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H & J The Influencers


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A smile crept across Jessica's face. "Oh, go on. Less to carry up the stairs that way." Jessica smiled as both of them sat on the edge of the boot, the car springs creaked as it took their weight, as they proceeded to smoke their cigarettes, fill their mouths with cheese flavoured tortillas.

"I might open this bottle of cola just to wash them down." Heidi decided as she twisted open the lid as it fizzed in front of them.

"Yeah, again less to carry up."

"I knew that there was a reason we ordered delivered takeaways."

"Oh yes," Jessica chewed on a mouthful of crisps, "good thinking tomorrow we should do that breakfast one."


"Good morning viewers. We both woke up and agreed we were really hungry this morning. It felt as if we were almost like we were going to waste away into nothing. We both thought that we couldn't have that. It would be far too much of a shame. We did contemplate having a couple of bowls of our shredded wheat with oat milk or we could have something far more exciting." Heidi beamed into the camera. "Jessica got her phone out on the ole Deliveroo app this morning. But as we were both in bed, Jessica probably still had her eyes closed, so she and her ever fatter thumb were again in charge of ordering the food."

The camera panned out across the coffee table full of McDonalds wrapped muffins, hashbrowns and their baps.

"I guess that means that I need to help her eat it all. My stomach is completely empty. I am just so hungry." Heidi held on to her bare belly and gently jiggled it up and down as if to make the point. "What about you Jess?"

"Ohh, I am starving, having not eaten since our little midnight snack of cheese on toast."

"Oh, yeah, that was nice and cheesy. Totally forgot about that. Well, we better get on with breakfast then." Jessica smiled at the camera. Her noticeable new double chin more starting to show.

Both girls grunted as they got themselves down onto the floor tugging at their overly tight denim shorts in an attempt to get it straight.

"Well, we better start otherwise we know that we might die of starvation and it would be a completely different video. Also, it will all be cold before we have got going. Ohh, I do like a double sausage egg muffin. What about you?" Heidi looked to the camera and then to Jessica who had the breakfast bap in her hand, the ketchup sauce starting to creep down her hand as they both started eating.

They sat there and talked about their plans for the day, which ultimately focused on what they were going to have for lunch and then dinner. There was lots of slurping on coffee, happy sighs as they picked up and unwrapped yet another muffin and started chomping as they worked their way through the collection of muffins and breakfast baps with their associated hashbrowns.

"Oh my god, it is scary how my thighs and ass are just so much bigger now." Heidi announced as she sat up on the sofa, her hand wobbling her thigh fat. Not bothering to adjust her clothing. Her stomach bulged against her tight jean shorts. "Do you guys know the most exhilarating feeling right now?"

She smiled at the camera as her fingers migrated to the button on her jeans. "I normally do this after the camera stops, but just for you guys I am going to do it now." She took a deep breath and unpopped. Her belly flopped out slapping against her thighs.

Heidi loudly and contentedly sighed. "That is so much more comfortable, the hem was digging in." She looked across at Jessica who giggled as she did exactly the same thing, her jeans buttons being undone and the belly bulging out.

"I have never been this fat in my life, and I love it." Jessica grinned again at the camera.

"Well, we will see you all on Thursday. Where we will look to eat a four-person family sharer Chinese between us. Cheerio!" Heidi waved to the camera.

Jessica got up and padded around to the camera and turned it off. She wiggled her hips and let her large shorts slump to the floor leaving her large bare buttocks on display.

"Heid babes, I really need the bathroom and then a shower, you coming too?"

"Oh, I was going to have a ciggy, I will wait for the bathroom, you will only stink it out." Heidi grinned. "I will then come up for the shower."

Jessica screwed her face up and nodded her head. "Okay, I will have a ciggy in a bit, I can't help our diet and my guts. See you in 10."

"Cool, I need a drink after all that."

Chapter 13

Heidi loudly burped as she slowly shuffled back from the bathroom, tugging at her T-shirt down as it was again riding up high over her bloated stomach. She paused as yet another burp poured out as she sat down and again adjusted her top as she stretched forward and picked up her nearly empty can of beer. She gulped the last down, putting the empty can back down and loudly licking her lips. "Can we open the windows and sit and smoke here, I can't face going downstairs again?"

