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Haunting of Palmer Mansion Pt. 18

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School principal stranded with her student.
8.5k words

Part 18 of the 26 part series

Updated 06/13/2023
Created 07/09/2019
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This will make more sense if you read the earlier parts. Don't worry, they're fun, action packed, and build the tension. Read them first! Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older. Enjoy.

The front walk was treacherous with patches of ice. Khadra minded her footing, placing her boots carefully as she walked up to the old Victorian mansion. The snow had taken the ominous edge off the place. A white blanket lined the sloped roof and peaked towers. She looked up at the house with its icy, ornate façade and pulled her coat tighter around her.

There was no plan in coming to this place. This was the house that corrupted her dreamstone and made her copulate in front of her delirious husband. It had been weeks since Maxamed disappeared, and she needed to do something. Anything. And this place was the most dynamic pivot point in her life. Or so her reasoning went.

She grabbed the old, iron handrail and stepped up the few stairs to the front door. She looked back toward her car in the plowed driveway. The afternoon sun sparkled in the snow all around the house. She turned back to the house and pressed the doorbell. The first eight notes from Beethoven's Fifth Symphony played inside, coming through the door muffled, and foreboding.

Khadra waited a while. She adjusted her hijab and tugged at her gloves. Eventually, the door opened and there stood Julie, wearing a long, conservative dress and looking radiant. For all the trouble the house had caused the Andersons, Julie looked more vibrant than Khadra had ever seen her.

"Why, hello, Khadra." Julie smiled and held the door farther open for her. "It's been a while. Come in."

"Hello, Mrs. Anderson." Khadra stepped in, but didn't close the door behind her despite the cold she could feel reaching into the house.

"Call me Julie, sweetie." Julie stood patiently waiting for Khadra to explain her visit.

"Okay, Julie." Khadra fidgeted with her gloves some more.

"I hope you and Maxamed are well." Julie looked out the door behind Khadra and could see another woman trudging up their front walk. The woman wore a long, puffy coat, scarf, and wool hat. Julie couldn't tell who was under all that, but the woman also wore heels on her feet. So, Julie guessed, it wasn't any of her friends.

"Actually, he's missing." Khadra shivered. The locked room across the grand entry way drew her attention.

"Missing?" Julie stepped further back as the new guest climbed the stairs. "That's terrible. What happened?"

"I don't know. I don't even know why I came here today. I --" A knock on the open door interrupted Khadra.

"I'm so sorry, Khadra. Hold that thought." Julie put a sympathetic hand on the small, dark woman's shoulder and then turned her attention to her new guest.

"Hello, Julie." Erin unwrapped the scarf from around her face and stepped into the home.

"Principal Haskins. What a surprise." Julie waved her in. "Come in."

Khadra stepped to the side to let Erin in. She didn't take her eyes off the locked room.

"Call me Erin." Erin looked around for a coat rack. "I haven't seen you at church lately, Julie."

"We've been busy with the house. But don't worry, He's still very much a part of our lives." Julie reached out her hand. "Let me take your jackets." The women unzipped and handed her their jackets, and in Erin's case her hat and scarf. The principal wore a skirt suit with thick tights. Julie stepped over to the closet and hung their things. "Khadra, this is Erin. Erin, Khadra. Now, Erin what can we do for you?"

Erin nodded at Khadra, but the small, dark-skinned woman didn't return her nod. Khadra was too busy staring across the entry way. "I'm here to talk to you about Daniel."

"Is he in trouble?" Julie smiled like that was the most ridiculous notion. She finally closed the door, shutting out the cold and turned to her guests. "Speak of the devil." Daniel and Brittney walked down the hall together and stopped when they saw the women standing by the door.

"Well, actually, Daniel has been --" Erin tried to get to the reason for her visit, but Khadra cut her off.

"Blood." Khadra pointed to the locked room. From underneath its door, a pool of blood crept across the hardwood floor. "Bllooooooood." She pointed more frantically.

They all looked in the direction Khadra pointed, but no one else saw anything amiss.

"What in heavens?" Erin said.

"Khadra, are you okay?" Julie stepped toward Khadra.

"Blloooooooddd." Khadra took a step backward, and teetered for a moment, and then pitched sideways. Julie caught her under the arms.

"What's all the commotion?" George walked down the hall, wiping grease from his hands onto his overalls. "I just had to replace that damn valve in the basement again. Can you believe it?"

