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Halloween Change Up!

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A sudden change in fortune, going from broken to moving on.
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I originally started this for a Halloween contest. Work and life made that a challenge.

Thanks to Hooked 1957 for editing so it is more readable. Any mistakes remaining are likely due to me trying to get things better...

This is a story of mystical powers, the power of suggestion, or maybe just the power of random acts of kindness. It is a story of fiction and so it is a story, not a reality. If you choose to not believe the story line, get out now. Don't give me one star and tell me how bad a writer I am. If I was a great writer, I would be selling books and living the life.

I'm just a storyteller telling a story. Maybe one you might enjoy. That is my hope. That you follow the trip and believe good things can happen, sometimes... in spite of what life serves up.

So, my life was over. At least it felt like it.

Friday night before Halloween and my girlfriend I just found out, was getting boned by a friend of mine. To top it off, they had been fucking regularly for months. All of the times she came home from work late now made sense. No interest in sex on those nights, except a few times she came home drunk, after supposedly sharing a few drinks with the girls.

I cringed when I thought that she was just super wet because she got horny when she drank. I had eaten her out several times. I gagged again thinking about it.

If that wasn't bad enough, my roommate was throwing a Halloween bash at our place tomorrow night. Well, he was throwing it now, originally, he, Winnie, and I were throwing it. I backed away when I found out. Winnie was still involved in organizing it. And now Brock was her date.

So, what does any heartbroken 22-year-old do when their life goes for a shit? Hit the seediest strip club in town with the intent of seeing how far the girls will go and how drunk I can get on $223.00 that's all I had until payday. Well except my reserve funds, but I wasn't touching that money. It wasn't much but it was earmarked for when I wanted my own house. or some stupid fucking dream. Maybe if it got me laid, I might spend some of it.

The strip club was pretty quiet for a Friday. There were a few tables filled with college guys The stage had half a dozen older perverts leering at pussy and tossing a few bills with a vain hope of getting some desperate dancer willing to fuck them.

I had one cute girl in a cat suit in invite me to the back room. She was cute, but her small frame and A cup tits reminded me way too much of Winnie. I waited for a different choice. I was idly wondering about the girl currently spinning on the pole. Her tits were perfect globes She had a nice ass, pretty nice face. But she looked like she danced on autopilot.

"Shame she doesn't have more energy, isn't it." A voice beside me spoke. "Mind you, it would be hard to to be enthusiastic about doing this 5 nights a week with those clowns being the better tippers."

I turned to look and see who was talking to me. He was short. I mean really short. I was sitting and I was still head and shoulders taller than him. He was kind of a misshapen dude. His head was big, by proportion. He had long straggly hair. A sparse beard, and a thick neck. The rest of him looked like a stout Dwarf off of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

"You look like you could use a friend" he said. "Name is Balraj" he stuck out a thick muscled hand. He had a grip like a vice.

"John, " I said.

"May I?" He asked pointing to the chair beside me.

"Sure!" I nodded.

"So, what has you looking like someone stole all your candy?" He asked.

"I just found out my girlfriend has been fucking one of my friends for months" I said," And I've been the smuck who has been helping her with bills, tuition, and books. While buddy gets the free ride!"

"Ouch!" he commented shaking his head. "That has to hurt!"

Our waitress wiggled her way over, in her red devil outfit that was two sizes to small. "What will it be Hon? Another rum and coke?" She asked me.

Balraj spoke up, "My usual, and one for him too. Skip the R&C that shit's bad for you!" He laughed.

I was finding myself liking this guy. He was a bit of a character. "OK, I'm game to try something different."

"Good lad" He slapped me across my back. I've had linebackers who would be shamed by his strength. "That's what you need to get past this kind of shit. A willingness to try something different!" again, he laughed. So did our waitress.

We watched the dancer finish her set and then get an offer for a private dance from one of the front row letches.

"Poor girl." He lamented. "I try to tell her to have confidence" He lamented. " She has a ton of abilities, and not just for dancing. She is smart, she just needs to believe."

I was becoming intrigued with this strange man. "Do you come here often?" I asked.

"Truth is, I run the DJ booth. The only ones who usually see me are the dancers and servers." He commented. "I keep the girls safe, and they treat me nicely."

"Cool! So why are you here if you are off tonight?" I asked.

