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Guest Service Pussy-Licking

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Hotel spa service offers superb oral accommodations.
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This was part of her job. Penny lounged by the pool on an outstretched chair. She wore a small bikini to get a nice tan. Since she was working, she kept her eyes and ears open to observe the environment.

So far, this place was living up to the hype as being one of Miami's premier destinations for adults looking to unwind. Most of the clientele seemed like business people or tourists with extra time on their hands. There was light banter, but for the most part, people were enjoying some alone time.

She discreetly peeked around. Not only was this place luxurious, clean, and designed with grandeur, the staff was also a real dream. She observed the exclusively female team offer meticulous service to each guest, bringing drinks, food, or whatever accommodations needed. All with beautiful smiles.

In a few minutes, she'd take a dip in the water where she'd swim a few laps. Afterwards, she had an appointment for a full-body massage, followed by a spa treatment in mineral water.

Although this sounds like a vacation, this truly was an essential part of her job. She lived by three important tenets, which were the foundation of her career.

1. Her first rule was that she'd NEVER sell her good name. She couldn't be bought. If anyone ever found out, her credibility would be out the window. Plus, she prided herself on being a woman with strong morals.

2. No advance notice, no announcements, and no freebies. It was a breach of ethics in her profession to receive free stuff, as it would be seen as a quid pro quo. Once that happens, there goes your credibility.

3. Finally, and most importantly, she had to be well-versed, if not an outright expert in this field. She had to constantly learn, observe, and experience new things to be the best at her job. She prided herself on always showing a great depth of knowledge in her writings.

Having had enough sunlight for one morning, she stood up and did a little stretch in her bikini before diving into the pool.

She swam a few laps and really worked her muscles for the massage that was to follow. The glowing reviews on Yelp had mentioned how divine the full-body massages are, and she wanted to feel the full benefits.

When she emerged from the water, she pulled her hair back and wiped her eyes, and saw a professionally dressed Cuban woman standing by the pool to greet her.

"Penny, right?" the woman asked with a lovely smile.

Everything about this woman suggested management. It was obvious from the special uniform and the ultra confidence in her demeanor.

"That's me," Penny smiled back, wiping the water from her face again. "Excuse me while I dry myself."

"Allow me to get you a towel."

Penny stepped out of the pool and graciously accepted a towel from the Cuban woman and dried herself on the spot. With the hot weather, getting dry was easy. Her hair was slicked back with water and she focused on her body.

"Thank you," Penny said, finishing herself off. "You must be the manager."

"Carmella Lopez," the manager said, extending a handshake. "It's a pleasure to have you here."

They shook hands and smiled.

"Pleasure to be here. This is quite a place you're running. And I get personal service from the manager. Thanks again for grabbing this towel for me."

When Penny was done drying herself, she tossed the towel over her shoulder. In yet another act of service, the manager graciously took the towel and called out to an employee in Spanish to take it away.

"Customer service is what we do," Carmella said, shooing her employee away. "I must admit, I know who you are. I recognized you a while ago. I checked the waitlist for the spa to confirm."

This was one of the downsides of appearing on tv; it was harder to remain anonymous. But at the same time, it felt good being recognized. Penny didn't consider herself a celebrity, but she did enjoy the occasional perks.

Penny held her chin high and winked. "What can I say? I work hard and play hard too."

They both laughed and Penny knew that this woman was interested in further conversation.

"Are you here for work?" Carmella asked.

Exactly as Penny expected. Business owners or managers usually become tense and on-guard whenever they find out that she's around. Of course they'd be.

"Yes, I am officially working," Penny smiled with pride. "I'm currently touring the best spa services and pools in North America. I'm about halfway finished on my list of places to go."

"How fun. I'm positive this place stacks up well. Our service is the best in the world. Guaranteed."

"Oh? What's the secret? Everyone high-end place has a secret for success, I've come to learn."

"Passion, a taste for service, our commitment. A magic touch always helps. It's difficult for me to explain in English, as it can be a real tongue twister, literally."

Carmella gave a cute wink at the end.

"I'm excited," Penny proclaimed. "You know, I've heard so many great things about your spa and massage treatment. Not just from online reviews, but friends of mine who come to Miami. They say it's unforgettable."

