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Going Down on My Boss

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I service my boss only for the tables to be turned.
2.5k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/20/2024
Created 05/27/2024
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I sat at my desk, replying to an email for my boss when I got the summons. It'd been like this every day since about the second day on the job six months ago. My palms started to sweat. I was so nervous. I was every time. I couldn't help but think that maybe this was the time that Ms. O'Brien would fire me.

The notification popped up on my phone. She never used email or anything else that could be traced back to her office. She made sure her name in my phone was skirt in case anyone looked at my phone. Ms. O'Brien did her best not to let this particular daily task ever pop up on anyone else's radar.

I unlocked my phone to read her message. Conference room. 2pm.

I sighed. That gave me less than five minutes to get there. Another tactic she used. Last minute requests gave me less time to think about what was about to happen. Less time to freak out about it in front of my coworkers.

I finished my email quickly. Locked up my computer. Then I stood up, looking around to see if anyone was paying attention. They never were. No one paid attention to the mousy little secretary in front of Ms. O'Brien's office.

I was slender, like a dancer. My small breasts barely poked through my cardigan to give me any curves at all. I had plain, brown, straight hair that hung down past my shoulders. Thick glasses covered up my equally boring brown eyes. I really wasn't sure what drew Ms. O'Brien's attention to me in the first place, but I was excited to have it.

I walked briskly to the conference room at the end of the hall. Inside was a long, oval table and several chairs positioned around it. There was a single chair at the head of the table, the rest were set up beginning several feet away on either side.

In that chair at the head of the table sat Ms. O'Brien. She had on a dark, navy suit on over a pale, pink blouse. The jacket clung to her curves, highlighting her large breasts. I couldn't see her legs, but I knew from this morning that she was wearing her customary matching pencil skirt. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a severe bun at the top of her head. Her makeup was so flawlessly done that it barely looked like she had any on at all. She was like an icy, cruel princess sent to rule over everyone.

I stepped up to the table next to Ms. O'Brien. She stared at me for several seconds, her blue eyes completely blank. I had already began to sweat by the time she quirked an eyebrow and scooted her chair back from the table. She pointed to the small space between her and the legs of the table.

The legs of the table were actually a solid wall of wood that hid the ends of the table from the rest of the room. I knew this because this wasn't the first time she'd brought me in here. Though with her laptop and several folders spread out on the table, this might be the first time that she was actually planning on having a meeting with me here.

I gulped before bending down and crawling between her legs. When I got there, I could see that she'd already hiked up her skirt so that I had complete access to her. Her legs were incased in black sheer, silky stockings held up by an equally black garter belt resting over crimson underwear. My mouth watered at the sight, but I waited. Ms. O'Brien would tell me when she wanted me to begin. Until then I was to sit quietly between her thighs and wait.

I didn't have to wait long. Ms. O'Brien scooted her chair back into the table, spreading her legs around me. From this close I could smell her musky scent in the air. I could just make out a darker patch on her panties before the light under the table was blocked out.

I heard the door to the conference room open again and for the first time since I walked in I heard Ms. O'Brien speak. She greeted the several people trooping into the conference room and indicated for them to take their seats.

My heart was racing at the thought of being caught like this. What would they say? What would they do? The very idea of it sent a thrill through my body. A shiver worked its way down my spine as I waited for Ms. O'Brien to tell me to begin. I placed my head on the inside of her thigh as I waited breathlessly.

As Ms. O'Brien began the meeting she reached under the table and grabbed me by the hair on the top of my head. The sharp pain nearly brought a tear to my eye, but I blinked it away as she pulled my face into her pussy.

I knew what she expected of me. I began kissing and licking her through her panties. I would continue this until she indicated otherwise. Soon her silken thong was dark with all the wetness. It hugged her lips as I pushed my tongue as far into her as I could. The barrier kept me from truly getting inside her, but I knew this is what she wanted from me.

A few minutes later, once her panties were thoroughly soaked through, Ms. O'Brien tapped me on the back of the head. This was my cue to pull her panties down her legs. She lifted herself in her seat just enough for me to wrestle her thong down to her knees. From there they all but fell to her ankles and Ms. O'Brien quietly stepped out of them. I picked them up and shoved them in my pocket to return later.

Now that she was bare to me, I could really make out the musk of her sex. I slid one hand up her inner thigh until my thumb rested on her center. I made small, tight circles on her clit to get her started. Every few minutes I would dip my thumb down and run it between her swollen lips, gathering up her wetness to rub into her clit.

Her legs began to faintly tremble beneath my palms. I could see her stomach moving in and out faster with her increased breathing. A few minutes later Ms. O'Brien's legs squeezed me tightly as her muscles tried to lock her legs together. Her thighs jerked under my hands as she rode out her first orgasm.

After she finally relaxed back into her chair my thumb finally stopped circling. I allowed her breathing to return to normal before leaning in. With a slow, gentle motion I licked her from bottom to top, skipping over her clit for now. I knew from experience that she'd be too sensitive right away.

I continued licking stripes up Ms. O'Brien's cunt as the meeting dragged on above me. It wasn't very long before she reached down and grabbed me by the hair again. She pulled me in tight to her, dragging my tongue up the final few centimeters to her little bud. I swirled my tongue around her clit as Ms. O'Brien's fingers relaxed in my hair.

I continued to run my tongue across Ms. O'Brien's pussy. Her taste washing over my tongue. If I could live off of her essence I would. She was delicious.

I was suddenly feeling bold. Without thinking further about it I went off script. I pulled my mouth away for a brief moment and stuck two fingers between my lips, getting them nice and wet. I hurriedly put my tongue back to work stroking Ms. O'Brien. But as my tongue dragged upward I placed the tips of my fingers against her entrance.

