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He Used To Be My Idol

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A man's wife is seduced at a work function, by his idol.
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I would Like to Thank Randi for all her assistance with editing and guidance.

All sexual participants in this story are over 18.

I could feel the disquiet growing. At first, it was mild annoyance, but that changed quickly, as I rapidly approached anger. Yeah, I admit watching him walk into our Christmas party I was impressed. He had been my idol since I was younger, and just getting into computers. He was self-made, his whole empire built on his ability as a programmer and designer.

When he walked in with a gorgeous woman on his arm I was blown away. I didn't think I had ever seen a woman like her. She was tall and graceful, poured into the long gold figure-hugging gown that flowed cascading over her luscious body like liquid metal. God damn, she was stunning, I mean really stunning. Even my wife, Kayla, sucked in a sharp intake of breath as she ran an admiring eye up and down the vision.

Her hair, long and blonde, seemed to shimmer under the fluorescent lights. Her makeup was perfect. She didn't so much walk in, as glide sensuously like a stalking feline. Graceful, huh that didn't measure up. Far more beautiful than any movie star or celebrity, damn it; she was gorgeous.

Kayla nudged me hard in the ribs. "Stop it, Luke, you're making a fool of yourself."

Rogan Morse, the self-made billionaire, who was a small share holder in the company I worked for, was actually there at our Christmas party. When it was mentioned by our management that he might show up, none of us believed it. We weren't even the dirt under his shoes.

Still, there he was. The chatter started straight away at our little table. Simon, the company owner, loved to drop the story about how he went to college with Morse, they were buddies, and Morse actually funded Simon to start up the company.

We all watched in awe as Morse and his date sat with Simon, his wife and the other members of the board at their big table.

The women at our table started rabbiting on about Morse, how debonair and handsome he was. Granted, we all felt a bit like that. He was an amazing dude. It was a legend how he dropped out of college, started his own company, and now he was head of one of the world's largest digital media organisations.

He broke down the status quo and did things his way. He followed no path; he cut his own, and there he was right in front of us. I had watched myriads of videos of him at presentations and product launches. He was pretty incredible.

Why was I becoming angry? Well, for the last hour he had totally dominated my wife. He appeared from nowhere, leaned between Kayla and I, stuck out his arm and said to her, "Would you like to dance?"

She never even glanced at me. She gave him the big goo-goo eyes and off they went, where they still were. She nestled closely against him, much closer than was respectable, his hand resting on her curvy ass.

Kayla, and I had been married for three years. She was the love of my life. When I thought about her, I couldn't believe I had been lucky enough to bag her. She might not have been in the same league as Morse's date, okay, not many women on the planet could measure up to that.

Kayla was attractive, though. Her long wavy bright-red hair showed off her deep emerald-green eyes. Kayla was more the girl next door, rather than a striking beauty, but I loved her with all my heart, and I thought she was beautiful.

We were friends, long before we dated. We met, as a lot of couples do, at college. She studied interior design, and I studied computer science. We didn't hit it off immediately, I was a bit of a geek, she was definitely one of the in crowd, who I hated for their shallow superficial behaviour.

Still, here we were four years later. I was a young programmer, and she was an employee at Lavershe's, an interior design house.

Watching them glide around the dance-floor annoyed the shit out of me. The fact he didn't even ask me, just went straight for her, pissed me off.

The tittering at the table irked me as well. A couple of the women commenting on how lucky Kayla was, right there in front of me, forced me into action. I marched straight out onto the dance floor and patted him rather heavily on the shoulder. "Sorry, bud, I'm cutting in."

He gave me a flippant sort of, "Who the fuck are you?" look. Kayla appeared to be waking from a trance. She smiled warmly. "Hey, Luke."

I pulled her into my arms, dismissing Morse as if he wasn't there. She gave me a funny glare. "What are you doing? You don't usually dance at these things. You always said you hated this stuff."

Sucking in a deep breath, I muttered uncomfortably. "Yeah well, I didn't expect my wife to spend the night with another guy, either."

She leaned close, her breasts crushing against me, her head resting on my chest. She giggled, "Are you jealous?"

"No, more pissed off that you didn't even ask me, just danced off with Morse, as if I wasn't even there."

She saw the irritation and whispered, "Sorry, that was pretty rude. In my defence, I was just so surprised."

"It's done now, let's just enjoy the rest of the evening."

