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Group Sex in the West

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Wife discovers a sex club.
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Jenny Lynch's marriage was in trouble. She suspected that her husband James was having an affair. He made her feel fat and ugly but she was neither. After ten years of marriage and two children she was in remarkably good shape.

She was proud that was back to the weight she was before children. She was tall and lean. She jogged and did Pilates. She had just begun yoga. She watched what she ate and it showed. Her breasts hardly sagged. They were small but looked good on her. They suited her frame. Her long, dark hair glowed. She had expressive blue eyes that sparkled when she was happy.

James was ignoring her. For the last few months he had begun staying late at work and spending time in the office on weekends. Their sex life was in the toilet. They hadn't made love for a long time - she couldn't remember when they were intimate with each other.

Worse than that they stopped talking to each other. They had always made time for each other each day but that had completely stopped. Spending time just with her girls gave her time to mull over what was going on.

She rang her sister on the West Coast to rant about her husband. "He never wants to touch me...he is always working...he doesn't care about me...I try my best for him and he ignores me"

And on it went. In her sister she had a sympathetic ear. Janet was divorced and seemed to be much happier without her ex, Jake, around. She made all the right sympathetic sounds.

They spoke over the phone every couple of days and it was always the same. Jenny complained about James and Janet agreed he was being unreasonable.

One time she said, "James won't even touch me. I don't know how long it is since we've had sex. He doesn't seem interested anymore. He just wants to go to sleep. Nothing I say or do seems to make any impact on him. Janet what do I do?"

Janet replied, "Well, I don't want to alarm you but usually if a man doesn't want sex then he is usually getting some elsewhere."

"What do you mean, James is having an affair?"

"Probably. I'm sorry Jenny but it certainly looks that way. The same thing happened with Jake and me. He lost interest in me and just wanted to work, work, work. I know I got caught cheating but it was because he wouldn't look after my needs. So I looked elsewhere. I'm better off without him now anyway."

She'd had enough. This had gone on too long. Her sister had said that she needed time out to see what she wanted. She decided that she would talk to him as soon as he got home.

At about eleven o'clock that night he finally walked in the door. She was in the living room waiting for him. He was surprised to see her still awake.

"James, we need to talk," she said.

"Yeah, what about?"

"Us. What's going on with us? We never talk anymore. Hell, we never even see each other. Your two daughters hardly know you any more."

"Yeah, well, I've been busy at work."

"Bullshit, James. You don't care enough about your job to spend that much time there."

He made no reply. He just made to go to the bedroom.

"James, talk to me. I'm at the end of my patience."

"What are you saying, Jenny?"

"I need to work out what's going on. You don't seem to care much about your family any more, or your marriage. I need to know whether I do."


"And, I need to take some time out. I want to see if this marriage is worth saving. To do that I need to have some time alone."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean tomorrow I'm going away, by myself. Janet has invited me over and I'm going. The girls will be at mum's place. You can pick them up from there after work tomorrow night."

"Alright, Jenny, if you think that's what you need, then I guess I'll be hearing from you."

I turned away, tears in my eyes. 'He isn't even going to fight me on this. He doesn't really care,' I thought. Jenny went into the spare bedroom. She would sleep there that night and fly out to visit her sister the next day.

That morning she stayed in bed until James went to work. She took the girls to school and reminded them that nanny was to pick them up. She called her mother to remind her. Then she called her sister, who was ready to welcome her with open arms.

That afternoon she went to the airport, boarded a plane and settled in for the two-hour flight to her sister's home.

When she arrived her sister Janet was there, waiting for her. They hugged for ages and eventually when they let each other go Janet said, "Jenny, you've done the right thing. We are going to do some stuff while you are here that will blow your mind. And you'll know by the end of it where you want to be, I guarantee it."

"Oh, Janet, that sounds exactly what I need."

Since her divorce Jenny knew that Janet lived a life that was unusual to say the least. She had been a bit of a wild child growing up and was very experienced sexually by the time she settled down into married life. Unfortunately settling down wasn't quite the case. Her husband had caught her at a sex party at a private club where she seemed to be the centre of attention. Fortunately they had no children so when they divorced there was no custody battle.

