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Hard Choice Road: Ch. 02

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Wren and Eric continue their journey.
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Hard Choice Road

Chapter Two: The Three of Us

Wren could not imagine any suite being more luxurious than the one they had entered. Opulent yet tasteful and more extensive than their townhome. Malcolm insisted the couple sit together on the sofa. In contrast, he sat on the overstuffed leather chair across from the pair.

The elevator ride to the suite was done in near silence. Eric looked like a schoolboy being sent to the Headmaster's office, the agonizing 42 floors. Wren, meanwhile, took the journey with a mixture of anger and excitement. How could Eric discuss their personal life with Amber? On the other hand, he was right; she was not happy in their relationship. At the very least, he had the guts to do something about it. Now sitting next to him, she accepted that she was equally to blame for her unhappiness. They could have discussed it instead of letting it fester, which was on both of them.

"I know the impromptu nature of this meeting is unusual. The group finds it best if prospective members do not rehearse their initial meeting." Malcolm began.

"It is rather sudden," Wren responded, giving her husband a scolding gaze.

Malcolm poured each a glass of expensive French wine before settling back into his chair. Wren observed how the man could dominate without saying a thing. Did she need to take notes? She might have set this all to memory if not for the fact that he brought out her submissiveness in spades. A knot tightened in her stomach. This path was wrong, and yet she felt powerless to stop it, not that she wanted to in the least. Malcolm was an alpha and knew it; no sense for anyone in the room to deny that fact. She had to be cautious; her marriage could hang in the balance.

He spent a few moments in silence observing the two before speaking. "Do either of you have any questions?"

Eric spoke, "When do we begin, that is when do we start the process? Assuming that both Wren and I agree to join."

"It began when you replied via your email," Malcolm responded.

"Seriously?" Eric exclaimed.

"Yes, the group does not offer membership lightly."

"I assumed it was just an informational inquiry."

"The background checks have been completed. The selection committee reviewed your qualification and voted for approval. We have had very few new members who have yet to work out. We want this process to work so everyone is satisfied and happy with the outcome.

The one sticking point, Eric, is that you should have informed and discussed the application with Wren. That certainly is a failure on the group's part as well. Perhaps our initial go-between's inebriated state or the sponsors themselves failed. Either way, it was unfortunate. It has happened before, though rarely. Some haste on both sides led to a misunderstanding. For that, I apologize."

"So now what?"

"That depends on Wren."

"Me?" A startled Wren replied.

"Yes, naturally, if you do not wish to join, the offer is rescinded."

Wren pondered, thinking about the possibilities.

"We can choose to leave at any time?

"Yes, no one is ever forced to continue in the group against their will whenever and wherever that may be."

"I could be both dominant and submissive at times of my choosing?"

"Within reason, of course."

"I could paddle Eric's bum until he screams like a little girl. Then later, I get paddled myself?" Wren said, almost adding "by you," a strong, sexy, irresistible man. She caught herself before uttering those words.

Malcolm laughed and looked at Wren. "The perfect angel with the sliest evil streak running inside. Wren, you have true potential. The answer to your question is yes."

"What about limits?"

"Each member is required to fill out an extensive questionnaire regarding their preferences. Senior members, including myself, review it. It is then entered into a database accessible by all members. As we progress, I will instruct you on the details and other necessary information. Members engaged in exclusive play with each other are expected to comply with all limits at all times. It is all a part of my responsibilities to you as your host sponsor."

"Do we have time to think this over?"

"In reality, at this stage, acceptance is typically assumed. Your case warrants a different approach. My observation suggests you have already decided, Wren."

"You know me that well, Malcolm?"

"The look of a strong-willed woman is unmistakable, no matter how she may try to hide it under an innocent, unassuming look. You decided in the bar Wren; we both know that."

Wren felt a blush across her face as her heart skipped a beat. The intensity of the emotional attraction surged over her.

Malcolm was spot on. Her mother's free-spirited and adventure-loving gene broke loose and ran wild; she nodded. At that moment, she felt the nature versus nurture part of herself take over."

"I need to hear you say the words, Wren."

"Yes, I ..., we agree," Wren answered with a tinge of authority.

Wren certainly had a submissive side, notwithstanding her dominant self never took a backseat. Malcolm both admired and enjoyed that side of Wren. He could not help noticing the correction to "we" in her acceptance.

