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God or the Devil?


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Mister Anderson turned his head and sounded surprised. "You enjoyed it? I thought you would be bored."

I replied ecstatically, "Enjoyed it? I have never enjoyed an evening more and the memory of it will remain with me for ever." I knew that must have sounded a bit over the top but I meant it sincerely.

He looked astounded and said, "Then you must come in for coffee, don't you agree Jean?"

From the back seat she answered quietly, "Let him do as he pleases Harold."

I turned to go with, "Thank you both once again. Please say goodnight to Maria for me."

I was on my scooter with the engine running before they could leave the car and I was nearly home before I realised that I wasn't wearing my crash helmet.

After showering I examined my clothes. Fortunately my underpants had protected my trousers but I could wash those out myself.

I collapsed onto my bed and thought about the whole incredible experience. One thing was certain; I was hopelessly in love with Mrs Anderson. Should I buy her flowers? No, that would make her husband suspicious. I had to see her again as soon as possible and then fuck her properly.

I felt immediate shame because that was just selfish sexual lust and not a reflection of the true and everlasting love that I felt for her.

I wanted to hold her in my arms and kiss her gently. I would stroke her face and whisper that I loved her and promise that I would feel that way forever. Then having got the niceties out of the way, I would feel entitled to fuck her brains out.

I needed to plan my campaign. On Tuesdays Maria attended choir practice and it was also the evening that Mister Anderson went to his Masonic lodge. He always gave her a lift to the church and picked her up on the way back.

But it was only Friday so how was I going to survive four more days of celibacy? Somehow I had to get through it and in the only way that I knew how; with masturbation.

And get through it I did; twice equalling my all-time record for a single day. On Monday I bought a new box of tissues.

****************************** When it was finally Tuesday evening, I drove to the street next to Maria's and chained my scooter to a lamppost. I hid behind some bushes opposite their house and waited until Mister Anderson and Maria had left in the car. It was nearly seven-thirty.

I crossed the road quickly and went to the side entrance. When I rang the bell, Mrs Anderson came to the door and asked through it, "Who is it?"

I answered, "James."

There was a silence and then she said, "James what do you want? Maria is not here."

I said, "I want to see you Mrs Anderson."

There was another short silence before she answered, "You can't come in; go home."

I pleaded, "Mrs Anderson please let me in, I only want to talk to you." That wasn't strictly true; in fact there wasn't a grain of truth in it but I had to get in somehow."

Long seconds ticked by and then the door opened a few inches. I pushed hard and stepped over the threshold.

She was wearing a blue housecoat that was buttoned all the way down the front and soft fluffy slippers.

She backed away quickly and held the palms of both hands up to ward me off. She said firmly, "Now James you must behave yourself because I also want to talk to you."

I said, "Okay you go first."

She turned and I followed her into the lounge. She pointed to a chair and said, "Sit there and don't move." She walked to a chair as far away as possible and sat facing me.

"First of all, you were very naughty in the car and you should be ashamed of yourself. I was also very bad but it was only because I had been possessed by the Devil."

She had already lost me so I asked cautiously, "Sorry but I don't know what you're talking about. What has the Devil got to do with it?"

She replied, "The Devil filled my mind with lascivious thoughts and sexual desires so that I lost control and became one of his sluts. He is always looking for an opportunity to take advantage of our human frailty, that's why we have to be constantly on our guard."

I screwed up my face in puzzlement and said, "What the fuck are you talking about? It was nothing to do with the Devil; it was God."

She stiffened and said haughtily, "Please don't ever use that dreadful word in my presence. Of course it wasn't God. It was only because I had turned away from him that the Devil seized the opportunity."

I said, "I'm sorry about the word fuck, it just slipped out. Mrs Anderson, let me assure you that it was God who arranged the whole thing and I really need to thank him properly. I am seriously thinking of going to church with you this coming Sunday."

She sighed and said, "James you are a very confused young man but you are welcome to join us. You will learn to distinguish between good and evil and become wary of the temptations with which the Devil seeks to corrupt us. I have asked God for his forgiveness and I hope that in his almighty compassion he will grant it to me."

