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Grayscale - A Whiteout Anthology 02: PlayTime

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Lily has a session with Weiss.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 11/07/2020
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Note: This story features characters from Skaetlett's "Bouquet Bound." It is highly recommended that you read that story first before continuing. Also, since "Bouquet Bound" and "Whiteout" do not take place in the same universe, this story can be considered non-canon to both.

* * *

"You look fine, plaything. Honestly."

Lily stifled a yawn and fidgeted slightly, watching the floor number tick down. "Well, I wanna make a good impression! These are fancy people, I don't want to embarrass you or anything."

Magnolia cupped Lily's chin and peered into their eyes. "Lily. There is nothing that you could do to embarrass me. And even if there was, it certainly wouldn't be your outfit. After all, I couldn't be embarrassed by something I picked out, now could I?"

"I... guess that makes sense." Lily looked down at their outfit, a light blue blouse over a loose skirt and flats. "But, I dunno, this seems kinda casual for a business conference, don't you think?"

"Then it's a good thing you're not going to the conference today."

The elevator dinged, and the doors opened. Magnolia strode confidently out into the lobby, followed by Lily, once they put together what Magnolia just said. "Wait, what?" Lily said. "What do you mean I'm not going to the conference? I flew all the out to Prism City with you, I'm not just not going!"

"Trust me, Lily," Magnolia replied, moving towards the front entrance, "you would be bored out of your mind if you came along today. It's all lectures on economic theory and management practices; all I'm looking forward to is the complimentary lunch, and even that's probably going to be mediocre."

"B-But," Lily stammered, practically sprinting to catch up with Magnolia, "if I'm not here, then where am I going?"

"Well, I was planning to leave you up in the hotel room with your Nintendo or whatever you call it. But, luckily for you, there's a hypnotist in town."

Lily raised an eyebrow. "Like, besides you?"

Magnolia chuckled. "Yes, plaything, besides me. She calls herself Mistress Weiss; she's something of an up-and-comer in the erotic hypnosis community. And she does in-person sessions." Magnolia pushed through the revolving door just as her car rolled up. "Just, please, trust me on this. Go play with this Weiss, and tomorrow, you'll get to be my arm candy while I play nice with the other attendees. I promise."

Lily furrowed their brow and scratched their chin. Gosh, this is all so sudden. I've never even really gone under for anyone but Mistress... but, she's already paid for this, and she clearly wants me to go. And I did kinda impose on her by tagging along on this trip... "Okay. I guess I'll try it out."

"Thank you." Magnolia opened the car door and kissed them on the cheek as they got inside. "Weiss's place will be down an alleyway, on the right-hand side. I'll come pick you up at eight tonight. Have fun, plaything."

* * *

All along the car ride, Lily couldn't ignore the anxious feeling in their gut. Even though they had absolute trust in Magnolia, something about this play date didn't feel right. They had no idea who this "Mistress Weiss" even was; Magnolia seemed to be passingly familiar with her, but did she really do that much research? What if she was some kind of creep?

Lily shook their head and took a deep breath. Mistress wouldn't trust someone else with me unless they were legit. And even if she does try to pull something, Mistress has all sorts of safeties and stuff in place, so everything should be fine...

At last, the car rolled to a stop. Lily got out of the car and looked around. Dang, kind of a dumpy part of town. They noticed the alleyway and cautiously went over to the right-hand door. They took a deep breath before knocking.

Within moments, the door opened, revealing a woman with dark brown hair and olive skin. "Uh, hi? Can I help you?"

"Um, yeah," Lily said, "I have an, um... appointment? With Mistress Weiss?"

The other woman's eyes lit up. "Oh, you must be Lily!" she smiled. "Come in, Weiss is still getting ready."

Lily stepped inside, but raised an eyebrow. "You're not Weiss?"

"Nope! I'm her girlfriend, actually. Name's Val." Val was dressed even more casually than Lily; fuzzy socks, galaxy leggings, and a comfy-looking sweatshirt.

Upon closer inspection, though, Lily noticed something else. "Is that a collar?" they asked.

Val's hand shot up to her neck, her cheeks turning deep red. "Um! Y-Yeah, it is!" Her fingers fidgeted with the chrome buckle. "But I'm not, uh, 'collared,' per say. It's just... I-I like wearing it." She looked down at the floor and muttered, "I like yours too."

