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Going To Mary's: The Next Chapter

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Wife's "best plans to get laid" go astray.
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[Author's Note: This is a continuation of "Going to Mary's", by Just Plain Bob, who has graciously given his permission for me to write another chapter to his story. You should read "Going to Mary's" before proceeding to read this chapter.]

I was so sure that everything was perfect. Sam was my terrific, loving husband, but couldn't give me enough of what I needed in bed. Thanks to my best friend Mary, I'd made the acquaintance of Chet, who was keeping my pretty little pussy very happy. But I knew that I couldn't keep my sneaking around a secret from Sam forever—so I arranged for Sam to overhear a phone call I staged with Mary. Now he thinks that Mary and I are lovers—and as I anticipated, that doesn't seem to bother him at all. And when he thinks I'm with Mary, I'm actually with Chet. What could be better?

Then it all went to Hell. And I want to blame that fucking Ann Landers—though, to be fair, it probably would have blown up in my face sooner or later anyway.

For a week or two after eavesdropping on my hot phone call with Mary, Sam was a tiger in bed. Clearly the idea of Mary and me having hot sex together was a huge turn-on for him, and I was getting the benefit. Even though his best was never better than so-so for me, I was getting a lot of his cock and lot of his tongue and it was great! He was happy, I was happy (both with Sam and with Chet) and life was wonderful.

One of the things Sam and I used to enjoy every morning was sharing the newspaper with each other. We'd read each other the funnies and the Ann Landers advice column. One day I was reading him a letter from a confused wife. She'd been having regular lunches with an ex-boyfriend, but she hadn't bothered to mention that to her husband. Her husband found out about it and got furious, but the wife felt that since it was nothing but lunches—no sex, nothing intimate—her husband had nothing to complain about.

That damn busybody Ann Landers said that the wife was wrong: there may not have been adultery, but in seeing an old boyfriend behind her husband's back she had betrayed his trust. Honesty was key to the success of any marriage, so she said.

I read Sam the letter without realizing I might be getting myself in trouble—and then it was too late to stop. I saw his face take on a strange, distant look, but there was nothing I could do about it.

That night after dinner, he sat me down in the living room and said, "Terri, you know how much I love you, don't you?"

"Of course I do, Sam."

"For our marriage to work, we need to be completely honest with one another. I tell you everything that's going on with me. But lately, honey, I've had the feeling that you're keeping secrets from me, and it makes me a little worried. Can you let me know what's going on?"

Oh shit. I knew exactly what Sam meant, but I sure as hell didn't want to talk about it with him. As long as he thought I was Lezzing it up with Mary, and that he knew our secret, he could be happy about it. But I didn't want it out in the open, because I was afraid of where that might lead.

"Gosh, Sam, I don't know what you mean. You know I always tell you everything, honey."

That answer obviously didn't satisfy him. He looked darkly at me and left the room without another word. That night when I came out of the bathroom wearing the sexiest baby-doll nightie I own—usually guaranteed to produce an instant hard-on—he just said, "sorry, I'm kind of tired tonight," and rolled away from me.

I tried to begin the next morning with a long, loving blow-job, but to my amazement he pulled away from me without a word and went off to take a shower. This was serious!

So that night I bit the bullet and told him the "truth".

"Sam, I know I made you unhappy last night, but I was afraid to be honest with you. I just love you so much, and I don't want you to be mad at me! Please forgive me."

"Honey, I love you—you can tell me anything."

"Well," I said, trying to look embarrassed, I've...been being a bad girl. With Mary. We've been—oh God, I'm so ashamed!—we've been...having sex."

His face took on a look of triumph and pleasure. He was so happy that I'd confessed! I realized this might actually go well.

"You and Mary? Wow!" Sam said, pretending to be shocked.

"Were you afraid I'd be mad?" he continued, pulling me into a big embrace. "It's okay, honey, it really is. Actually, you know, it's kind of a turn-on."

The rest of that night, and the next few days, were one big love-fest in our house, although sex-fest might be the more accurate term. Sam was so pleased by my "honesty", and still so turned-on by the thought of me and Mary rolling around in bed together, that he was all over me. And of course I was still getting that wonderfully satisfying dose of Chet's big, hard black cock during the days, so I was one happy lady!

But naturally—and how could I not have anticipated this?—Sam's interest in my girl-girl affair with Mary only intensified. Nearly every time we had sex he wanted me to describe what Mary and I did together: how it started, what different kinds of sex we had, what I liked the most from her and her from me.

For a while it wasn't a problem. It was easy enough for me to make up stories, and I usually didn't have to say very much before he was so wound-up that he'd fuck me like crazy. Even Sam's best couldn't hold a candle to Chet, but he was my husband and I loved him and I was happy to be turning him on so much.

But after a few weeks, just hearing about us girls wasn't enough. Timidly at first, then more assertively, Sam expressed a wish to watch and join us. I refused him each time as best I could, but he kept bringing it up.

