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God or the Devil?


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The door opened instantly and she pulled me in by my shirt. She was wearing a simple red dress. Without ceremony she asked, "Do you want to go into one of the spare bedrooms or shall we make love in the lounge?"

I replied, "Good evening Mrs Anderson, I hope you are in fine fettle?"

She looked blank for a second and then said, "Oh sorry," followed without pauses by, "I'm very well thank you James and I hope you are too shall we make love upstairs or in the lounge?"

I put my arms behind her back and her legs and lifted her up. I said, "If you wanted to be fucked in the local supermarket on a Saturday afternoon, I would be happy to oblige."

She kissed my lips several times as I carried her upstairs and whispered, "Did you bring your cock with you?"

I answered, "Luckily I remembered it at the last minute. What do you want it for?"

"The last few days I've thought of nothing else but sucking it and watching you do thingy. What do you call it?"

"Come. I come, you come and when you are about to come, you are coming."

"Got it." As I lowered her onto the bed she said, "I've been doing an awful lot of praying the last few days."

"So have I, and why are you wearing so many clothes?"

She sat up and peeled off her dress in one movement and she was naked underneath. With arms outstretched and her legs wide open she cried, "Take me Sir I'm all yours, and don't spare the whip."

I said cautiously, "You don't really want to be whipped do you?"

"I might, who knows? Not too hard of course. Why are you wearing so many clothes?"

I stripped and settled down beside her. Her breasts were begging to be sucked so I took one nipple into my mouth and nibbled it gently. She squirmed with pleasure and I switched to the other one. I let my fingers walk down her stomach and drift around her soft slit without touching it.

She wriggled with frustration and pleaded, "Don't tease my pussy; it's been desperate for your attention all day."

Her crevice was already dripping with her juices and I slipped my middle finger deep inside with a gentle fucking motion. She gripped both her nipples between fingers and thumbs and began to squeeze them.

Suddenly she protested, "Why have I been without proper sex for all these years? I've spent all my life suppressing my desires and it's taken my daughter's boyfriend to show me what I've been missing. I just hope it's not too late to become thoroughly depraved."

I had a solid erection and she gripped it. Suddenly she wriggled quickly down the bed and my fingers slipped out of her. With her mouth poised over my cock she said, "Wow it's a big brute isn't it. Tell me what to do."

I replied, "I've only seen it done in porn videos so you'll just have to do your own thing. Try sliding it in and out of your mouth or licking the top of it. Don't wank me as well or I might come."

She said in a surprised tone, "But I want you to come, that's the whole point of it."

"You know what happens when I do, so where will it all go?"

She answered, "Just leave that to me."

She was lying flat on her stomach when she took it into her mouth with a sucking motion. When she withdrew it she licked the glans and then slid her lips down again. My cock was throbbing with the sensation and I gasped, "Mrs Anderson I can't reach your pussy."

She took it out of her mouth and said, "Don't worry about that because I can."

She started sucking again and I saw her hand reach under her body and disappear into the dark archway between her thighs.

I leaned back with my eyes closed and thrilled to the exquisite sensation. After a few minutes she stopped sucking and just kept her mouth over the top. I felt her hand grip it tightly and she began to wank me with it still in her mouth.

I sat up quickly and saw that she was rubbing her pussy quite firmly. I could feel an orgasm approaching so I said urgently, "Be careful or you'll make me come." She ignored me and wanked even faster.

My balls were beginning to tingle and I tried to push her head away but she resisted. I gasped, "Mrs Anderson look out I'm coming," but it was too late and I started to spurt.

I could feel it going into her mouth and when I looked, her feet were kicking wildly and her buttocks were bobbing as she rubbed her clit furiously.

As my orgasm finished I flopped back on the bed and closed my eyes. I wasn't exactly ashamed but I was a bit shocked. She had confessed to having obscene desires and she was certainly not kidding.

I looked up and she was wiping her face with a tissue. I said, "Mrs Anderson you have just committed an act that most females would find disgusting."

She answered, "I know, but it was more for my pleasure than yours. I warned you that my mind is polluted with filthy cravings. I had a big orgasm and so did you; so we're both happy. How long will it be before you can come again?"

I looked at the bedside clock and it was ten minutes after eight. "How long have we got?"