"Help me, George." Julie looked up at her husband. "She's fainted."

"What? Her? Again?" But he hurried down the hall and helped his wife lift the limp woman. "Let's take her to the guest bedroom."

Daniel and Brittney stood in the entrance to the hall, mouths hanging open. "I'll help," Daniel said.

"No." Julie looked over at her children. "Since Principal Haskins seems to be here on your account, you be a good host and stay with her until we get Khadra settled." She helped George carry Khadra up the stairs. "Brittney, I could use your help."

"Right, Mom." Brittney followed them upstairs.

When they'd disappeared to the second floor, Daniel looked over at Erin. "Well, Mrs. Haskins, can I get you anything to drink?" He turned and led her toward the kitchen.

"No, thank you." Erin followed the eighteen-year-old student.

"Okay." When she said no, Daniel changed course for the main living room. "What's this about?"

"What is this about?" Erin followed him into a grand room with a large, dead fireplace. She let him sit on the couch and put her back to the hearth, with her hands on her hips. "What is going on with you, young man? You used to be such a good student. And now, I hear things from Ted. Crazy things." She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, no." Daniel watched the fireplace swivel behind her to reveal the darkness of the secret stairs.

"Oh, no is right. He tells me stories about your salacious behavior. Which I wouldn't ever believe, but for all the other odd things. Doctors' appointments, are they?" Erin felt a slight breeze in her face. Goodness, that old house was drafty.

"Oh, no."

"Is that all you have to ... say?" The breeze picked up. It was now really blowing, almost pushing her back. "What's this?" She turned to look behind her just before her heels lost traction and the black, yawning mouth where the fireplace used to be rushed to meet her. "Oh, no." She realized she was flying through the air. A split-second later, she blacked out.

The wind died down and Daniel watched the hole that had sucked in his principal. "So, that's the trouble you were talking about?" He looked around the room, but got no answer. "I'm supposed to convince her?" Somewhere in the house, a clock chimed the five o'clock hour. "Fine," he grumbled, stood, and followed Erin into the secret stairway.


"Where am I?" Erin blinked her eyes open, sat up, and looked around her. She was on a small bed in a tiny, wood-paneled room. Outside, in the gray daylight, snow fell in languid flutters. Daniel sat on a window bench. He had snow on the cuffs of his jeans and on his socks. He also had snow in his blond hair, and on the shoulders of his t-shirt. Erin could see melting, snowy footprints leading from a solid looking door to Daniel's bench.

"I don't know." Daniel looked over at her with concern. "Are you okay?"

"I ..." Erin checked herself over. She still had her suit on and it was dry. The only thing missing was her purse. "I'm missing my purse."

"Oh." Daniel nodded slowly. "Well, that's not so bad, considering."

"Considering what?"

"Considering we're in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, with no roads that I can see, and only that fireplace for heat."

Erin noticed the roaring fire in a stone hearth for the first time. "What did you do?"

"I didn't do anything." Daniel hunched his shoulders and looked back out the window. When he ventured outside, he hadn't made it very far dressed as he was. But, he had gone far enough to convince himself they were alone, wherever they were.

"You're lying." Erin looked around the room, raced to the door, and opened it. There were several feet of snow outside. She stepped out into it and slammed the door behind her.

Fifteen minutes later, she reentered the cabin, her teeth chattering, and hugging herself with her arms. She kicked off her useless heels and padded over to the fire. Her suit and tights dropped snow to the rough wood floor below. She held out her hands to warm them up. "What happened to us?" She didn't look over at her teenage student.

"I don't know?" Daniel told the truth, but didn't fill her in on what he did know. "While you were sleeping, I found a package of food in the snow outside the front door." Daniel nodded over to the butcher block counter and cabinets that served as the cabin's kitchen. On the counter was a frozen hunk of meat, carrots, and potatoes. "There's no running water. No electricity. And you saw the outhouse outside."

"We've been kidnapped and dumped here." Erin looked around the small cabin. It was just one room, with a table and chairs, a small bed, the kitchen area, the fireplace, and the grand window where Daniel sat. "My husband will come looking for me."

Daniel shrugged at her. He didn't think her husband would find them. "I'm hungry. I think we're supposed to cook there." Daniel pointed to the spit, andirons, and frying pan by the hearth. "Do you know how to use those?"

"No." Her stomach grumbled. She frowned down at the crude equipment.

"Okay, well I guess I'll try and figure it out." Daniel moved over to the fireplace.