Finally, he said, "Terri, honey, I've been pretty patient about this. But you've been cheating on our marriage with someone else—never mind that it's another woman—and that simply isn't fair to me.

"If you won't let me join in with you and Mary, then you're going to have to stop seeing her. 'Forsaking all others', which you promised to do, didn't have an exception for girl-on-girl sex with your best friend."

What a mess! I cried, I begged, I remonstrated with him, but Sam was immovable. Either he got to join us, or the affair had to end. And if the affair ended, it would be virtually impossible for me to keep sneaking off to see Chet without Sam finding out.

When I timidly broached the subject with Mary, she practically bust a gut laughing.

"Me, you and Sam? Get real, Terri! I'm sure you have a very nice pussy, but you're not ever gonna get it licked by me! And as for hopping in bed with Sam—all I can say is, he's a nice guy and all, but: Not in This Lifetime!"

"But Mary," I wailed, "what else can I do? Either I give him a threesome with you and me, or he's going to insist I stop seeing you! Which means no more Chet. I'd go crazy within a week!"

"Not my problem," she said primly. "I told you from the beginning this was a crazy plan, and now your chickens have come home to roost. You're going to have to solve this one without me."

In desperation, I told the whole story to Chet. He'd just fucked the hell out of me from behind, and we were lying side by side on his bed, catching our breath.

First he laughed nearly until he cried. "You, Mary, and your husband? Like that's ever gonna happen!" Chet knew Mary well, since he'd been her lover before she got married to Dave; in fact she was the one who introduced him to me, for which I've been eternally grateful!

But to my surprise, Chet did have a great idea. "Listen babe, you don't actually need Mary—you just need another woman who can pretend to be Mary."

"Are you nuts? He knows just what she looks like!"

"No, listen," he said. "Tell your husband you've gotten Mary to agree to a threesome, one time only. But she's very embarrassed about it, so it has to be in a dark room—no lights on. Then find yourself a girl about Mary's size and shape, and you're all set!"

Chet even knew just the girl: a former bedmate of his named Anitra, who was a part-time callgirl. He got us together and Anitra was happy enough to take the job for a $200 fee. She was almost exactly Mary's size—it was perfect!

When I told Sam I'd been able to talk Mary into it, he was unbelievably excited.

"But listen, Sam," I said. "This is a one-time thing only—she's really ashamed about it. And we have to do it in the dark, she doesn't want you to see her naked."

Sam was fine with that—in fact he was so turned-on he fucked me three times that night! And he was all over me for the next couple of nights, until I told him to save some of it for Saturday night!

Saturday night, of course, is when it all hit the fan. Anitra and I had talked it all out in advance. I told her we wouldn't be actually Lezzing it up—there was no way I was going to lick some girl's pussy!—but in the dark Sam would never know the difference.

"We'll just moan and groan a lot, slide all over each other and talk about how great it is," I said to her. "Then we'll let him feel and lick and fuck us as much as he can, and he'll fall asleep happy!"

It all went as planned, for a while. I sent Sam out of the house and told him to come back, take off his clothes, and come into the bedroom at 8pm. In the meantime Anitra came over and we got naked. I'd told her just to whisper or moan, never to talk, so he wouldn't be able to tell she wasn't Mary.

When Sam entered the bedroom he heard and smelled two aroused, sexy ladies—I'd masturbated myself until my juices were flowing. He eagerly dove in with us, and we had a few minutes of random hands and mouths and pussies and tits and cock going every which-way. I knew Sam would want to fuck "Mary" first, so I got Anitra on her hands and knees and guided him into her from behind. Then I got underneath them and licked Sam's balls while he fucked her—he just loved that!

So all was going beautifully—and then the bedroom door opened and the light went on!

We pulled apart and squinted towards the door. My heart stopped when I saw Dave, Mary's husband, standing there naked with a big hard-on staring at us!

There was a moment of stunned silence—then everybody seemed to speak at once.

Me: "Dave? What the hell are you doing here?"

Anitra: "Nobody said anything about TWO guys—that wasn't the deal!"

Dave: "Where the hell is Mary?"

Sam: "Hey, Dave, glad you could..." then he turned his head and saw Anitra: "what the fuck??"

The next couple of minutes were utter chaos. Dave said to Sam, "but you said Mary was going to be here!"

"She was supposed to be!" Sam answered. "I have no idea who this girl is."

Anitra grabbed her clothes and headed for the door, saying, "that's it—I'm outta here."

Sam turned to me and said, "Terri, what the hell is going on?"

Terrified, I said, "Sam, baby, I can explain. But we need to send Dave home, okay?"

"Forget about it!" Dave broke in. "Sam told me you and Mary have been doing each other, and tonight we were getting a chance to join in."

"Sam," I wailed, "you didn't!"

