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He Used To Be My Idol


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"Oh yeah, and your new husband is not going to be happy about that."

She laughed. "You'd be surprised, Luke. He really lies you for some reason."

"It's because I'm so charming."

"Oh yeah, you're just a bundle of fucking joy." With a final kiss she went off to talk to Rogan. Sitting down, Kayla slipped her arm around my waist and we moved the chairs closer. "You looked so sexy dancing with Candice."

"No, she looked sexy, I just did my best not to trip her up."

"Dumb ass, you looked good."

"Well, maybe we should go out and show them how to do it?"

She gave me a quick kiss, then stood up, grabbing my hand and dragging me out onto the floor. We circulated smoothly, our bodies melded together. It felt so good having her in my arms. Every time we moved past the head table I saw Candice watching us intently. She certainly was a gorgeous sexy creature, but her words earlier ate away at me. I hated thinking that she was right, but with every lap, I felt the weight of her words.

As the band stopped for a break, Kayla and I went back to the table. Candice came down and sat beside us, and she and Kayla fell into a giggling conversation about the honeymoon.

Some of the other bridesmaids turned up and they all gathered as a group. I wandered off to chat with a few guys who I new. My old CEO from Diji. He was more interested in my current project than anything. Rumours were already doing the rounds.

I was dragged from the conversation, by a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, Luke."

"Simon, I'd like to say nice to see you, but fuck it. I don't want to lie to you."

He snorted. "You still got your panties in a knot over that. Jesus, son, grow up."

I was going to walk away when he said. "Pal, I just wanted to say well done. I always knew you'd do well. You were always one step ahead of the rest. Good job, that's all I wanted to say." He stuck out his hand and we shook. "Luke, I would like a chance to work together at some point."

"Not likely, Simon. I'm not looking for any alliances."

"If you change your mind, you know where we are."

I guess this was one part of the business I couldn't do: working with people I had zero respect for. Fuck that shit."

Standing at the bar, I got another pat on the back. "Hello, Luke."

I knew the voice and didn't want to turn. "Hey, Rogan."

"Thanks for coming along, pity you didn't come on the bachelors trip. It was pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I was kind of busy. Had to get my nails done."

"Luke, I was hoping tonight we might actually be able to talk. No anger, no resentment. I was hoping you might have been able to move on with your life. We have all apologised enough. If you can't let the past go, I worry for how you will ever make it in the world."

I sniggered. "I'm doing all right, I'm not complaining."

"Yeah, but you could be doing better, much better."

"What, by working for you?"

"No, Luke, not for me, but with me. I don't want to be your boss. I want to be a colleague. I see your talent. I know how damn smart you are. I want to work with you, not against you."

"Bullshit." I snarled as I waved to the barman. "Scotch please." Rogan stepped up beside me, and leaned on the bar, our elbows touching. "Luke, you're an extraordinary young man. I think together, we could do exceptional things."

"Candice told you about my latest project, huh?"

He shook his head. "Actually she did, but, that's not why I want you in our team. You have proven that you never rest on your laurels. You're always looking for improvements. We work in an industry that moves at light speed. By the time we have released one thing, the next best is already being released. We need men like you."

"That's the problem, Rogan. I can't work for somebody I don't respect. You seduced my wife, with no regard to what happens afterwards. You didn't care if it meant we ended up divorced. You didn't care that she contemplated suicide. Fuck, you just don't care. You're a narcissist."

"Look, god damn it, Luke. Christ almighty. How many fucking times do I have to say sorry. I fucked up all right."

With a shake of his head he added. "I read you wrong. Jesus, Luke, wake up. You have slept with my wife, and from all accounts enjoyed it. Not surprising though, I did tell you she's the best."

He ordered a whisky as he leaned on the bar beside me. I sipped mine, enjoying the bitter bite. He stared at me, his gaze unflinching, not even a blink. It was a game I played a lot when I was a child, I enjoyed the pressure. I kept my eyes focused, even as I sipped my scotch.

He laughed, turning away. "Oh you're good, not many stare me down. Good job." He reach out glass in hand in a salute.

"Luke, could we somehow start again? I have this feeling that you and I are going to bump into each other a lot in the future. Those women of ours are joined at the hip."

I followed his gave up to where Kayla and Candice were immersed in a hug as the pair danced with the other bridesmaids in a little group up behind the table.

"I'm not sure about starting again, but I will try to be polite."

He laughed. "Polite, is that the best you can do?"

"At the moment, yeah, afraid so."

He slammed his empty glass on the bar. "I guess it's a start." He stuck out his hand to shake. I returned his physical hand shake, although he couldn't help leaning in and patting my arm with his free hand. "Let's have another drink, what are you having?"

We leaned with our backs on the bar staring up at the girls. "God, aren't they a sight."

