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Hands off Violet's Big Balls

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She's got a lot of balls and she knows how to use them.
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I finally decided to finish the rest of this little story, the majority of which I wrote a long time ago, since I thought some of you might enjoy reading it.


The weather couldn't have been nicer. Owen was having a great time on his vacation. The weather was beautiful, the women were more beautiful. This resort was absolute paradise.

He'd made a date with a gorgeous local for tonight. Owen found a secluded spot at the beach and was laying on a towel, taking in some sun as he waited eagerly for the night to blossom and his date to begin.

Soon after he arrived another guest from the resort appeared with the same idea as Owen had had. They'd introduced themselves when first happened to meet and he vaguely remembered her name being Violet. She stuck out from the other guests at this well-to-do resort. Owen wagered she worked with her hands and didn't take vacations like this often.

She was a large woman, middle-aged, with a tough, no-nonsense air. The one-piece swimsuit she wore wasn't very flattering, but it showed plenty of cleavage. Owen took a couple of guilty glances. His date had him revved up.

So he laid there reading from his book while Violet put some sunglasses on and shut her eyes. About an hour passed before Owen decided to head back to his room, have a lunch and begin to prepare for tonight.

Owen looked over at Violet. She was snoring softly. He wondered if he should wake her up before he left. She might stay out too long and get sunburned if he didn't. What was the beach etiquette for such an occasion? Ultimately he decided it would be best to wake her.

Owen gathered his things together and walked over to her beach chair. He was about to say something or tap her on the arm when he stopped dead in his tracks. Violet had an erection! To have an erection you have to have a penis! Violet had a penis! And she must have been having some dream, if her throbbing, nine-inch cock was any indication!

That wasn't the worst of it. She not only had a massive boner, but one of her huge nuts had somehow slipped out of the bottom of her bathing suit. The thing was hairless, fleshy and had a patchwork of lightly-colored veins stringing across it. Owen couldn't wake her up now, not with one of her big, fat balls hanging out. He shifted around in his sandals, trying to decide what to do next.

Hesitantly he reached down and gently plucked the edge of her suit in an attempt to cover up the escaping testicle. He'd made it worse. Only one option remained. He was going to have to touch it to put it away. He shielded his eyes from her impressive bulge as he took her hot, soft sack between his fingertips and gingerly stowed it back into the crotch of her suit.

A strong hand caught Owen's wrist in its powerful grip before he could finish. "Copping a good feel, pervert?" Violet was awake.

It was the worst time imaginable for Owen's mind to go blank. He let go instantly on her sack, looked into her cold eyes and stuttered uncomfortably. "N-n-no... I..."

"Saw me sleeping and wanted to grab a handful."

"It's, it's not what it looks like," Owen managed to sputter out. The grip she maintained around his wrist wasn't getting any looser. Her erection wasn't dying down either.

"It looks and it feels like your hand was all over my girly gonads. Unless you wanted to practice juggling, but forgot your own balls, this doesn't have an innocent explanation."

"I'm sorry! I was trying to put... them... back in your suit!"

"Yeah, that way you wouldn't get caught, you little pervert." Violet released his arm with a dismissive flick. "I'm going back to my room, but this isn't over by a long shot, boy."

Owen went back to his towel in the sand and pretended to look busy while Violet violently packed up her belongings and stormed off, huffing like an agitated bull. He took a deep breath and relaxed slightly when the last glimpse of her disappeared across the beach.

His date still wasn't for a while and he had no intention of returning to the resort right away where he knew that Violet could be making trouble for him. He settled back down on his towel and began to daydream. Soon he started to really dream after nodding off to sleep.

It was a nice dream. In it, he went on his date with the local girl and it went great. They went back to his room and began to kiss. She beckoned him to the bed. Their clothes stripped away effortlessly as clothes often do in the very best dreams. He closed his eyes and sucked her neck and chest. Owen kissed smoothly down her stomach. Then he was startled when he opened his eyes and found Violet's huge, throbbing penis there where the girl's pussy was supposed to be.

He awoke suddenly from the dream, his head felt heavy and it was difficult to breathe. There was an odd smell he couldn't escape. Owen found he could hardly see.

"Mmmuhhhphhmmff!" He couldn't talk either! Something was covering his face. When Owen tried to jerk his head away and push whatever it was off his face, he felt his wrists seized in a strong, familiar grip.