"I couldn't help it, baby," he answered. "This was gonna be so hot, and I couldn't leave Dave out of it."

Of all the things that could have gone wrong! It never occurred to me that Sam would ever have let Dave in on our threesome, because it surely would have led to Dave fucking me. I was positive Sam could never have stood for that in a million years.

But I'd underestimated what a turn-on the whole situation was for my horny husband—he hadn't even thought the whole thing through, just decided to turn the threesome into a foursome.

Dave said, "I knew this was bullshit, Sam. There's no way Mary would ever cheat on me, let alone go face-to-pussy with your wife, and I told you that."

Before I could intercede Sam said, angrily, "you're full of shit, Dave! They've been doing each other for weeks. Right, baby?" He turned to me for confirmation.

I had no choice. "It's true, Dave," I said, looking abashed. "You can ask Mary."

"I will!" he shouted, and headed for the door.

I sighed with relief—prematurely, as it turned out—and gave my husband a big hug. I noticed that we were both still naked.

"I'm so sorry about this, Sam. Mary absolutely wouldn't do the three-way, and so I found...another friend to pretend to be her. Can you forgive me?"

As I asked this I was pressing against him, sliding my tits up and down his side, and caressing his fast-rising cock with my hand. I kissed his neck and felt his arms tighten around me. I can get out of this, I thought! Let's just get Sam and me back down on the bed....

We were just getting into some serious fucking when we heard footsteps pounding up the stairs, and in a moment Dave and Mary, both fully dressed, were back in the room.

"I told you it was bullshit!" Dave yelled at Sam. "Mary hasn't laid a hand on Terri!"

Sam pulled out of me and I turned in horror to Mary, but she responded to my accusing look with a shrug.

"Sorry, Terri, but Dave was ready to kill me. I'm not gonna lie to him to save your marriage."

"Save her marriage?! What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Sam bellowed, as I shouted at Mary to get the hell out. She'd done enough harm!

Without another word, Mary turned and left, followed by Dave, who gave Sam a triumphant smile before he disappeared down the stairs.

I was now left alone with a naked and increasingly agitated husband, for whom I had no answers that would be satisfactory.

"Terri..." he began in a menacing tone. "If you haven't been spending your days in bed with Mary, how come I overheard you on the phone talking about licking each other's pussies? And what HAVE you been doing all those days you've been out of the house?"

"Sam," I wheedled, taking him in my arms. "I can explain all that later—but you got me so turned-on, baby! Can we just finish what we started?"

He pulled away from me abruptly and went to the closet, pulling out our two bathrobes. "Here—put this on! We're going to sit down and talk this through!" he said in an angry voice.

Well, nothing worked. There wasn't any sort of explanation I could give him that was remotely believable. It didn't take him long to figure out that Mary and I had tricked him, and that I'd been spending time somewhere else.

I tried convincing him that I'd secretly been taking a cooking class, as a surprise for his birthday—but a few well-chosen questions about what I'd been learning, where the school was, and so on reduced me to tears, and my excuse to rubble.

Sam demanded the truth. No amount of weeping, apologizing, or trying to distract him with glimpses inside my robe had the least effect on him.

I wasn't foolish enough to tell him what I'd really been up to, of course. There would have been no way back from that.

So Sam can't be sure about what I was doing. But he's pretty sure I was cheating—with a man!—and he still threw me out of the house. I've been in this crappy little apartment now for four weeks, and I had to take a job waitressing in a diner to pay the rent.

I've been calling him and calling him, but he won't even talk to me. He says he's going to divorce me, even though he has no proof of my adultery. His lawyer says he can get the divorce for "irreconcilable differences", and I don't have the money to hire a lawyer to fight it.

When Dave heard from Sam about the faked phone call, he got furious at Mary and told her she had to choose between her marriage to him and her friendship with me. So now my best friend isn't talking to me either.

And I don't dare go see Chet, for fear my husband has someone watching me. My only hope is that if I stay on the straight and narrow for long enough, he'll calm down and give me another chance.

What a come-down! I used to have a loving husband and a terrific, well-hung lover. I was getting all the sex I could handle and all the affection, too. Now I'm working hard all day, eating pork-and-beans to save enough money to pay the rent, and I haven't been laid in a month!

So how the hell did this happen to me? It sure seemed like a good plan at the time....

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AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

Ridiculous story! Don’t waste your time reading. LM

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Chet is the clever one here. Soon he'll have another "part-time callgirl" he can whore out. Pretty good way for a pimp to grow his business.

shadrachtshadracht9 months ago

Just okay. No remorse, no pain. Horrible mc

GuyfromShadesGuyfromShades12 months ago

Should have stayed satified with her husband, keeping him satified. Not be I g a greasy slut, costing her.

Thanks for writing.

GuikilegalGuikilegalabout 1 year ago

The twist of him inviting another guy to the trio and revealing his wife's whole scheme was funny.

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