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Going to the Movies with Lillian

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Five people go to an erotic movie.
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For a while a few years ago, my husband and I had this friend, a woman named Lillian, who hung around with us a lot. Lillian was really cute: short, with dark curly hair, kind of big-figured, but not really fat. She had really nice tits, big and round and full, which she liked to show off; she always wore very low-cut tops that showed a lot of cleavage. She was very bright-eyed and vivacious and enthusiastic. She loved to laugh and joke, and she never took herself too seriously, which was very endearing. And she really loved sex. She liked to talk about sex, joke about sex, and do things that involved sex. She had a boyfriend, a tall red haired guy named Peter, but she seemed to hang out with us more than with him. I think that the main thing she did with Peter was have sex.

One afternoon Lillian called us up and invited us to go to a movie with her and Peter. However, we already had a friend coming over, a guy named John. John was one of my husband's co-workers. He was a nice guy, very smart and witty. He was a year or two younger than my husband and me. He was one of those short, dapper little guys that always look nicely dressed, no matter what they're wearing. Lillian told us that he should just come along. She was very insistent, so we called John. He was happy to go to the movie.

Lillian wanted us all to meet at her house and go in her car. She was one of these people who always worry about parking. She was worried that we'd have a hard time finding parking for three cars.

So we drove to her house, all piled into her car, and went to the movie. Lillian drove, which was a little scary, because she wasn't a very attentive driver. We were in the back seat and she kept turning around to us to tell us how she had heard about this movie, and who was in it, and how she really wanted to see it.

We got there in one piece. There was plenty of parking.

It was a very sexy movie. The sex in the movie wasn't explicit - plenty of nudity, but no shots of actual inserted genitals. It was all sort of soft core, but there was lots and lots of sex: oral sex, genital sex, anal sex, boy-girl sex, girl-girl sex, and a lot of group sex. All the actors were gorgeous. They must have oiled the actors' bodies for the sex scenes, because they were all kind of glossy and sweaty looking. And all the sex scenes (which were most of the movie) were set in exotic, beautiful locations. It was a sort of combination travelogue and high budget soft porn flick.

There was even a boy-boy scene: two guys sucking each other off while a girl watched and masturbated. It was really exciting to me, and as we watched the naked men suck, I whispered to my husband, "You should do that some time." He whispered back, "I'd like to." I giggled. "I'll watch." We both laughed.

About half an hour into the movie, I found that watching all those sexy, naked people, kissing and licking and feeling each other up and pretending to suck and fuck, was getting me really, really horny. My nipples were starting to get sensitive. I began stretching and shifting so that my nipples would rub against my clothes. Warm sexual feelings were welling up in my groin. I was sitting between my husband and Lillian. The theater was a little chilly. Lillian and I both had on spaghetti strap tops and shorts. I was kind of cold, but Lillian had brought a sweater. She was leaning on her boyfriend's shoulder, snuggled up against him. I couldn't help but notice that Peter's arm, which was draped around Lillian's shoulders, was under her sweater. I realized that Peter was fondling her tits, right there in the movie theater. This was really exciting. I wondered if her nice, big breasts were out of her top under the sweater. I hoped so. I wondered if he was playing with her nipples. She sure looked happy.

My husband was sitting next to me. I took his arm and put it around me. I nestled against him and moved his hand until it rested on my tit. I wished that I had a sweater. He took the cue, though, and began surreptitiously squeezing and stroking my breast. He continued to discreetly fondle my tits throughout the move. Every now and then, when he'd been playing with one breast for a long time, I'd move so that he could reach the other one. It was nice. After a few minutes of this my nipples got really aroused. Little pulses of pleasure were going from my nipples to my cunt. I leaned against my husband and kind of casually put my hand in his lap. He had a jacket, which he put over my hand. I immediately grabbed his cock. It was rock hard under his pants. For the rest of the movie I was feeling and masturbating his penis through his clothes. I fumbled with his zipper for a while, trying to get his dick out. He tried to help me, but the zipper wouldn't budge. It was such a hassle that we just gave up and I stroked him through his clothing for the rest of the movie.

John was on the other side of my husband. I wondered if he noticed what was going on next to him. He seemed to be focused on the movie. Then I saw that his hand was in his lap. He was pressing and rubbing against his cock as he watched the sex on the screen. I really liked that. Then he noticed me watching him masturbate, and he put his hand away. That was disappointing.