"I decided to come back for you, pervert. I think this is what you really wanted," Violet growled from above, her mammoth testicles draped over Owen's face. "I've had it up to here with rich brats like you. You think everything is yours and you can just grab a woman by her lady parts the second she's dozed off!" Violet shook her huge, wrinkly nuts around on his face.

This was when it finally sunk it for Owen that it was her testicles that were rolling all over his face. He made an attempt to fight her off, but she'd clearly gotten the drop on him and she was very strong. At present he couldn't even get her massive, sweaty gonads off his face, let alone force her off entirely.

Violet knew Owen was too squeamish to try biting them, leaving the young man helpless beneath her big, swollen testes. "Look down your nose at me then cop a feel the first chance you get? Where are your manners, boy? Well, I'm going to let you have them. They feel nice, don't they? Covering your nostrils, rolling across your lips. Do you like a sweaty sack? The climate here is so warm, they get that way. Let me give you a better look at these babies."

Violet laughed as she hefted her scrotum a few inches off his face. Owen used the opportunity to steal a few precious breaths. Her hairless orbs looked so large and menacing as they hung there, swinging gently in Violet's hand, just inches away from Owen's eyes. A funky, potent odor, with just the slightest mist of what could be described as a feminine fragrance, radiated off them. This haunting reprieve provided Owen the chance to notice she was getting off on this. Violet's dick was rock hard.

"Get off me, you sicko! I'm gonna --- MMFFHHHMMffhhhffhh!" She dropped her plump, heavy testicles back down on Owen's face.

"You're the pervert here and the only thing you're going to do is get my fat nuts rubbed all over your face some more," Violet assured him. She dragged her enormous balls from his chin to his hairline and then back down again. "This is what happens to little perverts who go touching things that don't belong to them," she grunted.

Owen managed momentarily to twist his face away. "Get your fucking mangoes off my face!" he cried.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you."

"GET YOURmhhhffmmMHMFFHHHFMM!" Violet quickly forced her wrinkly sack back atop his face.

"You want my nuts off your face?" Violet asked, false innocence dripping from her breath. "You can't want that. You would have stopped fighting if you wanted that. You would have started kissing them instead because that's going to be the only way I drag these sticky beauties off your face, darling."

Owen kicked his legs out and shook his head, bouncing Violet's meaty testicles from cheek to cheek as his reply. She chuckled calmly.

"Then we're going to be here a while, because I'm not moving until you pucker up. I've let you get too much air up til now. I'll have to be stricter about that from now on."

Owen couldn't imagine being stuck like this a second longer than he absolutely had to be. And it was hard enough to breathe already. "Mmok, okmmphmmhhmokay!" he cried from beneath her hairless orbs.

Owen reluctantly began to kiss the huge, sweaty testicles that were keeping him as their prisoner. Violet moaned in satisfaction, her eyes rolling back as she enjoyed the sensation of his soft lips bestowing gentle kisses on her hefty jewels.

The humiliation was the worst part. Kissing someone else's testicles like this was the ultimate act of submission, but having them be a woman's giant gonads added another component of mortification. Violet grabbed her sack by the loose skin and brought all the different sides of her beefy nuts that she wanted kissed to Owen's mouth. The beach was quiet, with just the subtle smacking of Owen's lips to fill the void. He tried to ignore the huge, hard shaft of Violet's cock, jutting out over his eyes.

"Will you let me up now?" Owen asked, after softly placing an especially tender kiss upon Violet's swollen sack for what was hopefully the last time. He cringed at the look of smug satisfaction on her face.

"You're a good little perverted nut-kisser. I'll give you that." Violet swung her wet scrotum lightly over his face. "We'll discuss letting you up after you've tried nut-licking and nut-sucking, too."

Owen started to shake his head, but before he could speak Violet had let her testicles flop back down hard on his face. "If you need time to decide you can kiss them some more while we wait." Violet rubbed her wrinkly sack across his lips.

Owen sighed, pushed his tongue out and took a long lick of her. He feathered his tongue against each of her heavy orbs. Her scrotum became slick and shiny with the work of his tongue, as though he were polishing her testicles for her with his mouth.

"How's it feel to lick the salt off my nuts, pervert? How's the taste? Was it worth feeling them up while I was sleeping?"

