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Harem House - Selene Pt. 06


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"Wait. Leave it on for a second." Arthur reached out to stop her hand. He stopped both of hers with one of his trapping them against the middle of her chest. "Are you sure everything's okay between you and Kat? Are you- are you okay to keep going tonight, or do you think you should head home?"

Selene scoffed. "No way am I going home tonight unless you kick me out." She shook her head. "Besides, she'll need at least thirty minutes alone after she gets home."

Arthur looked confused.

"I know my sister." Selene assured him. "If you think she's doing anything other than getting off when she gets back to the apartment, you'd be wrong. She's gonna go straight to her room, close and lock the door, close her eyes, think of you, and finger herself to oblivion."

"Think of me?" Arthur asked.

"Oh yeah. Trust me." Selene teased him. "Who could blame her? Those big muscular arms." Selene said breathlessly before she leaned over and kissed his bicep. "Strong shoulders." She moved to her tippy toes to kiss the side of his shoulder. "Handsome face." Selene smiled up at him. "Though your face probably won't feature as much in her imagination as certain... other parts." She looked down between his legs.

"Okay, enough." Arthur shook his head. "If you're sure everything is okay. We'll get back to what we were doing."

"I'm all for that." Selene chirped. "All that teasing and talking... I'm ready to get back to playing." She assured him by trying to pull her hands out from his grip to undo the rest of the buttons, but he held firm.

"You shouldn't tease your sister so much." Arthur's tone almost sounded like a reprimand. "It took a lot for her to come over and clear the air like that, and I could do with a little less teasing myself."

"Yes, Master." Selene looked apologetic and bowed her head.

"Are you just trying to appease me by telling me yes, or will you follow through?" Arthur asked.

"I'll follow through. I'm sorry, Master. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable." Selene did her best to assure him as she looked into his eyes. "I really do like the idea of her watching or even joining in."

"Really?" Arthur asked though he wasn't sure why he was surprised. Given the fantasies she'd shared thus far, he wondered if there was anything she wasn't into.

"Yeah." Selene nodded.

"Even though she's your sister?" Arthur asked.

"I mean..." Selene hesitated. "I don't know that I'd want to, like, do anything to her myself. I guess. It's not like I want to kiss her or eat her out or anything." She amended. "But to hold her down while you fucked her? Or to let her watch you fuck me? Or to watch while you fucked her? To blow you after you fucked her or-"

Arthur let go of her hands and held his hand up to indicate that he got the picture. "Okay. I get it. I think."

Selene smiled and waited patiently as she dropped her hands to her sides. Then she dropped to her knees and assumed the Nadu position without any instruction. "I just don't know how to convince her other than to tease her about it like that."

Arthur took a deep breath. "Well, if you're serious about it, it's something we can explore together later." Arthur assured her. "But I'm glad she didn't take you up on it for now."

"Really?" Now it was Selene's turn to sound surprised.

"Yeah, I mean, it'd be kind of awkward. I don't really know Kat at all. And I've never done any of this in front of an audience before." Arthur admitted. "I like to get to know a girl before I fuck her, ya know?" He joked.

"That can be arranged, Master." Selene smirked.

"What did I say about the teasing?" Arthur warned.

"Sorry, Master." Selene apologized, though they both knew that she wasn't.

"No, you aren't." Arthur shook his head and strode past her. He went into the bedroom once more and cleared away the books on the bed. Selene thought he might have been genuinely angry for a moment, but when he came back to the doorway and looked down at her, he was smirking.

He looked at her there, kneeling with her knees spread apart and her hands on her thighs palm up, her feet pointed behind her, and her butt resting on her heels, all slightly covered and revealed by his dress shirt, and couldn't help but smile.

"Fetch my briefcase, slut." Arthur instructed. "Then stand at the foot of my bed, and wait for me."

Selene didn't even say 'yes sir' before she moved to obey. She was standing at the foot of his bed in record time, looking toward it. It looked comfortable, and the bedding was fresh and clean.

The room itself was small, with the closet to the left on the same wall as the door to the living room. The shower and tub in the bathroom were on the other side of the closet wall. Then there was the left wall with a nightstand on the right side of the bed, and the bed's headboard, with a floor lamp in the far back corner. A window with blinds and a light-blocking curtain took up most of the far wall from the door. The dresser was on the right wall from the door, opposite the bed, leaving a path where Selene was now standing. She set the briefcase on the foot of the bed in front of her and waited.