"Yes it is. I designed the program myself. And thank you, it's sweet of you to say. All I ask is that you keep an open mind to our services."

"I can assure you, I can be harsh, but I'm also fair. I love giving props when it's deserved."

"Hmmm... my heart is racing."

Penny laughed. "You have nothing to worry about."

"I'm more excited than anything else. I can only assume that you've had hundreds of spa treatments over your lifetime. Mine is different. I'm very, very proud of it. It brings joy to so many over-stressed women."

"That's wonderful to hear. My expectations just went up, though."

There was a look of eagerness in Carmella's eyes, and Penny was unsure of what to make of it. Normally, Penny would do her job unbeknownst to the managers and/or owners. Being spotted and singled-out for preferential treatment could taint her review, but oh well.

Carmella gave a sultry expression. "Your appointment starts soon. May I escort you to the private room?"

"That would be delightful."

They walked towards the spa area while she was still wearing her bikini. They made small talk along the way and Penny realized that they were both like-minded working women, who had a taste for life's riches.

Before they entered the spa building, Carmella put her fingers on Penny's shoulders and gave a soft rub.

"One other thing," Carmella said. "We run a strict and professional business here. But for select clients, we sometimes go above and beyond. I'm sure you can appreciate the need for discretion."

"What do you mean?"

"Some things are better left un-reported."

Penny gingerly stood her ground. "I get why you'd be concerned. It's normal for people to be a little intimidated by me. All I can say is that I'm thoroughly impressed so far. Why? Is there anything specific I should know?"

At that point, she fully expected Carmella to give some sort of confession about potentially dirty conditions inside the spa, or that some of the staff members inside were under-trained. Anything that would be incriminating.

Instead, Carmella just seemed like she was holding back a big secret.

"Come with me," Carmella said. "I'd like to show you something."


In a surprising move, Carmella held Penny's hand and led her inside the building with all of the spa services. There were a series of private rooms.

Gentle tranquil music played in the background. Lights were dimmed. It was a serene and calming atmosphere to let go of everything.

"What did you want to show me?" Penny asked, upbeat and curious, like a student wanting to learn more.

"Promise you won't report this to your readers?"

Penny uncomfortably pursed her lips. "Carmella, you know that a big part of my job is..."

"Shhh...." Carmella hissed, putting her finger on Penny's lips. "Just nod and agree. You can write about anything you want. Good reviews or bad, just not what I'm about to show you. Are we clear, darling?"

Intensely curious, Penny nodded her agreement. This felt like college again, sneaking around, sharing secrets, and doing things they weren't supposed to. It made her feel young again.

"Great," Carmella said with a mischievous grin. "Walk gently and whisper. I'll show you what makes our services so renowned."

They held hands again and went deeper into the spa. Penny walked on tiptoes as she was barefoot. The further they went in, the dimmer the light was, and the louder the tranquil music was. The music seemed like a perfect cover for their activities.

When they approached a curtain, they stopped.

"I'd like you to meet Danielle, a regular here," Carmella whispered. "She's an outgoing woman who works in the financial department of a prestigious university. As you can imagine, she's very proper and refined. She's also a hard worker, which is why she comes here. For relief."

Being experienced with massages and spa treatments, Penny knew what closed-curtains meant and what it represented. It was a symbol of privacy, that someone was likely undressed in some form. Her ethics were being pushed to the bounds, even before she knew what was going on.

"Is Danielle naked in there?" Penny whispered.

Carmella gave a sly nod. "Yes."

"I don't know if we should be looking."

Carmella leaned in and whispered in Penny's ear. "Can you keep a secret?"

"Of course I can keep a secret, but..."

"We're all sworn to secrecy here. It's an honor thing. Think of this as a club for working women. Okay?"

Penny felt her heart pounding because of Carmella's continued teasing at whatever was happening at this spa. Without wanting to jump ahead of things, she got the impression that something naughty was going on. She hoped she was wrong.

Without further ado, Carmella used her fingers to create a small opening in the curtains to peer inside. The manager used one eye to discreetly look inside, smiling, then gestured for Penny to come over and have a look.

