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Girl On the Beach

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Sometimes things just click.
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Vacationing on my own, soaking up some sun on a white sand beach in Maui, I opened my eyes and smiled when I noticed a shapely blonde flash me a saucy grin as she strode by.

Blinking my eyes, I sat up in my chair, and felt my dick lurch watching her sashay her sweet little ass across the sand.

She really was stunning, too, with long blonde hair curling down her back. So, tanned and toned, with a perfect set of curves, barely concealed in her white thong bikini.

I thought I was fine on my own, since my lady friend and I had called it quits. She wanted me to put a ring on her, and I just couldn't imagine us spending a lifetime together, considering how demanding she'd become lately.

But I gotta say, the idea of a little naked fun with a sexy stranger seemed like an excellent idea right about now. Although, considering she looked to be somewhere in her early twenties, and since I'm about to turn forty-five, I knew I had to be more than twice her age. Which meant she probably wouldn't look at me twice, much less be interested in getting busy with me.

Still, I couldn't stop myself from staring, wondering what those long, shapely legs would feel like wrapped around my waist as I sank into her deep.

When I saw that she was heading back toward the hotel, I heaved a sigh, put aside my naughty thoughts and settled back into my chair. At least now I had a nice little fantasy going on in my head that I could dream on.

Almost asleep, I heard a soft female voice above me. "I thought you could use a cold one, since I noticed you've got nothing left to drink."

I looked up at her smiled, and said, "Thanks," as she set a frosty longneck on the table beside me, then sat her tight little ass down in the chair right next to mine.

She nodded at the chair before getting too comfortable, though. "I guess I should have asked. Is anyone sitting here?"

I shook my head, smiling as I looked her over. "No, I'm on my own."

She smirked. "Me, too." Then as she focused her gaze out on the waves crashing to shore, she heaved a sad little sigh. "This was supposed to be my honeymoon, but..." She shrugged, and turned to look at me. "The wedding never happened."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that."

"It's okay. I'm just glad I found out who he really was, before we said our I dos."

"Probably for the best then."

"Definitely. I mean, Nick and I got along great, although I always had a feeling that he was hiding something from me. And I discovered what it was when I dropped into his place unannounced one night, hoping to surprise him. But I was the one surprised when I found him in bed with his best friend, going to town on each other. As soon as he saw me, he hopped out of bed and tried to stop me from leaving, and said he could explain, but he didn't have to. I realized then that he was only marrying me so his parents wouldn't catch onto the fact that their perfect son, wasn't exactly who they thought he was. Especially knowing his father would freak out, since he'd made no secret of the fact that he's homophobic."

"You must have been shocked."

She chuckled. "When I saw the two of them together like that, naked in the bed that we'd chosen together as our marital bed, I almost fainted." She shrugged. "But, it's over now. And I decided I might as well fly out here and enjoy my honeymoon, even if I am on my own."

"Actually," I confided, "I had planned to come with someone. But we broke up a few months ago."

When she looked at me and waited, I thought I should explain, seeing as she'd been so open about what happened to her.

"Dawn and I had been going out together for a few years, and lately all she ever talked about was getting married. She had her eye on a house, and wanted me to put a ring on her so we could pick a date. But she'd changed so much in the last year or so, I felt like I hardly knew her anymore. When I told her the truth, that I didn't want to get married, she claimed that I was a coward afraid of commitment, then she told me to f-off and she stormed out."

"Yikes. Sounds like we both dodged a bullet."

Able to smile about it now, I reached for my beer, and nodded. "I think we did."

She actually managed to laugh a little. "I'm not even sure why I picked you to sit down and talk with. Especially since I've never told anyone else why I cancelled the wedding. Even my mother doesn't know what happened. I just didn't have the heart to tell her. She thought that Nick and I were made for each other, and she could hardly wait for us to get married and start a family."

Considering she hadn't told her own mother, I found it odd that she had decided to confide in me, a perfect stranger. Probably because she knew we'd most likely never see each other again and there was no way I'd ever tell anyone else what she'd told me.

Just then I noticed a couple of young guys stealing glances at her as they paced back and forth across the shoreline, practically wearing a path in the sand, when she narrowed her eyes back on them. "I think those two are looking for a threesome. But they can keep on looking."