I stared at her in bewilderment, "Mrs Anderson you're talking a load of bollocks. I asked God to let me feel someone's pussy and he let me feel yours. So who is making all the decisions, God or the Devil?"

She stared at me blankly for a moment and then asked doubtfully, "Are you telling me that you asked God to let you....do what you did?"

"Yes, and he said it was okay for me to do it."

Now it was her turn to look confused.

I added, "He also said it was okay for me to do it again." I knew that wasn't strictly true and he had warned me not to push my luck, but he hadn't been very specific.

I walked over and knelt before her and announced, "Mrs Anderson I am in love with you."

She turned her head away and hooted with laughter. "Oh don't be ridiculous, I'm old enough to be your mother."

"Please may I feel your pussy again?"

"If you are referring to my vagina, no you may not."

I reached forward and put my hands on her knees. "Mrs Anderson please tell me the truth; did you enjoy it?"

She answered, "James, I have already tried to explain that my lapse was because I was possessed by the Devil and he had filled my mind with lascivious and disgusting cravings. I had turned away from God and was without his strength to fight the Devil's evil."

I repeated with emphasis to each word, "Did you enjoy it?"

She replied impatiently, "Yes of course I enjoyed it; that's how the Devil works. He encourages us to commit evil deeds by making it pleasurable."

As evenly as possible I said, "Mrs Anderson, you are the one who is confused. God gave you a vagina for two purposes; to pee out of and to make babies. Peeing doesn't require any encouragement whereas having babies is a bit of a nuisance. That's why the making part is so pleasurable; it's to encourage you to do it. Surely when you and Mister Anderson were making Maria it was a pleasure?"

In a sombre tone she replied, "We prayed continuously throughout the ordeal."

My voice squeaked as cried incredulously, "Ordeal? Getting screwed by your husband was an ordeal?"

She stared at me in expressionless silence.

Suddenly my plan of campaign was crystal clear. I said in as serious a voice as I could manage, "Mrs Anderson, God has sent me to you for a divine purpose. As a result of a complete misunderstanding, you have been deprived of many years of sexual pleasure and he wants to make it up to you. I may even be one of his angels, although I can't be absolutely certain about that." I added the last bit when I realised that I was definitely pushing my luck.

I continued in a low and I hoped sensual voice, "Wouldn't you like me to open your legs and kiss the insides of your thighs? Kissing ever higher until I reach your puss....vagina and lick it. Then I'll caress your clitoris with the tip of my tongue and gently suck it until you swoon with ecstasy."

I was beginning to excite myself and my penis was stirring.

While I was talking she had closed her eyes and was breathing quickly. She spoke in a pleading voice, "Stop please stop. Who are you? Has God really sent you or are you one of the Devil's disciples? Am I being tested? Is that what is happening; is God testing me?"

I thought about saying, "I am of one of God's disciples," but I didn't fancy being frazzled by a bolt of lightning. So instead I said softly, "Trust me Mrs Anderson, God said that it's okay for you to enjoy sex with me." I winced as I said that, but God didn't frazzle me.

Gently I prised her legs apart and although she offered no resistance, she put both hands over her face and moaned beseechingly, "What am I doing?"

Still on my knees I pushed her housecoat back until her thighs were completely exposed. I started at the inside off her knees with soft butterfly kisses giving each leg equal turns and working slowly higher. I had my eyes fixed on the crotch of her panties and saw a dark patch start to develop.

She was babbling, "Oh God, please make him stop but I don't want him to stop. I know I'm a sinner and I deserve to be punished but it feels so wonderful."

My mouth was an inch or two from her panties and the insides of her thighs were hot and sweaty. My nostrils were filled with her acrid scent and I could see pubic hair peeping from either side of her panty crotch.

Her pussy was so wet it was sucking in some of her panties. I pinched the disappearing material and gently tugged it out and to one side. For the first time I was looking at a real pussy.

The labia were a dark colour but the sopping slit was crimson. It was producing a dribble of secretion that was almost frothing with her excitement. It was seeping downwards and her puckered anus was glistening.

For a few seconds I paused and filled my nostrils with her sensual aroma. Then I licked her drenched crevice.

She gasped immediately and her hands grabbed my head. She was writhing above me and babbling incessantly, "Yes oh yes that's wonderful. Don't stop, please don't stop. A little higher; yes just there."

