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Harem House - Selene Pt. 16


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"So are you okay with... well, that arrangement?" Arthur asked.

"Being one of your girls? And having those girls be my housemates?" Kelly asked as she finished her set, and Arthur helped her move the barbell back into place. She hopped up to add more weight so Arthur could do another set.

Arthur nodded as he helped her. "Yeah." He explained.

Kelly seemed to think about it for a moment. It was a weird situation to be in. It could also explode or implode and get messy, leaving her in a tough spot to find a new place to live. However, if money was right, it wouldn't be any worse than the spot she was in now.

"Yeah." Kelly shrugged. "That's what we agreed, more or less. I might want to meet your other girls, though, just to size up the competition."

Arthur smirked. "They're not competition." He shook his head. "They're...." How did Mindy phrase it? A sisterhood? "They're all willing to share." He assured her. "Are you okay meeting the other girls? Like, knowing who they are?" Arthur asked.

Kelly seemed to think about it as she got back into position for another set. "Well, I guess it'd be a little more above board that way." She said after a few slow reps. "You're looking for an open relationship, basically?"

"An open, polyamorous relationship, essentially. But I want to be fair about it, and I want to keep everyone in the loop. I'm not trying to hide anything from anyone." Arthur agreed. "Especially from you or any of the others."

"Your other girlfriends, you mean?" Kelly grunted.

"Yeah." Arthur agreed.

"Admirable." Kelly grunted as she finished her set, and Arthur helped her place the bar. She sat up and wiped her brow with her forearm. "I guess it's better than doing what Sean did and cheating on us all."

"Sean?" Arthur asked.

"Katelyn's ex." Kelly explained. Then she seemed to make a decision and nodded. "Okay. Yeah. I guess I'd like to know who my sister-wives are." She joked. "Especially if you plan to move us all into your house."

Arthur blushed a little too easily, and Kelly only smirked. "So..." She looked at him pointedly. "Who else is moving in with us, hubby?"

Arthur smirked a little, the nickname helping to ease his anxiety. "Well, there's Selene, whom you've met. And her sister Kat."

"You're dating sisters?" Kelly sounded genuinely shocked and said it a little louder than she meant to, judging by the blush that crept onto her pale, freckled face when multiple heads turned their way, including Selene and Kat's, who had been watching the conversation but unable to actually hear it. "Sorry." She said more quietly.

"Kat is more of an F-W-B." Arthur admitted. "So is Selene, I suppose." At last officially. He didn't really think of her that way anymore, though. At least, not when he was being honest with himself. They'd left friends behind and replaced it with something else. If not boyfriend and girlfriend, then Master and slave, which was even more challenging to explain.

"So if I said I wanted to commit and be exclusive....." Kelly watched him for his reaction but didn't give away what she wanted that reaction to be.

"Then we'd talk about it." Arthur said with a nod. "Also, I'm dating a girl named Mindy, and... I'm unsure what the deal is with Rani, but I suppose she's an F-W-B too."

"You have a lot of female friends who want to fuck you." Kelly observed. "Not that I'm surprised." She shrugged. "I wanted to fuck you too. But what do you tell people I am? Am I your friend with benefits?"

"No." Arthur answered quickly, which surprised Kelly a little. "You're the woman I'm casually dating, with the understanding we're non-exclusive."

"Bit of a mouthful." Kelly chuckled as she started her final set.

"Well..." Arthur hesitated. "That's what we are, right? I'm not sure how else to explain it to people."

"Yeah." Kelly nodded. "Is that your and Mindy's status too?"

"Yes." Arthur answered.

"So she's my main competition." Kelly declared.

Arthur shook his head immediately. "No. You're not in competition with anybody." He assured her.

"Damn right, I'm not." Kelly grunted. "If I wanted you, I could have you?" She stated most of it like a declaration, but her voice rose at the very last second to make it a question as though she wasn't as confident of the statement by the end of it.

"Honestly?" Arthur asked himself. "I'm not sure." He admitted after a few reps. "I like you. And maybe after a few dates of getting to know each other, we'd develop into something closer, but I don't know if I want to be exclusive with anyone. I..."

"You like getting as much pussy as possible." Kelly quipped.

"No." Arthur shook his head. The answer was too quick to be thoughtful, an automatic defense. "I mean, yes." He corrected himself. He felt as though he wasn't explaining this correctly. He looked at Selene, who was watching him from her warrior pose. She was obviously watching for signs of how their conversation might play out. Selene was better at explaining this than he was. After all, she'd explained it to Kat and Mindy and got them both on board with what they called his harem. "It's not that." He shook his head again.

