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Gold Diggers


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She'd had come to England as an orphan to live with her aunt and uncle in Essex when she was sixteen, after her parents and brother had drowned at sea. Their small runabout boat was swamped in rough weather.

This meeting with Farmer Matthews could be very timely. Her future employment appeared uncertain and she could do with a new romance. Although Rusty was a bit old for her, if he were satisfied with the sex he might give her a job as a farmer manager or as an assistant farm manager until a farm manager's position became vacant. She'd been managing her uncle's farm for almost ten years.

Her uncle Ted Archer knew Rusty and when he was reading the article about Farmer Matthews in the newspaper had said that guy was one of the best farmers around – pigs, sheep, dairy, beef, cropping. The lot. Well not fruit or vegetables as far as Uncle Ted knew.

She'd not told Rusty that her Uncle Ted knew him, the distant neighbour who had a French wife, and Rusty had not asked her did she have a farming background and ask where did she live.

She kept thinking about him claiming he would consider thumping her for calling her a liar and then saying unabashed that he could no longer fuck all night. Now how many guys would admit to that?

Eloise decided she really was interested in Farmer Matthews.

She called him that night at 8:30.

* * *

Russell was deep in thought when his phone yielded a most unlikely caller. He'd not expected her to call, believing she'd asked for his number out of politeness.

"Hi, I suppose you are watching a filthy DVD?"

"No Eloise I prefer the real thing. Actually I'm in the bath. As you called I was contemplating my navel and thinking about you."

"About me? Why because of my skill in conversation?"

"Well I suppose you want me to say I was impressed by the look of your tits and width of your smile. Actually I was quite delighted you made no attempt to hit on me. Since that article appeared in the newspaper about me I've had ten gold diggers swoop in motivated to mine my mythical fortune."

"I wouldn't regard you as a husband."

Russell sounded a mite disappointed when he replied oh really and then asked tersely would she regard him as a possible lover?

He was aware if the reply was a rejection, he'd be done for.

"I might. I have no one at present."

Aiming to focus her thinking he said, "I'd welcome your company."

She laughed and said why wasn't she surprised.

"Probably it's because I managed to appeal to you a little."

She said yes she'd concede that.


"Well I'm calling aren't I?"

"Yes and that's a healthy sign, one of possible great expectations."

She asked was he coming on to her and he said to be frank yes he was.


"Do you mean that Eloise?"

"I believe so."


She laughed and said she was curious why he hadn't asked about where she lived and worked.

"I didn't have to. As soon as Rosie mentioned your name I knew who you were. I know almost every adult who lives within twenty-five miles of where I live because I trade with many of them and regard those whom I haven't yet dealt with as prospective clients. I knew you were Ted and Brigitte Worth's niece and manage their farm that's up for sale. Ted and I go a long way back. We first met at stock sales and he later married a sexy French woman."

"How interesting and I can say my aunt is no longer sexy."

"Well advancing age takes away more than sexiness. You'll have a full appreciation of that from the shorter life cycle of farm animals."

"That I do and that's even more philosophy from the interesting Farmer Matthews. Do you really know much about farming or are you carried by your managers?"

"I know things, they know things and we work together, hopefully in harmony. So you're interested in sex?"

"Oh god, you English can be so brutally frank."

"And your ability to cope with me tells me a lot about you."

He could hear her possibly working up to her climax and waited alertly, not unlike a hunter.

"Well if you want sex you'll have to date me and convince me I need it from you."

Well who was the hunter? He'd call it a draw but he had one shot left.

"As good as done. What about accompanying me to Paris this weekend to look around and to rut?"

Well that caught her napping. He could almost hear her tits flapping.

"To France? You want to take me to France?"

"Yes and why not?"

"But you are English. You should resent that I'm French."

"Does Ted resent you being French?"

"No of course not. He married a Frenchwoman, my aunt."

"Well then, you have now learned I enjoy some flexibility in my thinking and that my attitudes are not necessarily parochial."

"God that was a mouthful and probably goes some way to explaining why you have the reputation of being one of the best farmers around. I think you and I coming together is an omen."

"What sort of omen?"

She giggled and said she had no idea.

Russell now suspected she was the most sophisticated of all the gold diggers but he'd decided he wanted her and that was that. He'd never claimed to be a perfect decision maker.

