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Hardworking Girl with Male Hardware

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Earning tips and maybe finding something more.
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The kitchen opened for dinner service downstairs. Max could hear patrons entering from his room. With an extra spring in his step, he pulled out his makeup. Max applied a little base first. The smells from the kitchen started to flood through his room while he opened the cap on a vibrant red lipstick.

Max pulled a pair of fresh pantyhose up his freshly-shaven legs. He took a moment to marvel in the mirror, as he always did, at the smoothness of his soft skin, and the prettiness of his complexion. There was one knock on his door and then a prompt notification of the time.

Max methodically slipped on his wig cap and grabbed a blonde bombshell wig for himself. He fixed it in the mirror, next putting on his attachable breasts. He picked out a short blue dress which matched his nails and did a spin in the mirror after he got it on over his sexiest bra.

He did a quick touch-up on his makeup while checking out his feminine body in the mirror. Max slipped on a pair of heels and then opened the door to his room.

He was now a she. And her shift had begun.

She walked down the long hallway of rooms. Grunts and other sounds of sex could be heard through the paper thin walls. She pressed open the swinging doors and stepped into the dining hall. She got her section from the Maitre d' and then looked over the room and saw her first table. The group of men were waiting eagerly to see her as she sashayed over to their table.

"Do you guys know what you'd like to start with?"

One of the men immediately wrapped their arms around her waist, "What's your name, honey?"

"Madelyn. Now did you boys look at your menus yet or do you need more time to decide?" She smiled.

"It's Ron's birthday tonight." Another one piped up while the first man's hand slipped lower; he pinched Madelyn's butt through the material of her dress.

"I'm Ron," the man pinching her butt said, "Are you on the menu, honey?"

"Well if it's your birthday, I think you get a free sample." Madelyn positioned her long legs to the side of his and sat down in his laps. The short dress barely covered the lower half of her body as her thinly-covered bottom settled down in the man's lap. She wrapped both of her arms around his neck.

The guy sitting across the way took a peek under the table and got an eyeful of Madelyn's pantyhose-clad legs. She seductively lifted her lips to the man's ears and whispered, "So how old are you, sir?"

"I'm 32 today, honey." He said with a grin, his arm wrapping around her waist again and pulling her body into his.

She pressed her soft lips against his unshaven cheek and kissed. "One." She kissed him again, "Two." Madelyn only made it to three before the man's tongue was crammed inside her mouth. They kissed in a frenzy as the man's hands starting groping Madelyn's ass. His friends rooted on the action.

Madelyn could feel his hard cock press through his pants against the cleft of her ass. She gyrated on his lap as they hungrily kissed one another. Madelyn finally pulled away, with the man's lips trailing hers, "Thirty-two," she smiled, her lips then crushing against his again, but only for a moment, "And one for good luck."

Madelyn removed the man's hands and stood up, readjusting herself, she picked her notepad back up from off the table, "So what'll it be?"

The other men hooted and hollered, but Madelyn ignored them until the birthday boy reluctantly ordered off the menu. The other guys fell into line and ordered as well, Madelyn did have to slap a few hands off her rump first.

As she looked around for her next table, Madelyn ran into another waitress named Janey. "Hey girl, fuck it's busy tonight!" The other girl told her in the midst of a quick hug.

"I guess so. Listen, there's a birthday in my section--wanna get them some drinks for me?"

"Sure thing. Anything else?"

"No no. Thanks a million, sweetie. By the way, does my lipstick look okay?"

"Mmmhmm, you're good, girl."

Janey bounced her hips against Madelyn's as the girls parted. Madelyn got to her next table and saw a handsome middle-aged men with graying hair sitting alone. She recognized him instantly as a regular customer. He always asked for Madelyn.

She snuck up behind the man, who was reading a newspaper and nuzzled up to his neck. His expensive cologne permeated her nostrils. "Know what you want, babe?"

The man chuckled, "I can think of a few things, Maddie."

"Tell me." She attached her lips to his neck and sucked hard on the sensitive spot.

"Let me get a better look at you." He put down his newspaper.

Madelyn's lips pulled off of his neck with a pop and then she walked in front of the man. She straddled the man's lap.

"Oh, you're blonde tonight. You look amazing, Maddie. You always do."

"Thank you." She said sweetly, her lips tasting and teasing his. His hand lifted up her dress and the other dipped under the front of her pantyhose.

"Will you come home with me tonight?"

