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Girlfriend with Testing Device Ch. 11


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Elizabeth frowned.

"Friends don't steal their friends boyfriends!" Ellen cried out. Oh god her voice was so low and sexy. She sounded so handsome.

"B-but she didn't steal me, did she?" I stammered "I'm yours Ellen. I'll always be yours. You know that. And I mean... is this really the worst thing she's done?"

Ellen paused, giving it consideration.

"Yes!" She concluded. "Hands down. I trusted her, Evan! After all we've been through... this is how she repays me? This is how she treats me? Us? Like our thoughts on the topic don't matter, like our feelings don't matter. It hurts! I mean, fuck, Elizabeth. How could you?"

"Fuck." Elizabeth stomped her foot. "Fuck, Ellen, I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get out of hand. He's just... you two are so fucking happy together. Why can't I have that? I just... I just wanted what you have so badly."

"So badly you had to try and take it from me?" Ellen's fist clenched again.

"S-Stop! Look," I said "You both j-just need to cool out. I'm going to use this to sober you two up, okay?" I held up the device. "Please just... touch it, alright?" I could see Elizabeth glancing at it. Was she trying to work out if she could snatch it from me? Or was she still mad I had grabbed it from her? I clutched it tighter either way.

The two put their hands on the device and I pressed the button.



Sobriety seemed to hit Elizabeth like a truck. The hot swell of emotions deflated as she rose to a more steady posture. Ellen just took a long slow breath.

"Oh my god." Elizabeth's eyes went wide. She looked at me with a look of absolute regret. "Did I really just try to..."

I nodded slowly.

"Ellen... Evan..." she held out her hand as though to touch us, but brought it away for fear of getting too close. "I'm so sorry. I... oh my god."

Ellen didn't say a word.

"I..." she began "I wouldn't do anything to hurt you Elles, you know that, right? I'd never do anything to hurt you. Please... forgive me?"

Elizabeth held open her arms for a hug, but Ellen turned away.

"Are you kidding me?" Ellen blinked and tears started rolling down her eyes, ruining her makeup. "How can you expect me to forgive you after something like that?"

You could see the moment Elizabeth's heart broke. Her face darkened.

"Look, maybe," Ellen looked around. A small crowd had gathered. A handful of bouncers and two very drunk strippers. "maybe we'd better take this to your office."

"Good idea" Elizabeth said coldly, trying to hold back her own tears.

The clock in Elizabeth's office ticked loudly as we sat in silence. The reality of everything that had just happened seemed to weigh heavily on all of us. Ellen had gone stone-faced. She had been hurt, but it would take a bit of work to get her to open up about it. Right now she had just drawn into herself, not wanting to exasperate anything.

My poor Ellen.I needed to get her alone. Not for sex, as high as that was on my priority list these days, but just to talk with her, help work this all out. I wanted to do what I could to sooth her pain.

Elizabeth's office was surprisingly cramped. A desk, a chair, and a filing cabinet had all been squished together to make space for a large leather couch that seemed to dominate the room. Posters and flyers of half naked women decorated the walls, illustrating the club's illustrious history.

"Look," began Elizabeth, breaking the awkward moment. The seat seemed so small for her tall form. "I... I'm sorry. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I did... I did some questionable things out there. Things I shouldn't have done."

"I'll say," mumbled Ellen.

"Elles... I know how bad this is, how terrible this is. You're right, this is the worst thing I've ever done. But I'm sorry. You have to believe me about how bad I feel right now. Please... let me just explain."

"No amount of explaining is going to make things better here Elizabeth."

"Fine. You're right. That's fair. Then let me confess. I... I didn't just try to steal Evan away."

"Oh my god." groaned Ellen. "Was that not bad enough, Elizabeth? What else did you do?"

The phone on the desk rang. Elizabeth stared at it until it stopped.

"S-shouldn't you have answered that?" I said softly.

"No, I think it's fine," she said, looking perplexed by the various papers and reminders on her desk. "I mean, fuck, maybe. I'll deal with it later. Right now the important thing is you guys."

"Look," she said, "as a sign of how sorry I am, how full of regret I am right now, I want to tell you everything. You're a good person, Elles, and I have to hope that you'll forgive me, but you deserve the truth. I know you have no reason to trust me, but I want to give you that at least."

"Just..." Ellen let out a heavy sigh. "Fine. Just spit it out already."