Arthur closed the bedroom door behind him, but Selene was surprised to realize that he was on the other side of it, and he wasn't in the bedroom with her. She didn't move, but she waited. She knew her patience would be rewarded. She just wasn't sure why he was making her be patient. After all that fuss and all that interruption. He wanted to fuck her just as badly as she wanted to fuck him, right?

Arthur locked, deadbolted, and chained the front door of the apartment. Then he went into the bathroom and let out a long sigh as he relieved himself. Then flushed and washed his hands - twice. He looked at himself in the mirror and fixed his hair. He touched his chin where his five-o'clock shadow was gruff to the touch and frowned. He took a deep breath and maintained eye contact with himself in the mirror. It was a private ritual. A private conversation. Whatever was said, it gave him the energy he needed to come into the bedroom with the same gravitas as a king entering his throne room.

He closed the door behind him, and he watched the goosebumps work their way down Selene's thigh from under the oversized shirt. "Display." He instructed, his tone dark as he gave her the command.

Selene obeyed immediately, stepped her feet apart a little, and raised her hands, lacing her fingers behind her head which lifted the shirt up but not enough to show anything.

Arthur stepped toward her so that he was standing behind her, then he reached around and started undoing the buttons on her shirt as if he were the one wearing it. Finally, the last button was undone, and the two halves of it fell apart from one another. She was naked beneath it, and the line of flesh the opening exposed was tantalizing as Arthur looked down to see it.

"Arms down." Arthur instructed, and Selene obeyed. She put her arms at her sides, and Arthur peeled the shirt over her shoulders. He let it fall but caught it and then pulled it off the rest of the way. Once her arms were free of the sleeves, she was free of the shirt, and Arthur sent it sailing to the hamper in the corner.

"Whenever you spend the night here, slave." Arthur began. "You will not know whether or not you are to share my bed."

Selene didn't speak but waited for Arthur to continue.

"Sharing the bed overnight with someone is an extremely intimate event. You will have to earn that privilege each and every time. Do you understand?" Arthur asked, and Selene answered, though it was nearly rhetorical.

"Yes, Master."

"Good." Arthur brought his hand to her neck, tracing his fingers from behind her ear to her jawline. "And do you believe that you've earned that privilege tonight?"

"I don't know, Master, that is for you to decide." Selene knew it was the correct answer when she saw Arthur's smile, but she still felt uncertain about what he was planning.

"Yes." Arthur agreed. "It is." His finger moved from her jawline back down to her throat, then over the top of her breast. "And I am still undecided." He explained.

Selene was silent for a moment as she enjoyed the feeling of his finger arcing down over her breast and then sliding up the underside. "Is there anything I can do to help you make up your mind?" She asked.

"Tell me a bedtime story." Arthur said as his finger drifted up over areola and played there for a bit.

"What?" Selene sounded confused.

"A bedtime story." Arthur repeated. "I'm going to get into bed." He explained. "And you're going to lay between my legs so that you can stroke and suck me as you take one of your fantasies, preferably one you haven't teased me about tonight, and turn it into a story."

Selene understood.

"If I like your story, I will let you cum before we rest, and I'll let you sleep in the bed with me tonight."

Selene felt goosebumps coat her arms.

"If I don't like your story, I will spank you before we rest, and you will sleep in a slave bed here on the floor at the foot of the bed. If I really don't like your story, I might even edge you before we rest." Arthur smirked as he moved away from her and opened the briefcase once more.

She remained perfectly still as he took a single leather cuff and placed it on her right ankle. She waited for the other three, but they never came. Instead, he measured out a specific length of rope and tied one end to the corner leg of the bed. Then he tied the other to the ankle cuff he'd placed on Selene. It was a little slack from where she was standing, but only a little. She knew she'd be able to lie on the bed but wouldn't be able to reach her head to the pillows with the current length.

"Do you understand?" Arthur asked as he removed the paddle and the vibrator from the briefcase and then closed it.

"Yes, Master." Selene responded.

"Very good." Arthur said. "Wait here."

