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Hayden's Sex Survey Ch. 02

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Male spouse is interviewed about sex and nudity.
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 10/15/2022
Created 08/24/2007
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Part I of Hayden gives quite a bit of background behind the current story and may be helpful to read before this chapter.

As mentioned in the former chapter, my wife Nikki is a good friend of another woman in the neighborhood named Kjristie. Kjristie had a sister that was doing graduate work in psychology, particularly in the area of sex therapy and was engaged in research regarding exhibitionism and comfort levels of average women involving nudity and sexual practices. This is written based upon some of the information that my wife Nikki discussed with me, as well as some of the events which occurred after she was involved in the survey.


Apparently about a week or so after they had participated in Hayden's survey, my wife went for another exercise session with Kjristie. Now this was not unusual, they were in the practice of doing this several times a week. You can believe me; both women really looked good as they would stroll around the neighborhood dressed in sleeveless clingy tops and shorts. They would usually have their hair up in ponytails under ball caps and sporting shades to cut the glare. I doubt that anyone would have guessed these ladies were in their mid thirties. I can't help but think nearly all of the men in the neighborhood would look forward to seeing them out on the strolls.

That particular morning, the kids were in school and the husbands were at work. As they neared the end of the session, Kjristie invited Nikki to come to her house for some coffee and girl talk. Again not anything unusual, but as they relaxed sipping their coffee, Kjristie mentioned that they should really enjoy the beginnings of the crisp early autumn weather by having a brief soak in her hot tub. Evidently this was something that they had done occasionally before. Nikki had even packed a 2 piece bathing suit to wear when she had gone over to Kjristie's just in case.

Kjristie and her husband lived only about a block away from Nikki and me. Her husband was named Paul, and he was an established design engineer with a major national corporation with offices throughout the country, so it was not surprising that their house had unique design properties. The house was U-shaped with the enclosed section containing a patio with outdoor kitchen and grill, as well as hot tub area. The "wings" of the house had direct openings through large sliding glass doors from the some of the bedrooms and guest areas to the patio region, and the remainder of the yard was secluded from the neighbors.

Nikki told me that she changed into her suit in one of the bedrooms, and had actually jumped in the hot tub before Kjirstie arrived to join her. Normally, Kjristie was quite conservative in her dress. Despite participating in frequent activities together, Nikki told me that she had never actually seen Kjirstie completely undressed previously, even when they were just trying on clothes together or changing before exercising. Thus, when Kjirstie came out to the hot tub wearing only a bikini bottom, Nikki was slightly taken aback. Kjristie, now topless, audibly sighed as she slipped into the warm water sliding all the way up to her neck.

"I hope you don't mind that I'm not wearing a top, but it is just us, and it feels so good to just relax without wearing much. Paul and I rarely wear anything when we come out here after the kids have gone to bed. It just feels so much more comfortable, but I have to admit that we haven't done it with anyone else so far. The area is really private, so if you want to get more comfortable you can without worrying that anyone will see you."

Nikki was sitting directly across from Kjristie, so when she would sometimes change positions Nikki couldn't help but look directly over at Kjiristie's breasts as they would periodically break the water. Kjristie had quite full rounded breasts that were at least a large C but more likely a D cup with relatively wide areolas and slightly protruding nipples. Uncovered, they seemed larger than when she wore her clothes. Nikki pulled the clasp on her top and shed it, tossing it over on the patio. While she thought about taking off the bottoms, she decided that she would let Kjristie take the lead. It felt good to have the top off and her breasts free, and in the back of her mind, just a bit exciting to have Kjristie looking at them.

After a minute or two of silence, Kjristie began a bit of conversation. "Nikki, I need to ask you a few things, just between us." After a momentary pause, Kjristie continued. "I really appreciate that you helped me by participating in Hayden's research survey. Hayden got a lot of important data, and with that information, it opened up some new questions to be researched. She inquired if you would consider asking your husband to answer some questions directed toward the partners involved in the survey. Ben would not be told any of the information that you answered, and there would not be any of the after survey 'entertainment' that was involved in your part. In fact, he would be able to give the answers anonymously, just linked to the number that Hayden gave you to identify your survey responses. The information would give her some details about the spouse's impression of your sexual practices and feelings to match with your responses. You could tell Ben that he would only be identified by number and the information would be completely confidential. I have already asked Paul to do it, and he agreed. He will be giving the information to one of Hayden's associates so that it won't be linked to him if he saw Hayden. Since your husband has never met Hayden and would only be identified by a number, it would be very anonymous."

Nikki thought for a second, and responded that she would ask. In the back of her mind, Nikki was thinking about her participation in the survey and what happened afterwards. There was no doubt in her mind that she had felt sexier than she had in years just by having been a part of it.

Kjristie hesitated then began speaking again. "I also want to float an idea by you, and whatever your feelings, I do not want the fact that I asked to potentially change our friendship in any way. I know that we all agreed not to mention our partaking in the 'nude after-party' at Hayden's and I am not asking whether you did it or not. I am simply telling you that I didn't because I was afraid that Hayden would see me, and I was not expecting to have to make that type of decision so quickly. I think that the "suddenness" was part of the plan to identify certain personality types. Anyway, since that time, I keep wondering what it would have been like to be nude in front of others, and to be honest, see another man other than Paul. Paul has been working very hard on that big design project and hasn't seemed to show much interest in the bedroom recently. I know I should probably be ashamed, but I keep imagining doing something like what went on during that party when I go off to bed alone, and he is still working."

