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He Used To Be My Idol


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"Oh yeah, and your new husband is not going to be happy about that."

She laughed. "You'd be surprised, Luke. He really lies you for some reason."

"It's because I'm so charming."

"Oh yeah, you're just a bundle of fucking joy." With a final kiss she went off to talk to Rogan. Sitting down, Kayla slipped her arm around my waist and we moved the chairs closer. "You looked so sexy dancing with Candice."

"No, she looked sexy, I just did my best not to trip her up."

"Dumb ass, you looked good."

"Well, maybe we should go out and show them how to do it?"

She gave me a quick kiss, then stood up, grabbing my hand and dragging me out onto the floor. We circulated smoothly, our bodies melded together. It felt so good having her in my arms. Every time we moved past the head table I saw Candice watching us intently. She certainly was a gorgeous sexy creature, but her words earlier ate away at me. I hated thinking that she was right, but with every lap, I felt the weight of her words.

As the band stopped for a break, Kayla and I went back to the table. Candice came down and sat beside us, and she and Kayla fell into a giggling conversation about the honeymoon.

Some of the other bridesmaids turned up and they all gathered as a group. I wandered off to chat with a few guys who I new. My old CEO from Diji. He was more interested in my current project than anything. Rumours were already doing the rounds.

I was dragged from the conversation, by a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, Luke."

"Simon, I'd like to say nice to see you, but fuck it. I don't want to lie to you."

He snorted. "You still got your panties in a knot over that. Jesus, son, grow up."

I was going to walk away when he said. "Pal, I just wanted to say well done. I always knew you'd do well. You were always one step ahead of the rest. Good job, that's all I wanted to say." He stuck out his hand and we shook. "Luke, I would like a chance to work together at some point."

"Not likely, Simon. I'm not looking for any alliances."

"If you change your mind, you know where we are."

I guess this was one part of the business I couldn't do: working with people I had zero respect for. Fuck that shit."

Standing at the bar, I got another pat on the back. "Hello, Luke."

I knew the voice and didn't want to turn. "Hey, Rogan."

"Thanks for coming along, pity you didn't come on the bachelors trip. It was pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I was kind of busy. Had to get my nails done."

"Luke, I was hoping tonight we might actually be able to talk. No anger, no resentment. I was hoping you might have been able to move on with your life. We have all apologised enough. If you can't let the past go, I worry for how you will ever make it in the world."

I sniggered. "I'm doing all right, I'm not complaining."

"Yeah, but you could be doing better, much better."

"What, by working for you?"

"No, Luke, not for me, but with me. I don't want to be your boss. I want to be a colleague. I see your talent. I know how damn smart you are. I want to work with you, not against you."

"Bullshit." I snarled as I waved to the barman. "Scotch please." Rogan stepped up beside me, and leaned on the bar, our elbows touching. "Luke, you're an extraordinary young man. I think together, we could do exceptional things."

"Candice told you about my latest project, huh?"

He shook his head. "Actually she did, but, that's not why I want you in our team. You have proven that you never rest on your laurels. You're always looking for improvements. We work in an industry that moves at light speed. By the time we have released one thing, the next best is already being released. We need men like you."

"That's the problem, Rogan. I can't work for somebody I don't respect. You seduced my wife, with no regard to what happens afterwards. You didn't care if it meant we ended up divorced. You didn't care that she contemplated suicide. Fuck, you just don't care. You're a narcissist."

"Look, god damn it, Luke. Christ almighty. How many fucking times do I have to say sorry. I fucked up all right."

With a shake of his head he added. "I read you wrong. Jesus, Luke, wake up. You have slept with my wife, and from all accounts enjoyed it. Not surprising though, I did tell you she's the best."

He ordered a whisky as he leaned on the bar beside me. I sipped mine, enjoying the bitter bite. He stared at me, his gaze unflinching, not even a blink. It was a game I played a lot when I was a child, I enjoyed the pressure. I kept my eyes focused, even as I sipped my scotch.

He laughed, turning away. "Oh you're good, not many stare me down. Good job." He reach out glass in hand in a salute.

"Luke, could we somehow start again? I have this feeling that you and I are going to bump into each other a lot in the future. Those women of ours are joined at the hip."

I followed his gave up to where Kayla and Candice were immersed in a hug as the pair danced with the other bridesmaids in a little group up behind the table.

"I'm not sure about starting again, but I will try to be polite."

He laughed. "Polite, is that the best you can do?"

"At the moment, yeah, afraid so."

He slammed his empty glass on the bar. "I guess it's a start." He stuck out his hand to shake. I returned his physical hand shake, although he couldn't help leaning in and patting my arm with his free hand. "Let's have another drink, what are you having?"

We leaned with our backs on the bar staring up at the girls. "God, aren't they a sight."

"Yeah, you're a lucky man."

"Well, I'm not the only one. Kayla is a wonderful woman. She is not only beautiful, but she did a hell of a job starting of her business. I admired that."

"Yeah, she did all right."

He sniggered, "All right, Christ, Luke. That business was shit when she brought it. When Candice told me what they were doing I was horrified. I tried to talk her out of it, but she was adamant. I thought it was just guilt, and she admitted that was part of it, but she liked Kayla and wanted some sort of legitimate business. Look at them now."

I nodded, not knowing much about Kayla's start. The new revelation made me even more impressed.

With our drinks finished, Rogan slammed his empty glass down and stated. "I'm going to dance with my beautiful bride."

He strode off, head held high as if he owned the world. I chuckled to myself. "He probably did."

I had a beer before I wandered with a mild stagger back to the table where Kayla stood talking to the other girls. When I walked up to her, I grabbed her around the waist and spun her into my arms. She smiled wide as I leaned in for a scintillating kiss. "I love you, Kayla."

She giggled a little, drunk as well. "And I love you more."

We sat down at the table, and I noticed her eyes following Candice and Rogan as they danced together. She squeezed my arm. "She is so beautiful isn't she?"

"Yeah, she sure is. Not as beautiful as you, but she's all right."

She kissed me, "Thank you for your lies."

"That's no lie, Kayla. You are the sexiest most fabulously beautiful woman in the world."

She kissed me again. "Well, I'm glad you at least feel that way."

"It's not just me, my sweet. Remember, Rogan chose you over her one night. He's supposed to be a good judge of what he likes."

She frowned a little as she stared up into my eyes. That was the first time I had used his name, or tried to make a joke out of what happened that night.

She kissed me again. "Thank you, my sexy husband. I feel so blessed having you by my side."

"Kayla, saying I love you doesn't really cover this. It is like we have been given a second chance, and I have to say, falling in love with you for a second time has been the most amazing experience. I feel like we are in space, maybe Tom Petty summed it up: Free falling."

She leaned in and kissed me passionately, her leg sliding over mine as she moved onto my lap. Her arms curled around my neck and we kissed. She leaned in whispering in my ear. "You know, if you undid your zipper, and moved my panties aside. I could show you how much I love you right here and now."

I laughed, "Right here, huh?"

"Oh yeah, babe, you could fuck me, the lights are low, nobody would even know."

"Oh, I think your screams might give it away."

She giggled as she squirmed around rubbing herself on my very hard erection.

It was later, the night winding down. The lights were dimmed, the band playing some slow sleazy numbers. Kayla and I were among a few people dancing to the jazzy tunes. She was nestled so close, her ass cheeks filling my hands as she ground herself against me. Her arms tight around my neck, when I felt the tap on my back. I turned to find Candice, who was half in the arms of Rogan. "You promised me a dance."

Kayla giggled as she slid out of my arms and gave me a little push. "Go on, horny. You know you want to."

Candice didn't give me a chance to object. Her arms quickly encircled my neck, her body fitting like a blanket. She giggled, "You dirty man, you've got a hard on already."

"What do you expect."

I turned to see Rogan standing beside Kayla staring at us. Candice whispered. "She's not going to dance with him, unless you say it's okay. She promised, remember."

Maybe it was the good vibes, the feel of Candice's hot body, I don't know. I moved us back towards Kayla, and said, "Well, don't just stand there. You know you want to."

She grinned, but seemed reluctant. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She moved into his arms and we danced side by side for the remainder of the night. Candice took great pleasure in mashing her body against me. She teased with wet nibbles on my ear. "You are a very lucky man, Luke. She loves you like nothing on earth. If you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you painfully."

Candice and Rogan escaped to start their new life together. Kayla and I walked out towards our waiting cab, I slipped my arm around her waist, she leaned in close and I hummed "Free falling." Yep, falling in love a second time, might be even better.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Strangely our hero will not sell his soul to a wealthy benevolent Alpha male. (Like a Marc La Valliere or a 'Yukon', Pierre) Does every woman want to be 'wooed' by a Richard Gere, in "Pretty Woman" or Robert Redford from "Indecent Proposal"? Is it atavistically arousing to be 'taken' and ravaged? Is it a woman's choice to do what she desires as personal validation and intriguing lust? Looking back at a once in a lifetime 'peak experience' like Lot's wife? Yet hero stands stubbornly against overwhelming odds to affirm his personal marital vows against a variation of an arbitrary 'droit du seigneur'. Finally having lost the virtue of his wife's fidelity, he (unlike Faustus) refuses to sell his own intellectual rights to the predatory devil no matter how well he is tempted. (Higher position, more money, a soft swing?)

AnonymousAnonymous8 days ago

No, this statement that "money wins over morals or ethics" is wrong. This author loves cuckold stories and writes them too. It has nothing to do with money. He has to get his preference out to people somehow!