She snuggled in closer. "Yes, sure, let's have fun."

We hardly danced before the band took a break. I escorted Kayla back to our table. The moment we sat down she was swamped with questions, "What was he like? Was he charming?" What did they talk about? They gushed as Kayla related her short adventure.

The food was served soon after and we all talked about the holidays and what we had planned. The drinks flowed and my bad mood was soon forgotten. Kayla seemed extra excited, although I did notice she kept taking furtive little glances across at the big table.

The dirty plates disappeared, fresh drinks appeared, the band had restarted and we were talking when I felt presence behind me. I turned to see the gorgeous sexy creature Morse walked in with leaning between Kayla and I. She spoke to Kayla first. "Hi, I'm Candice, would you mind if I asked your husband to dance?"

Kayla looked shell shocked, "Um no, go right ahead," she spluttered.

Candice glanced sideways at me. "Would you care to dance?"

In my entire life, a gorgeous sexy woman had never once asked me to dance. In fact, no woman had ever asked me to dance. It engaged my brain, and I didn't like what it threw up. "No thanks, I only dance with my wife."

Her happy smiley demeanour disappeared and she looked unsettled. Understandably, she was probably not used to being turned down. "Have a good night then," she replied hesitantly.

Kayla just stared at me, the guys at the table all looked at me like I was an idiot. Kayla gasped, "Luke, that was horribly rude. She just wanted a dance."

I tried to make light of it, "Hey, I just wanted to save my dances for you. What's the problem?"

She shook her head disbelievingly. "We could have still danced, you didn't have to be rude."

One of the guy's who I didn't know so well, across the table said loudly. "Yeah, dude, if you didn't want to, why didn't you tell her to ask me?"

His wife laughed. "As if."

We settled into a little conversation before the presence was again between Kayla and me. It was Morse. This time he reached out his hand to shake mine. "Hi, I'm Rogan Morse. Look, sorry about earlier, pal. That was pretty rude of me. I should have asked you if I could dance with your beautiful wife."

As we shook hands, I watched Kayla blush brightly. "No problem, dude. All forgiven."

He smiled, and I'll give him credit, it was a totally disarming smile, probably won him plenty of friends over the years. He stared directly at me, his eyes piercing. "Would you mind if I asked her for another dance?"

Like Candice, he probably doesn't get turned down very often. "Actually, dude, we were saving our dances for each other."

As the words spilled out of my mouth, I noticed Kayla was already pushing her chair back in preparation for standing. My words stalled her, and her weight shifted back into the seat.

"Surely one dance wouldn't hurt, would it, pal? The night is young."

Kayla beat me to it, she stood quickly and pushed past me. She leaned down and kissed my cheek. "I'll be back soon, babe."

Without further fuss, they were gone in a swirl of her green taffeta gown.

They fell into an easy embrace as they glided around. He was a good dancer, that was for sure. Again though, it was much too intimate, and it bugged me.

Greg, one of the guys at the table sniggered, "I think he's got the hots for your wife, pal." That brought about some giggles and titters.

"Lucky bitch," one of the girls said.

I actually waited two dances before I stood and marched towards the dance-floor. The floor was full and just as I was about to walk into the huddle of swirling silk, velvet and taffeta, I got a touch on my shoulder. "Looks like you're free for that dance now."

I turned to find Candice standing with a sweet smile. "Sorry, Candice, I was just about to dance with my wife. But hey, that will free up Rogan, you can dance with him."

I went to walk away into the throng of party-goers. "Luke, please don't do that. Dance with me." There was a firm tone to her statement. I felt her hand gripping my shoulder. "I did say please."

She smiled wanly. "We can talk while we dance."

I turned back to see Kayla ad Morse, totally oblivious to our interaction. Giving me no chance to argue, her gorgeous lithe body slid in close, her hands clasping mine. "Good lord, I'm not going to bite," she whispered whimsically.

We moved into the swaying bodies, hers close to mine. "All right, Candice, why did you want to dance with me? Aren't you worried about your boyfriend's behaviour?"

"Firstly, he's not my boyfriend, just a casual date." She moved closer, her sexy body sheathed in the shiny cascading liquid before she added, "I wanted to find out a little about you."

"Bullshit," I sneered.

"All right then, smarty pants, why do you think I'm here in your arms?"

"So Morse can dance with my wife. I just want to know what his game is."

