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Hannah's Beach Adventure

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Hannah has a sexual encounter with a stranger at the beach.
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"Did you pack the goggles?"

Hannah was finishing packing the trunk while her husband Mark was checking the kids were buckled in the back seat. "I packed everything," she said as she closed the trunk and hopped in the front seat.

Hannah and Mark had been happily married for 10 years and while there had been ups and downs along the way, their relationship was strong and growing stronger.

The family was heading to the lake for a day of fun in the sun.

They found a nice shady spot under one of the few trees and Mark was busy unpacking and setting up their spot. Hannah took a deep breath and dropped her shorts and lifted her shirt off. She was standing in her new swimsuit. It was much more cheeky on the bottoms and low cut on the top than she was used to wearing. Mark had begged her to keep it and not send it back when he saw her try it on. She felt very exposed, nevertheless, she started helping to set up and get sunblock on the kids and in a few minutes, she forgot that she was nearly naked in front of dozens of strangers. She tried not to smile when she noticed Mark stealing glances at her ass from time to time.

The blanket was set up and the kids were splashing in the water. "Did you put sunblock on yourself yet?" Mark asked.

She was so busy focusing on getting everything done, Hannah forgot to take care of herself. This was a trend in her life and Mark always made sure Hannah was taken care of.

"I'll do your back," Mark said. He spread the white cream on her back and spent a lot more time than necessary doing her waist just at the line of the bikini bottoms. "Do you want me to do your legs, too?"

"Yes, please," Hannah said as she enjoyed the feel of her husband's familiar hands on her body.

He started rubbing the lotion on her legs starting at the feet and working his way up. He got to her but and said a bit sheepishly "I think I have to do your ass, too. This new suit doesn't really cover what your old ones did."

"Please do. I don't want to burn. I want to be golden brown, not red," Hannah said. Mark started rubbing her ass and her bikini bottoms started riding up a bit. Mark spent more time than necessary covering and recovering her ass. "Someone is staring," Mark whispered in Hannah's ear.


"Someone is staring at your ass," Mark said. "I told you everyone thinks you are as sexy as I do." Mark continued rubbing her ass and it had the effect that her already smaller than normal bikini bottoms were verging quickly into thong bikini territory.

"You're lying," Hannah said. "No one wants to see my body." Nevertheless, Hannah felt a little wetness starting to come and she shifted her hips and wiggle her ass ever so slightly under her husband's roaming hands.

"I'm going to go in the water. I need to cool off," Hannah said.

"I bet you do," Mark said with a smirk as the kids came back to them and started building sand castles.

Hannah started walking to the water, fully aware that her bottoms were still basically a thong. She enjoyed this little bit of naughtiness and noticed all the young bodies around her on her way to the water. There were tons of 20 somethings with chiseled bodies and she was surprised to see some of their heads swivel as she walked past. She pretended not to notice, but she liked the attention.

She got in the water and could see Mark from afar reading his book, watching the kids out of the corner of his eye. The lake had a small beach area with showers and a changing room. Other than that, it was surrounded on all sides by forest as far as the eye could see. It was in a nature preserve near their city and it was considered a hidden gem among the locals. In the water were a bunch of kids splashing in the shallow water and older teenagers who were working hard proving how little they cared while trying to look as cool as possible toward the middle of the lake on their floats. Hannah was floating on a raft in the middle with the rest of the people her age, laying on her front with her legs in the water. She didn't realize it at the time, but the combination of her position on the raft and her skimpy bikini bottoms did a good job of highlighting her ass to anyone behind her in the water. The water was pretty full just around the beach as it was one of the first nice weekends of the summer and everyone wanted to work on their tans, enjoy the sun, and cool off. She felt someone behind her and assumed it was a swimmer who bumped into her while swimming out. She felt his presence as she lay on the raft, still staring in the general direction of her family on the beach.

She was surprised when she felt someone bump into her again. This time it seemed a bit more intentional and felt like someone putting their hand directly on her ass for a second or two. She felt a tingle between her legs and turned her head to look behind her. There was a twenty something treading water behind her, smiling directly at her. She turned back around and assumed it was just a mistake and went back to enjoying the sun and water. She slid down the raft a tiny bit so half of her ass was in the water and half was still out in the sun. She felt it again and this time she was sure it was intentional. She felt his hand on her ass and it was rubbing in little circles, similar to Mark's hand just minutes before. She felt her breath shorten.

Was this really happening? What should she do? Did she want him to keep going? She knew the answer to the last question should be no, but in her heart she wanted more. She knew if she said anything or swam away, he would have stopped immediately, but she didn't want it to stop. While she was thinking all this, the young stranger behind her grew bolder. He was now rubbing her whole ass and running a finger down her pussy over her bottoms and just under the water line. Anyone looking in that direction would think it was just two strangers swimming near each other, not interacting in any way. Under the water, their bodies were communicating at an animalistic level.

The stranger came a bit closer and now his finger had worked its way under her bikini bottoms and he was feeling her wetness, sliding his finger in and out of her. She was so turned on she was worried she would lose her grip of the raft as she felt pleasure she hadn't felt in a long time. She loved what this man was doing to her body. She loved the attention and she loved the physical sensation of feeling another man's touch after so many years with Mark. She was alone with this man, but surrounded by strangers. Her husband was still within sight with no clue of this secret adventure she was having.

