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In the chaos of what used to be the pristine den, Kobo, their Golden Retriever unwittingly came into range of Charlie, their Siamese cat perched on the arm of their sofa. With a lightning strike of his paw, Charlie raked the sensitive nose of Kobo and jumped down to the floor through the discarded wrapping paper and boxes. Kobo barked and chased after the wily cat and the twins were trailing behind adding noise to the cacophony of sounds emanating throughout the house.

With ease, Charlie jumped upon the kitchen counter and achieved sanctuary from the furious Kobo who continued her barking as the unperturbed cat began bathing himself in appreciation of the Christmas gift of the injured dog.

"Okay kids, its time to leave. Go get dressed." Marilyn announced.

Ray drove his family in the cold grey morning to a familiar rendezvous. During the drive, he and Marilyn began to get lost in their train of thoughts. The melancholy aspect of the journey was lost upon the twins as they engaged into their old aged debate.

"You have to mind me because I'm older than you." Karla declared to her twin brother who had the misfortune of being born thirty minutes too late. Using the only logic available to the seven year-old boy, Paul declared, "Nuh huhn!" The debate drifted along those lines until the twins turned to the final arbitrator and asked their mom to decide who was right.

Using the wisdom of Solomon, Marilyn ruled they were both right and the main thing was they had to love each other. With that settled, the children drifted into another conversation.

Again Ray thought as he drove, nine years, so much had transpired. Marilyn had started her boutique graphic art business and from the start she was able to cherrypick the assignments that interested and motivated her. Ray had continued to dominate the law firm and soon forced the partnership to accept promotions and salaries based on merit. It made for a happier office.

Well, except for Karen. After Ray informed her, he was staying with Marilyn, Karen tendered her resignation. Ray tried to get her to agree to a transfer, but Karen was adamant. Two years after she left, a wedding announcement came to the office. Karen had found her a doctor to marry. Ray went online to their registry and purchased the most expensive item listed and wrote a warm note to go with it. Ray didn't attend the service.

Things went a little tougher with John.

One night, out of the blue, Marilyn received a text from John declaring his love and wanting Marilyn to meet him that evening at the Hilton where John had rented a room. Ray met the inebriated John at the bar and had a quiet conversation why Marilyn was not going to show up. As Ray left, the heartbroken man began crying at the bar as he finally realized Marilyn would never be his. Marilyn changed her cell number to assure herself there would be no repeats of that situation. Word eventually arrived back to Marilyn that John transferred to the London office of the firm.

Karla and Paul were a happy accident. At first when they discovered the pregnancy, fear flashed into both of them. But they sat down and talked like the best friends they were for so many years and they both realized they wanted another chance. So then came the sonogram and the discovery of twins and they took it as an omen from Rachel.

The delivery went smooth and the parenting came back to them as they adjusted their lives and tended to their children...and kept their fingers crossed.

Each Christmas became a ritual and now the twins were aware of the proceedings. They would surprise Marilyn and Ray with questions about Rachel. The answers would often bring up smiles and tears at the same time for the parents.

With the passage of time, it got easier to think of Rachel even though there would always be that hurt, that loss, that what might have been. Now they once again would focus it to the core as they arrived in the cemetery.

They wandered past the markers until they arrived at Rachel's grave. Marilyn sunk to her knees and silently wept. Ray joined her and bowed his head. Karla and Paul obediently followed suit. They remained quiet in the chill of the morning as their parents prayed to their lost child.

Then Marilyn collected herself. "Okay Karla, Paul, hold on to your balloon until we all release them at the same time," she reminded them.

Each hot air balloon had a small note attached. There was a balloon from each family member.

Karla's note wished that her big sister was there so they could teach her brother how to act. Paul's note wished that his big sister was there to keep Karla from bossing him around.

Marilyn and Ray's notes were more complex. Before attaching the notes to the envelopes, Marilyn and Ray would share their thoughts. There would be no more secrets to come between them.

Ray had written: "Dear Rachel, another year has passed and we are here on your 18th birthday. Today, all I can think about is you and how brave you were while you were with us. I miss you so much and I think of you every day. I wish I could have done more for you. I wish I could have seen you grow up to be the beautiful woman you were meant to be. But, God had other plans for you, Angel. I think back at your birthday wish for having a White Christmas and I wonder why I didn't pack us up to Canada for one year or just rent a snow machine so your wish could come true. But, I tried to do my best and be the best daddy to you. One day, we will be reunited and I'll get to see you in heaven. I love you, Daddy"

Marilyn's note went: "My sweet baby, how I miss you! I think about you every day and your daddy does as well. I try to visualize you as an adult. I regret that you missed out on so many things. Things I should have been allowed to share with you like every mother has with her daughter. Daddy calls you his Angel, but the truth is that you were an angel to us both. You saved us both from making a terrible mistake. So I think of you as my sweet angel. I know you remember hearing Daddy play that Willie Nelson song about an angel that flew too close to the ground. That is how I think of you. My guardian angel that helped me in my darkest moment and then God took her back to Heaven. I love you baby, Mommy"

The foursome stood up at the grave and at the signal released the hot air balloons that rapidly drifted upward. The family watched until the balloons vanished quickly out of sight in the dark foreboding clouds. With that the spell was broken and the kids turned to run back to the car.

