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Girl on a Hot Tin Roof

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A drink in the wrong pub leads Jess to explore her dark side.
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As with many of my stories, this one cuts across a few genres. I have gone with 'non-con/reluctance' due to Jess's uncertainty and Thea's first time experience.

All persons depicted as participating in sexual activity are over eighteen years old.



Despite the thick drape they had hung behind me, I could still feel the roughness and the coldness of the bricks on my back and shoulders. My arms were starting to ache from being extended above my head and the handcuffs, despite being velvet lined, were becoming uncomfortable. The weights hanging from my nipple clamps were giving me vivid reminders not to shake and tremble too violently, but my feet and ankles were protesting against the devious restraints holding me up which meant that the only part of my feet in contact with the ground were the tips of my toes.

My nipples were on fire, my pussy aching from the torment of the Hitachi barely rubbing my outer labia and I was just aching for release.

Release from the physical and sexual torture I was enduring.

I love science fiction and fantasy. A long time ago I had read a short story by Harlan Ellison that mixed sci-fi and horror. It was called 'I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream.' As I hung on the wall of the converted warehouse like an arcane ornament, I thought of a new title.

'I Have a Mouth, And I Cannot Scream.'

As the statuesque blond woman to my left pulled on a long silver chain, my arms were pulled tighter above my head and I scrabbled the toes of my long leather boots on the floor, desperately trying to keep contact with the wooden panels.

I tried to scream, but it came out in a muffled sob; the ability to voice outrage at my condition denied by the ball-gag that was my tormentor and also my comforter. Would it have been better to vent my agony in a feral scream, or was it more of a relief to bite down on the soft and somehow erotic latex ball that filled my mouth?

Remembering the wise words of the twenty year old slim blonde girl that had got me into all this, I gave in to the inevitable, tried to relax my aching muscles and waited for it all to happen. I looked at her kneeling on the floor gazing up at me, her eyes wide, her hand playing gently between her legs.

My name is Jessica Vale and I am thirty-two years old. I am the girl hanging on the wall. The girl watching me is Thea McLeod. Three months ago we had never even met.

Now look at us.

Part One - Jess


The Russell Arms. Tucked away in an unassuming backstreet, it seemed a quiet enough pub and it advertised a beer garden out back so I could have a cigarette with my drink. It was a pleasant evening and after the day I'd had, all I wanted was a nice long cool pint of lager and a ciggie.

I don't mind working away from home - it happens often enough, but I didn't know this part of Edinburgh at all. The pub was a few hundred yards from the small, impersonal company apartment I was holed up in and seemed a nicer place to while away an hour. I thought I'd have a couple of drinks then maybe grab a bottle of wine on the way back to split over the two nights I was in town.

I had been there for twenty or so minutes, idly tapping at my phone, sipping my drink and trying not to get too stressed at my string of work e-mails. I shouldn't have been looking at them, but I can't help it sometimes. Reading one that particularly frustrated me, I finally succumbed. I took a long pull on my lager and flicked my lighter into action. My third cigarette in nine years and it felt bloody marvellous. I held it in for an age, relishing the feel before I exhaled a long plume of blue smoke and sighed a very satisfied sigh.

As I did, I heard a voice from behind me - a soft, gentle Scottish accent laced with a hint of amusement. "You needed that, I take it!"

I turned and was met by a wide smile. Her eyes were hidden behind a large pair of shades and she had short, feathery blonde hair cut into the nape of her neck. She pulled on her own cigarette and exhaled a little less luxuriously than I had done. I'd have put her a good few years younger than me - probably early-twenties. She was petite and pretty with a cute little nose and a pouting rosebud mouth. I doubted she'd scrape five feet tall in her stocking feet.

I returned her smile. "Yeah, one of those days. I need both of these badly!" I indicated my drink and waved the brown More at her before taking another puff on it.

"Aye, know the feeling well for sure!" Her wide, smiling mouth turned downwards into a slight grimace. She stubbed out her cigarette and stood up. Finishing her wine, she disappeared into the pub.

I sat checking the last few mails, hoping that my shitty day wasn't going to get any worse. There was nothing more from the office but moving onto my messages, I saw as usual there was a string of concerned texts from my mother.

Ever since the divorce she had been checking on me - sometimes it seemed almost hourly. I'd had to remind her a few times that I was a big girl and quite capable of looking after myself. It was a relief when Geoff asked me to spend a few days in the Edinburgh office to hand-hold them through the introduction of a new finance system and I jumped at the chance to travel up from Manchester.