Janet continued her free-love lifestyle after the divorce and, to Jenny, looked as happy as she had ever been.

She knew that she loved her husband but for the last little while it was difficult to like him. He made her feel as if she didn't exist. She fed him, cleaned his clothes and looked after the girls. He did nothing to help around the house. It felt like she was his maid, not his wife.

Meanwhile, James was bemused. He knew that Jenny had been talking to her sister and knew what she had been up to since her divorce. Hell, Jenny had mentioned it often enough, how she was so happy doing what she wanted and following her desires.

He knew that he had been working a lot. His company had acquired a smaller competitor and James was the one to ensure the smooth working of the takeover. It was interesting work, fascinating actually, and he loved it. Trying to keep as many people employed while ensuring the company wasn't losing money was a bit of a jigsaw, one that he enjoyed solving. And he was good at it, too.

As a consequence he had been working late a lot and when he got home he was tired and just wanted to eat and sleep. Couldn't she see that he was earning a really good reputation at work? Anytime he brought it up she put him down saying that he cared more about his job than his family.

He loved his daughters to pieces. They were the centre of his life. It was for them that he was working so hard. He knew that if he got a promotion it would mean more money for their upbringing. But his wife didn't see that. 'Or didn't want to see it,' he thought.

And now she was off to her sister's place. God knows what they'll get up to together. Knowing Janet, it won't be good, that's for sure. Fortunately he had kept in touch with her ex-husband Jake and knew that if he needed to find out what was going on, Jake might just be the one to help him.

Janet had the whole visit mapped out. "Jenny, tonight we're going to a nightclub where the dancing is hot and the men even hotter. If that goes well then there are a couple of private clubs I want to take you to. They'll blow your mind. You're going to love them, I guarantee it."

"I'm ready for anything, Janet. The way James has been treating me lately I need to blow off some steam. Hot dancing with hot guys might just do the trick."

"I bet you didn't bring any clubbing outfits so you can borrow anything of mine you like. Let's get home, have something to eat, get ready and get our dance on."

The sisters laughed together and Jenny was already feeling better.

Meanwhile James decided to talk to Jake. When Jake asked him how things were going he simply said, "Jenny is visiting Janet for a while. She says she needs some 'time out.' I know what Janet can be like so I can only imagine what this 'time out' will be."

Jake replied, "I've got a pretty good idea too. In fact there is a private club over here that Janet has been known to frequent. I'll bet she takes Jenny there at some stage. Fortunately I know the owner Tony Donato; I helped him out with some security a while ago and we worked well together. I'll see what I can dig up and let you know."

They talked about inconsequential things for a while and then Jake promised to email him with anything he found.

Jake visited his colleague that afternoon. He explained the situation and said that his sister in law would be with his ex-wife. Tony knew Janet and said he would look out for her. "The security cameras will shadow them as long as they are here."

Janet and Jenny got themselves ready for a night of dancing. Janet had some amazing clubbing clothes. She wore a halter-top that hardly kept her tits covered, with an impossibly short skirt that looked sprayed on. Jenny chose a lime green cut out dress that she wore without bra or panties. It too was very short.

Their make-up purposely looked just on the edge of slutty; it was really hot. Lot's of dark eye colour and bright red lips. The two were very beautiful women looking to score. As they were about to leave, Jenny took off her wedding and engagement rings. Janet looked at her and said, "That's my girl!"

They hit the hottest nightclub in town and drank, danced and flirted to their heart's content. Men of all shapes and sizes tried to get them to leave with them but none succeeded. Janet, surprisingly, looked out for her sister and Jenny wasn't quite ready for that yet.

They left alone and when they arrived at Janet's home talked about their night.

Janet said, "Jenny, you could have had your pick of the guys there tonight."

"I know," she replied, "and it felt really good to know that I was wanted by so many of them. After the last few months at home it's nice to know that I can still attract a man."

"Oh, you've got no worries there. You looked great tonight."

"Thanks, Janet. But tonight was just to get back in the saddle. What's on for tomorrow?"