Nikki listened quietly and in her mind imagined Kjristie lying in bed as she had just described, thinking about a group of nude strangers. She bet that Kjristie's fantasy thoughts likely included masturbating, and Nikki mentally admitted that she had been doing that more frequently since participating in the survey.

"Anyway," Kjristie continued, "I hope that I am not shocking you by asking, but I thought that the best way I could resolve this issue was by asking you if there was anyway that you and Ben would consider coming over sometime and skinny dipping in the hot tub with us. This would not be some type of swap session, just the opportunity to be naked in a mixed group setting. We could do it some evening when all the kids were off somewhere. You are some of our closest friends, so I hope that I am not going too far by asking. I haven't even told Paul about the idea. In fact, if you agree, I may make it seem more like it was just a spontaneous thought and surprise him."

Nikki smiled at her friend and answered. "Kjristie, I would have no problem doing something like that with you and Paul if it is something that you would like. I can honestly say that I know that it has been one of Ben's fantasies for quite a while to do something exactly like that. I also think that there would be nothing better than to just announce it to the men unexpectedly after we finished eating dinner on the patio some night when the kids were gone. I will also bet we get more action following that than you have had for some time based on what you just said."

The concept seemed to be negotiated; now there were only the details to set up. In a couple minutes, both women got out and began picking up their things to get dressed. Kjristie came over to Nikki and briefly gave her a quick hug. "You are such a good friend," she said. It was not meant to be sexual, but their breasts briefly touched giving Nikki a slight tingle. Then they picked up their things and carried them into the house. Once inside, Nikki began to slip out of her bikini bottom, dried off with a towel, and began putting on her panties and sport bra.

Kjristie came out of the other bedroom carrying another towel. "I wasn't sure if you had a towel, so I brought one for you," she said. She was completely nude, and it was the first time that Nikki had actually seen her that way. Her large rounded breasts swayed slightly as she walked, but what Nikki really noticed was Kjristie had quite a bush of light blond pubic hair. Nikki obviously knew that Kjristie had blond hair, but it was the first time that she had seen a woman with a very light blond colored pubic mound. Nikki thought silently what a surprise I would have when I got to see her friend sometime in the future. Once she was dressed, Nikki said her goodbyes and headed home. Nikki asked me about doing the survey later that evening in a rather matter of fact way, not telling me any of the details of the prior survey or events following it.

I was willing to participate in the survey, and she gave me a telephone number to call to set up an appointment. She told me to identify myself only as spouse 31. I made an appointment for an evening a couple of nights later to go to an address (Hayden's house) in order to complete the questioning. Kjristie called later that evening to suggest that we come over for dinner a week from Friday night. Both sets of children would be gone on a field trip to a planetarium that evening and would not be back until quite late.

Although I really did not know what to expect when the date of the interview came, I felt that Nikki must have been comfortable with the idea since she had asked me to do it. I knew that Kjristie had a sister, but I had not met Hayden any time previously. It sounded like I would only be identified as "spouse 31", so it was doubtful that Hayden would know who I was, or in any way be able to link me to Nikki or Kjristie. I drove to a house about two miles away, and when I went to the door was greeted by a pretty young lady that resembled Kjristie. I identified myself as spouse 31, and she invited me inside.

Hayden briefly identified herself as a researcher in sexual behavior and began to explain herself. "I really appreciate your coming to help me with my research project. I want you to know that all the confidentiality measures are being taken to not only protect everyone involved, but particularly so you will be comfortable in giving truthful answers. Anything you say or do here will be protected information and will not get back to a spouse, friend or employer. If you are ever uncomfortable in answering, we can skip that portion or terminate the session. If I can get you anything let me know, otherwise why don't we come into my studio and we can begin the survey."

I followed Hayden into a back room which was nicely furnished but comfortable. Hayden was wearing a white knit pullover shirt and white shorts. She looked like a smaller and younger version of Kjristie but with smaller curves and an even more athletic appearance. Her hair was a bit darker colored blond than Kjristie. She was not trying to be anything but businesslike, but she was very attractive. We sat down facing each other, and she pulled out a questionnaire. She entered number 31 on the sheet and began the questioning.

Hayden began by saying, "The goal of questioning the spouse is to gain insight into your impression of some of your wife's sexual attitudes particularly involving nudity and her openness of body expression during sexual activities. We will also ask some rather pointed questions regarding your own experiences and feelings in order to gauge what makes a successful partnership. Please answer truthfully, and if an explanation seems better than a short response, please include details. I will now begin the questions"

1.What are your age, and the age of your spouse? "I am 35 years old and my wife is 34."

2.How long have you been in this relationship? "We have been married 12 years, and were dating exclusively for almost two years prior to marrying."

3.Have either of you been involved in an extramarital affair or "open marriage". "No."

