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Happy Trails

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Two old friends have some foot fun out in the forest.
2.6k words

Part 1 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 07/16/2020
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I brought it on myself. That much is certain.

It was a warm, spring afternoon, and the park and its surrounding forest were full of people out for walks or picnics or just generally enjoying the day. I myself had decided on the former, heading along trails I hadn't walked since the Fall had up and left and heavy Winter snows had all but covered them up.

Nature walks were of great interest to me, not only affording me the opportunity to take in the beauty and serenity of the forest but also allowing me to people watch. I've always enjoyed observing people out and about, and here in the woods, you tended to find some interesting folks.

I'd thus far passed only a scant few- a hiker here, a biker there, and family on their way back to their car with tired, crying children. But for the most part, it appeared I had this part of the trail all to myself, and saw no issue with it, taking my good sweet time without a care in the world.

Eventually, I stopped by a small stream that cut through the forest to catch my breath and provide some water to my parched throat. It would soon be time to head back but I still had a bit of the forest left to cover, I simply needed to rest first.

As I did, however, my gaze cut through the still-sprouting green ahead of me and spotted something which tickled my fancy far more than the forest did. A woman- a fellow walker from the look of her stride, but one sporting a pair of laced-up knee-high black leather boots.

Given the place and time of year, these already stuck out to me, seeing as most women had put their boots away for the season. This one, on the other hand, hadn't seemed to have gotten that particular memo and was instead wearing them whilst trekking through the forest.

Now I must confess, I've always found women in boots to be rather fetching, although not for the traditional reasons. The footwear themselves were a means to an end, for my desire was for what lay within them.

Sweaty- and likely rather stinky feet.

In my experience as a young foot fetishist, few things seemed to bring those out of a woman's feet like a pair of leather boots, and just the sight of them got the wheels turning in my mind, as well as the blood flowing in my cock.

The woman was not far ahead of me and, given we were liable to cross paths further down the trail as it was, I saw no problem with following behind her. I wasn't trying to be creepy and hoped that, with my sunglasses on, it would be difficult for her to tell I was staring at her boots if she did indeed notice me behind her.

At first, she didn't appear to. In fact from the look of things, she had earbuds in and thus couldn't hear my heavy footfalls behind her. This gave me ample time to observe those boots of hers and think about just how hot and sweaty her feet were likely getting in the warm Spring weather. It wouldn't be long before I'd need to rush back to my car so that I could head home and masturbate to the fantasy growing in my mind.

Unfortunately for me, that fantasy was far more distracting than I realized. Lost in such dirty thoughts, I didn't notice her stop just ahead of me. Not until I heard her speak, which normally wouldn't have concerned me at all save for one thing. She knew my name. "Peter?"

I stopped dead in my tracks and looked ahead, and upon seeing the woman's face all color drained from my one. This wasn't simply some stranger in the woods. She was a former acquaintance of mine. Jessie Greenberg.

Perhaps acquaintance wasn't the proper term. We'd known one another in high school, had several friends in common, and thus spent time together by default, but we were never what you could call close. In fact, one of the only reasons I had any interest in being around her was-

Her boots.

In a flash, I recalled seeing those boots before, or at least a pair just like them. In high school, she'd worn them constantly, and young as I was at the time even then they got my mouth watering. Let alone the few times she'd gone around barefoot in which I'd nearly passed out from the sight.

Jessie had moved away for University and as far as I knew, had been living in another state for some time. But it seemed she'd come home. "Jessie?" I asked, trying to play it cool even though this situation seemed far worse now. If she knew I'd been following her, and thought I'd know it was her from the start, it would not end well.

She took a few steps towards me and my eyes, hidden as they were by the tinted glass of my shades, shot right down to her boots. Jessie looked about the same as I remembered her- rail-thin with long, almost down to her bottom dirty-blonde hair, and resting bitch face that remained even when she smiled. Which she was doing now, making it even harder to discern her intentions.