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

In the end, money wins over integrity.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

The premise of this author in every one of her stories is that married couples, particularly the wife is allowed to explore cosmic level sex with anybody outside her marriage but it’s all ok because she only “loves” her husband.

The author is a product of her time. A time where narcissism trumps sacrifice, self love and self worship trumps loyalty and commitment, personal happiness trumps trust and giving. It’s no wonder divorces are at record levels and most women over 40 are single, smell of cat urine and have beef curtains that hang down to their knees. A life well lived in the pursuit of the religion of self love.

AnonymousAnonymous10 days ago

His wife betrays him with the help of his friends and when he doesn't accept it they call him an idiot and say he's overreacting. That's just abusive behavior and he should have just cut them all off. He already proved he didn't need Rogan so why did he take her back and team up with Rogan in the end? Great writing terrible plotting

bethandalebethandale18 days ago

Sorry, you screw around one time, you'll do it again

AnonymousAnonymous18 days ago

great story, horrible ending.

AnonymousAnonymous20 days ago

Kayla and Candace.

Shelling for their master, knowing Luke won’t deal with him.

Luke is a straight-shooter. For once, CG got a guy correct in that regard. CG also painted the two women as despicable to varying degrees.

Where the story goes wrong is the reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymous29 days ago

Yep another week willed coward, he had some honor and self-respect and kept it for 80% of the story but then allowed himself to be manipulated by evil women, and traded away his morals and virtues for more lies, the devil always sends beautiful demons to whisper dark magic into your ear using his silver tongue, those without self-respect, courage, morals, and virtues trade their very souls in return for the beautiful lies and an eternity at the hottest(literally) resort in existence.

RedRachaelRedRachaelabout 1 month ago

Drives me nuts hearing “I made a mistake” in these scenarios. No, you made a choice and you chose someone else over your husband. Then they throw Rogan in his face over and over and he’s “over reacting.” Arggghhhhhhh!!!! Finally, the ladies go to meet the MC on Rogans behalf. How does he not see the whole story is about bringing him into Rogan’s fold?? In the end, the MC is another one of Rogan’s conquests.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well written formula your formula and that's okay, it would be nice if you would actually challenge yourself to break from the mould. That of course is just my opinion and you can do what ever you like and still I'll read your offerings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Hate Rogan, Feel sorry for Candice, Doubtful about Kayla and Luke may be a fool. Only time would tell. The first three have very untrustworthy ideas about marriage so I hope Luke had Kayla sign a seriously ironclad prenup.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

God, this was so well written I'd give it a 5, but that reconciliation at the end makes me actually, actively hate this story. Sleeping with Candace was out of character enough to pull me out of the story for a while, but the end, jaysus. Unless it's a mistake in the writing that is otherwise excellent, there are hints everywhere that he is still surrounded by poisoned arrows pointed at him. She cheated, and then while supposedly wanting to reconnect, she again sleeps with someone else... in his house! The newlyweds are already starting their new life by trying to have it off with other people? I think there could have been a good reconciliation tale to be had here, but the way this story went was not it. Because the voting on LW stories are so contentious, I never leave a bad score, so here I guess no score will have to do. The author, like the MC, will just have to settle for the status quo.

sizemediumsizemediumabout 2 months ago

The story reminds me of "February Sucks" but it is different enough to be separate from all of those stories. I really liked it. It was long but did not drag. I admired Luke because he had principles and stuck to them. I am the exact same way -- I though I might be the only person like that but your stories says there may be others with principles and morals. I too would never give in no matter how much it might cost me. Thanks for writing this. I think this may be your best story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

He took too long to do anything. He actualy conversed with them instead of telling them to fuck off. They never understood why he was so upset and unbending. They believed money fixed everything Candice was just a high priced cum slut and kayla wasn't much better. The whole story reminded me of another "Febuary Sucks" by kalimaksis. Women dont seem to have many scrouples if the price is right. They were right with one thing, Kayla could not unfuck herself, so it could never be fixed. Rogan one all the prizes.

As with most of your stories the women always wins or is forgiven and the male belitled or weak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The abuse showered on the MC is ridiculous and the reconciliation is even more absurd. To say anyone, male or female, should accept being treated like that is disturbing and makes me wonder about the authors mindset. He should never have taken her back or had anything to do with anyone else even tangentially involved ever again. He proved he didn't need Rogan to succeed and the story would have been better if it had been about his revenge against them like a modern day Count of Monte Cristo

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Good story. However, Luke should have told Morse that he was taking Candice for the honeymoon. That would have been apt.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

“February Sucks” rewrite.

Just no credit given, a much worse ending, and even more fucked up characters.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

This is a good story by a decent writer. However, she habitually and serially overrides to the point of irritation and loss of story quality. She thinks her friend and editor who did her no favors if this is the final edit. An editor of a weekly news magazine once told me that friends do not edit work for friends. You can read and critique for a friend, but a true edit needs to be merciless and truthful in its scope and execution. This bloated monster needed to be about half this length, and it would be publication quality. For the record, I am a published writer and make a decent living in both print and electronic publishing. My editor has been making me much better for over 15 years, but that relationship can be quite testy, even acrimonious at times. In the field of writing, you cannot have thin skin, nor can you survive long on your own visions of your writing grandeur. By its nature, editing is both adversarial and subjective. You can be friends with an editor, but there has to be a professional distance as well.


This writer is a storyteller with commercial possibilities, but she needs an editor and someone to help her perfect both character and story arc. I rate this four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

This is an incredibly well told story. I know the barking dog LWcommentariat hate such reconciliations rigidly viewing the reconciler as weak. I din’t see it that way and I think your telling points out why, whether intentional or not. Although I fon’t think much at all of the Rohan character beyond his obviou business acumen, I also grew frustrated with Luke’s stubborn insistence on remaining hurt snd aggrieved throughout.’, no matter what was said or done. His eagerness to continue to revisit his pain was immature, frustrating, stupid and destructive. Fortunately for him, Kayla loved him enough to endure

it, and Candice cared enough for both of them to put up with it. Heck, even asshat Rohan kept trying to make .amends, ass that he is. But it’s as though Luke was obsessed about revisiting the scene of the crime. Bad shit happens in life, and people do bad shit. If you’re gonna foregive, forgive. Don’t firegive and then do a ground hog day on the offense and sggrievement. Fuck man, move on. Or don’t, but don’t say you are and then not. Life’s too short.

LarrynDallasLarrynDallas3 months ago

Weak unlikable protagonist. Two stars because, even though the characters are disgusting, it is well written.

sjmbsrfsjmbsrf3 months ago

This is without doubt one of my absolute favourite LW stories. There are so many characters to love and to loathe, and the plot pitches right into the angst and pain that the MC suffers at the hands of his infatuated wife and the entitled billionaire. The character of Candice as the tart with a heart is a stroke of genius, and at times she stokes the indignation at hers, Rogan's and even Kayla's, looser moral standards, and at others she raises questions about the MC's inflexibility and "uptightness." No matter where you end up standing on these issues, they have all been aired and posed in excellent dialogue, plot evolution and characterisation, and I would guess all readers will have their passions and sensitivities inflamed, and their indignation and sentimentality challenged, at some point. Five stars from me :-)

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The author can write engaging stories well. And always good to keep in mind the story is what it is, is fiction and is the way the author wants it.

That said I found Luke's breaking from his principled worldview to sleep with Candice incomprehensibly out of character. There were a few other instances as the story went on but the ending most of all. Yes he was being massively gaslit but simply caved his character in the end because he was berated and belittled again? With friends and 'wife' like those who needs enemies. Luke should've remembered he even said it himself and then ignored it. Sure let go and continue to mature in getting past the anger hurt and animosity. That doesn't mean ignore the tiger's stripes and play with it.

I'm all for a good reconciliation ... this isn't it. Truly loving doesn't mean infatuation, getting what you want, someone being yours ... Love allows seeing clearly, the power to do what's best as best you can, to do what's right even if it's not what you want.

Kayla is a giant red flag, maybe that's why she has red hair? (Jk) She never really changes throughout the story. Every time she chooses listening to Rogan, Candice or what she wants over calling and listening to Luke who's she supposedly loves. She occasionally when really pressed for a moment says she made a mistake but then goes back to gaslighting, doing the bidding her two friends (Candice & Rogan) and demeaning Luke (childish, rude etc). One of the first things when seeing him again after years is tender on his material success, something that currently matters to her more than substance. Loving someone does not man you should be together. Kayla is materialistic, superficial and has different worldview and values than Luke regarding relationships etc. They are not particularly compatible and rather than listen to her husband to develop understanding and empathy, she and Candice mostly deride him as immature, weak etc rather than appreciating him for who he is. Principled, loyal, persistent, straight forward, honest etc.