I felt her tighten a little, a certain tenseness. She didn't reply. I stopped and let her hands go. "Guess our dance is over then."

I went to move away and she grabbed me and pulled on my hands. "Okay, dance with me."

We slipped back into the groove and she snuggled close, her body writhing seductively against me. "All right, Luke, you're right. Rogan asked me to dance with you."

"Why?" I asked.

"He likes Kayla and wants time to talk to her."

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because he likes her. Luke, this is a game Rogan plays. If Kayla is accepting and likes Rogan, he will ask her to go home with him."

"What the fuck?" I spluttered. We came to a stop and other dancers bumped into us. I stared at her evilly, "And you're okay with that?"

She shrugged. I turned away quickly and walked over to interrupt Rogan and Kayla. This time I wasn't polite. I slapped him harshly on the back. They both looked up surprised. "Let's go, Kayla." I had to grab her arm and pull her into my arms.

"Luke, what are you doing?"

"Dancing with my wife."

"You were very rude, why are you being so possessive?"

"Because Candice just told me Morse was about to ask you to go home with him."

She tensed up as we swept away from Morse who stood there for a second before Candice slipped into his arms. "What were you talking about?" I asked struggling to keep the accusatory tone from my voice.

"Nothing much, the usual stuff. He asked about my dreams and aspirations. Our life, about you."

"Did he ask you to go home with him?"

"No, don't be ridiculous. Why would you say that?"

"Because Candice said that's what he does. It's a game he plays, apparently."

"Game... What are you talking about?"

"I don't know, it's what she said."

"Well, I don't know why she said that, but he was really nice. Really nice, just an ordinary guy, not stuck up or anything."

"Well, I would prefer you stay out of his way. No more dancing with him."

"Luke, you're being silly, he didn't do anything. I don't know why Candice said something like that. She must be incredibly jealous, or insecure."

I stopped and dragged her back to the table, she didn't fight me, but I sensed a reluctance. Back at the table, the women were straight back on top of Kayla with the interrogation. The guys, I think, felt for me and kept their opinions to themselves.

I was swallowed up with doubts, and started to feel like a conspiracy theorist. A waiter arrived at our table with a couple of bottles of champagne. "Wow, you guys are going all out, huh?" I asked.

The waiter leaned closer. "This is from Mr. Morse."

He started pouring glasses for everyone. When he got to my glass, I put my hand over the top. "Not for me, thanks?"

He gave me a quizzical glare before walking away. "Why did you do that, Luke? You love champagne." Kayla questioned.

"I want nothing from him."

She shook her head with a scoffing huff. She and the others shared a toast, and the conversation went back to Morse and what he was like.

It would have been about twenty minutes later when a very well-dressed man appeared at our table. He approached from behind and leaned in between Kayla and me. "Mr. Morse has invited you to join him at their table."

Kayla glanced at me and started to get up. I held out my hand. "Where are you going?"

"Luke, Rogan asked us to join him. It would be rude not to."

"I don't care if it's rude or not. We're not going."

The guy leaned in again. "He was quite insistent."

"I don't care, tell him we're busy."

He sighed deeply and walked away. "Luke, what has got into you tonight? You are behaving like a child."

"Maybe, but that guy is pissing me off."

"Bro, you don't want to get on the wrong side of the boss," Bill snapped.

"He's not my boss."

"Dude, don't look now, but he's talking to Simon at the moment."

I felt my guts do a backflip. Sure enough, moments later Simon was at our table. He leaned in close between Kayla and me. "Luke, Kayla, I would like you both to come and join us at the main table, please."

It was not a suggestion, or invitation. It was an instruction. Kayla stood quickly, grabbing her clutch and grabbed my hand. "Come on, Luke, don't be sulky."

Reluctantly, I stood up and walked with her up to the table. As we moved around by where Simon directed, I moved between him and Kayla and took the seat beside Morse, forcing Kayla to sit on my other side beside Candice.

Morse and Simon gave me a frown as I sat down. "Hey, Luke." Morse said with a warmth, not evident in his actions.

"Simon tells me you're the main man down in programming?"

I shrugged. "I'm just part of the team."

"He speaks very highly of you. He tells me you design video games in your spare time?"

"I play around, nothing special."

"Have you sold any?"

"No, not really."

"Would you like to?"

"I might, but not at the moment, just doing my bit with the team."

"Is that where you see yourself in the future, part of the team is your goal?"