Ray continued to look upward a moment longer. He knew that the balloons would soon lose pressure and drift back down to earth, but did it really hurt to think that the balloons made their way to Heaven to be read by Rachel.

He felt his soulmate slip her hand into his and looked into Marilyn's face and knew she was thinking the same thing as they began to walk back to the car and it happened.

Snowflakes began to fall.

Large flurries of snowflakes drifting down that would soon cover the ground. Cover the ground, and the foliage, and the countryside with its purity. Turning the world into a monochromatic world of whiteness. Finally, Rachel's wish had come true, a White Christmas. The children shouted and danced around the car trying to catch flakes on their tongues.

Marilyn and Ray looked at one another as drifting flakes kissed their faces and they both knew as tears came to them that once again their Angel was flying close to the ground.

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Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 days ago

Holy fuck... the drawing. 😭

AnonymousAnonymous16 days ago

Damn! This stuff keeps getting into my eyes!

SirDesteclesSirDestecles18 days ago

Wow, what a tale of love & heartache...very WL told and thanks for keeping the MCs physically true to each other, it's refreshing to see here in a place that offers the freedom to express our darkest desires! I really loved the change and the read! 5/5

HaceldamusHaceldamus21 days ago

Wonderfully touching story, you are truly gifted.

WolfOfTheWorldWolfOfTheWorldabout 1 month ago

Wonderful tale, I have many angels flying ti close to the ground right now. I'll be seeing them before this month is out. Wish I could give more than 5 stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

I wanted a hot story to jerk off to. Instead I get a well written heartwrenching story of love, heartbreak and second chances. I teared up several times. Damn you. Great story, you are extremely talented. Keep up the great work.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

This tale does a number on all who read it, some I'm sure cannot begin to finish it. Most feel 'grief' simply reading Oshaw's impressive tale. Can any of us begin to understand how people actually going through this experience can come out of it whole? Is it any wonder that people might make poor choices trying to get past the heartache of losing a child. We had a child stillborn but that doesn't come close to this.

As I read it the fourth time I myself thinking of music to go with it, Let It Be. Thank you once more for a story well told. I think I need to call my daughter now!

somewhere east of Omaha

William_LinesWilliam_Linesabout 2 months ago

I truly loved this story, but it made me sad.

Billy Lines

InJuneInJune2 months ago

Millions of parents whose children either have a disability or cancer go through this everyday…..

Spectacular imagery.

I certainly went through this and did a friend a mine.

Thankfully my friend made it. As for me, my child’s disability became too much and my marriage ended in Divorce….

Foggybottom81Foggybottom813 months ago

Bit of a tear jerker but loved it just the same.

EastCoaster1EastCoaster13 months ago

I haven't read any of the 781 comments already posted on this magnificent story before posting mine... and It's because I don't give a damn what anyone else may have said or thought about it. Maybe I'll read them later, maybe not.


All I know is that you must have felt deeply the loss of a very loved member of your family which touched a very raw part of my soul as you described the pain of that loss, because you explained it so well.


I hurt for your loss as I hurt for my own...


🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Very nice story interesting several dips turns and self evaluations you moved along at a good pace. **** I enjoy reading your work THANK YOU for sharing it with all that cannot.

lissa9876lissa98764 months ago

Excellent, loved the ending. I was worried the ending would be a divorce.

ncdeepdiverncdeepdiver4 months ago

I have read this multiple times. It still puts a lump in my throat!!

RustyReaderRustyReader4 months ago

Powerful heartfelt. Thank you dfor this story, Everyone that reads this piece, have or will feel some parts of this story in themselves. Well-done.

sMutPuPPy88sMutPuPPy884 months ago

Thank you so much for this…

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

it may not be the best ITS just better than the rest!

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

This story is very powerful and examines the emotions of a couple in a desperate situation with a deathly sick child. The emotional strain and the tug of war between competing needs of each person is described very well.

This story is one of the best & intense I've read on Literotica.

