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Golf Club Swingers

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A couple join a Golf Club that leads to swinging.
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I first met Dianne in the toilets of the golf club that my husband Danny was a member of, in the Summer of 1984 when I was 26 and her about 30.

Danny and I would have been married for nearly four years at this time; but because of our career progressions hadn't got around to starting a family.

Her husband Brad was the Alpha Male in the club; tall, ruggedly handsome and styled himself on Magnum PI, even down to the bushy moustache. As well as regularly winning the competitions he was a very successful businessman too.

We'd not long moved to town following my husband, Dan's promotion with the company he worked for; and already it was fair to say he had a 'man crush' on Brad; who didn't seem to know he existed.

It had been nearly six months since we'd moved to this area, but for business reasons Danny had a been a member at the golf club for two years; very slowly moving up the ranks both sportingly and metaphorically, as with all of these things the social structure was based around cliques.

How I 'met' Dianne was quite funny, with hindsight. We had gone along to a Charity Evening one Saturday and had been having a good time with friends and eventually I needed the toilet. While I was washing my hands I felt a suspender come loose. As the wash area was otherwise empty, I hiked my dress up to adjust it, just as Dianne came in.

"Oh!" she gasped then grinned. I was too far into readjusting the button I had to 'tough it out' and just smiled.

"Snap!" Dianne laughed as she raised the front of her dress to show that she too was wearing stockings and suspenders; "me too. They're a bugger aren't they?"

I nodded and agreed as the button finally slotted into the hole on the suspender.

"Is that a six strap?" The woman asked.

"Yes." I replied slightly embarrassed, "they're generally more secure."

"I will have to try them in that case." She smiled again. "I'm Dianne by the way."

"Samantha... Sam?" I held my hand out to shake hers.

We then chatted for a couple of minutes, explaining who our husbands were and where I bought our stockings; which sounds quite an odd way to make a friend.

Back in the ballroom I stood chatting to my female friends while our husbands chatted about important golf things; but my eyes alighted on Dianne as she swanned back into the room like a film star; when she saw me she gave a little wave and a smile, which I returned but with a flutter in my tummy when Laura was impressed that I actually knew Dianne.

I glanced across again and saw her whispering in her husbands' ear who suddenly smiled; then the pair looked in my direction as Dianne pointed me out and waved again.

His face lit up when he saw me and raised his glass as if in toast.

The butterflies in my stomach were now in overdrive.

That was it for that night, although I did feel like a giddy schoolgirl whenever my eyes met with either Dianne or Brad's.

Although stockings weren't really 'in fashion' at that time; I'd worn them ever since I was about 18 and a Bryan Ferry fan; where my friends and I dressed up as sophisticatedly and femininely as our budgets would allow; plus the effect stockings had on young Lotharios was worth the effort.

Danny made a big play for me when a friend of his had seen I was wearing stockings one night when my skirt rose up my thigh as I sat in a city centre pub; as history tells me he had a budding nylon fetish when I met him.

We hit it off straight away; mostly because of the way we both dressed and the music we liked.... and the sex was amazing too.

Eighteen months later we got married and our sex life soon moved up a couple of notches; now that we had our own flat. Looking back now, while frequent and very orgasmic, it was a different time and was actually quite vanilla by modern standards.... or what we were to encounter with our new friends.

A couple of things I realised quite quickly was how much Danny didn't just 'like' me wearing stockings and sexy lingerie; we almost never had sex without me wearing something nylon; and he really, really liked me 'taking the lead' during sex and foreplay, which was never really a problem as I was perpetually horny, especially as we were trying to 'make a baby'... I soon learned how to turn him on with words and actions; bossing him about I guess.

His job took him away on occasion, sometimes around the country to other factories and occasionally into Europe. On these trips he sometimes brought back porno videos, which I enjoyed watching with him; and that led to my love of sucking his cock and him licking my pussy; which we both adored, especially a 69 as foreplay; also after seeing one video I quickly learned how to wank his cock using my feet.

When he was on these trips I'd regularly use the magazines for my own masturbatory needs; especially the letters and stories in Fiesta and Knave magazines.

