought she'd brought it to me to use in my cage. But now I noticed that this one was exactly the same size and style, but a different color.

Did she mean play, with my toys, or play with my dildo?

I had my ass towards her, looking at the door to the living room. I jumped when she put her hand on my butt then ran it down past my tail and slid a finger in my pussy. She took it out and looked at it.

"Go ahead, baby. It looks like you need it."

Well, that was clear enough. I took a couple of steps and looked up at her again. She was licking my juices off her finger. That sight did it, I was instantly so horny that I ran into the living room.

It was much like last night in my cage, but the difference in position, back and forth rather than up and down, changed how it felt. The fact that I was facing that mirror and could watch myself made a difference too. But it was still pretty quick.

I was whimpering and growling and jingling, watching my breasts bounce in the mirror, when I looked to the side and saw Katy's feet. I looked up to see her leaning against the door jam, robe open, coffee in one hand, gently rubbing herself with the other, watching me. I looked back at myself in the mirror, mashed myself back as hard as I could on the dildo and the clit nub and came howling several times.

I stood there with it inside me while I wound down enough to move. I walked forward, feeling myself contract as it's girth was removed. I licked it clean then went back in the kitchen. Katy was sitting at the table again.

"Feeling better baby?"


I returned to her side, arms and head on her thigh again. After a while she folded the paper and put it aside then just sat there petting me. I felt totally at peace with the world.

The rest of the day was not a continuous series of orgasms. In fact, there was no sex at all between Katy and I the rest of the day. I did use the dildo on the coffee table again, but Katy was in the kitchen working with her laptop.

Around noon she brought in a large wicker dog bed from the garage and rearranged the furniture in the living room a bit to fit it into one of the corners. The bed had a comfortable pad on it already and Katy added a blanket, with a dog paw print pattern on it. I napped in there during the afternoon while she did the same on the couch.

I was taken out to pee a couple of times. We spent an hour or so playing fetch in the back yard. As evening came upon us, she walked me in the woods out past the hedges. I did my business in the forrest for the first time. I didn't need her help to go. She's brought supplies to clean me and my tail, then put it back in.

Later, she told me she was going out with Betty and I'd have to stay in my cage to make sure I didn't make any messes. That didn't seem to be important, until the door bell rang while I was playing on the living room floor. I jumped up and looked at Katy. She got up from the couch and walked towards the door.

She said, "Unless you want Betty to meet you right now, go upstairs and get into your cage. I'll come latch the door before I leave."

I hesitated for a few seconds, wondering how she was going to explain the dog bed and the toys scattered around the room, then looked up at her. She had her hand on the door knob.

"Either sit like a good girl, or scoot!"

I scooted. Ran up the stairs, into my room, and into my cage. A minute later I heard voices as they came up the stairs and into the hall leading to our rooms. I grabbed the blanket, with my teeth, and got under it, peeking out into my room, listening to them coming closer.

Betty was making suggestions about what Katy should wear to the club they were going to. They went into Katy's room and I couldn't hear their voices, but not what they were saying. Several minutes later they came out.

Katy said, "Just a second, I have to check on the puppy."

She opened the door enough to step in, left it open, and walked over to my cage. She leaned over and told me to be a good girl, loudly enough that Betty must have heard, and latched the door.

As she stepped back into the hall, Betty asked, "So, this puppy is afraid of people? Will I ever get to meet her?"

Katy held the door open long enough for me to hear her reply, "I'm sure you'll meet her pretty soon. She's just awfully skittish about strangers right now. I'll introduce you two when the time is right."

She shut the door and they left the house.

And I had to use the dildo in my cage again.

Katy got in a bit before midnight, came into my room and called to me. I jumped up and barked back to her.

"Do you need to go out, Ginny?"


She was pulling off her dress as I watched. She had nothing on under it and I wondered if she'd gone out that way, or lost her underwear later. And she looked unsteady. Perhaps a bit drunk?

She took me out of my cage and we went downstairs. As we came through the living room, I saw her tiny purse on the floor, her bra and panties were stuffed partially into it and her shoes, some low heels, were on the floor near it.

I stopped to sniff her panties. She swatted me on the behind and told me to get going. She had to get to bed. We were going out tomorrow. The first I'd heard of that, but then, you don't tell your dog where you're taking her, do you? My next thought was to wonder if she meant Ginny or Virginia and, if Ginny, would be other people wherever she was taking me?

We had an odd agreement about other people seeing me. I wanted to put it off for a while, but I'd left the actual decision about who and when up to her judgment. For example, it would have been perfectly within that agreement for her to have shown me to Betty earlier tonight.

She put my leash on and we went out. Fortunately I only had to pee, and was not desperate. Despite her desire to hurry up, I took my time sniffing flowers and patches of grass until I found the perfect spot.

I have no idea how canine dogs find their perfect spot. What their criteria is for choosing them. But I could act it out. My criteria was to make Katy walk me all over the yard. Katy was getting impatient when I found a spot, actually quite near the house. I could have peed there ten seconds after we came out. Instead I took her all over the yard for about ten minutes.

I relived myself then turned with my ass in the air for her to wipe me clean. She did then pinched my clit, hard. I yelped and turned to face her, surprise on my face.

"You did that just to annoy me, didn't you?"


"I love you, you annoying bitch. In the house with you."

I paused in the kitchen to get a drink, though I could just as easily used the water bottle in my cage. She let me off the leash then headed upstairs. I went into the living room and flopped on the floor, chewing on one of my squeaky toys.

I heard, from the top of the stairs, "Ginny! Bad girl! Get up here."

I ran up the stairs to find her standing there with her hands on her hips. In the hallway light I could see that she was actually quite a mess. Lipstick on her nipples, belly and pussy. In two different shades. Her hair tangled, and her own lipstick smeared across her face.

I wasn't actually horny right then, but there were puppy standards to be upheld. I jumped forward and jammed my nose into her crotch and licked her hard. And discovered that she was sticky from drying girl juice. She gasped, stepped back, then giggled.

"No, Ginny. Bed time now. Let's go."

She took me by the collar and led me into the bedroom and put me in my cage. She latched it, walked across the room, and fell into bed. I watched her for a few minutes and saw her grab the sheets and pull them over herself.

"Good night Virginia... Ginny... sorry."


I curled up, pulling my blanket over myself, and was soon lost in dreams of chasing that cat that kept trying to catch the squirrels in the trees in my back yard.

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grixstergrixsterover 9 years ago

This, and Penny & Megan, are fantastic. I love the way you string things out and the way you make the true nature of the D/s lifestyle bubble to the surface is, quite frankly, tear jerking.

Please don't take this as a criticism (I know, people always say that and mean *but*!), sort out the chronology, ages of characters in some places and some of the common 'spelling mistakes' that spell checkers miss and turn it into an ebook.

Looking forward to the next instalments!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Lots of love with a pinch of firmness.

I look forward to next chapter. Expect pet to do more and more chores.

Sincerely Grey Master

DreamCloudDreamCloudover 9 years ago
Sweet Puppy

Worth the wait. Your story never ceases to enlighten and amaze.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Fun fun story

This was well worth the wait. I never thought I'd want a puppy but if Ginny has a liter mate I'm interested!

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