"Yeah, you're a lucky man."

"Well, I'm not the only one. Kayla is a wonderful woman. She is not only beautiful, but she did a hell of a job starting of her business. I admired that."

"Yeah, she did all right."

He sniggered, "All right, Christ, Luke. That business was shit when she brought it. When Candice told me what they were doing I was horrified. I tried to talk her out of it, but she was adamant. I thought it was just guilt, and she admitted that was part of it, but she liked Kayla and wanted some sort of legitimate business. Look at them now."

I nodded, not knowing much about Kayla's start. The new revelation made me even more impressed.

With our drinks finished, Rogan slammed his empty glass down and stated. "I'm going to dance with my beautiful bride."

He strode off, head held high as if he owned the world. I chuckled to myself. "He probably did."

I had a beer before I wandered with a mild stagger back to the table where Kayla stood talking to the other girls. When I walked up to her, I grabbed her around the waist and spun her into my arms. She smiled wide as I leaned in for a scintillating kiss. "I love you, Kayla."

She giggled a little, drunk as well. "And I love you more."

We sat down at the table, and I noticed her eyes following Candice and Rogan as they danced together. She squeezed my arm. "She is so beautiful isn't she?"

"Yeah, she sure is. Not as beautiful as you, but she's all right."

She kissed me, "Thank you for your lies."

"That's no lie, Kayla. You are the sexiest most fabulously beautiful woman in the world."

She kissed me again. "Well, I'm glad you at least feel that way."

"It's not just me, my sweet. Remember, Rogan chose you over her one night. He's supposed to be a good judge of what he likes."

She frowned a little as she stared up into my eyes. That was the first time I had used his name, or tried to make a joke out of what happened that night.

She kissed me again. "Thank you, my sexy husband. I feel so blessed having you by my side."

"Kayla, saying I love you doesn't really cover this. It is like we have been given a second chance, and I have to say, falling in love with you for a second time has been the most amazing experience. I feel like we are in space, maybe Tom Petty summed it up: Free falling."

She leaned in and kissed me passionately, her leg sliding over mine as she moved onto my lap. Her arms curled around my neck and we kissed. She leaned in whispering in my ear. "You know, if you undid your zipper, and moved my panties aside. I could show you how much I love you right here and now."

I laughed, "Right here, huh?"

"Oh yeah, babe, you could fuck me, the lights are low, nobody would even know."

"Oh, I think your screams might give it away."

She giggled as she squirmed around rubbing herself on my very hard erection.

It was later, the night winding down. The lights were dimmed, the band playing some slow sleazy numbers. Kayla and I were among a few people dancing to the jazzy tunes. She was nestled so close, her ass cheeks filling my hands as she ground herself against me. Her arms tight around my neck, when I felt the tap on my back. I turned to find Candice, who was half in the arms of Rogan. "You promised me a dance."

Kayla giggled as she slid out of my arms and gave me a little push. "Go on, horny. You know you want to."

Candice didn't give me a chance to object. Her arms quickly encircled my neck, her body fitting like a blanket. She giggled, "You dirty man, you've got a hard on already."

"What do you expect."

I turned to see Rogan standing beside Kayla staring at us. Candice whispered. "She's not going to dance with him, unless you say it's okay. She promised, remember."

Maybe it was the good vibes, the feel of Candice's hot body, I don't know. I moved us back towards Kayla, and said, "Well, don't just stand there. You know you want to."

She grinned, but seemed reluctant. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She moved into his arms and we danced side by side for the remainder of the night. Candice took great pleasure in mashing her body against me. She teased with wet nibbles on my ear. "You are a very lucky man, Luke. She loves you like nothing on earth. If you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you painfully."

Candice and Rogan escaped to start their new life together. Kayla and I walked out towards our waiting cab, I slipped my arm around her waist, she leaned in close and I hummed "Free falling." Yep, falling in love a second time, might be even better.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 days ago

Strangely our hero will not sell his soul to a wealthy benevolent Alpha male. (Like a Marc La Valliere or a 'Yukon', Pierre) Does every woman want to be 'wooed' by a Richard Gere, in "Pretty Woman" or Robert Redford from "Indecent Proposal"? Is it atavistically arousing to be 'taken' and ravaged? Is it a woman's choice to do what she desires as personal validation and intriguing lust? Looking back at a once in a lifetime 'peak experience' like Lot's wife? Yet hero stands stubbornly against overwhelming odds to affirm his personal marital vows against a variation of an arbitrary 'droit du seigneur'. Finally having lost the virtue of his wife's fidelity, he (unlike Faustus) refuses to sell his own intellectual rights to the predatory devil no matter how well he is tempted. (Higher position, more money, a soft swing?)