During our second year of marriage it was obvious we were having problems on the pregnancy front, so sort out medical help and it turned out that my darling husband had a very low sperm count; which was a surprise as there was always a lot.... but not everything in the liquid was active; it turned out.

In those days help on the NHS was nearly none existent and 'going private' was prohibitive financially; so we just put it to the back of our minds and got on with life.

Our sex life sort of waned because of this over the next year or so; certainly not to the point it became a problem, but it quickly went from nearly every night, to a couple of nights a week then sometimes once a week and another big change was now Danny couldn't get me pregnant he gradually began wanking on my nylons or tits instead of inside me.

Don't get me wrong; I loved this on occasion but not all of the time.... sometimes a girl loves to feel the intimacy of her lover cumming inside her.

This was where we were in our marriage, the night when I met Dianne in the ladies' toilets.

At the end of the night Dianne went out of her way to say 'Goodnight' and invite me out for a coffee or a drink the following week; so phone numbers were exchanged.

Drunk; Danny was stunned to see me with Dianne and all of the way home in the taxi kept stroking my legs as I kept whispering in his ear about my encounter in the toilets, going into intimate detail about her stocking suspenders and knickers and how she reacted to seeing mine.

Arriving home we were barely in the living room when he pushed me down on the sofa, lifted my dress up revealing my underwear; rubbed his face all over my knickers and stockings; occasionally stopping to kiss my legs and mound; then pulled my knickers to one side and buried his face in my hairy pussy; licking, sucking and fingering like never before, making me cum twice, then standing over me, wanking onto my legs and knickers, before collapsing down next to me.

The next morning he was already on the golf course as I was having breakfast and the phone rang. It was Dianne, who started by apologising for her 'behaviour' in the cloakroom; I laughed it off and said "it was a pleasure to find a like minded wearer."

She laughed at that and after introducing ourselves more formally, she realised we worked fairly close by in the city centre, so invited me out for coffee after work the following lunchtime.

I was flattered and Danny was starry eyed when I told him later; as her husband had introduced himself at the Golf Course and could be a great contact for him work wise.

We met at the allotted time and it was nice to see her wearing a flowery dress that actually showed a bit more cleavage than my own. Instead of sitting opposite me she actually sat right next to me in the cubicle, our legs actually touching which was a bit unnerving at first.

The conversation quickly got around to our both wearing stockings, which was when she put her hand on my knee and slowly slid her hand up my thigh and under my skirt; looking me dead in the eye all the while.

"Oh goody." She grinned "you wear stockings for work too.... just like me." She then removed her hand and took mine and placed it on her knee. "Have a feel."

I was totally shocked, but did as she said, and in fairness touching her nylon clad thigh and suspender was a lot more exciting that I'd ever have suspected.

When I removed my hand, there was an electric silence before we both burst out giggling.

One of the things that amused her when she got me to confess deliberately wearing 'floaty' skirts or dresses on windy days in the hope a gust of wind would blow my skirt up and reveal my stockings and underwear... just like her; and just like my husband it turned her husband on when she repeated the details later in the evening; which led to her saying,

"Goody, I'm glad you're open-minded." She smiled mischievously.

"Of course." I hoarsely whispered, not really sure what 'open-minded' meant and what my husband would think... but I presumed any excuse to get near Brad's inner circle would get his attention.

Dianne rang me a couple of times later in the week and the week after too; just normal 'girly' chat and gossip, nothing too in depth, but she would always ask if I'd bought anything sexy the previous Saturday; and if we had she'd probe me about what it looked like and what it felt like on and if my husband had 'got turned on'.... it made me giggle at first; but as the calls went by I began looking forward to divulging intimate details.

Although we'd said "hi" in passing at the Golf Club, we didn't meet up again for coffee and nor did we get invited further into their inner circle at the club.

The only thing that changed was one Saturday soon afterwards Brad got chatty with Danny and invited him to play golf in a foursome one Sunday, which was all my husband could talk about when we had lunch and the rest of the night too.

Nothing more was said, but he was a bit shifty over the next day or so..... until I prised out of him that he'd promised to 'loan Brad some porno videos.'