I kicked off my shoes and desperately tugged off my trousers. My underpants followed and I stood up with the lower half of my body naked.

My cock protruded horizontally and was so hard I could have cut glass with it. When she saw it, her eyes opened wide and she whispered, "My God." I was surprised that she hadn't realised its generous dimensions when she had hold of it in the car.

I wanted to see her breasts and I reached behind to undo her bra. I fumbled for a few seconds until she knocked my hands away impatiently with, "Stop fiddling about." She reached behind to release the clip and threw the bra halfway across the room.

Her breasts were full and firm and I grasped one in each hand. I sucked each nipple in turn but the response from her was disappointing. I realised then that I should have sucked her tits before starting on her pussy. I made a note of that for the future.

I abandoned the nipples and supported my body with one hand on each chair arm so that I was strategically positioned above her. It excited me when she wriggled down immediately until she was flat in the chair and then raised her legs. She was offering her pussy to me and waiting to be fucked.

I just had time for a quick prayer, "Please God don't let me come too quickly."

With my hands on the arms of the chair I tried to enter her by remote control but I missed. I had another stab at it but I missed again. She snapped irritably, "What the hell are you doing?" and grabbed my cock. She knew exactly where her cunt was.

Once she had inserted the end of it I tried to slide in slowly. I didn't want to rush things but she grabbed me around the waist and pulled me close. Before I could stop I was in up to my balls. She looked up at me and whispered, "Oh James you're right inside me," but she hadn't really given me a choice.

She began to babble desperately again, "Oh it feels so wonderful," and then, "I know I will burn in hell but first please take me to paradise."

I began to drive my cock into her with slow steady thrusts. Each time I came up I withdrew it nearly completely and then plunged back deep inside her again. With each downward thrust she gasped with excitement and her fingers gouged into my back.

Her eyes had been closed but suddenly she opened them and whispered, "James, if you want to be rough with me I don't mind. Now that I am one of the Devil's sluts, treat me in the manner that a slut deserves."

I said, "Okay Mrs Anderson if that's what you want."

My thrusts became more violent and I quickened the pace. I was slamming my cock into her so hard I wondered if I was hurting her, but when she groaned, "Yes that's good, please punish me for my sins," I figured that she could take even more.

She still had her housecoat on so I said breathlessly, "Take that off and wrap your legs around me." She wriggled out of the garment and clamped her legs around my waist. I slid my right hand under her bottom and the other one behind her back and lifted her clean out of the chair.

With an effort I stood up and gasped, "Hang on," and she put her arms around my neck

Standing with my legs apart, I used her like a rubber doll and rammed her violently onto my cock. Her groans became high-pitched squeaks and then gurgling squeals.

My orgasm was becoming imminent and I wondered about hers. There was no need because she suddenly shrieked, "Oh James," and buried her teeth in my shoulder. I could hold back no longer and my semen erupted in powerful spurts. As my legs trembled with the sensation I had to stop fucking her.

My legs were weakening but as her ecstasy continued I stood still and supported her in my arms. She continued to thrust herself onto my rigid cock while gasping, "Oh God," over and over again.

Eventually her frantic activity lessened and I felt her hands slipping from my neck. Before she completely let go, I tottered to a chair and lowered her into it.

I was exhausted and fell on top of her with my cock still inside. She looked up at me with wide open eyes and whispered, "James you took me to paradise, did I also give you pleasure?"

I replied, "Mrs Anderson, you are one sensational slut and the Devil must be proud of you."

She murmured something that I failed to hear, so I said, "What?"

She answered a little louder, "I said fuck him."

I clasped my hand over my mouth in feigned shock with, "Mrs Anderson, please don't use that dreadful word in my presence."

She said reproachfully, "The Devil has corrupted me and he's used you to do it." Then she stroked the side of my face and whispered softly, "But you can corrupt me any time you wish. I've always had sinful thoughts but I've suppressed them all my life. Some of them are so bad they would shock you. Well now I want to be a real slut and do sluttish things. I'm going to enjoy real sex and the more sinful it is the better. Will you help me to be a sluttish sinner?"