Jessica giggled. "We only went down 10 minutes ago. On your head be it. I hope there is no flat inspection tomorrow."

Heidi shook her empty can, she huffed "I need another smoke with my next beer anyway!" She groaned as she pushed herself up from the sofa once again. Her bulging belly shifted so that it was overhanging her leggings, "It will be on my head and in my lungs." She giggled.

"Okay!" Jessica shrugged her shoulders. "I am very happy with the idea of just sitting here and smoking!" She grinned.

Heidi walked over the large living room windows, her leggings and pink panties only pulled halfway up her large white ass, the two white fabric labels flapping free like a tail between her cheeks as huffed as she pulled back the curtains and with a grunt pushed open the windows. The noises of cars and people from the street below soon filled the room.

"That's better!" She stated as she turned and reached for her pack of cigarettes and lighter, getting the filter between her lips. Quickly lighting it with a double pump inhale. "You gonna have one too?"

"Of course!" Jessica smiled as she slid her own cigarette and lighter from her pack on the arm rest.

"Jess babes, I'm liking that I can drink more now!" Heidi announced around her cigarette as huffed as she sat back down and pulled on the filter again.

"Well, you were such a one glass wine date before babes." Jessica grinned as she gulped her beer.

"There is twice as much of me to absorb it now!" Heidi giggled before grabbing a fresh can and putting her nail into the ring pull and opening it. Still jumping with the shock of the fizz.

"It's okay, we can drink as much as we like, the calories in beer don't really count!"

"Well, that's all good." She took a gulp.

"Exactly we just piss them away!" Jessica giggled at her rudeness.

"Again, even better."

"But Heid, talking of real calories, we could go for a fry up and Smokey Joe's tomorrow?"

Heidi gulped her beer, swallowed and licking her lips sighed. "Hell yeah, that's an excuse to have another can later, as that will soak it up!"

Jessica smiled, "We should film ourselves next time bloating up on beer!"

A grin crept across Heidi's face. "Hell yeah, as long as I can play with your stomach?"

"Oh, course babes. I love drunk you playing with my belly." Jessica unwrapped her maxi dress and with her bra and belly free grabbed her stomach and wiggled it to Heidi.

"Don't make me too hot, babes." Heidi giggled as she dragged on her cigarette, exhaled and then left it dangled between her lips as her fingers stroked her crotch.

"I can make you as hot as I want!" Jessica giggled as she spread her thighs wide and wobbled her fat stomach over her black panties in the direction of Heidi. "It's so much better when you do it."

"I fucking love you doing that." Heidi panted as the smoke poured from her nose and lips as her fingers stroked her crotch through her leggings.

"I love you doing that too!" Jessica giggled as she wiggled and giggled her stomach whilst watching Heidi's hand as she vigorously pawed at her crotch.

The ripping sound was loud as it was obvious. "Oh fuck, they were too stretched, I've fucking ripped a fucking hole in my leggings." Heidi giggled as her fingers continued stroking her crotch, the smoke swirling from her cigarette.

Jessica chuckled as she clamped the cigarette between her lips, huffed as she stood up, her dress flapping open like a cape as she slowly moved across the room. She smiled at Heidi and took the cigarette from her lips then giggling kissed Heidi on the lips. "I better get them off you then."

"Oh, yes please." Heidi grinned as she put her hand out to squeeze Jessica's equally bulging stomach as it came closer.

Chapter 14

"Welcome viewers." Heidi grinned standing there in what now had become a very fitted plain black t-shirt, which hugged her hips and breasts, along with a pair of grey elasticated sweatpants. "Today Jess and I are still a little hungover, and very full. We just came back from eating an extra-large man sized fried breakfast at our local greasy spoon. It was delicious. As such we need to do something this afternoon that is a little more relaxing. Today we are going to do a clothing haul of a difference."

Jessica stood forward and said, "We have gone to the back of our wardrobes and are going to try putting on some of our last two season's clothes."

"As you are all aware since then we might have put on a little bit of weight." Heidi giggled as she wobbled her stomach though her top. "As such, "try" is going to be the word of the day. We are going to see what we can still get into! I was going to show you my favourite leggings, but I ripped them yesterday evening after getting up after dinner." She giggled.