I wasn't sure how a conversation during a golf competition got around to porn; but I let it slide as 'boys will be boys' and it excited my husband to think he was the Alpha Males' new best friend.

Danny loaned him a couple more the following week and was a bit 'over excited' telling me how much Brad had enjoyed watching them.... with his wife and my friend Dianne!

Then, a couple of weeks later, Dianne called when Danny was working away for three days; and knowing this seemed to make her questions even more naughty; talking to me about my husbands porn stash, and eventually confessing that I did 'play with myself,' when I was alone, watching them or reading his mucky mags; she took a breath and told me that she and Brad were having a party on Friday; for 'selected like minded' friends ; and "all her friends wear stockings too; it was actually a prerequisite," then her voice got huskier, and after somehow reeling me into her web, said "we are all swingers.... do you know what that means?"

I sort of said yes, and she responded gleefully, "does that shock you?"

As I was already over half way into a bottle of wine and squirming on the sofa due to her questioning, I replied "No.... I guess... not really."

"please tell me you and your husband will come.... it'll be great fun, will you come?"

"I guess I will have to ask him..... but..... I'm.... intrigued.... I suppose.... yes... I'd love to, but I don't know about Danny."

"Jesus yes!" He almost shouted that night during our phone call,when I confessed that we'd felt each others legs and Dianne had invited us to 'special' party, although I failed to mention the 'like-minded' part in any detail.

He was away in France for the next few days and wouldn't be home until late Thursday night; so I presumed he would be wanking himself silly every night at the prospect of a party at Brad's house; I know that I was doing something similar in his absence.... reading his dirty magazines until well after midnight each night.

I'd bought a slinky black dress that had a bustierre style top and a flared skirt that ended about four inches above my knees, underneath I wore a sexy black uplift bra that pushed my 32b boobs right up; a pair of matching black French knickers, a six strap suspender belt that held up a pair of 15 denier black seamed stockings and my best shiny black heels; plus I had on bright red lipstick.

"Shit!" Danny gasped when I walked into the living room, "what kind of party is this?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?" I teased; "but I'm prepared for every eventuality. What about you?"

"Wow.... I don't know.... I wasn't.... expecting.... anything like that." Danny waved his hand up and down as I did a twirl.

"Still want to go?" I asked, sensing his nervousness, "because I do."

A sly grin lit up his face "I'm in!"

Danny was suspiciously quiet on the taxi ride, but kept glancing at me and grinning, leaving me in some doubt as to what he really knew about Brad's parties and what I knew too.

Brad greeted us at the door of their large detached house in a swish part of town; greeting both of us with a bear hug, but twirled me round to see me from front and back then playfully tapped my arse as he hugged me.

My heart was racing as he led us into the palatial living room; and it went even faster when I saw another two couples already there with Dianne. All three women were wearing very sexy dresses; Dianne's was a white halter style, with a deep V that showed she wasn't wearing a bra, and the skirt was short enough to show part of the welt of her stockings.

A short haired woman called Margaret in glasses was wearing a transparent blouse and a see-through bra with a short red skirt and tan stockings, which also showed the welt plus knee high red boots.

The other woman; Karen who had a big perm and large 'Diedre' glasses I'd seen at the golf club was wearing a wrap over dress that showed lots of cleavage too; and was loose enough that every time she moved you could see her stockings.

Danny was like a dog with two tails as we were introduced to everyone and cocktails were supplied.

The introductions took a while as everyone had lots of questions for Danny and I; some of which were probing to see if we knew what we were actually getting into.

I think I did know; and Danny had to use all of his self control to stop his tongue lolling out of his mouth like a Labrador.

Satisfied that we weren't going to run away screaming when Dianne confirmed that they were Swingers; and she was convinced that we could keep a secret.

After a couple of large cocktails, music was put on and as if by magic, Brad and a stocky man with permed hair called Lee somehow manoeuvred me into a corner where their hands casually caressed my arse as they complemented me on my outfit. When I didn't object they became more brazen running their hands up my dress and across my boobs, as they made small talk occasionally squeezing them which made me gasp.