He laughed, "You are different. Most people when I say that figure I get charity fucks, and wonder what I do to protect the girls. Some people scoff at the thought, not you. Good lad!" he pounded my back again. "Open mind, I like that!"

"Credit my mom for that, she always said keep an open mind. The only thing a closed mind gets you is stuck in the dark." I said.

Our waitress brought two orange-colored drinks. While sweet, they were very tasty.

"What is this?" I asked. "It is really good!"

"My own invention. It is an apricot nectar with OJ and Amaretto. And one other secret ingredient." He said and raised his glass to toast. "Health and Happiness and an open mind!"

I clicked my glass to his. "Cheers"

"So, this girlfriend of yours. And your friend. Any idea as to why?" he asked.

"When I asked her, she told me she really likes to fuck. She indicated he wasn't the only guy, he was just her 'go to' fuck buddy. He has a big cock. She likes cock. And to her bigger is better."

He laughed. "I've heard that before. I suppose to some extent it is true, but honestly, someone who is paying attention is way better a lover than a thick cock."

"Not according to her. I mean I am a decent size, and always thought I was good. She always cums. But she told me I am crappy in bed." Idrank my drink back trying to drown the pain of those stinging comments.

"She hurt you with that, didn't she.?" He asked.

"Between her and then my friend calling me "little John' It hurts a bunch. I feel a fool." I spoke.

He bought me another drink. "Do you really believe that? Or is it a sting of a slut who got caught trying to justify her transgressions?"

"I don't know. I just wish she'd get what she deserves. And I wish I could feel good about who I am as a lover again." I said.

"What about your friend? What would you want for him?" he asked.

"Easy. Seeing as how he is such a big dick, I want his reputation to be exactly what he is. A big dick!" I smiled.

Balraj laughed a great hearty laugh, "I fucking love it! It's perfect!"

We watched the dancers for another drink or two. We laughed and talked about life, love and my hopes for a future. By 2 in the morning, I was actually feeling much better. I was also slightly drunk. Or maybe a bit more than slightly drunk. The dancers had performed their last set and were hanging around our table. They were laughing and I noticed they were very touchy Feely with me.

I also was surprised to have them asking questions about me. What I did for a work, and what I was studying. The dancer who was seeming to be on autopilot even began to laugh at my feeble attempts at humor. She also blushed when I told her I really liked watching how she moves to the music.

She told me she loves dancing but hates the groping of the customers. She was hoping to quit dancing in clubs and find something else.

I did my best to encourage her. So what else would you like, if you had an opportunity?"

"Easy" she said. "I want a date, where the guy doesn't figure a blow job and quick fuck aren't a sure thing, because of what I do."

"I think you need to date better guys. They should date you because they like you" I said.

The bartender came by, "It's closing time guys! I have to kick you out unfortunately. The local law insists we get everyone out on time" he shrugged.

I Thanked Balraj for the conversation. "Thank you for taking the time to listen. I really appreciate it and thank you ladies. I have enjoyed getting to know you as well." I turned to Lucy, the one who had opened up with her story. "You deserve a good man, who treats you well. I hope you find him, and a job you like. Especially so you can enjoy dancing again."

I stood and headed for the door.

Baltaj called out. "John, I have something for you. For tomorrow. Consider it a gift for a deserving friend." He handed me a package of incense cones. "Have an open mind and burn this tomorrow night. And enjoy Halloween! It is a great excuse to let loose!"

I took the package, "Thank you!" I said and shook his hand. And then I left.

Outside I hailed a cab. I got home to hear my friend and my ex-girlfriend fucking their brains out in the guest bedroom. They had been over doing last minute touches to decorate the house supposedly.

I flopped down on my bed and thought about how weird z night it had been, compared to what I set out to do.

Next thing I knew it was morning.

I woke up and realized I was the first one up. I made coffee, and a quick omelet and toast. I just finished eating and was working on my coffee when Winnie came out of the guest room wearing nothing but a smile. She went to the washroom and then came and sat on the stool beside me.

"Fuck he is so big, I going to be sore for a week." She smiled at me. It was a smile like the one a bully has on his face just after he scares the shit out of his next victim.

I smiled at her. "I heard you fucking. I thought he was going to break the wall. I bet you loved every inch of him!"

She seemed surprised I was smiling and talking about her enjoying being fucked. "Yeah, he likes me wet and he loves pounding me hard. I cum soo much like that!"