They then proceeded in their black underwear to go through a selection of blouses that when done up, the huge gaps between the buttons showed most of their black bra. It took time. Everything took a little longer to get on or off, they needed to sit after struggling as in some cases the buttons did not do up around their much larger chests, however much they tugged or tried to hold the fabric together, the buttons would not go in.

They sat down and tried pulling up slim fit jeans that did not get past the knees, then stood up and still the trousers would not go up past their now much chunkier fat thighs. Bouncing around with each tug, bending over their thighs wobbling and bellies jiggling as they unsuccessfully managed to get properly dressed in anything. They soon gave up with that attempt and moved on to the next item of clothing.

Heidi eventually with Jessica helping got her little denim shorts up her legs and around her large, scalloped lace edge black panties and with a grunting and standing up with breathing in, finally got the button done up, but her stomach and hip fat bulged like a white mushroom over the top.

"I don't think I will be wearing these again!" she declared as Jessica stood back grinning and as Heidi looked at the camera and bounced on her toes wiggling and wobbling her stomach that protruded above it.

"But Heid, it looks hot as!" Jessica laughed as her hand stretched over and she poked the belly.

"Oi stop it!" Heidi laughed along too. "As she continued bouncing on her toes with greater vigour getting her breasts and stomach to jiggle and wobble in an ever-bigger arc."

"Ooh look at her belly!" Jessica laughed as she pointed.


"Oops!" Heidi laughed and then looked at Jessica and then pointed as her brass button cartwheeled banging off the table as it travelled across the lounge towards the camera and the denim fly flopped open under the weight of her belly.

"Well Heid, you definitely won't be wearing those again."

"Glad we bought a similar pair a couple of sizes bigger the other day!" Heidi chuckled as her hands gently caressed her stomach. "But at this rate, I'm not sure I will still fit in even them come next summer."


Jessica got the camera to focus on Heidi's face. "Sorry for a break there, we literally needed a sit down. It's hard work getting changed. We were both getting rather hot and sweaty!" She grinned and wiped her forehead in faux relief. She did not say that they both stopped and leaned out the window and had a much-needed cigarette.

"In the break though Jess and I got changed into our little cocktail dresses we wore a couple of years ago to a couple of events. I am so chuffed that I got into it. Yes, I have to admit I had to breathe in as Jess had to struggle quite a bit to zip me up. My new back fat kept getting in the way. But I am in!"

Jessica then zoomed out to show Heidi standing there, her body bulging against the seams of the silky black dress. Her bulging breasts were practically falling out the top as the fabric. The sleeves were glued to her now chunky fatty upper arms. Heidi grimaced every time she moved her arms. However much she wiggled it would not get comfortable. The fabric stuck to the curves of her body. With every small step her legs moved forward the hem sprung up her thighs. She would instantly pull it down, and her breasts and bra would then pop out the top. The dress was glued to her skin so much that the hole where her belly button was along with the hem of both top and bottom of her panties were very evident though the fabric as well as the whole of her bra.

"I think we look sexy and hot!" Heidi beamed as her hands traversed her body almost holding on to her stomach, as if it was going to fall off. As Jessica, looking equally squished into a strappy matching dress stood beside her wrapping her arms around Heidi's waist. Her larger breast sagging against the fabric, her belly pushing the fabric tightly. With her chunky legs sticking out below.

"Well, we need to take a lot of these to the charity shop, or if you want to bid for any items that we have worn before they get discarded, let us know in our usual channels, please do subscribe!"

"Cheerio!" Jessica waved goodbye, her fat under arms wobbling away. As Heidi kept hers down by her side. Her arms in the tight dress hurt too much to wave.

They paused where Jessica would do the cut, and then turned to face each other. Their bellies collided squishing together. Their hands crawled over their taught dresses stretched over their fat bottoms. They kissed each other as they fought with the zips. With their lips together they hurriedly tried to get out the tight dresses, eventually dropping them to the floor.

Their hands were all over each other's bodies. Between slurping kisses, moans and grunts, the bra's were popped off and the panties tugged to the floor before Heidi pulled Jessica on top of her as they fell back onto the sofa.