She waited while Arthur did a final pass through the apartment. He tidied a few things, but mostly it was turning out the lights, double-checking the doors, and then coming back into the bedroom. He brought her purse and phone in with him and placed them both on his dresser. He stood beside Selene for a moment and then sighed as though he were disappointed.

"Undress me, slave. Get me ready for bed."

"Yes, sir." Selene obeyed as quickly as she could. She turned and reached down to grab the hem of his t-shirt and lifted it up as high as she could. However, she could not lift it up and off of him without his help. He was simply too tall. Yet, he made no move to help her.

"Um..." Selene said awkwardly.

Arthur coughed and tapped the bed with his knee.

Selene noticed and then climbed onto the mattress. Tied as she was to it, she could stand on it comfortably and lift his shirt up and off as he raised his arms with it. She smiled, both at its silliness and joy of triumph, as she tossed the shirt toward the hamper but missed.

She reached for Arthur's pants, but Arthur stopped her hands with his. She looked up, confused.

"I keep this place tidy." Arthur explained. "I expect you to do the same, you dumb slut."

Selene was startled for a moment and looked at him through narrowed eyes. She had no problem being called slut. In fact, she enjoyed that. She was instinctually angry at being called dumb, a little mad at herself for being upset about it, and frustrated that she didn't understand why he'd chosen to call her that, which reinforced the worthiness of the name in her mind.

Realizing that her reaction wasn't positive, Arthur clued her in by pointing out the shirt she'd tossed.

"Put it in the hamper, slut." This time, he left certain adjectives out of it, and her response improved as she obeyed.

"Sorry, Master." Selene looked abashed. "It won't happen again." She picked the shirt up off the floor and placed it in the open hamper on top of the dress shirt.

"If it happens again, you can expect a proper punishment." Arthur said sternly. "I expect this place to be kept clean and tidy, and while you're here, that's your priority too. Understand?"

"Of course, Master. Consider me your maid when you have no other use for me." Selene assured him as she reached for his pants once more. She only hesitated slightly, but he didn't stop her this time. Selene pulled them down with his boxers, and he stepped out of them one foot at a time. Rather than toss them, she moved them to the hamper, placed them on top, and then turned back to him.

"Oh, you do sleep naked, don't you Master?" Selene asked, just to make sure.

"I think I will tonight, anyway." Arthur winked and then climbed onto the bed.

Selene waited until he was comfortable and then crawled onto the mattress herself. She laid down between his legs, one of which he crooked so she could use the inside of his thigh as a pillow. The other calf he moved between her legs, which Selene eagerly squeezed with her thighs. Then she reached up and started running her hand lazily along his shaft as he closed his eyes and let out a deep comfortable breath.

"Are you ready, Master?" Selene asked.

"Yes, slut. Tell me your fantasy." Arthur answered with his eyes closed.

"I have so many, Master. Is there a specific fantasy you would like to hear?" Selene asked.

Arthur smirked. "Whichever one makes you crave release the most."

Selene smiled in response. "Yes, Master."

She licked his cock in a long stroke with her tongue from the tip to the base before she started. It stiffened immediately in her hand, still lazily pumping it as it pointed down. Once she rested her head with her ear on his thigh, his dick was in easy reach.

"It's summer break, and you invite me, Kat, and a few of our friends, to your parent's cabin up by the finger lakes before the start of the next semester." Selene began the story.

"My parents don't have a cabin like that." Arthur corrected her.

"We rent a cabin together, then. The whole group of us. An Air B&B." Selene chided him with her tone for interrupting her story with facts already. "We all arrive, catch up, and have a grand time out at the lake in the afternoon. I'm wearing the tiniest, sluttiest, bikini. The one you stared at in the mall window last spring." She gently bobbed her head up to stroke the underside of his cock with her tongue.

Arthur remembered that bikini. He could picture it in his mind with his eyes closed now. They'd been at the mall to do some shopping so that Selene could buy a birthday present for Kat. One of the stores was starting to show off its summer swimwear, and one of them had caught his eye. He didn't think at the time that Selene had noticed, but apparently, she had.

"You're wearing those short swim trunks you always wear." Selene smirked at the thought of them, but she was apparently happy with that thought. "You can't help but ogle us sometimes as Kat, Maria, Yvonne, and I lay out to catch some sun."

"Is the whole theater club there?" Arthur asked with a slight chuckle.