"Elles... Ellen." Elizabeth inhaled deeply. "I broke your trust. You found this wonderful magical device... something that can change lives, and you trusted me. Me, of all people with it. And that trust means all the more because you know my track record. And I smashed that trust. With a hammer. It was just... it was so tempting. I couldn't help but want to use it... and then again and again and I just... I had some drinks and using it just seemed so easy... so useful..."

It was faint, but Ellen's expression shifted. She knew that feeling.

"And I had no intention of stealing Evan when the night started..." she continued "I just... I wanted some fun... We were drunk and looking at boobs and I just... I kept thinking... you know... wouldn't it be great if I could... um..."

Ellen sighed impatiently.

"Look, this is... this is hard for me to say." Elizabeth's voice seemed to catch on the emotion in her throat. "Elles, I used you... I manipulated you. Both of you. I kept doing things because I thought they'd be fun. I- I kept changing you."

"Wait, what? Fuck, Elizabeth, just spit it out already. What did you do?"

"I... I don't even remember. A bunch of half-cocked ideas... To you and Evan. I just wanted Evan to enjoy his boobs, you know? I thought it was funny. Fuck. I don't even remember most of what I did. I don't even know how to turn you back."

I looked down at my borrowed breasts and tried not to smirk. If only she had known how unnecessary an effort that was. If only she'd known how much I'd wanted boobs my whole life.

And... and now the worst part is that a part of me doesn't even recognize you anymore." A tear started to fall from her eye. "There's this new strange girl in the place where my best friend used to be. Confident, sexy. Not that you weren't always sexy, but now you act like it. And that scares me because as much as I've always thought you needed that confidence, I know that it's not you."

Ellen just sat there while this sunk in.

"What... what the fuck did you think would happen, Elizabeth?" Ellen balled up her fist. "You can't just change a person like that and not have consequences! You can't change a person then act confused when they are different. If I'm not me... then who the hell am I?"

I reached over and held her in my arms. Her whole body was so warm. For a moment she was tight with confusion and anger, then she melted into my arms. She was trying not to sob.

"I just... you gave that speech and I went up and danced and it was the happiest moment of my life. I wanted you to feel that. I wanted you to be happy the way I was. To experience what I was experiencing. You're the one person in my life that I've always wanted to share everything with. But you wouldn't do it, neither of you. You'd rather be spending time with each other than with me... and that made my heart break, and I... I was riding this confidence high and I... I changed you."

"That's why you changed me!? If you really wanted to do that together all you needed to do was ask, Elizabeth."

"The old you would have never accepted it." Elizabeth smiled sadly. "I'm so sorry."

I could feel Ellen tensing up again.

"Ellen." I said. "Baby, whatever changes may have happened, whoever you are now... whoever you were... listen, you're still you. A little different, maybe, but deep down, where it counts, you're still you. And I will always love you." I held her as tightly as I could. "I will always be there for you."

That seemed to help. She held me tight in return.

"Evan I'm sorry..." Elizabeth continued. I've done so much to you too... worse, I think. I just... I thought it would be fun to see you up dancing too and I changed you. And I wasn't even thinking about it at the time but a part of me thought maybe... maybe I'd finally have a chance. Maybe, Evan, I could finally make you look at me the way you look at Ellen. So I started to stack the deck in my favor."

Tears were welling up in Elizabeth's eyes again.

"So I confessed. And I meant every word of what I said, Evan. Drunk or not. Every stupid word. And you said no. You said no. And it hurt. It hurt so much. So I... I got angry... and I made sure you wouldn't say no again."


"I... I made it so you wouldn't say no. I swapped your confidence away. I made you meek or whatever."

I laughed. She didn't have very far to go. I had always been like this.

"Elizabeth..." I frowned. I knew I should have been mad. I should have been furious or upset, but all I felt was tired. I was drained and exhausted. Too worn out to even hate.

Silence descended on the room once more. Elizabeth's eyes were downcast in shame.

"There... there's one more thing." Elizabeth said scowling , breaking the silence as she began to rummage through her drawers. Finally she pulled out a cheque book.

"Elizabeth," said Ellen, "you can't just give us money to make this better."

"No... it's not that... I... I owe you. From earlier. We agreed, right? Well, despite all the bad stuff that happened I want you guys to have this money."

"Yeah, but we didn't give you bigger boobs. You don't owe us anything."