Jessica got very excited the following morning as Heidi went to Tesco's to get yet more cigarettes and probably knowing her more donuts. Watching back as Jessica's pyjama shorts ended up on the floor as she then got a passionate embrace and Heidi's huge jiggling naked backside wobbling up and down directly in line with the camera as she went down on her. They then swapped over. It made her hot and wet just watching it back. She made herself cum. Then lit a cigarette as she focused on editing the clip.

It was a "needs must" edit to make it suitable for YouTube. Saving the last twenty minutes of their very naked fun, as an exclusive for their Patreon account holders.

Chapter 15

"Good afternoon viewers!" Heidi beamed standing there in just her what was a large matching pair black bra and panties, but were becoming far too small as her voluptuous breasts bulged out the top as they squished inside and gluttonous stomach was more than hanging over hiding both of the little pink bows on the front of her knickers. "This afternoon we are going to make a video of difference. Jess and I are going to see how bloated our empty stomachs can get on beer.

"One thing we've got to admit," Jessica joined in, "Heidi for all her weight, is still a complete lightweight when it comes to beer. She may well give up after two bottles, we shall see." She grinned and smiled at the camera.

"Thanks sweetie, we are going to see how we get on. I have got several bags of potato chips to munch on if the beer gets too much for me. Annnyway. We've got six coronas each, and we have precut the limes." She grinned. Don't want to be playing with knives after five bottles of beers. She giggled. They had already had a beer whilst setting up.

They sat there chatting rubbish about the weather and about the nonpolitical news as they drank the first two bottles very quickly taking only twelve minutes. There were lots of burps and giggles and patting and gently lifting of their stomachs letting them jiggle around.

The third bottle was a little slower; they kept looking at the camera and playing with their bellies. They then both took turns in the bathroom and had a cigarette break. They certainly did not want the evidence of them smoking inside their flat on camera. They were comfortable knowing that they would cut the video later.

Each additional bottle brought a toilet visit, and a cigarette break, another cut for Jessica to sort in the morning. Heidi settled back on the sofa and leaned forwards and opened the two large sharing crisps and started crunching on a mouthful. "That's better, I need something solid in my stomach." She grinned as she crunched once again.

"She can't go that long without food!" Jessica giggled as she too took a handful and started crunching.

"Our bellies are so full of beer it's impressive!" Heidi happily giggled and wobbled her stomach. As she had just been to the bathroom, it was completely empty. "Plenty more room!" She licked her lips and took another mouthful of crisps.

The sighs and retrieved crumbs from the breasts and bellies and the effort to bring the bottle to the lips was harder, the moans and huffs were louder as they lay back their legs wide on the sofa holding the bottle in one hand and their bulging bellies in the other.


The final beer was finished, they burped loudly and giggled and burped once again. They waved goodbye to the camera jiggling their bellies as well.

Both girls then pulled their cigarettes out from behind the cushions and lit up.

"I've got a beer head and need another piss too!" Heidi groaned as she continued patting her stomach. Before dragging on her cigarette.

"Don't ruin the sofa!" Jessica said with panic in her voice.

"I won't!" Heidi giggled as she wiggled herself to the edge of the seat. "But this bra is too effing small!" She huffed with the cigarette dangling between her lips she eventually wiggled it off, her breasts flopping out. "That's one thing sorted."

Jessica chuckled. "You don't need to perform babes."

"I am not." She huffed as she stood up and wobbled backwards and forwards. "I'm fucked, I have had six beers." She giggled as she ran her finger on the hem of her panties to pull them out of her bum crack. The elastic loudly slapped back in place.

"Will I order an Indian tonight?" Jessica carefully picked up her phone.

"After the beer, that sounds like the perfect idea babe." Heidi then let out another loud burp. "I could murder a Jalfrezi and all the trimmings." She wobbled as she shuffled towards the hallway.

"I will get the extra naan and loads of the poppadom's."

"Wonderful. Maybe some more beer too?" Heidi questioned, before she burped loudly from the bathroom before being drowned out by the fan.

"On it!"

Chapter 16

"Good afternoon viewers, welcome into our little kitchen. As always when we get to see you. It's lunchtime, which, after breakfast, and before dinner, and after snack time is the best time of day." Jessica grinned sweetly at the camera. "As you can see, I have blindfolded my gorgeous sexy Heidi." Her hand outstretched across the kitchen, her under arm fat swinging side to side as she pointed towards her lover.

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