Ted remained hiding, or he might have been out on the farm, when Russell called on Friday morning to pick up Eloise. She came out with a travel bag, followed by Brigitte who looked at Russell and scowled and said in an exaggerated accent, "What you are doing with my niece makes you a dirty old man."

She spat on the ground.

"And good morning to you Brigitte," he grinned and added with exaggerated flourish, "And good morning to you dear one."

"Bah," Brigitte snorted and turned to go indoors but returned when told to greet Russell civilly.

"Good morning Russell."

"Good morning Brigitte. Never fear. I shall treat your niece like a princess and will take her shopping."

"Well at least that makes you half a gentleman," she said stiffly.

They caught the train into London and then went by tube to St Pancras and after having coffee it was time to board the 2:15 Eurostar to Paris. They travelled premier class and arriving in Paris, Russell remembered the travel hassles of his previous trip and thought flying from where he lived, fairly close to London but on the wrong side of it for airports, was not the best option. Train was the way to go.

Eloise was excited although she'd been to France several times in recent years but never like this. She just adored the handily situated luxurious boutique hotel.

Russell adored feeling her excitement and decided to be kind.

"Shall we walk and look at things and you visit shops?"

She looked dismayed. "But what about sex... I thought we should have sex first?"

"Oh I must not disappoint you," Russell smiled thinking wasn't she just so gorgeous.

For a start she hadn't dressed to look like his daughter or juvenile mistress. She was bound to have some dressy clothes but instead she'd come in tight blue jeans, brown boots, a mustard top, her hair brown hair cascaded unrestrained and she wore a cute leather cap. She looked exactly like he suspected a much younger wife would dress.

"I'm so excited," Eloise said, ripping off her clothes. "Do you have a big dripping dick for me?"

Did he have what?

Russell raced to undress but his hands shook and he slowed in getting his belt unfastened.

"Oooh that really is a big dick," she cooed and he attempted to draw in his beer belly as he walked toward her, arms outstretch. Had he shaved his face? Oh yes he'd that that morning and had then clipped the hair around his groin and balls.

Her skin was olive, her body appeared firm and the good-size tits showed little sag. God she was beautifully bundled.

She held out her arms for the imminent embrace but he stopped short and kissed the back of her left hand and then the elbow.

"Omigod, careful. You'll make me come too early."

"You'll never come too early for me providing you keep coming," he leered, and she giggled.

They embraced. She was almost as tall as he was but she had longer legs and so in closing in the embrace, his erection only just missed entering her pussy. Neither of them commented on that.

Her tits flattening against his bare chest signalled to his balls but he choked that continuing signal by saying she had lovely hair and fondling it. Danger of an unfortunate far too early ejaculation was over for the moment. It surprised Russell that he'd come to the brink so readily; these days he tended to take longer to get off but then she was extra dishy. She was a nubile princess.

She dropped to her knees.

Oh no, he almost bleated.

But she was soft and slow and that was appreciated and he assisted by trying to remember all the cattle sale prices he'd read in the newspaper early that morning.

But then stupidly he looked down right into her hazel eyes that were fixed on him, big and wide and he ejaculated.

She spluttered, coughed and spat and wiped her dripping mouth.

He waited for the tongue-lashing but all she said was, "Wow." He couldn't believe it.

Eloise was still breathing heavily, so he paused and she asked how did he acquire his farms?

"My father had a heart attack when I was seventeen. He had three farms and lasted a year and I'd left school to work for him. He didn't trust his two farm managers working unsupervised and so appointed me general manager. Mom died that winter, a victim of cancer and he died in the late spring when there was so much work to do but fortunately the two managers and I had learned to respect one another and we got through that hard part of the year okay. I sold the farm that was not as productive as the other two when prices were high and when they'd fallen I succeeded in getting a private loan at only one percent above the commercial lending rate and have never sought a bank loan ever since despite their managers coming cap in hand and offering me money at half a percent below the commercial rate."

"So by then you'd proven yourself and your private lender was happy to advance you money at the commercial lending rate and over the years you purchased your other farms."

"Yeah end of story."

"Good then fuck me."

Russell leapt at her and she squealed and as he pulled her heels over his shoulders and began pumping she yelled, "Yes, oh yes. Give it to me hard. I'm long overdue for a robust fucking."


Russell thought he'd performed magnificently and she appeared more than satisfied.