I almost choked on my beer as that thought went through my head. She laughed at the way I sputtered, while I wiped a hand across my face, blinking at her.

"Sorry. Didn't mean to shock you. I guess in your day, most guys wouldn't be into anything like that."

Of course, I'd heard of threesomes, though I'd never been party to one myself. But just the thought of those two young creeps trying to take advantage of her got my back up.

Though, I had to admit, I wouldn't object if she suggested we spend some alone time together, especially back in my room.

Forcing that thought aside, I suggested, "If you don't mind spending some time with an old guy like me, you can sit with me anytime you like. Especially, if you think it would help keep them away."

She flashed a smile, as she looked me over. "Hey, you're not that old. I'm guessing you're only what... about thirty-eight or thirty-nine? I just turned twenty-three, so you're hardly old enough to be my father."

I winced, hating to burst her bubble. "Actually, I'm almost forty-five."

"Oh, wow, and my dad just turned forty-seven." She studied me for a minute, slyly grinning at my rock-hard abs -- thanks to the hours I spend at the gym. "I gotta say, you look amazing for your age. I never would have guessed you were in your forties."

"Thanks," I muttered, suddenly feeling ancient.

She leaned over and nudged me with her elbow. "Hey, we should have dinner together tonight."

"Sure. We could do that."

We both noticed that her stalkers had turned around and were wandering back in our direction. Flustered, she heaved an exasperated breath, as she rolled her eyes.

Then she looked back at me. "Would you mind if I got in your lap, just to make them think we're together, so they'll go bother someone else?"

As soon as she said it, I sat back in my chair. "If you think it would help, then sure, come and sit with me."

Only problem was, the instant she crawled into my lap and started stroking her soft little hand across my cheek, so the creeps would think she was taken and move on, my dick starting pulsing like a second heartbeat in my board shorts, ready for some action. I could feel myself growing rock hard, as she smiled into my eyes and softly whispered, "I'm Maddy, by the way."

I swallowed hard and croaked, "And I'm Jean-Pierre."

"Oh, are you French?"

"French Canadian, from Montreal."

She smiled, looking a little dreamy. "I just love Montreal. It's such a beautiful city."

I just nodded, willing my stupid cock to go down as she cuddled in a little closer pressing her gorgeous breasts tight against my chest. Tracing a fingernail around my lips, she murmured, "You've got such beautifully shaped lips."

Up close, I realized that her long-lashed eyes were the most beautiful sky blue I'd ever seen, especially now that they were sparkling with amusement.

Leaning in even closer, she whispered, "Even after those creeps walk away, I don't think I want to get out of your lap, you're just so nice to cuddle with. Even if you are..." she smirked. "...kind of bumpy."

Adorable beyond belief, she had me laughing, like I hadn't laughed in what felt like forever. And if she wanted to sit with her arms wrapped around me with her sweet little ass in my lap for the rest of the day, I wasn't about to object.

We were both smiling, gazing into each other's eyes when she leaned in and surprised me with a sweet little kiss.

I was so shocked, I almost pulled back, until she sank her hands into my hair, slipped her tongue between my lips and started exploring my mouth.

Holy shit, this was really happening.

Without even thinking, I slid my hands down her back and began to squeeze her tight little backside. Both of us were groaning as we lingered over the hottest kiss of my life.

Angling her head to deepen the kiss, seemed she just couldn't get close enough, plastering her perky tits to my chest, her fingers twisting in my hair, as she made slow, sweet love to my mouth. I was so blown away, considering we'd only just met, I could hardly wrap my head around the fact that I had a gorgeous woman in my arms, slaying me with a fiery kiss.

I just hoped I wasn't still asleep and dreaming the whole thing up, or I was going to be really disappointed when I woke up.

Finally, she pulled back, and we stared at each other wide-eyed, both of us breathing pretty hard.

She was wearing the naughtiest grin, as she playfully rubbed her nose against mine, and whispered against my lips, "I think we're going to have a really good time together, Jean-Pierre. And I'm so glad we bumped into each other. I was afraid that I'd be miserable spending my honeymoon on my own. But not anymore."