"Well, I invited the whole theater club." Selene said. "Like you asked me to. But somehow, the guys' invites didn't make it through, so it's just you and the girls." Selene smirked, shifting slightly to allow his cock to point straight up since it was straining against her hand as she gently stroked it.

"So you're laying out sunbathing..." Arthur prompted her.

"We're laying out sunbathing, watching you swim in the lake until we decide we've had enough sun, and join you for a swim." Selene explained. "Yvonne and I swim out to you right away while the others stay back where it's shallow. When you ask us what's up, I challenge you to a race. I bet that I'm a stronger swimmer than you and Yvonne since I used to be on the swim team-"

"You were on the swim team?" Arthur asked.

"No, it's- it's something I'd make up to set up the next part." Selene huffed. "May I continue the story?"

"Go on, slave." Arthur smirked.

"I lied, but the two of you seemed convinced to take me up on it. Yvonne isn't sure she wants to participate, so she asks what she gets if she wins. I suggest we set the stakes that the loser, the person who comes in last, has to be the others' servant for the whole weekend. Yvonne chickens out, but you're confident you can win, and I seem confident that I can beat you. So we race - and Yvonne judges. We agree to swim to the dock, and the first one back to Yvonne wins. I splash you just as Yvonne calls go and laugh as I take the early lead. You take it easy on me-" Selene kissed the side of his cock. "And stay just behind me, where you have a good view of my ass in that thong bikini when it comes out of the water. On the way back, though, you decide you want to win, and since you took it easy for the first half, and I gave it my all, I'm tired out, and you pull ahead."

Selene continued. "You win. Yvonne laughs and tells me that she has the perfect costume for me to wear to play your servant for the rest of the weekend. We laugh about it and continue swimming for a while. But once we go back to shore, she and I disappear to get changed while you're still drying off. You talk with Kat and Maria as they ask what that was all about - and you nearly forget about the wager after a few minutes until you see Yvonne and me coming back from the house. She's still wearing her bikini, but I've changed into a sort of French Maid costume, a short black dress that only reaches the tops of my thighs, showing off my thigh-high stockings and black high-heeled shoes, complete with a tiny white apron with white ruffles and lace. It's practically lingerie. You all laugh, but I notice something hungry in your eyes before I look down at my feet. You lift my chin up. For a moment, I think you're going to kiss me, but you just tell me to serve you dinner."

Selene's stroking of his cock paused for a moment. "May I play with myself, Master?"

"Yes, slut." Arthur answered. "But do not cum without permission."

"Of course not, Master." Selene agreed, and her other hand disappeared between her legs. She thanked him by bringing her lips over the head of his cock again after she turned it toward her face and plunged her mouth halfway down it. She sucked hard and pulled her head back slowly so that it popped free with a wet noise before she continued her story and went back to stroking him.

"The girls are laughing at me, but they're also watching us and the heat between us as it builds. I think they're a little jealous of the attention you're giving me. They're sitting at the dining room table, ready for dinner in their bikinis and bathing suit covers, baiting you to look at them. Maria doesn't adjust her bikini at all, even though the top is too small for her huge tits. Kat loosens her top 'accidentally' so it's nearly ready to come loose at the slightest tug of the strings. Yvonne keeps touching your arm as she talks to you and clearly regrets not losing the bet herself because your eyes follow me as I move about the room serving all of you dinner and waiting for my turn to eat." Selene explained.

"Yvonne is talking to you about how she's always loved costumes and asks you for your opinion on what she should wear for Halloween this year. She has to repeat the question before you can answer it since you weren't even listening. You were thinking about the hem of my skirt and how I have to keep tugging it down, or it'll show that I'm no longer wearing my bikini or anything else - underneath it. Do you think Yvonne would look sexier in a schoolgirl costume or nurse costume for Halloween?"

"I'd tell her to think of something that takes a little more imagination." Arthur answered.

She could tell that Arthur liked her story, even if she was a little distracted by her own pleasure while she told it. She knew where it was going, where she wanted it to go, but she wasn't sure how to get it there. Pleasing Arthur enough to earn a spot on the bed wasn't even on her mind. She could only think about her hand between her legs, his cock in her mouth or in front of her face, and the imagined scenario she was telling him that she hoped he would cum to, eventually.

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