Love doesn't mean you have to agree, but Kayla never had his back nor does she give him her ear. The story never showed any inkling of her trying to understand him, only desire to get past things, worry about upsetting Luke leading her to not do some things she wants to (another recipe for disaster & eventual resentment & deception)

Luke is not a perfect person but I'd rather deal with him in business or friendship than Kayla, Candice or Rogan. They are simply not as good and trustworthy people at the core and are much more superficial and transactional. Both women right up to the end try to convince Luke that Rogan is a good guy and a real man. Utter bs. Rogan shows persistent disrespect, greed & narcissism. Even sending the girls to convince Luke to work with him deceptively. And the end with Candice painting him as the real man for his confidence talking to men who fucked her. Bs. Luke had talked with Rogan, with confidence and not blind anger etc several times. He understandably chooses to not associate with or do business with someone like Rogan and admirably shows not everything is about money and material gain. Though author implies some caving at end. Luke would be better off and likely happier in the long run without Kayla, Candice & Rogan in his life, certainly at least in any close orbit; rather than being convinced they are not scorpions that will sooner or later sting Luke, the frog, they are trying to convince to carry them across the river.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I admit I enjoyed reading most of it. That is - until towards the end. The MC stuck to his principles till the end and then compromised. Sorry, that invalidated the characters actions and motivation which the reader could relate to. Candace tries to guilt him - telling him to drop the petty grudge - but to him it was never petty. The thing he regarded more highly than any other thing - his marriage - was violated, his trust shattered and for what - an ego game. His vitriol should have been maintained until the end. Him caving at the end and allowing his wife to dance with Rogan marked the end of his grudge but also the compromising of his principles. This was not realistic nor fair to the protagonist. There is no proper story resolution or karma in the ending. The tycoon wins and gets to feel good about himself that he didn't do any lasting damage. Everything turned out ok in the end regardless of how badly he fucked up two people's lives with his little game. How very disappointing. The smarmy sweet sickly gooey ending made my stomach turn. You write this really great tale and then put on a marshmallow shit ending. Blech!!! no rating from me. It was a 5 till the last page. A better ending would be the MC shaking the hands of Rogan's nemesis competitor giving him the business deal on his next invention right there in front of him at the end of his wedding reception while he had to maintain a happy face - but was livid angry inside. Maybe someone will write an alternative ending to this one.

TrainerOfBimbosTrainerOfBimbos3 months ago

Luke not confronting Rogan over his obvious lies in front of Kayla was... well, it was wrong. It made me throw my hands up in the air and 1 bomb this story. It was the pivotal moment in the story that SHOULD have changed the trajectory everything was going in... but it didn't. I know if the author was just enamored with their "Rogan" character or what, but the setup was there and then it all just passed. Everything after that literally felt like watching a brand new shiny turd swirl down the toilet bowl. Why would you set something up like that and then just ignore it? Checkov's gun... more like Checkov's howitzer and it was never fired.

I mean this sincerely - my dislike for the plot after that event aside, just on a pure literary level it hurt my insides to read what you did (or didn't do as the case may be) there.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

If the author had written a story about the MC overcoming the betrayal by his wife and "friends" and ultimately besting his idol turned rival it might have been pretty good. But it isn't because the author fell back on her too well worn trope of a weak protagonist accepting the role of cuckold with the added insult of submitting to the villain who orchestrated this whole shit show

desecrationdesecration3 months ago

This story both overestimates male sexual prowess and female beauty. No, you little monkeys, none of you are that big of a deal. It's just the Dunning-Kruger Effect making it seem otherwise. But well done in identifying the queasy hubris at the core of humanity.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

The thing that stands out the most is Rogan’s constant insinuation that both. Luke and Kayla would both individually have had the most mind blowing weekend of sex. Problem being not with each other. How can you go back to your spouse and be happy with sub par sex? How do you pretend to be satisfied with second best and not go chasing the galactic orgasm with some strange? Cagivagurl in all her stories had a very naive view on love and relationships thinking that putting out once committed to another is no big deal and one should easily be able to separate love from sex. That tells me everything about the author who more than likely has bounced between relationships not ever having truly loved anyone. It doesn’t matter how liberal your views, jealousy is a basic human instinctual trait that rears its head at random times, but mainly when you feel deeply about someone. If you are ok with your partner having casual sex with others chances are you don’t have a deep connection with them.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Luckily I read your name when I finished the first page. Obviously I stopped reading. The problem with your stories is that you are really amoral in what you write. Your characters are cheap and sell for a dollar. Gross.

And let it be known that it is a shame because you know how to write quite well. It's a shame that your moral height does not match your writing skills.

justbobkcjustbobkc3 months ago

OK 5 stars

There is a concept called "love languages" that has been fairly well researched. The thing is that most men and women do have different view of the love languages. One language is just sex (and physical contact) and this makes up about 80% for men and is by far the predominant one.

But not for women, for them things like "romantic words", gifts, sharing mundane chores, being a good provider, being a good father, ALL factor in as well as just sex and loving contact. A lot of these stories do illustrate this without pointing it out directly. The whole genre of "wives sleeping with rich and famous guys" all pretty much point out the dichotomy. Just sex is not that important to the wives, while VERY important to their husbands. Neither really understand why this is so.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

"You have slept with my wife, and from all accounts enjoyed it."

Sorry, but no. Luke slept with a paid whore while single. Just because Rogan is stupid enough to marry said whore doesn't make it the same as him sleeping with Kayla while she was still married.

Rogan deserves to eat a bullet, Candice deserves a man who loves her enough not to sell her off to close business deals, Luke deserves a faithful wife, and Kayla, she deserves a happy ending, but not with Luke, she doesnt deserve the second chance.

5star for another excellently written story which I love to hate. RAAC isn't for me, but I cant deny that this is another brilliantly written story from an excellent author. - YB

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle3 months ago

This was a well written story but one that made little sense.

She betrayed her husband by leaving with Rogan especially after he told her he would leave her.

Candice continued to pursue him but if Candice is so good in bed, why would anyone want to go back to Kayla? She’s second rate, at best.

And why would Rogan go for second rate pussy?

Why would Luke tolerate being in a non monogamous relationship when he was adamant about being monogamous? Why not leave whatever surfer girl he was dating when she told him she would date other men?

All in all, I’m a sucker for happy endings but this seemed to be to contrived to enjoy.

Cracker270Cracker2704 months ago

As of this date 720 comments you have really twisted some buttons to get the reaction. Congratulations a well written story with vivid characters and a plot line equally as good I reread this one often and usually get something new each time thank you for all the work you put in entertaining us

RedRachaelRedRachael4 months ago

Sorry, but when the girls came to his house on behalf of Rogan - that would be the end of everything between them.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

ANOTHER CUCK SHIT SPECIAL from Cagiva"CUNT"! Nothing is better than to givivg a "1 Star" to this "cheating WHORE wife Apologist" POS writer!

Now do your readers a favor and crawl back under the slimy rock you call home!!!

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

As a young beginning professor at 31, I had married a 24 year old ex-sorority party girl, and had a two year old daughter. She was the socialite and I the retiring academic. So her sorority sisters' parties were always painful for me, but I attended out of respect for my beloved wife. She had one especially sleazy (to me) 'sister' who was a swinger type married to a flirty 'bad boy' type, and who was always suggestive to my wife. And, you guessed it, old stick-in-the-mud me didn't appreciate his attitude towards my wife, especially when drunk. After one too forward night, I told my wife our family was the center of my life, but that I would leave her and the kid in a heartbeat if she messed around on me, and I would not accept an 'open marriage'. Friends and colleagues, including males, yes, but lovers, No. Her response was 'message received' and we never looked back. Was I a controlling bastard? Her sleazy 'sister' thought so, but other female friends told me my wife defended me always, and I have always made sure to give her the respect she has earned as her due. Those sorority sisters and spouse became our close friends. Would I have forgiven her for a Kayla moment like this? Honestly don't know, but ultimately probably. This story resonates with me very well.

AnonymousAnonymous4 months ago

Nope. Wouldn't work for me. This is an incredibly well written analog to George Anderson's February Sucks, with Kayla as Linda, the husband as Jim, and Rogan as Lavallier. It's pretty straightforward actually. The wife wanted Rogan 'for one night out of her marriage', and non-consensually declared an open marriage despite her husband's state objections while the Candice-Dee character ran interference. And of course Rogan was counting coup, fobbing off his mistress as an unwanted 'swap' and got the husband's boss to offer him a bribe. If that isn't calculated as dominance-humiliation, I don't know what is. The stuff about ego was just to spice up the story and a a plot character's manipulation tactic.

Sad really, that a spouse would be willing to do that. The husband made his position clear, and was totally right to do what he did, excepting perhaps leaving her without funds. Well written story but a totally twisted plot. The only improvement I would have made on this plot was for the husband to leave the West Coast entirely, and disappear back East or even Toronto, since he could work from anywhere. Disappear, file for divorce through a remote attorney, and ghost the wife. Such a wife would deserve no better like the wife Linda's "mistake" in George Anderson's classic. The ending of this story was its weakest point given the reconciliation after all his earlier behavior. Love isn't that strong. I has to be nurtured and groomed, and it wasn't in him after the wife's exploit. If it was ego, it was self-respect for not excepting a non-concensually declared open marriage. Such a woman would do it again what-ever her declarations. A drunken one-night stand on the road or such can be construed as a mistake, but not what Linda-Kayla did.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

steam 692 is right rogan had no morals and very low standar5ds . seducing married women and pimping his girlfriend out was all the proof anybody would need .

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

What a fucked up story. The personality shifts of people were unreal. This was a horrible story written by a writer that's a lot better than this.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I gave up on page 3. It was endless conversations about his wife going away and fucking someone else. It was the same conversation over and over and over ad nauseum.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

I actual enjoyed some of the story sans the gaslighting by Candice, Rogan, the author, and even Kayla, regarding how Luke should just man up and mend fences with Rogan and be friends. That was nauseating and toxic.