"Um..." Elizabeth gave an embarrassed frown and looked down at the breasts struggling to break free of her suit, then over at Ellen's flat, muscular chest.

"Fine," Ellen rolled her eyes "I guess that speech gave you the confidence to live your dreams even without bigger boobs, and that confidence is something far more valuable than --"

"I stole your boobs!"

"What!? You skank!"

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.I... I was just drunk... and horny... and jealous. You always had the nicest boobs!" She grasped at her tits "Look at them! They're just so... heavenly!"

"Oh my god, fine. Whatever." Ellen sighed. "We'll take the cheque. You love them so much, you can fucking keep them. In my mind those are the same stupid hooters you've spent your whole life complaining about." She looked down at her own chest and experimentally cupped one of her hunky fireman pecs. "Uhg, that's so weird. I swear I remember stealing these from one of those cheerleader bimbos."

Elizabeth and I both glanced away awkwardly.

"A-actually..." she said "t-those are Evan's pecs. I'm sorry Ellen. You used to be a total titty monster and now I've taken that away from you."

"What? How? No, fine, whatever. Its Fine." Ellen sighed angrily "Nothing we can't fix."

I blushed. If Ellen had had my pecs, did that mean I had had Elizabeth's breasts at some point? I had those huge things and I had never realized?

"Elizabeth?" Ellen said.

"Y-yeah, Elles?"

"I..." Ellen took a deep breath "I appreciate that you've come clean about it."

"Thank you Elles. Does- does that mean you forgive me?"

"No. Elizabeth. I don't know if I can ever forgive you. I'm going to need a lot of time to just... come to terms with everything that's happened here today. I don't know if I can ever trust you again, especially around Evan. Fuck, it's like... right now, how do I know you're not just telling me you swapped our boobs around so that you can trick me into letting you steal them?"

"What!? No! Elles please. You know me better than that."

"Well right now I'm not so sure."

Elizabeth frowned.

"Look. Just... forget about the boobs. keep them. For now. We came here to sell you boobs and we have. So it all works out, right? I'll just... I guess I'll find someone else and see if I can upgrade?" She sensuously ran a hand along her pecs. "I don't even mind these that much... in my mind they're still pretty great."

"I'll say..." I half-whispered. Shit. I should probably come clean about it too.

Ellen smiled. "See? If Evan likes them, that's all that matters."

She leaned over and gave me a kiss. I swooned as our soft lips met. She seemed surprised as I returned her kiss with gusto. In that spot, that moment, I felt warm and safe. I never wanted to leave.

It was a mistake to not tell her what I had done to her. She'd find out soon enough - none of her clothes would fit - but... well, I didn't. It was selfish of me, I know. But right then, after all that had happened I needed Ellen to be there for me, for her to be that strong masculine figure. I don't know if it was the lust clouding my mind, my girlish heart, or just my lack of confidence, but I let the moment pass. I just hope she'd forgive me. For the first time in the years we've known each other, I was finally prepared to give Ellen the physical attention that she - that we - deserved, and I didn't want to spoil that for anything.

She pulled her lips away and I was lessened for it.

A pained look crossed Elizabeth's face.

"Hey, look," said Elizabeth "there's this big party tomorrow down at frat row, everyone who's everyone is talking about it."

"Oh my god, I've heard." said Ellen, cradling her hand in her head as she rolled her eyes. "Evan and I have to go... I need to get his body language back."

Oh. Right. I'd almost forgotten about that. I still wasn't entirely sure what she meant by that... or if I wanted to give up the body language I had. I liked the way I moved. But I trusted Ellen and that's what was important.

"Wait," said Elizabeth, "what's wrong with Evan's body language?"

"Nothing" Ellen sighed. "it's just... it's a long story. Don't worry about it."

The phone started ringing again. Elizabeth again just stared it down until it stopped.

"Maybe we've had enough excitement for tonight." Elizabeth said. "Things are starting to get busy around here. Why don't we meet up again at the party tomorrow? We can have a bit of fun with the device there. I mean, I can think of a few things I wouldn't mind swapping, and as long as you need money for clothes, I got you covered."

Elizabeth started to laugh, but she was cut off by Ellen's somber expression.

