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He Used To Be My Idol


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"Oh yeah, and your new husband is not going to be happy about that."

She laughed. "You'd be surprised, Luke. He really lies you for some reason."

"It's because I'm so charming."

"Oh yeah, you're just a bundle of fucking joy." With a final kiss she went off to talk to Rogan. Sitting down, Kayla slipped her arm around my waist and we moved the chairs closer. "You looked so sexy dancing with Candice."

"No, she looked sexy, I just did my best not to trip her up."

"Dumb ass, you looked good."

"Well, maybe we should go out and show them how to do it?"

She gave me a quick kiss, then stood up, grabbing my hand and dragging me out onto the floor. We circulated smoothly, our bodies melded together. It felt so good having her in my arms. Every time we moved past the head table I saw Candice watching us intently. She certainly was a gorgeous sexy creature, but her words earlier ate away at me. I hated thinking that she was right, but with every lap, I felt the weight of her words.

As the band stopped for a break, Kayla and I went back to the table. Candice came down and sat beside us, and she and Kayla fell into a giggling conversation about the honeymoon.

Some of the other bridesmaids turned up and they all gathered as a group. I wandered off to chat with a few guys who I new. My old CEO from Diji. He was more interested in my current project than anything. Rumours were already doing the rounds.

I was dragged from the conversation, by a tap on my shoulder. "Hello, Luke."

"Simon, I'd like to say nice to see you, but fuck it. I don't want to lie to you."

He snorted. "You still got your panties in a knot over that. Jesus, son, grow up."

I was going to walk away when he said. "Pal, I just wanted to say well done. I always knew you'd do well. You were always one step ahead of the rest. Good job, that's all I wanted to say." He stuck out his hand and we shook. "Luke, I would like a chance to work together at some point."

"Not likely, Simon. I'm not looking for any alliances."

"If you change your mind, you know where we are."

I guess this was one part of the business I couldn't do: working with people I had zero respect for. Fuck that shit."

Standing at the bar, I got another pat on the back. "Hello, Luke."

I knew the voice and didn't want to turn. "Hey, Rogan."

"Thanks for coming along, pity you didn't come on the bachelors trip. It was pretty amazing."

"Yeah, I was kind of busy. Had to get my nails done."

"Luke, I was hoping tonight we might actually be able to talk. No anger, no resentment. I was hoping you might have been able to move on with your life. We have all apologised enough. If you can't let the past go, I worry for how you will ever make it in the world."

I sniggered. "I'm doing all right, I'm not complaining."

"Yeah, but you could be doing better, much better."

"What, by working for you?"

"No, Luke, not for me, but with me. I don't want to be your boss. I want to be a colleague. I see your talent. I know how damn smart you are. I want to work with you, not against you."

"Bullshit." I snarled as I waved to the barman. "Scotch please." Rogan stepped up beside me, and leaned on the bar, our elbows touching. "Luke, you're an extraordinary young man. I think together, we could do exceptional things."

"Candice told you about my latest project, huh?"

He shook his head. "Actually she did, but, that's not why I want you in our team. You have proven that you never rest on your laurels. You're always looking for improvements. We work in an industry that moves at light speed. By the time we have released one thing, the next best is already being released. We need men like you."

"That's the problem, Rogan. I can't work for somebody I don't respect. You seduced my wife, with no regard to what happens afterwards. You didn't care if it meant we ended up divorced. You didn't care that she contemplated suicide. Fuck, you just don't care. You're a narcissist."

"Look, god damn it, Luke. Christ almighty. How many fucking times do I have to say sorry. I fucked up all right."

With a shake of his head he added. "I read you wrong. Jesus, Luke, wake up. You have slept with my wife, and from all accounts enjoyed it. Not surprising though, I did tell you she's the best."

He ordered a whisky as he leaned on the bar beside me. I sipped mine, enjoying the bitter bite. He stared at me, his gaze unflinching, not even a blink. It was a game I played a lot when I was a child, I enjoyed the pressure. I kept my eyes focused, even as I sipped my scotch.

He laughed, turning away. "Oh you're good, not many stare me down. Good job." He reach out glass in hand in a salute.

"Luke, could we somehow start again? I have this feeling that you and I are going to bump into each other a lot in the future. Those women of ours are joined at the hip."

I followed his gave up to where Kayla and Candice were immersed in a hug as the pair danced with the other bridesmaids in a little group up behind the table.

"I'm not sure about starting again, but I will try to be polite."