Mechanically, I replied to Mum and wondered what she would make of me smoking again. I'm not really sure why I started again myself. It was hardly the stress of the divorce as it had come as a bloody relief. Just one of those things - I fancied one after all that time and there was no-one to give me meaningful looks. I wanted another but I was holding off until I had replenished my drink at the bar.

I was just about to go back inside when a hand reached in front of me holding a fresh pint and deposited it on the table. The blonde girl sat down opposite me, her shades now on top of her head, a large glass of wine in her hand. The big, wide grin was back in place. "Looked like you might need another one!"

I looked at her in surprise. She had lovely grey eyes and her smile was infectious. I grinned back. "Thanks, very kind of you!"

"Ach, Scots hospitality and all, eh?"

In return, I held out my cigarette packet and she took one. She looked at it quizzically. "Not tried these before. Look very elegant!" She lit it and nodded approvingly. "So, not seen you around here before and you don't sound local."

"No, just working up here from Manchester for a few days. Head back down Friday after work."

She nodded. "Not been down there but heard there's a good scene, yeah?"

Not quite knowing what she meant, I nodded sagely. "Yeah, not too bad at all." I took a long pull on my drink.

She held her glass up. "Thea. Welcome to Edinburgh, welcome to Leith and an even bigger welcome to the Russell Arms, better known to the wider world as 'The Russ.'"

I touched my lager glass to her wine glass. "Thanks, Thea. Lovely to meet you. Jessica. Better known to the wider world as Jess!"

She took a long pull on her More. "Nice to meet you too, Jess. So, you meeting anyone or just seeing what the wind blows in?"

I looked at her puzzled. "Not with you, sorry."

"You - sitting in a place like The Russ all by yourself. Just wondering if you were meeting anyone?"

I shook my head, wondering where this was going. "No not meeting anyone - just came in for a drink and a ciggie after a shit day."

Her smile got even wider. "Ooh great, my lucky day. Got a thing for red-heads. Let's face it, who hasn't!"

I looked at her open-mouthed. "Uh?" It took a moment, then the penny dropped.

For the first time since I had sat down I looked around the beer garden properly. There were a few pairs of women and men sitting together but no mixed sex tables. I noticed one older woman in her forties with spiked blonde hair, her hand on a younger girl's arm. They were both heavily tattooed and the younger girl had a very Goth look about her - lots of jet black hair, dark eyes, dark lipstick; lots of piercings to go with the ink.

Suddenly feeling very nervous and very foolish, I took a drink and stubbed out my half-smoked cigarette. I began to babble. "Look, sorry. I think I'm in the wrong place. I hadn't realised..." I waved a hand around the garden, wondering how I had sat there for so long and not even noticed. It now seemed so obvious, as did her comments about the 'Manchester scene' and 'a place like The Russ.'

I got up to go. "Sorry Thea, thanks for the drink, but I'm a bit of a stranger in a strange land here." Not wanting to seem ungrateful I added, "Look can I get you another before I go?"

Thea looked at me in amusement, her hand on her chin. "Bugger - never mind. No you're ok. Not all investments produce returns, eh?" She held up the cigarette. "Wouldn't mind a couple more of these though - I'm out."

"Of course." I fumbled in my bag and held the packet out to her. She let her small hand linger on mine as she took it and extracted two cigarettes. Her smile was coquettish. "Thanks." She lowered her voice. "Never mind, I usually strike it lucky here. I'm going to imagine your lovely green eyes and fiery red bush when I get off tonight, whoever I head home with. You are a natural red-head I take it?"

I was in complete shock. Part of me was horrified at what was happening but another small part was thrilled that a pretty girl a good deal younger than me thought I was attractive enough to come on to me. I was unable to respond and could only stare back in return.

She laughed and it was as lovely as her grin. She waved her hand at the door to the pub. "Go on; get away with you before someone less understanding than me tries it on!"

I managed to compose myself a little. "Thanks. And I hope you strike it lucky, but if you do or don't - yes I am!"

Her face lit up. "Ooh yeah, hairy red pussy - my fave!"

I decided to have the last word. I pointed at my nether regions. "Sorry, no hair down there. All smooth."

I watched her mouth drop open and turned and fled back through the bar not daring to look around. It was only as I stood in the street I saw the tell-tale rainbow flag on the front window and again on the pub sign above the door.