AceAureliaAceAurelia5 months ago

One of the most bed story’s on this site. RIP

DukeofPaducahDukeofPaducah5 months ago

I have yet to find another story here that approaches the emotional intensity of this one.

Tears blurred my eyes several times as I read and I felt real dread as the toxic downward spiral of this relationship gained momentum. The joys and sorrows of having and losing a child were described so vividly. The thoughts, emotions and actions of these characters all rang true.

The wedge of Rachel’s dying that drove Ray and Marilyn apart and her passing being the catalyst that reconciled was exquisitely ironic.

This tale is one of my favorites. If I had but one word to describe, it would be Magnifico.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Wow.gotta try to type through the tears.Thid is THE best story I've ever read on here or any where.true love always wins.The loose of a loved one you never get over.just learn to deal with the heart ache.great story.

jkthekatjkthekat5 months ago

Whew! A tearjerker, Thanks

SackettheartSackettheart5 months ago

Are you kidding me! A guy like me shouldn't be reduced to a tear wiping wuss. What a freaking great story so much of everything. Thank you for not having them physically cheat on one another and allow them to rebuild their marriage. If they had cheated and broke up and they still found that picture their daughter drew I would have lost it and been kicked out of my own house. 5 stars

DazzyDDazzyD6 months ago

One of the best if not the best story on Lit. You Sir are a bard of the highest quality. I tip my hat to you. I copied this from an anonymous below! . Dazzy D it is a perfect example of great writing an emotion!.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

One of the best if not the best story on Lit. You Sir are a bard of the highest quality. I tip my hat to you.

JunglediffdaddyJunglediffdaddy6 months ago

It’s amazing that a picture drawing from a child can communicate so much.. you wonder if Rachael knew that her parents were struggling or not …but I think at the very least we know Rachel knew she wasn’t going to be there forever and she wanted her mommy and daddy to have that picture as a wish and hope for them when she was gone.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is just brilliant. It's emotional and heartbreaking and wonderful all at the same time. It is one of the very best on this site. Really should be rewritten by the author as a book and then get filmed. It's that good. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This is legitimately a piece of art. It’s insane that a story this good is offered for free.


‘Grief’ is only rivaled in pure raw emotion by ‘Then Surely We’ and ‘Angels of Bataan.’ I don’t know where Oshaw went, but you’re sorely missed. Goddamned allergy season may have coincidentally struck when the picture was found.

SaxdpageSaxdpage6 months ago

Nen gets Stronger after death

GrassIsGreenerGrassIsGreener6 months ago

At least 3rd time reading this story, and my 3rd comment. This is my favorite story from one of my favorite authors. If other readers are looking for similar themes I suggest "The Promise" by DreamCloud and my all-time favorite "A little bit of Death" by Slirpuff

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Finally, an RAAC story I can get behind. I don't understand the idiocy of the majority of the RAAC stories on this site. This story will forever by a diamond in the rough of Literotica.

1_Inquiring_mind1_Inquiring_mind6 months ago

This is how you write a story. I felt all the emotions and yes cried at the loss. So glad they didn’t cross the line and reconciled. ***** out of 10 stars

OldmantruckerOldmantrucker7 months ago


Dennis26Dennis267 months ago

This story deserves way more than 5 stars ! Truly the best I have read here.

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise7 months ago

If I could give 10 stars I would thank you


KronkBonkKronkBonk7 months ago

This story made my eyeballs a little sweaty. Well done.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Damnonx. Was t asanf spurs, now I wanted this Tory fo.e d. Very glad it ended how it.did. VERY GLAD.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Damn! What a story. Tears of sorrow and joy in my eyes as I type this. Thank you! I might re read this just so I can add an extra 5 star vote to the tally.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

What a beautiful moving story I bet many readers had a tear in their eyes after reading it. There are many families going through this same trauma unfortunatley and i guess this story would maybe help them in their grief.

I am fortunate to have not gone through losing a child to a disease like cancer but have lost a mother and brother to it. I cannot describe the feelings as you watch them slowly die and you can do nothing to stop it but try to help them cope until the end. 5+

RedRachaelRedRachael8 months ago

Thank you for this story. My heart is beautifully broken as I read it. It’s everything a story should be.

Miguel_TugaMiguel_Tuga8 months ago

Sem dúvida uma história maravilhosa de drama e superação. 5 estrelas ou 1000 lágrimas?

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Its been over a year since my last read; absolutely the most powerful, moving tale written on Lit. Thank you oshaw!

somewhere east of Omaha

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago


Grief beyond belief.

You sure hit some triggers.

XluckyleeXluckylee9 months ago

5 stars x 100 from Xluckylee

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Wonderful.. just wonderful

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

some time five stars is not enough

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