Madelyn moaned when he reached for her stiff cock, "Hmm..." her hands spread out against his dress shirt, she started working on the top bottoms, "You're sweet but you know my answer."

She managed to extract his order from him. Madelyn lifted off of his laps, a big bulge now there which hadn't been before. He gave her buns a slap as she walked off in search of her next table.

Madelyn got the rest of her orders and forwarded them to the kitchen. She served her customers their meals and then took her break. Madelyn walked outside for some fresh air and saw one of the other waitresses, Nadine, smoking a cigarette.

"I haven't seen you all night!" Nadine waved over to Madelyn.

"No, it's been a busy dinner. I did see Janey and some of the other girls, though."

"I've served customers in my room most of the night." Nadine smiled.

"You slut!" Madelyn laid her head down on her friend's shoulder.

"The tips are better that way," Nadine ran her fingers through Madelyn's hair, "This wig is nice, girl. You'll have to let me borrow it." Madelyn laughed at the comment.

"I did have a favor to ask you." Nadine started, a bit unsure, "Do you think you could fit my cousin in sometime tonight. He's been begging me to let him come here." Nadine put her cigarette out, "He doesn't have much experience with ladies so I was hoping you'd give him an introduction."

"Oh my. This is such an honor!" Madelyn squeezed Nadine's arm. "Hmm, I'll see what I can do if you have him knock on my door after dessert tonight, but I'm not promising anything."

Nadine's pouted, her soft facial features scrunching. "But Maddie - I'd do this favor for you!"

"I don't have any little cousins around here begging to bang you." Madelyn hugged Nadine and then headed back into the restaurant to resume work.

Back in her room, Madelyn freshened up a bit. Her first stop was to her first table of the tonight. The rowdy group of guys had finished eating. She endured their cat-calling and harmless flirting while taking their dishes away. She returned again and this time lifted herself up onto the table.

Looking at the birthday boy himself she spoke, "Would you like to see a dessert menu?" Before the man could answer, Madelyn leaned into him, letting the perfume she'd sprayed in her room wash over him; she whispered something; he whispered back. Madelyn turned and smiled at the rest of the group then sauntered toward the kitchen with their eyes glued to her.

Madelyn ran into Janey again, she grabbed her, "Hey hon. Want to do me another favor?"

"I'm just about to start dessert. What is it, girl?" Janey checked her makeup out in the long mirror while they talked.

"Remember that group you served drinks to? The one with the birthday boy. They ordered a dessert platter. Want to give me a hand?"

Janey straightened up her hair. "It's not my hand that'll do the helping, though, is it?" She thought for a second, "Okay, I'm game."

Madelyn collected the rest of her dessert orders while the kitchen worked on birthday boy's platter. She pushed a cart out of the kitchen containing the platter and motioned for Janey, who had changed into a strapless dress. To the suspense and adoration of the group of guys, Madelyn and Janey strolled up with the dessert cart, but none of them were looking at the cart!

"We've got your order, sweethearts." Madelyn wrapped her arm around Janey, "This is my friend, Janey. I thought you'd be best served with two of us given the size of your order." The girls giggled.

Madelyn laid the platter out in the middle of the table and smiled at the birthday boy. Janey gravitated toward one muscle-bound hunk in the group and curled up against him, "Oooh - I like this one, Maddie."

Madelyn responded by giving Nadine a slap on the ass. "Under the table!" She shouted with a smile.

The other guys didn't exactly know what to make of it, while the birthday boy grabbed a piece of cake with a big grin on his face. Janey fell to her knees and slipped under the table. Nobody breathed until the audible sound of a zipper being opened cut through the air. Then a wet gurgle, and finally a muffled moan. The man who Janey had been hanging on put his head back and sighed.

The table which had been so quiet was now replete with noise as another zipper opened. Madelyn moseyed over to the birthday boy again and slunk down to her knees in front of him. Her fingers undid his pants and his pulled down his underwear, all the while their eyes were locked together.

His hard cock bobbed out into the light of the dining room. Madelyn cooed softly, her eyes then returning to his. "Happy birthday." His cock was enveloped by her lips.

Her lips sealed around his shaft; her tongue dancing over the underside of his cock. Madelyn could hear Janey gag and pant behind her. Janey spit on one of their cocks and then sucked it deep down her throat again.