But what really got me was the conversation in Luke's Bay Area apartment, when confronted by Kayla and Rogan. He NEVER calls out Rogan on his statement that he didn't know that Luke was leaving. He damn well knew. Candice told him on the phone in the restaurant in front of Luke. That was an utter lie. And if Luke had confronted that, knowing at least the side of the conversation he heard, it would have blown up ANY connection between Rogan and Kayla. There is no way that Luke keeps quiet, except to allow the author to pursue the incessant gaslighting agenda. Seriously? Talk about fiction. And Candice was never a friend of Luke's or even really Kayla. Why? For get the toxic gaslighting snd being an emissary of Rogan. She knew the truth also and NEVER told Kayla the truth about Rogan. Ergo she is not a friend of Kayla's and certainly not Luke. Thr content of that phone call to ask Rogan to call it off, never comes up the entire story after the fact. That is an ill constructed plot device. Meant for shock value but never trotted out again. Pissed me off. If it was so detrimental to the author's plot, then don't have the meeting with Candice take place. Simple and easy. Cannot believe that was missed. Suspect then that it was purposeful.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

Luke was completely right to leave Kayla and should have divorced her immediately. Kayla, Rogan and Candice should have met a serious karmic payback as fitted the severity of a their transgressions Kayla's being worst(as she betrayed her vows to Liuke), Rogan's next (being a creepy predator going after married women with no morals, remorse or consideration of any consequences) and Candice's next (not caring that she enabled such reprehensible acts and no concern for the outcome) it not like either Rogan or Candice probably ever looked back to see the effects on the marriages they interfered in to know if they servived, were badly damaged and limped along crippled til they eventually died.

steam692steam6925 months ago

5-13-24. For the most part I agree with Anon posted 15 days before me. Rogan has no respect for anyone who doesn't have the same moral standards as he does. Or should I say immoral standards. Presumably Luke and Kayla said in their wedding vows they would forsake all others. So what that means is Kayla, Rogan, and Candice are all WHORES. They have no respect for marriage, or for other peoples definition of what a marriage is. All three of them should just burn in hell.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

The story was written very skillfully, by an author who clearly has talent. But I’m not sure even the author realizes just how toxic these relationships were made. Kayla knows Luke *hates* Rogan, downright despises him, yet she continues to push forgiveness of Rogan onto him. If she truly loved him, if she truly respected him, she wouldn’t have done this, as it shows a complete disregard for clearly stated boundaries. She continues to exhibit surprise that he hasn’t “gotten over” his enmity towards Rogan, but if she knows the stubborn and principled personality he has (and she seems to) she should also know that those feelings will not fade quickly. She also has no right to criticize him for holding onto those feelings, and push him to alter them, when she’s the one who’s chosen to be with him with full understanding of what his personality is (I.e. she has no right to push him to change to better conform to her perspective). Candice was not Luke’s friend, by even a distant measure. Almost every interaction that they had, she was criticizing him in some way (calling him a fool, an idiot, a child, implying he was a lesser man for his views, etc.), and she also continued to push him to repair things with Rogan in a way that violated clearly stated boundaries, and which she had no right to. Like Kayla, she attempted to change him in order to force him to conform to her perspective (something a true friend would never do) and then she would criticize him whenever he refused to change in the way she wanted. Rogan, likewise, also regularly lobbed the exact same criticisms at Luke while refusing to respect his boundaries. Well beyond the act of cheating, which was bad enough, all three of these characters continued to treat Luke in a toxic manner in perpetuity, and he never had the courage to stand up and say “If you can’t respect my feelings and clearly stated wishes; if you continue to push me to do things you know I don’t want, and to berate me every time I don’t, then we can’t be friends.”. While Kayla might’ve done this the least, she still engaged in it. Had she genuinely loved Luke, she wouldn’t have. What’s more, she would’ve stood up to Candice (even if Luke didn’t), after seeing the person she loved be so frequently berated, and she’d have told her friend that insulting the person she loved like that was an unacceptable behavior. The act of cheating was bad, but at least it could be labeled a mistake. The toxic manipulation that followed was worse, and was so consistent that it could not have been labeled a mistake. It was so consistent that it almost felt like the author pushing their own perspective, through the characters, in order to “correct” what they felt were flaws in Luke’s perspective, and I honestly hope that wasn’t the case, because the story was otherwise quite skillfully written, and while a stubborn principled perspective may have its flaws, the behaviors of the other characters was objectively worse (thus eliminating any moral or rational grounds from which they could criticize).

MrJackFrosttMrJackFrostt5 months ago

Read the first page and skipped to the last. This is some bullshit. I would have beaten the brakes off of the boss and then done the same to Rogan. If my wife defended their actions I would have divorced her. Seems they forget wedding vows so easily.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

A potentially great plot ruined by portraying Luke as a spineless loser. What an unbelievably insecure effeminate man Luke was.

Flipping and flopping and backtracking for the two girls he had every right to hate. Changing his mind, constantly going against his own beliefs and morals. Constantly questioning himself, his actions and motivations, when it was the other 3 that deliberately set out to force him to accept their standards and ethics.

She would not talk to him when she wanted to rush off and fuck someone else. Then she accuses him of not talking to her coz now she has buyers remorse and is sad and lonely. She tries to claim didn't know it would upset him. What utter bullshit.

All these lies and manipulations and he is still a feeble enough person to appease her by taking her back.

After that the 2 girls had him trussed up like a Christmas turkey with all the binds that they had around him, squeezing the life out of him.

I would love another chapter where Simple wishy washy Luke finds out his wife is still getting it off with Candice and Rogan. And then Rogan fleeces him for every dime he has and Luke ends up with nothing.

That's about what he deserves.

Fjmax6Fjmax66 months ago

Good story and I think it was great that Luke left Kayla. Not doing business with Rogan was good also. I do not think Candice is a nice person for supporting Rogan in his seductions of married women. She cannot seem to understand that someone like Luke can be so angry because of Kayla's cheating.

I think the fact that Kayla and Luke got back together was good.

francisa123francisa1236 months ago

Super story, just a shame Rogan didn’t feel some pain

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The comments Candace made about Luke getting over himself about Rogan . He should have thrown it out at Rogan in the apartment and Candace that she told him to bring Kayla back it wasn't going to work and Rogan chose to ignore it basically tricking her into weekend sex. Luke has made his position perfectly clear at the party and everyone including Kayla ignored him. All three of them tried to push swinging on him he didn't want for himself or his wife. Rogan and Candace are despicable people. There is no way he would have been able to be with Kayla while she is close with such unrespectful people.

ttjbjr54ttjbjr546 months ago

Good writing. Poor story. No mention of their divorce. Lack of respect on every character except Luke. When Candace called him while he was on the plane and Candace asked him to turn around he didn’t. Luke had principles and respect for himself and lost it at the end. I would never take the wife back. Story should be rewritten.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

“Oh, stop acting like a spoiled fucking brat. Yeah, I chased something I liked, but if you acted like a man rather than a sulking brat, you could have enjoyed what would have been the singular greatest sexual experience of your life. Instead, you chose to go home with your tail between your legs and have a cry."

The fact that the singular greatest sexual experience might have been with his wife seems to elude this crowd. They always think that being married is settling for second best and that having something on the side strengthens an average marriage. I pity that type of thinking. Couldn’t imaging a woman that fucks or makes love to me better than my wife. I guess it comes down to choosing well at the beginning and not treating relationships like a new version of an iPhone. Especially since we've only been married 10 years or less, as we're like bunnies in bed. I know when my wife and I were 10 years in, we were both 29, and had a lot of energy to keep the sheets burning. From the way the author described Rogan, he had to be mid to late 40's, and Candice was in her mid to late 30's giving them a lot of experience.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

This story started out great, then drove off the cliff as it progressed on. What it really needs is for someone to re-write the story from the 3rd or 4th page on, as that's when it went off the rails.

This is the part I never understood when asked in Luke's SF apartment. Candice stated: "Yes, he's with me now (in the coffee shop as Luke heard her side of the call). Uh-huh, no I don't think so. Rogan, this is bad, honey. He's cleaned out the house, and he's leaving. I didn't sign up to destroy homes. Can't you just bring her back, call it a day and walk away?" There was silence as she listened. "Okay, have it your way, but I'm telling you. He isn't changing his mind." - She *told* him they'd ended the marriage and his response was, what? Something like "Don't worry about it, after I fuck her, I'll bring her back and we'll see if we can fix it." ...? She *knows* that isn't going to happen, knows he didn't care about it, and still stood up for him?"

This IS where the author makes Rogan not say anything to Kayla, either on the plane, or in the apartment, as Rogan knows he fucked up, and destroyed Kayla's marriage. It's his ego that doesn't want to admit it.

Also when did Kayla and Luke get divorced? The author never bothered to mention it. It must have been before Luke sold his first couple of games and was still broke.

Also while dancing with Candice and she mentions all the men holding court around Rogan, saying "he's the better man knowing they've ALL fucked her", what she doesn't realize is that she wasn't married when they fucked her, unlike Kayla was when Rogan fucked Kayla, or when Luke fucked Candice when they were both single.

A lot of what this story is perspective, married or not married DOES make a difference. Maybe Luke needs to offer Rogan 10K for a night with Candice. Now that would be a change in perspective, would Rogan do a wife swap with Luke and Kayla? Then Rogan would be the one getting cucked.

The ending sucked, in that thru out most of the story Luke had honor and principles, but at the end, he lost his principles, and accepted the handshake from Rogan as "being polite". The women must have beaten him down to accept his place. I wouldn't re-marry Kayla, no matter how much I loved her, as she'll break his heart again.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

It is the real life. If you have money, you can buy anything or anyone. Your writing skills would give you an 5, but the story is a weak 3. There is regression instead of character development.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

Wow it's was a 5 out 5 until the last bit then it turned it to a 2 or 3 out 5.