"Well, my dear sister, that is up to you. We have three options. Number one is to hit the clubs again like tonight. You'll score there if you want to. Number two is a private club in town. It caters for those who would like to have sex without the world knowing about it. I've been there before. It's full of the most gorgeous guys and you can do almost anything you like there."

"You've got me intrigued. Tell me more," said Jenny.

"Well, you can find a guy and screw him silly, or you can find more than one guy and take it in turns, or you can do what I've done and be the only woman in an orgy."


"It's where Jake caught me screwing around and why we divorced. It's fun and I've been there many times since then. It may be just what you need; some mindless sex with no obligations. None of the mating rituals to go through, just simple consensual sex between adults."

"Hmm, sounds interesting. What's the third option?"

"Number three is a little different but just as much fun if you're game. It's a private club, like option two, but it's ladies only - no men allowed."

"What, a lesbian club?"

"Yeah, a lesbian club. It's outrageous but lots of fun. Have you ever..."

"No, but I'm not totally against it either."

"Well then, Jenny, make a decision tomorrow and we'll do whatever you want."

They went to bed but Jenny couldn't sleep. She'd been married for ten years and never strayed, but her husband was being such a prick at the moment she was really tempted. The attention she attracted at the club tonight made her feel beautiful again and she liked the feeling. She was leaning towards going out dancing again the next night but she couldn't stop thinking about the other two options. She eventually slept with her mind full of indecent thoughts.

The next morning she told Janet that she had made a decision. She wanted option two and some simple sex without any hassles. Janet was overjoyed. She was hoping for this option herself, as it had been a while since she had been there.

The day flew by as the sisters got themselves geared up for their night. Janet said they didn't need to advertise themselves like they did the night before because they were there for sex and everyone at the club would know it. She suggested some nice lingerie, though, as they might be wearing only that for a while.

Jenny wore a pretty pink set that was almost sheer. Janet was bolder and went for a black corset with stockings. A black shelf bra topped off the ensemble. Both wore elegant long dresses, Jenny in blue, and Janet in black and gold. They both looked stunning. Their make-up was also understated but they both spent almost an hour on it to make it look the way it did.

Eventually they arrived at the club. Janet was known there and the doorman remembered her. The two sisters entered the club and went straight to the bar. They both got a glass of white wine and surveyed the scene.

The club was tastefully furnished with plenty of red and black leather seating. There were booths to sit at or there some lounge areas. Doors led off to other rooms.

Janet explained that there were private rooms where one-on-one fucking took place. A couple could go together and stay there as long as they liked. The woman could stay there and receive other men, or vice versa. The lounge areas in this room were for the group activities. It was essentially a free for all. If you joined a lounge area it was usually to have multiple partners, often at the same time.

"That's where Jake saw me, over in that lounge area."

Janet pointed out the nearest one. A group of at least three women and a large number of men were currently using it. Each woman had at least two cocks in her and looked to be enjoying herself. Jenny was immediately wet. She thought that she would find a fuck buddy for the night and leave it at that. But watching the group scene in front of her gave her a feeling she hadn't felt in a long time. It was more than horny; it was pure lust.

Without saying anything to her sister she walked over to the group and sat down. A man welcomed her with a long passionate kiss. He unzipped her dress and suddenly she was down to her pink underwear. He unhooked her bra and tugged at her panties. She lifted her bottom up so he could pull them down. She was naked.

Her partner lay her down and kissed her nipples on his way down to her pussy. She shivered. He kissed it and licked her clit. She purred. He became a little more aggressive, sucking and biting at her nether regions. She moaned. He got more and more into what he was doing. She called out. He sucked her clit and inserted two fingers into her. She orgasmed.

Jenny was in heaven. Another of the men offered his cock to her mouth. She sucked it in and began feasting on it. Her first partner put his cock at the entrance to her hot pussy. She pushed herself forward and he entered her easily. She had been at the club for less than fifteen minutes and she had cum once and had two cocks spit roasting her. She loved it. She attracted other men. They fondled her breasts and thighs. They lined up to wait their turn. She was new and they all wanted her.