The group of guys could barely nibble on the dessert they'd ordered with the suck-work they were experiencing under the table. Madelyn's lipstick was thoroughly messed up by the time her lips pulled off the birthday boy's shaft. She planted soft little kisses on his dick and then nipped at the head.

Janey gobbled down the other three cocks. She took turns sucking each swollen piece of meat and stroked the ones not in her mouth with her hands. She slobbered on each one of them and then repeated the process.

Madelyn felt a heel kick her in the butt. She knew it was Janey tagging her to switch positions. Madelyn let the birthday boy's cock fall from the soft grip of her lips. "I think my friend wants to swallow your cock next." Madelyn scooted over and let Janey slide into her spot. Madelyn crawled on her knees over to the other cocks, "And I think your friends might like to try a fresh mouth."

"Hi, I'm Janey. I'm real glad you chose us to celebrate your birthday." Janey grabbed the stalk of his cock and jerked it up and down, teasing the slit with her tongue.

Meanwhile, Madelyn stroked a thick cock in each hand, taking the lucky man in the middle's cock into her mouth and slurping on it. She alternated between sucking and licking. Madelyn felt the man's cock tense up and knew he wasn't far from cumming. She ripped her lips from his jerking cock and moved on to the next one.

"It looks... like you boys are ready to blow... any second now." Madelyn swallowed hard on the cock currently in her mouth.

"Oooh, let meeee!" Janey squealed, the birthday boy's cock dislodging from her throat. Madelyn felt a push and looked back, straight into Janey's face, she could make out a trail of precum dripping down Janey's chin from the limited light under the table. "Move over girl. I got it. You get the birthday boy." Janey's face was stuffed with one of their dicks before Madelyn could blink.

Madelyn crawled over to the birthday boy and looked up at him from under the table. "It looks to me like you still need some attention." His cock was immediately engulfed inside Madelyn's warm mouth.

One of the other men cried out as he came; the obscene sound of Janey's throat swallowing spurts of cum could be heard. Another man followed and Madelyn kicked her sucking of birthday boy's cock into top gear.

His cock jerked against Madelyn's tongue in her mouth; his face tensed and she knowingly aimed the tip of his cock right down her little throat. The calm, familiar feeling overtook Madelyn as the first piping hot batch of cum spewed from his dick.

The last man Janey was mouthing finally started cumming. Madelyn could only imagine how covered in cum her friend must be. She knew that Janey was loving it. If it was possible, Janey was an even more enthusiastic cocksucker than Madelyn. No, that couldn't be possible, but Madelyn's friend certainly loved the art.

The birthday boy finally finished blowing his load. Madelyn treated every drop like it was liquid gold. She left the last mouthful in her mouth and savored the flavor. Every man tasted a little different. Madelyn enjoyed the warm silky feeling of it as the puddle rolled down her throat.

The fresh coat of lipstick she'd applied was now sitting in a ring around birthday boy's cock where her lips had been. He helped Madelyn up and she glanced over at the other men. She saw Janey's heels stick out from under the table, but the rest of her was still covered by the table. Madelyn grabbed her friend's arm and helped Janey up, who seemed content to have stayed there forever.

"Come on, sweetie. We don't wanna keep these nice men here all night." Madelyn told her friend. Janey's hair was all over the place. A river of cum had dripped down to her fake tits. She had a smile of contentment on her face. Janey fixed her dress and then hung onto Madelyn's arm.

"I hope you enjoyed your birthday. Come back soon." Madelyn caught Janey making goo goo eyes with the same hunky guy from before. Madelyn noticed cum dripping from Janey's dress and down her stockings; the slut had cum from sucking them off. She gave her friend an elbow which made Janey straighten up. "Just ask for Madelyn - "

" - Or Janey!" Janey cut in, giving the hunky guy another smile.

Madelyn whispered to her loud enough that the table could hear, "Behave yourself," she gave Janey a quick girl slap on the butt and then batted her long eyelashes at the table. Janey giggled as she felt hiccups coming on. The girls gathered tips from the birthday group and then split to freshen up.

Madelyn was on her way back to her room when Nadine bumped into her. Nadine grabbed Madelyn's arm as if she was afraid that her friend would disappear. She caught her breath and then spoke. "I've been looking all over for you Maddie!"

"What is it?" Madelyn chuckled at her friend's huffing.

"I have a table which requested a second girl." Nadine grinned mischievously.

"Oh, Nadine," she shrugged her shoulders, "Janey and I just worked a dessert platter together; plus I have my own tables and I've gotta fix my makeup."