"Excellent! I will own you both during the initiation period. Submission to me will be total. You two will give yourself to me, and I, in turn, will guide you. I will never push either of you farther than you can handle, but I will push. Boundaries will always be respected and tested."

For Wren, everything the man said sounded dangerous and exciting. She loved it and should know better.

"Always remember your safe word," Malcolm added casually.

"Which is?" Wren asked.

"Hey, Siri, Malcolm responded, the smile on his lips that seemed to acknowledge he knew Wren was the one with accurate understanding.

"Two words, actually, but clever," Wren smirked.

"It is subject to change at your discretion. The rules, of course, only apply when we are in private and playing. On that note, you will free up one night a week and every other weekend for the initiation and evaluation period. During this time, you will be dedicated to me. You will also engage with the group at times."

"The evaluation period is how long?" Wren inquired.

"Typically three months, no longer than five."

"That is some dedication."

"It is to ensure all involved understand and are happy going forward. Later this week, you will receive instructions and details about the society."

"Eric, I understand you have some experience with partners other than Wren?"

"Yes, some."

"Eric, you will address me as Master and use complete sentences when addressing me."

"Yes, I have been involved with different people and have some experience." Eric said before quickly, including, "Master."

Malcolm turned his attention to Wren. "Fine, Wren, you will address me as Sir. Now I understand your experience is mostly bedroom play. Is that correct?"

Wren shot Eric a look of umbrage, wondering how much he told others about their intimate life. "Yes, only what Eric and I have done. What you call 'play,' Sir." Wren emphasized the word 'Sir' for effect.

Malcolm ignored the haughty inflection in her voice for the moment. "Submission fantasies are just that; conversely, actual submission can only be achieved through experience. You will obey any command I give immediately. That goes for both of you, do you understand?"

The question was immediately followed by a "Yes, Master and Yes, Sir" in perfect unison.

"Eric, no doubt you have some feeling of superiority over Wren. That perception is inaccurate. Not in terms of dominance, naturally. In particular, of an upper hand in being submissive. It is natural with your experience beyond bedroom play. For Wren, being a woman in a man's world means bowing to the patriarchy every moment of her life. It is not fair or just, and it is the state of the world. Wren no doubt has learned there is a great deal of power in the act of submission. So, beware of what this may hold for you.

You both are strong individuals, and this opportunity will test your relationship. Can you face that, Eric?" Malcolm said, looking directly at Eric as he spoke the words.

"Yes, Master, I can; it will not be an issue."

Once more, Wren felt a nagging worry creep over her soul.

"Truthfully, I disagree; Wren has a far better handle on how this will affect you. She knows what this will mean going forward and how it will change the dynamics of your relationship. It is going to be especially difficult for you, Eric. However, I am confident in you both, and it will only strengthen your bond over time." Malcolm let his words linger before continuing, "Eric, you enjoy humiliation?"

Again Wren was left wondering just how much information Eric had presented about them or if Malcolm was indeed that perceptive. She had always suspected Eric enjoyed humiliation. She was uncomfortable administering degradation, with Eric finding that form of domination in relationships outside of theirs.

"Yes, Master, I enjoy humiliation," Eric said.

Malcolm paused briefly before continuing, "Some advice, submit fully. Surrender everything with no hesitation. Accept all the pain and humiliation heaped upon you, not only by me and others but also by Wren. Though I know she has the fortitude, it will be difficult for her, and you must also be strong. Total submission is exhilarating, and you will no doubt find it fulfilling."

"Yes, Master," Eric replied in a submissive tone.

"Now, both of you stand facing me." Malcolm smiled, "Very good! Not knowing your limits yet, I will rely on your safe word."

The pair rose to their feet as Malcolm watched them. He took in Wren's svelte body as she unconsciously straightened and smoothed her dress.

Let the evaluation begin, Wren mused to herself. Malcolm would test just how far they would go, and so be it.

"Wren, you are wearing panties, I assume?"

"Yes, Sir," Wren replied.

"Fine, now Eric, please remove your wife's panties and bring them to me."

"Yes, Master," Eric replied as he retrieved his wife's panties.

Wren had committed, and once dedicated, she gave her all to any task. She lifted her dress above her thighs, easing Eric's task, all the while self-conscious about exposing herself before Malcolm. Odd, Wren thought, turned on and a modest schoolgirl all simultaneously. She noticed how Malcolm could come across as authoritarian and caring simultaneously. Damn, if it didn't make him all the more desirable.