"I heard" I laughed. "It's hard not hearing!"

"My little cuck likes to listen, does it make you hard hearing me get fucked? Seeing me naked after him filling this tight little pussy?" She was trying to tease me.

"No, I just think you enjoy being a slut sometimes. Don't you?" I teased.

She started playing with her pussy. "You're getting turned on, aren't you? I bet you want more. Don't you?"

I laughed, "No, sorry. I am fine. But you do you. Literally!" I looked at her fingers getting wet as she slid them inside herself. "What time does the party start?"

"Are you still coming? And are you still coming as superman?" She asked.

"Yeah, I figure it will still be fun!" I replied.

"You better pack a sock or two down there. That suit was really revealing." She laughed. Her fingers were making wet squishy noises as she fucked herself.

"I am quite comfortable with who and what I am, are you?" I retorted.

"OH fuck yeah! " She moaned. " I am loving who I am."

"Good, you should. What are you going as?" I inquired. I presumed Supergirl was no longer on the table.

"I was going to do Lady Godiva, but I decided to do Jenna Jameson instead" she smiled again, with a gloating look.

I thought that her choice demanded Jenna. I always thought she was a better version of porn star. She teased men better and was more erotic instead of the usual grunt and moan. Winnie did bear a striking resemblance to her though.

"That should be an interesting choice" I commented.

"I bet you wank a bunch of times thinking of me tonight!" She laughed at me.

Brock chose that moment to come out of the guest bedroom. He had his jockey shorts on, he was scratching his balls on his way to the can. "Teasing your cuck again Win?"

"You know it babe" she spun and faced him spreading her legs wide. Her fingers plunging in her wet cunt at a rapid rate.

I thought to myself something feels odd. Yesterday she had me devastated. Today I was fine watching her be a slut. I just didn't care. It didn't make me horny, it didn't make me anything. She could do anything and I didn't care. I smiled. I liked this feeling. It sure beat being heartbroken and thinking of some of the shit she pulled. Oh well.

She spun back towards me with her legs spread wide. "Wanna taste one more time?"

"No, I good. I said standing up right in front of her."I have a couple of things to get before the party tonight, see you back here later."

The look on her face was priceless. She was wanting to see the broken me. And wasn't getting it. The harder she pushed, the less I felt.

"OK, maybe pick up a fleshlight. That way you can almost feel what a pussy feels like again. I bet it will be a while"

Brock chipped in, "Get the small size. It will feel tighter."

I smiled at them and left.

My first stop was the costume shop. I was disappointed to find out the Superman suit I had booked was a few sizes too small. They did however have a very interesting Deadpool costume. It was super tight to the skin, and had tears and parts shredded. I took it. Next I went to the liquor store. I picked up a large bottle of Amaretto, a large container of orange juice and two packs of Apricot Nectar.

I finished my shopping spree with a little self indulgence. I picked up a second hand electric guitar. I used to love to play, but Winnie didn't like me playing in front of friends. She said I was embarrassing. Today I didn't care how bad I sounded. I liked to play music, and now I could.

I still had $20 left so I decided to say fuck it and I ate lunch at a nice restaurant in the mall.

I was thinking that something is really odd. I was happy today. I felt great. I felt free and alive and I loved it.

After I ate I decided to walk down by the lake. It was a nice afternoon, even if it was a bit cold. The sky was a brilliant fall blue. The trees still had some colorful leaves on them, and the grass was covered in a blanket of oranges, yellows and reds. Everywhere I walked was the rustle of leaves.

I realized it was getting past 5:00 and I had to get moving to get home, change and get my drinks ready. I knew it would be a different Halloween party. Especially being newly single.

I got home, and there were already a few guys there drinking heavily. There were a few girls as well. Winnie made an entrance with a sheer red top that clung to her tjts like they were painted on. She also wore a tiny micro mini skirt and a black thong. She had red high heels and red mesh stocking. Her hair was the full Jenna poof hair. She did a killer Jenna look alike.

"You look just like her! Amazing job!" I complemented her. Brock came out of the bedroom next. He was dressed in a greasy looking suit with buttons undone to his waist. His hairy chest had been dyed black, and his hair slicked back. He also had on the tightest white jeans I'd ever seen and had a super sized dido sticking out the waistband.