Lily blinked. My collar? Their hand brushed their neck, and they felt the polished leather and fur trim. Oh, right. Wow, I have it on so much I totally forgot it was there. They looked around the room. It had clearly been a somewhat-dumpy bar at one point, but it had been converted into a living room, with a well-loved couch sat across from a coffee table littered with books and knick-knacks.

They sat down on the couch, crossing their legs and idly playing with the hem of their skirt. "So, uh, how long have you two been together?"

"A couple months," Val replied. "She can seem kinda intimidating at first, but she's a real sweetheart. Are you familiar with her online stuff? She started making files recently, but she's done some text inductions in the past."

"If I'm being honest," Lily sighed, "I hadn't even heard of her until today. My... um, wife--" I guess that's kinda what she is to me? Wait, would these people even be freaked out if I called her Mistress? Gah, I've never talked frankly about this with anyone, this is so weird... "--she's in town for this big business conference, and she thought I'd be bored, so she kinda sprung this on me at the last minute."

"Well, I can tell you that Weiss is way better than some lame conference," Val chuckled. "But it's nice of her to do that for you. It sounds like you two are pretty open about kink stuff."

"You could say that again," Lily smiled.

But before Val could take Lily up on their offer, the sound of creaking stairs filled the room. Lily turned their head and saw a woman walking towards them. She wore a black leather jacket over a white t-shirt, with matching leather pants and clunky, heavy boots. She was pale, almost unearthly so, which only made her dark eyeshadow and black lipstick stand out even more. Her hair was even whiter than her skin, thoroughly bleached and styled into an undercut. "Hello, Lily," she said in a posh, slightly too-perfect English accent.

Oh god I'm so gay. Lily gulped and felt their cheeks turn red. "H-Hi! So you're Mistress Weiss, I take it?"

"Well, just 'Weiss' is fine," she replied, flashing a brilliant smile. "Wouldn't be polite of me to impose an honorific, after all. But if you'd like to call me 'Mistress,' I won't stop you."

"I'll just stick with Weiss, then." Lily scratched their arm and tried to get their breathing under control.

"Aw, are you nervous?" Weiss cooed. There wasn't derision in her voice; it felt more playful than that.

"I've just, uh, never done anything like this before," Lily replied. "I mean, the only person who's ever hypnotized me is my... wife."

"Well if it makes you feel any better, this is new for me too. You're the first person to buy me for a whole day." Weiss paused. "Well, not 'buy.' You can't buy a human being, after all. But you understand my meaning."

Lily let out a nervous giggle. "Y-Yep!"

Weiss sat down on the couch, at the opposite end from Lily. "So, first off, safewords. I use the stoplight system with Valerie, but if you use something else, we can use that instead."

"That works for me."

"Okay, good. Now, how far do you want things to go, in terms of sexual activity?"

"Um..." Lily raised an eyebrow. "H-How far could they go?"

"Well, you're in a flat with two lesbians and a bookshelf full of sex toys," Weiss chuckled. "So I'm sure you can imagine the upper limit."

Lily swallowed. "Mhm. Yeah, I can, uh... definitely picture that." They furrowed their brow and paused, lost in thought. "I guess... can we not do any of that stuff, at least not right away? See, we're strangers here, and my wife is the only person I've really... been with, in a while. And I'd feel kinda weird about doing any of that with someone else."

"Absolutely," Weiss replied. "I totally get that. And non-sexual touching? Like, for instance, yanking your hair?"

"Ooh, hair play..." Lily nodded profusely. "Yes, that's definitely fine."

Weiss grinned. "Noted. So, I guess the remaining question is, what do you want me to do?"

"Um..." Lily furrowed their brow. "I mean... I don't know? I do a lot of stuff with my wife--" Huh, that's sounding less and less weird the more I say it. "--but I'm not sure if any of that would translate with another person."

"Well, why don't you just do a basic induction first?" Val said. "That way, Lily can get a feel for Weiss's style, and Weiss can see what Lily responds to best."

"Valerie, this is why I love you," Weiss replied. "Always coming up with the ideas I can never think of. That is, unless I don't allow you to think."

Val gasped and blushed furiously. "W-Weiss! Not in front of the guest!"

Lily stifled a giggle. "Oh, don't mind me!" Heh, wonder if I look that cute when Mistress makes me feel all flustered.

Weiss ran a hand through her hair. "Okay, so you said your wife hypnotizes you a lot? What kind of induction does she usually use?"

"Well, she has this pocketwatch that she uses sometimes," Lily replied. "Other times it's just her voice, or a touch trigger on my body, or- oh! One time, there was this VR helmet..." They trailed off, unsure whether Weiss's expression was confusion, annoyance, or condescension. "Um, so, she uses a lot of stuff."