On tiptoes, Penny stepped towards the tiny opening in the curtains to have a look. She saw a dark-haired white woman with pale skin, laying face down on a massage table. Her body looked soft, like she hadn't exercised in many years; like someone who works in the office all day.

The woman was naked, breasts meshed downwards against the table, and there was a white towel covering her butt. Her upper back was shiny, having just been oiled and massaged. So were her legs and feet.

There was a Hispanic employee who was oiling her hands again. When ready, she removed the towel and tossed it in the hamper, leaving Danielle's butt exposed. Her ass was plump, round, and firm. Without a doubt, it was her prized possession, physically speaking.

"Danielle requested this," Carmella whispered in Penny's ear. "It's her favorite treatment."

Penny silently observed as the employee rubbed her hands together before placing her palms on Danielle's cheeks. It was full hand-to-butt contact. Penny had never seen this before! She gasped as the employee's hands slathered the shapely rear end, making it shine, even in the darkened room.

The tranquil music in the room only added to the atmosphere. Was this sexual? She wondered. In all her years of spa treatments, she had never heard of such things from any reputable place.

A moan escaped Danielle's lips as the employee's fingers dug deeper, as if kneading her ass like dough. Each squeeze was expertly done, like this had been performed a million times before.

Penny wanted to stop spying -- which was the moral thing to do -- but the visual was just too enticing. The woman was beautiful and the massage was very erotic to watch.

"Ms. Thomas, I will spread your legs now," the employee said with an exquisite accent.

"Mmm hmm. Thank you."

The employee spread Danielle's legs by grabbing the ankles and gently pushing them apart. The employee had a clear view of everything between the legs and she looked inside.

What Penny expected to see was the employee massaging Danielle's inner-thighs. Those are pleasure spots which rarely get enough attention during any massage because of how intimate it is.

Instead, the employee used her strong fingers to spread Danielle's cheeks, getting a surreal look at everything. Penny fully expected Danielle to at least freakout; to stand up and demand to know what the hell was going on. That didn't happen.

The employee bent down and buried her face in between Danielle's cheeks, moving in mouth-first. They linked together like a jigsaw puzzle, like the woman's face was designed to fit in between Danielle's bottom. There was moaning coming from both women after the contact. Danielle smiled and gave a little clench of her cheeks to press against the woman's face.

Penny gasped. Not wanting to get caught, she gently closed the curtain and tiptoed backwards, away from the private massage. Her legs were barely able to move because of the tension between her thighs. The manager quietly followed.

"That was cunnilingus," Penny whispered incredulously when they reached the hallway. "Or maybe that was anilingus. I don't know. I couldn't see which hole that tongue slipped into."

Carmella giggled. "It was a massage."


"Does it matter? Clients come here to feel their best. We provide that, and we enjoy the service we give. It's our passion."

Penny huffed. "That woman in there -- Daniella, or whatever her name is -- was getting her pussy eaten... or asshole... whatever."

"Are you going to leave?"

Penny gave a brief pause. "I don't know. It doesn't feel right."


"Are you trying to bribe me?" Penny asked in an accusatory way. "Is that it? Do you plan on having one of your employees go down on me, in exchange for the most amazing review?"

Carmella held firm. "If that were true, how do you explain Danielle's massage? Do you think we just pulled her out of the hotel and made her agree to service like that? And for the record, she was getting her ass eaten. There are a lot of nerve endings in there which most people are afraid to explore."

The blatant admission made Penny gasp. Ass eating? In a spa? The very thought seemed grotesque. She felt her pussy clenching while looking into Carmella's sultry eyes.

"I... I think I should go," Penny stammered. "You don't have to worry. I won't tell anybody about what I saw."

She stood still while Carmella reached out to caress her bare shoulder.

"No, no. Relax. The only reason I showed you is because you're new here. You signed up for the full-body massage with 'all the perks.' I didn't want you to be startled by what you signed up for."

Penny gulped. "And what did I sign up for?"

"All the perks," Carmella repeated, this time with a tiny grin and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.