"Be good tonight cuck and I'll let you borrow the fake cock. I'm sure you can find a hole to fill with it!"

"That's OK, Winnie likes one of those in her backdoor. You can keep it for when you need it "I quipped back. I gave Winnie a wink when I walked past.

She looked at me as I carried my stuff I to my room!" You bought a guitar? God help us if he decides to serenade us. It won't be the cat screaming like it's tail got run over, it'll be him."

The room roared with laughter.

"Don't worry, I won't be serenading you anytime soon" I quipped back, "Even if I got famous or talented"

"Ouch!" Brock commented, "Tiny just tried growing balls!"

The room erupted in laughter again.

"Just watch out Brock, she'll have yours on a short leash soon enough" I spat back with a grin.

The room erupted again, this time at Brocks expense.

I put my stuff in my room. Then I mixed my juices and added the amaretto to taste. I put the jug in the fridge to chill.

I went back into my room to change. By the time I came out, more people had arrived. There were still way more guys than women, but at least a few more women showed up. I had hoped the party wasn't a complete sausage fest.

Winnie had a crowd of guys around her. Brock was gloating that he had the hot girl at the party. Winnie was flirting and laughing with the crowd of guys.

I found a couple of friends that I hung around with and we started laughing and joking around. My group of friends were kind in their acceptance of the news of Winnie cheating and then having her at a party at my place. They were also kind of shocked that I was as calm as I was. We had been together for over 3 years.

One of my friends, Chen, who was wearing a Tinkerbelle outfit that fit her perfectly, gave me a soft hug, " Sorry, I thought she might have been the one, you know!"

"I smiled and gave her a squeeze." A month ago, I would have told you she was, but, today, I have a wide-open future" I opened my arms embracing my possibilities.

By 8:00 I knew the party was a good one. Everybody was having fun. There were people hooking up. The games we had set up went over great. The people who started off drinking at an absurd rate had all slowed down and while drunk I wasn't as concerned about this becoming a puke fest.

I was feeling a nice buzz with my drink. I had offered some to my friends but everyone had stuck with their party favorites. More for me!

I was in a deep conversation with a girl I was hoping to maybe impress about costumes and the history of Halloween, when Winnie came walking up, chest out. Nipples pointing ridiculously hard and with a sway of her hips that oozed sex.

I smiled inside, I knew she was trying to twist the knife she thought she had lodged in my back. "What's up Winnie? Jeez it must be cold in here, do you want the me to turn up the heat?" I asked.

She was taken a bit aback. I had always been a sucker for when she approached me in any slutty manner. She used it to get her way many times. "Um, there's a woman at the door. She says you are her date." She said kind of awkwardly.

In my head I was half expecting this to be Brock and her arranging a blow up doll or something. I walked to the front door steeling myself to be the barb of another cruel joke.

I faltered for a second when I saw Lucy standing in the doorway. She was dressed in a red riding hood outfit, complete with a picnic basket.

"Hi!" I managed to greet her, with a huge smile.

"I wasn't sure if I should come, but Bal told me to go have fun." She said nervously.

"Come in! Please!" I walked up and took her arm.

Have you ever been in a crowded place and as you walk through it is like the parting of the seas. People just look at you and move out of the way. That was us.

I introduced her to my group and then we sat on the couch. It felt electric having her body so close to mine.

My friends proceeded to grill her.

"Where did you meet?"

"My friend Bal introduced us"

"Are you a student?"

"I had to take a break. I want to continue, but, Money is tight."

"What do you do?"

"I am an interpretive dancer, when I can find work, and part time waitress to make ends meet."

"Did you study dance?"

"I spent 8 years in ballet, I studied jazz and other styles, and also highland dance."

I think she wowed my friends. She was nice, open and friendly. I got her one of my drinks, when her and Chen started to get into dance conversations more. Chen took ballet as well. And she loved to dance.

I returned and handed Lucy her drink. She took a sip and wrinkled her nose up. "Bal said you wouldn't figure out the extra ingredient" she pulled out a little pouch and dropped a few crumbled bits in. I could smell a hint of spices." Pumpkin spice" she whispered in my ear. "It does have magical powers, so beware!" She laughed. She handed me the pouch. It was a regular brand spice from the store. Here I thought maybe he had an elixir. How else had I gone from misery to happy so fast.

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