She replied, "Two hours absolute maximum. I'll make some coffee."

She had disappeared downstairs when I looked upwards and said, "God I hope you are aware that coming in her mouth was not my idea. So please don't deduct any points for poor gentlemanly conduct."

We sat on the bed and chatted while we sipped our coffee. I asked her when she had first masturbated and she told me that she was ten years of age when she saw her older cousin doing it. They were sharing a bed and the cousin asked if she could stroke her pussy. It was her first orgasm and she wet the bed. After that they regularly did it to each other.

She said wistfully, "I've often fantasised about sex with another woman so does that make me a lesbian?" I assured her that it was a common fantasy among straight women.

When she finished her coffee she left the bedroom and was gone for quite a while. Eventually the door opened slowly and I gaped in amazement.

She was wearing a pink baby-doll nighty that was way above her knees. Her legs and feet were bare and her hair was pulled back into two short tufts. There were bright rouge patches on each cheek and lipstick was smeared untidily on her lips.

She stood with her arms drooping and her feet turned inwards, and she was hanging her head as if in shame. She looked so comical I put my hand over my mouth to stop from laughing.

Without looking up she whispered in a little girly voice, "I'm here Daddy. Have I been a naughty girl again?"

It was obvious she wanted to roll-play and I struggled to control my mirth. In a stern voice I replied, "Yes you have Jean, you have been very naughty."

"Are you going to spank my bottom?"

"Yes I'm afraid I have to because you have to learn to be a good girl. Come here and get across my lap."

She shuffled forward and bent face down across my lap. I lifted her nighty and she was wearing wispy pink panties. She raised herself slightly to let me pull them down and I rested my hand on her bottom.

In the same stern voice I said, "I'm sorry I have to do this Jean but it's for your own good." I raised my hand and gave her one smack with medium force on each cheek.

She whispered, "I can't have been very naughty because you always smack me much harder than that."

I raised my hand again and gave her two considerably firmer slaps.

She gave a tiny gasp with each blow and whispered, "I want to be really punished for being so naughty, so please smack me harder."

This time I didn't hold back and gave her two wallops that stung my hand. Her cheeks were now glowing with a bright red patch on each and the white imprints of my hand were clearly visible. She squealed each time I smacked her and it must have hurt like hell.

She was fighting back tears when she said, "Why does my mini tingle when you spank me Daddy?" I guessed that mini was the childhood name for her pussy.

I slipped my hand between her thighs and her mini was indeed very wet. Using two fingers I began to fuck her slowly and she wriggled and gasped with the sensation. By now my cock was back to its solid best again.

After a few minutes she whispered, "Are you going to put your truncheon inside me like you always do?"

The only item I possessed that resembled a truncheon was stiffly erect between my legs so I replied, "Yes I am Jean."

She wriggled up to sit astride my lap and then slid down on my cock until it disappeared. She whispered, "Oh Daddy your truncheon is always so big and hard."

Her arms were wrapped around my neck and she began to rise up and down. Her movements got steadily faster until she gasped desperately, "Oh Daddy I'm going to get that naughty feeling again."

Her motions quickened until she cried out, "The naughty feeling is coming," and then, "Oh Daddy."

I was about to experience my own naughty feeling and I gripped her buttocks tightly. She was thrusting up and down on my lap so energetically I had difficulty in hanging on to her. As I ejaculated we were both gasping and writhing but we clung to each until our orgasms subsided.

She climbed off my lap and still in roll-play said, "Thank you for punishing me Daddy and I'll try not to be such a naughty girl in future." She turned and shuffled slowly out of the room.

I fell back on the bed and rocked with helpless laughter. I had never realised that sex could be such fun. I had come twice in an hour and the second time had been just as good as the first one. I wondered what other kinky games she was going to play.

When she came back she was cleaned up and wearing her housecoat again. She looked at the clock and said, "God, look at the time; you had better go."

As I dressed I said, "That was great fun. You are just full of surprises."

She replied, "What surprises? If you're talking about the depraved sexual act you just committed with that poor young child, then you should be ashamed of yourself."

She saw me to the door and kissed me goodbye with, "Next Tuesday?"

I answered, "You can guarantee it Mrs Anderson."

