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Harem Sisters Pt. 07

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Jason's first date.
10.6k words

Part 7 of the 19 part series

Updated 05/25/2023
Created 07/13/2019
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Author's note.

It's finally here, Part 7.

I had planned on submitting this before I went away over a week ago, but I was far too busy and ran out of time and was out of Wi-fi and phone reception.

Good news is that part 8 is done too. I will be submitting it the day after this one, giving Lit admin their 3 to 7 day wait between submissions and publishing should hopefully have part 7 and 8 up together.

For those who of you haven't read my comments I made on the previous submission, part 8 will be finalizing "Book 1".

It doesn't mean much to you guys since I don't post in book form, but there's a finalization of the story so far. But there is much, much more for Jason, Tori, Vicky, Hayley, Liz and Lucy.

And to those who have mentioned that the rough sex isn't for them. That won't change.

It's a major kink of mine and it is my story. I enjoy mixing the rough sex with the loving scenes. So, if a woman being choked sexually isn't for you, that's fine, but it will be a recurring thing in this story between Jason and a few of the girls.

I'm just bringing this up so you're warned that it will happen again.

Lastly. The parents will not be taking part in the Harem, ever. So, don't worry about that cropping up in future. No matter what hints there may be.

Peace out.

P.S for the Abigail fans out there, fear not. I haven't forgotten about the pretty blonde gamer-girl.

Chapter 19

I dragged myself out of my bed the next morning—I'd woken up before my parents got home and put myself to bed—and went to the bathroom to take a piss. It was still early, and the house was quiet. Tori's door was closed and I guessed she would still be asleep for a couple more hours; my sister enjoyed sleeping late.

I flushed the toilet and stripped my boxers off before climbing into the wall-length shower, turning the water on to the pre-set I'd added for myself.

A morning shower was a necessity for me, the steamy water helping to wake me up. Lately I'd been showering much more often with all the sexual activities I'd been up to.

I spent a little time washing myself, and soon I was standing on the cool tiles in the steamy bathroom. I wrapped a towel around my waist and began drying my hair and torso with a second one.

Once I was mildly dry, I wiped the bathroom mirror down to check my reflection, something I rarely did in my old life, but lately I'd taken a liking to making myself look good for the girls.

I ran my fingers through my short beard—something I'd never kept longer than a week before—and turned my head from side to side, inspecting the short brown hairs. I never thought I could grow a decent beard before, and my ex hadn't liked facial hair of any kind, but I was starting to like it.

"I guess it's growing on me," I said to my reflection with a chuckle.

I picked up my razor and lathered my cheeks and neck with a small dollop of shaving cream. I carefully ran the razor along my cheeks and neck, taking off the stray hairs and leaving a perfect shave line. Hayley had suggested I clean my beard up and even offered to shave it for me-she'd worked in a hairdressers' and male barber shop before.

Once satisfied with my work, I cleaned the razor, washed any stray strands of hair from my face and beard, and stood back to admire my work.

I was never really that guy to stand in front of a mirror and admire himself-there just always seemed much better things to do—but the girls found me attractive and I wanted to look after myself for them.

I'd spent more time at the beach since coming home than I had most of my life, I'd also been spending more time outside and less time gaming. As a result, my pasty white skin had been darkened just a touch. I was still white as fuck; I just looked a touch healthier.

In the mirror I could see the bathroom door slowly open and Tori's head poke through the entrance. She smiled when she saw me.

"Good morning gorgeous," I said when my sister cleared the threshold, closing the door softly behind her.

"Good morning handsome," Tori replied, biting her bottom lip.

Her eyes were roaming my naked torso as she leaned against the bathroom door. I was lucky to notice because I was drinking in her beauty too.

She dressed in an extra small tank top that barely covered her perky breasts-leaving her flat stomach on display for me—and a pair of panties that looked more like teeny-tiny shorts that struggled to cover half of her taut ass.

It was an outfit one would never wear around their family, so I had a feeling she wore it just for me.

Tori crossed the bathroom and I took my baby sister in my arms, hands sliding down her back to cup her perfect ass. Our lips met, and we kissed like lovers who hadn't seen each other for months, hungry and wanton. Our passion never died; even if my sister and I made love every second of the day, we couldn't get enough of one another.