AnonymousAnonymous6 months ago

The story was well written, but became too much about hoe Rogan is "really not a bad guy" when in fact he outright lied to Kayla, since he knew from Candice that Luke was leaving. I was fine with Kayla and Luke reconciling, but too much of the story was about getting Luke to bury the hatchet with Rogan, via the Kayla (who was really only delusional about Rogan and his intentions) and Candice (who is really NOT Luke's friend as she knows what Rogan is like). I don't mind Luke caving to the dance at the end. Big deal. But the rest of the stuff with Rogan got hyperbolic. And as already alluded to in comments below including the one 16 days ago from Anonymous, starting with "Sorry the missed opportunity..", Luke not confronting Rogan s lie in the apartment in front of Kayla is ridiculous. As another commenter (Teeceemcg) said, Luke would remember his conversation with Candice word for word and also her side ofnthe phone call. And yet Luke who the whole rest of the story, doesn't put up with any bullshit (until the very end and that is minor), nope Luke doesn't call out Rogan's lies as he spouts them in that apartment. Suppose CVG wrote themselves into a corner, ad otherwise that would either preclude an eventual reconciliation with Kayla (she doesn't believe Luke) or would destroy any friendship with Rogan (she believes Luke). And btw why wouldn't Candice, as a supposed friend to both, not tell the truth from her side, after Luke and Kayla have reconciled? Means she really isn't a friend, certainly not Luke's. But we'll written and entertaining, ignoring the repetitivemess enar the end. 5 stars.

hillcountrycowboyhillcountrycowboy6 months ago

Other commenters are correct, Rogan lied to Kayla about what Candice told him. He may have discounted what Candice said, convinced Luke would give in to Candice as usual, but he lied and that should have been explored.

I think (recognizing how reckless it is to interpret imaginary characters’ imaginary actions) that the constant efforts by K&C to reconcile Luke and asshole were to lessen their feelings of culpability.

Were I Luke, by the third time they tried to discount my opinion to tell me the asshole was a great guy I’d really like if I got to know, that would have been it. Adíos, game over, sayonara, goodbye, don’t let the doorknob hit ya where the good Lord split ya.


Schwanze1Schwanze16 months ago

You don't get this many comments without great writing but fuck those cunts and fuck that bastard. I'm out. Plenty of women in the world.

TeeceemcgTeeceemcg6 months ago

Anonymous comment (at this moment is the 3rd down from this one) talking about the "overlooking" of Rogan saying Candice was unclear about Luke's intentions. This has bothered me for days. While I am unsure this is a major plot point, there is no way Luke wouldn't have remembered word for word Candice's side of the conversation and forced Rogan to really have to strain to keep Kayla's admiration. ESPECIALLY when, primarily driven by Rogan, the barrage of remarks saying how "stupid, immature, bratty, short sighted," & just plain "wrong" Luke's position was. Rogan, regardless of how charming, needed to be unmasked for the scummy asshole he could be.

xhunter4uxhunter4u7 months ago

Best. Story. Ever.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Sorry the missed opportunity in the apartment in thr Bay Area where the MC did not pick apart Rogan's lie about when Candice called him and when Rogan knew that the MC was leaving and did not tell Kayla so he coukd frolic with her, just really harmed the story. There is a juncture or two in that dialog that is excruciating to read because the MC never brings up the truth or even alleges it. Of course the author ignored these obvious opportunities to keep up thr facade with Kayla that Rogan was a "good" guy. Thr story while fanciful and fictional anyways, just lost all (even fictional) credibility with that conversation ending. Author writes well but back themself into a corner and had to do the equivalent of prestidigitation, though poorly executed. The lies about the timing would have completely destroyed any friendship between Kayla and Rogan when the truth came out. And the fact it never came out later with Candice becoming a friend who was on the other side of the phone call, wss again a missed opportunity. Takes it down a notch. The wedding scene doesn't bother me as much. Kayla will never hurt him again like that. But her constant pestering and defending of Rogan as a "nice" guy, well that was infuriating. He has the money. He and Kyla should just move away and cut contact. Candice can travel to see her from time to time. If she won't agree, then show her the door. At some point she needed to see that thr MC was correct in his analysis of Rogan and why he cannot let it go. But of course the author also ignores that, instead hammering the same trope over and over again. Even a 1 v 1 with Candice when Kayla and MC were divorced, but she was close with Candice and a business partner, would have been the way to go. But author seemed set on having the wedding debacle over Kayla dancing with Rogan. Meh. 4 stars.

HikingThruHikingThru7 months ago

As much as I like 'Words' and as much as I admire 'Feb Sux' for the obvious storm it created, I think this is currently my favorite story here. This story came over a year after Feb Sux and its many follow-ups. I think the author found a way to appease the BTB witch-burners (myself included), while also growing the MC's emotional quotient quite a bit over nine pages. And nine pages? Usually, I can see two to four pages of unnecessary fluff in a nine-pager, but here, not so much. Everything, gradually, contributes to softening the MC's stance, while maintaining his anger at some rich, entitled douche bag fucking his wife. That's a thin edge, and even more so to keep things plausible while riding that edge. Kudos to Cagivagurl.

TheCommenterTheCommenter7 months ago

I really like your many stories. A lot. Interesting storylines and well written. With one notable exception: please, please, please learn the difference between brought (to bring) and bought (to buy) :D It incomprehensible to me how someone with such a good command of the language as you can make such a rookie mistake (over and over again).

But that's no reason to deduct stars: 5 from me.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

I mostly enjoyed the story. It is similar to February Sucks (the story that people have endlessly re-litigated), but does some things differently and it’s enjoyable. We can see things like this situation in real life with that singer and the woman leaving her boyfriend to very sensually dance on the singer — to the humiliation and spread on social media.


I’ll try to keep this from a sprawling essay, but I think that some of the commenters misunderstand the characters. It’s clear that Luke loves Kayla deeply. When you both really like and love someone, it’s a very hard feeling to escape. So I don’t think he’s weak (excepting the wedding scene). He’s roiled with angst: he hates Kayla for betraying him and it irritates him that he took her back. Does he forgive her? Kinda. Though he understands Kayla loves him, love wasn’t enough to keep her loyal the first time. So he probably feels like a prisoner to his own feelings. It’s probably why people think he acts immature at times; he doesn’t really have a proper outlet for anger other than Rogan and Candice and Kayla constantly attempt to take that away.


I think Kayla gets misconstrued as well. She’s the creative to his analytical, the pathos to his logos. Kayla is not a dumb person, but can be vain, selfish, and short sighted. A handsome guy, who is incredibly rich, comes into this party with an absolute babe on his arm and singles her out amongst all the other envious women to seduce. She’s given vague promises that make for a permission structure for her to live a fantasy in an otherwise normal life. So she jumps for it. She backtracks with Luke because she cannot justify to herself being both a good person and purposefully ruining her marriage. If she’s not a bad person, goes the thinking, then maybe Rogan and Candice aren’t bad either, especially given that they help her out of a financial and emotional hole (that she still must know they created together). She’s gotten the mob treatment: make them complicit and well paid, and they’ll be loyal for life.


I won’t run down Candice as a person based on her profession, but I imagine transactionally engaging in such intimate activities for a long time may distort someone’s emotional map. Her dependence on Rogan may just be a manifestation of this. I don’t even think it occurred to her that people engage in intimacy for reasons beyond sealing a deal or for fun. I don’t think she’s capable of ever understanding Luke. I think she’s genuinely friends with Kayla. I don’t imagine her line of work affords her a lot of social outlets with understanding people and Kayla is nice and creative and doesn’t judge so it works for her.


Rogan is just a prick. I don’t think he’s Machiavellian, but there’s a reason he chooses wives and springs it unexpectedly on a couple. If it really was about sharing a lifestyle, he’d ask them to hang out in Costa Rica and then put forward his offer over time. It reinforces his image of being a playboy billionaire who wins at everything. As he stated, he thinks everything’s for sale and he’s got the most money on offer. I think he does respect Luke after the brush offs and it has become an obsession to get the one guy who hates him to submit and accept his poor behavior as reasonable. I’m not sure if he loves Candice or he likes lording the fact that the best sex of his friends’ lives is in his bed. It’s frankly misogynistic that he sees her as a trophy to lend or to display at whim. In real life, he’d likely just keep her as a mistress without the pesky California community property laws.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

The problem I have with this story. Is not contrary to what many on this website seem to think, the fact that Luke and Kayla reconcile. Honestly that really wasn't even an issue for me.

The problem I had was that for the whole story Luke stuck to his guns and turned Rogan down at every oppourtunity. He rejected the weekend of sex. He rejected his job, his attempts to buy his products. He fought tooth and nail to carve out his own niche in the industry and defended it for all he was worth.

His drive was so impressive... so when at the end he just kind of folds and accepts a weird friendship with Rogan it was kind of lame to me. We have this great batch of characters. Luke the plucky underdog. Kayla that naive but well meaning girl. Candice the alluring femme fatal and Rogan the bully.

Personally a better ending would have been Rogan simply acknowledging that Luke is the one thing he's never going to get. He can get almost anything in the world but Luke will be the thing he won't ever have. Taking a defeat and agreeing that the two of them would never be friends or business partners but they could at least co-exist.

SaltySurpriseSaltySurprise7 months ago

I love how this writer get you so involved in the story.