By the end of the movie, after watching all those pretty, naked people, and after engaging in all that sneaky public foreplay, I felt like my pussy was on fire. I was completely ready to fuck. As I walked out of the theater I became aware of how wet my vagina was; the crotch of my panties was completely soaked. I had to go to the bathroom. Lillian went with me. In the stall, when I dried myself after I pissed, I took the opportunity to press and massage my clit a little bit. I had a little spasm, and it helped. I wondered if Lillian had done the same thing.

On the way to the car, Lillian and I practically jumped our boys. Lillian kept sidling over in front of Peter and pulling his face down to hers to kiss him. She wormed her body against him and grabbed his ass and took his hands and put them on her big breasts. At one point she pushed him up against a wall and squirmed against him, her hand in his groin, feeling and caressing his penis as she pushed her tongue into his mouth. My husband slipped behind me and grabbed me from the back. He slid his hands up and down my body, stroking my breasts. I arched my back to press my nipples against his fingers.Then he slid his hands down to my crotch and pushed on my cunt through my clothes, right on my erect, very excited clitoris. Throbs of hot pleasure pumped through my pussy and clit and ass, and my whole body felt alive and electric with sexual energy.

At one point I wondered what John was doing, how he was reacting to being the only member of the group without a partner. I looked around. He was staring at us, watching us make out, and rubbing himself through his pants. In some situations that would have seemed creepy to me, but the way things were, I could understand it. I felt a wave of sympathy and an impulse to comfort him. I ran over to him and gave him a quick hug and a kiss. He seemed startled, but he appreciated it. He smiled.

That kiss affected me in a way I hadn't expected, though. I had been kissing my husband so sexually that when I kissed John I just unthinkingly slipped my tongue into his mouth and his tongue slid into mine in response. I felt the hardness of his penis against my body. And my breasts were so aroused that when I hugged him and my nipples pressed against him through our clothes, a shot of sexual pleasure went through me. It made my clit throb. As I ran back to my husband I kept remembering the feel and taste of John's mouth and the touch of his chest against my tits. I had never wanted to have sex with anyone but my husband since we got married, but a fantasy of making love with John suddenly welled up in me. I was suddenly excited in a whole new way. In addition to being sexually aroused, felt adventurous. I felt like I was entering a whole new world of sexual pleasure.

When I got back to my husband I kissed him extra passionately.

When we piled into Lillian's car, John and my husband and I took the back seat again. My husband was in the middle. I was very aware of my side and leg against my husband's body. I turned so my tit could touch him. His arm was around me. I put my hand in his lap and began playing with his cock through his pants. His dick felt deliciously warm and firm and responsive. The electric sensation of his throbbing, excited erection under my fingers made my pussy hotter and hotter, more and more excited. As I pressed and rubbed my husband's penis, I glanced over to see what John was doing. I hoped that he was watching me. He was. He was looking at my hand, his mouth open with excitement. His own hand was in his lap and he was feeling his own hard cock while he watched us. The sight of his masturbation sent an additional shot of sexual excitement through me. I smiled at him. His eyes sparkled, and he opened his legs and slightly raised his hips, showing me the erection that he was touching through his clothes.

I pulled my husband's face to mine and kissed him, sucking hungrily on his tongue. His hands were all over me. He pushed my spaghetti strap top down off my body, off my breasts and squeezed and stroked my naked tits and fondled my hard nipples. Then his hand went between my legs and he pressed my pussy and clit through my shorts. I wished that I had worn a dress. Then his hand could have been right on my wet panties, or inside them.

I had to breathe for a minute. I sat back and stroked my breasts. I loved showing my nakedness to the guys. My nipples felt incredibly hard; when I touched them thrills of pleasure went through my body. I was quivering with excitement.

My husband was softly stroking my body with his fingertips. He looked over at John, who was caressing the bulge of his penis as he watched us. Then my husband surprised me. He reached over and stroked John's hand as he masturbated. He slid his hand under John's and pressed and rubbed John's erection. Then he put his hand on back my tits and kissed me. My mind raced. All kinds of sexual thoughts surfaced: thoughts about masturbation and watching male cocksucking and helping with male anal sex. My pussy just throbbed. I broke off the kiss because I wanted to see if my husband was still feeling up John's penis, but he wasn't. I went back to playing with my husband's sweet cock through his pants. I masturbated him all the way back to Lillian's apartment.