I'd never been in a position like this metaphorically or in reality before, so didn't know how to react as they slid my dress up to my hips revealing my sexy underwear to the room.... and my husband too, if he hadn't had his back to me ogling Dianne's tits which were now on show as she sat on the other man; Rob's knee who was fondling and jiggling them.

When Lee went to get more drinks, Brad slid his hand inside my French knickers then whispered, "Hairy?" I nodded as he ran his fingers through my pubes, "I've not seen a hairy quim in years.... Dianne and the others all shave."

I'd seen this in films; but never considered it.

"Should I shave mine?" I innocently replied as his finger found its way into my slit, making me gasp again.

"It's not necessary.... like everything else; it's all up to you what you do."

His finger delved deeper until he was nearly lifting me up onto tip toes; which made Lee raise his eyebrows when he returned with the drinks.

He placed the drinks on a table nearby and went behind where he wrapped his arms around me to grope my tits while Brad continued fingering me, while touching my clit with his palm and gently kissed my neck.

Brad especially smelled amazing; whatever cologne he used must have been very expensive as it totally captivated me; and I was soon rocking my hips and arse with the rhythm and could feel Lee pressing his cock against my arse as he alternated between caressing my tits and roughly juggling them.

"Have you ever been fucked by two men at once.... spit roasted?" Brad whispered.

I shook my head.

"Would you like to?"

I didn't answer immediately, then nodded nervously.

"What would your husband think?" Lee asked, "would he want to watch?"

I pretty much thought I knew the answer; and looked across the room to see Dianne now without her dress or knickers, and only wearing a very sexy ivory corset with 8 straps holding up her FF stockings, was on bouncing on the other mans' cock while she sucked Danny's cock and the women were sitting nearby kissing and fingering each other.

"Should we take your dress off?" Lee asked as he pulled the zip down and eased it off without waiting for my reply.

"Do you want to go upstairs; or stay down here?" Brad grinned as he popped my boobs out of my bra and began suckling my stiff nipples then handed me my drink which I gulped down.

I wasn't sure what Lee was doing behind me until I felt his cock push between my legs and see-saw against the gusset of my sodden knickers.

"Upstairs or here?" Brad repeated as my knickers were being eased down my legs.

Shaking with nervousness and excitement I looked across at my husband who was now lying naked on a fluffy sheepskin rug with Margaret slowly riding his cock and Dianne sitting on his face rubbing her pussy across his nose and mouth, while Karen and Margaret's husband were lying nearby in a 69.

"Here." I mouthed.

"Take your knickers and bra off, then." Brad grinned and stepped back to watch the show as I unhooked my bra and dropped it on the floor, then wriggled out of my knickers and playfully kicked them away.

"Get on your knees." Lee whispered quite firmly and took my arm to guide me down. He stepped around me and was now naked with a big swinging dick which he tapped my face with, "take it all like a good girl." He sniggered as Brad quickly took his clothes.

Lee's cock was visibly longer than my husbands and went straight to the back of my throat with one thrust as soon as I parted my lips, which made me gag.

"Lee!" Brad chided his friend, "be gentle for fucks sake... we don't want to break her!" Both men laughed as I caught my breath only for Brad to turn my face towards his cock which I eagerly took into my mouth and began sucking it like a lollipop.

"See... that's the way to do it.... treat her nice and see how she repays you." Which made them both laugh again, before stroking my tender tits and hair while I alternated between cocks, sucking one while I wanked the other just like I'd seen girls do in my husband's porn collection.

Part of me didn't care that I was sucking two strangers' cocks in a room full of people; but another part of me was now a wanton exhibitionist that wanted everyone including my husband to watch me.

Soon I was getting 4 or 5 inches of both men's cock-heads in my mouth which brought a clap from Dianne and the other man who were standing close by watching us.

My mind was a blur now and I was totally in their hands as the men led me to an armchair which Brad sat on then waved for me to turn around to sit on his cock with my back to him. I sensitively complied, slowly lowering myself onto his long hard cock until I 'bottomed out' with a long satisfying sigh.

Lee stood in front of me and offered his cock again, which I gleefully took in my mouth and began sucking fiercely as Brad began roughly fucking me with deep hard thrusts, while groping my swinging tits.


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