"In the flesh," she said, taking a small faux bow in her usual dramatic flair. Jessie had always had a flair for the theatrical side of things, and it seemed that hadn't changed. "I've just flown into town to visit my folks. Thought I'd take a stroll through the old forest. How about you?"

I nodded, trying in vain to think of a possible way out if things turned bad for me. "Same, about the walk I mean. Still live here myself."

Jessie smirked, and if I were lucky that would be the end of it. Perhaps we'd make small talk for a few minutes before parting ways and I could get to my car along with the growing sense of awkwardness at having followed a former acquaintance through the forest in such a way.

Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on your outlook, Jessie had something else in mind. Sly smirk across her red-painted lips, she spoke: "I see... So tell me Petey, are you still into feet?"

My jaw dropped. It took my far longer than it should have to recall the last time I'd seen Jessie, and more importantly, what had occurred that fateful night. The group of us had been at her parent's place watching movies and as I left I stopped by the front door. Sneakily, or so I'd thought at first, I took a sniff from inside one of her waiting boots.

I'd done so whilst tying my own shoes, so there would at least be a tangible reason for me to be bent over like that. I honestly didn't think anything of it and doubted anyone would notice. But Jessie had. She'd come upstairs to grab more snacks and stopped in the hallway as I sniffed.

I noticed her the moment I looked up but neither of us said a word about. Instead, I went a little red, spouted out a quick 'good night', and left. Honestly, I'd assumed that she, like me, would have forgotten all about it. She hadn't.

Motioning over to the side of the path, Jessie led me through the trees to a small, empty grove. Why I followed I can't say for sure, other than I was still in shock from her question and a small part of me wanted to know what she had in mind by asking it.

She sat down on a rock and I followed suit, though hers was higher up and thus I found myself having to gaze upwards as she spoke. "I'd always thought you were a little odd back then... But when I saw you sniffing my boot, it all started to make sense."

Slowly, she started to untie the laces of her right boot and my eyes watched transfixed by the sight. I had no earthly idea what was happening but my mind was awash with possibilities. As she undid each lace, she continued on. "I've met a few guys like you since then. The world is full of dirty little foot boys like you, and they all seem to really enjoy mine. You were clearly thinking about them when you started following me."

Jessie pointed to my growing erection, and I went red as could me. I'd honestly forgotten about it once I'd realized it was her, but she'd probably caught sight of it when she'd made her little bow.

The boot undone, she placed it in front of me, and my eyes nearly popped out of my head at the sight. Jessie giggled and pushed it towards my face with her left boot. "Well come on then. Don't you know it's rude to stare? Give it a little sniff like you did that night."

I didn't need to be told twice, and practically shoved my nose into the top of her boot. Unlike that night so many years ago, this time the smell was fresh and strong. Jessie had likely been wearing this pair a few days or at least had been walking much longer than I had today.

Whatever the reason it didn't matter, the smell of foot sweat and boot leather was powerful enough to nearly knock me out as I began to breathe it in.

After allowing me to do so for a few minutes, Jessie undid her left boot and switched them around. My nose went right back to work, smelling this one and taking in more and more of her amazing foot scent. My cock was straining against my pants but I didn't care. This was incredible.

Jessie watched me work with academic interest. It was fairly obvious she'd been telling the truth that I was far from the first guy who she'd done this with, but I still felt somewhat honored knowing that my actions had been the catalyst for the countless other men who'd been given this privilege.

Eventually, though, she grew bored with me smelling her boots like that and decided to move on to the main attraction. Slipping off her socks, she handed them to me. "Here you go, Petey. Give these babies some good sniffs too."

Pressing them to my nose I did so, and if I'd thought her boots had smelled strong then her socks were a whole other level.

I'd had the luxury over the years to have smelled a few women's feet. At least two of my exes had been willing to give me that pleasure, even if they hadn't fully understood the extent of my fetish. Yet none of them could compare to the scent which was filling my nose and lungs at this moment.