Completing the assignment, Wren stepped out of her panties allowing Eric to deliver them to Malcolm.

"Fine, thank you, Eric."

Wren knew she would burst out laughing if Malcolm sniffed them. Taking them from Eric without demonstration, he folded them neatly and placed them on the arm of his chair.

"Wren, you will have the most challenging job of the three of us. Being a switch, that is, having a dominant and submissive side, is a tricky balance. Additionally, switches are often looked down upon in the BDSM community as confused individuals or, worse yet, someone who wishes to top from the bottom."

Wren nodded in agreement.

"Turn for me."

Wren rotated her long body. She was feeling a sense of both submission and pride.

"Slowly, yes, that's it.

Many will not understand you, Wren. Ignore the doubters; they are the ones who are ignorant. They are the oblivious ones. Who knows better than one who has experienced pleasure, pain, dominance, and submission from both sides? Now Wren, would you extract Eric's penis from his pants."

Wren's long fingers worked the zipper on her husband's trousers skillfully. His manhood, already fully erect, took moments to extricate before springing free at full attention.

"It seems Eric is already showing eagerness. Note that I said his penis, not his cock. Real men have cocks; sub boys have penises or, more appropriately, boy clits don't they, Eric?"

"Yes, Master, I have a boy clit."

Wren tilted her head, giving Eric a quizzical gaze, feeling a strange emotion hearing her husband's manhood referred to as part of the female anatomy. She wasn't sure how she felt seeing her husband humiliated. She did not find humiliation turn-on, though watching the masculine Maclom's abasement of her husband did cause her sex to stir.

Malcolm smiled. "Very good, Eric, you are a quick study. Wren, come here and sit on my lap," he said, patting his thigh.

Wren hesitated briefly before taking her place upon Malcolm's solid and powerful thighs. Malcolm's muscled arms encircled her waist, pulling her tight to his body. She tensed momentarily before melting into his strong embrace. Hiking her dress up, revealing her long silky smooth legs, he rested his large hand upon her soft, firm thigh, looking Eric straight in the eye.

"Your wife and I make a fine-looking pair, wouldn't you agree, boy?

"Yes, Master, you both look fantastic together."

"You hear that, Wren? Your husband thinks we look fantastic together.?"

"Yes, Sir," Wren replied, a slightly evil grin spreading across her lips. She found an odd mix of pleasure and discomfort in the situation. The power Malcolm exuded caused a flush of excitement to flow over her body. On the other hand, a sliver of guilt tinged with spousal empathy balanced her emotion. Could Eric be enjoying this as much as she did?

Malcolm placed a hand on Wren's cheek, turning her face to his, pressing his lips to hers. His tongue parted her lips demandingly as his fingers gripped her hair. It was unlike anything she had ever experienced before. She was under his spell as her heart throbbed, threatening to explode at any moment. Every part of her body melted into him, their bodies pressing hard, grinding as the kiss lingered passionately. His close-trimmed beard raked her skin wonderfully. She wanted to inhale his manly scent, breathe him in, cover him in kisses, lick him, taste him. His hands roughly explored her body as her heart continued to race. She could feel his massive throbbing tumescence poking her bum and, finally, releasing his grip and pulling away, leaving her breathless and desperately wanting more. Eric let out a moan of pleasure, watching his wife kiss another man.

Malcolm growled, "There is a pecking order in our relationship. With me as the master and alpha making my word the law. Wren, naturally, this means you will submit to me in all things. You are also a Mistress to Eric and others I choose unless I say otherwise. Eric, this means you are at the bottom of the hierarchy. Do the both of you understand that?"

"Yes, Sir," Wren responded.

"Yes, Master," Eric added.

"Excellent, Eric, stroke your boy clit for us, but don't you dare come."

"Yes, master,"

Eric did as he was told and slowly stroked the length of his manhood. As he did, Malcolm placed a finger against Wren's lips. Without thought, she licked the tip of his finger.

Malcolm smiled and said, "Suck it,"

Wren slowly began fellating his finger, looking deeply into his eyes as she did. He ran his other hand along her exposed thigh, sending a shiver of desire over her body. This was moving far too fast, feeling her heart racing, knowing this was wrong. Try as she might, at this moment, she could not resist this man.