Tori moaned into my mouth as my hands groped her firm cheeks, and my cock began to harden, pressing against her stomach as it rose to greet the day.

After a minute or two, our kiss broke and we came up for air, both of us breathing heavily already. I was now full mast—something my sister was very good at doing to me—and I needed a morning release. The only issue was our parents upstairs.

I was about to tell Tori that we'd better cool our jets, but my sister had other plans for her morning.

Without a word she dropped to her knees and ripped off the towel from around my waist, freeing my painfully hard dick. My erection had been constrained by the towel and my sister's quick unveiling had caused her to nearly be slapped in the face by it as it sprang free. She smiled and giggled as my cock bounced before her face.

"You just relax Jace," she said with a wink as her delicate fingers wrapped around the base of my shaft.

I wanted to tell her it was nearly impossible to relax with my baby sister's hand around my dick, or because our parents were upstairs and could come down at any moment, but as soon as my lover's lips touched my dick, I lost all thought.

Tori must have had the same thoughts, because my little sister wasted no time as she began working my erection with her now well-practiced hands. Her lips formed a seal around my tip and her tongue darted out as she made out with my dick.

I leaned back against the bathroom sink and placed a hand on my sister's head, she was looking up at me through her glasses as she slowly slid my cock down her throat. The sight was incredibly erotic.

I groaned loudly as I felt her nose press into my pubis, her throat clenching tightly around my length as she stifled her gag reflex. I desperately wanted to grab a fistful of my lover's hair and start pumping her throat, but I let Tori do her thing.

After a few seconds, my sister pulled my entire length from her throat and coughed a little before spitting a large glob of saliva onto my dick. In one motion she pulled her poor excuse for a top off and flung it across the room, baring her perfect breasts to me. Then my sister grabbed my cock with both hands and began working my shaft like she was pumping for oil.

My legs started to weaken as pleasure shot through my body, her hands gliding over my slick manhood with ease, and she was picking up pace by the second, like she was trying to beat a world record.

I moaned loudly as I was unable to hold anything back. Tori had a way with me that no other woman did. She expertly worked my dick with her small hands, and she was in complete control of my body.

I was getting close to my climax—very close—and I was about to tell her when she wrapped her lips around my tip once again. That was all it took.

I grabbed onto the bathroom sink to steady myself and gripped a handful of my sisters' long, dark hair as my cock exploded into her mouth. I let out a loud moan as my dick pulsed a huge load passed her soft lips.

Tori latched onto my dick like it was an oxygen tube and she was suffocating, her hands gently massaged my shaft and balls as if trying to coax more sperm from them, not that I was lacking any.

After nearly a full minute of my dick spewing cum into my sister's mouth I finally let out the breath I hadn't realized I was holding. My legs were shaking, and I realized I was pulling on my sister's hair quite hard, which had her moaning around my tip.

I watched as my baby sister swallowed the huge load I'd dumped into her mouth. It must have been a lot, because it spilled past her lips and dribbled down her chin.

Once her breakfast cream was devoured, Tori let my dick slip from her mouth as she ran her tongue across her lips, lapping up any leftover cum she'd missed. Then my lover licked up and down my shaft, took my head in her mouth again and swirled her tongue around.

"Fucking hell, you're the best sister ever," I said breathily.

We laughed together, me while I was still getting my shit together, Tori while she still had my dick in my mouth.

"Only the best for my big brother," she said with a wink when she finally released my deflating erection.

Reality kicked in again and I was once again aware of our precarious situation, we'd gotten away with it again, but now it was time to get rid of any evidence.

"I'll sort you out later babe, but I better go get dressed." I pushed off the bathroom sink and knelt and grabbed my sister by the waist and hoisted her to her feet. She let out a playful squeal as I pulled her against me for a kiss, not caring that she'd just had my dick in her mouth.

We kissed for half a minute before I was finally able to muster up the willpower to put some space between us. Her nipples were as hard as diamonds and I wanted nothing more than to take them in my mouth, but I knew that if I started that, we wouldn't stop.