"I don't blame you." Kelly grunted. "I like pussy, too, remember?"

Arthur smirked a little bit. Still, he hesitated at trying to explain it. "It's more than sex." He admitted. "I like each of the women I'm involved with. I'm close to each in different ways and growing closer all the time. I don't want to grow closer to one at the expense of the others." He admitted. "I want to be fair to each, and I'm not sure I believe that love has to be monogamous."

Kelly seemed to think about that as she finished her final set. Arthur helped her reset the bar, and then she wiped down the bench while he put the plates away. Then they moved over the free-weight dumbbells and looked at each other's reflection in the mirror as they stood and curled.

"So you love me?" Kelly asked. "It's a little early for the L-word." She smiled while she said it, though, undercutting the statement with amusement rather than fear.

"Honestly?" Arthur thought about it. "I think a little, yeah. After all, isn't friendship just a form of love, and we're more than friends, aren't we?"

"We're more than friends." Kelly agreed.

They were silent for a moment as they continued working out.

"Okay." She finally said. "But just... stop with all distinctions already. I know we want to keep things casual, but especially if we're all living in the same house, just call us all your girlfriends and be done with it. That way, we're all equal, and there's no fighting over a pecking order or anything."

Arthur smiled. "Okay." He nodded.

"And I still might date other guys. Or girls." Kelly said. "If we're non-exclusive, then that goes both ways."

"Okay." Arthur admitted. "Just don't expect me to be a throuple with someone I don't know or care about."

Kelly laughed. "Same, by the way. Just because we're non-exclusive and I'm bi doesn't mean I will be your third whenever you need a unicorn. If you and I are dating, our relationship is between us, even if we have other relationships. If that makes sense."

Arthur nodded and glanced at Selene. He didn't need two unicorns. Though, he wasn't sure if Selene was even bi. She wanted to be his third whenever he needed one out of a submissive desire to serve him in the most perverted ways she could imagine, a lustful desire in her that he did everything to encourage.

"Does that make sense?" Kelly prompted.

"Yes." Arthur grunted. "And I agree."

"Good." Kelly smiled. "So we're still on for Friday?"

"We're still on for Friday." Arthur answered.

"And you'll get me that application for a room at your parent's house?" Kelly asked.

"Sure thing." Arthur agreed. "And you're okay to, like... tell people about all of this? Our arrangement?"

"Yeah." Kelly said. "Let me tell Katelyn about it, though. She's... probably not going to understand."

All Arthur knew about Katelyn was that she was on the volleyball team with Katerine, was Kelly's roommate, was an education major (he was pretty sure), and broke up with her boyfriend, Sean, the Engineering major, sometime Friday night because she found out he'd cheated on her. Chances were she wouldn't be as understanding as Kelly about their arrangement.

"Will she still want to move in?" Arthur asked.

"If the money's right." Kelly nodded. "And she won't be a problem. She's normally very... liberal. Very open-minded. She just might have a negative reaction at first because of her breakup. She'll get over it when she realizes you aren't just a creeper trying to get out of a commitment."

Arthur took a deep breath as he set the weights back on the rack. "I'm really glad you understand."

Kelly laughed as she set her weights down. "Well, of course, you are. It means you still get to hit this." She slapped her hip. "Those other girls are lucky I didn't try to lock you down after that first date." She scoffed.

Arthur smiled. "Confident, aren't you?"

"Tell me I'm wrong." Kelly smirked.

Arthur thought about it but decided against answering, just in case. He didn't want to knock her confidence, but he was also unsure he knew the answer. If, after their first date, before Selene asked him to be her Master, she'd asked him to be exclusive, he'd have immediately said yes. He knew that much. After Selene asked him to be her Master, however... it was more difficult to tell.

"I should talk to the other girls." Kelly decided. "That's Selene over on the yoga mats, right?"

Arthur nodded. "And Kat's over on the bikes. I think we're getting breakfast after our workouts with Mindy and Rani. Can you join us?"

"Sure." Kelly shrugged. "It's a date."

Arthur scoffed and moved back to the weight bench as he started his chest flies. He and Kelly took turns, making their way through the rest of their workout, talking about ordinary things like classes and occasional questions about the house that Kelly was hoping to move into.