4.Approximately how many partners did you have prior to marriage that culminated in intercourse? "Three prior to my wife".

b. Which spouse do you think has had more sexual experience prior to your marriage? "I'm not sure. I may have had one relationship that lasted a bit longer than hers, but I don't think either of us was particularly promiscuous or experienced for that matter."

5.Would you consider your wife to be more conservative in her sexual attitudes and experience prior to your marriage, or more liberal than you were before you married? "While she is very attractive and should be quite comfortable showing her body, I think she is more conservative than average. Our relationship is great, but I sometimes wonder if most women aren't a bit more outwardly sexual than she is. I am not exactly liberal but I feel I was a bit more 'adventuresome' than she was."

6.Have other women that you dated prior to your current spouse been more sexually liberal than she? "I guess there was one that used to be a bit more daring in her dress, but to be honest, most of the ones that I was attracted to had fairly similar values. I never really had a 'one night stand' with any of the women I dated."

7.Do you think that she would be willing to participate in a situation where there was group nudity or significant exposure of her body, such as a topless beach or similar situation where she might be seen nude by a stranger? "She has never done that in the past to my knowledge, but I don't think that it is something that she would completely object to either. I actually have told her that I have had some fantasies about her going topless or participating in a group where there was skinny dipping, and she has told me that it would just have to be the right situation".

b. Would you consider her unfaithful if she were to be seen naked by other men, even if you were not present? "No, we have a sort of agreement that looking is considered different than 'doing'. She knows that I have been to bachelor parties and an occasional 'tittie bar' with friends and she does not get upset as long as I come home for the real deal. In fact, we are usually quite active sexually following something like that."

8.So you wouldn't really be upset if she were seen naked by other men? "No, as I mentioned it would actually be a little exciting because she is really attractive and committed to me. I would probably feel strange if it progressed to another guy having sex with her though."

9.Would you consider going nude in a group with her? "Yeah, it might take a few minutes to for me to build up the nerve, but I could do it, especially if she was doing it."

10. Since your relationship began, would you consider her to have become more or less conservative in her sexual outlook and practices? "I guess she seems a little bit more conservative what with the kids and all, but every now and then she will do something new that we had not done before marriage."

Okay, now I have a few questions directed to you, so that I can try to see how the spouse interaction affects the primary subject. These responses will be completely confidential.

11.What types of things would you like her to do in your sexual relationship that she is not currently doing or has been unwilling to do in the past? "Well, I guess that I would like to have her go topless or to a nude beach with me maybe. To be honest, I would like to watch her masturbate. I know that she does it, but she has never been willing to let me watch. She has seen me do it occasionally, and I have given her a hand job, but have never seen her do it herself."

12. What do you consider to be the most erotic event that you have participated in that she does not know about? "You promise that this information really won't get out of this confidential survey, right? Well this happened early in my college years. I was a pledge in a fraternity prior to being initiated. One night, I was part of a group of six of guys that were told to go down to a basement room in the fraternity house. We were each given a shot glass and told to take everything off but our underwear. The pledge master strongly stated that we would need to follow the exact instructions or we would be voted out before initiation. I thought that this would likely involve drinking something and then being forced to do a pledge prank such as run across the quadrangle in our underwear. We went down to the room and stripped, and waited for something to happen.

Shortly thereafter, a young woman entered the room wearing a mask and trench coat. She told us that we should follow her instructions or she would tell the pledge master that we had refused. If we did as directed, no one outside the fraternity would know. She told us to take off our underwear so that we were completely naked. Most guys hesitated, but only for an instant because we all wanted to join the fraternity. She then unbuttoned the front of her coat showing that she was completely naked underneath. It did not take long before most of the guys began to develop erections. After about a minute, she threw the coat off standing naked with only the mask on. She was gorgeous, with big but soft breasts, a tight body and closely trimmed pussy.

She had us stand in a semicircle around her, and she took her time walking around looking at all of our erect penises and making comments about them. I was slightly embarrassed, but the situation was pretty hot. I honestly hadn't seen many guys other than myself with an erection, and here we were completely naked with our dicks pointing toward the sky. Most of the guys probably were about 6 inches. I think mine was slightly larger (at least that's what she said). One guy was even longer but it was uncircumcised and pointed straight out from his body instead of upward. She fondled her breasts, and then told us to start masturbating.

We were instructed to masturbate to ejaculation, and catch at least some of the semen in our shot glass to prove that we had done it. Within a few minutes, everyone was stroking, and beginning to get close to coming. Sometimes she would bend over to show her tight butt, or spread her lips to show her vagina. Then, one after another, the guys began to cum. There was really quite a bit of semen all over the place including her. I had never witnessed any other guys jacking off that way. When everyone had finished, she put her coat back on, told us to get dressed and wait a couple minutes before bringing our "shot" glasses upstairs.

B. Do you ever think about this incident? "Yeah, occasionally... well, particularly when I am masturbating. It was totally unexpected and pretty hot".

13.How often do you masturbate? "Maybe once a week if my wife and I haven't done anything in a while... maybe more if I am out of town on business or when my wife is on her period."

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