"You can keep going if you'd like," Weiss said, "I love hearing about other peoples' experiences with hypnosis. I've been meaning to get a VR headset, actually... But, in any case, I'd like to try something a little different. Has she ever done a butterfly induction on you?"

"Butterfly induction?" Lily cocked their head to the side. "What's that?"

"Valerie is quite familiar with them," Weiss replied. "As I recall, that was the first time I put her under- well, second, technically. I wasn't even trying to hypnotize her; I was doing a demonstration, and she just dropped from splash damage. Isn't that right, Valerie?"

Val buried her head in her hands and nodded silently.

"Sounds exciting!" Lily replied. "How does it work?"

"It's mostly a pattern interrupt," Weiss said, "mixed with a bit of visual focus. Basically, you follow my fingers as they swirl around, until I pull them down with and you drop. I like it because it sort of plays into the clichés about hypnosis." The more she talked, the more her face lit up. "Like, you wouldn't expect someone wiggling their fingers in front of your face to work outside of some cheesy old movie, but it does! And that's just so cool to me."

Lily found themselves smiling along with Weiss. Wow, she's really enthusiastic about hypnotizing people. Almost gives me a mad scientist or supervillain kind of vibe. "That sounds great! Let's try it!"

"Wonderful." Weiss turned her head towards Val. "Would you like to leave the room, or are you comfortable with getting dropped in the presence of a stranger?"

Val crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised an eyebrow. "I know what's coming this time. You don't think I could resist?"


"...I'll head upstairs."

"Good girl." Weiss turned back to Lily. "Now, just let me know when you're ready."

Lily nodded and took a deep breath. Gonna be weird going under for someone who's not Mistress. If she looked into this woman and agreed to let me be played with, though, everything should be okay. Only... "Actually, could I request something?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Well, could you maybe give me a trigger while I'm hypnotized? Just something simple."

"Like what?"

"Like..." Lily tapped their chin. "I dunno. Surprise me? But keep it PG, nothing sexual."

Weiss nodded. "Alright, then. Are you ready to begin?"


"Good." Weiss touched Lily's right wrist and lifted it slightly, while she held her other hand a few inches away from Lily's face, her palm parallel to the floor and her fingers spread slightly. "So, I want you to focus on my fingertips, Lily. Watch them closely." She began to move them around, first in small circles then wider and wider arcs.

Lily's gaze locked on to Weiss's fingers, their breathing slow and steady. Weiss began wiggling her fingers slightly, keeping Lily on their toes about the direction their hand would move next. They couldn't settle into a rhythm; every time they thought her hand would go left, it went right. If they thought it would go up, it would go down. They needed to constantly pay attention and focus intently.

In one fluid motion, Weiss's hand turned so the palm was facing up, curled into a fist, and plunged downwards. "Sleep."

Lily's head fell to their chest. Their eyes slipped shut, their mind tumbling further and further down.

"That's it," Weiss purred, "deeper and deeper." She raised Lily's wrist a few inches higher, gently swaying it just enough that their dulled mind would notice but without distracting them. "Now, I'm going to let go of your wrist. When I do, just let it fall into your lap, all the way down. All the way down, just like your mind. Because when I let go, all your mind can do..."

She let go. "Is fall."

* * *

Lily couldn't stop giggling. They felt a twinge of embarrassment about that, but they couldn't quite remember why. Everything just felt so funny, so silly to them. Why shouldn't they be giggling? Giggling was fun! It made them feel ditzy, and silly, and-

"And stop."

Lily's mouth closed. They blinked, and the world felt a lot less funny to them. "...Wow," they gasped.

Weiss smiled, her eyes studying Lily like a scientist discovering a new species. "I take it I selected something to your liking?"

"Oh, god yes." Lily stood up from the couch, realizing that they'd probably been on it for... an hour? More, perhaps? Time always felt fuzzy when they were in trance. They walked over to the bar, sitting on the stool next to Weiss. "Like, you totally hit the nail on the head. How did you know I would like that?"

"I asked you," Weiss replied. "While you were in trance. I don't like asking subs questions during a trance state, but sometimes it helps me find out what really pushes their buttons. And it looks like I hit one of yours really hard, giggle."