He laughed. "Polite, is that the best you can do?"

"At the moment, yeah, afraid so."

He slammed his empty glass on the bar. "I guess it's a start." He stuck out his hand to shake. I returned his physical hand shake, although he couldn't help leaning in and patting my arm with his free hand. "Let's have another drink, what are you having?"

We leaned with our backs on the bar staring up at the girls. "God, aren't they a sight."

"Yeah, you're a lucky man."

"Well, I'm not the only one. Kayla is a wonderful woman. She is not only beautiful, but she did a hell of a job starting of her business. I admired that."

"Yeah, she did all right."

He sniggered, "All right, Christ, Luke. That business was shit when she brought it. When Candice told me what they were doing I was horrified. I tried to talk her out of it, but she was adamant. I thought it was just guilt, and she admitted that was part of it, but she liked Kayla and wanted some sort of legitimate business. Look at them now."

I nodded, not knowing much about Kayla's start. The new revelation made me even more impressed.

With our drinks finished, Rogan slammed his empty glass down and stated. "I'm going to dance with my beautiful bride."

He strode off, head held high as if he owned the world. I chuckled to myself. "He probably did."

I had a beer before I wandered with a mild stagger back to the table where Kayla stood talking to the other girls. When I walked up to her, I grabbed her around the waist and spun her into my arms. She smiled wide as I leaned in for a scintillating kiss. "I love you, Kayla."

She giggled a little, drunk as well. "And I love you more."

We sat down at the table, and I noticed her eyes following Candice and Rogan as they danced together. She squeezed my arm. "She is so beautiful isn't she?"

"Yeah, she sure is. Not as beautiful as you, but she's all right."

She kissed me, "Thank you for your lies."

"That's no lie, Kayla. You are the sexiest most fabulously beautiful woman in the world."

She kissed me again. "Well, I'm glad you at least feel that way."

"It's not just me, my sweet. Remember, Rogan chose you over her one night. He's supposed to be a good judge of what he likes."

She frowned a little as she stared up into my eyes. That was the first time I had used his name, or tried to make a joke out of what happened that night.

She kissed me again. "Thank you, my sexy husband. I feel so blessed having you by my side."

"Kayla, saying I love you doesn't really cover this. It is like we have been given a second chance, and I have to say, falling in love with you for a second time has been the most amazing experience. I feel like we are in space, maybe Tom Petty summed it up: Free falling."

She leaned in and kissed me passionately, her leg sliding over mine as she moved onto my lap. Her arms curled around my neck and we kissed. She leaned in whispering in my ear. "You know, if you undid your zipper, and moved my panties aside. I could show you how much I love you right here and now."

I laughed, "Right here, huh?"

"Oh yeah, babe, you could fuck me, the lights are low, nobody would even know."

"Oh, I think your screams might give it away."

She giggled as she squirmed around rubbing herself on my very hard erection.

It was later, the night winding down. The lights were dimmed, the band playing some slow sleazy numbers. Kayla and I were among a few people dancing to the jazzy tunes. She was nestled so close, her ass cheeks filling my hands as she ground herself against me. Her arms tight around my neck, when I felt the tap on my back. I turned to find Candice, who was half in the arms of Rogan. "You promised me a dance."

Kayla giggled as she slid out of my arms and gave me a little push. "Go on, horny. You know you want to."

Candice didn't give me a chance to object. Her arms quickly encircled my neck, her body fitting like a blanket. She giggled, "You dirty man, you've got a hard on already."

"What do you expect."

I turned to see Rogan standing beside Kayla staring at us. Candice whispered. "She's not going to dance with him, unless you say it's okay. She promised, remember."

Maybe it was the good vibes, the feel of Candice's hot body, I don't know. I moved us back towards Kayla, and said, "Well, don't just stand there. You know you want to."

She grinned, but seemed reluctant. "Are you sure?"

"I'm sure."

She moved into his arms and we danced side by side for the remainder of the night. Candice took great pleasure in mashing her body against me. She teased with wet nibbles on my ear. "You are a very lucky man, Luke. She loves you like nothing on earth. If you ever hurt her, I will hunt you down and kill you painfully."

Candice and Rogan escaped to start their new life together. Kayla and I walked out towards our waiting cab, I slipped my arm around her waist, she leaned in close and I hummed "Free falling." Yep, falling in love a second time, might be even better.

The end.