I lit another cigarette with a trembling hand and headed back to the flat not knowing how I felt. I was annoyed at myself for getting into such a situation, but I was also flattered at Thea's attentions. She seemed like a nice girl.

I found a small local supermarket and bought my wine and a few other things for making later a little more comfortable. Back in the flat I tried to find something interesting to watch on TV. I failed miserably and the sandwich I had bought was pretty uninspiring.

It was a warm night, so I stripped off and lay on the bed, sipping my wine. I wanted another cigarette, but the flat was no-smoking. Every few minutes I kept getting a vision of a small blonde girl sitting down opposite me. Her lovely soft Scottish accent. Her smile. The way she smoked. Her small, slim frame and short hair - almost boyish. I wondered if she had struck lucky. She was certainly good looking enough not to have to worry about it.

Almost absent-mindedly, my left hand ran across my shaven pubic area. I hadn't packed my comforting toy for the trip, so if I wanted any relief it was going to be down to my own fair hand. To be honest, since the divorce I'd not really thought about sex all that much. I'd had a couple of one-nighters that were not exactly disastrous but had just left me feeling a bit empty. No connection; just a bump and grind with a stranger in a hotel when I was off on my frequent travels.

Otherwise it had been three months of thirty-two year old Miss Jessica Vale, formerly Mrs. Jessica Chapman, occasionally rocking her own little world with her Silver Bullet or her twinkling little fingers.

What a three months - twice on my back, taking up old bad habits again and now rejecting lesbian advances. The problem was, I was beginning to feel urges again. I was starting to feel horny. What I had bought earlier was going to help me through tonight, but what I really needed was a good dose of hard cock. Two would be even better, but it had been a very long time since that had happened.

I laughed ruefully. "Way to go, girl! Really living the high life, eh?" I glanced at the wine bottle and realised at the rate I was going, there'd not be much left for tomorrow.

"Fuck it," I thought and poured another glass. I put on a bathrobe, opened the fire escape door from the kitchen area and stood on the stairs smoking the sixth and seventh cigarettes of my new-old habit and seeing off another glass of Cabernet Sauvignon. There wasn't much of a view, but then I wasn't there for the view.

Feeling a little drunk, I poured the last of the bottle into my glass. I went into the bathroom to remove the foil, wash of the neck of the bottle and rinse out the dregs of wine. I went to the fridge and retrieved my earlier purchase. I washed it thoroughly and slid a condom onto it. It wasn't quite two cocks, but I'd got off on a cucumber and a bottle neck plenty of times in the past. It felt cool as it slid home, and I was surprised to find I was quite moist down there. It filled me nicely and I fingered my clit and began to thrust and twist the cucumber hard wishing I had brought my vibe with me. That got me nicely worked up for a few minutes and then the bottle came into the equation.

I've always loved anal sex. I still remember that first time back in Ibiza; stoned as fuck, Lee fucking my mouth as Ben skewered me up the back way. I can't remember the guy's name who was fucking my pussy, but I vividly remember screaming the place down as I came over and over, cum dribbling from my mouth. It was a hell of a month and if I could have spirited my way back there now, I'd be there in an eye-blink.

I shuddered as the bottle neck slid home. It wasn't long enough to do the job properly, but it felt good as the ribbed end rubbed against my sphincter. I knelt up on the bed, grinding down on the cucumber, twisting the bottle hard behind me. I felt myself flooding onto the folded towel as I came, my free hand pounding the pillow in frustration that I wouldn't have the pleasure of feeling something explode over my tits and face.

I lay licking the cucumber clean, fingers working gently to squeeze the last few wisps of orgasm from my now slippery pussy. I held the towel to my face, inhaling my own aroma. At last I got up unsteadily, made sure the cucumber was fit for use again the following night and smoked another ciggie on the fire escape.

I took a couple of painkillers and lay down hoping I wouldn't wake up with a hangover.

I was just going under, when I sat up with a start.

I swallowed hard.

I realised that at the moment I came, I had been visualising a smiling young blonde with grey eyes watching me intently, smoke curling up from her cigarette as her own fingers worked on her sleek blonde bush.

I realised that I hoped Thea had struck lucky tonight.

I realised that I had wanted her to be thinking of me when she came.


I sipped my drink and flicked my lighter into life, drawing in smoke. I hardly dared look around the garden. The same older woman and younger girl were there and I recognised two of the guys sitting together from the previous night.