His tone was disdainful, judgemental. "I have ideas and plans, just not prepared to share them with you."

"Is there a reason for that?" he asked, a bitterness creeping into his tone. I glanced at Kayla who was deep in conversation with Candice. I leaned towards him, so nobody else would hear. "Because you're trying to seduce my wife, that's why."

He nodded accepting my words. "Ah, I see. And that upsets you?"

"Of course it does. Jesus man, don't be a dick."

"Luke, I like Kayla, and yes, I would like it if she accompanied me home tonight." His voice didn't even waver, he was calm and to the point, like he was asking me to pass the salt.

"Fuck you, Morse, just because you have money, you think you can buy anything. Some things are not for sale."

"Everything's for sale, Luke, but I'm not trying to buy her. I will hopefully make her an offer, an invitation. I hope when I do, she takes me up on it."

He turned away from me and talked in hushed tones to Simon. I watched as Simon, looked on a knowing smirk on his face. He stood up and came up behind me. "Luke, can we talk in private for a minute please?"

"Not right now, Simon. We aren't at work."

"Luke this is important." He leaned over to Kayla, "You won't mind if Luke and I go and have a chat would you?"

She shrugged, "No, go for it."

He gestured for me to follow him. "Luke, I don't know what's going on, but Rogan wants me to make you an offer. How would you feel about taking a role in our design team?"

"Why would you make that suggestion tonight, right now?"

He sighed. "Because Rogan and I talked earlier, he thinks you'd be perfect for the role."

"Bullshit, he doesn't even know me. This is about him trying to fuck my wife."

I saw the smirk widen. "Luke, this could be good for your career, dude. The salary increase is about thirty percent."

"Simon, I'm getting nervous. Are you telling me you're happy offering me a promotion, just so that douche bag can fuck my wife?"

"Luke... dude, it's nothing like that."

"Bullshit, it's exactly like that."

I flicked his hand off my shoulder and turned brusquely walking back to the table. When I got there, Kayla and Morse were gone. I stared out at the dance-floor and they were out there again, and closer than ever.

Candice patted the seat beside her. "Sit with me Luke."

I flopped in the chair. "What the fuck is going on here?"

"Luke, Rogan is a strange guy, he loves this shit. He is going to ask Kayla to go with him for the night. You're not being left out. If you like, I will be keeping you company for the night."

"What!" I gasped in shock. She seemed so calm.

"Luke, I am an escort, a very expensive escort. If you would like my company for the night, I would be very pleased to spend the night with you."


She nodded. "That's right. Rogan and I are old acquaintances. I often accompany him to events."

"So he can fuck other men's wives?"

She sniggered. "No, not always. That only happens when he meets somebody he likes. Look, Luke, Kayla will have a wonderful night. Rogan is a wonderful lover. She will not be disappointed, and the same goes for you."

"Holy shit, you're serious." I spluttered.

"Luke, don't get all twisted and bitter. This could be a fun night for all of us."

"If Rogan is such a great lover, why are you so keen to trade him off?"

"Because he's my friend, and he asked me to."

I sat there staring at Kayla and Rogan circulating. My mind was in free fall. Nothing made sense. "Kayla, will never go for it," I spat out.

"I wouldn't bet on that, Luke, Rogan can be very persuasive, he is a great guy, and a wonderful lover."

"Jesus." I breathed out haltingly.

Candice moved closer; she snuggled up beside me. "Luke, come and dance with me. If you're confident about Kayla, then all that's going to happen is some dancing. A pleasant evening. If you are right about her, then in a very short time. Rogan is going to get a slap across the face. You don't want to miss that, do you?"

She led me out onto the dance floor. She tugged me into her open arms and we danced. The music was slow and slinky. Her boobs, obviously braless, crushed against my chest.

She rested her head on my shoulder, her mouth wafting hot moist air across my neck. "Luke, I would love to spend the night with you."

I couldn't speak, my mind was mush, nothing made sense, I couldn't process what was happening. This was movie shit, stuff like this doesn't happen in real life.

"Luke, do you know how much a night with me costs?"

"No," I mumbled incoherently.

She giggled. "Ten thousand dollars."

"Holy shit," I gushed. If I was disbelieving before, now I was totally speechless.

"I'm very good at what I do, Luke."

"How often do you get together with Morse?"

"He and I get together most times he comes to town. Like I said, we are old friends."


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