AnonymousAnonymous4 days ago

No, this statement that "money wins over morals or ethics" is wrong. This author loves cuckold stories and writes them too. It has nothing to do with money. He has to get his preference out to people somehow!

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

In the end, money wins over integrity.

AnonymousAnonymous5 days ago

The premise of this author in every one of her stories is that married couples, particularly the wife is allowed to explore cosmic level sex with anybody outside her marriage but it’s all ok because she only “loves” her husband.

The author is a product of her time. A time where narcissism trumps sacrifice, self love and self worship trumps loyalty and commitment, personal happiness trumps trust and giving. It’s no wonder divorces are at record levels and most women over 40 are single, smell of cat urine and have beef curtains that hang down to their knees. A life well lived in the pursuit of the religion of self love.

AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

His wife betrays him with the help of his friends and when he doesn't accept it they call him an idiot and say he's overreacting. That's just abusive behavior and he should have just cut them all off. He already proved he didn't need Rogan so why did he take her back and team up with Rogan in the end? Great writing terrible plotting

bethandalebethandale14 days ago

Sorry, you screw around one time, you'll do it again

AnonymousAnonymous14 days ago

great story, horrible ending.

AnonymousAnonymous15 days ago

Kayla and Candace.

Shelling for their master, knowing Luke won’t deal with him.

Luke is a straight-shooter. For once, CG got a guy correct in that regard. CG also painted the two women as despicable to varying degrees.

Where the story goes wrong is the reconciliation.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Yep another week willed coward, he had some honor and self-respect and kept it for 80% of the story but then allowed himself to be manipulated by evil women, and traded away his morals and virtues for more lies, the devil always sends beautiful demons to whisper dark magic into your ear using his silver tongue, those without self-respect, courage, morals, and virtues trade their very souls in return for the beautiful lies and an eternity at the hottest(literally) resort in existence.

RedRachaelRedRachael29 days ago

Drives me nuts hearing “I made a mistake” in these scenarios. No, you made a choice and you chose someone else over your husband. Then they throw Rogan in his face over and over and he’s “over reacting.” Arggghhhhhhh!!!! Finally, the ladies go to meet the MC on Rogans behalf. How does he not see the whole story is about bringing him into Rogan’s fold?? In the end, the MC is another one of Rogan’s conquests.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Well written formula your formula and that's okay, it would be nice if you would actually challenge yourself to break from the mould. That of course is just my opinion and you can do what ever you like and still I'll read your offerings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Hate Rogan, Feel sorry for Candice, Doubtful about Kayla and Luke may be a fool. Only time would tell. The first three have very untrustworthy ideas about marriage so I hope Luke had Kayla sign a seriously ironclad prenup.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

God, this was so well written I'd give it a 5, but that reconciliation at the end makes me actually, actively hate this story. Sleeping with Candace was out of character enough to pull me out of the story for a while, but the end, jaysus. Unless it's a mistake in the writing that is otherwise excellent, there are hints everywhere that he is still surrounded by poisoned arrows pointed at him. She cheated, and then while supposedly wanting to reconnect, she again sleeps with someone else... in his house! The newlyweds are already starting their new life by trying to have it off with other people? I think there could have been a good reconciliation tale to be had here, but the way this story went was not it. Because the voting on LW stories are so contentious, I never leave a bad score, so here I guess no score will have to do. The author, like the MC, will just have to settle for the status quo.

sizemediumsizemediumabout 2 months ago

The story reminds me of "February Sucks" but it is different enough to be separate from all of those stories. I really liked it. It was long but did not drag. I admired Luke because he had principles and stuck to them. I am the exact same way -- I though I might be the only person like that but your stories says there may be others with principles and morals. I too would never give in no matter how much it might cost me. Thanks for writing this. I think this may be your best story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

He took too long to do anything. He actualy conversed with them instead of telling them to fuck off. They never understood why he was so upset and unbending. They believed money fixed everything Candice was just a high priced cum slut and kayla wasn't much better. The whole story reminded me of another "Febuary Sucks" by kalimaksis. Women dont seem to have many scrouples if the price is right. They were right with one thing, Kayla could not unfuck herself, so it could never be fixed. Rogan one all the prizes.

As with most of your stories the women always wins or is forgiven and the male belitled or weak.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

The abuse showered on the MC is ridiculous and the reconciliation is even more absurd. To say anyone, male or female, should accept being treated like that is disturbing and makes me wonder about the authors mindset. He should never have taken her back or had anything to do with anyone else even tangentially involved ever again. He proved he didn't need Rogan to succeed and the story would have been better if it had been about his revenge against them like a modern day Count of Monte Cristo

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

Good story. However, Luke should have told Morse that he was taking Candice for the honeymoon. That would have been apt.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

“February Sucks” rewrite.

Just no credit given, a much worse ending, and even more fucked up characters.

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