****************************** The week dragged by slowly but I was a happy man. I was having an affair with an exciting and mature lover and the difference in our ages added to the excitement for both of us. I took Maria to the cinema and as we sat together I kept thinking, 'If only she knew'.

At her front door she said, "There's something different about you. You've changed during the last couple of weeks and you haven't tried to grope me once. Don't get me wrong; I'm pleased that you're finally behaving yourself, but you're not going off me are you?"

I had never been crazy about her in the first place but I didn't want to break up because of my relationship with her mother. I replied, "I'm showing you some respect because I thought that is what you want me to do.

She answered, "Yes I do and I'm pleased that you're controlling your lust," but she seemed slightly doubtful.

Tuesday arrived and I rang the side doorbell. Her dress was low cut to show plenty of cleavage with a hemline well above her knees. Her eyes were sparkling as brightly as her diamanté earrings and she looked like a girl in her twenties. I said with genuine admiration, "Mrs Anderson you look absolutely stunning."

She beamed with pleasure and kissed me passionately. She took my hand to lead me upstairs with, "Come along my lover it's time for fun and games."

As she started to undress me, I asked, "I'm just curious but are you still pursuing all of your religious activities. You know; the church and all that stuff?"

She replied, "Yes, why do you ask?"

I hesitated but continued, "Well mainly because of us and...."

I was unable to finish the sentence because she interrupted sharply with, "Are you suggesting that I am a hypocrite?"

I replied hastily, "Good heavens no, but...."

"Well shut up then because I want to suck your cock."

I decided never to broach the subject again. I presented her with my penis and settled back on the bed.

This time she varied her technique by licking and then sucking and then wanking in strict rotation. While she was kneeling above me, she had one hand between her legs and was pleasuring herself.

She had been going for only a few minutes when she said politely, "I'm really sorry about this James but I'm afraid I'm going to come." She let go of my cock and knelt upright.

With her right hand still furiously active, she shoved the fingers of the other hand deep into her saturated slit. I watched with fascination as she pumped with the lower hand while rubbing firmly with the upper one. I wondered if it was as difficult as rubbing one's stomach while patting the top of one's head; but her coordination was smooth and unfaltering.

She was breathing hoarsely and as the bottom hand pumped furiously I could hear an audible sucking sound. Suddenly she blurted, "Here I come," and then cupped both hands over her drenched slit. Her body stiffened and I saw her stomach muscles knot. Her jaw tensed and she hissed through clenched teeth, "Oh sweet Jesus."

For several seconds her body shuddered in silence as the spasms thrilled her and her face contorted as if in pain. Gradually the exquisite sensations began to fade but she continued to rub her gaping crevice slowly as she tried to retain the delicious pleasure. Finally her arms dropped to her side and she sat back heavily on her haunches.

After a moment she knelt upright and said, "Wow that was a good one. I'm sorry I had to abandon you but I couldn't stop myself from coming. Are you okay?"

I replied, "Sure I am. I really enjoyed watching you."

She leaned forward and kissed my lips with, "Stay put, I'll be back in a minute."

Ten minutes went by and I was getting anxious when she came back into the bedroom.

I stared at her in astonishment. She was wearing a tight black skirt and sheer black nylon stockings. Under a short jacket she had a flimsy white blouse and I could see her bare nipples through it. She had a beret perched cheekily on the side of her head and her shiny black shoes had four-inch heels.

There was no mistaking it; she was a French prostitute. She had certainly been busy in recent weeks acquiring a collection of props to play out her fantasies.

She sauntered to the side of the bed and drawled in a husky French accent, "Ello Cheri, would you like some loving?"

I asked, "How much?"

She replied instantly, "Forty euros. Leave zee money on zee dresser."

I was really impressed. I did a quick calculation and it was about thirty-five English pounds which didn't seem too expensive; so I said, "Okay." I only had five pounds with me and I wondered if she would take an IOU.

She added, "Would you like zee extras?"

"What are they?"

"Putting it up my bottom fifty euros, zee cock-suck forty-five euros and coming between zee tits five euros."

I asked, "Why is coming between your tits so cheap?"

"Because I like eet."

I was struggling to keep a straight face but I managed to splutter, "I'll just have a straight fuck please."