Owen groaned and attached his lips to one of Violet's colossal balls, beginning to suck it gently and stimulate the bottom of it with his tongue. When he wrapped his lips even tighter around the hot, meaty nut in his mouth, Violet moaned, and her stiff cock dribbled pre-cum.

He alternated from testicle to testicle, slurping loudly one moment then teasing them with his tongue the next. Owen got into it, he tried not to think about exactly what he was doing, only that he knew dragging this process out would just get her fat nuts dragged over his face longer than necessary.

Owen pulled one of her gonads as deep as it would go into his mouth without him choking on it. Eventually he did the same with the other one, leading his tongue in circles around the sides of it in his overstuffed mouth.

He'd worked every inch of her sack through every pleasure his mouth could provide before Violet finally pulled them from the tender embrace of his lips. "That was nice." Then she brought her hot, aching cock into view. She laid the long, fat shaft down against his face. His eyes darted over to it as he felt it throbbing powerfully against his cheek.

"Now what are we going to do about this?" Violet asked, slapping his face with the slab.

Owen shook his head slowly. If Violet thought he was going to be convinced to suck it, she had the wrong guy. He wasn't letting that big, fat dick cross between his lips as long as he lived. He'd done everything else, but he drew the line at slathering up that heavy cock with his mouth and swallowing her fucking load.

"You should really do something with this, boy. It's your perversion that caused it. I was sleeping on the beach, minding my own business."

Owen continued to shake his head.

"I guess I can take care of it. Shouldn't take long, cleaning the old testes off with your tongue brought me eighty percent of the way there already." Violet lifted her thick shaft off Owen's face and began to stroke it right in his face. He laid there quietly, staring at the big, angry tip of her cock, his lips zipped shut tightly in case she changed her mind and went for his mouth again. A few dozen good, long strokes and her eyes clenched shut, a wave of pleasure washing over her features.

Ropes of hot, sticky semen spurted straight onto Owen's face. Violet painted his face with her creamy load. Even his hair and neck got splattered with thick blasts of cum. Owen covered his eyes at one point but did little else during the humiliating facial. One volley whipped into his mouth and he had to swallow the milky strand to get rid of it.

Owen was coated in it by the time Violet was finally finished spewing. "I think I've made my point, boy." She patted his face with the throbbing shaft. "Don't go grabbing any more women's cocks while they're sleeping. I could have made you suck it. The next one might not be as considerate as I was. She might just ram her cock down your throat and not stop until her load is filling your stomach up like a balloon."

Violet got off Owen and went over to gather her things before heading back to the resort. Owen sat out in the sun a while longer, he was dazed by what had taken place. All the cum had dried and clung to his skin by the time he went to wash it away in the water.

He walked slowly back to his room and took a long, hot shower there, scrubbing away the last remnants of Violet's massive load from his body, but not from his memory. He'd walked out of the bathroom in a towel and was still drying his hair when he noticed a note had been slipped under the door to his room.

The note was from Violet. It gave a room number and a time and suggested that Owen show up if he wanted to put his hot mouth to further use. Owen crumpled the paper and tossed it in the trash. The nerve of that woman. Did she really think Owen liked what had happened? That he wanted more?

After a few minutes had passed Owen began to consider going just to give Violet a piece of his mind over the whole thing, before chastising himself for even thinking of visiting her. He had a date tonight at the very same time. He could choose to go on it or he could go to Violet and come face to face with her huge, womanly cock again. It really was no choice at all. Right?

Why then wasn't Owen getting ready for his date as the minutes dragged by? Why did he leave his room at the specified time and not head toward the gorgeous girl he'd made plans with, but to Violet's room instead?

Owen stood outside Violet's door and wondered what he was doing there. He wanted to be angry but he'd come there of his own volition. He knew he shouldn't be there. Her big, juicy dick had cast a big, juicy spell on him. He knocked timidly at the door even as one foot tried to drag him away.

A calm, steady reply came from within the room. "Come in."

Owen stepped inside and Violet told him to shut the door behind him. She was laying on the bed, her large body taking up much of it, in a white, fluffy bathrobe. Owen doubted there was anything on under the robe. Violet's legs were stretched out long and thick on the bed. The sash to the robe had been tied by her only loosely, casually revealing a good portion of her flowing tits.