I agree with most of the comments on here that how could you take her back. She did humiliate him she cheated with all of his work colleagues present they all knew his wife went of to fuck another man as too the whore Candice when she was disrespecting him in his own home he should of thrown her out to the curb and not let her back in. That's my opinion. He did make millions so where did they think he was being ripped of. The only ones to have fucked him over was Rogan, Candice and Kayla. That being said I l do love this writers way of sucking you in


Schwanze1Schwanze17 months ago

Why do they usually turn out to be pussies?

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Luke divorced the cheating Kayla left and made millions. Then saw her again and dated straight away then married her 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 She cheated, publically humiliated him and chose another man over her husband. Theres no chance a real Luke he takes the cheater back she didnt love him enough to be faithful its disgusting he took her back on this story.

AnonymousAnonymous7 months ago

Great man Luke stand your ground don't let a homewreacker push you around. As many of stars I can give.

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker7 months ago

I can't believe that I spent all that time reading this bullshit. I don't remember them getting remarried, but if they did, then it won't be long before they are divorced again because she cheats. Oh, wait, it's California. Sorry, my bad. He should have tried harder, in a different area to find someone with morals. Stupid man, stupid woman. Sorry, my opinion. Better luck next time, Luke. Two stars, because she had me fooled, too.


chess1972chess19727 months ago

The ending was indeed a bit of a letdown but it is really hard to stick the landing on this type of story, so five stars anyway.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

I would have went on every network, every wear and told everyone about the assholes seducing and bedding married women and causing divorce to happe3n and I would have continued until he was feeling the hurt I felt and lost the respect of his peers. He deserved a whole lot more.

dgfergiedgfergie8 months ago

Not quite sure why all the negative reviews and comments. I felt Luke stood by his principals throughout the story. So he got back together with after being apart for years. It's a new life he never compromised his principals. I did feel a little let down with the ending, I was hoping he would be wildly successful and run old Rogan out of business but I guess his nemesis was too big. But you must agree Rogan was an asshole and a narcissist and had way to much money and power. His reaction to breaking up our MCs marriage may have been real but proved he had no real understand or morals about taking another mans wife. I gave the store 5 stars just on the principals shown by our MC that were shown more than once. The cajoling and remarks about lightning up were misplaced on him he really did have principals and as far as I saw he never backed off from them.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Po komentarzach widać ze są osoby którym taki mięczak się podoba. No cóz każdy ciągnie do swoich. Współczuć tym którym to sie podobało. Ale takie jest zycie. Dla m,nie ocena to 1.

samaritan69samaritan698 months ago

I loved. Yeah I don't know that real life would work out this way. But I do love a good story. And this is a very good one. I'm grateful for the author writing it and posting it. So that I could enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Hugh ! One of the worst RAAC tale ever posted in this category. Only a submissive sheep like was this brainless husband would have taken such a whore wife back. Make the husbands at least a bit believable, to make the tale enjoyable, otherwise the tale is a total waste.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Another unbelievable fempov-cuck RAAC with a brainless monkey husband and a typical "smart" slut wife. Too many science-fiction LW tales describing unrealistic husbands acting without a male brain.

moultonknobmoultonknob8 months ago

After all the bullshit she put him through and he wanting nothing to do with the bitch a couple of years later the pathetic fuckwit still wants her so they finish up together again. 2 stars for bad spelling in places and the fact I can't be bothered with stories where the tossers get back together after a few years.

RileyKingRileyKing8 months ago

5 STARS!!! Wow, great story

CurrentParameterCurrentParameter8 months ago

I really liked the story. My only nitpick is that in my view of how he had been handling things, was that he kept saying not to mention Rogan, but on page 7 Candice and Kayla come trying to convince him to do business with him again. I would have thought that that would have been a last straw moment for him with those two.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Quite a romp. dmb

Long_live_the_kingLong_live_the_king9 months ago

I love the story, I have never read a story on this site that I just can't put down until this one. It maybe needed a bit more detail on what actually happened on the flight and on the weekend trip apart from that I loved it.. As a fellow author I know you are constantly deciding what your story should tell and which way to go, so must have been difficult to decide how you wanted to end the story. 5* from me

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I’ve read this story a number of times - I like your writing. My only complaint is the continual theme of “if you don’t want other people screwing your wife then you’re just insecure” and “if you don’t want the same things I think you should want you have ego issues”🤦‍♂️. In reality your main character was very secure in his convictions and expectations. His security was in the way of what his wife and her paramour wanted.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Good story. I would have given it 10* is he hadn't given in to Rogan. I don't care how many times he apologized. He is still the same low life, wife stealing, marriage breaking asshole. He is still one of those people who thinks he rules the world and everyone in it. Should be absolutely no reconnection with him.

BSreaderBSreader9 months ago

Is the second time I've read this and to me it shows the lack of morals in this country hell this world, the wife easily giving herself away to another man just because and how little any of them show that they have no morals no ethics the wife Kayla didn't listen to him and screwed the other guy anyway. Almost all the characters were immoral and none of them had a clue about life.

jmp2862jmp28629 months ago

Awesome story

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This is a brilliantly written story. Its only flaw, albeit a major one, is that the protagonist's personality and his reactions at the end of the story are not compatible. Such a man, neither criticizing nor praising his personality, only begins to reconnect with his ex-wife when she has no relationship at all with Candice and Rogan.

Oatmeal1969Oatmeal19699 months ago

I love your writing and this story was well written but.... man, I did not like Kayla, Rogan, Candace, that reconciliation nor the open ending.

Kayla and Luke should have stayed apart after the cruel betrayal. He has no trust in any of them and I expected him to find his tech designs stolen by Kayla and Candice and handed over to Rogan.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Nobody loses. Bullshit Kasey I lose my faithful wife. I turned and left. Stupid bitch and I thought that I knew her. I spent every penny that we had. Fighting for the children. But seen how the court's treated the honest people. I started to help the conservative lawer that was running against the liberal bitch judge that handled our divorce. I had donated every thing I had left after paying all of the bills I had to his campaign, help him when I could putting up signs or whatever i could do. He won . Amen! It wasn't like the Dictator we have in the White House since 2020 election abusing his executive powers and pushing for the murder of babies. This guy was as honest as could be.

GardenshedGardenshed9 months ago

Enjoyed the story, read it because someone said another story was just like this story. Not seeing it, like had similar career and Rogan is a similar sucmbag.

Not sure why Luke got back with Kayla, between her and Candice bitching at him for hold a grudge on the asshole that seduced wives and take them away, no matter what making the husband a Cuck.

Thanks for writing

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I checked this story because some folks claimed that s new story took too much from this one. I don't see it. As for this take,,? Five stars.


AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Sometimes, reading Cagivagurl's stories reminds me of those early Medieval romances about 'courtly love'. It didn't exist except in the minds of aristocratic ladies and their courtiers, but influenced the actions of many once dynastic marriages were made. Many of her female protagonists seem to have the same patently absurd ideas about love and fidelity. But dynastic marriages were about children too, and legitimacy of spousal relations because of resulting inheritances. For most modern (meaning common) people, marriage means children too, but also knowing you have a partner to 'have your back' and witness that somone was important to you in an otherwise impersonal world. That means you have a duty to pay attention to your spouse, and also not to have to feel in competition with other men or women for the special intimacies that make a marriage. When a spouse 'steps out' and shares intimacies one expects in your marital relationship, then its destructive. "It's only sex" is a defacto lie as anyone knows who observes lovers sharing physical behaviors of intimacy, and if it's not your husband or wife, then it's no longer your marriage. Recall what happens to a knight or noble who goes beyond the silly courtly love rules in those early novels: duels, conflict, even war. It's FOR a reason.

So when the character Kayla decided to cheat with this titan of industry while married to an aspiring husband, what did she think would happen? Leave, because he could not compete with the titan in his mind for his wife. It wasn't just a 'mistake' but a visceral competition in his mind and (I would argue) in hers given her expressed affection for Rogan's 'confidence' and 'acumen'. She never really explained that attraction away to his satisfaction. His dissatisfaction with her betrayal and inherent competition is what drove him ultimately to devote himself and develope his talents. So why once successful SHOULD he have taken her back? Not in the real world.

The reconciled wife here would only stay that way out of fear and codependency for a publicly successful man in my estimation. That quieted little voice in his brain would come back to haunt him if a future product failed and she met another 'confident' man while he may flounder. Such women don't have your back at all. A spouse is supposed to be a bastion of solace and comfort, not a competition for a demanding bitch.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The part on page 8 about the Morse stag party invite where Kayla gets the details dragged out of her about the in-flight cheating reinforced one of the rare real points in this story: that if you can't forget, you can't forgive. The character was stupid to dredge this up with the stag party request for her ex-lover. But on the other hand, for the first time they really spoke about it and she FINALLY openly spoke her remorse for doing it and not just about the consequences. What it meant to him in other words. That, and earlier remarks that she could miss the Morse character but not her proven friend Candice finally showed when she made her choice. It could not have been otherwise to work out.

That, and the remarks by Candice at the wedding party where she remarks to Luke that Rogan was 'so confident' among his friends who had previously shagged his wife. But that was a false conflation of the two situations, one where one's wife was lured away by her own venality (even though warned), while the other was his corporate mistress and sometime's company escort shagging his friends for business advantage. The ex-wife's going along with this arrangement meant she was an accessory to that arrangment to reel in the genious developers business. She became Rogan's whore for the night and didn't even realize it's significance until afterward.