"Elizabeth..." Ellen said. "Look, after tonight, I don't know if I ever want to see you again. Someday, I may forgive you, but right now I don't want anything to do with you. I don't want to see you at that party tomorrow, and don't go around thinking you're ever going to get to use the device again. Do you understand me?"

"I..." Elizabeth's voice quavered. Defiance and despair clashed in her eyes but she blinked them away. She took a deep breath. "I understand. I'm sorry Ellen."

"In fact the only reason we're still here," said Ellen "is because we have to make sure that everything gets swapped back to normal before we leave. We can't leave everyone out there like that."

"Oh..." sighed Elizabeth "fuck... you're right. Oh my god, Elles, I seriously don't even remember half the stuff I did."

"Why does that not fucking surprise me? What other stuff were you doing?"

"I kept messing with the staff... look. I have an idea. Let's swap back what we can. Get you guys settled. Then I'll keep an eye on the place and make a list of everyone I noticed is weird or that we missed. We can swap them all back some other time."

"No, Elizabeth. I just told you, I want nothing to do with you."

"Well then I guess your only alternative is to leave everyone all fucked up." Elizabeth crossed her arms over her chest.

"Uhg," groand Ellen, "fine."

I looked down at my body and sighed softly. I didn't want to go back to my old body. I didn't want to be a manly jock anymore. I liked being petite and dainty. I liked being a girl.

"D-do I really have to change back?" I whispered.

Ellen froze as she looked into my sparkling eyes. I was giving her my best puppy-dog look. It was an underhanded trick, I know. I was breaking her heart, I could tell. I was scolding myself internally, but lord help me I kept doing it.

"None of your clothes will fit if we don't." She gave me a gentle smile. "We'd have to go back to the mall to get a whole new wardrobe."

My eyes lit up further. This was a bonus, not a penalty.

"Honey..." she continued, "I don't know if I can handle another day at the mall like that... let's just... let's swap you back for now and we can start looking into something a little more long term once we've done a little bit of research, okay? And we'll do it ethically, the right way."

"Aw..." I whined, but she had a point. It would be a bit of a shame to get no use out of all those clothes. And it would be the right thing to do. I could certainly think of some better bodies I'd rather be in long term. Maybe I'd see something at this party tomorrow? The idea of shopping around for a new body certainly had its appeal...

"Can... can I keep the face at least? A-and the hair? A-and maybe the tattoo?"


"And the boobs? I can't help but think that all the clothes I bought yesterday would fit way better with boobs."

"I... we really shouldn't." she said, but I could see from the tightening bulge in her pants that I had gotten to her.

Before long things were back to mostly normal. We swapped back what we could. Our attractiveness, Ellen's clothes, my body. We even managed to get that bearded guy's face swapped back. Thank goodness Ellen's jeans fit okay. We left a list of everything else with Elizabeth. She said she'd keep an eye on things and help put everything right, but it looked like she had her hands full handling her duties as club owner. If I didn't know for a fact that she'd been doing it for the past five years I'd have sworn it was her first day.

Giving up dancing was the hardest thing I had ever done. If Ellen hadn't been there, pushing me, I don't know if I'd have been able to go through with it. I just had to keep telling myself that it wasn't mine in the first place. Afterwards it was so strange. I could remember liking it, the passion I had felt, but the memories themselves were like faint whispers - memories of memories.

To my dismay, I couldn't even remember being out on stage, but I remembered how euphoric I'd felt, how sexy I'd been. I remembered how badly I had wanted to be that sort of girl. It was weird, but I wanted to go back to that. I was going to have to start taking Ellen out dancing, maybe taking lessons. It was going to be a hard road, I'm sure, but it would be worth it to develop that grace and femininity on my own.

Elizabeth made sure to give me one of the makeup cases as we finished swapping my body back with the stripper. I'd kept the face and the hair, for now, at least, but I had to go back to the stupid jock body. At least it had boobs now. Honestly, it wasn't a total loss, I think the chest I ended up with were probably way better than the stripper's anyway.

There was one final thing I had to do before leaving. I had chickened out when Ellen had given me the opportunity last night, but after living in a girl's body even for just an hour, there was no way I was going back to the way things were. I had to do it quietly though. Secretly. This was wrong, and I had no right to do it.

It wasn't hard getting the device and some time to myself. As much as I'd love to have slipped into the little girl's room with Ellen for some fun, the mood wasn't quite right. I'd have to save all that desperate horny frustration for when we got home.

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