When we got to Lillian's place, she had a video she wanted to show all of us, an old VHS tape she had found somewhere. She begged us to watch it, and promised us we'd love it, so we all plopped down on the very big couch that was in the middle of her apartment: me on one side, John on the other, and my husband in the middle, just like in the car. Lillian was standing behind us. I think Peter was standing behind her. Probably playing with her tits.

From the mood we were all in, I was sure it would turn out to be a hardcore sex flick. But intead it turned out to be a collection of old bootleg cartoon porn movies from the 1940s and 1950s; somewhat crude movies of Donald Duck fucking Daisy , Mickey Mouse fucking Minnie (I never knew until now that Daisy and Minnie had shapely little tits under their clothes), Daisy and Minnie taking turns sucking Donald and Mickey's cocks, Goofy and Mickey and Donald sucking each other's cocks and fucking each other in the ass, and Huey, Dewey, and Louie fucking each other's assholes in a homosexual chain orgy, while the lead duck in the chain fucked Daisy in her big, red, open pussy. Mickey's penis was black, but Donald and Goofy's cocks were bright red. Animated drops of spit, cum, and pussy juice flew everywhere.

The Disney orgy was followed by another crudely drawn and animated feature, this one strictly homosexual, of Bugs Bunny getting fucked in the butt-hole by Daffy Duck. Daffy was reaching around Bugs, masturbating the rabbit's huge, red erection. Who would have thought that Bugs Bunny had such a big penis? Who would have thought that Bugs Bunny could produce so much semen? After a spectacular orgasm, Daffy and Bugs, indefagitible, took the 69 position and sucked each other' big, crude cartoon cocks. Elmer Fudd, naked from the waist down, but still wearing his hunting cap, made his entrance and anally fucked each of them as they sucked on each other's penises. At the end, Elmer's large, red, prominent asshole got gangfucked by the rabbit and the duck, and, masturbating jerkily, he squirted so much white sperm out of his monstrously gigantic dick that it completely filled the screen.

It was totally ridiculous, but at the same time, it was so graphically sexual that it was exciting. I was squirming on the couch. I intensely wanted my husband to take me home. I desperately wanted to make love. I was trying to think of the most graceful way I could get us out of there.

Lillian left us for a minute to watch the sex cartoons; she went in the bedroom to change her clothes. She came out wearing a thin little top that her tits were more or less falling out of, and some lacy little panties. Her huge breasts bulged deliciously through the filmy material of her top. I could see her nipples distinctly. She came and stood behind me. I could feel the heat of her genitals on my back.

She leaned over me, her hands on my shoulders, her big breasts brushing against my back. She put her mouth next to my ear and whispered, "We're going to go have sex!" This was not a surprise to me. Then she whispered, "You should come have sex too!" She kissed my ear and slid her hands down my body to my breasts. She squeezed both of my breasts through my top and pinched my nipples. That was unexpected. A hot little extra thrill of excitement pulsed through my already very excited genitals.

Then she came around to the front of the couch and faced us. She looked flushed. She seemed kind of drunk, though we hadn't been drinking anything. I think it was the intensity of her sexual arousal. She was trembling slightly. She seemed incredibly horny. I could see her sex fluid already staining the crotch of her panties. Peter stood behind her. His arms were around her, his were moving up and down her nearly naked body. He squeezed and fondled her big, soft tits, then slid his hands down and stroked her cute little tummy. Then, to my surprise and delight, he slipped his hands down inside her panty and gave her wet vulva a squeeze. She gasped, and her body shuddered softly.

"Can you all excuse us for a moment, please?" she asked, very formally, with a huge smile. She and Peter turned and walked toward the bedroom. Just as they were going in the door, Peter's hand squeezed her ass and she giggled. As they walked into the bedroom he slid her panty down and I got a tasty glimpse of her round little naked ass. Then the bedroom door shut.