Kat finished on her bike first and then stretched with Selene, wrapping up her yoga with balance poses that showed off her dancer's flexibility a little too much in her yoga shorts. Arthur and Kelly took a little longer to finish since they were alternating and chatting. By the time they'd finished, the other two had been done for about fifteen minutes and were impatiently waiting for Arthur by the locker room doors. He and Kelly made their way over after cooling off by stretching in front of the mirrors, which drew attention from some of the people in the gym.

"Still on for breakfast?" Kat asked. "Or are you two eloping?"

"Kat." Selene hissed and, to Arthur's surprise, slapped her sister's arm.

"Sorry about her." Selene said to Kelly.

Kelly smirked but didn't seem apologetic at all. "Sorry for monopolizing him." She said. "You go on and shower, hubby." She said to Arthur. "I think we three need to talk."

Arthur smiled. He didn't mean to do it nervously but couldn't help it. He knew they would talk about him in the locker room, though he hoped it would be an amicable talk.

"I'll meet you in the cafeteria?" Arthur asked. The three girls nodded in response. Arthur gave Kat a look, and she softened in response before he headed into the men's locker room to shower.

"I don't know if we've ever been officially introduced." Kelly started as she offered her hand to Kat. "I'm Kelly."

"Katerine." Kat answered. "This is Selene."

"Yes, we've met." Kelly nodded to Selene. "Though I didn't know you were fucking Arthur then."

"He wasn't hiding it." Selene defended him quickly. "You were non-exclusive, and he was being discreet for my sake."

Kelly laughed. "Don't worry." She said. "We talked. He explained things a bit. I just thought I should get to know Arthur's other girlfriends."

Selene smiled. "What would you like to know?"

"Well, personally, I'd like to shower and get some breakfast. Let's wash and talk." Kelly said with a slight smirk.

Selene nodded and led the way back into the locker rooms. They all stopped at their lockers, with Kelly's being in another section than theirs, and were reunited by the shower stalls. The only problem was they weren't alone, and there were a few other people in the locker room with them. Still, Kat stole a few glances at Kelly, who didn't seem to mind being nude in the locker room. Kat kept her towel closed to and from the stall. Selene followed Kelly's example, holding her folded towel in front of her.

The three of them naked made up an exciting arrangement of contrasting beauty. Selene was lean and trim, with round breasts and butt cheeks that were pert, almost cute, rather than sexy. She had some tone to her, mostly in her legs and stomach, and her long blonde hair tied back in a braided ponytail fell to just above her butt. Her pale skin was the same shade all over, except for her butt, which seemed darker and almost red.

Kelly was tall, and her body was toned with muscles, especially her abs and arms. She wasn't a bodybuilder, but she was very clearly athletic with her body hard all over except for the soft bell-shaped D-cup breasts that swung perky and free as she walked through the locker room, her curvaceous hips, and her toned ass that looked like she'd sculpted it intentionally.

Kat was the shortest out of them and the roundest. She wasn't fat, but her body was nowhere near as toned as Kelly's or Selene's. She was soft and smooth, with a short bob cut of curly blonde hair that fell in ringlets against her face. Her breasts were larger than Selene's but smaller than Kelly's. Her hips were rounder than both, and her butt was bigger but less sculpted. She seemed to be the only one who cataloged the differences between their bodies and the only one worried that Arthur would lose interest in her with better options on the table.

"Aren't you going to take off your choker?" Kelly pointed to Selene's choker, whose hand went to it automatically and defensively.

"No." Selene shook her head. "It's treated to be waterproof. It's fine."

"Okay...." Kelly said hesitantly. "Sorry." She felt she'd insulted Selene or offended her by asking, but she didn't understand why or how.

The three showered but could not talk about what they wanted to discuss with strangers among them. Then they returned to their lockers. Kat dressed by keeping her towel on and only taking it off when she had to. Selene was much more free, tossing the towel onto the bench as soon as she reached her locker. Kelly did likewise in her section, and they met by the door on their way back to the cafeteria.

"So is that, like, a deeply personal necklace of some kind?" Kelly asked as they left the locker room, dressed for the day with their bags over their shoulders and the cafeteria building a short walk away. Knowing Arthur, he was already there. It never took him as long to shower as it did them when he showered alone.

"Sort of." Selene admitted. "Arthur gave it to me."

"Oh?" Kelly asked. "He hasn't given me a necklace yet."

Kat was silent.

"It's not a necklace." Selene corrected. "It's a collar."