They showered and went out.

"I'd like to buy your something," he smiled.

"My first choice is sexy lingerie. We are in Paris."

He pushed his luck, "What about an engagement ring?"

She stopped and looked at him gravely. "Please give me time Rusty. It's a big decision for me and I have no wish to make a mistake."

"I accept that and understand. You also have your farm to consider. Ted is not looking particularly robust and although Brigitte still looks as if she could work dawn to dusk, she will be dreaming of a sale and a return to France."

"Yes, that thinking is spot on. Would you consider buying the farm?"

"Nope. My strategy is to own and operate farms in close proximity. Their farm is around twenty miles away from my nearest farm to them."

"And that's good thinking."

"I noticed the listing price and I have walked the property on two field days in the past. I would tell your aunt and uncle to hold out and not drop their asking price as a going concern by more than five thousand quid."

"Should I tell Uncle Ted that?"

"Sure but he won't be interested in my opinion."

"Oh yeah?"

Although the cost of the trip left a hole in Russell's pocket, he knew it was worth every penny. On the train home Eloise had burbled that it had been her best holiday ever and the sex had been fantastic and he was such a darling to be with.

That convinced Russell when the farm solved Eloise would come to live with him. Pete Bradley was past retiring age and managed the farm on which Russell lived. He'd pay Pete off with reasonable notice and give Eloise that farm to manage.

They arrived at Archer Farm and Brigitte came running out, took one look at Eloise who was dressed in the same clothes she'd worn when she left on Friday, and said, "Oh my goodness, just look at you. Your face is as pretty as a picture."

Russell was invited to stay for dinner and accepted.

They had a lovely evening.

Two days later he went to a town on the far side of Archer Farm and took the selling agent to lunch, warning her he wanted to talk business but didn't wish to buy anything.

"That's okay, I've always wanted to meet you because of your awesome reputation around these parts. According to what I've been told, there's nothing about farming worth knowing that you don't already practice."

"Are you attempting to come on to me?"

"No," she giggled. "And I'm happily married and you've already said you wished to take me to lunch so I don't have to weasel to get you to offer to pay."

They got on very well and enjoyed lunch and when coffee was served Jenny said, "Are you going to tell me what this meeting is about? Is this how you buy your farms, by stealth?"

He grinned and said he wanted to assist her sell a farm and pulled a draft advertisement and said the property he was thinking about was Archer Farm.

Jenny read the advertisement carefully and said, "This contains wonderful information but there's not selling pitch and nothing at all about potential."

"And your firm's ads had incorporated selling pitch and fancy descriptions about potential?"


"And have you found prospective buyers?"


He grinned and she blushed and he continued. "I suggest you run my ad say four times in each newspaper you are using and also as your window display ad and use the wordage for your on-line listing. I'll pay for the advertising; I want that farm to sell so I can offer a farm manager's job to Ted Archer's manager, Miss Dubois."

"I see. Well you won't have to pay because there is sufficient money in the sales promotion account contributed by the vendor. And he's suggested I change the wordage as you call it. Why should this particular pitch work?"

"Well because it's not a pitch. It's a description that describes the farm and soil types and general productivity in a factual manner, just as any careful buyer would want explained to him/her before deciding to make an inspection."

"And you can guarantee it will work?"

"No of course not. Like you I only think I know what's in the mind of prospective buyers. But if you have not received a single offer within six weeks of the first appearance of this advertisement, published unchanged, then I will hand you one thousand pounds cash."

"Golly you amaze me Russell with your self-belief. Very well, let's try it your way."

Two weeks later a thrilled Jenny called Russell to advise that Ted Archer had three offers on the table and that evening when Russell met Eloise at a country restaurant for dinner, she told him the same thing and that all were good offers and now the agent could work those prospective buyers to push up the final bid."

"That's excellent news, the market must have turned for the better."

"I don't think so Rusty. It's simply because the estate agent tried a different pitch and it worked."

"Well that's excellent. Will you come and work for me?"

"Work for you?"

"Yes as replacement manager on the farm on which I live."

"God I'd love to hear a proposal about that."

Russell leered, "First of all would you consider having regular sex with the boss?"

"Oooh yes. I take it we'd be living in the same house. Tell me more. Greater detail about the proposed sex and where I would sleep are of particular interest to me."


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