There was another sex cartoon on the TV. It was Betty Boop. She was sucking on a huge penis (all the men in these things seemed to have outrageously large genitals) while another man fucked her from behind. Poor Betty was very badly drawn; she somehow reminded me of Egyptian heiroglyphics. I learned from that particular movie that, though Betty Boop has practically no tits, she has a remarkably large, bright red vagina. In the next scene Betty was laying on her back in bed, fucking an unending line of identical naked men, her hips gyrating in a strange repetitive way as man after man stuck his big, erect penis into her, then orgasmed on her stomach. It looked strangely mechanical. Somehow, it wasn't as racy as Bugs Bunny.

My husband's hand was between my legs, massaging my wet cunt. Something felt different. I looked at him. His other hand was in John's lap. He was playing with John's penis again, through his pants, just like he had in the car. I thought about Mickey Mouse sucking Goofy's cock. I thought about Bugs fucking Daffy in the asshole.

ThenI heard my voice say: "Fuck it. I can't take this any more. Let's just do this."

I stood up and pulled off my top. I wiggled out of my shorts and panties until I was standing completely naked in front of them. Without a word, the boys immediately wriggled out of their pants and boxers and shirts. They sat back nude on the couch. God, their cocks looked good; hard and red and throbbing, sticking straight up in their laps! I wanted to suck them both. My husband reached over and touched John's naked dick, stroking it and masturbating it. John, in turn, leaned over and kissed my husband's penis, then leaned down and took its bulging head in his mouth.

I knelt in front of them, pushed John's head away, and took both of their warm, hard cocks in my hands.

"Slide close together so I can suck you," I said. They wiggled so close together that they practically sat on each other. I made them push their penises together so they touched. Then I fondled and licked and kissed their naked erections, taking them into my mouth, one at a time and together. It was an incredible feeling, to be sucking two hard, erect dicks! I felt completely absorbed in sex, swept away in a wave of erotic pleasure. I wanted to touch myself. I spread my legs open and put one hand into my crotch, sliding my fingers between the lips of my soaking wet slit to masturbate my clitoris.

I hadn't realized how sexually aroused I really was. The moment I touched my clit a wave of sweet, hot, sexual pleasure throbbed from my vulva all through me. I felt an orgasm begin to well up in me. I didn't want to cum without a penis inside me. I got up, pushed my husband over on the couch, straddled him, and guided his erection into my pussy. It was so sweet to feel a hard penis push all the way up into the depths of my vagina, to feel it rub on my pussy lips, to feel his body move against my horny, throbbing clitoris!

I pumped my pelvis on him, working cunt closer and closer to orgasm. His cock penetrated me again and again, stroking me all the way from my cunt lips to deep inside my tingling vagina! His pubis pressed over and over against my hard, tender little clit! Erotic sensations shook me, and I felt my orgasm rising sweetly inside! Then I came! I orgasmed hard! I screamed and my cunt and pelvis and whole body spasmed uncontrollably and waves and torrents of pleasure washed through my whole body, my whole self! I came over and over! My whole body was shaken by sweet spasms of sex, until my orgasms finally subsided and I collapsed on my husband in a blissful heap.

After a while I got up. I was filled with a lazy, relaxed sensuality. I wanted more sex. I wanted more orgasms. John was still sitting on the couch, rock hard dick in hand. My husband was laying beside me. I had somehow ended up on the floor. My husband's penis was still erect. Sometimes he does that; he avoids cumming so that he can give me as much sexual pleasure as possible. I love him for that.

I smiled at the boys. I could practically taste their erections. "Let's take care of you guys, shall we?" Then I thought about Lillian and her boyfriend, having sex in the other room. I was filled with a sudden desire to watch them fuck. I suggested we go in the bedroom. "We can all orgy together," I said.

"Great!" said John, "I like to orgy together." I believed him.

We all got up and went into the bedroom. The boys were behind me. One of them, I don't know which, caressed my ass as we were walking, running his fingers up my asscrack, stroking my anus. I think it was John.

Lillian had the biggest kingsized bed I have ever seen. She had dozens of pillows which were scattered all over the place. The covers and blankets were in a pile on the floor. Lillian and her boyfriend were fucking, writhing naked together on the bed. It was beautifu. Peter was on top. His face was pressed against Lillian's breasts and his hand was in her crotch. He was sucking her nipples and masturbating her clitoris while he fucked her. I love that. I watched him pump his cock in and out of her. She had twined her legs around his to pull him into her cunt. She squirmed and gyrated and moaned under his body.


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