Lily blinked, realizing what was about to happen a split second before it did. Then they giggled, and that realization melted away. What were they thinking about? Whatever it was, it couldn't have mattered much. Because if it did, they wouldn't feel so happy, so bubbly, so-


-so goddamn hot, holy crap. Lily squirmed, rubbing their thighs together and biting their lip. "C-Could you warn me before you start that up again?"

"Do you really want that, Lily?" Weiss leaned forward, her eyes boring into Lily's. "Or maybe you like it better, knowing that I hold your intelligence, your mind, in the palm of my hand. That at any moment, I could simply say the magic word, and you'd be nothing more than an empty-headed toy." She tilted Lily's chin up, her eyes sparkling with ill intentions. "So tell me. Do you want me to warn you, or do you just want to..." She smiled wickedly, knowing that Lily would complete the sentence in their head.

Lily whimpered. It felt so different, being dominated by someone that wasn't Magnolia; no, not different, but fresh and exhilarating. Like the first time Magnolia had made them feel small and submissive and weak. They'd gotten so used to feeling like that, they almost forgot how powerful it could be. "P-Please..."

"Please what?" Weiss's thumb parted Lily's lips. She was clearly relishing, savoring how much she was making Lily squirm. And that only made Lily squirm more.

"Please... Lily gasped. "Make me giggle..." They closed their eyes just as Weiss said the word, and felt their mind turn sticky and sweet. They nearly fell off the barstool, but Weiss caught their arm and helped them stay upright.

"Careful," Weiss said sternly. "Wouldn't be fun to hit your head, now."

Hitting their headed sounded plenty fun to Lily, though. Actually, everything sounded fun. Everything was fun. Even just sitting on a stool, staring partially at and partially through Weiss, was more fun than they'd experienced in... maybe ever? They certainly couldn't remember having more fun, but it was hard to remember much of anything.

Weiss looked over Lily's shoulder and smiled. "Oh, Valerie! Come over here a sec!"

Lily heard footsteps coming from behind. "What's up?" Val asked. "Make it quick, I gotta pee real bad."

"It'll just take a second," Weiss replied. She tapped Lily's shoulder to get their attention. "Lily, sweetie? Valerie's been lifting weights upstairs. Wanna see if you could beat her at arm wrestling?"

Lilly nodded, their giggling remaining at a constant level. Words seemed so out of reach; and who needed them, anyway, when you could just giggle?

Weiss grinned. "Valerie, stand behind the bar, I'll count you off."

"Really? Arm wrestling? What is this, kindergarten?" Val sighed and hopped over the bar, moving in front of Lily. Her sweatshirt was off now, revealing a comfy, slightly sweaty t-shirt, as well as a toned, muscular pair of arms.

"Ready?" Weiss asked.

Val set her elbow on the table. Lily didn't seem to take the hint, so Val picked up their arm and clasped their hand into hers. "I guess so."

"Okay. Three, two, one!" Weiss slapped the countertop. "Go!"

Lily felt their arm being pulled down. It kinda hurt. They pushed against it, and brought their arm back to the center. That felt a lot better.

"Valerie, what are you doing?" Weiss asked. "C'mon, stop playing around."

"I-I'm not playing!" Val groaned. She stared at Lily's oblivious face with a mixture of determination, anger, and a slight hint of horror. "What the hell..."

Was there something else Lily needed to do? They had the vague feeling there was, but it didn't seem like much of a concern. Their arm was comfortable where it was, and more importantly, they were giggling. As long as they were giggling, that was all that mattered.

They felt Weiss move up beside them wrap her arms around their chest. "Giggle," she whispered, "giggle, giggle."

Lily's eyes went shut as their body convulsed, their giggling turning to full-on belly laughs the more Weiss repeated the word. Their arm slowly went down to the table, but it didn't matter. Nothing mattered. All they needed to do was giggle. Giggle. Giggle. Gig--


Just like that, the world came back to them. Lily opened their eyes, and saw Val staring at them in awe. "Shit, you're strong," she gasped. "If you hadn't been under that suggestion, you probably would've won."

"Huh?" Lily looked down at their own hand. Am I really that strong? Huh, I had no idea... "Wait, does that mean... Weiss, did you cheat to make Val win?"

Weiss grinned sheepishly and scratched the back of her head. "Well, uh. It wasn't really a competition, per say. I just wanted to see how you'd react to losing."

"If it makes you feel better," Val said, "she does stuff like that all the time."

"I do not!" Weiss retorted.

"Oh, bullshit," Val snapped. "What do you call dropping me right before I kicked your ass in Smash last night?"


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