My heart was racing. I had thought about it all day since I had woken early, mercifully without a hangover. I had put the cucumber to good use again; this time I had Thea's image firmly in my mind as I came. In my imagination we were entwined with each other, lips mashing together, fingers pumping as we came. Part of me was appalled; I had sometimes wondered what it would be like to be with another woman, but never dreamed of doing anything about it.

The day dragged by and it was all I could do to keep my mind on my work.

Finally, I got free and walked to The Russ in a complete daze. I sat in the same spot wondering if the girl would be there again, and more pertinently, what the hell I'd do if she was.

I toyed with my phone, sipping, smoking, hoping that no-one else would find me an attractive proposition. It was later than last evening and there was no sign of Thea. Feeling a little scared and foolish I decided I would give her until I had finished my drink. If she had not arrived by then, I would call it off.

I was torn between taking tiny sips to make it last and gulping it down in one. The cigarette was not calming my nerves and I could feel my heart bumping in my chest. I was down to the last inch of beer when I heard a soft voice behind me.

"Bit careless to make the same mistake twice, hey?"

Trailing an elegant finger along my shoulder, she sat down opposite me again, sunglasses on, an almost empty wine glass in one hand, a long brown cigarette in the other.

I didn't know whether to sigh with relief or scream in terror. I managed to form a coherent sentence or two in what I hoped was a nonchalant tone. "Seemed like a nice pub. Some nice people drink here." I nodded at her glass. "Besides, I owe someone a glass of wine. Sauvignon ok?"

She smiled knowingly, pulling on her cigarette. Nodding, she let the smoke trickle out slowly and provocatively.

Without another word, I walked into the bar and ordered myself another pint and a large Sauvignon for Thea. I added large, neat vodka to the order and tossed it back for Dutch Courage. It burned nicely on the way down. I was coming back out into the garden when the older woman from the tattooed duo was heading in with two empty glasses. She deliberately moved to block my way. She put a hand on my arm and was just about to say something when Thea glared across at her.

"Leave it, Gabby. She's with me."

The woman's voice was surprisingly soft. "Been staring at her for the last half hour before you showed your pretty wee face, Theodora darling. Think I get first dibs."

Thea shook her head smiling. "That wine she's holding and trying not to spill from your tender embrace is for me - I bought her a drink last night, but she had to be somewhere else so couldn't get me one back. So - not to put it too bluntly, Gabrielle darling, I was here first. Fuck off and get yer own pussy."

Gabby dropped her hand from my arm and grunted. "Prissy little madam. If you fancy some real action, come and see Bex and me." She nodded her head towards the tattooed Goth girl who sat watching the exchange with an amused expression on her face, fingering a lip ring.

I smiled. "Thanks for the offer, but I think I'll break myself in gently."

Gabby laughed. "Och, a wee virgin, eh?" She laughed and waved her hand airily towards Thea. "Gently? Wi' her? Good luck, lady!" Brushing past very close to me, she continued on inside.

Slightly discomfited by her last comment, I put the drinks down. Thea grinned up at me. "Dirty old mare. Those two have been trying to get into my knickers since I started coming here six months ago!"

She took a sip of her wine, took off her glasses and narrowed her eyes. "Why?"

I shook my head. "I have no idea. I got back to the flat and had a drink and the next thing I know, I'm getting off with inanimate objects and hoping a little blonde girl I barely know is thinking the same things about me that I am about her."

She picked her sunglasses up and sucked on one stem. "Oh she was, believe me. She was with another woman, but she was seeing your face, sucking your nipples, fingering your clit. Tasting your pussy."

She stubbed out her cigarette. "See, look how you affected me. I even bought the same cigs as you!" She looked at me levelly, sucking on her glasses stem. "You're no' pissin' me about are you Jess?"

I took a drink. "Thea, I'm thirty-two and I've been divorced three months. Until last night, it had barely crossed my mind to even think about doing it with another woman. I was horrified when I realised the situation I had put myself in, but on the way back home I realised I was so flattered that such a lovely young girl would think me attractive enough to hit on me. When I woke up this morning, I knew that thinking about you was at such a deep, sub-conscious level that it must be something I really wanted to happen. I've been fighting myself all day; coming, not coming. I'd be mad to come back here. I'd be mad not to. A long fight and I still don't know if common sense has won out or not."

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