"Nonsense, baby." Nadine covered Madelyn's hands with her own and pulled her friend in the direction of the table. "You look beautiful. They just want to watch. Kiss me and pretend you like it!" She said with amusement and then frolicked off to her table, confident that Madelyn would follow. Watching Nadine's cute little patootie wiggle, Madelyn knew that she would, and that she'd like it, too.

Nadine led her to a long table with at least ten chairs and just as many eager faces when they saw the two girls approach. "I come - bearing goodies." Nadine told them. She pushed Madelyn against the table and gave her a tender kiss on the lips. "She's just as soft as she looks." Nadine told the crowd as she started to fondle Madelyn's fake breasts.

Before long, both Nadine and Madelyn were on top of the table, kissing and clawing at each other for all to see. Fellow customers stopped and stared as Nadine's table cheered the two of them on.

"Whoever you sucked off has a good taste to their cum." Nadine smacked her lips, "It musta been a big load." No one could hear them given how loud the place had become. Some of the men had retrieved their dicks from their pants and were openly stroking them. Madelyn thought this was surely great stroker material for them.

In between the wet kissing and heavy petting, "If you want me to show your little cousin a good time - " Madelyn paused to nibble on Nadine's bottom lip and spread her legs so the guys behind her had a better view, "You're gonna have to give my regular customer his regular shtupping for me." Madelyn kissed from Nadine's jawline to her closest ear, she planted her lips there and said in a low voice, "Just a hint: he likes it in the ass."

Madelyn felt Nadine's body tighten up, and she stopped grinding her hard cock against Madelyn's midsection. "Oh no Maddie," she said worriedly. "I couldn't do that."

"You'll do it if you want me to spend some intimate time with your little cousin. Why does he need his cousin to set up a sex date for him, anyway?" Madelyn crushed her lips against Nadine's, taking her breath away and silencing her. She mauled Nadine's body and then Madelyn slid her hand between Nadine's thighs. She grabbed hold of Nadine's cock to the approving roar of the table and gave it a rough squeeze. "This tool of yours better be ready to do some serious drilling."

Madelyn was back in her room a half hour later. She took a quick shower while she waited for Nadine's cousin to get there. Madelyn portioned out a dollop of her berry-scented soap and spread it over her girly body.

She washed off and then stepped out of the shower. Madelyn hugged the towel against herself and checked her body out in the steamy mirror. She looked refreshed from the night. Madelyn didn't bother to put a dress back on. She put on a little lipstick first; Madelyn got her breasts back on. Next her wig went on. She picked out a cute little pair of panties and completed the outfit with a pink t-shirt.

A noise from next door stirred her to the adjoining wall. She put her ear to wall and heard Nadine enter her room. She heard some rustling around and then a groan from who Madelyn recognized to be her regular customer. Madelyn was contemplating how to eavesdrop more effectively when she heard a knock on her own door. Madelyn gave up on that and fixed her hair one last time before pulling open the door.

Before her stood a strapping young man. He was tall and well-built, though Madelyn couldn't tell how tall, given that the man was slouching so badly. He wasn't making eye contact with her. His eyes were pointed toward the floor where Madelyn's feet were; she'd ditched the high heels for a pair of tube socks.

"Are you Madelyn?" He said the words so quietly that Madelyn had to lean in to hear him.

"Yep, well my friends call me Maddie. You can call me that." Madelyn told him cheerfully.

The young man's arm outstretched and he awkwardly offered her his hand to shake. "I'm Jake. Nadine's cousin I mean."

Madelyn shook his hand--which was perspiring pretty badly by this point. Madelyn didn't let go of his hand, though. She closed both of her hands around his and pulled Jake into her room.

"I figured." Madelyn turned to shut the door and then looked back at Jake, whose eyes had drifted to her ass when she turned. "If I could just give you one tip..." She collected his hand again and then closed the space in between them. Madelyn lifted up on her tippy toes until her lips were just barely grazing his, "Never ask a girl in underwear whether she's the right girl." She pushed her lips against his for a moment and then pulled away, "You might tempt fate."

"I'm sorry." He said, incensed by her touch.

"And don't apologize either." Madelyn pressed her hands to his chest and then pushed him further into the room. "Well, there are two things I didn't expect here," Madelyn began. "When Nadine told me that her cousin wanted a little playtime, I expected someone a lot less built but a lot more aggressive."


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