Principal and student didn't talk much over the next couple days. Erin sat sullen and withdrawn on the window seat most of the time. Daniel busied himself figuring out how to make the most of his stay in the cabin. He roasted the meat pretty well, and figured out how to use the frying pan over the coals.

Every day, a new package mysteriously arrived outside their door sometime in the night with provisions. He found two toothbrushes and toothpaste in a drawer, along with a hairbrush, so at least they had some basic hygiene essentials. For water, Daniel melted snow in a pitcher. He tried to get Erin to join him at the table for meals, but she barely ate. When she did talk, it was to wonder how her children and husband were doing without her. And to express her faith that she'd be rescued any minute.

There was no entertainment in the cabin. Just one old Russian book about a boy in love with an older lady. Erin read it through several times. It was well-written, but how many times can you read the same story?

If it wasn't for his constant work, Daniel would have been very bored. Every night Daniel slept on the window seat, giving Erin the bed. He'd drift off to sleep dreaming he was back home with his mother. He would often wake in the middle of the night and fap, cumming in his blanket.

Erin could hear what Daniel did in the middle of the night. She tried her best to ignore it. He was a teenager after all, and barely had control over his body.

Trips out into the snow were no fun in socks, but Daniel dutifully went out every day to collect firewood, bring in the day's package, and, of course, to use the outhouse. Erin didn't offer to help.

By day four, the snow stopped falling. They could see they were on a mountain, atop a long, narrow valley lined with evergreens. It was beautiful, but also forlorn. Daniel knew he needed to somehow convince Erin to take the deal, but Eloise hadn't appeared, and he didn't really know what to do with the recalcitrant woman. They were both getting ripe, so maybe a bath would get things rolling. He went outside with a large bowl from the cabinets and collected snow. He then came back and set up. There was a tiled square to the left of the fireplace that slopped to a small drain. He figured it was for drying wet clothing after coming in from a hunt, or something. It would serve as a bathing space.

"I stink, so I'm gonna take a bath." Daniel looked over at Erin as she sat looking out the window. "You could probably use a bath, too. Right?" He watched her closely. She hadn't taken off that skirt suit since they got there. "I found some soap in last night's package. And there's a hairbrush in one of those drawers over there. So ..."

"You're crazy if you think I'm going to undress in front of one of my students." Erin glanced around the room. There was zero privacy.

"I'll wash our clothes, too." Daniel smiled helpfully. He slowly undressed and piled his clothes on the floor.

"If you're going to do that, do it outside." Erin tried not to look at the skinny eighteen-year-old, but her eyes fell to the large bulge in his underwear. Had the depraved boy stuffed something in there?

"Sorry, no can do. I'll freeze." Daniel pulled off his underwear and let his soft dick flop out. It hung and swayed as he moved about. He stepped onto the tile, took a handful of snow, and began cleaning his pits.

"Oh, my," Erin whispered. Her student was some kind of freak. His soft dick was longer than her husband's hard one. Her hand went to her mouth and she stared as Daniel washed himself off.

When Daniel was about finished, he caught the look in Erin's pretty, brown eyes. Blood pumped to his dick. Oh well, this was what Eloise wanted. Wasn't it? "Toss me my blanket, I'll need to clean that, too."

"What's ... wrong with you?" Erin didn't move, her left hand still covering her mouth in shock. Her eyes were riveted to his penis as it slowly grew, standing out straighter and straighter from his body. The boy had the penis of a brutish ogre.

"I can't help it." Daniel turned to her and stood by the fire, his clean body still glistening with snow melt, and his thirteen inches of dick pointing proudly toward Erin. "You gotta know that boys my age get hard all the time. I mean you're a high school principal, right?"

"I'm talking about the size. It's ... not right."

"I'm just bigger than most." Daniel looked down. His dick was chiseled with crisscrossing veins, and the head looked purplish and turgid. It really was magnificent.

"Goodness gracious." Erin pulled the blanket from under her and tossed it toward Daniel.

"Thanks." Daniel picked it up and started washing the blanket and his clothes, his dick sometimes getting in the way as he worked. When he finished, he took the bowl and went naked out the door to retrieve more snow. He returned, shivering, to his spot by the fire. "Now it's your turn."

"No way." Erin shook her head and crossed her arms.

"Fine, but you'll need a bath eventually." Daniel went over to the bed, and sat down. He grabbed his dick with both hands and pumped it slowly.