I just hoped we were on the same page, because now that she'd shown me how hot she could get me, just from a taste of her lips, I could hardly wait to discover what we'd be like together if we ever got naked.

Just then, a server carrying trays of fresh fruit, stopped to ask if we were interested. I nodded at the platter. "Sure, that looks good."

He set it down on the little table beside us and handed me the bill to sign it to my room. But before I could sign, Maddy snatched the pen out of my hand. "No, let me get this."

When the server walked off after thanking her for his tip, she explained, "My grandfather paid for our honeymoon as a wedding present. After Nick and I broke up, knowing I'd be coming here on my own, he told me he wanted me to enjoy myself and forget about what had happened. He said, "Everything was paid for, so all I have to do is enjoy yourself." She grinned as she leaned in and touched a juicy slice of pineapple to my lips. "And that's exactly what I intend to do."

Smiling into her eyes, I opened up and she popped the juicy tidbit in my mouth. I went to wipe away the juice sliding down my chin, but she shook her head, grinning as she licked it up. Then she slowly traced her tongue across my lips to make sure she got every drop.

Like I wasn't already aroused enough, the little minx seemed determined to keep me painfully erect.

We laughed as we enjoyed nibbling on the fruit as well as each other.

When a drop of mango juice landed on her right breast, I flashed her a devilish smile. Rather than wipe it off, she cocked an eyebrow challenging me to lick it up.

Of course, I took my time sliding my tongue over the curve of her breast, making sure to get every drop. And I loved the way she shivered when I pressed a hot open-mouthed kiss on each one.

"Oooh," she murmured, breathlessly. "I like the way you clean me up."

I just smirked, waggling my eyebrows to let her know that I'd be more than happy to lick her anywhere she needed licking.

As I enjoyed dusting kisses along the slender column of her neck and across her jawline, before re-claiming her lips, I imagined anyone watching would probably think we were on our honeymoon.

"What time would you like to have dinner?" I asked as she playfully wiggled in my lap, getting me, if possible, even harder.

"I'm thinking we should have an early dinner." She grinned coyly. "Then we can head back to my place for dessert."

Then she suddenly scurried out of my lap, and I had to throw a towel over myself to hide what was almost poking out of my shorts.

"Okay, I'm going to head back, grab a shower and get myself fancied up for dinner. How about if we meet at six? We can have a cocktail and watch the sunset, and dine under the stars at The Beach Bistro?"

"Sure. Sounds good." I got up and stood looking down at her, and realized she was a perfect height to my six foot one, at probably about five foot six. "I better get a shower then too, to get all this juice off me."

Her eyes dancing with amusement, she pushed up on her toes, dropped one more kiss on my lips and whispered, "See you soon."

Even as I showered, preparing to meet her for dinner, I still couldn't believe that we'd actually met the way we did.

Having planned to spend the week on my own, relaxing and soaking up some sun, while contemplating my future, I was delighted that Maddy had taken the seat beside me, especially considering how fast we'd connected.

I was glad now that I'd decided at the last minute to pack a dark suit and tie, so at least I had something decent to wear for dinner. Especially since she said that she was 'fancying herself up' for our date.

As I walked toward the restaurant, we broke into smiles when we caught sight of each other approaching. Wow, she just looked so incredibly sexy in her low cut sparkly black dress that I could hardly believe she was actually here to meet me.

As we met in front of the restaurant, I pulled her in a for a hug, pressed a kiss to her cheek and whispered against her ear, "You look absolutely beautiful."

Looking me over, she grinned. "And you look positively yummy."

Wow! Now that this sweet young thing had decided that I looked yummy, I didn't feel quite so ancient.

I was pleased that the maître d' escorted us to a pristine white linen covered table, with a deep purple wild orchid centrepiece, and a perfect sunset view, overlooking the ocean. As I held out Maddy's chair, I took a moment to lean in and inhale her intoxicating scent.

When the waiter brought our drinks, I raised my glass and offered a toast. "To a wonderful week together in paradise."

Her eyes sparkling with her smile, she touched her glass to mine and agreed, "I think we're going to have a really nice time together. And I'm so glad now that I took a chance and snagged that seat beside you."

