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Girls' Night Out Ch. 19


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Her pussy squeezed hard around Kylie's cock, causing her an exquisite pain. It only added to the pleasure she felt as she came. Her cock spurted deep inside Chrissie filling her pussy. "Oh fuck baby! So fuckin' good!" Kylie shouted out as she came.

Chrissie collapsed next to Kylie. As she recovered, she held Kylie's hand to her chest. With her other, she touched her pussy, feeling its puffiness and the stickiness of Kylie's cum seeping from it. She sighed. "You're not mad, are you Auntie?"

Kylie also sighed, "A little but how I can I be? You just gave me your virginity. That's quite important. I just thought you might want to save it for that special guy. That's all."

Chrissie rose up on her elbow. "I thought about it long and hard and I wanted it to be special. I decided that you were that special person. I wanted my first time to be with you. I knew somehow it would be great and it was."

Kylie rolled over to face her. "Then I'm happy. It was good for me too."

"I read that usually the first time is awkward and not very good," Chrissie said, "I knew it wouldn't be that way with you but I didn't think it would that good!"

Kylie kissed her and then got up. "Let's take a quick shower. One thing they don't show in the movies, sex is messy."


The Next Day

They made love when they awoke the next morning. It was slower and less frantic. This time it was the traditional way, with Kylie on top. Taking their time and enjoying every feeling, Chrissie came, riding her orgasm as gently wave.

"Wow, that was nice, Kylie," she said smiling. "It was so easy to take."

"Yes, it's good sometimes to just be able to go with it. Just enjoy it."

"They were right," Chrissie said looking at the ceiling.

"Who were, Chrissie?"

"The ones who said, 'Once you do it, you can't ever go back!" They both laughed.

They grabbed a quick breakfast at the Lincoln Diner, a small eatery that the locals favored. Chrissie heard about it from a friend who was into Civil War re-enacting. He said it was the place they all went to while in Gettysburg.

It was a short walk over to the College so they took their time. Chrissie had taken the tour the first time she came here so she knew where she was going.

"Are you sure you don't need me to go with you?" Kylie asked.

"Nope, I'll be fine," Chrissie answered. "When I get done, I'll text you, ok?"

Kylie nodded, "I think I'll walk around, possibly buy a shirt or something, in honor of my favorite niece." She gave Chrissie a kiss on the cheek. "Good luck."

Kylie looked around. Maybe she should have asked Chrissie for directions to the bookstore. She too embarrassed to ask anyone for directions. She took a few steps to the left, then right. She looked but didn't find any clues to help her.

"Excuse me, young lady," a man's voice came from behind her, "Do you need any help?"

Kylie turned to see a distinguish man standing there. He smiled, "Can I help?"

He was an older man, not as old as Tony, perhaps mid-forties. He was a little under six feet and had a better than average build. His hair was thinning a bit and was brown with bits of gray flecks. What Kylie noticed first that behind his wire rimmed glasses was a pair of beautiful blue eyes. His eyes were gorgeous and with his bright smile, Kylie was speechless for a moment.

The man stepped forward. "Are you alright?"

"Yes, yes," Kylie stammered, "No, not really. I'm looking for the bookstore."

"Well you are in luck," the man said, "I'm going there myself to check on some books. Mind if I walk you there?"

"No by all means, please do," Kylie replied.

"Good," he answered, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Mark Langston. I'm a professor here. Are you a student?"

Kylie laughed. "For heaven's sake no. My niece is attending here next fall and she is meeting with her advisor. I decided to look around but just my luck I got lost. Silly me." Kylie wanted to kick herself for saying that. What was coming over her?

Mark smiled. "Well it's just my luck to find you."

"I guess it is. By the way my name is Kylie, Kylie Stevenson."

"What a pretty name. It suits you. This is the bookstore so if you need any more help, let me know." As Mark walked towards the back of store, the girl behind the counter called to him, "Good morning, Dr. Langston."

Kylie walked around the store, looking at the clothing. There were a number of items she looked at before deciding to buy a t-shirt and a hoodie. As she put them on the counter the girl asked, "Do you have a student ID?"

Kylie said no and the girl then said, "That's too bad. If you did, I could give the discount."

With that, Mark was standing beside her, "Here Gracie, use mine."

"Wait, I can't take that," Kylie said turning to him.

"Yes you can. Besides the prices here are too high to begin with," he said with a smile. "Please call me Mark."

"Ok, Mark, I guess it is alright."