"A...." Kelly's mind made the logical leap. "Oh." She said in surprise. "I knew he was into some things. I didn't realize he was that into it."

"I'm his...." Selene looked around before she admitted, but swallowed and finally did. "I'm his slave. Kat's his...." She nudged her sister.

"Submissive?" Kat asked Selene as if she were questioning whether that was the correct answer.

"When you want to be." Selene teased.

"Oh." Kelly said again. "I knew Arthur was open-minded and a bit kinky. I didn't realize he was that deep into it."

"Are you?" Selene asked.

"Am I what?" Kelly asked.

"Are you into B, D, S, and M?" Selene clarified.

"Oh, uh..." Kelly seemed to have to think about it. "I don't know. My kinks are... complicated." She admitted. "When Arthur came over last Friday, we roleplayed a bit and did some spanking, but it wasn't like he tied me down or anything."

"Arthur has a lot of sexual interests." Kat spoke up. "He really seems to love spanking, though."

"And lingerie." Selene added.

Kelly scoffed. "Well, at least I did something right."

"Hm?" Selene asked.

"Lingerie. I wore some for him last Friday. I was planning on wearing some again this Friday." Kelly admitted.

"I'm sure he'll love that." Kat said quietly.

"Hm?" Kelly asked.

"He'll love that." Kat said a bit louder. "He really enjoys lingerie. The lacier, the better."

"Good to know." Kelly smirked. "Do you think he'll be upset if I don't go in for all the hot wax, sadomasochist stuff?"

Selene shook her head. "No. He's got me for that."

"And me." Kat added quickly.

"And Mindy." Selene added. "And maybe Rani? I don't know."

"So four of his five girlfriends are all into kinky S and M stuff?" Kelly asked.

"You're kinky in your own way if you were roleplaying." Kat pointed out. "What did you roleplay with him?"

"Oh, nothing big." Kat shook her head. "I made dinner for him, acted like a proper housewife, that kind of thing. I was thinking of doing a french maid thing this Friday." She downplayed it as though she didn't think it was the hottest thing she'd ever done.

"Sounds like dominance and submission stuff to me." Kat shrugged.

"I guess so." Kelly admitted, thinking about it. "I hadn't really thought of it that way."

Selene nodded. "That sounds fun."

"I thought so." Kelly admitted. "I've got to admit, I'm kind of worried about how I measure up now compared to a self-admitted sex slave, submissive, and two others who are a little more willing to do the whole bondage thing."

"It's not a competition." Selene assured her. "We each bring ourselves to our relationship with Arthur, that's all. And he brings himself. That's all we can ask."

They were silent momentarily as they reached the cafeteria building and headed through the doors. They spotted Arthur in line for food ahead of them, and Mindy and Rani were already waving him and them over to their table in the far corner with their half-eaten plates.

Mindy was the picture of professionalism in a black blazer and pencil skirt that came to just above her knees. She had stockings beneath it that were dark, almost totally black. Though no one at the table knew she wore nothing under the blazer and had no underwear beneath her skirt. Her black hair fell in waves about her shoulders as she wore it down, held back by a black headband on top of her head.

Rani looked very different from how they'd seen her that morning. She was sexy naked or with a bedsheet, but her clothes for her date hadn't done her figure any favors. Even then, her hair, makeup, and jewelry had made her look quite pretty. Similarly, Now she dressed with her hair tied back in a simple low ponytail, little to no makeup, a baggy red hoodie that made her look twice as large as they knew she was, and a pair of baggy blue carpenter jeans that disappeared beneath the hoody. She was also devoid of jewelry, with one significant exception: A gold chain choker that looped through a ring, descended under her hoodie's collar, and disappeared.

Kelly had come from the locker room wearing a simple gray sweater dress that hugged her figure and showed off her curves, complimented by the black leggings that clung to her and made their way up, disappearing under the hem that came to her mid-thighs.

Selene wore the outfit Arthur had picked for her the day before: a pair of cutoff jean shorts over a pair of black leggings, with a black t-shirt that fit her well enough to fall loosely over the waistline of her shorts. The red thong and white bra she wore under it all were also his choice.

Kat wore a pair of gray slacks, a gray blazer, and a pink blouse. Her short blonde hair was still a bit wet from the showers but all the more curled for it with the product she'd put in it. What she wore underneath was anyone's guess, but Selene could have sworn she'd spotted the pink lace thong and pink lace bra Arthur liked before Kat fully dressed.

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