"Go get dressed Jace, I'll be sure to stay nice and wet for you until you do." Tori winked at me, then slipped a hand into her underwear. My brunette sister's eyes closed as she began rubbing herself, she bit her lip and let out a small gasp before pulling her hand free.

I could clearly see her sticky juices coating her fingers.

I stood there by the door for what felt like fifteen minutes, staring at my sister's half naked body and wanted nothing more than to lay her down, spread those legs and have a taste of her sweet honey pot. But I had to be smart.

I mustered up as much willpower as possible, took my sister's beauty in once more, then ducked out into the hallway, still naked, my cock swaying back and forth as it filled with blood again.

After Tori had her morning snack I dressed and headed into the kitchen to grab some breakfast of my own. Since I couldn't have my sister, I settled for a bowl of cereal. I had just settled in with my bowl of Cornflakes when my father came in, followed closely by my mother.

"Hey Dad. Hey Mum," I said through a mouthful of cereal.

"Good morning Jason," my mother said as she came around to my side of the counter, giving me a kiss on the head as she passed.

"Don't speak with your mouth full Son," my father added. He stopped in front of the coffee machine and grabbed two mugs out before setting about his task. He was usually quite grumpy before his morning beverage.

"Is your sister still in bed?" asked my mother as she seated herself beside me. Both of my parents were dressed in their matching crimson silk pyjamas with their initials picked out in fancy embroidery.

"I heard her getting in the shower earlier," I replied after swallowing the mouthful of cereal I'd just shovelled into my mouth.

My father passed his wife the first mug of steaming coffee before turning back to the machine to make his own. She sipped it and sighed contently.

"Have you got any plans today?" my father asked, turning to face me.

"Not a lot, are we going back to work today?" I pushed my mostly finished bowl forward as I was finished with my breakfast. My father passed me the next mug, then grabbed a third one for himself.

"Oh. Thanks Dad," I said gratefully. I took a sip of the rich caffeinated beverage in what I was sure was a mimic of my mother's reaction to the blessed drink.

"No. Not today," he said as he waited for the machine to do its job. "I'm off to play golf with a client today, so I kind of have to work."

"Oh," my mother said with an eye-roll.

My father winked at me when my mother wasn't looking, then filled his own mug before draining it in nearly on gulp. He always did have a mouth made of leather when it came to hot beverages, my mother always said it was because the coffee was too afraid to piss my father off. Being someone who's been on his bad side before, I could attest to the validity of that statement.

"Your time's still yours until Monday, use it wisely." My dad filled his mug again and sipped at it slowly this time, savouring the drink.

"Awesome. Thanks Dad," I said, with only a hint of relief. I didn't mind working, and seeing Natalie again might be fun, but I had plans to see Lucy today.

"By the way Jason, before I forget. There's a change of plans in getting you a company car." My father had a serious look on his face. I tried to keep the disappointment from showing on my face, I was really looking forward to having a car, especially one I didn't have to pay for. When I said nothing, my father placed his coffee mug down and went to the front door and grabbed something out of the bowl we kept the keys in. He came back and placed the keys to his BMW on the counter in front of me.

I looked from my father to the keys and back again, that's when I saw the slight hint of a smile creeping across his face.

"You're fucking with me," I exclaimed, getting to my feet.

"I shit you not Jason. I don't need two cars now do I," he said with a wink. He held his hand up and dangling from his index finger was a black car key fob, the keyring hanging from it had a Porsche emblem on it.

"Holy shit, you got a Porsche!" I said with a tad more excitement than I planned to.

My father's face split into a grin, and he placed the keys back on the kitchen counter, taking his coffee up again.

"Sure did," he replied. "And no, you cannot drive it," he added with a smirk.

My whole life I always knew my father wanted a Porsche. His father owned an old 1980's Porsche 911 that was supposed to be his when Grandpa died, but it was stolen and the thief crashed it, totalling the car. Grandpa decided to not buy another Porsche with the insurance, disappointing my father greatly.

"What did you get?" I asked when I finally took my seat again. I toyed with the BMW keys, still a bit shocked my father gave me his car he loved so much.