"Mrs Anderson, nothing will give me greater pleasure but right now I'm a bit knackered. The next time we make love I suggest you try sucking my cock. Would you like to do that?"

She sucked in her breath and then whispered, "Oh yes please, that sounds really sinful."

Suddenly I became curious and enquired, "How often do you and Mister Anderson make love?"

She gave a contemptuous laugh. "Don't be silly; we haven't had sex for fifteen years. It's probably my fault because I don't excite him enough. Sadly we've both become very boring people. I've often thought about suggesting it but with his suspect heart I'm scared to."

I said, "Let me assure you that there is nothing boring about you; you are a raving sexpot. How often do you masturbate?"

She pursed lips demurely. "That's a very personal question. I may have done it on occasions but as it's a sin I always pray for forgiveness afterwards."

"Have you prayed since last Friday?"

"I did some praying in the bath this afternoon."

We went to the side door and I looked at my watch. It was fifteen minutes to nine o'clock. In just one hour and a quarter I had become a man.

She stood on tiptoe and kissed me. "I want to ask you a question so please be honest with me. Have you had sex with Maria?"

I replied, "You are my first sexual experience and everything that I have always dreamed about. As for taking Maria's virginity, I would have more chance of stealing the Crown Jewels."

She said, "Thank you," and then, "What a silly girl, she doesn't know what she's missing."

When I finally flopped onto my bed, I looked upwards and said, "Thank you God. I know that I'll have to pay for it all eventually, but in the meantime could you extend me a little more credit please?"

I looked down at my cock and said, "Big Jim you've had a busy day so I'm going to give you a rest tonight. But make the most of it because business is going to be brisk."

****************************** As I strode through the college campus with my head held high, I wanted to shout, "Hey guys, how many of you fucked your girlfriend's mother last night?"

I saw Maria during the lunch break and we had a coke together. For the first time I didn't feel frustrated in her presence and she said, "You seem to be happy today. Oh by the way, are you free this evening?"


"Well you must have impressed Mum and Dad at the play on Friday because they want you to join us at that new restaurant. Actually it was mostly Mum's idea."

I said, "Okay, I'd like that."

That evening as I was dressing, I wondered how I would feel in the company of both the husband and daughter of the women I had fucked.

Although I sat in the back of the car with Mrs Anderson, it was a short drive to the restaurant and the journey was uneventful. Her husband had reserved a booth and Mrs Anderson moved in first. She patted the seat beside her and said, "Sit next to me James. Maria you sit opposite him."

Mr Anderson asked for two medium sherries and a coke and a beer for Maria and me. He told the waiter that we would order shortly.

There was small talk for a while and then I felt Mrs Anderson's hand on my leg. At first I thought it was just an affectionate gesture so I put my hand under the table to pat it, but she pulled it towards her lap. She was still chatting calmly to her husband when she opened her thighs and pushed my hand between them.

Naturally I let it roam higher and received a shock when I felt her pubic hair. She was not wearing any panties.

The invitation was clear so I let my fingers slide onto her pussy. Maria was chatting about something and I tried to listen but I was aware only of the soft wet pussy that I was caressing. For a minute I just played with it and then I moved my finger to the firm nodule of her clitoris.

As I began to caress it gently, Mrs Anderson picked up a menu and started fanning herself. Mr Anderson said, "Are you alright Dear, you look quite flushed?"

She replied, "It seems to be very warm in here."

I continued caressing her gently for a while and then I let my fingers get busy. Her legs opened wider and her pussy was beginning to twitch when she grabbed a handful of paper napkins and held them over her mouth. I thought she was going to be sick but instead she began to cough violently and I realised that she was doing it to mask an orgasm.

The other two were very concerned and Mr Anderson called for a glass of water but she said she was fine. She said that it was just a funny turn. I removed my fingers and pulled her dress down.

I needed to wash my hands but I had to wait until my erection had subsided before I could stand. The rest of the meal was uneventful but on the way home, she giggled into my ear, "I'm a naughty girl aren't I. Did you enjoy that?"

I whispered back, "Not as much as you did, but I will when I get into bed."

****************************** The next few days dragged by but finally Tuesday evening arrived. The Mercedes had hardly pulled out of the driveway before I was across the road and ringing the side door bell.

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