Her thighs clenched around me, trapping my head and hand in place. I heard her drag in a sharp, unexpected breath. She covered it with a cough.

With her legs clamped around my head, I thrust my fingers inside her greedy little cunt. She was so tight, her walls clenching around me as I slowly thrust in and out. I worked a little deeper with each push inside until I was buried to my knuckles in her.

I twisted my hand over so when I curled my fingers they ran over the rough patch on her inner wall. Her body jumped slightly before she hooked a leg over my shoulder and pulled me in deeper.

As soon as I could start to hear the lewd sounds of my fingers diving in and out of her tight pussy I slowed down. Didn't want to be careless and get caught. I quickly found a rhythm with my fingers and tongue working in concert.

Once again Ms. O'Brien's thighs began to tremble. They were quaking so hard I worried that her feet would start tapping. I threw her other leg over my shoulder so both feet were off the floor right as she clenched her legs tight around my face.

With my fingers stuck in her, and my face held against her I could barely breathe. I fought to draw in a full breath with my mouth pressed firmly against her clit as her hips ground down on my face. I began to feel a little lightheaded and it started going dark around the edges of my vision before her legs opened.

I tried to draw quiet, deep breaths. Luckily several of the men in the room were currently arguing loudly and no one seemed to notice my trying not to die under the table.

Ms. O'Brien reached under the table again and pushed my head away from her. I slowly pulled my fingers from inside her and slipped them in my mouth. I sucked every last bit of her off my fingers as I caught my breath.

I sat there quietly under the table for several more minutes as the meeting wound down. It wasn't too long before people started pushing away from the table and making their way to the door.

When the last person had finally left, Ms. O'Brien waited another thirty seconds before leaping out of her chair. She ducked her head down and glared at me angrily. "Cheeky little girl, aren't we." She curled her finger at me, "Come on up here. It's time for a little punishment."

My head dropped down as I crawled out from under the table. I knew I was in for it now. She'd never spoken to me like this before. It was always a smirk and quiet dismissal back to my desk after she was done with me.

"Come on, we haven't got all day. Some of us need to get back to work."

"Yes, ma'am." I mumbled as I stood up straight.

Ms. O'Brien grabbed me by the hips and twisted me around. Once I was turned away and facing the table, she put her hand between my shoulder blades and pressed me down so that my upper body was flat on the table. My ass still hanging in the air.

Ms. O'Brien reached around to the front of my pants and popped the button. This was another first. She'd never once touched me before. I was immediately wet in anticipation. She yanked my zipper down, nearly ripping it off. Her hands went up to my hips again and her fingers dipped under the waistband of my pants and through the elastic on my panties. With a quick motion she dragged it all down to my ankles, leaving me fully exposed to her.

My breathing picked up as I waited for what would happen next. Suddenly a sharp slap sounded in the air, followed immediately by a sting on one of my ass cheeks. I yelped and nearly bolted up.

With a firm hand, Ms. O'Brien pressed me back into the table. "Don't make another peep. After what you did, you will take your punishment as silently as I had to take your fingers." She whispered in my ear, breath hot against my neck.

There was another crack as her hand struck the opposite cheek. I jumped in place, mouth clamped shut. She continued for several minutes. I nearly lost count of the number of times she spanked me, but she stopped right at twenty. Ten on each cheek. I already knew that I would feel this the rest of the day while I sat down.

I was breathing heavily, but true to her instructions I hadn't made another sound. She rubbed circles on my sore cheeks, soothing out the sting.

The next thing I knew she was kicking my legs further apart. I had my legs as wide as the pants around my ankles would let me before she was satisfied. A moment later I felt something pressing against my entrance.

I was still soaking wet in anticipation. Her fingers practically slid right into me. Unlike what I did with her earlier, Ms. O'Brien started at a fast pace and ramped it up from there. I could hear her fingers each time she pushed into me. I hummed out a moan between my clamped lips as her fingers filled me up.

She took her other hand and guided it around my waist until she reached my front. Her fingers dipped down and began to slowly circle my clit. The slow circles combined with the fast pace of her fucking me had me pushing to the edge in no time.

Ms. O'Brien must have felt me clenching around her fingers because she let out a deep, husky chuckle as she sped up the fingers on my clit. It was only moments later that I soared over my peak. My body felt weightless and heavy at the same time as lights flashed behind my eyes and my body shook. Pleasure coursed through my entire body like nothing I'd experienced before. Ms. O'Brien slowed down her thrusting fingers, helping me ride out this perfect storm.

It was several minutes before I came back to myself. I was panting, my face pressed into the table. A small puddle of drool under my lips. Ms. O'Brien slowly pulled her fingers from me. I let out a small groan at the loss.

She gave another chuckle before telling me to clean myself up. Then she marched out of the room. I was shaking as I pulled my pants back up. It took several tries to get the button buttoned.

I could feel my cheeks were still flushed as I walked back to my desk. No one glanced up as I stumbled my way to my chair. I fell into it right as the phone I'd left behind vibrated against my desk. I flipped it over. There was a new message from skirt. I pulled it up and there was an address followed by 7pm.

I glanced over my shoulder, through the door to Ms. O'Brien's office. She was watching me, a smirk hinting around the edges of her mouth. I nodded to her and then turned back around to log back into my computer. It was going to be a long day.

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Aoife_from_UlsterAoife_from_Ulster4 months ago

Yummy, I wonder what the evening will bring. The potential for this is unlimited eroticism and lust. I can’t wait for more. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Martin594Martin5944 months ago

I wish I was under the table! Very nice story.

memorex3669memorex36694 months ago

A very nice effort, very realistic, maybe you have some RT experience.?

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Pure fun. Nice.

PappasleazePappasleaze4 months ago

this was so entertaining. I can't wait to see what happens at 7pm. please do tell.

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