"What do you think I got?" he asked with a mild amount of sarcasm, which was strange for my old man. "The brand new 911." He answered his own question with a grin.

"Boys and your cars," my mother chimed in as she got to her feet. "I'm going to get ready."

"Your mother isn't exactly pleased to join me on the green today," my old man added when his wife was out of earshot.

"How did you get Mum to play golf with you? She hates it as much as I do," I asked.

"Watch your tongue young man," my father scolded mockingly. "My newest client is bringing his wife today. Your mother must play her part in sealing this deal."

One of my father's earliest lessons to me when I became a teenager was to pick your future wife carefully; a successful man needed an equally successful woman by his side to aide in his aspirations. I'd never really seen my mother in that light before; she seemed much better at spending money than helping make it, but I was wrong about a lot of shit about my family up until now.

Part of the reason why my father was so hard on me when I was growing up was he never approved of any of the girls I liked, nor my friends, or hobbies, or practically anything I did. It sucked at the time since I just wanted to have fun with friends and goof off, but I was starting to understand how frustrating it could be, especially when Grandpa was such a hard-ass on my father when he was a kid.

"Well I better go get ready, don't get into too much trouble today." My old man washed his and my mother's mugs out and placed it in the dishwasher before heading upstairs.

About a minute after both my parents were gone, Tori came bounding out of the hallway, wrapped in a towel. She was still wet from her shower, but I stood up and wrapped my arms around my sexy sister all the same.

"That was a long shower," I said, careful to keep an ear out for my parents returning.

"Well...I had to handle something," she winked at me.

I caught her meaning immediately and wished to every god alive that my parents weren't home so I could mount my sister. The talk with my dad about the security camera jumped to the front of my mind and I gently, but quickly pushed Tori back.

"Camera, remember?" I said quietly without looking about.

"Oh shit," Tori exclaimed.

"It'll be fine, we were just hugging," I reassured her.

"Wanna go to the beach?" I asked.

"Definitely!" Tori answered. Her face lit up and her eyes dropped to my crotch for a second.

"Eyes are up here miss," I said with a chuckle. "Go get dressed, we'll go when you're ready."

Tori winked at me and spun around to head back to her room, and I had to fight every urge I had to not slap her perfect ass as she sauntered away. As she got to the hallway, my cheeky little sister let her towel drop, dragging it behind her with one hand. Tori glanced over her shoulder as she shook her taut ass at me, giving me wide grin before disappearing down the hallway, leaving me seated for fear of walking around tenting my pants in case either of my parents came back down.

As I waited for my erection to behave itself and go down, I pulled my phone out to check my messages. There were four messages and two missed calls this morning, I really needed to check my phone more often.

The missed calls were from my ex and Lucy, the latter I would call back and the former could go fuck herself. First message was from Liz; 'Thank you so much for yesterday, you have no idea how much it means to me. I'll never forget what you did, let's work out again sometime so I can repay you properly ;)' Attached to the message was a photo of the sexy red-head in nothing but a tight pair of workout shorts, she had her back to the camera but her magnificent ass was not helping my erection problem. I guessed Vicky must have taken the photo and I was glad I could bring the siblings together. Of course, I benefited greatly from the union myself, but that was just a bonus.

The next message was from Hayley; 'Hey babe. Lucy told me about the date you two have today, she tells me everything. Let me just give you a little tip with Lucy.

You have to wine and dine her; she loves to be treated like a queen. But I know you would anyway, so here's my tip.

Fuck her like she's a cheap whore, trust me. She loves it.

Have fun Stud. xx

These women must be working together to make sure I have an erection 24/7. I love it, but it was hard to get shit done. I re-read the message from Hayley and chuckled, I was looking forward to my date with Lucy even more now.

The third text message was from the Asian beauty herself. It was a much milder message than the other girls had sent me. Hey Jace! Looking forward to seeing you today, call me when you get this. Xoxo

Lucy too had sent me a selfie, but this one was just a photo of her gorgeous face as she sipped some kind of chocolate and whipped cream beverage through a straw. Her eyes were locked onto the camera and it felt like she was staring into my soul. They were so dark they looked black; a man could get lost in those orbs for hours.


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