Malcolm moved his hand slowly along Wren's body. Wren could not help but notice how powerful and perfectly tranquil Malcolm appeared sitting in the chair, looking so regal, like a king sitting on his throne. Damn handsome and sexy, Wren thought.

"Excellent, now Eric, get over here and show your Master's cock some respect."

Malcolm repositioned Wren across one of his muscular thighs, allowing Eric to fulfill his order.

He began to pull the zipper on Malcolm's trousers but was stopped by a forceful slap to his face.

"Use your teeth, boy," Malcolm growled.

Eric complied, taking the zipper between his teeth and tugging it down with substantial effort. His mouth weaved between his master's fly struggling to release his manhood. Taking pity on his newly acquired submissive, Malcolm raised his hip, allowing his impressive maleness to spring free, slapping Eric's face with a resounding smack that filled the room. A sly smile spread across Wren's lips as she watched the scene unfold.

Eric delighted in the heavenly smell of his new master's manhood as its scent filled his nostrils. He marveled at its impressive length and girth, taken with the monstrous display of manhood. He was lost in admiration and locked in a trance.

"It is not going to suck itself, boy."

Licking his lips, Eric jumped into action with unbridled enthusiasm and wasted no time displaying worship. His master manhood gave a perfect representation of male supremacy. He licked its remarkable length, drawing his tongue over every inch. Moving his tongue over the head as his fingers massage his master's equally large balls.

"Mmm yeah, that's good. A man can tell you have done this before."

Eric teased the shaft before sucking the head into his mouth, circling his tongue around the bulbous shaft, drawing it deeper into his warm wet willing mouth, increasing and decreasing speed and pressure in alternating intervals.

"Damn fine." Malcolm groaned.

Eric worked his master's maleness deeper with each slide along its length. Feeling Wren's soft silky thigh graze his cheek as he worked his master's manhood.

Wren watched in both amazement and interest. Realizing she had never given a great deal of thought to what her husband engaged in with other men during his trysts.

"I didn't say stop stroking your boy clit did I ... boy?"

"No, Sir," came a mumbled reply as Eric used his free hand to massage his now dripping manhood.

Wren could not deny how great Malcolm's hands felt as they explored her body. His large hands ran over her toned legs and along her taut tummy, stopping to cup her pert breasts, capturing a nipple between his thumb and forefinger, giving it a firm pinch that elicited a moan of pleasure from between her lips. This while her husband sucked Malcolm's impressive maleness.

Malcolm whispered, "You like it rough, don't you, girl."

Wren put her lips to his ear and whispered, "I am throbbing inside; how is that?" Licking his ear lobe.

Malcolm chuckled, giving her nipple a painful twist.

He grabbed her face. "I don't mind if you're mouthy, but you'll do it with respect."

"Yes, I like it rough, Sir!"

Malcolm pressed his lips to hers, kissing her deeply once more. He twisted her nipple firmly, enjoying her moans as their kiss lingered. His dark ebony eyes gazed into hers, Wren's brilliant azure eyes returning his, her fingertips caressing his face. Pushing her face back with his lips, ruthlessly grabbing her hair, forcing her head back. A burst of passion exploded between them in lust and longing. For a brief moment, the world contained only the two of them, and Malcolm found himself enthralled with this woman. Her wants and desires fed his own. He broke the kiss caressing her face, placing the gentlest kisses upon her throat as he did. He knew better, too much, too soon.

Holding her by the chin and looking into her eyes, he spoke firmly, "Go on, girl, you know you want to." Giving her a reassuring nod. It was a wordless acknowledgment of two dominant personalities.

With a mischievous smile, Wren wrapped her fingers into Eric's hair. She pushed his head down, forcing Malcolm's maleness deeper down his throat. Wren moved her husband's head further along their master's member until she heard a satisfying gag. Pulling her husband's head back and forcing it deeper still, repeating the process until her sex felt like a coil spring ready to unwind.

"Mmm, the boy knows how to suck cock." Malcolm sighed to no one in particular.

Eric whimpered, feeling his lips pushing against the base of his master's manhood and pulling his cheeks taut, drawing his tongue along the underside in a long, languid movement. He was in paradise, altering between licking and sucking with total adoration, saliva dripping down his chin, caressing every inch of the pulsing maleness.


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