As they walked out of the store, Mark asked, "Would you like to get a cup of coffee, Miss Stevenson?"

When Kylie answered that she didn't drink coffee, his face dropped. "But I do drink tea and that would be fine," she continued, "And please call me Kylie."

The two walked across the hall to the small café where they got something to drink. Mark offered to buy her a donut if she wanted anything. Kylie said no so after he paid they found a small table out on the patio and sat down.

As they sat there in the bright sun, Kylie found herself doing most of the talking. It was as if she couldn't help herself. She felt strangely at ease with Mark and wanted to let him know things about her. She also wanted to know things about him.

Mark told her he was a professor of History at the College and had been for ten years. He had a Doctorate and was a published author. He loved his job and couldn't ask for a better place than this.

"Are you interested in History, Kylie?"

She wanted to say if you were my professor, I would be. Instead she answered, "Not really, I became curious about Gettysburg ever since I read Killer Angels. My niece is the History buff."

"So she is majoring in History?" Mark said, straightening in his seat.

"Yes, she is," Kylie replied, "Majoring in History, minor in museum science."

"Very good," he answered. "Do you know her concentration?"

"No I don't but you can asked her." Kylie stood up and waved Chrissie over. When Chrissie got there, Kylie introduced her. "Chrissie, this is Dr. Langston." She turned to Mark. "Dr. Langston, this is my niece Chrissie Walker."

Mark stood up. "My pleasure."

"Dr. Langston, I believe I just signed up for your class next fall, History 113."

"Very good, at least I'll know one student."

Chrissie turned to Kylie and whispered, "I'm starving. Can we go get lunch?"

Mark overheard her. "Excuse me, I was just going to grab a bite at the cafeteria. I would like to treat you if you would like. Consider it part of the tour."

Mark escorted them across the street. As they entered, Kylie realized that this wasn't like the cafeteria in her college. There were numerous choices from sandwiches to pasta, from salads to hot full meals.

"Pick out what you like and we'll meet over there." He pointed to a table over by window.

"Wow, Kylie, where did you find him?" Chrissie said leaning close to her. "He's really good looking."

"Really?" Kylie lied, "I hadn't noticed." When in truth she had.

"So what are your plans after this?" Mark asked.

"We are going to the Visitor's Center and going out on the battlefield." Kylie said between bites of her salad.

"I see," Mark said nodding his head. "Are you hiring a guide?"

"No," Kylie laughed. "Chrissie knows her history. She has been here before plus we have a guidebook."

"If I may be so bold, after my class I would like to take you on a guided tour. I do know my way around it," Mark said with a smile.

"Really?" Kylie looked at Chrissie, "Don't you have to pay for those? I think Chrissie can do it."

Mark leaned forward. "My price is simple. You go out to dinner with me. That's it."

Kylie was completely caught off guard. Flustered, she said nothing at first. Finally she answered, "I don't, I don't know."

"Oh!" Mark answered, his hands in the air. "I meant both of you."

"Of course you did," Kylie said now blushing. "Still."

"Dr. Langston, thanks for your offer," Chrissie now spoke up. "No need for supper but I think it would be great to have a tour from someone who knows it better than I do. Besides after dinner we are going on a ghost tour. Right, Auntie?"

"Yes that's right," Kylie added.

"Very well," Mark said standing, "The Visitor's Center, say 3 o'clock."

"Agreed," Chrissie answered. "See you then."

As Mark walked away, Chrissie punched Kylie lightly on the arm. "What is the matter with you?"

Kylie shrugged. "I don't know. Seriously."

"That guy is hitting all over you and you are acting like a shy school girl. I've wouldn't believe it if I didn't see it."

Kylie shook her head. "I know. Never had this happen before."

They went to the Visitor's Center. They explored the museum, taking in all of it. Kylie had a million questions, which Chrissie answered patiently. They went and saw the Cyclorama. Kylie amazed at such a painting and found she was one the last ones to leave. Not only was it grand history but also to an art student it was truly a magnificent work of art. She left wanting to see it again.

Dr. Langston appeared promptly at 3. He arrived in a bright red BMW and pulled right in front of the Center. He got out and opened the door. Chrissie sat in the back seat while Kylie sat up front. It was clear from the beginning that this tour was for Kylie's benefit. Numerous times Mark would stop the car and point out sights of interests. When doing so, he would touch Kylie's arm ever so lightly or put his hand on her shoulder. Though he was polite and included Chrissie in everything, Chrissie felt like a third wheel on a date. By the end of the tour Mark and Kylie were laughing and Kylie had wrapped her arm around his.