Jessie's sweat-drenched socks were downright intoxicating, and I could honestly die a happy man, just sitting there sniffing them like my life depended on it.

"Don't enjoy yourself too much," Jessie said as she poked at my raging erection with her sweaty big toe, bringing me back to reality as she did. I could already feel the first few drops of precum start to slip out from my cock, but I didn't care.

When she opened her hand I returned the socks, then watched wide-eyed as her feet rose up to meet my face. Not even in my wildest dreams- not even when I'd watched her in her boots or barefoot in her parents' basement, had I ever thought such an opportunity as this would come my way.

Her toes- each one painted black and glistening with sweat in the afternoon sun, sat just below my waiting nostrils, my brain waiting for Jessie to give the order. "Smell."

Bowing my head so that my nose was nestled on her toes, I took a deep breath and nearly passed out. Jessie's feet were rank, the vinegary-cheesy scent of sweat that had been in her socks and boots now even more potent. Most people would have turned away from such a smell but I dove right in, taking long, deep whiffs in between each pale, painted toe. This was paradise.

Jessie moved her feet and placed them sole first over my face, pushing them so close that all I could see and smell were her soft, sweaty size 8s. I could feel the drops of sweat pour off her soles and drip along my face. At that moment I was the happiest man in the world.

The smell of her stinky feet was all that mattered, and the more I drank in the better I felt. My erection was pounding now, pushing up against the fabric of my boxers and my pants like it was ready to tear a hole through both of them.

I knew what was coming, but there was nothing I could do about it, nor anything I wanted to do.

All it took was one more whiff of her feet for it to happen. The moment my nostrils took in another breath of Jessie's incredible feet my cock exploded in my pants, drenching the inside of my boxers with a massive load of hot, warm cum. So strong was it that the stain showed through the crotch of my pants, and as I came down from the high I heard Jessie's mocking laughter.

"Aww, looks like somebody made a mess," she taunted, bringing one of her feet down from my face to poke at the puddle in my pants. The sobering realization of what just happened dawned on me and my face grew red not from the lack of fresh air or the lingering pleasure of the orgasm, but from the sheer embarrassment of having been made to cum in my pants in a public place. It didn't matter that we were all alone out here, I still had to get back to my car, and Jessie seemed to revel in this knowledge.

She took her other foot off my face, though she brought them to my lips for a moment. "Give them a thank you kiss Petey." I did so, feeling as low as could be even though I'd just had the greatest orgasm of my life. I was so torn between humiliation and ecstasy that I didn't even say a word as she began putting her socks back on.

After a moment, she stopped and removed the left one, placing it and it's twin off to the side and putting her boots on over her bare feet instead. I watched her, confused and embarrassed, and yet still enraptured by it all.

Once Jessie finished tying her boots, she handed me the socks. "Consider these a present Petey. I'll be in town until next week. If you're a good boy and don't try to hide the mess you made, maybe you can see my feet again before I leave."

She got up from her seat on the rock and headed back for the trail. Before she left me there, however, she turned back towards me and smiled. "Take care of my socks, and try not to waste too much cum sniffing them. Save a little for me."

Then she blew me a kiss and walked away, leaving me sitting there alone, pants covered in jizz, and knowing in my heart that Jessie was far from finished with me.

I couldn't wait to see what else she and her feet had in store.

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UnrighteousOneUnrighteousOneabout 3 years ago

Excellent story. Love the psychology of it.

Ralphie101Ralphie101almost 4 years ago

I like you’re writing style. Can’t say I like smelly feet. Just washed, clean and fresh are more my cup of tea. But I liked your story anyway.

OneAuthorOneAuthoralmost 4 years ago
Very nice

I really enjoyed the short but sweet encounter with Jessie. I am sure Petey will have lots of fun with her socks, and maybe even with her feet again, too.

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