Standing still, Penny froze. In all her years in this business, she had been hit on, sure. She had been asked on plenty of dates. She had been approached for one-night stands. But those were from random men in hotel lobbies or public places.

It was never anything like this, from a business! From another woman.

"I've never paid for sex before," she blurted, unsure of what else to say.

Carmella put a finger on Penny's lips. "It's a massage like anywhere else. We just go a little deeper. Please, I want you to stay. If you get uncomfortable, we'll pull back."


"I'll be there to personally supervise. I know how to treat newbies and make them feel at ease."

It would have been a great disservice to herself, and her readers, if she had backed out now. She always stuck to her schedule.

If she were honest with herself, she was curious. Not just intellectually, for how this place had such an amazing reputation, but sexually, wondering how they'd touch her. Penny had read plenty of articles about women (innocently and effortlessly) achieving orgasm through massage. Could this be it? Could it be the reason why so many women were raving about this place?

"Alright, I'd like to keep my appointment," Penny said. " I'm still very interested in the massages and spa treatments here."

"Follow me, dear."


The room was small, clean, with dimmed lights and music playing. There was a hot tub built into the floor, filled with mineral water that was ready for use. There was a prepped massage table. Penny was impressed.

"You can undress," Carmella said. "Service will begin soon. Did you want me to turn around? Or should I wait outside?"

It was more of an exhibitionist offer than a question. Penny knew that Carmella wanted to stay and watch. Not wanting to sour her relationship with the manager, she agreed. Why not? They were both adult women.

Penny pulled her bikini top and revealed her chest to the manager.

"Love those tan lines," Carmella said. "They're cute."

Penny looked down at her body. Her pink nipples turned hard. Her skin was tanned but her pert breasts looked like white triangles from her bikini tan lines. That's what too much time under the sun does to a woman.

"I'm glad you're enjoying the show."

Carmella winked. "It's not everyday that I get to see a naked celebrity."

"I'm flattered you think I'm a celebrity."

"I'm in love with your breasts. How's that for flattery?"

Penny smiled. "I prefer being called a celebrity."

Reaching down, Penny removed her bikini bottom and stood naked. She placed her bikini on a nearby table. Her crotch had the same tan lines; it looked like a white triangle. She was cleanly waxed from her previous trip two days ago. Her lips were prominent.

She prepared to lay on the table, face down.

"Other way," Carmella said. "You requested all the perks. So you'll be getting something extra special today. I suspect that any future spa treatment you receive will pale in comparison to this."

"You're raising the bar to near-impossible standards. Don't forget, I'm the Queen of Fine Living."

Carmella accepted the challenge. "Then we'll have to step up our game if we want to earn your accolades, won't we?"

This was the first time that Penny laid on a massage table without a towel. She hadn't even been offered one. Her entire body was exposed and she knew that Carmella was getting a real eye-full.

The employee entered the room; a young and pretty Hispanic woman in a uniform. The woman seemed oblivious to nudity. A sign of a true experienced professional.

"This treatment requires two women," Carmella said, heading over to the sink to wash her hands. "I'll assist. Believe me, my hands are as good as anyone else's here."

"I believe you."

Penny closed her eyes and listened to the tranquil music in the background, doing her very best to pretend she wore a towel like she normally did. She heard the sound of their hands being oiled.

The hands descended on Penny's body at the same time, with Carmella working on her legs, and the other employee working on her arms. An unexpected pang of excitement was felt deep within her belly and she couldn't help but linger on the soft strength of the women gliding on her feet, calves, thighs, and arms.

"Just like that," Carmella said softly to the employee, speaking in a low voice to avoid interrupting the mood. "She's loosening up. I'll let you know when she's ready. Follow my lead."

Their hands mirrored each other, working into Penny's flesh the same way, with the same technique. Penny wondered what these pros had in store for her. Her expectations were high given all the hype.

Penny felt hands moving all around her legs, pausing at the gentle curve where her butt cheeks met her thighs. Even as she was laying on her back, the women still reached under to fondle her butt. She admired the strength of these hard working women.

After Penny let out a contented sigh, the pressing palms made circles around her crotch, hips, and stomach area. It was yet another gentle reminder that she was naked and that these women had full access to her body.


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