"What are you doing?" Panic crept into Erin's voice.

"The way you're looking at me got me all worked up." Daniel gazed over at her in her dirty skirt suit. She was a pretty woman, just a little plump. "I can't keep fapping just once a day. And it looks like we're stuck here. I don't mean to be too forward, or anything, but I gotta do what I gotta do." He thought Eloise would be proud.

"Stop that." Erin tried to look away, but found that she couldn't take her eyes off the masturbating teen. She couldn't believe how far up and down his hands had to travel. Heck, there wasn't even room for two hands on her husband's penis. "I'm your principal, and I'm telling you to knock that off."

"I ... really ... am sorry." Daniel sped up his pace, his eyes traveling all over Erin's clothed body. "I can't."

The only noises in the little cabin were the crackle of the fireplace, the fapping sound of Daniel's hands on his dick, and his soft grunts. It was like that for a long time.

"So ... good ... uh ... uh ... I'm cumming." Daniel felt the familiar surge of pleasure as his balls churned.

"Oh, goodness." Erin could see his massive testicles pulse as they released their semen. It erupted from his penis and flew up into the air, coming back down on Daniel and her bed. "There's so much," Erin whispered under her breath. It dawned on her that she was uncomfortably wet between the legs. When was the last time she'd watched a man masturbate? Maybe her honeymoon, and that was nothing like this. Like comparing a Toyota to a Ferrari. By the time he finished pumping, Daniel's chest, stomach, and thighs were covered in sperm. She could smell it from across the room, an earthy, overripe scent, like some sort of undiscovered tropical fruit. The smell enthralled her. Erin turned away and looked out the window.

"Great ... now I have to clean ... your blankets, too." Daniel slowly stood, breathing hard. "And myself." He went back to the melting snow in his bowl and set about cleaning himself off. As he did, he caught Erin stealing clandestine glances of his softening dick. Well, it was a start.


Over the next several days, Daniel went about cooking, cleaning, and tending to the fire. He also decided that given Erin's reaction to his dick, he could fap whenever he wanted to. He took breaks from his chores several times a day to unload. Erin would often protest, and tell him to stop. But she always watched him with that horrified, hungry look in her eyes.

Eventually, her own stench grew too strong. She relented and gave herself a snow bath next to the fire. She made Daniel promise to turn around the whole time. Daniel agreed, and looked out the window. It was late in the day, and the fire cast enough light on Erin for a faint reflection on the glass. He could see that she had a slightly plump figure, with wide hips, a large, v-shaped ass, ample boobs, and a little roundness to her belly. Daniel thought she looked absolutely beautiful.

When she was done with her standing bath, she cleaned her clothes thoroughly, hung them to dry, and wrapped herself in a blanket. As soon as her clothes dried, she redressed in that same gray suit, and went back to sitting silently while Danny took care of their needs.

From then on, they both bathed every day.


"I'm beginning to think no one is coming for us." Erin sat at the window seat and gazed over the valley below. "Maybe when spring gets here, we can hike out." She turned and looked with suspicion at her discarded heels tossed in the far corner of the cabin.

"About that." Daniel got up and moved over to one of the drawers in the kitchen area. This was the first time she'd expressed her doubts about rescue. Daniel had been waiting for this. "Whoever has been dropping off our packages, left this note a few days ago." He retrieved the tattered piece of paper from the drawer and walked back toward Erin. The note was written in charcoal on torn, brown paper. He handed the paper to Erin.

"You cannot leave," Erin read aloud. "Until you give and take dark delight. One from the other." She looked up at Daniel with wide eyes.

"Well, what do you think it means?" Daniel knew exactly what it meant.

"Come, sit next to me, Daniel." With trembling hands, Erin put down the paper and patted the seat cushion next to her. "Are you part of this? Is this some horrible, teenage prank?"

"We've been here for weeks, Mrs. Haskins." Daniel tried not to lie. "Would I do something like that? I mean, I've been washing with snow and cooking in a fireplace ... for weeks. I miss my Mom."

"I'm sorry. You're right." Erin bit her bottom lip. "It's just ... with your size down there ... your need to relieve yourself all the time ... and now this note ... and what Teddy said about you ... it's all very strange."

"I didn't plan any of this."

"I believe you, dear." Erin patted his thigh and sighed. "I wonder if my sweet Ray thinks I'm dead." She sighed again and looked back out the window, thinking of her husband.

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