"I had a wonderful time, Mark," Kylie said standing close to him. "Thank you."

"Are you sure I can't offer you dinner, Kylie?" he asked.

"Another time, Mark."

He turned to Chrissie. "I look forward to seeing you in class, young lady. During the drive around the grounds I was very impressed with your knowledge."

"Why thank you Dr. Langston. I didn't think you noticed," she said with an edge to her voice.

He turned back to Kylie. "And thank you, Miss Stevenson. I had a thoroughly wonderful time. I hope to see you again."

"Perhaps you will, Dr. Langston," Kylie said flashing him a smile.

The two girls walked quietly to the restaurant. They decided on The Brewery. Even though neither of them drank beer, the menu looked good. It was crowded but after a short wait they were seated. Chrissie had said nothing since Mark left so Kylie had to ask, "Are you mad or something?"

Chrissie quickly said no but then a few moments later said, "Yes, I am. How could you?"

"How could I what?" Kylie replied innocently.

"What?" Chrissie said through tight lips. "He was practically undressing you with his eyes. I think he wanted more than just dinner with you. And you acted as if nothing was happening. That's what."

The waitress came over and took their order. It gave Kylie a little time to think of her answer. She needed it because she wasn't really sure what the answer was.

"You have to admit he had beautiful eyes," Kylie began, "And even you said he was handsome."

"Yes, for an older man but was that why you acted that way?" Chrissie asked again.

"Ok let me try to explain. I'm not sure if I can," Kyle started. "There are some mornings I wake up thinking that this is the day I screw up. That I will do something that outs me and all this comes crashing down. So when Mark came on to me it made me feel all good inside. He thought I was hot."

Chrissie reached across the table and took Kylie's hand. "Oh Auntie, I'm sorry I got angry. I didn't know. Forgive me?"

"Nothing to forgive," Kylie placed her hand on Chrissie's. "It is the way it is but I wouldn't change it for anything." She then laughed. "He was good looking, admit it!"

Chrissie blushed, "Yes he was and now he is one of my professors. I think I will be seeing a lot of him in the future. Of course he'll ask about my favorite aunt too!"

"Good. Then after this we'll go to the Square and look around, do some shopping. We have plenty of time before the ghost tour. Or do you want to go back to our room? Your choice, Chrissie."

"Let's look around and then see how much time we have," Chrissie replied. "I can't believe you are excited about the ghost tour!"

Kylie laughed. "Why not? It will be fun."

The two girls walked around the town. There were some interesting things and both bought some little souvenirs. Kylie stopped in the print shop and was very impressed with the selections. Most were about the Civil War but there were others that were about the American Indians around the time of the French and Indian War. She had an urge to buy one maybe two for the gallery but then had second thoughts. Nearly all the prints in her gallery have a beach or something New England so she wasn't sure if her clientele would go for it.

They bought some ice cream and sat on bench in the Square, watching people go by. They didn't say anything until Chrissie reached over and took Kylie's hand. She gave it a squeeze.

"What?" Kylie asked.

"Thank you," Chrissie said quietly

"For what, Chrissie?"

"For just being here," Chrissie said looking straight ahead.

"It has been my pleasure, Chrissie," Kylie turned towards her. "Just trying to help."

Chrissie looked at Kylie. Kylie had some ice cream dribbling down her chin and Chrissie had an overwhelming desire to lick it off. It was more a desire to do more than that. Instead she took her finger and wiped it off. Slowly she brought it to her mouth and licked it all. There was no mistaking the message she was sending Kylie at that moment.

"Do you want to go back to the room?" Kylie asked.

"No, you want to go on the ghost tour. If we walk there we'll be there in plenty of time." She dipped her finger in Kylie's ice cream and licked it clean again. "Besides there will be enough time afterwards."

Chrissie was surprised at the number of people who were at the ghost tour. It appeared very popular and attracted all types of people. It was dark so the tour guide walked in front with a lantern. She explained that when they stopped to gather around because ghosts liked to stand just outside the light. Some people laughed but Chrissie noticed not everyone did. Tour was campy and a bit corny but the guide was a good storyteller. She told great stories with just the right amount of suspense.

"Do you believe this?" she whispered to Kylie.

"Why not?" Kylie said giving her full attention to the guide.

Chrissie walked along side Kylie without saying a word. She had to admit the stories were very interesting and well told but true? She had her doubts.