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tsgtcapttsgtcaptabout 8 hours ago

Okay, great story and flow. Now you left us hanging.... thank you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 hours ago

good, interesting, well written story, 3*s. The 3*s dont reflect anything negative on the story but on the actions of the rich, arrogant etc CEOs and assorted VIPs who dont think their shit stinks, that dont mind pursuing married women while either intimidating or bribing or corrupting the husbands in some form or fashion. These movers and shakers are as immoral unethical and corrupt as most of the democraps in congress. They accept bribes as their due, betray country and workers and their wives and chillen to grow their wealth, appease tyrants dictators and terrorists w/ their hands out for payoffs, ex; mnba and disney sucking the chink ass for money, SJW basssetball great lubrum james lecturing freedom lovers and human rights activist to not interfere w/ his billion dollar income by chastising chinks. nothing is sacrosanct or sacred to them, anything is up for sale for money, not freedom, not human rights, the environment, all can be sold compromised if the bribe is right. fucking disgusting, if these scum and their "peers" in davos are the shepherds of western culture and civilization, they we're doomed cuz they are selling it away as we breathe.

One thing that the MC didnt mention about the night his slut betrayed his trust and love while also betraying her vows and self respect, was that noone that evening, especially his wife, paid any attention, gave any weight to the words he expressed saying that he wasnt interested in their proposition, wouldnt sell/ pimp his wife, didnt want the glorious whore as a fair value trade for the fidelity of his wife,, etc. What he wanted was ignored by everybody, the worse was the careless easy vapidity of his wife. Obviously she was star struck and very interested in the proposition even tho there was no guarantee that the sexwld be great, etc, she just wanted to be taken bla bla bla, she cant explain her actions/reasoning that night and never could... That must have so frustrating for the husband, he cld see what was planned or maybe not but the evenings shenanigans stunk and he wanted nothing to do w/them, but the wife ignored him. He reacted appropriately in my mind. They say he ran w/ his tail b/w his legs, wrong, he left a situation where everybody was against him including and especially his wife. She wanted time after getting fucked to justify and explain, but 1- she never cld defend her actions and 2- never really tried, just accused him of betrayal, evidently in her mind she deserved this sexual adventure? i mean married 3 yrs, no wonder she deserved and was entitled to a break, an adventure or something to spice up their boring marriage, 4 fucking yrs before the 7 yr itch starts!!!, She felt hubby had to accept her romantic mile hi fuck and ignore the disrespect etc. This story is similar to the cunts actions in "February sucks", these martian slut rays just make a woman act on her own desires and behalf and to them must be accepted by their significant others. ridiculous. So story got me involved and angry, sorry she got her man in the end. rk

phill1cphill1c5 days ago

This comment, made anonymously, sums it up:

"Good writing. But wow what a load of shit the story was. This author has no concept of human nature.

One of the world's richest men. He takes the wife. Destroys the marriage. She is devastated. (Btw...She is also a total fucking moron as well. Her husband tells her if she goes the marriage is over and she goes anyway.) She is actually contemplating suicide..."

Derivations of this story, to include the Febs, flood this site. It's really insulting to women that they all are portrayed and vapid air heads, who can be seduced as easily as a "woman throws away her dress..."

First off, would you really believe someone, rich and famous, is out seducing 'regular people' when other rich and famous people are available? If someone proclaiming to be someone famous or rich is at a club, I'd need to see a whole lot of proof, as a woman.

And, IDK, it's not like these rich and famous people are in any other way captivating. I wouldn't fuck Parris Hilton, unless there were a substantial payday involved. That she's Parris Hilton really doesn't impress me. But, really, these people only fuck completely vetted people and your "hot" wife really ain't that hot, nor is she vetted.

Pinto931Pinto9315 days ago

Great stoey apart from the last page there was no need to reconcile with the douchebag, tolerating him would be fine.

miket0422miket04226 days ago

Candice asserts that Rogan is the more secure man because he knows every guy at the reception has fucked Candice, he knows about it and is ok with it.

She fails to comprehend the glaring difference. Rogan was single and Candice was single at the time that Rogan whored her out to each of those guys.

Kayla was married, Rogan knew she was married and he still pursued her and destroyed their marriage.

I might not be very happy to run into one of my wife's ex boyfriends and have to talk to a guy that I know fucked her. But, that's a far cry from people trying to force me to associate with someone she cheated on me with.

How Candice can make this crazy assertion and then try to make it seem as if it's somehow a character flaw in Luke is beyond me.

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