She began to do a striptease and she made it really sexy. Her black nylons were the last items to be removed and she did so by holding each foot up and pulling them off slowly between finger and thumb.

I was getting impatient but I knew that she was deliberately teasing me. Finally she was naked and climbed aboard.

She bent down to kiss the top of my cock and said, "You have zee big English cock Cherie. Do all English men have such magnificent weapons?"

I replied, "No, just the lucky ones."

She hovered over me and impaled herself on the end of my stiff rod. Very slowly she lowered her body until all of it had disappeared and then she gave a deep sigh of satisfaction. She was looking into my eyes when she whispered huskily, "I will show you zee French way of love making."

Instead of going up and down, she began to rotate her hips left and right with an action similar to a washing machine. I was fairly certain that the French made love with same method as the rest of the world but it was different and quite enjoyable.

It must have been having a stimulating effect on her as well because she said, "I will be having zee come soon Cherie, so I will change to your English way."

She returned to an orthodox vertical movement and began to slide up and down at a rapid pace. I sensed that she was about to come and my own climax was also approaching.

As excitement gripped us, our writhing and squirming became more urgent and the only sounds in the room were our panting gasps.

Neither of us heard the footsteps climbing the stairs.

Then the piercing scream shocked us.

Mrs Anderson spun around and I sat upright. Maria was standing in the doorway with her hands over her mouth. Her eyes were wide in disbelief and she whispered, "Oh my God."

For several seconds nobody moved, and then her mother climbed off the bed and said calmly, "Maria I know this must be a bit of a shock to you and you certainly deserve an explanation."

She started to walk towards her daughter but Maria backed away in horror. Her mind must have been in turmoil but suddenly the explanation became obvious to her.

She crossed herself and babbling hysterically she cried, "Mummy you've been possessed by the Devil and he has ensnared you. You're not responsible for your disgusting behaviour. I'll phone for Father O'Malley right away."

She turned to go but then she looked at me and blurted, "It's James; he must be one of the Devil's disciples." That really hurt my feelings.

She still hadn't finished. "Oh my God; first it was Daddy and now it's you Mummy."

Mrs Anderson suddenly became very interested. "What do you mean, first it was Daddy?"

"Daddy said he'd been possessed by the Devil's evil force when I saw what he was doing in his study. He made me promise to keep it a secret in case the shock of it was too much for you."

Mrs Anderson's voice was icy cold when she enquired. "Tell me Darling, exactly what was Daddy doing?"

Maria struggled to reply but she finally managed to whisper, "He was looking at his computer screen and...." She paused and closed her eyes as if the memory of it was too hideous to recall.

Mrs Anderson's voice was calm but insistent. "Please try to tell me Darling. Precisely what was Daddy doing?"

Still with her eyes shut to obscure the memory, Maria replied haltingly, "He was doing it with his hand."

Mrs Anderson turned to me with a smile but it was not one of amusement. "Well, well, would you believe that? My dear husband, the one with the bad heart who hasn't been near me in fifteen years, has been wanking over porn. I really must have a quiet word with him."

Right on cue the door opened and Mister Anderson entered. He walked into the room but stopped as if he had run into a brick wall. He surveyed the scene with an open mouth before he asked incredulously, "What the hell is going on here?"

Mrs Anderson put her arms around his neck and kissed him lightly on the cheek. She said sweetly, "Hello Dear; what a pleasant surprise to have you home so unexpectedly. I'm sure you must be wondering why James and I are naked. Well the explanation is simple; it's because we have been fucking."

Maria must have realised that her father was probably as confused as she had been so she explained brightly, "Mummy has been possessed by the Devil and James is one of his evil disciples." It was the second time she had said that and it was beginning to annoy me.

Mrs Anderson turned to her and in a comforting tone said, "No Darling, I am not possessed by the Devil. If I am possessed at all, it is with the wondrous pleasure of sex that God in his almighty generosity allows us all to enjoy. I agree that James has the Devil in him, but it's not the real one."

She continued, "You see James asked God to be allowed to have sex and he answered both our prayers. It was two for the price of one."

She turned back to her husband and her voice was chilling when she said, "Now let's deal with you Harold. Maria tells me that you've been masturbating in your study while drooling over porn. Would you care to elaborate?"

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