At the end of the tour the guide gathered them together and had them sit on benches. She stood in front of them, her lantern at her feet, which cast a weird shadow on her. As the others were now in total darkness, she began her last tale.

Chrissie looked around and saw that everyone including Kylie was fully concentrating on the guide, not missing a word. She decided to play a prank on Kylie. She slipped behind Kylie unnoticed and waited. As the guide finished and told them to be on the outlook for spirits that walk the earth, Chrissie leaned forward and blew in Kylie's ear. The reaction was not quite what Chrissie expected.

Kylie screamed and jumped up. Everyone turned in shock and there was dead silence. Kylie turned to look at Chrissie. Her look of fright turned to one of anger. "You!" she said. "Why did you do that?"

"I was just joking. Honest."

Kylie sat down quickly. "You almost gave me a heart attack."

The guide came over and after giving Chrissie a dirty look, she asked, "Are you alright, dearie?"

"Yes, I'm fine," Kylie, said with a slight smile. "Thank you." She turned to Chrissie. "No, thanks to you."

As they walked to the car, Chrissie apologized. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

"Yes you did!" Kylie said, "And you did. I almost peed my pants, thanks to you."

"Sorry, really."

"Look there's a nice looking bar by the diner. I need a drink after that then we'll go back to the room." Kylie wrapped her arm around Chrissie's.

"That was a good day," Kylie said flipping off her shoes and falling onto the bed.

"Yes, it was," Chrissie, said landing next to her. "So what's happening tomorrow?"

"I guess we have to head home," Kylie said.

"I don't want to, Auntie," Chrissie with a pout.

"I don't want either but we have to. I thought we get an early start and go to Hershey. What girl can resist chocolate?"

Chrissie rolled on her side to face her. "Can we? That would be great." She reached over and undid Kylie's belt. She unsnapped her pants and pulled down the zipper.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kylie asked with a smile.

Sliding her hand into Kylie's pants, Chrissie found what she was looking for. "What girl can resist a nice hard cock?"

Kylie grabbed Chrissie's wrist. "Let's take a shower first."

Standing in the warm water the two girls ran their hands over each other, making sure they soaped every inch. Both were laughing and moaning as they did it. The soap made it extra slippery and sensual. Kylie's cock drew hard in Chrissie's hand as she stroked.

Since that first night Chrissie found herself being a little more aggressive when it came to sex. She found she really enjoyed it and was willing to push the boundaries. She kicked herself over not letting Kylie take her that first time. Since then she planned to find a way for it to happen. It was true that she fantasized about it when she masturbated. Lately she had thought about going down on her friend Lindsay. She wasn't sure if Lindsay would be ok with it. Still she was curious about eating pussy.

There was also something she noticed about her Aunt. It appeared that Kylie liked it when she was dominated or controlled. Last night when Chrissie forced Kylie's hands to hold the bars, she barely resisted. Chrissie took over and sat on Kylie's cock. Kylie fought back but only briefly. She wondered about Kylie and Angie. She read that many times one person is the more dominate. Was it that way with them? She wondered.

Chrissie spun Kylie around and pushed her against the shower wall. Still stroking her cock, Chrissie placed her leg between Kylie's and forced them apart. She spanked Kylie's ass, hard. Hearing Kylie groaned Chrissie put her mouth near Kylie's ear and whispered, "You like that, don't you?" Before Kylie could answer, Chrissie spanked her again.

Kylie moaned as Chrissie spanked again. The sudden stinging on her ass sent a shock through her body. She wiggled her ass and pressed it hard against Chrissie's body.

Chrissie slipped her hand between them, running her fingers between Kylie's ass cheeks. She was going to fondle her balls as she stroked her cock but as her finger slid over Kylie's asshole, Kylie sighed and pressed against it. The movement caught Chrissie by surprise but she realized something. Kylie liked to have her ass played with.

The water was beginning to run cold and with all the soap rinsed off, Chrissie stepped back. Kylie turned around and stepped towards her. With her cock erect and throbbing she put her arms around Chrissie. She pushed her cock between Chrissie's legs and then kissed her. It was deep lustful kiss, one that told Chrissie that Kylie needed more of her, more of her taste, just more of her.

Chrissie led her out of the shower and towards the door. She stopped and told Kylie. "Eat me, eat my pussy!" She lifted her ass up and sat on the edge of the sink. Spreading her legs, she pushed Kylie on to her knees.

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