Suddenly he stopped. She felt him swim away a bit and move off. She turned around and saw him swimming along the coast toward a bend in the lake. He turned around and motioned for her to follow. She wasn't nearly as fast as him, but she could see him as he went around a bend and got out in a woody area out of sight of the beach. She didn't know what she was swimming toward, but she knew she wanted to find out. Maybe she'd kiss him a bit and let him finger her some more. It would be a fun bit of naughtiness and it wasn't harming anyone. She got to where he got out of the water and pulled her raft out of the water. She walked into the forest a few feet and didn't see him. She wondered what was going on. Was she imagining the whole thing?

Suddenly, she felt his presence behind her. He pushed her from behind against a tree and she felt his breath on her neck. She was in ecstasy. His hands started roaming her body, his touch knew no bounds. She felt him kiss her neck and at the same time felt her bikini top being untied. Her breath became unsteady as she had never been seen by anyone other than her husband in over a decade in so little. He kissed down her neck and down her back, while she was still pressed against a tree. When he kissed his way down to her lower back, he put a hand on each hip and hooked his fingers on either side of her swimsuit bottoms. In one motion, he pulled her bottoms off and kept kissing lower and lower.

She felt him pull her hips away from the tree while pushing her upper body down with his other hand. She was still bracing herself against the tree. The young stranger started licking her wetness from top to bottom and licking her clit. He was better than Mark. He was even better than her vibrator. If it continued like this, she wouldn't last long before her body would contract in orgasm. Sure enough, just as he was licking her clit and plunging his finger into her pussy, her body shuddered in wave after wave of orgasm.

She would have fallen to the ground, but he held her up as her body melted and convulsed in ecstasy. She took a few seconds to catch her breath when she felt him start to turn her body around. She was still weak from the orgasm and ended up on her knees in front of him. He had taken his shorts off and his massive dick was staring right at her face. She was already being bad, so she opened her mouth and put her tongue on the underside of the huge dick in front of her. She was doing her best to show him the same amount of pleasure he had just given her. She could tell he was loving it and she loved pleasing him. She knew this was wrong, but she didn't want to stop.

Suddenly, the stranger lifted her head and she turned around again, this time on her hands and knees on the forest floor. She wiggled her ass in anticipation and she didn't have to wait long. He rammed his massive member into her in one thrust. She didn't think she had ever been this wet in her life. She was in heaven. Just a few minutes earlier, she had been the stereotypical devoted housewife, now she was being a nasty little slut fucking a total stranger doggystyle in the middle of the forest. She was giving him her whole body and he was taking her whole body. She would have said yes to anything in this moment.

He put his finger in her wet pussy and used her wetness to circle around her tight asshole. He plunged his finger into her as he was still pounding her as hard as he could. She had never felt so full in her whole life. He pulled his finger out of her ass and pulled her hair from the base. Hannah loved having her hair pulled. He pulled his rock hard cock out of her pussy too and placed the head against her tight ass wet with her own juices. He pushed slowly and steadily until he was fully engulfed in her ass. She had never let anyone fuck her ass. Mark stopped even asking after a few years of her saying it was never going to happen. Now she was letting a total stranger fuck her ass harder and harder.

After a minute of the slow gentle thrusts, the stranger started fucking her ass harder. He pulled harder on her hair and pulled her hips into his to pound her harder with his other hand. Was this really happening? Hannah wanted more. She wanted it all. She reached under her and felt the strangers balls as he was pounding her ass with reckless abandon. She felt him clench, pause, and unclench. She felt him unload his cum into her willing ass. He stayed still for what felt like forever but was probably more like 30 seconds, his cock still buried completely in her ass. He reached down and kissed her cheek surprisingly softly compared to the pounding she had just received and he slowly pulled his member out of her, his semen slightly running out of her ass at the same time.

They both stood up. They kissed for a few minutes. He looked into her eyes for the first time. He had a look that said "That was amazing." And he walked away into the forest.

Hannah was standing naked in the forest, completely alone, cum running out of her ass and her own juices flowing down her leg. She put her new bikini back on (Mark's favorite,) grabbed the raft, and got back in the water. She floated slowly back toward the beach and got out and walked slowly toward her family.

"Hi Honey," Mark said. "Did you cool off?"

She just smiled and said it was great. She wasn't sure if she would ever tell Mark or if she would keep this as her own little secret. Sex with a stranger without ever exchanging a single word.

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AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Great fantasy, well written. For reality, probably forgivable as a one-off, unless she was a cake-eater and indulged in a new carnal yen. In that case. woe betide her minor children, because most trusting, loving husbands would not understand. Even where many or even most would stay in a marriage for the kids (I did), the intimacy never really recovers given new wariness and parenting suffers. It didn't work for me and I divorced a bitter wife with 8 and 11 years old kids after two years of trying. But I liked this story as fantasy.

AnonymousAnonymous12 months ago

Actually a short and sweet fantasy. Whether the wife would tell her husband would depend on his temperament and how well she knew him. Not sure how I would have reacted though.

WillC2020WillC2020about 2 years ago

This is very hot... any dipshit who doesn't understand this is erotic fantasy literature... ever notice the name Literotica... should enter the nearest convent and shut the fuck up.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Such a sexy story, please do another with Hannah in the middle. Perhaps the young guy have a friend, or her husband would like to observe the action.

26thNC26thNCover 2 years ago

Whore tries for incurable disease with anal hole stranger on the beach.

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