I was, too. Otherwise, I would have been on my own, just hanging out on the beach. But now, I had the prettiest blonde probably on the whole island playfully smiling into my eyes as she took a sip of her drink.

For now, I was just happy we were having dinner together. But of course, if she had other ideas, I'd be more than happy to join her for whatever she had in mind.

We both decided on mahi mahi with grilled vegetables for our main course, and agreed it was probably the best fish we'd ever had.

As we chatted over dinner, I quickly realized that she was so much more than just pretty, she was just so fascinating to talk with.

Seems we both an interest in ancient and modern architecture, since she'd just got her Masters in architectural engineering. And I had been working as an architect for over twenty years.

She mentioned she was intrigued that 3D printers were being used to build so many things these days, like: homes, spacecraft and even bioartificial organs and prosthetics, that were changing people's lives.

I always thought intelligence was every bit as sexy as a great body, or a pretty face. And lucky for both of us, she'd been blessed with all three. Not only incredibly smart, but she had a smokin' hot body, and an infectious smile that had me totally enchanted.

When our tuxedo-clad server came and asked if we were interested in dessert or coffee, Maddy smiling across the table at me, crooked her finger at him, and whispered something in his ear.

A few minutes later, we were walking out, arm in arm, with me carrying a bakery box full of what I imagined, was a variety of tempting sweets.

Although the most tempting thing of all had to be the gorgeous lady I had on my arm, who was now walking us back to her room.

I looked over at her, still shaking my head. When I had asked for the bill and the waiter turned and looked pointedly at Maddy, she bit into her lip, flashed a little grin and shrugged, since she'd obviously taken care of it.

As we walked along the path, back to her room, I told her, "Thank you for dinner, it was really good. But if we do this again, I'd like to be able to treat you next time."

She squeezed my arm. "Okay, if you want, then you can pay for breakfast."

We both chuckled, since I had feeling we'd be enjoying it together in the privacy of her room in the morning, along with a couple pastries to go with our coffee.

Her room, like mine, just two doors down, had a walk-out onto the beach, so we didn't have to go through the hotel.

Once we got inside, she flicked on a single light, pulled out her phone and put on some music.

I put the pastries down, and reached for her, smiling as we danced cheek-to-cheek to Frank Sinatra's classic love song, 'The Way You Look Tonight.'

"I can't believe someone your age would have a song like this on your playlist."

As I pulled her closer, smoothing a hand down her back, she explained. "I love this kind of music. A lot of the newer stuff doesn't do much for me. I don't think some of the newer artist can even carry a tune. But just listen to that voice, isn't he amazing?"

"Well, I grew up listening to songs like this, and it's my kind of music."

She looked up at me and smiled as I stroked a finger across her cheek as Frank sang,

'Yes, you're lovely, with your smile so warm

And your cheeks so soft

There is nothing for me but to love you

And the way you look tonight'

Considering she was only twenty-three, I thought she seemed like a bit of an old soul. Which was a good thing, because I couldn't imagine spending much time with her if she was anything like a few of the younger ladies in my office. Whose interests were so superficial, all they ever seemed to talk about was the silly things they watched on reality TV, and where they got their hair and nails done.

Since Maddy had left a window open, as we danced, we could hear the hypnotic sound of the waves crashing to shore, and the warm breeze rustling the palm trees along beach.

I don't think I'd ever enjoyed a more romantic evening, especially since I had the perfect date.

As the song came to an end, Maddy pushed up on her toes and touched her lips to mine. Wrapping my arms around her, I smiled into her eyes, as I realized that she would be so easy to fall in love with.

Though I knew it was silly to even think, since we were just enjoying a little holiday romance before we both headed back home. I still had to wonder what it would be like to really get a chance to know each other, if we were able to find a way to spend some time together, even after the week was over.

She grinned, as James Blunt's 'You're Beautiful' began to play.

Wrapped in each other's arms, it felt so good to hold her close, as he sang,

'My life is brilliant, my love is pure

I saw an angel, of that I'm sure'

"You know," I whispered against her lips, as we gently swayed to the song. "I think you're the most delightful woman that I have ever encountered."

She looked up at me, surprised. Then she smiled and said, "And I think you've got to be the most charming man I've ever met."

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