Luke understood but its not until very late in the story that the ex-wife acknowledges that same, albeit indirectly. The whole idea of a marriage is NOT to have to compete for intimacy, and she put him in the situation of having to, which wrecked their marriage. Close martial intimacy (not just sex) is a very physical thing in the brain, and it really IS like getting kicked in the gut. That is how marriages are formed and children conceived. Can you have relationship without it? Sure. Some people can ignore or subvert the biological wiring, but most cannot.

Like the old Byzantine Emperors said: 'The fisc must be served." And the brain and endocrine system as well.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"Kayla, I know this is hard. It's hard for me, too. I do love you, and I have been trying to convince myself that what happened doesn't matter. That we can get past it."

She said with trembling lips. "And?"

"Well, today made me wonder if that can happen. You and Rogan remain friends, and while that is the case, I don't see how we can rebuild."

"Luke, if it's just Rogan, I will never speak to him again. I'II will cut him out of my life, I'll do anything. I want you back, not just as a friend, I want my husband back."

- You know that most relationship counselors working with infidelity reconciliation recommend that the offending spouse not associate with the lover again to maintain their marriage and demonstrate loyalty. The exwife Kayla never did that, as she hear admits. He was right to have serious doubts.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"She loves you, Luke, always has. God damn it, she made a mistake. It wasn't even her fault. It was Rogan and me, we're the ones who fucked up."

"No, I fucked up as well. I overreacted. I should have taken my time and talked it through with her.

- The Ex-wife was a stupid, venal woman and the Ex-husband overreacted. Both immature as Hell. She obviously wanted what she saw as a 'successful man', didn't even understand she colossally disrespected him, and he should have acted differently if it broke things. A mature husband would have waited until she returned, met her (with our without her 'friends'), told her face-to-face it was over, and why, and ask her where to be served. THEN walk out with the closure to move on. He was a young guy who could find another young woman and start again to make a family without the mental baggage. He would never get it back with the ex-wife being close to the people who carpetbombed their marriage. The BEST revenge is living well (and moving on) in this instance. The ex-wife Kayla would likely have bitter regrets and get a chance to learn from her mistakes. That is how it should work, but then again, no masterful story.

I walked on a two-year marriage at 29 when my wife of 27 had a two-month affair with her boss so I did just that: confronted her, had her served, and divorced in front of the our circle and the world. We had a discussed understanding of 'one and done', she knew it, and still cheated. She was remorseful, initially desperate to reoncile, and finally bitter, but we eventually moved on and learned from it. That's how it really works. Not near as entertaining as Cagivagurl's literary endeavours.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The pool-side conversation in LA with Candice and Kayla when his house warming party began kind of said it all in a nutshell. Candice admitted facilitating the blow-up of his marriage, and took pity on the girl to help her through the break-up. YET, she expects them to just take up where they left off and all was copacetic? The ultimate chutzpah if you ask me. It's almost an Olympian arrogance of the ultra-wealthy. That is clearly what the Ex-husband was commenting on several times in the story. And the character is right.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"It affected me seeing her again. I remembered why I fell in love with her in the first place. She was attractive without being movie star beautiful. She was funny, bright, and most importantly, she got me, she understood my quirks."

Understood his quirks? Like monogamy, perhaps? Then again, maybe she understood and just didn't respect them, or him. Un esposa sin respeto, as old Colombian friends might say (NOT in my poor Spanish of course). It should have reminded him of WHY he left her in the first place, even after three years.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

After my third read of this story, I consider this one of her best works. Beautifully crafted and told. The (ex)wife is a 'piece of work' in the American vulgate. His meeting her in LA a few years later speaks true to her character. She never does get her transgression in this story. No real remorse beyond her immediate consequences. The lover 'loans' her the money after the husband leaves her, and his corporate prostitute partners to set her up in business. Speaking of conscience money! But what speaks the most is her surprise that he was so successful, and earned his own money to live 'the Life' in Los Angeles. That and her suppressed bitterness that she didn't benefit from his success. It was implicit to her conversation at that meeting. What this says to me is that she always had eyes to hooking up to a successful male partner even when still married to him, and was drawn to magnate Rogan like a moth to a flame for that very reason. Then when the Ex turned out to be successful, she felt betrayed, having had to work too hard with her ill-gotten partners to succeed herself. That the guy saw this clearly, and yet still ended up back with her speaks poorly to his judgement. Too busy being a business success to develope his personal life, so instead outsources it to on-the-arm eye candy.

That the author makes this work speaks to her literary ability. I'm glad she doesn't alllow others to build off her copyrighted work because like George Anderson, it would be inferior variants. But here is my Saddletramp version in a nutshell if variants were possible. Kayla is left high and dry by the divorce and without recourse except to her lover and his corporate whore. They set her up in business as Rogan's fellow corporate whore to further his business ambitions after the divorce and it turns out Candice recruits them with that ploy for his corporate brothel service. Then Kayla meets her Ex as the paid escort rather than Candice when he returns to LA to make the follow-up deal. He closes the deal for the better $$ because he doesn't care about Kayla any more, but she gets her hope up, but he gets another eyecandy instead as a trophy life, leaving her lonely and bitter. That's a much better story for the American Vulgate.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Second time I have read this story. What an masterful piece of writing, especially making this theme work. Consider:

He seemed like the epitome of the archetypical Hollywood manager. During our afternoon meeting he stunned me when he asked, "Would you like some female company tonight?"

"Are you hooking me up?"

He shrugged. "I could, we usually offer our clients the opportunity. We know it's tough when you're just dropping in."

Thinking about it, I nodded. "Yeah all right. She better be hot, though."

"You won't be disappointed, man."

A more typical Literotica author would have had the paid escort turn out to be his ex-wife Kayla, who became one when Rogan found her such employment after the Ex left her financially high and dry. Given her demonstrated huge misjudgement, she would follow the path of Rogan's mistress Candice as a business accessory. The Ex was smart to divorce her. His problem was not developing his life outside his video game business. Get a real wife and a real life rather than the Kayla mirage. Her entire existence was defined by the ex-lover Rogan and his corporate missus. The ending of this story was just a reprise of this fact.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

From story webpage 3: "No, Luke, you have to hear me out. It was a mistake, okay? I see that now, but on the night of the party, it was all just a huge shock. I let it get to me. I should have listened to what you were saying. I should have gone home with you when you asked."

I nodded. "Yeah, you should have, but you didn't. End of story."

Her 'mistake' was a marriage-killing mistake. Consider, a young couple just starting out where he puts in a huge amount of effort building his career. The spouse is supposed to have his back, and build trust in a future family. With her colossal lack of judgement, one would always want any children DNA tested. That not the kind of basis to start a family. His maturity was lacking, but HIS basic misjudgement was NOT. She was a poor risk. The hutszpah of bring her lover in to apologize with her? Her maturity and judgement was at the level of a teenager. Not ideal spouse and mother material.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

"Luke, I like Kayla, and yes, I would like it if she accompanied me home tonight." His voice didn't even waver, he was calm and to the point, like he was asking me to pass the salt.

"Fuck you, Morse, just because you have money, you think you can buy anything. Some things are not for sale."

"Everything's for sale, Luke, but I'm not trying to buy her. I will hopefully make her an offer, an invitation. I hope when I do, she takes me up on it."

For a recently married couple without children, this would end the marriage right there. Kayla ended up agreeing, ergo marriage over. It makes for a good story, but that outcome was almost guaranteed. That he took her back without any true remose, apologies, or acts of restitution on her part is a novelist's treasure trove but not remotely realistic.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

The people in this story are seriously delusional or just narcissistic and self-aggrandizing. Consider this scene:

"I was dragged from the conversation, by a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, Luke."

"Simon, I'd like to say nice to see you, but fuck it. I don't want to lie to you."

He snorted. "You still got your panties in a knot over that. Jesus, son, grow up."

Kind of says it all. The supposed "Idol" uses his girlfriend as the lure in his business campaigns, the Simon character considers that just another tool in his colleague's business arsenal (that the Ex-husband shouldn't resent), the 'Idol's' girlfriend seems to consider his mercenary use of her as normal, and the protagonist's ex-wife thought participating without his actual spoken agreement was okay. In this context, it's to the guy's (albeit overblown) credit he didn't just run, but ran quickly and divorced her.

If her misjudgement was a 'mistake', it was a real doozy, and imagine that if they had a minor child in the scenario. Her sort of misjudgement would mandate a DNA test, and that's not the spouse one would want. If the price of his success was wife-sharing, then he needed a new line of business. The best reference for his character was he didn't commit mayhem on the asshole, but just avoided him. And, BTW, relationship counselors will tell you that continuing to have a connection with the lover you cheated with is a real 'No, no' if you wish to salvage a marriage. So this story is an interesting exercise in fiction rather than a realistic tale. I would have left Kayla in the rear-view mirror because she never understood the nature of her transgression, and would consequently repeat it.

Dunny69Dunny699 months ago

Total shit rushed ending …disappointing I wanted Luke to beat Assholes ass and find new love.

irinmikeirinmike9 months ago

Free love wins in the end. Well written story with the same argument about, “but it’s only sex”. I have no idea how old the author is but at some point the author will realize that loving a woman and having that reciprocated beats the shit out of casual sex.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story had three females and one asshole…not a single man!