Owen approached the bed at his own pace, still struggling internally over what he was doing there. Violet yawned and spread her legs wider. Owen took a deep breath, catching a glimpse of her big, bare testicles peeking out proudly from the hem of the robe.

"I've just come from the shower. I wanted to be clean and fresh for you this time. I knew you couldn't stay away," she said with a wise smile.

"How?" Owen asked gently.

"I've dropped my nuts on many faces in my time. You learn a lot about a person when they're kissing your gonads. I had you marked out right from the beginning. I knew you liked it, pervert. So come over here and get your pretty lips wrapped around this fat dick."

Violet's cock had started to harden and was in the process of spreading the robe open. Owen sat on the edge of the bed, next to one of Violet's legs. Cautiously at first, Owen touched the robe and opened it. Her half-hard slab came fully into view. He took the warm, growing monster into his small hand and began softly to stroke it.

Violet slapped his hand away. "Use your mouth if you don't want me to smother you with it like I did with my balls. You'd like that though, wouldn't you, pervert?"

Owen bent down and pressed his lips to Violet's stiffening tip. He kissed it lightly. Violet moaned, her eyes shutting in bliss. "More. Much more of that," she said.

Owen engulfed the fat, spongy tip into his mouth and sucked on it. His lips stretched to accept its girth. The beefy head pulsed to full hardness in the wet heaven that was Owen's mouth. The spine-tingling pleasure was written all over Violet's satisfied face as Owen ran his tongue over the swollen tip.

He grasped her huge balls in his hands and rubbed them as his tongue swirled in circles around her bulbous tip. Owen opened his mouth wide and tried to take more of her length. The veiny, enormous shaft inched slowly between his soft, young lips. Violet's hand came to rest comfortably on the back of his head.

"That's it, boy. Suck that fat cock. Get it nice and wet. I want to hear you slurping on it." Violet nudged his head lower on her cock, forcing another inch between his stretched lips. The swollen, meaty head came dangerously close to the opening of Owen's throat. He gave a faint choke and tried to disengage her throbbing prick from his mouth, but Violet's hand held firm on his head, forcing him to stay in place.

"Stay calm. Get control and keep sucking," she told him, her voice gentler than it had been in the past.

Owen tried to heed her words. He shut his eyes and swallowed hard around her thick pole. His hands stayed attached to her swollen testicles, tickling and stroking the soft skin of her sack. His head bobbed and he sucked, his cheeks puffing out and sinking in around her throbbing girth.

"There you go. You're a natural. It feels so good, yes! Suck that big tranny cock, you little pervert!" Violet was grinning and prodding more of her length between his lips. He caressed the underside of her shaft with his tongue and kept her big crown rubbing pleasurably at the back of his mouth.

"It won't be long now," Violet said through a rumbling moan. "Your jaw must be getting sore, I have that effect on people. I'm getting close. Keep stroking the nuts and get ready to swallow your dinner."

Violet's hips were now humping upward off the bed, pushing her tip even deeper into the wet confines of his mouth. Her thick slab was throbbing madly and felt like it was getting even larger, nearing an explosion. Owen's eyes watered as he struggled to breathe with his tongue battling for space against her intruding monster.

Violet's calves flexed hard, she gripped Owen's head tighter and slammed his face down lower on her cock. Cum surged through her steel pipe and burst from the tip. She flooded Owen's mouth with an avalanche of her hot, white cream.

"Swallow it, boy. Swallow my salty fucking load!" she cooed, her toes curling, she took one hand off Owen's head and started to roughly pluck at her nipples. Owen gulped down as much of her sperm as he could, but his little throat was always one swallow too slow to keep pace with her ejaculating piston.

Owen was dizzy and coated in her sticky spunk before she'd finally emptied those big, sperm-laden balls that had started it all. He was still catching his breath and wondering what else Violet could possibly have in store for him when she flung off her robe for good.

"Now that you've had your dinner, pervert, it's time for your dessert. Get ready to start licking something else for me."

Violet laid back on the bed and with surprising agility pulled her legs up toward her voluminous chest and wrapped her arms around the backs of her knees. It was the lewdest sight he'd ever witnessed. This thick, middle-aged woman with the huge cock whose body was now folded in such a way as to give him perfect access to her tiny, winking asshole.


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