Meanwhile Tony sat in his office. He recognised Janet as soon as she walked in. Every security camera was trained on her and her friend. They captured all of the action in the lounge. By the end of the night it had recorded twenty six men fucking Jenny, twenty one men receiving blow jobs from her and three lucky men fucking her ass. Each time she was ass fucked she had two other cocks in her at the same time.

Janet had joined the group at some stage and had fucked and sucked a similar number of men as Jenny. Eventually they were left to clean themselves up and head home.

"That was wild, Janet. I couldn't help myself. There were so many beautiful cocks on offer. I loved it. We have to do that again while I'm here."

"Oh, yes, my dear sister, we'll do that again, don't you worry."

They arrived home and slept soundly.

While they slept, Tony Donato was editing the footage from the cameras. He cut it as much as he could but still had over two hours of action starring Jenny. As he was a porn producer he sensed the potential he had seen in her and was mulling the possibilities.

He called Jake and told him what he had. Jake came to the club and put it all onto a flash drive. He immediately sent it express post to James with a short note, "Sorry dude. Good luck, Jake"

James got it the next day. He read the note and got a bad feeling in his stomach. He plugged the flash drive into his laptop and started watching. He saw his wife of ten years whoring herself out to anyone who wanted her. Right at that moment his marriage ended. He was straight onto the phone to his lawyer and made an appointment for the next day.

That night Jenny said to Janet, "Well, we've danced and fucked. Let's go for option three tonight."

"The Lesbian club?"

"Yeah, the lesbian club. I may never get the chance to do anything like this ever again so I want to make the most of it. James couldn't give a shit so I'm going to have some real fun. When I go home I'll have a serious talk with that man and straighten him and our marriage out. I'll make him sorry he let it get this bad but when I get back it will be on my terms. I'm learning a lot about myself here and he'll like it or lump it."

"Good for you, Jenny. Fuck him."

They dressed elegantly again that night and arrived at the club at about nine o'clock. Inside it was much more feminine in its décor. Much more lace and satin incorporated into the surroundings. But it was essentially the same as the previous club; private rooms for one-on-one sex and lounge areas for group activities. Interestingly, Tony Donato also owned this club.

Again Jenny went straight for the nearest lounge area where about a dozen women, ranging in age from around twenty to about sixty, was working themselves up into a frenzy.

Jenny caught the eye of a young blond woman. She looked to be in her early twenties. She had short blond hair and the bluest of blue eyes Jenny had ever seen. She was as tall as Jenny and just as lean too. Her breasts were bigger though, probably a C cup, as opposed to Jenny's B cup.

Before she could do anything a pretty brunette came up and kissed her sensually on the mouth. She then lay Jenny down, hiked up her dress, took off her panties and dived right in with her tongue straight onto Jenny's clit.

Jenny was so turned on she didn't last very long. She orgasmed, and squirted a little too. Meanwhile another woman leaned in and kissed her. "Will you eat me, please," she asked?

"I'd love to," Jenny replied.

With that the woman put her knees either side of Jenny's head and lowered herself onto her waiting mouth. Jenny licked joyously at this unknown woman's pussy. After a couple of minutes the woman grabbed Jenny's head and held her there while she came. Lots of juice made its way into Jenny's mouth and she loved it.

The night was a repeat of that. Seemingly at no time did Jenny not have either a mouth on her pussy or her mouth on a pussy. As at the other club many women just came and went at their own pace. Jenny hardly moved but was worn out.

She had been there a few hours and the action had slowed down to a trickle. Jenny was between women when she saw the young blond woman again. This time she came up to Jenny and said, "Hi, I'm Jade. I wanna fuck you right now in a private room."

Jade then took Jenny's hand and led her to one of the private rooms. As soon as they arrived Jade attacked Jenny, kissing and licking her with unbridled passion. Jenny responded in kind. They were an orgasmic mess. Hands, tongues, and fingers were everywhere. Jenny lost count of the number of orgasms she had. In fact it seemed she was having one continuous orgasm.

When they finally slowed down she said, "Jade that was amazing. You are amazing."


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