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

'I'm sorry Luke I never meant to hurt you'. Like wtf seriously? If she showed genuine remorse and guilt and wanted a second chance, she should never even contact the douche,hooker even if what ever they meant well, like seriously they destroyed her marriage. This just shows she's self centered, delusional and doesn't love him like she claims, she would have understand they were the one's herself included that hurt him, if she wanted a second chance she should have start from there. It's a fiction but gosh at least give them some rational iq.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

This story is for those who gets off on wimpy husband misery till the end. He has no problem with the slut escort who destroyed his marriage, the douche who calls him wimpy which is true. How the author even had the sense to write this mc being totally cool with them and talking with the escort after every thing she has done wow, for once author write a story with a strong mc with ethic moral and values. No husband in the world would ever be this wimpy

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Read 'Venessa's mistake by cindytv far better then this bull crap. The wife showed actual remorse and paid for her sins, the douche who seduce her also pays and nice reconciliation was done there.. this story is crap. Fuck who make's friends with people who destroyed their marriage? Author needs to go see a shrink. All the people in the story here are sick on the head.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Dear author, if you're reading this? Are you depressed? Have something against men in general? I know it's fiction, and as I like reading good acceptable reconciliation stories I was introduced to your stories,but sadly even though you're are a good author, I can't continue or go through your stories anymore, every stories of yours you portray the mc husband as always a weak emotional guy who keeps on loving and can't move on without his wife, love simply won't be enough to forgive the cheaters and as usual you have an unrepentant slut wife who's not remorseful, they don't show by their actions. A reconciliation story should be earned if they are earned, sadly your slutty wives stories deserves none. And in this story, to befriend the people who destroyed your marriage,just goes to show how unrepentant they are is it not?. A Good author, if you guy's are into wimpy mc husband who just forgives and takes back the slut

FraacturedFraactured9 months ago

I re-read some of this.

I always have issues with the characters in these stories. Most of it is around communication. So many stories are about miscommunication and misunderstanding. But in these stories it feels like the characters all have something mentally wrong with them.

Part of it is that I think they have different values than I would, or maybe their reason for each of their emotional states is different than what I'm understanding.

Let me give an example. Luke makes it crystal clear, over and over and over and over that he does NOT want to do any swinging. Yet, somehow, all three of the other people continue to push towards it leading to the central conflict in the story. That his wife cheated, and his idol seduced her.

Then, in the second half of the story, he keeps making it crystal clear that he is really hurt by their actions. He says it so many times it feels like a chant. But none of the characters ever seem to understand that. They keep calling him a hardass or insecure. No one seems to understand that none of that is true, and he never clearly explains what, I think, is going on deep inside him.

He mentions that, maybe if he'd agreed, it would be different. But he didn't. So every time the girls bring up Rogan, or when Kayla proposes he go on the stag party which involves getting on the plane where his marriage was murdered, he starts to lose it. Or at least he continues to reaffirm that he hates Rogan.

But they never understand why, and that feels so unsatisfying. They keep trying to justify their actions. Only Kayla eventually agrees she made a mistake and there's no justification. But that's as far as it goes. She still can't understand why Luke can't "burry the hatchet."

He can't burry the hatchet because he's constantly reminded of his marriage dying. It's not about sex. It's about how he had this beautiful thing that he wanted to keep (a faithful marriage) that was taken out to the woodshed by Rogan and killed. That is never, ever going away. Rogan will have always killed his marriage. Even if he repairs his relationship with Kayla, that thing he wanted to keep. The faithful marriage. It's still dead. He has to build a new relationship in a way. But the first one is still dead. It changed him and Kayla forever. Rogan doesn't get that, Candice doesn't get that, and even Kayla doesn't seem to understand. In a way, I'm not sure even Luke fully understands why he's so hurt.

I think that's why, even though this story is very well done, it still feels unsatisfying. Which is fine. That's kind of who the characters are. They are all extraordinarily bad at communicating and expressing their thoughts. It feels tragic. The whole story feels heavy and sad. Even though things end "well."

Anyway, lots of praise for this story. I wish it was different, because I like characters who eventually grow and understand, and that the plot feels more satisfying. But I think there's something to seeing how these characters grew in some ways, but also remained stagnant in many other ways. And the fact it leaves some things unresolved feels somehow true to who the characters are.

FoldingFolding9 months ago

Enjoyed the story. At the end the Rogan character reveals his true nature and Luke lets the lie stand. In their phone call Candice warns Rogan his actions are destroying a marriage and advises he rerun. Rogan then lies to Kayla assuring her that Luke is capitulating. Of course Kayla wants to hear his but that aside Rogan later lies again that Candice told him things were progressing as planned. That Luke didn't stuff that lie down his throat can only mean he was protecting Kayla from further harm while choosing to not destroy her friendship with Candice. Again protecting Kayla.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Usual fare from Cagivagurl. Weak arse protagonist like all the rest. They talk like wanna be fourteen year olds.

Psychman24Psychman249 months ago

This is an entertaining and enjoyable story, well done. And actually MC managed to stay strong and stand up for his moral all the way to the end, while still finding his way to forgiveness and reconciliation when it was time. I think he handled the situation very well and with a lot of strength even when everyone around him was pressuring him to back down. Five stars!

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Befriending a person that was instrumental in destroying their marriage is I sign of mental illness lol. She was thinking of suicide and the befriends the person that brought it on. All the ppl need a shrink badly. Had to get that out lol

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Enjoyed the story hated the characters. U had them changing in almost every paragraph was starting to get whiplash lol

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Lol that nick name I'm guessing it means something else where u are but being called "spunky" is an insult anyway thought it was funny. Very interested to find out where she got that from. Maybe he cums a lot lol

enderlocke77enderlocke779 months ago

Sorry but I have to get this out of my head. Professional business ppl don't go around calling ppl dudes lol. Not even when dude was an "in" thing. Although it did make me chuckle a bit

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Pussy wipped is all i can say in the end he didn't stand up to any of his so called morals not even one

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Excellent job. It was quite the read from start to finish.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

I enjoyed this but still the kissed opportunities, especially in his Bay Area apartment where he did not call the asshole out on the timing. And that he knew from Candice that the MC was cutting his losses and leaving. And yet Kayla wasn't informed until much later that day. That would have proven to Kayla that Rogan is untrustworthy and would have changed the arc of the story a great deal. But it never cane up again. Not when talking the two of them. Or with Candice. Never. And Kayla still thinks Rogan I'd a decent guy. That concept should have been eventually unraveled. And for what so she would dance with him at the wedding at the end. So interesting framework. But some big missed opportunities that would virtually always play out in real life in the same situation.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

Great job...........

Schwanze1Schwanze19 months ago

Like a great sex session with a ruined orgasm at the end.

AnonymousAnonymous9 months ago

“You are a very lucky man, Luke. She loves you like nothing on earth“. Just not enough to not fuck another guy. The “modern” woman.

Guys work 5x harder than their grandfathers to provide for woman that are 20x worse than their grandmothers. It’s call hoeflation and it’s no wonder men are just not bothered to commitment with future whores. But it’s “only sex”!

Merlin_the_MagicianMerlin_the_Magician9 months ago

I tried to give you 5 stars but the system wouldn’t let me do more than three and you do deserve all five stars. Your story was wonderfully developed, well written and very clean. Loved the characters, confrontations and emotions you developed. Unfortunately, I wonder if Rogan is going to cause more trouble either directly or indirectly through his behind the scenes interference via his interactions with the girls. You could do another half dozen chapters and carry the story forward if you felt like it. Overall though, it was a great story. Keep up the good work. MtM

nixroxnixrox9 months ago

1 star - The human male species is just not that gullible.

You continue to discredit or downplay your male characters into some kind of cuck position. It is degrading, and I will continue to pass along the one-star ratings every time you do it. If you tried that in real life, I am certain you would be shunned, especially by anyone in my generation.

I am hoping you eventually see the light and try something different with both strong male and female characters.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Well enough written but unsatisfying. There's a half-arsed apology but mostly Luke is berated for sulking and not growing up and getting over the betrayal until he eventually shrugs and takes Kayla back- not that forgiveness and reconciliation should be impossible and might even be beautiful but what changed? Where were the consequences for anyone except Luke?

It also seems that the initial situation would be easy enough to avoid either loudly and rudely (get Candice out into the middle of the dancefloor then yell, "You're a hooker?!? Get your filthy hands off me you gilded drab!") or a little more quietly at the table ("So Rogan Candice tells me she's a prostitute. I'm surprised someone at your station in life needs to pay for sex. Perhaps if you stopped being a sleezy cunt you could get respectable women to take an interest in you.") But then there wouldn't be a story I suppose.

coigachboycoigachboy10 months ago

Bit of a crap ending.

AmbivalenceAmbivalence10 months ago

Kayla accusingly hissed. "It looked like more than talking to me."

And after *this* response, how is she even remotely confused about Luke's response to her fucking Rogan when they were actually still married?

Who was she mad at here? Luke for maybe making out with Candace or Candace for maybe making out with Luke? That could be telling of why Luke was right to leave her.

cgulden51cgulden5110 months ago

I liked it alot.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The story started off good but toward the last third it went to shit. There is gaming manufacturing world wide. Why is he only selling to American companies? Japan, Korea, etc? Then he takes the ex back while she is still friends with that jackass Rogan and friends with Candacel. That's not even remotely believable when he is filthy rich and in a spot where he could date famous models and actresses. Why the hell would he give two cents about a woman who so easily spread her legs? He would not even give her a thought he would have so many hot women knocking his doors down. This goes to show how you need more practice if this is the best you can do storytelling. Maybe play d&d more as the dungeon master you might learn how to tell a believable story.

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